Alexander Maslyakov was born in the year. How Maslyakov was fired from KVN

Famous Russian TV presenter Alexander Maslyakov belongs to the generation of children of war. He was born on the way to evacuation to the city of Sverdlovsk (Ekaterinburg) in November 1941. Most he dedicated his life to television.

Maslyakov spent his childhood in several cities. Long time his family lived in Sverdlovsk, then moved for a short period of time to Chelyabinsk, and then to Moscow. Alexander's father, Vasily Vasilyevich, was a military pilot. During the Second World War he fought as an Air Force navigator. At the end of the war, my father did not leave service, but was transferred to Moscow to the Air Force General Staff.

Maslyakov's mother was a housewife. After the birth of her son, Zinaida Alekseevna broke the Maslyakov family tradition of calling boys Vasily. Four generations of men in the family before Alexander bore this name.

Alexander Maslyakov graduated from school with honors. He never had any special problems with his studies or behavior. Immediately after school, he entered MIIT, which he graduated in 1966.

At the institute, he chose the specialty of energy engineer, which he very quickly changed to the profession of a television broadcaster. MIIT gave Maslyakov not only a specialty, but also a ticket to KVN.

This program became his destiny. Alexander's path to TV began with student theater. He came to it by chance in 1960. As they say, he looked in for a glimpse. The smiling guy very quickly became a prominent figure in cheerful and resourceful student parties. His smile played a role for him entrance ticket into the profession of TV presenter.

In 1961, a youth editorial office was created on Central Television and the KVN project was launched. Maslyakov never played in KVN as part of the MIIT team, but was always close to the team.

After her victory in 1963, in the form of an experiment, the program management decided to try a representative of the winning team as the host of the program. At the suggestion of the captain of the MIIT KVN team, Maslyakov became the captain. So, since 1964, Alexander became long years permanent host of the popular program.

After graduating from MIIT in 1966, Maslyakov went to work at Giprosakhar. The young engineer decided to combine his work at this design institute with his studies at the Higher Courses for Television Workers. This decision became fateful for him. The knowledge gained during the courses helped Maslyakov in his future.

Having moved from the design institute to TV, he stayed there for the rest of his life. Alexander came to work at the youth editorial office on TV in 1969 and immediately received the position of senior editor, which he held for almost 8 years.

"Hello, we are looking for talents"

The program was the first in the USSR created in the show genre. The program began to be released on TV in 1970. Viewers saw the first episode on January 24. The essence of the program was to search for young talented performers. The program was filmed in different cities countries. Once they took place in Western Ukraine.

Spectators in Chernivtsi for a long time the groups “Smeichka” and “Arnika” were not allowed to leave the stage. The live program exceeded its allotted time limit by 20 minutes.

Maslyakov was reprimanded for violating the time regulations, and the editors were inundated with letters from grateful viewers. The program was very popular, but was closed.

“Come on, guys!”

The program was a sports and entertainment show. Released on USSR TV screens in 1970. The first presenter of the program was Vladimir Voroshilov. The script for the program was written by Leonid Yakubovich.

In 1972, an accident occurred during the filming of the program. The program was closed until 1975. When filming resumed, Alexander Maslyakov acted as the presenter. He worked in the program for more than 10 years.

"Come on, girls"

The program began airing in 1970. The show's plot was based on professional competitions, in which girls took part. The winner received the title of best in the profession. Between competitions, performances by popular artists were included.

Maslyakov joined the project in 1975. Filming of the program was closed in 1985.

"Funny boys"

Maslyakov worked in the project from 1979 to 1981. Initially, the program was conceived as a competition, but in 1982 its format was changed. The project was taken off the air in 1990.

KVN made a real splash on television in the 60s. The program appeared not on empty space. Before it goes on air similar project was tested by the youth editors in 1957. It was called “An Evening of Fun Questions.”

The Czechs then launched a similar program on their TV. They called it “Guess, guess, fortune teller.” IN Russian version transfers to funny questions It was the spectators who answered, not the teams. After three episodes the program was closed.

In a changed format, the project was resumed under the name KVN. A large number of viewers associated this abbreviation with the name KVN-49, which was produced in the country at that time.

Today, when the name Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov is mentioned, every Russian understands that we are talking about KVN. He appeared on the stage of cheerful and resourceful people, replacing Albert Axelrod, who was the first presenter of this program and one of the authors of the idea. In the history of Soviet and Russian TV, this was the most ideal introduction of a new face to the project.

In the first years after the broadcast was launched, Maslyakov had a co-host on stage, Svetlana Zhiltsova. Then it was decided to leave only Maslyakov. There were various rumors about the presenter couple. Many considered them husband and wife, which was not true.

Until 1968, the program was broadcast live. The teams' sharp jokes did not always coincide with the party line. At first they tried to limit them by KGB directives, and in the 70s the program was closed. Latest issue program was released on August 5, 1972.

The project was resumed only 15 years later. The initiator of the revival of KVN on television was Andrei Menshikov. In the 60s he was captain of the MISI team. Maslyakov was invited to host the program. The first episode of the revived program beat expected ratings.

Despite the long break, the new generation became no less interested in KVN than the previous one. From television program the project turned into an international student movement.

The whole country became infected with the game. Everyone wanted to be cheerful and resourceful. In 1990, TO "AMiK" was created. It became the official organizer of the KVN games held in the country and the festivals that arose on its basis.

Recognition of Maslyakov’s merits in the field of television came to him in the 90s. In 1994, he received the title of Honored Artist and became a laureate of the Ovation Prize. "Tafi" was given to him in 2001. Maslyakov has orders and medals from various countries.

His services in the field of television development were appreciated not only by the Government of the Russian Federation, but also by Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Chechnya, etc. Maslyakov was repeatedly awarded certificates of honor and was awarded badges of honor.

An asteroid was named after Maslyakov.

Personal life

KVN did not ignore the personal life of the TV presenter. He met his wife at the project. In 1966, she came to work as an assistant director for the program. 5 years after they met, the couple got married. The Maslyakovs’ marriage has not broken up to this day. The couple still live and work together. In 1980, they had a son, who was named Alexander in honor of his father. So in the Maslyakov family, Vasiliev was replaced by Alexandra.

In 2006, Alexander and Svetlana Maslyakov had a granddaughter, who was named Taisiya. She continues her grandfather's dynasty. Since 2017, she has been leading the KVN children's league. The wife of Alexander Jr. also works in KVN. She is the director of the KVN house.

After KVN was closed in the 70s, rumors began to arise that Maslyakov was sent to prison for currency fraud. People tried to explain his temporary disappearance from TV screens in this way. These rumors had nothing to do with reality. In 2017, articles appeared in the media that Maslyukov Sr. had a stroke, after which he died. And these messages turned out to be a canard.

Maslyakov’s first fees were 20 rubles for performances. Money was not the main thing for a young guy at that time. He was driven by the desire to appear on screen and please his parents with his fame. Maslyakov does not drink. According to the spouses, having lived together for more than 40 years, they only quarreled over KVN. For a long time, Maslyakov insisted that his wife leave the program, but she did not do this and still works in it.

Maslyakov was the first presenter of the program “What? Where? When?". He was replaced by Vladimir Voroshilov. Maslyakov conducted only the 1st edition of this program.

KVN members nicknamed the TV presenter “Barin”. This is their revenge for stern disposition and the exactingness of their leader. The players joke among themselves that Maslyakov wanted to name his son Kaveen, but changed his mind.

Alexander Maslyakov now

At the beginning of December, Maslyakov resigned from his post as director of AMiK and remained only as a presenter in the program. The reason for this action was widely covered by the media. The famous TV presenter was charged with abuse of office. The story was not the most pleasant and threatened Maslyukov with criminal liability.

Ultimately, everything was limited to his voluntary refusal to lead the company. He can still be seen on the KVN stage.


Alexander Maslyakov continues to delight KVN fans with new projects. Invented in the 60s of the last century, the game became his life’s work and still does not lose its relevance and popularity.

Alexander Vasilievich Maslyakov(born November 24, 1941, Sverdlovsk) - Soviet and Russian TV presenter, Honored Artist Russian Federation(1994), full member (academician) of the Academy Foundation Russian television" Founder and owner of AMiK (Alexander Maslyakov and Company) - organizer of KVN.

Alexander Vasilievich Maslyakov
TV presenter, TV producer
Date of birth: November 24, 1941
Place of birth: Sverdlovsk, RSFSR, USSR
Country Russia

Father Vasily Vasilievich Maslyakov(1904-1996), originally from the Novgorod region, military pilot, navigator, participant in the Great Patriotic War, after the war he served at the Air Force General Staff. Mother Zinaida Alekseevna Maslyakova (1911-1999), housewife.

Alexander Maslyakov Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (1964), Higher Courses for Television Workers (1968).

He has been working in television since 1964, when he was still a fourth-year student at MIIT. He explains his arrival on television as follows:

One day Pasha Kantor, the team captain, ran into me in one of the classrooms and said: “Listen, let’s be one of the five!” And he explained that the workers of the youth editorial office of Central Television were going to film a funny program. And the presenters should be five students from the institute that won the last game KVN. That is, ours. “You will be one of the five,” Pasha repeated, and I obediently agreed.

He was the host of the programs: “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” (in the beginning - co-host), “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on, girls”, “Addresses of the young”, “Come on, guys”, “Cheerful guys", "12th floor"; reported from World festivals youth and students in Sofia, Berlin, Havana, Moscow, Pyongyang; was a permanent presenter for several years international festivals songs in Sochi, also hosted the programs “Song of the Year” (1976-1979), “Alexander Show” and many others.

The first presenter of the program “What? Where? When?" (1975, hosted the second release of the game - there was no presenter in the first release).
The book “The Beatles of Perestroika” claims that Alexander Vasilyevich was once the host of the “Vzglyad” program; he broadcast this program on April 1, 1988.

Maslyakov is a permanent presenter, director and director of the popular television program “KVN”, president of the International KVN Union and the television creative association “AMiK”. Despite the fact that in games Major League KVN Maslyakov plays the role of presenter; he was also a member of the jury twice: at the 1994 season finale and at the 1996 Summer Champions Cup - both games were held as part of KVN cruises.

He is the chairman of the jury of the TV show “Minute of Fame”.
In January 2012, he became a member of the “People's Headquarters” (in Moscow) of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin.
In 2013, he became a member of the jury of the TV show “Sense of Humor” together with Yuli Gusman.

Awards and prizes
Winner of the Ovation Prize (1994).
In 2002, Alexander Maslyakov was awarded highest award Academy of Russian Television - “TEFI” “For personal contribution to the development domestic television».
In 2006, the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, in commemoration of the 45th anniversary of KVN, awarded Maslyakov the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, “for his great contribution to the development of domestic television and many years of creative activity.”
Order "Dostyk" II degree (Kazakhstan, March 11, 2007)
At the beginning of 2007, Alexander Maslyakov was awarded the Order of Merit, III degree, which he received from the hands of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko during the game
In November 2011, in the year of the 50th anniversary of KVN, the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev awarded A. V. Maslyakov the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree
An asteroid (5245 Maslyakov), discovered by the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, was named in honor of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov

Ratings and criticism
Philosopher, culturologist and sociologist P. S. Gurevich believes that Alexander Maslyakov has long gained popularity. He led the most different programs- “KVN”, “Jolly guys”, “Come on, girls!” He behaves freely on camera, is resourceful, and sometimes amazes with a witty remark. Shows tact. At its origins, it seemed to embody a social portrait of a young Soviet man. This is precisely how he seemed to viewers - resourceful, easy-going, sociable.
But time passed. The criteria have changed. New requests arose. The presenter's appearance remained unchanged. Maslyakov did not even try to find new facets of his image. Skills grew, professionalism enriched. But in general, today on the screen Alexander is perceived as a slightly outdated Komsomol functionary... No, you cannot forever use an image once found. The image needs to be changed or filled with new content.

Magazine editor Forbes Alexandra Zhokhova notes that:
- Alexander Maslyakov successfully exploits the KVN brand, in the creation of which he was involved in Soviet years. The system he created is actually a factory pop stars- is aimed at obtaining the maximum possible income before its participants reach the level of free swimming.

Journalist and TV presenter L. G. Parfenov speaks about Maslyakov in the following way:
- This person should be in the Guinness Book of Records. He has been on the television screen for almost 50 years. "The Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful" is a unique phenomenon in world television, just like Alexander Maslyakov. Joking for half a century is a serious matter, not everyone can do it. Maslyakov- I can do it. As soon as the KVN people called him behind his back - Master, Guardian, AlVasMas. Loving, of course. For them, he is an unquestioned authority, an absolute monarch. WITH light hand monarch KVN game turned into a real factory stars And today many television celebrities can say: “We all came from KVN.”

Where was Maslyakov sitting...

The popularity of some people is so high that it leads to all sorts of historical disputes. So in Ancient Greece seven cities disputed the right to be considered the birthplace of the great Homer. IN modern Russia this tradition was picked up settlements, claiming that it was in their colony that the permanent KVN presenter Alexander Maslyakov served his prison term.

“Don’t you know?!”, residents of the Verkhnekamsk region are surprised Kirov region. “We all know that Maslyakov was imprisoned in Lesnoy. Years later, he was even invited here to some anniversary: ​​“Welkom, Alexander Vasilyevich! Lesnoy is waiting for you again!” But he refused."
The version about the Tver trace of the main “Kaveen member” was once launched by singer Mikhail Krug. Express Newspaper then contacted the AMiK company for comments, and KVN administrator Efimov officially assured that Maslyakov had never been imprisoned. Only Krug insisted: “No, it’s true, he was sitting on our sotka.” Everyone in Tver knows this.”

The overwhelming majority of Internet resources agree that Rybinsk had the honor of hosting the future KVN president. Although they are probably just copying news from each other. Pretty much the same way I did it" Russian newspaper– Nedelya”: “As the media say, Alexander Maslyakov spent several months in colony 83/12 in the city of Rybinsk Yaroslavl region" A certain former employee of this colony, Safonov, was found who confirmed this version: “For the zone administration, Maslyakov was an ordinary prisoner, like the others. Quiet, intelligent, he did not particularly annoy his superiors.”

However, patriots of the territories do not agree with such falsification of history. Here are a few quotes from various forums and sites refuting the primacy of Rybinsk.

“In fact, he served time in the Udmurt colony Art. Karkalay. At that time, buying and selling dollars was considered a very serious crime, but the case was presented as insignificant, Maslyakov served a short sentence and was released early after a few months.”

“Maslyakov served his sentence on the outskirts of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, in a general regime colony. There is even a barracks called “Maslyakovsky”, or simply “KVN”. The sitters wanted to install memorial plaque at the barracks and name the street on which the barracks are located after the KVN member.”
“He sat in the 70s for sure, in Tula region, Donskoy, with Gusman, for currency affairs! They say that local historians, in the absence of other celebrities, are proud of this fact.

“Maslyakov was in Tagil, so he never missed our teams.”

In general, the story is dark, from the distant past - the early seventies, each time starting with the dubious “according to some information.” According to some information from the blogger, in 1972, the captain of the KVN team of the dental institute, when leaving for Israel during a customs inspection in Sheremetyevo, was arrested for trying to take about a kilogram out of the country precious stones. As a result of the investigation, it turned out that Maslyakov handed over the stones to him for sale, and he received 8 years in prison under Article 88 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR “Illegal transactions with currency valuables.” However, the Minister of Culture Furtseva allegedly stood up for the talented TV presenter and placed a corresponding letter on Brezhnev’s desk. In 1974, Maslyakov’s sentence was revised, the term was reduced, and he himself was released on parole.

The KVN president himself completely denies the fact of his short-term stay in places not so remote. Moreover, questions on this topic cause in him not a cheerful and resourceful reaction, but obvious irritation and anger. He even got a certificate of no criminal record. However, despite the presence of a certificate, which can be completely obtained from the Odessa import, there is no reason not to believe Alexander Vasilyevich. Although, it seems, in vain he does not want to use such a strong rumor to further popularize the game, after all, in Russia, every fourth adult man was directly related to the prison re-education system.

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KVN brings Alexander Vasilievich fabulous income, but all the money goes to big family his daughter-in-law Angelina gives orders

KVN brings Alexander Vasilyevich fabulous income, but his daughter-in-law Angelina manages all the money in the large family

On November 24, Alexander MASLIAKOV will celebrate his 75th birthday. Widely, with sincerely strained smiles of the guests and another honorary title or order from the state. How else. Deserved it. For so many years, selflessly and without closing his eyes, he made me laugh and laugh. How many soles of patent leather shoes did he wear on stage, how much did he earn from it? And who would have thought that greed would let the friend down and ruin his entire anniversary mood.

Among his friends, Alexander Vasilyevich is called the Master. That's the nickname. Received for blatant immodesty in everyday life and exorbitant arrogance. He has the most compelling reasons for such behavior. Maslyakov sincerely considers himself the author of the idea and the creator of KVN. You'll laugh, that's true. He also has a piece of paper with a stamp.

The unique document is dated 1996. This is the certificate of the Russian Copyright Society No. 1519 “On registration of a work - an object of intellectual property.” The certificate requires citation: “We hereby certify that an object of intellectual property is registered with RAO - script humorous game under the name “KVN” (Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful), the author of which, according to his own statement, is Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov.

According to the above-mentioned author, all rights to this intellectual property object, created in 1986, belong exclusively to the above-mentioned person. Maslyakov A.V. testifies that when creating the above object, he did not violate the intellectual property rights of other persons.”

Wow! Judging by this document, Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov invented the “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” twenty-five years after the official premiere of KVN on Soviet television on November 8, 1961. At that time, Maslyakov was 19 years old and was just starting to study at the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers.

The first announcer of KVN was Svetlana Zhiltsova. In 1964, she succumbed to the advances of an ardent, lively student who was carried away by KVN and dragged Sasha Maslyakov into the staff of the youth editorial office of Central Television. They say that their relationship lasted about five years and gave rise to a lot of rumors, to the point that many television employees considered them husband and wife.

However, Soviet television viewers watched the games already in the 60s and saw him paired with Svetlana ZHILTSOVA. Photo: RIA Novosti

It’s a no-brainer that Alexander Vasilyevich has nothing to do with the creation of the program. Why would such a respected person resort to plagiarism and forgery? Yes, because KVN is not so much a joke as it is a lot of money.

Alexander Vasilyevich was really the first to understand this and registered a private office for earning this money - “Television creative association"AMIK" (TTO "AMIK" LLC). The founders of TTO AMIK were Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov and his wife Maslyakova Svetlana Anatolyevna, and their son Alexander became the general director. The company sells exclusive rights to show games to Channel One. As Forbes magazine writes, income from television broadcasts, joint tours KVN teams and individual performances of league participants different levels is more than $3.5 million per year.

The business is truly enviable. Considering that AMIK does not invest in content production, Alexander Vasilyevich’s family is simply cutting their money on both sides. After all, writing humorous texts and preparing performances - all this is done by the club members. Moreover, for the right to perform under the KVN brand, Major League and Premier League teams pay royalties from all their tours and corporate performances. It was this financial tightening of the screws that caused the most successful players to leave for free bread, an example of this is the appearance of the show “ Ural dumplings" And " Comedy Club».

One day, pranksters took advantage of a conflict between the Maslyakovs and the Comedy Club residents. They called Maslyakov Jr., introducing himself Timur Batrutdinov, and offered to have sex. Then Alexander Alexandrovich spoke harshly to the caller. They did not calm down and called Alexander Vasilyevich. Maslyakov Sr. was also rather unrestrained. He shouted into the phone: “F... yes, you are, not a star. KVN gave birth to such stars! Is he the star of Comedy Club, please tell me! The star is Brad Pitt, and all of you are like that. What right do you have to call me, brat? I’m the star, and you’re all trash!”

The prank video caused a real stir. Most of all the listeners were surprised by Alexander Vasilyevich’s refusal to have sex with the young Kaveen member. This was not expected from Barin, given the long-standing and persistent rumors.

The house was state-owned, became private

First of all, KVN today is the cultural center “Planet KVN”, a giant building with a multimedia concert hall with a total area of ​​8.7 thousand square meters, located near the center of Moscow on Sheremetyevskaya Street in building 2.

So, until the fall of 2014, this golden real estate belonged to the State Unitary Enterprise “MMTS “Planet KVN”, the sole founder of which was the Moscow Property Department. Director General of the State unitary enterprise“IMC “Planet KVN”, that is, a civil servant, was, you won’t believe, Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov himself.

And from now on, as magicians say, you need to carefully monitor his hands.

On October 28, 2014 we met CEO private "TTO "AMIK" Maslyakov Alexander Aleksandrovich (son) and the general director of the state "MMC "Planet KVN" Maslyakov Alexander Vasilyevich (father) and made a fateful decision. They decided to establish a limited liability company "House of KVN" at the address Moscow, Sheremetyevskaya, 2.

On the part of the state, in the person of Maslyakov Sr., golden Moscow real estate and internal equipment were contributed to the authorized capital of Dom KVN LLC cultural center"Planet KVN" total cost 1,391,070,476 rubles. And for this, the budgetary state enterprise was owed only 49 percent of the authorized capital. And the private structure of the Maslyakov family, represented by their son, contributed only one piece of paper with the image of the logo - Trademark"International Union of KVN", valuing it at 1,447,848,863 rubles, and received a controlling stake of 51 percent. In such a cheerful and resourceful way, state property became family property.

Maslyakov Jr.’s wife Angelina became the general director of the newly-minted LLC “House of KVN”, the same one who owned the building of “Planet KVN”. Having received the Maslyakovs’ main asset in her hands, the fragile girl instantly showed business acumen. She rented out the premises of the KVN House to the theater Konstantin Raikin"Satyricon" for 86.5 million rubles, received by "Satyricon" from the Russian budget for staging performances. And all this, perhaps, looked normal, but when they became interested in this matter, the Maslyakovs and the management of Satyricon instantly discovered some general businesses and similar connections and interests.

Now journalistic investigations are raining down on the Maslyakov family one after another. It is possible that the competent authorities will become interested in the fact of transfer of state real estate to private property. And then alone old tale may become reality.

IN Soviet time There were constantly rumors that Alexander Maslyakov was imprisoned for currency fraud. And he was not at all happy in the zone. They say that proximity to the blue screen was not considered a merit, but quite the opposite. The former all-powerful chief of the USSR State Television and Radio recalled that time in one of his interviews. Leonid Kravchenko.

Even the KGB officers convinced me: “Leonid Petrovich, he is gay!” But this has nothing to do with the imprisonment,” Leonid Petrovich assured. - One day they went to “cut” money. They took it with them popular artists from those programs that Alexander hosted, and traveled around the Volga with concerts. All this was done under the “roof” of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. However, all the proceeds were put into their own pockets, and not a penny went to the television box office. And now a message comes from the Gorky Regional Party Committee that Alexander Maslyakov is performing there with hackwork. The entire crew was returned, and Maslyakov was suspended from the air for three months. Then rumors spread that he was in prison. Then they decided to show him sitting in the hall during the KVN broadcast and calm the people down.

Yes, humane Soviet state loved her stars and forgave them many pranks. Maybe, dear Alexander Vasilyevich is being “amnestied in absentia” even now. They will give him “Planet KVN” for his anniversary and forget about it. And if not, then he can use his residence permit to leave for Latvia at any time. Alexander Vasilyevich has long been the owner of an apartment in the most “stellar” high-rise building in Jurmala - Lielupes Marienbade. From the windows of his apartment there is a wonderful view of the Gulf of Riga, and his neighbors are entirely celebrities: Olga Budina, Valery Syutkin, Vladimir Vinokur. It will not be boring.

E.V.: I confirm: there were rumors that A. Maslyakov was imprisoned... I also remember an article, if I’m not mistaken, in Izvestia entitled (I quote from memory) “Sasha no longer smiles.” Something like that.. .

I decided to test myself, I typed this phrase into a search engine and ended up on the website of the Union of Right Forces, where I found an article by A. Bogdanov dated November 17, 2005 (,7591,7667,quote=1 ). As it turns out, I was wrong, but not much:

"It's hard to recover from the shock after the November 10th concert on TV, dedicated to the Day police, at which Sasha Maslyakov put up a KVN team of policemen, and they swaggered and mocked Khodorkovsky. And then it seemed to me that I clearly remembered an article on the entire page, on page Literary newspaper"in the era of Brezhnev and Shchelokov" Our Sasha no longer smiles", where they also mocked how successfully Sasha was imprisoned for currency smuggling and exporting abroad an unlimited amount of diamonds weighing tens of carats, where do you think?! - in empty hollows and fillings of horse-sized back teeth! Special propaganda was written and published in mass circulation in order to convince the Soviet people that there would be no more KVN in the Soviet Union, not for political reasons, which were clear and understandable to everyone, but thanks to the lightning-fast operation of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs to neutralize a large currency dealer and black marketeer, who even has teeth - with double walls! Well, complete nonsense! “Our Sasha doesn’t smile anymore...” Then this was the pinnacle of custom journalism. Sharks of the pen worked for the KGB, ruining Sasha’s fate and reputation as honest man, in the eyes of the Soviet people, literally every comma"...

For KVN President Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, nothing in this life comes easy. He was born in 1941 in the Urals. The father went to the front, the mother raised her son alone. Maslyakov does not like to remember those hungry times. Arriving on TV, young Alexander heard: “An unsightly boy. Let's see what he can do." The student was able to pull himself together and show what he was capable of. It was for his talent that he was accepted. The host of the comedy program met his wife Svetlana at work. She was an assistant director. The girl did not pay attention to Alexander’s advances for a long time, but at one point she gave up. The Maslyakov couple have been living together for 40 years. When KVN was closed in 1971, rumors began to circulate that Alexander was sent to prison for currency fraud. Maslyakov was very worried about gossip. He assures that he did not break the law and was not in prison. The program was closed due to the fact that the government did not like the sharp jokes of the KVN members. In the 80s, KVN was revived. More than one generation has grown up watching the comedy program. KVN gave great amount artists. However, Maslyakov is disappointed in the quality of humor that the graduates of his program offer today. What upset him most was the Comedy Club, which is so popular today.