Unsolved mysteries of antiquity. Secrets of Antiquity The Mystery of the Lost Bride (2011)

Before you use any finger shape in conversation, think about what it might mean. This is important for your own safety. In every country, there are many various options interpretation of such symbols. It depends on the history of the country and on religion, and on the traditions that have developed over the years. The gesture: three fingers up can be equally likely to be a greeting or an insult.

What does the "three fingers up" gesture mean?

In gestures triplets It is important to know, which fingers are raised up?. So, if three fingers are pointing upward in order, starting with the thumb, then the meaning of this sign is as follows:

  1. It is used as a greeting by Serbs in the nineteenth century;
  2. Three fingers symbolize the Holy Trinity and, accordingly, Orthodoxy;
  3. In paganism, it is a symbol of fidelity;
  4. Nazis different countries, used it as a greeting and as an oath of allegiance.

In the case when raised up average, nameless fingers and little finger, and the thumb and index finger are folded into a ring:

  • For Americans and most people in other countries, it means that everything is fine;
  • In Japan it is a symbol of money.

Symbol with sticking out index And average fingers and little fingers has a sexual connotation and primarily symbolizes the superiority of the person showing and the desire to humiliate the opponent.

Shaka gesture: what is it?

This symbol is based on two protruding fingers:

  1. Big;
  2. Little finger.

According to one legend, this sign appeared as a result of an accident with a Hawaiian youth who lost all the fingers on his right hand, except for these two. When meeting people he knew, he greeted them by raising his palm with outstretched fingers. And so the symbol spread to other areas of the globe.

In the historical homeland of this symbol, it was given the meaning of greeting and an invitation to relax, step away from the hustle and bustle, and look around. By showing this symbol, they seem to tell us that everything is fine.

In other countries, the interpretations are different:

  • In the territory former USSR the gesture was used as an offer to drink strong drinks;
  • If thumb put to the lips - this indicates a desire to take drugs;
  • With your thumb leaning against your ear, the interlocutor wants or plans to call you.

Thus, this gesture does not carry any special mystical background, however, it can also be perceived ambiguously, like all others.

Gesture: two fingers raised up

When talking about this symbol, most often we mean a sign in the form English letter V. This gesture was first used by the leader of England after the victory over fascism. As a result, the sign became widespread throughout the world as a symbol of undeniable victory.

However, in addition to this common meaning, there are others:

  1. In countries such as Great Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa in the case when this sign is shown with the palm facing the interlocutor back side, he is considered unfriendly and even rude;
  2. It has the meaning of the number “2” or the Latin “5”;
  3. Used for greeting;
  4. It has become often used when a person rejoices at his achievements and shares his joy with others.

There is a legend about the origin of this sign, according to which, during the Hundred Years' War between the British and the French, two of these fingers were cut off for prisoners of war in Great Britain, depriving them of the opportunity to work. In response, before the battle, the British tried in every possible way to show this symbol to the enemy, demonstrating that they were healthy and could defeat the French army.

However, there is an opinion that this could not have happened in reality, since the French did not take prisoners, and the story itself was composed in the eighties of the twentieth century.

Kukish: meaning in different countries

The most common in our country is the figure of three fingers in the form blew or fig. Its meaning is clear to all of us. However, in other countries you should not always use this sign as a last resort argument in a dispute, since you can not only offend your interlocutor, but also put yourself in an awkward position:

  1. Germans perceive this sign as an invitation to intimacy;
  2. Eastern countries, for example, Japan or China, consider it a designation of the phallus;
  3. The Hindus will perceive him as a threat from you;
  4. But in Brazil and Portugal, according to beliefs, this symbol brings good luck and protects from evil spirits.

Protruding fingers - index and little fingers (goat)

The fingers sticking out in this design have a versatile interpretation; it has the colloquial name “goat”. IN different times and in different territories this sign was prescribed different properties:

  • In the Soviet Union, this gesture was often used by crime bosses to indicate their superiority over other people. It came from prison and was considered indecent and humiliating;
  • In rock culture, this symbol was first used by the singer Dio. He spotted this variation of fingers from his grandmother, who thus drove away the unfavorable influence of suspicious people from her family and home. Rockers picked it up and in the subculture this gesture became entrenched as approval of the artist’s activities;
  • This sign also has a mystical meaning. In ancient times, in the territories of Europe and Asia, amulets with this sign were often worn, hoping that it would protect them from the evil eye or bad influence;
  • Even more ancient era, this type of finger placement was used by Greek and Roman orators. In their opinion, he had great impact on the audience and was used when necessary to express an important thought and partly instill it in the minds of those listening;
  • In iconography, gesture is used to convey direct speech, the purpose of which is to communicate the good news;
  • In sign language translation in Russian, the gesture means the letter “Y”, in American it means a declaration of love;
  • In sports, it is used to transmit special signals to teammates, most often used in baseball.

Thus, the goat sign is versatile and has many meanings. Unfortunately, many people are not well educated in this area and, seeing such a gesture, may perceive it from an offensive or negative side.

Thus, in order to better understand the interlocutor, look at his hands. The gestures with which he appeals can bring you quite a lot of information that a person will not say anything about out loud.

Be careful when using any non-verbal signs, since the seemingly harmless “three fingers up” gesture can bring you a lot of trouble if it is misunderstood by your interlocutor.

Video: 7 gestures that are best not shown in other countries

In this video, Roman Tolovanov will tell you what gestures in other countries can get you beaten or even sent to prison:

On Wahhabi resources you can often read demagoguery about the “Shiite idol-alama,” that is, the symbol of the hand that is used in Shiite ceremonies, especially in everything related to mourning for Imam Hussein (A).

"Alam" looks like this:

That is, it is a hand with an open palm, which symbolizes the severed hands of Abulfazl Abbas - the hero of Karbala and the brother of Imam Hussein (A). According to another interpretation, five fingers of the hand mean five " ashabi l-kisa" - "people under the cloak", purified by complete purification (Muhammad, Fatima, Ali, Hassan and Hussein, peace be upon them).

In one of the Wahhabi articles we read the following: “The word “alam” is derived from the Turkic al (əl) - “hand”. Alam became widespread among Azerbaijani Turks during the reign of the Shiite Safavid dynasty. Some Shiite preachers present the name alam as a derivative of the Arabic علامة “alamyat”, which means “symbol” or “sign”. Based on the fact that Alam is used as a symbol in Shiism, this version at first glance looks plausible, but this is not true, since among the Shiite Arabs themselves, Alam is not called “Alamyat”, but is called the “Palm of Abbas” or “Hand of Fatima” “As for the word (ألم) “alaam” itself, in Arabic it does not mean “symbol” or “sign”, but means “pain” or “suffering.”

In fact, “Alam” comes from the Arabic “Alam” (علم) with “Ayn”, which means “flag”, “banner” (in Farsi it will be the same). This origin of the name is obvious, since the alam is used as a banner in mourning ceremonies.

“The origin of alam is connected both with the ancient lunar goddess of the Phoenicians Tanit, whom the ancient Phoenicians considered the patroness of the city of Carthage, her symbol was the image of an open right palm, and with Buddhism, where alam is a universal sign of protection. Alam is used by Buddhists as a symbol and a protective amulet, which they resort to against the evil eye and damage, is called the “Hand of Buddha”. It occupies a special place in the Dharmachakra - the Buddha's mudra of teaching and protection. In addition, Alam is widely used in Judaism, although it is known that the Jews borrowed it from the ancient Phoenicians. It is worth noting that in Judaism alam is called “khamsa” (in Hebrew חמסה), and “khamsa”, in turn, in the languages ​​of the Semitic group means “five”, in modern Hebrew - “hamisha”.

Thanks to the Wahhabis for the excursion into the history of religions: along with the “lunar goddess of the Phoenicians Tanit” and “Dharmachakra” they could also mention the Aztecs and Incas, who also had a similar symbol, despite being separated from the Shiites by thousands of kilometers of ocean.

In fact, everything here is much more prosaic: people in all places and at all times tend to use approximately similar symbols, the set of which is quite limited. Since the palm, as they say, is “always at hand,” many religions used it in their symbolism, and this does not say anything about any borrowing.

Otherwise, we would have to accuse the “Salafis” themselves of idolatry because of their beloved finger, which is demonstrated in all forms and angles. However, the index finger extended upward is one of the main symbols of Freemasonry, which, in turn, borrowed it from ancient pagan religions, where this finger symbolized a person’s connection with “ higher powers" Also, in black magic rituals, Satan is often depicted with his finger raised up, as can be seen in the photo below.

From a book on Masonic symbols - an extended index finger:

Statue of George Washington - the first American Freemason President:

Position of the statue figure in the Satan pose:

Worship of Satan, sitting with his index finger raised up:

Raised Buddha finger:

Plato's raised finger in Raphael's painting. Symbolizes pagan wisdom and magical connection with higher powers :

Raised finger in the Papal Sinkstine Chapel:

Isn't it similar?

Of course, the “Salafis” will say that the raised finger only symbolizes monotheism (that God is one) and has only external resemblance. But in the same way we will say that the alam symbolizes the hands of Abbas and has a purely formal similarity with the symbols of the palms used in other religions.

Or let's take another common symbol, which many consider inextricably linked with Islam - crescent . The crescent moon is not used by Shiites and occurs only among Ahlu Sunna wal Jama'a, who borrowed it from Christians, who, in turn, from pagan religions. There are no hadiths about the crescent symbol, nor evidence of its use in the first centuries of Islam.

So, “bidaat”, “idol”, “pagan sign”? Call it what you want, if you want, like the Wahhabis, to practice demagoguery:

The crescent was printed on the coins of the pagan Turkic Khaganate, then it was a symbol of the Persian Sassanid Empire and the coat of arms of the city of Constantinople, the capital of the Christian empire. Most likely, it was after the conquest of Constantinople by the Sunni Turks that the crescent entered Sunni Islam and became its symbol.

Crescent on the royal winged crown of the Sassanids:

And if you want to show off your erudition, you can mention the crescent moon in the iconography of Hinduism - Shiva wears it in his hair:

In Egypt, the solar disk with the horned Moon, or located between the horns of a bull (cow), meant the divine unity of two in one, common solar-lunar gods and the secret marriage of divine couples.

Among the ancient Sumerians, the crescent moon was an attribute of the Babylonian moon god Sin - the ship on which he sailed across the vast expanses of space.

Crescent on an ancient Sumerian coin:

Here the king dedicates his daughter to the goddess. The crescent symbolizes the god Sin, the sun symbolizes the sun god Shamash:

In everyday life, people constantly accompany their speech with hand movements and facial expressions. Most often this happens unconsciously, but sometimes gestures are used intentionally to enhance the emotional and expressive coloring of words, to demonstrate one’s mood, attitude towards the situation or interlocutor. Having studied some finger gestures and their meaning, you can succinctly formulate any message and quickly convey it to others, as the deaf and dumb do. Let's look at the most common signs and explain their meaning.

Thumbs up and down

With a gesture thumbs up Everyone has known each other almost since childhood. Usually it symbolizes approval or agreement, accompanied by an appropriate nod, so it is always perceived positively in our country. Often used by voting travelers on the road when it is necessary to stop transport. However, you need to be careful when using your fingers to communicate with foreigners, because in the sign language of the inhabitants of Australia, Greece and Great Britain, such a sign is regarded as obscene expression, and among the Arabs it is generally associated with the male genital organ.

When thumb down, the gesture takes on the opposite meaning - that is, an expression of dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction. Today it is reflected in social networks and YouTube channel. The pictogram depicting it is called a “dislike”.


The next gesture is not so unambiguous and is deciphered depending on the situation, taking into account additional signals. This is the index finger up. There are several options for its interpretation:

  • applied to the center of the lips - asked to remain silent;
  • raised vertically at head level or higher - require attention or stop immediately;
  • move it from side to side - express their disagreement or prohibition;
  • shake up and down - teach or threaten with punishment;
  • twisted at the temple - they show that the person is out of his mind.

By his position during a conversation, they determine whether a person is telling the truth or lying. If, for example, the eyes are looking in one direction, and the index finger is pointing in the other and slightly bent, then the interlocutor is most likely insincere.

Middle finger up

Ever since ancient Rome in almost all civilized countries the meaning of the gesture is middle finger was indecent and offensive. Extended upward, it symbolizes today the male genital organ. This is a rough form of the phrase "Get out!" or “Fuck off!” among young people. In our country it is borrowed from cool American militants and vulgar youth comedies 18+.

Crossing your fingers

The hand is used very often superstitious people as a magical tool that can scare away evil spirits and attract good luck. In their understanding, crossed fingers (index and middle) have protective power. This gesture signifies the unity of faith and strength and is associated with the cross. One of the fingers symbolizes hope for a better outcome, and the other - help and support. Sometimes they are intertwined on both hands and hidden behind the back in order to lie, but at the same time avoid punishment from higher powers.

Research by British scientists from University College proves that such actions are not unfounded. They even found scientific confirmation. In their opinion, the gesture really helps reduce pain. But don’t even think about showing it to a Vietnamese unless you want to seriously offend him.

Two fingers up V – victory

In Russia and many others European countries ah, the gesture of two fingers with an open palm means absolute victory or confidence in the proximity of its achievement. This is due to the fact that the index and middle fingers, pointing high, look like the letter V. That, in turn, is an abbreviation for Latin word Victoria - victory. For the first time in the world, the sign was used by Winston Churchill. However, it is also not universal for everyone. The British, Australians and New Zealanders will consider the gesture an insult if the back of the hand is turned towards them. In Russia, this option is interpreted as the number 2.

Three fingers up

It is known that during the Second World War, German soldiers greeted the commander-in-chief during the oath by showing three fingers at the same time - thumb, index and middle. In the Russian mind, this sign means the number or quantity 3.


Few people know that the gesture, in which all fingers are clenched into a fist, except for the index and little fingers, is attributed protective properties, so it is often used by magicians when performing mystical rituals. However, thanks to rock stars, he more familiar people like the “rocker goat”. In combination with a protruding tongue, it expresses insolence or a state of madness.

In Russia, “goat” can be deciphered to demonstrate one’s power and superiority over others. It also serves as a comic imitation of butting cattle.

Shaka and tongue between fingers

Hand clenched into a fist with protruding thumb and the little finger near the ear are associated by many with telephone conversation, request or promise to call back. But if the action is accompanied by a characteristic tilt of the head or touching the little finger to the lips, then it takes on a different meaning associated with a call to drink alcoholic beverages and use narcotic cigarettes.

In Hawaii, "Shaka" is seen as a sign of greeting. It is popular among athletes in surfing, skydiving and Brazilian jiu-jitsu wrestling. It is also used to express glee by some famous football players who scored a goal.


The generally accepted meaning of the gesture is to notify others that there is no problem and everything is fine. The residents' favorite sign. However, in Turkey it is offensive to those to whom it is addressed, as it implies an accusation of non-traditional sexual orientation.

Fig or fig

Russians have a curled fist with the thumb sticking out between the other two - this is a contemptuous form of refusal. IN ancient Rus' the fig symbolized coitus, could be used to scare away evil spirits. There are several other names - shish, fig, dulya. But if for a resident of Russia it means an insult, mockery, then for a Brazilian it means protection from the evil eye or a talisman to attract good luck. That is why you can find pendants, pendants and figurines depicting figs there.

Spire folded with fingertips

As psychologists note, balanced individuals who are confident in their strengths and their own competence connect their fingertips with a “house”. A spiel can mean thinking at the moment of making an important decision or demonstrate increased interest in the words of the interlocutor.

In the practice of yoga, the fingertips closed in rings help to meditate, find peace, and focus on the main thing.

Rubbing the tips of others with your thumb

Such manipulation can be seen in crime films. It means banknotes that are virtually crunchy in your hands. Another such gesture is used at a time when you need to clarify your thought, or urgently remember something, but it just doesn’t work out.

Interlocked fingers

The hands clenched into a lock serve as a kind of psychological barrier. Can inform about various human conditions:

  • on the head - anxiety, confusion, shock;
  • on the knees - hidden tension, stiffness;
  • in front of you, while your head is directed upward - an expression of distrust of the information provided, disagreement with the opinion expressed.

It is very difficult to come to an agreement with a business partner whose fingers are tightly clasped. To help him relax, you need to invite him to watch something and then try to discuss the issue again.

In most countries, an outstretched palm means “stop.” In a conversation, a gesture formulates a request to stop, to stop doing something.

It is also a sign of greeting people and saying goodbye to them. Depends on what the situation is. However, the Greeks, with the help of such a friendly five, express negative emotions. Namely, the desire to move on the face. They call this manipulation munza, it has funny story occurrence. Yes, at dawn Byzantine Empire The judge had a way of humiliating punishment of petty criminals - smearing ashes on the face of the offender.

Inviting gesture with index finger

With a bent finger extended forward, people most often call to themselves someone with whom they want to sort things out. It is perceived by a person as a joke, but sometimes it can offend. It is a sign of a lack of culture among those who use it.


Clenching a fist shows strong tension, readiness to repel an enemy's attack, and also means an open threat, an intention to hit in the face. Symbolizes power.

Russian and English alphabet with gestures

The language of the deaf and mute is the main way they interact with the outside world. It allows people with hearing and speech impairments to communicate. Each gesture corresponds to a letter of the alphabet or a word. This can be presented more clearly in the form of a table.

As you can see, the same gestures can be interpreted in different ways. This is why they should be interpreted as a system and not individually. And only use it when appropriate.

When you travel abroad and do not know the language of the country you are visiting, sign language often comes to the rescue.

You can use it to hail a taxi, buy groceries in a store, or ask for directions.

However, sometimes translation difficulties arise even with gestures that are familiar to us, which have completely different meanings in other parts of the world.

Here are 10 common gestures that may seem rude abroad.

1. Two-finger gesture "Victory"

The "Victoria" gesture, which is made with the index and middle finger of the hand in the shape of the letter V, in many countries means victory or peace. However, if the palm is facing the person, then in Great Britain, Ireland and Australia the V-shaped gesture takes on an offensive gesture, which is non-verbal equivalent to the phrase "fuck off!".

2. Gestures with palms ("muntsa")

The outstretched palm, often used to say "stop", takes on a different meaning in Greece. Palms directed towards the interlocutor, called “muntsa”, are an offensive gesture that is used when they want express extreme indignation or roughly speaking, “send” the interlocutor.

This gesture remains from Byzantine times, when smoke was smeared on the face of a criminal to make him an object of ridicule.

3. Thumbs up gesture

This gesture of agreement and approval often erases language barriers, and hitchhikers often use it on the road. However, in Thailand it is a sign of condemnation. Although the gesture itself is rather childish, like sticking out your tongue, it should be avoided. In Iran, this is an offensive gesture, the equivalent of which is the extended middle finger.

4. Alluring gesture with index finger

The beckoning sign with the index finger saying "come to me" is taboo in Asian countries. In the Philippines, this gesture only suitable for dogs and says that you consider the interlocutor below you. In addition, using this gesture can lead to arrest in this country.

5. Patting the head

Patting a child's head is usually a gesture of friendliness and affection. However, in the Buddhist religion the crown of the head is highest point body, that is, the place where the soul lives. Touching the top of the head is aggressive invasion into the space of a child or an adult. This gesture should be avoided in countries where the majority of people profess the Buddhist religion.

6. Gesture "Okay"

Ring made of large and index finger"OK" meaning "everything is fine!" or "correctly", in France means "zero" or "worthless". In Greece and Turkey, this gesture is very vulgar, meaning a similar hole in the human body or serves hint of homosexuality. In some Middle Eastern countries, such as Kuwait, "OK" means evil eye.

7. Gesture "Fig"

The gesture “fig”, “shish” or “kukish” is not entirely harmless in nature, and is often used in cases of refusal or disagreement. In Brazil it is a more benevolent gesture used to good luck wishes and protection from the evil eye. In Turkey it has an aggressive and rude character, the equivalent of which is the middle finger.

8. Left hand gesture

In many countries, people do not pay attention to which hand they use to offer something to other people. However, in India, Sri Lanka, Africa and the Middle East, left hand considered "dirty", intended for wiping in the toilet. Even a left-handed person should eat with his right hand, since only it is considered suitable for eating. The same applies to shaking hands and passing objects.

In Japan, giving with both hands is considered polite, while a one-handed gesture can imply disdain.

9. Crossing your fingers

In many Western countries people cross their index and middle fingers for good luck or to ward off the evil eye. In Vietnam, this gesture is offensive, especially if you are watching or directing it at another person. It is believed that fingers crossed represent female genital organs.

10. Gesture "Goat"

The “Goat” gesture, or as it is also called “horns”, “fingers” or “corns”, is often used by musicians and their fans. However, you should not show this gesture in Italy, especially to a man, as it hints at his wife's infidelity("cuckold").

Bonus: obscene "middle finger" gesture

This is the most famous and recognizable obscene gesture in the whole world, which is English language corresponds to the curse word "Fuck You" ("fuck you...!"). In addition, it is one of the most ancient gestures, which used by the ancient Greeks and Romans, as well as by monkeys.

Roughly speaking, raised middle finger symbolizes the phallus, and the pressed fingers - the scrotum. By showing it, you seem to be offering the other person a “male genital organ” or rudely refusing the request. Also analogous to this gesture is elbow gesture when the left hand is placed in the crook of the right hand.

In Asian countries, however, the middle finger is sometimes used to point at something.

Gestures from combinations of fingers in different cultures have very different meanings. So, for example, the “thumbs up” symbol can speak both of a decision to pardon the vanquished (a famous gesture during the fight of Roman gladiators), and of a common request for a ride, to take a fellow traveler (hitchhiking), if we are talking about a thumb raised up by the road somewhere in America. The index finger carries other information. Let's take a closer look.

What is this thumbs up symbol?

It is clear that the meaning of the symbol depends on which country and which finger is used. And here there are a great many options: from greetings and approval to indecent analogies.

  1. For Muslims, the index finger of the right hand raised up is a symbol of the proclamation of monotheism, that is, translated into Russian it means: “There is no God but Allah!”
  2. In Germany, this gesture says: “Everything is fine.”
  3. IN Slavic countries an index finger raised up means a call for the attention of others, and in American schools, students thus ask the teacher for permission to answer a question.
  4. If during a conversation you raise your index finger up and shake it from side to side, then the interlocutor of almost any nationality will understand this as a refusal of what was proposed or an unwillingness to discuss the topic.

What are we talking about when we raise our thumbs up?

The symbol - the index and thumb connected with the rest raised up, means in America and most European countries: “Everything is fine!” But in Brazil and Turkey such a gesture will be perceived as an insult.

A resident of Holland, inviting you to a friendly drinking session, will raise his little finger up and his thumb to the side. This is where you probably want to respond to him with the gesture described above. Still: “Everything is great”! And a Frenchman can raise his little finger in response, which will mean: “Leave me alone!”

If someone raises their thumb up, the symbol hardly needs any special decoding - it is a sign of wishes for good luck, recognition that everything is going as it should, agreement with the proposed program of action, etc.

True, in Turkey and Arab countries such a gesture is a phallic symbol, and in Greece it is a demand: “Shut up!”

Most common symbol

Thumbs up in other cases too. The truth is not one, but two: we are talking about the V-shaped sign with the index and middle fingers, known in European countries.

It was introduced during the Second World War by Winston Churchill to signify victory, and since then the gesture has become very popular. True, for the English, one nuance is important in it: which side is the palm facing the speaker at that moment. If it is from the back, then it is: “victory”, but if it is with the palm, then its interpretation becomes offensive.

Another gesture is no less popular: “goat”. It's about about the index finger and little finger raised up. In the CIS this is a notorious “rocker” symbol. A thumbs up is raised in a similar way as a sign of superiority over someone, a desire to humiliate him. Although in mystical rituals This sign is protection from dark forces.

What does a raised index finger mean?


A raised index finger in Germany means “wonderful,” but a French waitress will mistake this gesture for ordering one glass of wine.
There are differences in the gestures of different peoples.

A raised index finger in Germany means “wonderful,” but a French waitress will mistake this gesture for ordering one glass of wine.

Two fingers raised up means:

In Germany - victory
in France - peace
in the UK – 2
in Greece - go to hell, damn it.
Five fingers raised up have the meaning:

In Western countries – 5
everywhere - stop!
in Turkey - go away
in other countries - believe me, I'm telling the truth!
Raised little finger and index finger:

In the Mediterranean - your wife is cheating on you
in Malta and Italy - a sign that protects against danger and the evil eye
Raised index finger and thumb:

In Europe – 2
in the UK - 1
in the USA - please serve me, bring the bill
in Japan it is an insult.
Raised little finger:

In France - leave me alone!
in Japan - woman
in Mediterranean countries - sexual innuendo
Thumbs up:

In Europe – 1
in Greece - swear word
in Japan – man, 5
in other countries - beautifully done, good, a sign to stop traffic on the road.
The index finger and thumb are connected; the other fingers are raised up:

In Europe and North America- good, great
in the Mediterranean, Russia, Brazil, Turkey - swearing, sexual insult,
in Tunisia, France – 0
The little finger raised up and the finger pointed to the side:

In Holland - how about having a drink?
in Hawaii - no panic! Calm down!


The straightened index finger of the right hand is a symbol of the proclamation of monotheism among Muslims.
The raised index finger of the right hand means not “Allahu Akbar”, but “La Ilaha Ilalah”!
Everyone who has prayed at least once in their life knows this, because during the performance of rak'ah, the person praying raises his finger up to read the “Shahadah” - the statement that there is no God except Allah (Lord) - in Arabic “La Ilaha Ilalah”!

Danil Arnaut

Among Wahhabis, a common sign is the index finger extended upward. According to the naive ideas of the “Salafis”, this sign should demonstrate their commitment to monotheism - after all, God is one, like a finger. Wahhabis love to pose in photos with such a “finger,” thereby wanting to show their “monotheism.”
However, there are no hadiths that speak of such a finger as a symbol of Islam or monotheism.
Where did this gesture come from?

Christina Kim

What does this gesture mean?

What does the index finger up sign mean for Muslims?

Quite often in Lately You can see in photographs or video reports how Muslim militants raise their index finger. It turns out that this gesture in itself does not mean anything offensive or provocative for Muslims. This is simply a statement expressed by a gesture that Allah is one, that is, the index finger simply means one. Although some people seriously suspected that this gesture was an analogue of the European raised middle finger, and I even had to read an explanation that this was an offensive gesture, because this finger in the desert lands is considered an analogue of the Russian burdock.


The Muslim gesture - the index finger raised up - means "Allah is one"(there is no God but Allah).

I don’t understand why they should do this for show, take pictures while performing this gesture, etc.

It’s strange when the same gesture is made by non-Muslims (the same militants, terrorists). They contradict themselves: after all, Islam does not condone the killing of people.


This does not mean at all the well-known gesture where the raised middle finger of the hand carries an offensive tone. We are talking about the index finger of the right hand raised vertically. This is a religious gesture, such a gesture is considered a sign of tawhid, which expresses the Muslim faith in the uniqueness of Allah.

Why do Muslims always show their index finger up? What does this gesture mean?

Alla ㋛ ♠♣♦

The raised finger of the right hand is a symbol of the proclamation of monotheism among Muslims) by the way, for those who profess Islam, the left hand is considered “unclean”. Therefore, if you offer a gift or money with your left hand, you may offend a Muslim.)

Evgeny Ardynsky, is your god Jesus? You don’t even know who your God is, how can you call everything else evil!?
The central figure for Christian worship is the Son of God - Jesus
Christ (hence the name “Christians”).
It is through him that Christians come
to God the Father. God the Father - single image God for Christians, Jews and Muslims.

They heard a ringing, but they don’t know where it came from! Among Wahhabis, a common sign is the index finger extended upward. According to the naive ideas of the “Salafis”, this sign should demonstrate their commitment to monotheism - after all, God is one, like a finger. Wahhabis love to pose in photos with such a “finger,” thereby wanting to show their “monotheism.” However, there are no hadiths that speak of such a finger as a symbol of Islam or monotheism.
Where did this gesture come from?
The fact is that the index finger extended upward is one of the main symbols of Freemasonry, which, in turn, borrowed it from ancient pagan religions, where this finger symbolized a person’s connection with “higher powers” ​​(that is, Satan).
Also, in black magic rituals, Satan himself is usually depicted with his finger raised up, as can be seen in the photo below.
Thus, since Wahhabism was an invention of the English Freemasonry, someone introduced this sign into it so that the “Salafis” would bear the satanic mark on themselves.

What does a raised index finger mean? READ EXPLANATION

I know that this gesture is among Muslims, such as Allah is one. But not long ago I saw a photo on the Internet where RUSSIANS have a thumbs up


If the finger is raised vertically, it means “stop!” , "attention!" .
If you shake your finger to the side at the same time, this gesture will mean refusal.
A finger tilted slightly forward and swinging up and down means a threat or a lesson.
If you twist your index finger at your temple, it means they consider you a fool.
A hand raised up with an index finger says: “Attention, I want to say something!” .
There is one hidden position of the index finger: if a person speaks and his gaze is directed in one direction, and the index finger in the other, while it is slightly bent, then the person is telling a lie.