What is humanity option 12. OGE essays to the texts of the collection by I. Tsybulko

(According to the text by B. Vasiliev)


I think B. Vasiliev, saying that

meant that Anna Fedotovna, struck by the cruel, inhuman act of the children, as a result of which she lost her only material connection with her dead son, died spiritually.
As proof of this idea, we will give examples from the text. Thus, the author writes about how the old woman did not like the girl’s tone, “defiant, full of pretension that was incomprehensible to her,” and also that the girl’s voice was so “officially inhuman.” The insult inflicted on Anna Fedotovna by the children was very rude, cruel and insulting, so the old woman’s soul could not bear it.
And in the continuation of the text B. Vasiliev says:

To summarize, it can be argued that when B. Vasiliev wrote how the soul became blind and deaf main character, he wanted to say that this happened not only because of the loss of precious letters, but, first of all, because of the behavior of the guys, whose unacceptable act so wounded Anna Fedotovna’s soul.

Humanity is a set of traits that defines a person as an individual and distinguishes him from a beast, combining such concepts as kindness, compassion, sincerity, and empathy. Humanity, or humanity, is the most important component of human essence. Lack of humanity entails selfishness and cruelty. The very definition of “humanity” carries a fairly clear meaning: a quality that is inherent in a person, in other words, human quality. That is why he is brought up in children: from the very early age we learn not to offend kittens, empathize with a friend, learn to be kind and sincere towards people.
As evidence of what has been said, we can cite an excerpt from the text of B. Vasiliev, where we see an example of inhumanity:

The children, showing such heartlessness, hurt the old woman very much. For the grandmother, these letters were too precious, but the guys did not understand her grief and stole them, depriving her of her only opportunity to experience death. dear son, who died in the war. Her soul became blind and deaf, as the author says. The pain that loving mother I experienced it a second time, it’s difficult to describe in words, and even more difficult to experience.
Another example, but an example of true humanity, can be the hero of the story L.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball". Ivan Vasilyevich, after seeing violence against a guilty soldier, refuses to succeed civil service, so as not to take part in the physical and spiritual humiliation of other people, even by accident. It is a deeply humane and courageous act to refuse successful career, money, beloved for the sake of his principles, to live according to his conscience.
To sum up all that has been said, we can say that humanity is a gift that not everyone has. Kindness and sincerity are instilled from childhood, without these qualities the world would have collapsed long ago. Intelligence is given not for destruction, but for creation, and understanding of this is achieved thanks to the humanity in each of us.

Bespalova T.V.



15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word HUMANITY? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is humanity”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite original text without any comments, such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Text of the presentation

Without kindness - genuine warmth of the heart - the spiritual beauty of a person is impossible. Good feelings must have their roots in childhood, and if you waste time, you will never be able to cultivate them, because they are acquired simultaneously with the knowledge of the first and most important truths.

Learning to feel and sympathize is the most difficult thing in education.Humanity , kindness, goodwill are born in worries, worries, joys and sorrows. If a child is indifferent to what happens to his family and friends, what happens to the sick and poor, to the lonely and deceived, he will never become a real person.

Good feelings, emotional culture is the focushumanity . Today, when there is already enough evil in the world, we should be more tolerant, attentive and kind towards each other, towards the living world around us and do the most courageous acts in the name of good. Following the path of goodness is the most acceptable and only path for a person. It is tested, it is true, it is useful - both to the individual and to society as a whole.

(According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

KIM text

(1) Grandma, this is for you,” Tanya said, entering the apartment, accompanied by two girls and one serious boy. (2) Blind Anna Fedotovna stood on the threshold of the kitchen, not seeing, but knowing for sure that the children were shyly huddling at the threshold.

(3) “Go into the room and tell us what business you came for,” she said.

(4) Your granddaughter Tanya said that your son was killed in the war and that he wrote letters to you. (5) And we took the initiative: “There are no unknown heroes.” (6) And she also said that you were blinded by grief.

(7) The boy blurted out everything in one breath and fell silent.

(8) Anna Fedotovna clarified:

(9) The son managed to write only one letter. (10) And the second was written after his death by his comrade.

(11) She extended her hand, took the folder from its usual place and opened it.

(12) The children joked for a while, and the big girl said with undisguised disbelief:

(13) This is all unreal!

(14) That’s right, these are copies, because I value real letters very much,” Anna Fedotovna explained, although she didn’t really like the tone. – (15)Open the top drawer of the chest of drawers. (16) Take out the wooden box and give it to me.

(17) When they placed the box in her arms, she opened it and carefully took out the priceless leaves. (18) The children looked at the documents for a long time, whispered, and then the boy hesitantly said:

(19) You must give these documents to us. (20) Please.

(21) These letters concern my son, why should I give them to you? – she was surprised almost cheerfully.

(22) Because at our school they are creating a museum for the Great Victory Day.

(23) I will be happy to give your museum a copy of these letters.

(24) Why do we need your copies? – the older girl suddenly inserted herself into the conversation with defiant aggression, and Anna Fedotovna marveled at how officially inhuman a child’s voice could become. – (25) The museum will not accept copies.

(26) He won’t take it, and you don’t take it. - (27) Anna Fedotovna really didn’t like this tone, defiant, full of claims that were incomprehensible to her. – (28) And please return all the documents to me.

(29) They They silently gave her the letters and the funeral. (30) Anna Fedotovna felt each piece of paper, made sure that they were genuine, carefully put them in a box and said:

(31) Boy, put the box in its place. (32) And close the drawer tightly so that I can hear.

(33) But she heard poorly now, because the previous conversation greatly disturbed her, surprised and offended her.

(34) “Unfortunate coward,” the big girl suddenly said clearly, with incredible contempt. - (35) Just make a noise with us.

(36) “It’s still impossible,” the boy whispered hotly and incomprehensibly.

(37) Better shut up! – the girl interrupted him. - (38) Otherwise we’ll arrange something for you that will make you cry.

(41) Go, children. (42) I'm very tired.

(43) The delegation silently left.

(44) Bitterness and not very clear resentment soon left Anna Fedotovna...

(45) In the evening, the granddaughter, as usual, read her son’s letter to her, but Anna Fedotovna suddenly said:

(46) He didn’t want something, but they threatened and frightened him. (47) Tanya! (48) Look in the box!

(49) No,” Tanya said quietly. - (50) And the funeral is in place, and there are photographs, but there are no letters.

(51) Anna Fedotovna closed her blind eyes and listened intently, but her soul was silent, and her son’s voice no longer sounded in her. (52) He faded away, died, died a second time, and now he is lost forever. (53) Taking advantage of her blindness, the letters were not taken out of the box - they were taken out of her soul, and now not only she, but also her soul has become blind and deaf...

(According to B. Vasiliev)


Humanity is moral quality which presupposes respect and sympathy for people, goodwill and tolerance.IN modern world There is enough evil already, people need to be more attentive and kinder to each other.

The behavior of two girls and a boy from B. Vasiliev’s text cannot be called humane. They committed the theft by taking advantage of the old woman's blindness. Letters from the front were the most precious thing for Anna Fedotovna. The inhuman act of the boys led to the fact that her soul “went blind and deaf.”

The students of our school provide all possible assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War and widows of veterans. I think this is necessary not only for them, but also for us. Helping othersa person shows his best qualities, humanity is one of them.

Good feelings should be formed from childhood, acquired simultaneously with the knowledge of the first and important truths. Without humanity, human spiritual beauty is impossible.(125 words)

Material on the topic

Humanity – humanity, human attitude towards others.
Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov

Humanity – a moral quality that expresses the principle of humanism in relation to everyday relationships between people. It includes a number of more private qualities - benevolence, respect for people, sympathy and trust in them, generosity, self-sacrifice for the interests of others, and also implies modesty, honesty, and sincerity.
Philosophical Dictionary

Humanity - humanity, philanthropy; humanism, humanity, humanitarianism, kindness, love of Philokalia, responsiveness. Ant. misanthropy, misanthropy.

Dictionary of Russian synonyms

Humanity - humanism, humanity, human attitude towards others. IN in a general sense- system of moral and social attitudes, which presupposes the need to show sympathy for people, provide assistance, and not cause suffering. Since man is a social being, humanity is the required behavior in society.

Manifestations of humanity in Everyday life

    Helping those in need, charity. By helping children, the elderly and those who for some reason need help, a person shows his best qualities; humanity is one of them.

    Interpersonal relationships. The more humanity a person shows towards others, the more people are drawn to him.

    Interest in other people. A person who is genuinely interested inner world those around him, shows humanity.

    Professional activity. There are professions in which humanity comes first among the essentials. personal quality, are doctors, teachers and rescuers.

    Family relationships. The love of parents for children and children for parents, love between spouses is one of the manifestations of humanity.

Catchphrases about humanity

— Georgy Alexandrov —

    He will be humane who can embody the five virtues everywhere: respect, generosity, truthfulness, intelligence, kindness.

— Confucius —

    Good feelings, emotional culture are the center of humanity.

— Vasily Sukhomlinsky —

    Love, hope, fear and faith taken together constitute humanity. These are signs, signs and properties of humanity.

— Robert Browning —

    Humanity is a meaningful feeling; only education develops and strengthens it.

— Claude Adrian Helvetius —

    People, be humane! This is your first duty. Be like this for all conditions, for all ages, for everything that is not alien to man.

— Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Bespalova T.V.



15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word HUMANITY? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is humanity”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Text of the presentation

Without kindness - genuine warmth of the heart - the spiritual beauty of a person is impossible. Good feelings must have their roots in childhood, and if you waste time, you will never be able to cultivate them, because they are acquired simultaneously with the knowledge of the first and most important truths.

Learning to feel and sympathize is the most difficult thing in education.Humanity , kindness, goodwill are born in worries, worries, joys and sorrows. If a child is indifferent to what happens to his family and friends, what happens to the sick and poor, to the lonely and deceived, he will never become a real person.

Good feelings, emotional culture is the focushumanity . Today, when there is already enough evil in the world, we should be more tolerant, attentive and kind towards each other, towards the living world around us and do the most courageous acts in the name of good. Following the path of goodness is the most acceptable and only path for a person. It is tested, it is true, it is useful - both to the individual and to society as a whole.

(According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

KIM text

(1) Grandma, this is for you,” Tanya said, entering the apartment, accompanied by two girls and one serious boy. (2) Blind Anna Fedotovna stood on the threshold of the kitchen, not seeing, but knowing for sure that the children were shyly huddling at the threshold.

(3) “Go into the room and tell us what business you came for,” she said.

(4) Your granddaughter Tanya said that your son was killed in the war and that he wrote letters to you. (5) And we took the initiative: “There are no unknown heroes.” (6) And she also said that you were blinded by grief.

(7) The boy blurted out everything in one breath and fell silent.

(8) Anna Fedotovna clarified:

(9) The son managed to write only one letter. (10) And the second was written after his death by his comrade.

(11) She extended her hand, took the folder from its usual place and opened it.

(12) The children joked for a while, and the big girl said with undisguised disbelief:

(13) This is all unreal!

(14) That’s right, these are copies, because I value real letters very much,” Anna Fedotovna explained, although she didn’t really like the tone. – (15)Open the top drawer of the chest of drawers. (16) Take out the wooden box and give it to me.

(17) When they placed the box in her arms, she opened it and carefully took out the priceless leaves. (18) The children looked at the documents for a long time, whispered, and then the boy hesitantly said:

(19) You must give these documents to us. (20) Please.

(21) These letters concern my son, why should I give them to you? – she was surprised almost cheerfully.

(22) Because at our school they are creating a museum for the Great Victory Day.

(23) I will be happy to give your museum a copy of these letters.

(24) Why do we need your copies? – the older girl suddenly inserted herself into the conversation with defiant aggression, and Anna Fedotovna marveled at how officially inhuman a child’s voice could become. – (25) The museum will not accept copies.

(26) He won’t take it, and you don’t take it. - (27) Anna Fedotovna really didn’t like this tone, defiant, full of claims that were incomprehensible to her. – (28) And please return all the documents to me.

(29) They They silently gave her the letters and the funeral. (30) Anna Fedotovna felt each piece of paper, made sure that they were genuine, carefully put them in a box and said:

(31) Boy, put the box in its place. (32) And close the drawer tightly so that I can hear.

(33) But she heard poorly now, because the previous conversation greatly disturbed her, surprised and offended her.

(34) “Unfortunate coward,” the big girl suddenly said clearly, with incredible contempt. - (35) Just make a noise with us.

(36) “It’s still impossible,” the boy whispered hotly and incomprehensibly.

(37) Better shut up! – the girl interrupted him. - (38) Otherwise we’ll arrange something for you that will make you cry.

(41) Go, children. (42) I'm very tired.

(43) The delegation silently left.

(44) Bitterness and not very clear resentment soon left Anna Fedotovna...

(45) In the evening, the granddaughter, as usual, read her son’s letter to her, but Anna Fedotovna suddenly said:

(46) He didn’t want something, but they threatened and frightened him. (47) Tanya! (48) Look in the box!

(49) No,” Tanya said quietly. - (50) And the funeral is in place, and there are photographs, but there are no letters.

(51) Anna Fedotovna closed her blind eyes and listened intently, but her soul was silent, and her son’s voice no longer sounded in her. (52) He faded away, died, died a second time, and now he is lost forever. (53) Taking advantage of her blindness, the letters were not taken out of the box - they were taken out of her soul, and now not only she, but also her soul has become blind and deaf...

(According to B. Vasiliev)


Humanity is a moral quality that presupposes respect and sympathy for people, benevolence and tolerance.There is already enough evil in the modern world; people need to be more attentive and kinder to each other.

The behavior of two girls and a boy from B. Vasiliev’s text cannot be called humane. They committed the theft by taking advantage of the old woman's blindness. Letters from the front were the most precious thing for Anna Fedotovna. The inhuman act of the boys led to the fact that her soul “went blind and deaf.”

Students of our school provide all possible assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War and widows of veterans. I think this is necessary not only for them, but also for us. Helping othersa person shows his best qualities, humanity is one of them.

Good feelings should be formed from childhood, acquired simultaneously with the knowledge of the first and important truths. Without humanity, human spiritual beauty is impossible.(125 words)

Material on the topic

Humanity – humanity, human attitude towards others.
Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov

Humanity – a moral quality that expresses the principle of humanism in relation to everyday relationships between people. It includes a number of more private qualities - benevolence, respect for people, sympathy and trust in them, generosity, self-sacrifice for the interests of others, and also implies modesty, honesty, and sincerity.
Philosophical Dictionary

Humanity, philanthropy; humanism, humanity, humanitarianism, kindness, love of Philokalia, responsiveness. Ant. misanthropy, misanthropy.

Dictionary of Russian synonyms

Humanity - humanism, humanity, human attitude towards others. In a general sense, it is a system of moral and social attitudes that presupposes the need to show sympathy for people, provide assistance, and not cause suffering. Since man is a social being, humanity is the required behavior in society.

Manifestations of humanity in everyday life

    Helping those in need, charity. By helping children, the elderly and those who for some reason need help, a person shows his best qualities; humanity is one of them.

    Interpersonal relationships. The more humanity a person shows towards others, the more people are drawn to him.

    Interest in other people. A person who is sincerely interested in the inner world of others shows humanity.

    Professional activity. There are professions in which humanity comes first among the necessary personal qualities - these are doctors, teachers and rescuers.

    Family relationships. The love of parents for children and children for parents, love between spouses is one of the manifestations of humanity.

Catchphrases about humanity

    True humanity is a noble attitude towards any life.

- Georgy Alexandrov -

    He will be humane who can embody the five virtues everywhere: respect, generosity, truthfulness, intelligence, kindness.

- Confucius -

    Good feelings, emotional culture are the center of humanity.

- Vasily Sukhomlinsky -

    Love, hope, fear and faith taken together constitute humanity. These are signs, signs and properties of humanity.

- Robert Browning -

    Humanity is a meaningful feeling; only education develops and strengthens it.

- Claude Adrian Helvetius -

    People, be humane! This is your first duty. Be like this for all conditions, for all ages, for everything that is not alien to man.

- Jean-Jacques Rousseau

We are writing an essay for the OGE-2015. Task 15.3

OGE 2015
Writing an essay
at the OGE-2015.
Task 15.3
Gubkinsky, 2015

Source: Russian language: standard exam options.36
options /ed. I.P.Tsybulko, - M: National education, 2015
OGE-2015. Russian language: typical
exam options:
36 options / ed. I.P. Tsybulko
– M.: National Education, 2015.
– 200 s. – (OGE-2015. FIPI - school).

In project
“We are writing an essay for the OGE-2015.
Task 15.3" took part:
Mamedov Vusal Miralyevich,
student of class 9 A of MBOU "OOSH" No. 1

OGE in Russian language-2015
Using the text you read from part 2, complete on a separate
only one of the tasks on the sheet (15.3)
How do you understand the meaning of the word HUMANITY? Formulate and
Comment on your definition. Write an essay on the topic: “WHAT IS HUMANITY?”, taking as
thesis definition given by you. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two)
example-argument confirming your reasoning: give one example argument from the text you read, and the second from yours
life experience.
The essay must be at least 70 words.
If the essay is a retelling or complete
rewritten original text without any comments, then
such work is scored zero points.
Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


Ҩ Arguing your thesis, give two examples of arguments,
confirming your reasoning: one example-argument
quote from the text you read, and the second from your life
experience (there should be 2 (two) examples of the argument)
Ҩ When giving examples from the text, indicate the numbers necessary proposals or
apply citation (for paragraph 2)
Ҩ When giving examples, use your own life experience(for paragraph 3)
Ҩ Start an essay
possible from the definition
meaning of the word,
formulated by you
Ҩ The essay must be at least 70 words.

Meaning of the word (options)

Humanity affirms the value of man as
personality, his right to freedom, happiness, development,
manifestation of one's abilities.
Humanity - the desire not to cause suffering
person as much as possible.
Humanity - humanity, responsiveness,
attentiveness to someone else's personality and culture.
Sources: Wikipedia

Wise thoughts about the word

A person must love people. If he loves people, then he will
it will be better to live, it will be more fun to live, for no one lives as badly in the world as
misanthrope - misanthrope.
Kalinin M.I.
How much kindness there is in a person, so much life there is in him.
Emerson R.
Humanism is the only thing that is probably left of those who have gone into oblivion
peoples and civilizations - books, folk tales, marble sculptures,
architectural proportions.
Tolstoy L.N.
When we are happy, we are always kind; but when we are kind, we are not always
Wilde O.

Structure of an essay-reasoning

(1-3 sentences)
(links to aphorisms, quotes
(1-3 sentences)

Algorithm for constructing an argumentative essay in 15.3:

Algorithm for constructing an essay of reasoning in 15.3:
1.Read the assignment. Define the word
given in the task.
2. In paragraph 1, write an introduction, using as your thesis
the definition you gave.
3. Find one example in the text that confirms what you have said
definition. Please mark the number of the offer you require.
4. In paragraph 2, include one example from the text (to do this, indicate
Proposal No. or quotation) confirming
the definition you gave (use
speech clichés).
5. In paragraph 3 - one example from your life experience,
confirming your definition (use
speech clichés).
6. In paragraph 4, write a conclusion (use speech

10. 1. I give a definition

Humanity - (lat. humanus - humane) - love,
attention to people, respect for humanity
personalities; kind attitude towards all living things;
humanity, philanthropy. Installation system
personality in relation to a person, group, living
essentially conditioned by moral standards and
values ​​represented in the mind
experiences of compassion and realized in
communication and activity in acts of assistance and assistance.

11. 2. I write an introduction (1 paragraph)

What is humanity? In my mind
humanity is love, attention to people,
respect for the human person; Kind
attitude towards all living things. In my essay I
I would like to speculate on this issue.
31 words

12. 3. I write the main part (2nd paragraph)

V.T. Ustinova, author of the proposal for
text analysis, draws our attention to
The girl’s humanity towards all living things. Children's
the writer emphasizes the charm of man and his
humane character. There are few such people
earth. (Sentences 13,14, option 5)
29 words

13. 4. I write the main part (3rd paragraph)

In our time, humanity has become a rare phenomenon.
Some people don't even know what this means. Subject
humanity is widely reflected in world literature.
For example, in M. Gorky’s song “Danko” the main
the hero rips his heart out of his chest in order to
enlighten the way for people. Also the problem of humanity
raised in his immortal work"Faust"
brilliant German writer Goethe. He showed that
a person becomes truly happy only
when he devotes himself to work for the benefit of others.
72 words

14. 5. I write a conclusion (4th paragraph)

To sum up my reasoning, I
I believe that humanity is an extremely rare
a gift that must be protected, since, having it, a person
indeed, becomes a Man.
23 words

15. Example of an essay-reasoning

What is humanity? In my understanding, humanity is love, attention
to the person, respect for the human person; kind attitude towards all living things. IN
In my essay I would like to reflect on this issue.
V.T. Ustinova, the author of the text proposed for analysis, draws our
attention to the girl’s humanity towards all living things. Children's writer emphasizes
the charm of man and his humane character. There are few such people on earth.
(Sentences 13,14, option 5)
In our time, humanity has become a rare phenomenon. Some people don't even
knows what it means. The theme of humanity is widely reflected in world literature.
For example, in M. Gorky’s song “Danko” main character rips his heart out of his chest
in order to enlighten the way for people. He also raised the problem of humanity in his
immortal work "Faust" by the brilliant German writer Goethe. He showed,
that a person becomes truly happy only when he devotes himself to
work for the benefit of others.
To sum up my reasoning, I believe that humanity is extremely
a rare gift that must be protected, since, having it, a person, indeed,
becomes a Man.
155 words

16. Speech cliches (synonyms):

Ҩ Linguist, scientist, linguist, author of the statement,
philologist, writer.
Ҩ Claimed
counted, wrote, reasoned.
Ҩ Statement, aphorism, thought, statement,
judgment, opinion, words, saying, quote.
Ҩ Fair, true, undeniable,
clear, accessible, convincing.

17. Speech clichés (main part):

For the first argument.
For the second argument.
The essence of this concept, according to
in the opinion of the author of the text, it comes down to...
The author builds his argument about
this concept on...
To the author (writer, scientist,
linguist..) of this text was
it is important to show that...
The author of the text forces us
think about what...
As rightly noted by the author
of this text: “….”, etc.
This concept forces us
think about what...
Let's figure it out (I'll try to figure it out,
let's figure it out) I mean
this concept...
Expressing your attitude towards
to this concept, I would like to point out...
I fully agree with the generally accepted
point of view that...
Giving an example from life, I want
refer to…
Turning to your life
experience, I want to confirm the idea,
previously stated...

18. Speech clichés (conclusion):

Ҩ Introductory words: thus, so, in
the conclusion, as we see, therefore means,
and etc.;
Ҩ syntactic constructions: so, you can
see that...; as a result of the reasoning we
came to the conclusion that...; these examples
the text became convincing
proof that... can be done
the conclusion is that..., from the above it follows

19. 1. I give a definition

Intelligence is a mental quality consisting of
ability to adapt to new situations,
ability to learn from experience,
understanding and application of abstract
concepts and use your knowledge to
management environment. General
ability to perceive and solve difficulties,
which unites all cognitive
human: sensation, perception, memory,
idea, thinking, imagination.

20. 2. I write an introduction (1 paragraph)

What is intelligence? This is the mind, reason, mental
human abilities. General capacity for cognition and decision
problems that unite all cognitive abilities
individual: sensation, perception, memory, idea,
thinking, imagination. I will give my arguments and examples on
this issue.
36 words

21. I write the main part (2nd paragraph)

I think intelligence is general ability to knowledge and
problem solving, which combines all cognitive
human abilities: sensation, perception, memory,
idea, thinking, imagination. The author of this idea
of the text is expressed in sentences 34,35.
30 words

22. I write the main part (3rd paragraph)

In life to realize the ability to think
the thinking process, first of all, needs knowledge
of various kinds in all areas of the human environment
in fact, in full accordance with his
"intellectogram". Much knowledge is perceived
man directly as a result of his life and
professional experience, observations, communication with people. But
a person acquires even more knowledge as a result of assimilation and
his perception of the knowledge accumulated by humanity. During
life, all this knowledge originally appeared to man
objects of perception and, perceiving them, he intellectually
developed. The man became smarter, gained wisdom, but before
a certain limit. These limits are determined by the levels
perception of intelligence according to its individual components.
88 words

23. I am writing a conclusion.

Maybe the meaning of human
existence determine the direction
development human essence and himself
the meaning of existence: a person develops
myself; the meaning of his life is immersion in his
inexhaustible human essence,
endless and enriched by it.
30 words

24. Example of an essay-reasoning

What is intelligence? This is the mind, reason, and mental abilities of a person.
The general capacity for cognition and problem solving that unites everything
cognitive abilities of the individual: sensation, perception, memory, representation,
thinking, imagination. I will give my arguments and examples on this issue.
I think that intelligence is the general ability to know and decide
difficulties that combines all cognitive abilities
human: sensation, perception, memory, representation, thinking, imagination.
The author of the text expresses this idea in sentences 34,35.
In life, to realize the thinking ability of the thought process,
first of all, we need knowledge of various kinds in all areas of the human environment
in reality, in full accordance with his “intellectogram”. Much knowledge
are perceived by a person directly as a result of his life and
professional experience, observations, communication with people. But even more knowledge
a person acquires as a result of assimilation and perception of accumulated knowledge
humanity. During life, all this knowledge initially appeared to a person
objects of perception and, perceiving them, he developed intellectually. Human
grew smarter, gained wisdom, but to a certain limit. These limits are determined
levels of perception of intelligence according to its individual components.
Maybe the meaning of human existence determines the direction
development of human essence and the very meaning of existence: man develops
myself; the meaning of his life is immersion in his inexhaustible human essence,
endless and enriched by it.
184 words

Works based on the text by V. Astafiev (about Belogrudka)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the Russian philologist L.V. Uspensky: “ Grammar allows us to connect any words with each other to express any thought about any subject.» …

Only being in a certain grammatical form, words in a sentence are connected to each other and express complete thoughts. Therefore, we construct our statements in accordance with the rules of grammar - a system that includes morphological categories and syntactic structures of the language. This is how I understand the statement L. Uspensky.

The philologist’s thoughts can be illustrated with examples from the text Viktor Astafiev. The writer tells sad story Belogrudka marten, who lost her cubs and cruelly takes revenge on people for this.

In sentence No. 2, the past tense form of the verb “settled” indicates that terrible events happened in the past. The villagers learned a lesson from what happened and began to behave differently towards animals.

Proposition No. 42 states that animals and birds now “live calmly near housing.” At the same time, the present tense form of the verb “live” expresses the idea that we are talking about our days.

15.2. Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: “And when I visit this village, I think the same thing: “If only there were more slopes like this near our villages and cities!” "...

Victor Astafiev talks about how people paid for their cruelty. The village children killed the little marten cubs, and Belogrudka takes revenge by mercilessly exterminating poultry. People learned this lesson and stopped hurting animals.

“If only there were more slopes like this near our villages and cities!” - this exclamation of the narrator expresses his desire to do the world safer for animals and birds. According to the author, people should treat animals with the same care as the residents of the village, where they still remember the story of the unfortunate marten.

Our little brothers need sympathy no less than a person. Belogrudka is a mother who tenderly loves her offspring. This is evidenced by propositions 4-5. To take away the cubs of a marten is to commit blasphemy.

Belogrudka is having a hard time with the loss of her kittens. Her grief is not inferior to that of a human: “If she could scream, she would scream” (sentence 16).

So, cruel attitude to animals cannot be justified. People who do not realize this bring misfortune not only to the world of living nature, but also to themselves.

15.3. What is humanity?«…

What is humanity?

Humanity is that priceless quality that makes us real people. It lies, first of all, in the ability to sympathize and sympathize. In the modern world, humanity, unfortunately, is losing relevance. Striving only to satisfy our own needs, many of us become callous, selfish, and indifferent to the grief of others. But without humanity, inner beauty is unthinkable, the loss of which leads to spiritual misery.

In the story Viktor Astafiev Village boys killed marten cubs for fun. Children, in my opinion, are completely devoid of humanity. They don’t think about the grief they cause to Belogrudka, they don’t know the feeling of compassion. Humanity is shown only by the local hunter, who understood the grief of the marten and released it into the wild. “It’s not the marten’s fault. She was wronged,” he says.

Fortunately, there are still people in the world who are capable of humane actions. One of them is Dr. Leonid Roshal. Risking his life, he selflessly helped children who were victims of terrorist attacks in Dubrovka and Beslan.

Showing humanity is sometimes difficult: it requires enormous mental strength. Therefore, people with this quality should be treated with great respect.

Option 10

Works based on the text by A. Likhanov (Tolik and Temka)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the Russian writer I.A. Goncharova: “Language is not only talk, speech: language is the image of everything inner man, all forces, internal and moral "...

I.A. Goncharov wrote: “Language is not only talk, speech: language is the image of the entire inner man, all forces, internal and moral.” Indeed, when communicating with each other, we demonstrate certain qualities of our character, temperamental characteristics, and level of intelligence. Speech - language in action - is the most important indicator inner essence person. It is no coincidence that works of art speech characteristic has become one of the main means of depicting characters.

This idea can be illustrated with examples from the text of Albert Likhanov. The writer talks about a terrible fire outside the city.

Tolik’s father is seriously alarmed that a child, Temka, remains in the burning village. The man’s excitement is so strong that he can only speak—or rather, scream—in fragmentary phrases. Psychological condition this person is passed on short incomplete sentences: "Back! Go back immediately!”

Tolik is also alarmed: after all, his friend may die in the fire. The boy cannot calm down even when the danger for Tyomka has passed. What Tolik feels when he takes out the rescued chickens from under Tyomka’s shirt is conveyed using rhetorical exclamation: “What have you done, young naturalist!”

So, the above examples confirm: “...language is the image of the entire inner man.”

15.2. Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: “Indeed, this fire seemed to separate them. Tolik remained the same boy as he was, and Temka immediately became an adult”...

In the text Alberta Likhanov and the story is about two friends. The author writes that the fire “separated” them: “ Tolik remained the same boy as he was, and Temka immediately became an adult" I think the final phrases express the opinion of Tolik, who admires the brave act of his comrade who saved the chickens from the fire. In the eyes of a friend, Tyomka looks like a real hero. However, in my opinion, the behavior of both boys is worthy of respect.

Temka acted like an adult - he took responsibility for the fate of defenseless creatures. The boy can be called a hero: saving the chickens, he risked his life. This idea is confirmed in sentence No. 36.

Tolik also behaves like a hero. Having learned about the fire, the boy, without hesitation, rushed to help his friend: “He rushed like mad, not thinking about anything except Tyomka.” However, Tolik does not consider himself a hero and even envies his “heroic comrade.”

So, both friends commit bold acts, and Tolik’s modesty only does him honor.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word HUMANITY? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “ What is humanity?«…

What is humanity?

So, the above examples confirm the idea that Exclamation point serves in writing "the bearer of a wide variety of feelings».

15.2. Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: “ - What will you do when you grow up? — I will protect dogs» …

Taborka's father killed a stray dog, which the boy managed to love with all his soul. The child is shocked. It is unlikely that he will ever forget about this inhumane act, although an external reconciliation with his father may occur. The director wonders what Taborka will do when she grows up. The boy replies: “I will protect the dogs.” He will not become as cruel as his father, and, having matured, will fight back against everyone who offends animals. I think this is precisely the meaning of the final phrases of the text Yuri Yakovlev.

The answer to the director characterizes Taborka as a caring person, capable of empathy and compassion towards animals. He is fully aware of his responsibility for the dog. This is confirmed in sentence 7: the boy, not wanting to leave his four-legged friend alone, takes him to school at his own risk. And sentences 41-44 talk about how lovingly the child took care of the dog: he constantly thought about it, fed it.

So, in final phrase Taborki feels determined and firm. And as an adult, he will undoubtedly struggle with cruelty and inhumanity.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word HUMANITY? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “ What is humanity?«…

What is humanity?

Humanity can be called the ability to empathize and compassion. This is one of best qualities character. Anyone who takes someone else's grief to heart is worthy of respect.

In the text Yuri Yakovlev Taborka shows humanity. He takes care of a stray dog, sympathizing with her with all his heart. “I couldn’t kick the dog out,” says the boy. “They already kicked her out once.”

Recently, one of the TV shows talked about volunteers who organized a free shelter for animals abandoned by their owners. People, at the behest of their hearts, save stray dogs and cats from hunger, cold and disease. This is also a manifestation of humanity.

By sympathizing with others, we fight evil and injustice. Humanity is one of those qualities that help us make the world a kinder place.