Roerich Nicholas Konstantinovich kalki avatar. Vedic traditions of the birth of light and words

Kalki— The Messiah in Hinduism is an avatar of Vishnu, his tenth incarnation. White Vishnu sits on a black horse (or black Vishnu on a white one), with a sparkling sword in his hand, destroys villains, destroys the world and restores dharma - true religion and prepares the future revival of the world.

This is the only “future”, messianic avatar of Vishnu, and it will happen, according to mythological chronology, at the end of Kali Yuga, that is, at the end of the present historical period, which began in 3102 BC. e. The duration of Kali Yuga is 432 thousand years. This is the worst of the yugas. People are subject to their own destructive passions; they are overcome by anger, fear, stupidity, hatred and other vices.

"Vishnu Purana" about the coming of Kalki Avatar:

There will be modern monarchs reigning on Earth, kings of a rude spirit, a cruel disposition and devoted to lies and evil. They will kill women and children and cows; they will seize the property of their subjects (according to another translation, they will seize other people’s wives); their power will be limited... their life will be short, their desires insatiable... People of different countries, mingling with them, will follow their example; and the barbarians will be powerful, protected by princes, while the pure tribes will be abandoned, the people will perish.

Wealth and piety will diminish day by day until the whole world is corrupted... Only property will give position: wealth will be the only source of honor and devotion; voluptuousness is the only connection between the sexes; lying will be the only means of success in litigation; women will only be objects of sexual pleasure...

External appearance will be the only difference between different stages of life; dishonesty will be the common means of subsistence; weakness is the cause of dependence; threat and conceit will replace knowledge; generosity will be called piety; the rich man will be considered pure; mutual consent will replace marriage; thin clothes will be an advantage... the strongest will rule... the people, not being able to bear the burden of taxes (khara-bhara), will flee to the valleys...

Thus, in Kali Yuga, decay will continue unabated until the human race approaches its destruction - (Pralaya). When the end of Kali Yuga is very close, a part of the divine Being who exists by virtue of his own spiritual nature (Kalki Avatar) will descend on Earth... endowed with eight superhuman powers...

He will restore justice on Earth, and the minds of those who will live at the end of Kali Yuga will awaken and be as transparent as crystal. The people who will be thus transformed... will be the seeds of human beings and will give birth to a race that will follow the laws of the age of Crete (or the age of Purity).

tried to collect prophecies that speak of the advent of the 10,000 year Kingdom during Kali Yuga
for anyone interested, look under the cut, imo, some of the characteristics given to the people of the times of Kali Yuga fully came true and were realized in Russia, on the other hand, the interpretation of the onset of the “end of the world” in different traditions does not always have similar aspects
The Shiites have already announced the imminent coming of the Mahdi, the New Age has already announced the imminent coming of Maitreya, Buddhists are preparing for some kind of war that could cover the entire planet, etc.

Five thousand years ago, the sage Vyasadeva, sitting on the banks of the Saraswati River in Badrinath, saw in his meditation how in the just begun era - Kali Yuga - people would increasingly degrade and forget spiritual knowledge. He foresaw that the duration of human life would decrease, and people would become more and more greedy, lustful and unhappy. Vedic knowledge will disappear from the face of the Earth and be covered in oblivion.

Let us give descriptions taken from various Vedic works - the Puranas, concerning prophecies about our future and containing descriptions of the era in which we now live - Kali Yuga. Prophecies that have already been fulfilled The Bhavishya Purana, containing 14 thousand texts, is especially famous for its predictions. Bhavishya means "that which will be."

The Bhavishya Purana predicts the coming of Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad and other great personalities. Regarding recent history, it is said, for example, about the collapse of the great empire (USSR), that people with yellow skin will fill the whole world with their technology. Besides all this, the Bhavishya Purana contains statements relating to such personalities as Adam, Noah, Allah, Shankaracharya, Jayadeva, Kabir, Nanak, Aurangzeb, Shivaji - right up to the reign of Queen Viktavati, that is, Queen Victoria. It even says how the British will build factories in Calcutta.

About the End of the World
Regarding the end of the world, about which there has been so much talk lately, the Vedas and including the Bhavishya Purana are very specific: it is inevitable

The end of the world means the complete disappearance of Humanity on our planet for many millennia. Until a new cycle of the Golden Age begins. But this does not exclude the possibility of catastrophes and disasters that await humanity in the coming years of Kali Yuga - the Iron Age, the most vicious in its essence. After all, humanity, like any living being, has its own karma, which will influence the development of events.

first there will be global catastrophes and mass exterminations. Impacts of gigantic force will cause planetary earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanic eruptions, climate change, and a shift of the north and south poles.

Other sources

In Padma Purana(7.26.15-17) it is said that Kali Yuga is the abode of sin when everyone is engaged in sinful activities. People reject spiritual truth and engage in gambling and stealing. Everyone is addicted to sex and mind-clouding drinks. Heretics and atheists come to the fore.

Srimad-Bhagavatam (12.3.39-40) continues:In the Age of Kali, people's minds will be in constant agitation. They will be tormented by hunger and high taxes, constantly tormented by fear, and exhausted by drought. They will have neither sufficient clothing, food and drink, nor the ability to properly rest or have a sexual life...

IN Brahmanda Purana ( it is said that the main characteristic signs of Kali Yuga are cruelty, jealousy, lies, fraud and deception, the collapse of religious and moral foundations, fatal diseases, hunger and fear.

IN Narada Purana(1.41.22-88) it is said that people's knowledge in various fields will decline, as a result of which their sinfulness and imbalance will increase. People will become vain and deceive each other. They will engage in self-praise and try to elevate themselves by putting others down.

IN Vayu Purana(58.31-68 and 59.5-9) it is confirmed that women will be unchaste and will cease to be interested in religion; they will love wine and meat. Without enormous efforts it will become impossible to survive. People will easily become angry and commit cruel acts. The rulers will become base and deceitful. People will not hesitate to kill children in the womb.

Linga Purana He even claims that in Kali Yuga, thieves will become kings, and kings will be no better than thieves. Kings will take away property from citizens and appropriate public property; they will cease to be protectors and patrons.

IN Srimad-Bhagavatam (12.2.7-11) it is said that in Kali Yuga, power will belong to those who demonstrate their superiority to the suppressed and degenerate population. Indeed, politicians are already coming to power with the help of advertising and propaganda, using their own and others’ wealth.

Read more about this in Vishnu Purana(4.24): throughout Kali Yuga the rulers will be deceitful and vicious; they will take property from their subjects, and their laws will be as easily established as they can be repealed. Their piety will be insignificant and their desires insatiable. In the distant future, people, no longer able to endure the oppression of greedy rulers, will run to the mountains, where they will eat herbs and roots, wild honey and fruits.

It is predicted that this process of decline will continue for many millennia until humanity returns to the simplest stone tools, since it will no longer have other materials or its former ingenuity. Degradation will lead to people becoming backward and undeveloped beings. Therefore, it is quite possible that the remains of “our ancestors” discovered by paleontologists belong to humanoid creatures that degenerated during the previous Kali Yuga.

Change of Epochs

In chapter 16 Bhagavad Gita Krishna warns Arjuna about the danger of a consciousness polluted by materialism and the influence it can have on the entire world. He says about such people: “They believe that the gratification of the senses is the first necessity of civilization.” This is the main motive that makes a person “commit unfavorable, disgusting acts that destroy the world.” Consequently, the more polluted people themselves are, the more polluted the social consciousness and the conditions in which humanity finds itself become.

New Golden Age

But still, among the 432 thousand years of Kali Yuga, there are special ten thousand years when everything can change for the better. This is a very important period because according to the prophecy of the Vedas, it has many benefits. During this period, in many areas of life - in the spiritual consciousness of people, in enlightenment, in the search for knowledge and unity - there will be an upsurge and harmony.

However, such changes can only happen if we combine our efforts, otherwise the opportunity will be missed. This period of rise is called the Golden Age of Kali Yuga,

The world, one way or another, will be changed, and this can happen either in a violent way, through an apocalypse, or through cooperation and awakening of the bright forces of the planet. In the Golden Age of Kali, the forces of light and darkness become polarized, and the struggle between them intensifies. The forces of darkness are already enormous and becoming more and more terrifying. However, the forces of light, as well as the efforts of people bringing light to the world, are also great and constantly growing.

Advantages of the Iron Age

The Vedic scriptures speak not only of the ill effects but also of the benefits of the age of Kali. Srimad-Bhagavatam (11 cantos) tells that many exalted personalities from other, prosperous eras of Satya, Treta and Dvapara Yuga wish to incarnate on earth precisely in the Golden Age of Kali.

The fact is that during this period many pure devotees of the Supreme Lord descend on our planet, and communication with these spiritually exalted personalities opens up the opportunity for intelligent people of all eras to achieve the highest spiritual perfection in Kali Yuga.

The Vedic tradition is not the only one in which it is believed that many souls yearn for birth in this era. Thus, Tibetan lamas, mystics of Eastern India and the Mayan Indians also claim that many souls are waiting for incarnation in this era in order to take advantage of all the benefits of its coming changes.

Despite the chaos and wars ravaging the planet, the Golden Age of Kali Yuga has the most important advantage - it makes it possible to rapidly advance in the spiritual comprehension of the world. There are also specific methods of spiritual improvement prescribed by the Vedas for this era.

There will be modern monarchs reigning on Earth, kings of a rude spirit, a cruel disposition and devoted to lies and evil. People of different countries, mingling with them, will follow their example and the barbarians will be strong, protected by princes, while the pure tribes will be abandoned; people will die. (Spiritual) wealth and piety will decrease day by day until the whole world is corrupted. Only property will give position; (material) wealth will be the only source of honor and devotion; passion will be the only bond between the sexes; lying will be the only means of success in litigation; women will only be objects of sexual gratification; external appearance will be the only difference between different stages of life; dishonesty will be the common means of subsistence; weakness is a reason for dependence; threat and conceit will replace knowledge; the rich man will be called pure, and extravagance will be considered piety; mutual consent will replace marriage; thin clothes will be an advantage - the strongest will rule. Thus, in Kali Yuga, decay will proceed unabated. When will the end of Kali Yuga be very close? , a part of that divine Being which exists by virtue of its own spiritual nature will descend to Earth. He will restore justice on Earth and the minds of those who will live at the end of Kali Yuga will awaken and become as transparent as crystal. People who will be so transformed will give birth to a race that will follow the laws of the Age of Crete (or the Age of Purity)

MAITREYA("bound by friendship") - "Lord named Compassion", the future Teacher of humanity, Bodhisattva and Buddha of the new world - the era of Satya Yuga. The same as Kalki-Avatar (the incarnation of Vishnu in Hinduism), Sosiosh in the Mazdean religion and the Messiah in the religions of the peoples of the world (the only difference between them is the dating of their appearances).

Gautama Buddha spoke about the coming of God's Messenger like this:

“I am not the first Buddha to appear on Earth, nor will I be the last. In due time another Buddha will arise in the world, a Holy One, an Enlightened One, endowed with Wisdom, an incomparable Leader of men, the lord of angels and mortals. He will reveal to you the same Eternal Truths, which I taught you. He will establish His Law, glorious in its beginning, glorious in its Summit and Purpose in Spirit and Letter. He will proclaim a righteous, perfect and pure life, which I now proclaim. His disciples will be numbered in many thousands, while Mine are hundreds He will be known as Maitreya (Reunifier of the World)." (From the prophecies of Shambhala).

Zarathustra, about three thousand years ago, proclaimed the appearance of the Savior - Saoshyant ("He Who Embodied the Truth"), who would appear on Earth at the "end of times" before the decisive battle of good and evil:

“With his arrival in the world, Ahura Mazdra (the Creator of the Universe, personifying the Universal Divine Light) will begin the final battle with evil, which will be destroyed.” (Prophecies from the Avesta and other Zoroastrian sources).

Mohammed mentioned the coming of the Messenger of God, whom he called El Mehdi. He predicted its appearance from the East in the last decades of the 14th century Hijri (according to Christian reckoning, the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries), when the world would become mired in vices, and the manifestation of spirituality embodied in the Teachings of the Koran would almost disappear. He also predicted that many Muslims, far from God, do not recognize the Messenger of God:

"Many will consider His coming to be a frivolous hype, but IT WILL BE THE TRUTH... He will have the common wisdom of all the prophets and saints... the knowledge and essence of all religions will be in His heart... He will fill the earth with peace and UNITE ALL INTO ONE BROTHERHOOD." (Mentioned in the books “Bihar ul Anwar”, “Has-ul-Anwar” and “Hadith” (Book of Light).
Christians are sure that the second coming of Christ means the coming of Jesus, although He clearly made it clear that another would come - “the Spirit of Truth, who proceeds from the Father.” Christ is not the surname of Jesus, but one of the designations of the Messiah. Jesus was the Christ of his time, and at the turn of the era another Christ must appear, in another country and in another physical body. However, Their inner essence will be one, for it comes from one Father. Let me remind you once again of the words of Jesus about the second coming of Christ:

“And He will come and convict the world of sin and of righteousness and judgment; of sin, that they do not believe in Me; of righteousness, that I go to my Father, and YOU SHALL NOT SEE ME ANYMORE... I still have much to say to you, but now you cannot contain... He will glorify Me, because He will take of Mine and tell you the future. Everything that the Father has is Mine; therefore I said that He will take of Mine and tell you."

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Shiva (Skt. शिव , śiva IAST, "good", "merciful") is a Hindu deity with roots in the pre-Aryan (pre-Vedic) period of the Indus Valley and the autochthonous religions of the aboriginal population of the south of the Indian subcontinent. The famous Indologist R. N. Dandekar described the religion of Shiva as the oldest existing religion of the civilized world. Shiva personifies cosmic consciousness, the static male principle of the universe (Purusha), the oppositional Shakti (Prakriti), the dynamic feminine principle of the universe, manifesting itself in the form of the material world. In the late period of the development of the mythological worldview of India (the Puranic period, approximately 300-1200), Shiva united with the creator Brahma and the supporter Vishnu into the supreme triad (trimurti) as the destructive principle of the universe. At the same time, in some Indian traditions, such as Kashmir Shaivism, Shiva is an absolute deity, performing the functions of both creation and destruction. In the Mahabharata (1.1.20) Ishana (one of the names of Shiva) is called “the original husband (adya purusha), the only incorruptible and eternal” and is identified with Brahma and Vishnu-Hari. According to the Shiva Purana, he is the creator of both Vishnu and Brahma. Represents both destructive and creative principles. In Hinduism, he has the epithet Mahadev, which translates as the greatest of the gods (devas). The five divine roles of Shiva are: creation, support, dissolution, concealment and bestowal of grace. The tradition of worshiping Shiva is called Shaivism. Known by the names Rudra, Shankara, Shambhu, Mahadeva, Maheshvara. Shiva’s main mantra “Om Namah Shivaya” is first found in the Vedas in the Yajur Veda hymn “Shatarudriya” or “Hymn of a Hundred Rudras”.

He is most often depicted sitting in the lotus position, with white skin, a blue neck, with hair tangled or twisted into a bun on top of his head (jata), wearing a snake on his neck, head, arms and legs (like bracelets), on his belt and thrown over shoulder (as an analogue of the sacred cord). Dressed in tiger or elephant skin, seated on a tiger skin. On the forehead is the third eye, as well as tripundra from sacred ash (bhasma or vibhuti), which is obtained from cow dung or burnt corpses. One of the popular images of Shiva is Ardhanari or Ardhanarishvara, when he appears as a hermaphrodite. The left side represents his female form (wife, Parvati). The right one is male. Symbolically it can be depicted as a lingam (a phallus placed vertically) or a yonilingam (a lingam placed in a “deck”, an image of the feminine principle).

Vishnu (Skt. विष्णु , viṣṇu IAST - “pervading everything”, “all-encompassing”) - the supreme God in the Vaishnava tradition of Hinduism. Along with Brahma and Shiva, he is one of the gods of the Trimurti (the Puranic triad of deities), where he serves as the guardian of the universe. In various branches of Hinduism, Vishnu is worshiped either directly or through his avatars, the most popular of which are Krishna and Rama. Followers of the smarta tradition revere Vishnu as one of the five main forms of God.

In the Rigveda, Vishnu appears as a minor deity, Indra's companion in battles with the asuras. As the supreme God, Vishnu is mentioned in a number of Hindu texts, in particular in the Taittiriya Samhita 5.5.1 of the Yajurveda and in the Bhagavad Gita 10.12, 11.3, 13.27 and the Vishnu Sahasranama, where he is described as Parabrahman (the Supreme Brahman), Paramatma (Supreme Atman), Parameshvara (Supreme Ishvara), as an all-pervading entity; as conscious of past, present and future; creator and destroyer of the universe; the one who supports and controls life in the Universe; the one from whom all material and spiritual elements emanate.

Vishnu's abode is Vaikuntha, his consort is Lakshmi; the creation, maintenance and destruction of countless worlds is his divine play (lila). The main functions of Vishnu are maintaining dharma and destroying evil. In order to punish evildoers and protect virtuous people, Vishnu periodically descends into this world in the form of avatars. The Puranas contain a description of the ten main avatars of Vishnu, nine of which had previously appeared on Earth and completed their mission, and the last, tenth avatar of Kalki, should descend at the very end of Kali Yuga.

In Hindu iconography, Vishnu is usually depicted in four-armed human form, with blue, light blue or black skin, yellow robes, reclining on the giant multi-headed serpent Shesha in the waters of the Causal Ocean. In his four hands he holds four attributes: a lotus flower, a mace, a conch shell and a chakra.

In the Mahabharata (1.1.20) Vishnu (Hari) is called “the desired, impeccable and pure ruler of the senses, the teacher of everything moving and motionless” and is identified with Ishana (Shiva) and Brahma.

Kalki (Skt. कल्कि , kalkī IAST) - messiah in Hinduism - an avatar of Vishnu, his tenth incarnation. Vishnu in this avatar is depicted as white on a black horse or vice versa - black on a white horse. He has a flaming sword in his hand, with which he destroys enemies, destroys the world and restores dharma, thereby preparing the future rebirth of the destroyed world. This is the only “future”, messianic avatar of Vishnu, and according to Hindu chronology it will occur at the end of Kali Yuga, that is, the current historical period, the beginning of which falls on 3102 BC. e. The duration of Kali Yuga is 432 thousand years. This is the worst of the yugas. People are subject to their own destructive passions; they are overcome by anger, fear, stupidity, hatred and other vices.

“The hour will strike, and a twice-born named Kalki Vishnuyashas will appear, endowed with great strength, intelligence and power. He will be born into a worthy Brahman family in the village of Sambhala and with the power of his spirit he will revive weapons and all kinds of vehicles, military clothing, armor and shells. This king, conquering by dharma, will assume supreme power and bring peace to the troubled world. A brilliant Brahmana, high in thoughts, appearing (to the world) will put an end to destruction. Thus, universal destruction will become the beginning of a (new) Yuga. This twice-born, together with the brahmanas, will destroy the pitiful bands of mlecchas scattered everywhere.— Mahabharata, Book Three Aranyakaparva (Forest Book), Chapter 188, “Tales of Markandeya's Conversations”

Analogues in other religions - the Second Coming of Christ, Maitreya, Mahdi, Mashiach, Baha'u'llah, Saoshyant.

Kalki - Messiah in Hinduism - an avatar of Vishnu, his tenth incarnation. White Vishnu sits on a black horse (or black Vishnu on a white horse), with a sparkling sword in his hand...

Yandex PHOTO

I was born on 03/08/1962 - black Tiger white Cow and I am Shiva - Kalki avatar of Vishnu.

Once upon a time, before setting off on the Path on January 7, 2004, I received the Rod. It was like that. I sat in a hut on a mat in Asia and healed the sick. A moment of rest came and I decided to lie down to rest right there on the floor of the hut. At this time, a giant king cobra crawled into the hut and curled up at my feet. I made myself comfortable on the coils of Sheshanag's Cobra and fell asleep. And Cobra Sheshanaga has been guarding my peace and sleep since that day.

When before GOD to the Way on January 07, 2004, I received the Staff. It was so. I sat in a hut on a mat in Asia and cured patients. There came a minute of rest and I decided to lie down to have a rest directly here on a hut floor. At this time in a hut the huge royal cobra crept and curled up rings at my feet. I settled more conveniently on Cobra Sheshanaga rings and fell asleep. And the Cobra of Sheshanaga from that day protects my rest and a dream.

My Body is Shiva.

My Consciousness is Vishnu, this time the tenth incarnation of Kalki avatar black Vishnu is a black Tiger sitting on a white Horse - a white Cow.

My Soul is GOD THE HOLY.

Many will say to Me on that day: Vova! Wow! Didn’t we go to school together, didn’t we serve in the army, didn’t we drink on holidays? And then I will declare to them: If you are chosen, come in and receive Eternal Life. If you are not chosen, who is to blame for this except yourself? Therefore, everyone who hears these words of Mine and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock; and the rain fell, and the rivers overflowed, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it did not fall, because it was founded on rock. But everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand; and the rain fell, and the rivers overflowed, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and he fell, and his fall was great. Read my “Gospel of Vladimir”.

Truly I tell you that the time has come when, in order to turn to the HOLY GOD, you do not need to go to a specially designated place. Enter your room and pray for the salvation of your Family. And you will be rewarded according to your deeds and words. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen!

The world is nothing - GOD THE HOLY is everything
Allah Akbar
Om Mani Padme Hum
Improve your Spirit to return to the Void

On March 08, 2014, my Body turned 52 years old. Among the Mayans, this number is called the “bunch of years” four times thirteen... once every 52 years the solar and sacred calendars connect. One of the meanings of 52 is Purgatory...

In 1962, the President and founder of the State of Israel, Ben-Gurion, officially announced that “Messiah” (Messiah) had been born, for whom “all mankind is waiting.” “According to prophecies,” this “Messiah” will unite all humanity in one religion.

KALKI (N)- the last, according to the canonical list, of the avatar of Vishnu (from where his second name is Vishnuyashas, ​​Endowed with the glory of Vishnu), usually attributed to the future (although in the light of the cyclical nature of the yugas, one can assume the recurrence of the descent of Kalki to the earth) and openly expressing the messianic idea. The plot first appears in the Mahabharata, inscribed in the Brahmanical teaching about the world and its destruction due to the moral degradation of humanity; also used in Vishnu-, Agni- and Bhagavata Purana. Born into a Brahman family in the village of Sambhala (Buddhist Shambhala), K. witnesses the degradation of humanity during the period of Kali Yuga. He sees the depravity of people, the violation of age-old customs, institutions and rituals, the migration of the population under the threat of famine and oppression, the power of barbarian mlecchas replacing insignificant rulers, the onset of unrest caused by “low” dasyas and sudras. K. rebels against this and destroys the barbarians and “low” ones, with the help of royal rites (ashvamedha and divijaya) restores the limits of the power of the iyara-chakravartin (ruler of the world) and revives a society based on varna-ashrama-dharma, a universal religion. law, which prescribes each class (varna) at the corresponding stage of life (ashram) to fulfill certain. responsibilities. In the formation of the mythology of K., one can trace a tendency, characteristic of Hinduism already at an early stage of its formation, towards the assimilation of foreign beliefs, supported by soteriological. focus of the avatar concept. In the activities of K., embodying the three most important functions of the ideal king - military, magical-legal. and fertility, the role of the salvation of humanity is also revealed. In the context of strengthening the position of Buddhism, this Hindu figure can be regarded as a “replica” to the image of the Buddha Maitreya, while the parallels between the early Christ. and the Hindu messiah lie rather in line with the typological ones. convergences between subjects arising in similar historical. circumstances (although here, too, Middle Eastern influence cannot be completely ruled out).



Translation by Vasilkov Ya. V., Neveleva S. L.

9-19 Hearken to me, O bull among the Bharatas! I will tell you about what awaits the world when the dark days come. In time of Krita (yuga) dharma is like a bull with four legs, it reigns supreme over people, without tricks and deception. (The) Treta (yuga) comes, and then (dharma) retains only three (quarters) of its strength, while the fourth part is overthrown by lawlessness. And during Dvapara (yuga), dharma is already half replaced by lawlessness. Then three (quarters) of injustice reigns in the world, and human virtue accounts for only a quarter. Know, O Pandava, with each yuga the life expectancy of people decreases, their courage, intelligence, strength, and spiritual power weaken. Kings, Brahmanas, Vaisyas and Sudras, O Yudhishthira, will gradually begin to observe only the appearance of Dharma. People will begin to trade dharma like meat. Those who are considered scientists in the world will forget about the truth, and the loss of it will shorten their life. Due to the brevity of life, they will not be able to comprehend science, greed will take possession of the ignorant, deprived of knowledge. Greedy, evil and stupid people, under the influence of base passions, will become mired in mortal enmity. Brahmins, kshatriyas, vaishyas will mix with each other and (all) they will become like the sudras, neglecting truth and repentance. The lows will become medium and the mids will become low (76). This is how the world will be when the end of the south comes.

20-31 The best of clothes will be shani (77), (the most valuable) grain - koradushaka (78). Husbands will find enemies in their wives at the end of the south. People will eat fish meat, milk goats and sheep, and the cows will die at the end of the south. By robbing and killing each other, people will forget their prayers, turn into thieves and murderers, and lose faith in the gods at the end of the south. They will dig up river banks with hoes and sow grain only there, but even here the harvests will be insignificant as the south runs out. Even those who have always been firm in their vows, that they (worshiped) the gods and (brought) funeral sacrifices, will, overwhelmed by greed, kill each other. The father will go against the son, and the son against the father. Forbidden food will be in use at the end of the south. Brahmins, steeped in ranting, will blaspheme the Vedas, abandoning their vows, sacrifices and libations to the fire. People will cultivate the lowlands, yoke cows, and use one-year-old calves for transportation. Sons will fearlessly kill their fathers, and fathers will kill their sons, and they will boast (of such deeds) without encountering condemnation (anywhere). The sorrowful world, having forgotten about sacrifices, rituals and festivals, will be completely filled with mlecchas. It will become a rule for people to take away property from the poor, even from large families and widows. Having lost strength and courage, resigned to a sinful existence, arrogant men, blinded by greed, will be merciful even to the wicked, rejoicing at the promise of a gift.

32-49 The thoughts of the ignorant kings, reputed to be sages, will become low, O Kaunteya, they will strive to destroy each other in constant civil strife, and the kshatriyas will become human thorns at the end of the south: not defenders, but money-grubbers, arrogant, intoxicated with honors, they will find The only pleasure is in punishment. They will constantly persecute the righteous and, without any compassion for their tears, O Bharata, they will seize their wives and property. Girls will neither be matched nor given in marriage: they themselves will look for husbands in the end of the south. Having lost clarity of mind, insatiable kings will use all means to appropriate other people's property when the end of the south comes. The whole world, O Bharata, will be filled with mlecchas, and the (left) hand will steal from the (right) when the end of the Yuga comes. People who are known in the world as scientists will lose the truth, old people will have the mind of a child, and children will have the mind of an old man. The timid will be considered heroes, and the brave will be pitiful, like cowards, and no one will dare to trust anyone when the end of the south comes. The whole world, stricken by greed and blindness, will eat the same food (without distinguishing what is forbidden), great injustice will triumph, and there will be no dharma. There will be no Brahmins, no Kshatriyas, no Vaishyas, O lord of people, there will be only Varna in the world when the end of the Yuga comes. A father will not spare his son, nor a son his father, and wives will not care for their husbands. Eating boiled barley and wheat, the population in the end of the south will rush to those regions (where they grow). Eating anything, O ruler of nations, men and wives will become intolerant of each other when the end of the south comes. The whole world, O Yudhishthira, will be filled with mlecchas, and people will cease to please the forefathers with funeral sacrifices. There will be no students, there will be no mentors, and the world will plunge into darkness, O lord of the living! The age limit at the end of the south will be sixteen years, and then (people) will give up their lives. Girls will produce offspring in the fifth or sixth year of life, and boys will become fathers at seven or eight years old. At the end of the Yuga, O tiger king among kings, the husband will not be able to give pleasure to his wife, nor the wife to her husband.

50-60 Because of every little thing, for an insignificant reason, quarrels will arise, and no one will give gifts to anyone in the end. The villages will be covered with a palisade of watchtowers, the crossroads will be covered with the tridents of Shiva, and at the end of the yuga, women's hair will become like peaks (79). Lately, people, without exception, will become cruel, all-consuming mlecchas, terrible in every action. Out of thirst for enrichment at the end of the Yuga, each will try to deceive the other in any trade transaction, O best of the Bharatas! Rituals will be performed without sufficient knowledge when the end of the south comes, and they will be performed as necessary. After the expiration of the Yuga, all people will by nature be cruel in their actions and suspicious of each other. Without any need, they will destroy trees and entire groves, and then the end will come to all living things in the world. Driven by greed, (people) will scour the world, posing as brahmanas, since brahmanas are supposed to be given gifts. Pursued by the Shudras, the twice-born, groaning, will wander the earth, suppressed by fear, and (nowhere) will not be able to find an intercessor for themselves. When people, cruel and merciless, begin to destroy living things and destroy existing things, (it means) the end of the south has come. In search of shelter, the twice-born will rush in horror near rivers, through mountains and remote places, O successor of the Kuru family!

61-73 In the terrible time of the end of the yuga, the best of the twice-born, O king - guardian of the earth, pursued like ravens by Dasyas and evil kings, constantly suffering from the burden of tribute, will lose their fortitude and, to please the Shudras, will do the opposite of what is due to them. The Shudras will expound the Dharma, and the Brahmins will listen to them with respect and faith. Everything in this world will be confused: what was high will become low, people will leave the gods and begin to worship mortal remains (80), and the Shudras at the end of the Yuga will cease to serve the twice-born. The temples of the gods (81) adorning the earth will disappear after the yuga; in the abodes of the great holy sages and in the refuges of the Brahmins, in the chaitya sanctuaries (82) and in the places where the (demonic) snakes take refuge, the remains of mortal flesh (83) will be kept as relics, and this is a sign of the end of the Yuga. When hardened people, forgetting about dharma, eat meat and drink uncontrollably, this is the end of the south. When, O king, a flower emerges from a flower, and the fruit hidden in it emerges from a fruit, then, O great soar, the end of the south will come. Parjanya will not send rain in time at the end of the south, the course of human rituals will be disrupted, and the low ones (84) will start enmity with the Brahmanas. The entire earth will quickly be filled with mlecchas, and the brahmanas, in fear of the weight of the tribute, will scatter in all ten directions. The population of the villages, pressed by the streams (of newcomers), will indiscriminately rush to the monasteries and begin to feed on roots and fruits. Everything in the world will be confused: integrity will disappear and students will not follow the instructions (of their teacher), causing (him) offense. At that time, even the mentor will be given a loan on security, and his friends and relatives will rush in search of acquisitions. The end of all things will come at the end of the south.

74-84 Then the entire firmament and moving constellations will burn, the course of the luminaries will be disrupted and the (directions) of the winds will be confused, a terrible spectacle will be shown by a frequent shower of meteors. Six others will sparkle next to the sun, and all of them, together with noise and crackling, will set the heavens on fire; Kabandha (85) will hide the sun at sunrise and sunset. The Thousand-Eyed One will not send rain in time, and the grains will stop germinating when the end of the south comes. Women will constantly be rude, impudent in speech and tearful and refuse to do the will of their husbands. Sons will kill their parents at the end of the south, and women, with the help of their sons, will begin to destroy their spouses. Rahu at the end of the south will consume the sun not only on the appointed day, O great king, and fire will blaze everywhere. Travelers begging for food and drink will not receive shelter and, rejected, will lie down right on the road. Ominous crows, snakes, vultures and (other) birds and animals will make sharp sounds when the end of the south comes. At the end of the south, people will renounce friends and relatives and those who serve them, and gradually (all) will scatter in different directions and regions, cities and villages. People will wander around the world, sadly calling to each other: “O my father!”, “O son!”

The end of the south will pass in severe torment, and then in its own way the (entire) world will be reborn, starting with the twice-born. After a certain time, fate will again unexpectedly favor the world. The Moon, Sun, Silence and Brihaspati will converge under one zodiac sign, and then Krita (yuga) will begin (again) (86). Parjanya will send rain in due time, the (position of) the stars will become favorable, and the planets will follow exactly in their orbits from left to right. There will be peace, abundance, prosperity and prosperity. The hour will strike, and a twice-born named Kalki Vishnuyashas will appear, endowed with great strength, intelligence and power. He will be born into a worthy Brahman family in the village of Sambhala (87) and with the power of his spirit he will revive weapons and all kinds of vehicles, military clothing, armor and shells. This king, conquering by dharma, will assume supreme power and bring peace to the troubled world. A brilliant Brahmana, high in thoughts, appearing (to the world) will put an end to destruction. Thus, universal destruction will become the beginning of a (new) Yuga. This twice-born, together with the brahmanas, will destroy the pitiful bands of mlecchas scattered everywhere.(This is the one hundred and eighty-eighth chapter in the book “Forest” of the great “Mahabharata”).

Below is another translation of the same text ARANYAKAPARVA (THE FOREST BOOK)



26. For a hundred years in the twilight of its sunrise and sunset,

Realize: the twilight of sunrise and sunset is one-dimensional;

27. When the Kali Yuga ends, the Krita Yuga begins (again).

These twelve thousand years are known as the whole Yuga.

30. It is believed that in the last thousand years,

unrighteous people.

Then only the appearance of sacrifices and gifts remains, son of Pritha!

31. At this time, only the appearance of vows remains,

Brahmins are engaged in the affairs of sudras, making money

wealth like sudras,

32. Even the affairs of kshatriyas are engaged in when the end of the yuga comes,

They stop rituals, sacrifices, and the study of Shruti; club

earn their living.

33. Brahmins will eat everything (indiscriminately) in Kali Yuga,

The Brahmins will not whisper prayers, but the Shudras, son,

indulge in whispering.

34. Then there will be a harbinger of death in a perverted world:

(There will be) many foreign kings on earth, the ruler of the people;

35. They will rule unjustly, immersed in evil,

in false teaching:

Andhi, Shakas, Pujindas, Greeks, rulers of the lands,

36. Bogatyrs of Cambodia, Wahliks, fearless great men.

(People) will be weak, of little courage,

indecisive, short-lived.

37. They are thin, puny, and will not tell the truth.

Populated areas will be deserted, the country will

swarming with predators and snakes.

38. When the end of the Yuga comes, they will live pervertedly, teach about Brahma;

The Shudras will speak arrogantly, they will speak

wicked Brahmins.

39. At the end of the Yuga, tiger-man, there will be many creatures.

The sense of smell will not be combined with smells, ruler of the people,

40. And taste, tiger-man, will not be combined with pleasant (food).

Many creatures will have an ugly body and become perverted

behavior, morals,

Women will take care of the face at the end of the Yuga, Raja.

41. The pain of death will strike the people, the dart of Shiva will leap.

At the end of the Yuga, Raja, women will be dissolute.

42. Cows will become low-milk, ruler of the people,

Trees - with little flowering, unfruitful;

Crows will breed.

43. From powerless kings, defiled by the murder of Brahmins,

The twice-born will accept the gifts, ruler of the earth!

44. They will be mad, greedy, full of hypocrisy;

For the sake of alms, the twice-born will travel through all countries.

45. Intimidated, burdened with veins, householders will become thieves;

The Munis will trade in secret.

46. ​​The twice-born will hypocritically grow hair and nails;

O tiger-man, then in the greed of brahmacharya

47. In the monasteries they will indulge in debauchery, they will get drunk,

desecrate the guru's bed;

The worldly ones will cherish (their) flesh and blood.

48. There are many schismatics, praising the things of others and not speaking truthfully,

The tiger-man will appear at the end of the yuga.

49. The lord, the lord of heat, will send rain out of order,

The seeds will not germinate properly, Bharata.

50. People will become gloating, they will not achieve purity

Thinking about the fruits of iniquity, blameless.

51. Then, if the defender of the earth is given over to the law,

It must be assumed that it will be short-lived, because the law will be abolished.

52. By measuring and weighing, people will usually sell goods,

And all trade, tiger-man, will become a complete deception.

53. People will shun the righteous and exalt the worst;

The righteous will become powerless, and lawlessness will strengthen.

54. Righteous people will become short-lived and poor,

The lawless are rich and long-lived at the end of the Yuga.

55. Places of entertainment in cities (will be filled)

lawless at the end of the Yuga.

The most lawless generations will act,

56. Unfriendly, full of pride,

In trade matters, trust will waver, people will become dishonest,

57. Full of villainy, trying to steal what was buried, Raja,

There will be no persistent people; dishonest people will multiply.

58. Ghouls, birds of prey, animals

They will hang around in city gardens and cemeteries.

59. Eight, even seven-year-old women, the king, will carry in their wombs,

And a twelve-year-old man will have sons.

60. Sixteen year olds will have gray hair,

The end of people's lives will come quickly.

61. Having lost their health, young people will look like old people,

And the old people will behave like youths, Maharaja.

62. Wives will then be considered depraved, unvirtuous, unfaithful,

They will get along with servants, even with animals.

63. The knights’ wicked wives, king, will marry (any) man,

With others, marriage will be violated, even during the life of the spouse.

64. During the last thousand yugas, when the end of the age comes,

There will be, Maharaja, a long-term drought.

65. Then the exhausted creatures of the earth,

For the most part, the ruler of the land will find destruction.

66. Then the seven (suns), fiery creators of the day, ruler of the people,

They will drink all the water in the oceans and rivers.

67. All herbs, even trees, will dry up, Bharata,

Everything will turn to ashes, Tur-Bharata.

68. Then the destructive fire will swirl like a wind, Bharata,

He will penetrate the world that Aditya once adorned;

69. Then, cutting through the earth's surface, he will penetrate into the depths,

Will give rise to great horror in the gods, Danavas, Yakshas.

70. He will burn the world of the nagas and destroy everything that is here,

Staying below, the protector of the earth, he will destroy everything instantly.

71. Then hundreds, thousands of twenties yojanas

A destructive flame will incinerate, swirling with an unkind wind.

72. Gods, asuras, gandharvas, yakshas, ​​rakshasas, nagas

He will incinerate the entire transitory world, all directions of the world.

73. Then, in a crown of sparkling lightning, like a herd of elephants,

Huge clouds will rise, terrible in appearance.

74. Some are blue-black, others are like a blue lotus,

Others are the colors of its stamens, contain saffron drink, others,

75. Some are gray, like a cuckoo, others are the color of a “crow’s eye”,

Others resemble lotus petals, others sparkle with cinnabar.

76. Some are piled up with a strange city, others look like elephants,

Some are spread out in brush strokes, others look like sea monsters.

77. Thunderclubs rise up, engulfed in a cloud of lightning.

With a terrible roar, a terrible look, the Maharaja,

The entire sky will be covered with rain clouds;

78. They will fill the whole earth, forests and mountains,

Everything will be flooded by abysses of water, Raja.

79. O bull-man, then the bearers of rain and grief, the roaring clouds

They come from everywhere, driven by the Almighty.

80. With great rainwater they cover the creatures’ support (earth),

Terrible, unwholesome, roaring, they destroy the purifying fire.

81. For twenty years, those carrying moisture have been floating there.

They saturate the ground with water and are driven out by the Mahatma.

82. Then the ocean emerges from the shores, Bharata,

The mountains are being torn apart, the earth is plunging into waters.

83. The sky was covered with clouds everywhere; suddenly,

Having huddled together, they disappear: they are carried away by the fast wind.

84. O king of the people, then the Self-existent, the Eternal,

God residing in lotus after drinking that terrible

the wind is falling asleep, Bharata!

85. The moving and the motionless perish in that terrible sea,

Hosts of gods and asuras perish, rakshasas, yakshas disappear...

86. No people, animals, plants, protector of the people!

I wander alone in the heavenly world, not killed...

87. O excellent king, wandering alone on the waves of the terrible sea,

Seeing no creatures, I became exhausted.

88. Swim far, far, lord of the people,

Resilient, although tired, I reached some kind of refuge:

89. Somehow I saw, among the watery abysses, the ruler of the earth,

A tree growing with its roots down, huge, enormous.

90. Under the outstretched roots of that tree, ruler of the people,

On a bed covered with a wondrous carpet, the protector of the earth,

91. The child lay like a moon lotus,

The wide-eyed one looked, the Maharaja, as if he had blossomed

lotus; That's how I saw Bharata.

92. And I came to great amazement, defender of the earth,

How does this child lie when the world is destroyed?

93. I had never seen this child before, either by the power of tapas or by meditation,

Chapter 190

Vaishampayana said:

1. And Yudhishthira, the son of Kunti, again asked Markandeya,

Great Muni: under autocracy, what will be the path

transitory world?

Yudhisthira said:

2. We heard about a wonderful creature from you, lord,

the best of speakers

Also about what happened at the beginning of the Yuga and at the end, Muni,

son of Bhrigu.

3. But I would also like to know about this Kali Yuga:

What will be the outcome of such a mixture of laws?

4. What kind of courage will there be then?

eat food?

What will be the age of people at the end of the Yuga?

5. At what moment will the Krita Yuga begin again?

Tell me about this, Muni - you are telling a wonderful story here.

6. That's what he said. And again the muni, the rishi, spoke.

Delighting the Vrishni tiger and the great Pandavas.

Markandeya said:

7. Raja, pay attention to what I have seen and what I have heard,

(About) what happened by the grace of the God of gods,

lord of kings,

8. About the future of the whole world, about the coming end, Tur-Bharata;

Comprehend my story about the onset of troubled times!

9. In krita-yuga, tur-Bharata, without lies, in calm


Among the people stands the bull of the law on all legs;

10. Three legs smitten, iniquity stands on one

in Treta Yuga;

It is believed that law is half mixed (with lawlessness)

in Dvapara-yuga.

11. When the (last) Yuga comes, the best

Having entered the endless worlds in three parts, lawlessness

(there) resides.

12. Only the fourth part of the law remains among people;

Life, splendor, strength, intelligence, Pandava,

13. They are decreasing in people according to the south, this is from me


Rulers, Brahmins, Vaisyas, Shudras, O Yudhishthira,

14. Perverted people will walk in the law hypocritically.

The truth will be rejected by learned and respected people in the world.

15. When Truth is killed, their life will be shortened.

Because of the brevity of life, people will not achieve

direct knowledge.

16. Deprived of knowledge, discernment, greed

they will surrender.

Maddened by greed, anger, they will indulge in lust

17. They will start strife, kill each other;

Brahmins, Kshatriyas will mix with each other,

18. Deprived of righteousness, not (performing) mortification of the flesh,

the Shudras will become equal;

The first will become the middle, and the middle will be the last;

it is clear.

19. This will be the world when the end of the Yuga comes.

Matting* will be the best clothing, tares* will be

food of the rich.

20. At the end of the Yuga, wives will become hostile to their husbands,

They will eat fish, goats, sheep, they will milk,

21. Because the cows will perish; always steadfast in vows

And they will indulge in greed at the end of the Yuga.

22. The descendants of Manu will rob each other, they will

harm each other

There will be no whispering of mantras*, everyone will become thieves in the end

23. They will plant plants along the banks of the rivers with hoes,

But the harvests will be negligible at the end of the Yuga.

24. (Even) firm in vows and sacrifices to the gods

and ancestors

Overcome with greed, they will eat each other;

25. The father will devour the son, and the father’s son at the end of the Yuga.

They will eat forbidden food at the end of the Yuga.

26. Brahmins, condemning the Vedas, will not fulfill vows,

Misled by arguments, they will not create


They will strive towards the abyss, getting entangled in disputes.

27. They will deeply loosen the earth, pregnant cows


One-year-old bulls will be harnessed by people.

28. Sons will kill fathers, and fathers will kill sons,

Chatterboxes will not be restrained, they will not meet with censure.

29. The whole world will become wicked, sacrifices will be abolished,

(The world) will become bleak and cruel, celebrations

will stop.

30. Often people will take away property

For unfortunate widows, even if they have relatives.

31. Brave, relying on strength, possessed

greed and delusion,

Verbally satisfied with the gifts of the villains,

32. They will commit robberies, adhering to false

Self-proclaimed rajas, plotting evil, son of Kunti.

33. Fools who imagine themselves to be scientists will strive

kill each other.

At the end of the Yuga, the kshatriyas will become the thorns of the people,

34. Prompted by greed, pride, selfishness,

will not defend (the land)

And only the karami will become famous at the end of the yuga.

35. On the wives, on the property of the righteous constantly

They will make an attempt, regardless of their sobs,

36. No one will match girls, no one girls

will not issue:

They will snatch away without permission when the Yuga ends

will come.

37. Even rajas, insatiably striving for someone else's

darkened consciousness

They will rob in every possible way when the end of the Yuga comes.

38. The whole world will become wicked, there is no doubt about it.

A hand will rob a hand when the Yuga ends

will come.

39. People who imagine themselves to be scientists will destroy the truth in the world;

Old people will think childishly, children will have intelligence,

like (decrepit) old men.

40. A coward thinks he’s a hero, but he turns into a hero

in panties.

(People) will not trust each other when the Yuga ends

will come.

41. Yuga will be completely based on greed,


Then lawlessness will increase, the law will manifest itself

will not be.

42. There will be no distinction between Brahmins, Kshatriyas,

Shudras, lord of the people,

There will be only one caste in the world at the end of the Yuga.

43. A father will not be patient with his son, nor a son with his father,

at the end (of the world),

Husbands will not obey their wives.

44. To where they eat barley and wheat, to those countries

People will move at the end of the Yuga.

45. Men and women will be wayward, lord

They will not help each other at the end of the Yuga.

46. ​​The whole world will be wicked, Yudhishthira!

People will not make sacrifices either to the gods or to their ancestors.

47. No one will be a novice, no one will be a teacher either.

will not be.

Then the world will plunge into terrible darkness, king of the people!

48. Sixteen years will then be the limit of life,

The breaths of life (prana) will be released

at the end of the Yuga.

49. A five or six year old girl will give birth then,

To produce is a seven to eight year old male.

50. At the same age, women will be married

married men,

At the end of the Yuga, a tiger among people, there will be no joy!

51. The sign (of caste) will become an insignificant thing;

sabotage will be everywhere;

No one will serve to another at the end of the Yuga;

52. The hillbilly will boast of towers, darts

(Even) women will wear arrows in their hair

at the end of the Yuga.

53. Terrible villains will live wickedly, they will eat

everything (indiscriminately).

(These will be) lately people, in this there is no


54. When (buying) and selling, everyone deceive each other

Because of greed they will do this at the end of the Yuga, the best

55. Even studying science and performing rituals

It will be carried out arbitrarily when the end of the Yuga comes.

56. Committing cruel acts yourself,

Others will be blamed by all people when the Yuga ends

will come.

57. They will calmly destroy gardens and groves,

The life of the incarnate will be unsecured in the world.

58. Then people will be overwhelmed by greed,

They will begin to kill Brahmins, coveting their property.

59. Oppressed by little people, twice-born,

tormented by fear,

Finding no salvation, they will wander this earth,

60. When people become murderers, cruel, formidable,

Harmful to beings, then the end of the yuga will come.

61. They will seek shelter near rivers, on mountains and hills

Twice-born in fear (fleeing) by flight

62. The best of the Brahmins are like crows; robbers

will torment them, Raja,

The evil rulers will torment you with unbearable hardships.

63. O king of the earth, at the terrifying end of the Yuga, leaving


Criminal deeds will be committed by the subordinates of the Shudras:

64. Shudras will proclaim the law, and Brahmins will listen

they will be

They will become students, follow their example.

65. From top to bottom this world will be perverted,

66. Shudras will not serve the twice-born in the end

In the abodes of great rishis, in the houses of Brahmins,

67. In the camps of the gods, in the tombs, in the region of the nagas,

(Everywhere) the earth will be imprinted with the relics, and God’s

houses will not be decorated.

68. (Still) there will be such a sign of death at the end of the Yuga

Cruel destroyers of the law, drunkards*, meat-eaters -

69. When such people become established, the south will perish.

O Raja, when flower to flower and fruit to fruit

leaning in,

70. They will exhaust (each other), then, Maharaja,

the south will perish,

Untimely in the year the rains will begin at the end

71. Then people will violate the order of rituals,

Then the little people will be at enmity with the Brahmins.

72. Soon foreign nations will defile and shake the earth,

Frightened by the weight of tribute, the singers ten

The parties will scatter.

73. Landowners will then oppress the villagers


The monasteries will then no longer have meals.

fruits, roots.

74. Thus in a troubled world (all) ways will be turned aside,

Novices will do objectionable things, do not stand

in instructions.

75. The teacher’s revelations will immediately be ridiculed,

Attachment to wealth will alienate family, friends,


76. The existence of all beings will cease at the end of the Yuga,

The cardinal directions will ignite, all the constellations will burn.

77. The luminaries will be ominous, the stars will be unfavorable,

Stars will rain down abundantly, causing great horror.

78. The sun will glow together with six others.

The sky will be furrowed and burned with dull thunder,

79. At sunrise, Kabandha will engulf the sun.

The thousand-eyed rains will fall at the wrong time

80. The seeds will not germinate when the end of the Yuga comes.

Rude, cruelly speaking people sobbing

they will gloat.

81. Women will not follow the orders of their spouses,

Mothers and fathers will be killed by their sons at the end of the Yuga.

82. Wives will destroy their husbands, relying on their sons.

It is not at the lunar nodes that Rahu will approach the sun,

83. The Devourer of Victims will burn everywhere at the end of the Yuga.

Wanderers will beg for food and drink,

84. Without receiving shelter, they will be forced to rest

on road.

Whirlwinds, nagas, birds of prey, eggborns, beasts

85. They will call ominously when the end of the Yuga comes.

Even friends and relatives will then be abandoned by people,

86. Households and servants, when the end of the Yuga comes.

Then in (different) countries on the cardinal points, in Kremlins, posads,

87. The disturbed will seek shelter when the end of the Yuga comes;

“Alas, father (my), son (my), alas,” - words of grave sorrow

88. People will shout to each other; wandering the earth

Crowds will flock, wandering at the end of the Yuga.

89. But gradually the twice-born (again) will become the first in the world

And then the time will be ripe for a new rebirth of the world.

90. New gods and descendants of Manu will arise.

When the Sun, Moon, Silence and Brihaspati

91. They will come together in one house, then the krita-yuga will begin.

In due time Prajanya, the constellation, will rain

will be favorable.

92. The planets will be on the right and moving straight.

Patience and good alms will come again,

health; diseases will disappear.

93. Obeying the timing, twice-born by name

Kaliki - Glory to Vishnu,

A mighty, brave fighter, a wise one, will appear.

94. He will be from the village of Shambhala, the beautiful abode of the Brahmins;

By the power of his thoughts chariots will arise,

95. Warriors, troops, weapons, armor,

The righteous one, the wheel-turning Raja, will be born,

96. He will lead all those generations to prosperity,

When the illumined Brahmin, the exalted one, shines

a thought that brings an end to ruin.

97. He will turn everything (in a different way), stop that yuga.

Surrounded by Brahmins, twice-born, he will destroy

Crowds of aliens came from everywhere, despicable.

So in the holy Mahabharata, in the book "Forest",

in the book “Markandeya’s Conversation” chapter 190 says -


Chapter 191

Markandeya said:

1. Together with the Brahmins, having destroyed the aliens, he brought this land

Will prepare, according to the charter, for the commission

asvamedha, great sacrifice.

2. Having outlined the boundaries of one’s land, good and beautiful,

He, glorified by his clean deeds, will retire to a pleasant forest.

3. His behavior will be followed by the inhabitants of the human world.

When the Brahmins drive away the thieves, the Krita Yuga will begin.

4. Black doe skin, darts, spears, bows

Having established itself in the conquered countries,

5. Praised by the pure Brahmins, himself honoring the twice-born,

Always rejoicing in the destruction of robbers throughout the earth

Kaliki will wander.

6. “Alas, (my) mother, (my) son, father,” these are the words of the regrettable,

Destroyed; he will destroy many robbers.

7. Then lawlessness will disappear and law will arise, Bharata,

At the onset of Krita Yuga; people will begin to perform rituals.

8. Gardens and temples (will be renewed); ponds, lakes,

They will bloom in a variety of colors; (resume) worship,

9. Sacrifice, various rituals will resume in Krita-yuga,

The righteous will appear - Brahmins, ascetics, munis.

10. The abodes of false teachers will now be filled by the righteous


The seeds will begin to germinate and develop.

11. All seasons will bear fruit, Lord of the Rajas,

People will rejoice in gifts, vows, abstinence.

12. The singers will indulge in whispering mantras and sacrifices,

will rejoice in the law,

According to the law, the rajas will protect this land...

(translation by Academician B. L. SMIRNOV)

Prepared by: Dato Gomarteli (Ukraine-Georgia)

Kalki avatar

Recently, a lot of speculative materials have appeared on the topic of the end of the World and the coming of the Kalki avatar. There are even rumors that the Lord has already been born and will soon announce himself to the world.

All this information is the result of a very serious deviation in the study of the Vedas by those who are trying to do it differently than the Vedas themselves prescribe. The Vedas themselves indicate the only possible and correct way to comprehend the truth, which is transmitted through revelation from teacher to student within the framework of one of the 4 authoritative Vaishnava sampradayas.

The following four authoritative sampradayas or disciplic succession chains are currently known:

1. Brahma-Madhava-Gaudiya Sampradaya (from Brahma)
2. Nimbarka sampradaya (from 4 kumars)
3. Vallabha sampradaya (from Lord Shiva)
4. Sri Ramanuja Sampradaya (from Goddess Lakshmi)

When a person tries to study the Vedas on his own, his mind can accept one thing, something that is closer and more interesting to him, and reject another, something that is not interesting to him or seems unimportant. So, confusion occurs in a person’s head and everything that he begins to preach is only his own conclusions, albeit based on partial sources of the Vedic scriptures. However, all educated people should always remember and understand some important truths:

1. When the Lord appears in this world, he does not proclaim himself an avatar; this is done by great sages on the basis of sacred revealed scriptures. These scriptures indicate not only the astrological correspondence to the coming of God into this world, but also His special mission, which only God himself can fulfill. Apart from direct incarnations of God, there are countless incarnations of God's qualities, etc. The scriptures always indicate the place of appearance of the avatar and the names of His parents. All this information was recorded many thousands of years ago, and in particular in such a work as the Srimad Bhagavatam, the appearance of Lord Buddha was absolutely accurately predicted 2500 years before his birth.

2. Today the Lord is already present on planet Earth. This avatara is Nama-rupa, the incarnation of God in the transcendental sound of His holy Name. Anyone who is waiting for any other avatars of God simply does not fully understand the significance of chanting the Holy Names in Kali Yuga. Anyone who desires to meet God can see His incarnation in the holy name. To do this, it is necessary to receive initiation into chanting the holy names of Krishna in one of the 4 authoritative sampradayas (chains of disciplic succession).

3. Lord Kalki does not come to the planet to give knowledge, because... by the time the Kalki avatar comes, people will no longer be able to assimilate anything. Kalki will destroy the population of the Earth, which will turn into an ignorant pack of half-humans and half-animals. As a result of this, the souls in these bodies will receive liberation. However, this will happen only at the end of the Age of Kali, which has not even really begun yet. According to Srimad Bhagvatam, for 36,000 years or more after the beginning of a new era, yuga-sandhya, or the transitional period between yugas, lasts. Only after the completion of this period does the power of the new age become fully manifest.

4. Another speculation is related to the dates of centuries given in the Vedas. According to them, the duration of Kali Yuga is 1200 years according to the calendar of the demigods. However, the same Vedas contain a description of the duration of 1 year of demigods. When our Sun goes to the southern hemisphere, it becomes night in Svarga-loka, and when the Sun goes to the northern hemisphere, it is day. Thus, 1 of our years is only 1 day according to the chronology of the inhabitants of the heavenly planets. Accordingly, 1 year of demigods lasts 360 of our years. So the duration of Kali Yuga is no more and no less - 432,000 of our solar years. According to astrological calculations, the age of Kali began on February 18, 3102 BC and, accordingly, should last at least another 426,886 years. The talk that the end of the age of Kali has already arrived is mere speculation.