Buryat female names and their meanings. Buryat names and their meaning

She attracts him because she is not at all like him. The Leo man is looking for the best, and the Cancer woman is an example of femininity. She is quiet and calm, sentimental and sweet. He is noble and proud. They are drawn to each other because they are incomprehensible to each other. The Leo man becomes the center of gravity in this couple: it is he who sets the tone for the relationship and dictates the rules by which it will develop. The Cancer woman obediently follows where the Leo man directs her. And love itself, of course. Of course, he achieves her - in the nature of the Cancer woman there is expectation, contemplative inaction. She will not initiate meetings - rather, he will make sure that she agrees to meet with him again and again. Thus, in the relationship between a Cancer woman and a Leo man, the roles are distributed very naturally and harmoniously: she embodies the exceptional feminine principle, he embodies the masculine, strong and proactive.

She brings tenderness and affection, he brings passion and intensity. Most likely, the emotional side of them sex life the Cancer woman will be in charge, and material worries will fall on the shoulders of the Leo man. Well, he has all the means and internal qualities to provide them both with comfort, to make them intimate life bright and “comfortable”. The Cancer woman will easily relax her “fiery” partner and relieve the tension that he is used to accumulating. She is in no hurry to loosen up, he hurries her. Perhaps this could become a problem for both of them. But over time and thanks to the efforts (mainly of the Leo man), the issue of the Cancer woman’s emancipation will be resolved in the most favorable way - both will win.

Family and marriage

The Cancer woman strives for family. The Leo man is more interested in conquering rather than holding. Here, as we see, their goals do not quite agree, so on the issue of marriage, the Cancer woman and the Leo man may not come to a compromise. She will spur his desire to take possession of her completely, but he will try to get her without formalities. The one whose will is stronger will win. And it’s not a fact that this someone will be a Leo man. If they get married, it will be a union of two strong personalities, while his strength will be external, bright, somewhat ostentatious, and her strength will be secret, hidden, but no less powerful.

The friendship between a Cancer woman and a Leo man is warm. They give each other a lot: she warms him when his soul is cold, he gives her strength and confidence when she loses heart. The initiator of the meetings will most likely be the Leo man, and the Cancer woman will gladly support the idea of ​​going somewhere on Friday evening. Cancer woman can give wise advice to your fiery friend, if it comes to love or something important and serious, deeply personal.

Work and business

In work, these two will not always find a compromise. The fact is that their rhythms are very different: if the Cancer woman needs a quiet place with a minimum of people to work productively, then the Leo man needs an audience even during work. If they are working on the same project, she may be irritated by what she feels is his excessive pressure, and he may blame her for not being proactive enough. On the other hand, if each of them concentrates on their own strengths and will not pay attention to the partner’s mistakes, they may well end up with something special.

Compatibility horoscope: compatibility of zodiac signs Cancer man Leo woman - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Love compatibility of a couple Leo woman and Cancer man

This pair is often discussed by astrologers as one of the most favorable. There are numerous chances for a long and strong relationship between these two zodiac signs. Quarrels and conflicts in a couple will be so rare that you don’t even have to talk about them.

The Leo girl is an attractive and confident person, but she needs the admiration of her lover. A Cancer guy in love can be too soft and calm, which will surprise a woman. Dynamic and energetic, she can get tired of the calmness of her beloved and even consider him boring or tedious.

A couple will be ideal if both partners make every effort to ensure that their differences do not become a pitfall in their relationship.

Compatibility of a Leo woman and a Cancer man will not suffer if the man agrees to all educational measures on the part of his beloved. Every now and then she will create situations that will allow him to show his courage and leadership, but if he does not do this, he may simply disappoint the girl. He will not understand the reason for her anger - he will simply withdraw into himself. Leo does not accept this approach to problem solving.

Passionate relationships are the basis happy marriage?

How will marriage turn out for a couple of Leo woman and Cancer man?

Compatibility in marriage is completely uncertain. The Leo wife will attract her husband with her brightness and originality. Her personality is like a mystery to her husband.

A reliable Cancer husband will be the anchor of calm and harmony. She can get complete calm over a cup of tea with him.

Marriage compatibility between Leo and Cancer can be disrupted by living under the same roof. Completely different views on starting a family, family responsibilities, spending time together.

But if children are born into the family, then this can become a bringing factor together for the spouses. Mom Leo can become perfect mom, showing all your best best qualities. She is ready to devote a lot of time to her child and issues of his upbringing. The partner will be able to see the gentleness and care of his wife, which he had not even imagined before. The birth of a child will reveal all this in her.

But it is worth noting that a Cancer husband will also be an excellent father for a child. He will cope brilliantly with all his responsibilities. You can safely entrust him with raising a child. His responsibility will do the trick. Often, a child is very attached to such a father, not only in childhood, but also in adolescence.

Can one parent raise a child?

Find out what kind of colleagues the Leo woman and Cancer man will be

Professional compatibility is similar to ideal if Leo is the leader. He does not like routine, and a Cancer subordinate will gladly take on all the routine work. Only this can bring them closer together and establish excellent business relationship. But a subordinate should also remember something as important as a dispute with his boss. Under no circumstances should he get involved in disputes with Leo, for he is always right, even when he is wrong. The employee must come to terms with this.

A pedantic and demanding Cancer leader will worst enemy an employee who does not like reports and routine. The Leo subordinate will not tolerate constant pressure from the boss. He is ready to give up work and even quit stormy scandal At work.

Can an office romance have a serious continuation?

Can a Leo woman and a Cancer man hope for compatibility in friendship?

Compatibility in friendship between Leo and Cancer is neutral. She doesn't promise strong friendship, but does not cause complete rejection. They have few common interests and topics for discussion. Cancer is ready to enjoy poetry and history alone, but Leo will consider this boring and will be in constant search of adventure.

Can a friend become a loved one?

What is sexual compatibility if a Leo woman and a Cancer man are in the same bed?

Sexual compatibility between Leo and Cancer is not bad, but there are several pitfalls that both partners should be aware of. In general, sex can be enjoyable for both, but Cancer is still committed to a longer relationship, which can baffle Leo. Leo is ready to reconsider his attitude towards his partner if he exalts him and praises him.

Love horoscope. Cancer man - Leo woman

The Lioness woman dreams all her life of meeting a gentle and sensitive chosen one. And this dream of hers comes true the moment she meets the Cancer Man. He is the personification of her memorable girlish dreams. Her every desire does not go unnoticed. He is very attentive and becomes not only a lover for her, but also a friend. He takes care of her, but at the same time tries to use his power. However, she doesn't even notice it. Everything suits her. She still likes the way he treats her, he is romantic and when he is not there he can send SMS poems I miss her. From the moment they met, he protected her from all troubles and inappropriate people. She is a little girl for him, whom he not only protects, but also loves very much. And only from time to time some doubts settle in her soul, when she is afraid that she might lose him and then everything will change.

Throughout his life, along with attentiveness and reverence towards loved ones, the Cancer Man will display managerial qualities. He should be the main one, both in his life and in the lives of his loved ones. His Lioness companion will learn to understand him perfectly. Although over time she feels more and more in his power.

Compatibility of Leo woman and Cancer man: love union these people are complemented by the joy of physical intimacy. Everything depends only on them. A Cancer man and a Leo woman are a great complement to each other. In love she can be tender, romantic and passionate. It is these feelings that she gives to her Cancer, who is sometimes overly emotional and vulnerable. But more and more often, in intimacy, he shows depth of feelings, which she calmly and serenely accepts, feeling at the same time most desirable. Their mutual passion can work wonders. But still, even in this serene world, sometimes a small flame of discord will flare up. And it cannot be any other way. After all, these are Fire and Water, two perfect contrasts. At such moments, she sharply cools down not only towards him, but also towards everyone around her. And bed games cease to interest her for some time. It is difficult for his hot nature to understand such changes, and he gets angry. Without understanding the reasons, Cancer can rudely offend his chosen one. To prevent this from happening, they should find out in advance about the character of their significant other. And there are still so many secrets. Therefore, opening each of them, lovers Cancer and Lioness will experience the same tenderness and charm, due to the absence, which they suffered so much during the quarrel.

If life paths Leo women and Cancer men intersect, they almost always merge together, forming strong family. And this is no coincidence. Cancer is the most permanent sign, and the Lioness, having met a reliable man, wants to see herself only as a wife. IN family life she plunges headlong into it. She not only needs to take care of someone, but also to command someone. Her husband and children are suitable for this role. But sons or daughters will quickly fly out of their parents’ nest, so Cancer better think about her career or developing her talents. Otherwise, she will not be able to be happy, which means he will worry. Here, in a family haven, a catastrophe can occur. He leaves her for his own world, leaving her alone with her feelings. To kill his grief, Cancer may become addicted to an extra drink. He himself never agrees to reconciliation. She is waiting for the Lioness to do this, and it is very difficult for her, as the queen of animals, to do this. Therefore, the conflict continues indefinitely.

Compatibility of Cancer man and Leo woman in love and marriage


Psychological compatibility of Cancer men and Leo women in relationships

The Sun (Leo) and the Moon (Cancer) are two luminaries that divide the celestial sphere between themselves. Cancers reflect the optimism of their partners, making them excellent mirrors for royal Lviv. The happier the Leo woman is, the brighter the Cancer man shines!

Cancer men almost always have children; in addition, they have many friends, and among them they also count their dogs and representatives of the feline family. Due to their inherent sincerity, Leo women are often called the children of the zodiac - sometimes even infantile - but this is not the only reason, along which two given signs converge. Cancers, being water creatures, live in a world of emotions. They are distinguished by a durable shell that protects their vulnerable insides, and a tendency to restlessness. When a Cancer man and a Leo woman, radiating optimism, meet, mutual attraction arises almost instantly. If Leos are strong enough to continue to shine without being afraid to show their vulnerabilities, they will become those partners that Cancers cannot resist.

Sexual compatibility between Cancer men and Leo women

Cancers are incredibly suspicious and modest, and Leos pretend that they are not at all interested in the signs of attention shown to them. When Cancer men begin to look for approaches to Leo women - pretending not to notice the obvious interest in himself, - they, continuing to portray inaccessibility, indirectly make it clear to Cancers that they, in fact, can be allowed into the body. Encouraged in this way, Cancer men have the opportunity to quench the passion of hungry Leo women. The relationship between them remains wonderful until Leo becomes too demanding and irritable, which forces Cancer to retreat. After a certain time, one of them is the first to take a step towards reconciliation, unbridled passion flares up between them again, and the whole cycle is repeated from beginning to end.

Business compatibility between Cancer man and Leo woman

Business partnerships between these two are rarely productive and compatibility is problematic. The Leo woman will quickly get tired of the constant complaints and negative attitude of the Cancer man, who also wants to play the role of a fearless leader.

What a Leo woman needs to know about a Cancer man

One of the main attitudes of the Cancer man is maternal care for his partner. So, Leo woman, they will take care of you like a child, if you allow this, of course, but in return they will hope for help from you. Cancer men need to know that you can always cover their back in case unforeseen circumstances. They will certainly want to share with their partner the burden of responsibility for their well-being. life together(after all, they also perform protective functions). Cancer's mood is not always related to your words or actions, so don't take it personally. Cancer men themselves often do not know why they behave this way and not otherwise, however, if you present to your partner a plan to ensure his comprehensive safety, you will certainly receive an enthusiastic response from the latter.

What a Cancer man needs to know about a Leo woman

Cancers and Leos are not at all insensitive or evil; they just don't like it when someone prescribes what they should be like. In fact, they do not tolerate any kind of pressure from outside. In the event of a serious conflict with a Leo woman, you risk for some time (at least) saying goodbye to the feeling of security that so warms your soul. They are pleased to know that you value them highly, and in response to your disposition towards them, they will experience childlike, sincere delight. Anything you need. another baby! This is what you want, because then you can use approval as a means of managing your partner. Use it wisely: if you abuse your power, Leo women will slip away without warning.

Compatibility of Cancer man and Leo woman: chances for the future

The combination of these two is a beautiful sight. Cancer men are good mothers (regardless of gender), and Leo women are born kings. As long as Leos remain appreciative of Cancer's thoughtfulness, and Cancer encourages childish behavior in their partner, they will be charmed by each other. People of these signs need a comrade with whose help they can be convinced of the significance of their actions. The support of Cancer men is capable of pacifying the head of the pride, who is dangerous in his pride, and the praise of Leo women frees Cancers from their protective shells. When everything goes well, the rooms of their house are filled with laughter, but in case of any complications, each of them loses the “sun” or “moon”. which is quite tragic.

But let's not talk about sad things. Both the Cancer man and Leo woman value loyalty in their partners, and each fiercely defends the other. A sense of humor and mutual friendliness strengthen their relationship. This astrological combination - a fruitful combination of tolerance and encouragement - produces a union that can stand the test of time.

How compatible is a Cancer man in a love relationship with other horoscope signs?

How compatible is a Leo woman in a love relationship with other zodiac signs?

Partners Cancer - Leo

Zodiac compatibility horoscope

The lioness is thinking. The Cancer man is strange, gentle, sensitive. She doesn't know anyone who would be so attentive to her as a woman. He tries to dominate her, allowing her to make her own decisions. Of course, these are his moods. But he cares about her and actually considers her feelings. He lovingly and tenderly protects her from rude, vulgar and uncouth people who hurt her. This only happened in childhood. She had finally found someone who truly thought highly of her. However, something about their relationship bothers her. Something vague. It makes her feel awkward, like a whispered warning. But what is this warning about?

What she vaguely senses is the influence of the Basic (Cardinal) essence of Cancer. Cardinal sign- this is leadership, and astrologers never tire of reminding the Fire signs of this. This means that behind the gallantry and polite manners, behind all the chuckles, humor and gentleness, there is a person who is capable of skill. well, let's say, manage everything, including her life. He never shouts at her, does not become furious, demanding something for himself. The Leo girl is not afraid of an open and direct challenge; to some extent, it is even an incentive. But she feels that, albeit silent subconsciously, he gently guides her. Whether their kingdom is small or large, it will be governed in cooperation. She can go to all the balls, add one or two rubies to her tiara, she can even give all the orders around the house and decide which monograms would look best on linen and silverware. On special days, she can sit in front on a throne of roses and smile. But he will conduct all the real responsible affairs behind the scenes. Of course, her whims and whims will be fulfilled with loving indulgence, but from time to time her impulsiveness will be dampened by his foresight. This is a little unexpected for her, because she believed that this man would embody all the qualities of the Water sign - kindness, sympathy, gentleness, sensitivity, etc. But wait - he actually has all these virtues! What about leadership? What to do with it? Your Majesty Lioness, if you want a man with all these qualities, but lacking leadership, you will have to look for him among Pisces or Scorpios. Changeable Pisces will not try to rule you even in the most subtle, subtle ways, but they are not as reliable as your gentle Cancer. And although they are very smart and sensitive, they are very evasive. Scorpio will also not spend their life ruling over you. Scorpio is a permanent sign of Water. He will simply try to arrange your life, but if you accidentally hurt his pride or make him angry, Scorpio will sting you, which your gentle Cancer will never do. He may be offended and sit quietly in his shell, but he won't prick you when you least expect it. It is ruled by the Moon and will gently reflect your sunlight, illuminating you with it, and you will definitely understand the value of this reflection (a Leo man would not notice this). You were born under the Permanent sign of the organizer, so why don't you let him lead if it's so important to him? And at this time you will organize this leadership. It will not dim your light. It reflects it, remember? You are the Sun. He is the Moon. You are responsible for the day. He is overnight. Could this mean that the Leo woman will be happy to let her Cancer partner lead her through lunar paths love at night? Of course, but this could also mean that the Sun, commanding her, will give him warm surprise, the happiness of physical intimacy in daytime, in the light. The combination of the influences of the Sun and Moon will allow them to abandon old, hackneyed, meaningless rules in all areas of life. Lioness will awaken in Cancer such originality and courage that he could only dream of until her Sun merged with his Moon.

When I spoke of breaking the norm, I did not mean sexual promiscuity or “experiences” in the style of Sodom and Gomorrah or drunken orgies on the Greek Acropolis. This path leads to disappointment and real emptiness of both soul and body. I just wanted to talk about the mutual discovery that sex between a man and a woman can be fresh and new, and there is no need to always follow the meaningless habitual patterns implanted in our subconscious. The erotic and voluptuous can be mixed with special feelings and memories of barns with sweet-smelling hay, snow flakes on Christmas morning, the light of stars, dark, cool forests, a serene stream in the mountains, chicks of swallows, smoke from a burning tree. even about the smell of a newspaper brought from the veranda after a summer rain, as if ozone had been sprinkled among the special smell of fresh printing ink. it heralds the beginning of a new day.

This is what sex feels like when it's right and natural. The physical unity of a Cancer man and his Leo woman can be magical experience, because his sexual feelings are poetic and receptive, quiet and deep, and hers are blazing with strong desire, but sometimes serene and calm, like one of the August days. His emotional depth and her emotional warmth can make their union full of bliss, but it is still a union of Fire and Water, and it cannot be serene. Sometimes she becomes completely cold, almost frigid, if her pride is hurt by something, and he is capable of pouting, even crying or becoming rude and insensitive if he considers himself rejected, although the reason may be imaginary. He no more needs imaginary insults than she needs false pride. They both have other talents that they should remember. The main thing in their relationship is tenderness, and when it is absent, there is neither peace nor the joy of possessing each other.

His moods change along with the Moon. And all this is instantly transmitted to his mind and emotions. Of course, this worries her, and sometimes irritates and angers her. But the Lion's heart is big and generous, and it knows how to forgive, especially if it belongs to loving Lioness. Besides, she's not one to stay angry for long. Unless the Moon or the Ascendant are in her sign of Cancer - in this case (by the way, with exceptional compatibility) both will harbor grievances, but not against each other, but against those who are outside the circle of their love. That is why his mother should not be affected by anyone’s dissatisfaction or the slightest inattention. His mother was, is and will be a saint, regardless of whether she is canonized or not - the Lioness would do well to take note of this. If typical Leos do not cling to old grievances, then Cancers, unfortunately, hold on to them quite tenaciously. If Cancer learned generosity from Leo, he would be happier, and this is one of those things that astrology implies when it states that there are lessons that Cancer should not neglect.

When two people born under these signs get married (and this is probably what will happen, because Cancers are constant, and Lioness needs the role of a queen-wife, and not some kind of girlfriend). Cancer needs to know this: his sunny, charming partner must be in control of something. Or she will try to control someone, that is, him. (And, of course, children, but what will happen when they leave home? After all, they can give birth to a couple of Sagittarius boys, and some of them leave home very early.) A Cancer man who sincerely loves his Lioness is better off helping her a career worthy of her talents (no Lioness woman has ever been born without talents), or allow her to be the absolute (but benevolent) monarch of the house. Otherwise, she will be desperately unhappy, and he, the sad “lunar wanderer,” will not know where to get away from her powerful Sun. Perhaps he will drown his sorrows in wine or come up with something else like swimming around the cliffs on the coast at midnight. sometimes with a swim to a neighboring town, where he decides to stay until she apologizes. Considering that Leos hate apologizing, the siege will be long.

What kind of life is this if he ends up in a dim, shabby room alone with a bottle, and she, desperately trying to hide her pain, wanders around a large, comfortable and luxury home who has become so unnecessary without him? This raises the issue of ownership. Who will take care of the down quilt he inherited from his mother, his collection of Lincoln autographs, his collection of buttons, his fishing hooks, her hairdryer, her ruby ​​tiara, her oriental rugs, her peacock feathers, their dogs, cats and an aquarium, a dishwasher and an electric mower. a stereo system, a big car and a beach house that she gave him, and a small gold crescent moon amulet - his gift. (The two give different gifts. She is big, generous and extravagant. He is smaller, but lovingly chosen by his tender heart.) And finally, but that doesn't mean it's the least important, what about their shared checkbooks? and bills, insurance policies, annuities and real estate? God forbid you from this day of partition!

It’s better for her to calm down her pride, and for him to crawl out of his shell, it’s better for them to rise above the jungle and the ocean, above earthly grievances and find themselves again. in each other's arms. When Fire and Water, contrary to the laws of the elements, mix, an amazing unity is formed, which does not recognize any laws other than its own.

Compatibility Leo (woman) - Cancer (man)

This is an extremely difficult combination. Even if at first everything is smooth, even and conflict-free, later differences will inevitably appear and disagreements will inevitably arise.

Leo-Cancer compatibility: how to seduce a Cancer man?

Lionesses may not even pay attention to Cancer, who will seem somehow boring and faded to them, despite his amazing sense of humor. Therefore, the initiator of the beginning of a relationship is usually the Cancer man, who besieges the Leo woman with enviable patience until she deigns to turn her royal gaze on him. But often behind this behavior of the Lioness is not true indifference, but the correct strategy for conquering Cancer. Cancer likes women who will belong only to him. They are modest and sweet, and do not look like the royal bright Lionesses. So even if in fact Cancer is interested in Lioness, she should act as if she is not interested in relationships: Cancer, despite sensitivity and vulnerability, loves to conquer himself, and from a woman for Serious relationships expects modesty. This couple has interesting sexual relations: Cancer is very gentle and subtly feels the desires of her partner, and the Leo woman is passionate and temperamental. An exciting combination of Water and Fire.

What does an ideal couple look like: Leo woman – Cancer man?

What are the difficulties in a union between a Leo woman and a Cancer man?

Difficulties will arise after representatives of these zodiac signs decide to live together. The Lioness will soon discover that Cancer prefers to spend evenings at home, in the company of his woman or loved ones, while she herself loves to shine in public. Later, quarrels will arise when the Leo woman feels unnoticed pressure and hints from Cancer that it would be nice to appear at home more often than at work. Work is very important for Lioness - Cancer will have to come to terms with this, giving up even attempts to adjust the work schedule and plans of his chosen one. It is acute in this pair and financial issue: Leo often cannot understand the economical Cancer and considers him too tight-fisted. In turn, Cancer considers many of his companion’s expenses to be wastefulness and throwing money away. And if the Lioness spends Cancer’s stash on “these luxurious curtains,” a scandal will break out. By the way, the passionate, hot-tempered Lioness will have to subdue her ardor and choose expressions during a quarrel, especially when Cancer declares that his mother never threw money away: family for Cancer is sacred. So the Lioness should never insult another part of the shrine (one of the parts, of course, is the Lioness herself, and the other is the mother of the Cancer man).

First of all, sit down and think: do you really love this person? If the answer is yes, then all problems are solvable. Cancer and Lioness should talk frankly with each other, tactfully pointing out shortcomings and expressing dissatisfaction with the actions of the chosen one. Keyword- self-denial. Both partners will have to make concessions and reconsider some views. It’s great if both find one hobby for two: travel, photography or theater - then they will always have something to talk about and it will be easier to find a compromise between the home and social lifestyle. Cancer must also learn to respect the work of his Lioness and pacify his possessive feelings. Otherwise, conflicts on financial grounds cannot be avoided. The Leo woman must realize that Cancer is an owner, and all her shortcomings will be forgiven only as long as she remains faithful. Cheating is something that Cancer does not forgive. Now the question is: is the game worth the candle? Answer: definitely worth it. Perhaps, Leo just needs such a loyal, reliable and caring man as Cancer, who will idolize her and admire her radiance, without succumbing to her pressure.

Compatibility of Leo woman and Cancer man at work

Neutral combination. These people can work well together, but they rarely manage to sense each other's goals and aspirations and tune in to the same wavelength, despite the fact that both are excellent workers.

Compatibility of a Leo woman and a Cancer man – colleagues or partners

They do not understand each other, although they communicate calmly and neutrally. It will be better if everyone is busy with their own business or if they work in neighboring departments: then conflicts will not arise due to Leo’s excessive assertiveness and self-confidence.

When a Leo woman is a boss and a Cancer man is a subordinate

A very good combination. Lioness likes Cancer's diligence and hard work, his optimism and goodwill. She can be sure that this employee will convey all the information to her and will never let her down. However, you should not expect Aries fire or initiative from him, because this is Cancer.

When a Leo woman is a subordinate and a Cancer man is a boss

The Lioness likes her strict but fair bosses, who, noting her organizational skills, will allow her to move up the ranks. career ladder. It often happens that over time, the Lioness takes the place of her boss.

Compatibility of Leo woman and Cancer man in friendship

Most often, they are friends not because they have a similar lifestyle and interests, but because they can provide each other with the necessary moral support. This is a very unusual but intriguing combination. Cancer gives the Lioness support and empathy, he is ready to unselfishly admire her, raising her mood and self-esteem. The Lioness needs to be praised, but the Cancer friend knows how to be grateful and willingly recognizes the advantages of the Lioness and the importance of her help. Fire and inspiration from Leo make Cancer's life more interesting and prevent him from getting bogged down in the swamp. If these people have common hobbies, they will never get bored of each other. There will be quarrels, but this will not spoil the friendship. But their “halves” need not be afraid of betrayal: the attraction between Lioness and Cancer is not so strong that they want to move from friendship to a romantic relationship.

This union is based on the traditional arrangement of roles and responsibilities.

The Leo man fulfills his characteristic role as the head of the family.

  • Provides for family
  • Protects and protects your soul mate
  • Organizes family life
  • Solves family problems

Cancer woman plays the role of homemaker

  • Creates comfort and coziness in the home
  • Does household chores
  • Treats her husband with care and attention

It will be easy and simple for a Leo man and a Cancer woman.

  • She does not seek leadership in the family
  • There is no authority or rudeness in her
  • She is modest, submissive
  • I am completely ready to obey a man
  • Dedicate a lot of time to him
  • Show him care, affection, tenderness

The Leo man is like a godsend for her.

  • He knows how to be a leader
  • Find solutions from difficult situations
  • With him, a Cancer woman will feel protected
  • And secured

Cancer woman needs a strong man

  • Who could disperse her melancholy
  • Turn gray everyday life into a bright holiday
  • Make life richer with unforgettable experiences.

They both have:

  • Romance
  • Tenderness
  • Naturalness in behavior

IN this union each partner can develop their qualities and abilities to the maximum.

It is easier for a Leo man to achieve.

  • Authorities
  • Money
  • High social status

If there is a caring and economic woman nearby, Cancer. Skilled the best way create comfort in your home and preserve your acquired wealth. With her he feels more confident and calm.

A Cancer woman will be in love

  • Tender
  • caring
  • Economic
  • Modest
  • Sensitive
  • Emotional
  • Honest
  • Homemade
  • Affectionate
  • Feminine

A Leo man will be in love

  • Sincere
  • Open
  • Passionate
  • Generous
  • Inspired
  • Strong
  • Tender
  • Decisive
  • Romantic
  • Natural
  • Interesting
  • Gallant
  • Interesting
  • Creative

Cancer Woman and Leo Man Compatibility in Love Relationships – Cons

The main problems between them manifest themselves in the area of ​​emotions and feelings. The Cancer woman is very vulnerable and cannot always say what upset or offended her. He may hush up grievances, become isolated, which will be incomprehensible to the Leo man, and he will perceive it as women’s whims.

He looks at life optimistically and finds it difficult to understand the cause of grievances. And they can occur often, especially if the man is due to the impulsiveness and temper of the Leo man. He can be rude and tough, but he will quickly forget what he said. She will remember for a long time, chew on grievances.

She will have no less worries because of his love for a social lifestyle, for his habit of sitting with friends. She will only be at a loss as to where he is staying, whether he is really at an important event, or with another woman.

Thoughts that he might be having fun with another woman will arise often and cause jealousy. Moreover, if many women like him, which he himself does not hide, he wants to shine, to be admired and adored. Live a free life.

They have different attitude to rest. The Cancer woman prefers to relax in a calm home environment, in which the Leo man will be bored, he needs a holiday, fun, and her noisy parties are tiring.

Negative qualities of a Cancer woman

  • Suspiciousness
  • Vulnerability
  • Closedness
  • Stealth
  • Touchiness
  • Grudge
  • Slowness

Negative qualities of a Leo man

  • Coarseness
  • Rigidity
  • Impulsiveness
  • Authority
  • Hot temper
  • Self-confidence
  • Self-centeredness
  • Authoritarianism

Compatibility of Cancer women and Leo men in love

For better compatibility, it is useful for them to work on their character.

Cancer woman has more;

  • Pay attention to facts, not emotions
  • Control your emotions so they don’t control your mood
  • Be open, do not hush up grievances

A Leo man should show more:

  • Leniency
  • Weasels
  • Tenderness
  • Controlling your temper and impulsiveness
  • Ability to listen to others

Overall useful to him active life, if he does not find self-realization and his ambitions are not satisfied, then he will begin to show them at home, imperiousness will appear, intolerance towards other people's opinions, especially if they are completely at odds with his views.

The Cancer woman also needs to praise and admire her husband and in no case reproach or criticize, otherwise his feelings will quickly cool down.

See also How a Leo Man Loves How a Cancer Woman Loves

How a Cancer woman can conquer a Leo man

A Cancer woman can win a Leo man with the help of femininity, tenderness and admiration. Typically, young Leo men do not particularly appreciate the thriftiness and emotionality of the Cancer woman. But older Leo men, when they have a tangible income, have found themselves in a profession, self-realization, they will undoubtedly pay attention to the emotional, feminine and defenseless Cancer woman.

With her, he will be able to better realize his natural qualities of a leader, protector and provider. He needs a modest, calm, pliable woman who knows how to appreciate and idolize him. Then she is ready to do anything for her sake.

Cancer Woman and Leo Man in Bed

The compatibility of a Cancer woman and a Leo man in bed is quite ideal. They are romantic and tender lovers. Sex between them is filled with bodily pleasures, passions and feelings, which both really like.

True, the Leo man can sometimes be rough in bed, and he is too free life cause worry and jealousy to a Cancer woman, in which case interest in sex will decrease. In addition, old grievances can interfere and then there will be no pleasure from sex.

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in the formation of character, behavior, habits, and a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to know more detailed information about yourself or about a person you are interested in, use astrological services on our website.

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Modern male and female Buryat names have a very rich and unusual sound. They pleasantly surprise with their melody, originality and diversity. Among the currently popular Buryat names for boys and girls, there are not many originally national ones. Most of them are borrowed. However, those few popular names, which have been preserved since ancient times, continue to be actively used in our time. It is also worth noting the presence large quantity Buryat names borrowed from Buddhism and Sanskrit. Their importance in the national naming system is still quite large.

The meaning of Buryat names for girls and boys

Modern Buryat names for girls and boys have not only a diverse sound, but also a rich inner meaning. Depending on their meaning, they can be divided into several groups:

  1. Beautiful female and male Buryat names, meaning various internal and external qualities of a person. For example, Lubsama means “wise”, Vanchik = “powerful”, etc.
  2. Buryat names, the meaning of which is associated with natural phenomena, plants, animals, celestial bodies and so on. For example, Dolgeon is translated as “wave”, and Udbal is translated as “golden lotus”.
  3. Names denoting jewelry and various household items. For example, Urzhima means “diadem”, and Bolorma = “crystal”.
  4. Unusual female and male Buryat names, the meaning of which is associated with superstitions.
  5. Religious in nature.

For a more detailed acquaintance with Buryat names and their meaning, we suggest paying attention to the following lists.

List of the most beautiful Buryat names for boys

  • Azagra. From Buryat "stallion"
  • Babu. Buryat name for a boy. Meaning = "brave"
  • Bata. Translated into Russian it means “strong”
  • Boyan. Buryat male name meaning “rich”
  • Darkhan. From Buryat "blacksmith"
  • Zolto. Translated into Russian it means “lucky”
  • Madegma. From Tibetan "flower"
  • Mergen. Buryat name for a boy, meaning “sharp”
  • Turgen. Interpreted as “dexterous”/“fast”
  • Khurel. Male Buryat name meaning = “bronze”

List of original Buryat names for girls

  • Alima. Translated into Russian it means “knowledgeable”
  • Ayana. Buryat female name meaning "journey"
  • Bayarma. From Buryat “my joy”
  • Balma. Translated into Russian it means “rich”
  • Gohog. Female Buryat name meaning “beauty”
  • Garel. Interpreted as “illuminating”/“emitting light”
  • Solongo. Translated into Russian it means “rainbow”
  • Tuyana. Buryat name for a girl, meaning = “radiant”
  • Tsypelma. Interpreted as “she who multiplies life”
  • Yumzhana. Buryat girl name meaning “mother’s pride”

How to distinguish between male and female Buryat names

There are no categories of grammatical gender in the Buryat language. Because of this, it is quite difficult to distinguish from women's ones. The exception is words of Tibetan origin. In them feminine denoted by the endings “maa” and “suu”. In addition, today, under the influence of the Russian language, Buryat names for girls have begun to be distinguished by the final indicator “a”.

  • ABARMID(Sanskrit) - Transcendent. Buryat form from the Sanskrit word "paramita." This word means “gone to the other side” (i.e. to nirvana). The Buddhist sutras list 6 or 10 paramitas with the help of which one goes to nirvana: generosity, morality, patience, masculinity, contemplation, wisdom. Each paramita is used as names. See Sultim, Sodbo, etc.
  • ABIDA(Sanskrit) - Vast, immeasurable light. Amitabha is the name of one Dhyani Buddha. In Buryatia it is known as Abida, in Japan - Amida. In the teachings of Buddha, he is the lord of the paradise Sukhavadi (Divazhan).
  • AGVANDORZHO(Tib.) - Diamond lord of the word.
  • AGWANDONDOG(Tib.) - Well-meaning ruler of the word.
  • AGUANDONDUBE(Tib.) - The lord of the word who fulfills the desires of all living beings.
  • AGVAN(Tib.) - Lord of the word, possessing a beautiful and rich word. One of the names of Mandzushri Bodhisattva, personifying transcendental wisdom.
  • AGWANNIMA(Tib.) - Solar ruler of the word.
  • ADLIBESHE- Different, different.
  • ADYAA(Sanskrit) - Sun.
  • ANANDA(Sanskrit) - Joy. Name of Buddha Shakyamuni's Beloved Disciple. After his departure to nirvana, Ananda expounded from memory one of the main Buddhist canons, “Ganjur”.
  • AYDAR- Cute
  • ALAMZHA- The name of the hero of the Buryat epic.
  • ALDAR- Glory.
  • ALIMA- Apple.
  • ALTAN- Gold.
  • ALTANA- Gold.
  • ALTANGEREL- Golden light
  • ALTANSESEG- Golden flower.
  • ALTANTUYA- Golden Dawn
  • ALTAN SHAGAY- Golden ankle.
  • AMAR, AMUR- Peace, quiet.
  • AMARSANA, AMURSANA- Well-intentioned. The name of the national hero of Western Mongolia (Dzungaria). He led the liberation struggle against the Manchu-Chinese yoke in the 18th century.
  • AMGALAN- Calm, peaceful.
  • ANDAMA(Tib.) - Powerful. Epithet of the goddess Uma.
  • ANGIL(Tib.) - King of power, the name of the wish-fulfilling jewel. In Sanskrit CHINTAMANI.
  • ANGILMA(Tib.) - Lady. Same root as Anjeel.
  • ANJUR(Tib.) - Dominant, dominant.
  • ANZAD(Tib.) - Treasury of power.
  • ANZAMA(Tib.) - Well-behaved.
  • ANZAN(Tib.) - Well-behaved.
  • ANPIL(Tib.) - the same as Vampil.
  • ANCHIG(Tib.) - the same as Vanchig.
  • ARABJAY(Tib.) - The most popular, widespread.
  • ARDAN(Tib.) - Strong, mighty.
  • ARSALAN- A lion.
  • ARYA(Sanskrit) - Supreme, holy. Usually used before the names of Bodhisattvas, saints, and famous Buddhists.
  • ARYUUNA- Clean, bright.
  • ARYUUNGEREL- Clean, bright light.
  • ARYUUNSESEG- A clean, light flower.
  • ARYUUNTUYA- Clean, bright dawn.
  • ASHATA- All-Helping.
  • AYUNA(Turkic) - Ursa. Ayu is a bear. If you don’t agree with this, then OUUNA would be more correct.
  • AYUR(Sanskrit) - Life, age.
  • AYURZANA, AYURZHANA(Sanskrit) - Life wisdom.
  • AYUSHA(Sanskrit) - Life extension. Name of the deity of longevity.
  • AYAN- Journey.
  • AYANA(female) - Travel.
  • BAATAR- Bogatyr, shortened from the old Mongolian Bagatur. Russian word bogatyr also comes from the word bagatur.
  • BABU(Tib.) - Hero, brave man.
  • BABUDOROJO(Tib.) - Diamond hero.
  • BABUSENGE(Tib.) - Brave lion.
  • BAVASAN, BAASAN(Tib.) - Planet Venus, corresponds to Friday.
  • BADARA(Sanskrit) - Good.
  • BADARMA(Sanskrit) - Beautiful.
  • BADARKHAN- Prosperous.
  • BADARSHA(Sanskrit) - Petitioner.
  • BATLAY- Brave.
  • BADMA(Sanskrit) - Lotus. The image of a lotus in Buddhism symbolizes crystal immaculate purity, since a beautiful lotus has nothing in common with the mud of the swamp from which it grows, just like the Buddha who achieved nirvana, escaped from the swamp of samsara.
  • BADMAGARMA(Sanskrit-Tib.) - Constellation of lotuses.
  • BADMAGURO(Sanskrit) - Lotus teacher.
  • BADMARINCHIN(Sanskrit-Tib.) - Precious lotus.
  • BADMAZHAB(Sanskrit-Tib.) - Protected by the lotus.
  • BADMAKHANDA(Sanskrit-Tib.) - Lotus Dakini, heavenly fairy.
  • BADMATSEBEG(Sanskrit-Tib.) - Immortal lotus.
  • BADMATSEREN(Sanskrit-Tib.) - Lotus of long life.
  • BAZAR(Sanskrit) - Diamond. Buryat forum from Sanskrit "Vajra". This is one of the most important attributes of Tantrism, Vajra is a symbol of the indestructibility of the Teaching.
  • BAZARZHAB(Sanskrit) - Protected by a diamond.
  • BAZARSADA(Sanskrit) - The essence of a diamond.
  • BALAMZHI(Tib.) - Born of a diamond.
  • BALANSENGE(Tib.) - Diamond lion.
  • BALBARMA(Tib.) - Burning shine, radiance.
  • BALDAG- Thick, squat.
  • BALDAN(Tib.) - Glorious, magnificent.
  • BALDANDORZHO(Tib.) - Magnificent diamond.
  • BALDANZHAB(Tib.) - Protected by glory, greatness.
  • BALDANSENGE(Tib.) - Magnificent lion.
  • BAL DAR(Tib.) - Giver of happiness. Epithet of the Deity of Wealth. In Sanskrit Kubera, in Tibetan Namtosray. Buryat pronunciation Namsarai.
  • BALDORZHO(Tib.) - Diamond of greatness.
  • BALMA(Tib.) - Rich, shining, illustrious.
  • BALSAMBU(Tib.) - Exquisite.
  • BALSAN(Tib.) - Charming, beautiful.
  • BALTA- Hammer.
  • BAL KHAN- Plump.
  • BALZHID(Tib.) - Striving for prosperity.
  • BALZHIDMA(Tib.) - the same as Balzhid.
  • BALZHIMA(Tib.) - Magnificent.
  • BALZHIMEDEG(Tib.) - Flower of happiness.
  • BALZHIN(Tib.) - Giver of wealth.
  • BALZHINIMA(Tib.) - The sun of happiness.
  • BALZHIR(Tib.) - Wealth, brilliance, radiance.
  • BALZAN(Tib.) - Charming, beautiful
  • BALCHIN(Tib.) - Very rich, glorious.
  • BANZAN(Sanskrit) - Five.
  • BANZAR(Tib.) - Uniting force.
  • BANZARAGSHA(Sanskrit) - Five protectors.
  • BUNDY- Man, Boy.
  • BARAS- Tiger.
  • BATA- Sturdy, strong. The name of the grandson of Genghis Khan.
  • BATABAATAR- A strong, strong hero.
  • BATABAYAR- Strong joy.
  • BATABULAD- Strong steel.
  • BATABELIG- Solid wisdom.
  • BATABELEG- A strong gift.
  • BATADAMBA(Bur-Tib.) - Most Holy.
  • BATADORJO(bur-tib.) - Hard diamond.
  • BATADELGER- Strong bloom.
  • BATATOAD(bur-tib.) - Hard-protected.
  • BATAJARGAL- Strong happiness.
  • BATAZAYA- Strong fate.
  • BATAMUNHE- Eternal hardness.
  • BATASAIKHAN- Sturdy - beautiful.
  • BATASUKHE- A strong axe.
  • BATATU MAYOR- Hard iron.
  • BATASEREN- Longest-lived.
  • BATAERDENI- Solid jewel.
  • BATASHULUN- Hard stone.
  • ACCORDION- Rich.
  • BAYANBATA- Solidly rich.
  • BAYANDALAY- Rich sea, inexhaustible wealth.
  • BAYANDELGER- Rich flourishing.
  • BAYAR- Joy.
  • BAYARMA- Joy.
  • BAYARSAIKHAN- Beautiful joy.
  • BAYASKHALAN- Joy, fun.
  • BAYARTA- Joyful.
  • BIDIA(Sanskrit) - Knowledge. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "Vidya".
  • BIZYA(Sanskrit) - Knowledge.
  • BIMBA(Tib.) - Planet Saturn, corresponds to Saturday.
  • BIMBATOAD(Tib.) - Protected by Saturn.
  • BIMBATSEREN(Tib.) - Long life under the sign of Saturn. -
  • BIRABA(Sanskrit) - Frightening. The Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "Bhai-rava" is terrible. The name of one of the wrathful incarnations of Shiva.
  • BOLORMA- Crystal.
  • BORGON- Granite.
  • BUDA- Enlightened. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "Buddha". The name of the founder of Buddhism, the first of the 3 world religions.
  • BUDAJAB(Sanskrit.Tib.) - Protected by Buddha.
  • BUDATSEREN(Sanskrit.Tib.) - Long life of Buddha.
  • I WILL- National name folk hero Buryatia.
  • BUDON- The name of the famous Tibetan author of multi-volume historical works of the 14th century.
  • BUZHIDMA- the same as Butidma.
  • BULAD- Steel.
  • BULADBAATAR- Steel hero.
  • BULADSAYKHAN- Beautiful steel.
  • BULADTSEREN- Long life of steel.
  • BOOM(Tib.) - Girl, girl.
  • BUNAYA(Sanskrit) - Virtue, from the Sanskrit word "Punya".
  • BUTIDMA- Leading the son, the name is given to the daughter in the hope that a son will be born.
  • BUYAN, BUYANTA- Virtue.
  • BUYANBATA- Solid virtue.
  • BUYANDELGER- The flourishing of virtue.
  • BUYANKHESHEG- Virtuous well-being.
  • BURGED- Eagle, golden eagle.
  • BELIG, BELIGTE- Wisdom.
  • BELIGMA- Wisdom.
  • BELEG- Present.
  • VAMPIL(Tib.) - Increaser of power
  • VANDAN(Tib.) - Possessing power.
  • VANGIL(Tib.) - the same as Anzhil.
  • VANJUR(Tib.) - Ruler.
  • WANZAN(Tib.) - Owner.
  • BANCHIK(Tib.) - Powerful.
  • GABA,GAVA(Tib.) - Happy, joyful
  • GADAMBA(Tib.) - Instructor.
  • GADAN(Tib.) - Joyful. This is the name of the abode of the gods, the world of the gods in Sanskrit Tushita. In Tushita, Bodhisattvas spend their penultimate life before descending to earth. Shakyamuni Buddha placed his crown on the head of Maitreya (Maidar), the Buddha of the coming kalpa.
  • GAZHIDMA(Tib.) - Generating admiration.
  • GALDAMA- The name of the Dzungar (Western Mongolian) hero who fought against the Manchu-Chinese invaders in the 17th century.
  • GALDAN(Tib.) - Having a blessed fate.
  • GALZHAN(Tib. female) - Gracious, happy. The name of the goddess of good fortune is Byagavati.
  • GALSAN(Tib.) - good fate. This usually means the blessed world order, kalpa.
  • GALSANDABA(Tib.) - Good fate, born under the Moon.
  • GALSANNIMA(Tib.) - Good fate, born under the Sun.
  • GALSHI, GALSHI(Tib.) - Great destiny, happy.
  • GAMA(Tib.) - female form from Gaba.
  • GUMBAL(Tib.) - Shining happiness.
  • GAMPIL(Tib.) - Multiplying joy.
  • GAN- Steel.
  • GANBAATAR- Steel hero
  • GANBATA- Strong steel.
  • GANBULAD- Highly hardened steel.
  • GANSUHE- Steel axe.
  • GANTUMER- Steel iron.
  • GANHUYAG- Steel chain mail, steel armor.
  • GANJIL(Tib.) - Joy, happiness.
  • GANJIMA(Tib.) - Born of snow. Epithet of the goddess Uma.
  • GANZHUR(Tib.) - The name of the Buddhist canon "Tangzhur", consisting of 108 volumes that contain over 2000 sutras.
  • GARMA(Tib.) - Star, constellation.
  • GARMAS(Tib.) - Female form of Garm.
  • HARMAGETOAD(Tib.) - Protected by a star.
  • GATAB(Tib.) - Having achieved joy; ascetic, hermit, monk.
  • GENIN(Tib.) - A friend of virtue, close to piety. Genin
  • GENINDARMA(Tib.) - Young friend of virtue.
  • GOMBO(Tib.) - The name of the patron, protector, keeper of the faith.
  • GOMBOTOAD(Tib.) - Protected by the guardian, defender of the faith.
  • GOMBODORJO(Tib.) - Diamond guardian, defender of the faith.
  • GOMBOTSEREN(Tib.) - Long life as a guardian, defender of the faith.
  • GONGOR(Tib.) - White guardian.
  • GONCHIG(Tib.) - Jewel.
  • GOOHON- Gorgeous.
  • GUMPIL(Tib.) - Increases everything.
  • GUNGA(Tib.) - Joy, fun. Is the Tibetan translation of Anand.
  • GUNGAZHALSAN(Tib.) - A joyful symbol, a sign of victory.
  • GUNGANIMA(Tib.) - Joyful sun.
  • GUNGANIMBU(Tib.) - Generous joy.
  • GUNDEN(Tib.) - Pious, devout.
  • GUNDENSAMBU(Tib.) - Good in all respects. Name of Adi Buddha Samantabhadra.
  • GUNZHID(Tib.) - Pleasing everyone.
  • GUNZEN(Tib.) - All-encompassing, all-powerful.
  • GUNSEN(Tib.) - The best of all.
  • GUNSEMA(Tib.) - Female form of Gunsen.
  • GUNTUB(Tib.) - Conqueror of all.
  • GUNCHEN(Tib.) - Omniscient, omniscient.
  • GURGHAM(Tib.) - Dear.
  • GURE(Sanskrit) - Teacher, spiritual mentor. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "Guru."
  • GUREBAZAR(Sanskrit) - Diamond teacher.
  • GUREDARMA(Sanskrit.Tib.) - Young teacher.
  • GUREZHAB(Sanskrit.Tib.) - Protected by the teacher.
  • GURERAGSHA(Sanskrit) - Patronage of the Teacher.
  • GYMA(Tib.) - Peace, tranquility.
  • GEGEEN- Enlightened. Used as a title for high lamas in Mongolia. For example, Bogdo-gegeen, Under-gegeen.
  • GELEG(Tib.) - Happiness, luck, prosperity.
  • GELEGMA(Tib.) - Female form of Geleg.
  • GAMPEL."GAPEL(Tib.) - Multiplying happiness.
  • GEMPELMA, GEPELMA(Tib.) - Female form Gampel, Gepel.
  • GERELMA- Light.
  • GESER- The name of the hero of the Buryat epic of the same name.
  • DABA(Tib.) - Moon.
  • DABAZHAB(Tib.) - Protected by the Moon.
  • DABATSEREN(Tib.) - Long life under the moon.
  • DAGBA(Tib.) - Pure.
  • DAGBAJALSAN(Tib.) - Blank sign victory.
  • DAGDAN(Tib.) - Famous, famous.
  • DAGZAMA(Tib.) - Holding glory. The name of the wife of Prince Siddhartha, who was famous for her beauty, wisdom and virtue.
  • DAGMA(Tib.) - Famous.
  • COME ON- Ocean, sea.
  • DALBA(Tib.) - Silence, peace.
  • DAM(Tib.) - Exalted, excellent, holy.
  • DAMBADORJO(Tib.) - Sacred diamond.
  • DAMBADUGAR(Tib.) - Sacred white umbrella.
  • DAMBANIMA(Tib.) - Sun of holiness.
  • DAMDIN(Tib.) - Having the neck of a horse. Tibetan name for the deity Hayagriva.
  • DAMDINTSEREN(Tib.) - Long life of one who has the neck of a horse.
  • DUMPIL(Tib.) - Prosperous happiness.
  • DANDAR(Tib.) - Spreading the teachings.
  • DANGUR(Tib.) - The name of the Buddhist canon "Danzhur", consisting of 225 volumes, including about 4000 sutras.
  • DANZAN(Tib.) - Holder of the Buddha's Teachings, this is part of the names of the 14th Dalai Lama, but in the sound Tenzin.
  • DANSARAN(Tib.) - Saint, sage.
  • DUNSWROON(Tib.) - Guardian of the Teaching.
  • DARA(Sanskrit) - Liberator. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "Tara". Dara and Dari are the names of the Green and White Thar.
  • DARZHA(Tib.) - Rapid development, prosperity.
  • GIVE(Sanskrit) - Liberator. The name of White Tara.
  • DARIZHAB(Sanskrit.Tib.) - Guarded by White Tara.
  • DARIMA(Sanskrit) - The same as Dari.
  • DARIKHANDA(Sanskrit.Tib.) - Heavenly liberator.
  • DARMA(Tib.) - Young, young.
  • DARKHAN- Blacksmith.
  • DASHI(Tib.) - Happiness, prosperity, prosperity.
  • DASHIBAL(Tib.) - The sparkle of happiness.
  • DASHIBALBAR(Tib.) - The radiance of happiness.
  • DASHIGALSAN(Tib.) - Happy fate in prosperity.
  • DASHIDONDOK(Tib.) - Creator of happiness.
  • DASHIDONDUB(Tib.) - Happy, fulfilling the aspirations of all living beings.
  • DASHIDORZHO(Tib.) - Lucky diamond.
  • DASHIDUGAR(Tib.) - Lucky white umbrella.
  • DASHIZHAB(Tib.) - Protected by happiness.
  • DASHIJAMSA(Tib.) - Ocean of happiness.
  • DASHIZEBGE(Tib.) - Folded happiness.
  • DASH IM A(Tib.) - Happy.
  • DASHINAMZHIL(Tib.) - Benevolent.
  • DASHINIMA(Tib.) - Happy sun.
  • DASHIRABDAN(Tib.) - Lasting happiness.
  • DASHITSEREN(Tib.) - The happiness of a long life.
  • DIMED(Tib.) - Pure, unsullied. Epithet of Buddha.
  • DOGSAN(Tib.) - Magic peak.
  • DOLGOR, DOLGORMA(Tib.) - White liberator. Tibetan name for White Tara.
  • DOLGEON- Wave.
  • MUST(Tib.) - Green liberator. Tibetan name for Green Tara.
  • SHOULD(Tib.) - Delivering, saving.
  • DONGARMA(Tib.) - White-faced.
  • DONDOK(Tib.) - Well-intentioned.
  • DONDUB(Tib.) - Fulfilling the desires of all living beings. Tibetan translation of Sanskrit "Siddhartha." The name of Buddha Shakyamuni given to him at birth.
  • DONID(Tib.) - The essence of emptiness.
  • DONIR(Tib.) - Caring about meaning.
  • DORZHO(Tib.) - Diamond. Literally "prince of stones." Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit word "Vajra."
  • DOROZHOBAB(Tib.) - Protected by a diamond.
  • DORZHOKHANDA(Tib.) - Diamond Dakinia. The name of one of the 5 main Dakinis.
  • DUBSHAN(Tib.) - Great yogi.
  • DUGAR(Tib.) - White umbrella.
  • DUGARJAB(Tib.) - Protected by a white umbrella.
  • DUGARMA(Tib.) - White umbrella. The name of Dakini Sitapatra, who protects from diseases and misfortunes. Especially children.
  • DUGARTSEREN(Tib.) - Long life under the protection of the White Umbrella (Sitapatra).
  • DUGDAN(Tib.) - Kind, merciful, compassionate.
  • DUL MA(Tib.) - Liberator. Has the same meaning as Dara.
  • DULSAN(Tib.) - the same meaning as Dulma.
  • DULMAZHAB(Tib.) - Protected by the Liberator.
  • DUNGIT(Tib.) - Generator of desires.
  • DUNZEN(Tib.) - Holder of time. Epithet of Yamaraja (in Buryat Erlig-nomun-khan), the lord of the dead.
  • DEJIT(Tib.) - Bliss, well-being.
  • DELGER- Spacious, extensive.
  • DELEG(Tib.) - Peace, happiness.
  • DEMA(Tib.) - Satisfied, prosperous.
  • DEMBEREL(Tib.) - Omen.
  • DEMSHAG, DEMCHOG(Tib.) - Highest happiness. The name of the most important tantric deity-yidam Samvara, who lives on Mount Kailasa.
  • DENJIDMA(Tib.) - Support, epithet of the earth, globe.
  • DENSEN(Tib.) - Good truth.
  • DENSAMA(Tib.) - female form of Densen.
  • DESHIN(Tib.) - Great good.
  • ENDON(Tib.) - Dignity; virtue; knowledge.
  • ENDONJAMSA(Tib.) - Ocean of knowledge.
  • YESH, YESHI(Tib.) - Omniscience, Perfection of wisdom.
  • YESHIJAMSA(Tib.) - Ocean of perfect wisdom.
  • YESHIDORZHO(Tib.) - Diamond of perfect wisdom.
  • YESHIDOLGOR(Tib.) - Omniscient white liberator.
  • YESHINKHORLO(Tib.) - Wheel of omniscience.
  • TOAD(Tib.) - Protection, patronage, refuge. Epithet of Buddha.
  • ZHADAMBA(Tib.) - 8 thousandth. Short name abbreviated to 8,000 version of prajna-paramita.
  • ZHALMA(Tib.) - Queen. Epithet of the goddess Uma.
  • ZHALSAB(Tib.) - Regent, viceroy. Epithet of Maitreya Buddha.
  • ZHALSAN(Tib.) - Symbol, sign of victory. Buddhist attribute: a cylindrical banner made of colored silk; These kinds of banners are attached to flagpoles or worn during religious processions. Also one of the 8 good emblems.
  • ZHALSARAY(Tib.) - Prince, prince.
  • JAMBA(Tib.) - Mercy, kindness. The name of the future Buddha Maitreya.
  • ZHAMBAL(Tib.) - Beneficent. Bodhisattva's name is Mandzushri.
  • ZHAMBALDORZHO(Tib.) - Blessing diamond.
  • ZHAMBALJAMSA(Tib.) - Beneficial Ocean.
  • JAMSA(Tib.) - Sea, ocean. Buryat pronunciation of the Tibetan word Gyatso. Included as a mandatory name in the names of the Dalai Lamas and other great lamas.
  • ZHAMSARAN(Tib.) - Deity of warriors.
  • JAMYANG(Tib.) - Euphonious. Epithet Mandzushri.
  • ZHANA(Sanskrit) - Wisdom. From the Sanskrit word "Jnana".
  • ZHANCHIB(Tib.) - Enlightened. Tibetan translation of the word "bodhi." The first meaning is translated as enlightened, and the second as the tree of wisdom (fig tree), under which Shakyamuni Buddha achieved enlightenment.
  • ZHARGAL- Happiness.
  • JARGALMA- Happiness (female name).
  • ZHARGALSAIKHAN- Beautiful happiness.
  • ZHIGDEN(Tib.) - Universe.
  • ZHIGZHIT(Tib.) - Frightening guardian of faith.
  • ZHIGMIT(Tib.) - Fearless, brave; Indestructible.
  • ZHIGMITDORZHO(Tib.) - Fearless diamond; Indestructible diamond.
  • ZHIGMITSEREN(Tib.) - Indestructible long life.
  • JIMBA(Tib.) - Alms, alms, donation. Generosity is one of the 6 paramitas, see Abarmid.
  • JIMBAJAMSA(Tib.) - Ocean of generosity.
  • ZHUGDER(Tib.) - Ushnisha (growth on the crown of the Buddha as one of his wonderful signs of enlightenment).
  • ZHUGDERDIMED(Tib.) - Pure, unsullied ushnisha.
  • JUMBRUL(Tib.) - Magic, magic.
  • ZHUMBRULMA(Tib. female) - Magic, magic.
  • ZHEBZEN(Tib.) - Venerable, reverend (in relation to hermits, saints, learned lamas.)
  • ZHEBZEMA(Tib.) - female form of Zhebzen.
  • ZANA- the same as Zhana.
  • ZANABADAR(Sanskrit) - Good wisdom.
  • ZANABAZAR(Sanskrit) - Diamond of wisdom. The name of the first Mongolian god Dzhebzundam-ba, popularly nicknamed Under-gegeen.
  • ZANDAN(Sanskrit) - Sandalwood.
  • ZANDRA(Sanskrit) - Moon. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "chandra".
  • ZAYATA- Happy fate.
  • ZODBO, SODBO(Tib.) - Patience, patience is one of the 6 paramitas, see Abarmid.
  • ZOLTO- Lucky, happy.
  • GOLDEN- Happy fate.
  • ZORIG, 30RIGT0- Brave, brave.
  • SOUNDS(Tib.) - Diligent, diligent, diligent.
  • ZEBGE(Tib.) - Folded, ordered.
  • IDAM(Tib.) - Contemplated deity. In Tantrism, a protective deity, which a person chooses as his patron, either for life or for individual (special) cases.
  • IDAMTOAD(Tib.) - Protected by a contemplative deity.
  • LAYDAB(Tib.) - The one who accomplished the deeds.
  • LIZHIT(Tib.) - Happy karma.
  • LAJITHANDA(Tib.) - Happy karma of Dakini.
  • LAMAZHAB(Tib.) - Protected by the highest.
  • LENKHOBO- Lotus.
  • LOBSAN, LUBSAN(Tib.) - Wise, learned.
  • LUBSANBALDAN(Tib.) - Glorious wise.
  • LUBSANDORZHO(Tib.) - Wise diamond.
  • LUBSANZEREN(Tib.) - Wise long life.
  • LUBSAMA(Tib.) - Wise, learned.
  • LODY(Tib.) - Wisdom.
  • LODOYDAMBA(Tib.) - Holy wisdom.
  • LODOYJAMSA(Tib.) - Ocean of wisdom.
  • LODON(Tib.) - Wise.
  • LODONDAGBA(Tib.) - Sacred wisdom.
  • LONBO(Tib.) - High-ranking official, adviser.
  • LOPPED(Tib.) - With a developed mind.
  • LOSOL(Tib.) - Clear mind.
  • LOCHIN, LOCHON(Tib.) - Gifted, talented, with great mental abilities.
  • LUDUP(Tib.) - Received siddhi from the nagas. The name of Nagarjuna, a great Indian teacher in the 2nd-3rd century.
  • LHASARAI(Tib.) - Tsarevich, prince, literally - the son of a deity.