To meet me clean and clear. Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence

Our expert, head of the environmental safety department at Tyumenenergo, talks about the company’s environmental activities. Elena Karankevich:

- Subject world day environment 2018 - Fight Plastic Pollution - calls on us all to unite to fight one of the greatest environmental challenges of our time. The theme was chosen by India - it was this country that took up the baton for Environment Day this year. She calls on governments, industry, the public and each of us to come together to discuss possible alternatives and urgently reduce the production and overuse of single-use plastics that pollute the oceans. wildlife and threatens human health.

For your information:

· 500 billion plastic bags are used worldwide every year

· More than 8 million tons of plastic enter the oceans every year. It's a full garbage truck every minute

· Humanity has produced more plastic in the last 10 years than in the last century

Half of all plastic used is single-use

1 million plastic bottles are sold every minute worldwide

· Plastic makes up 10% of all waste that humanity generates

Vladimir Burmatov
, Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Russian Federation on Ecology and Environmental Protection:

– I consider the plastic problem to be one of the main environmental threats to the world as a whole and to the nature of our country as well. We will have to study and evaluate the experience of the European Union in banning plastic products (including tableware) from the point of view of effectiveness. But before similar decisions are made, we have to solve a more pressing problem - separate waste collection and recycling of the same plastic that has already been thrown away. For now, plastic processing capacities in Russia are underutilized, and factories built to recycle plastic are idle without raw materials. Regions are in no hurry to separate waste collection and recycling.

What steps is Russia taking?

The issue of eliminating unauthorized landfills within city boundaries is raised in the May Decree of President Vladimir Putin “On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024.” Thus, in terms of environmental policy, the President set specific tasks with a deadline of 2024.

In particular, the Government must formulate a comprehensive waste management program, including not only the elimination of landfills, but also the reclamation of the areas where they are located, as well as the creation of conditions for the recycling of all production and consumption waste prohibited from disposal.

Thus, modern infrastructure must provide all conditions for the safe handling of waste of hazard classes I and II. And the formation of a public control system should help prevent the emergence of unauthorized dumps and increase the responsibility of organizations for improper waste management.

What does Tyumenenergo do?

The current Environmental Safety Program runs until 2019 and contains more than 130 activities total cost about four billion rubles. The harmful impact on the environment is systematically reduced with the help of environmental technologies and modern equipment, and the collection of waste transferred for recycling.

An integral part of Tyumenenergo’s green policy are environmental education activities for personnel, as well as the population, including children, in the regions where the energy company operates. These activities are aimed at creating careful attitude to nature.

Tyumenenergo employees actively support cleanup days at the enterprise, activities for landscaping areas and planting trees and shrubs. Several hundred thousand young trees have been planted over the past five years in specially designated areas as compensation for cutting down during the construction of new power lines and clearing power line routes. Thousands of seedlings were planted by employees of all branches of the company in cities and towns during promotions dedicated to various events. Work is being carried out at a high level to account for and control secondary generated resources.

Energy company employees have become more careful with water resources. In 2017 compared to previous year water consumption per worker decreased by 13%.

Tyumenenergo employees also care about preserving the unique world of birds in the region. In 2017, 3,087 bird protection devices were installed on 110 kV overhead lines. And in 2018, it is planned to install more than 4,000 devices that will protect the lives of birds and reduce the number of emergency shutdowns.

Waste disposal at Tyumenenergo in 2017:

All Tyumenenergo branches are equipped with storage areas for oil-filled equipment and temporary accumulation of production waste. Tyumenenergo specialists use modern innovations to prevent environmental pollution. The company spends about 4 million rubles annually on eliminating equipment leaks and purchasing absorbents and metal polymers to clean up accidental oil spills.

The amount of Tyumenenergo waste generated as a result of production and economic activities in 2016-2017:

Waste class 2016 2017
Hazard class I (mercury lamps) 4.2 t 3 t
II hazard class (accumulators, batteries 11.4 t 7.8 t
III hazard class (oils, oil filters) 190.1 t 149 t
IV hazard class (garbage from household premises, tires, office equipment waste, construction waste) 1092.6 t 856.9 t
Hazard class V (ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal, woodworking waste, glass and porcelain insulation waste) 2762.3 t 3131.5 t
Total waste generated 4060.8 t 4148.4 t
Placed on landfills 2810.7 t 2460, t
Disposed of 1516.2 t 1776.7 t

Can't reuse? Refuse!

There are many ways to combat plastic pollution, from stopping the use of disposable tableware and bringing your own mug to work to forcing local authorities to improve their waste management. Here are some simple methods that anyone can use:

· Use your own reusable shopping bags

· Refuse products with plastic packaging materials and buy those that are in eco-friendly packaging

· Do not litter while walking and encourage others to do the same; if possible, remove all plastic that you encounter on the way to the trash container.

Elena Karankevich, Head of the Environmental Safety Department of Tyumenenergo JSC:

– The company’s ecologists are distinguished by high-quality implementation of assigned tasks and large-scale information and explanatory work. After all, first of all, the moment of personal responsibility of everyone to themselves and to nature is important. Environmental protection, improvement environmental situation throughout the planet are related to how each of us behaves in Everyday life. Yes, I have global problems, which we cannot solve to the common man, even Greenpeace fails to do this. However, each of us is fully capable of at least a little improving the condition of the planet. Just take a few steps.

Lipetsk region

Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence

Didactic material

I. Placement of commas and semicolons

Comma placed in the non-union complex sentence to separate parts that are closely related to each other (a union can be placed between them And ) and denoting simultaneously or sequentially occurring events.

Cannonballs are rolling, bullets are whistling, cold bayonets are hanging. (A. Pushkin)

Semicolon is placed in the case when the parts of a non-conjunct complex sentence are less connected with each other (in meaning and intonation they are close to independent sentences), as well as when the parts are already common (have commas) or are grouped according to meaning (in this case, the use of a comma between the parts of a non-conjunctive complex sentences is an insufficient sign).

The morning is magnificent; the air is cool; the sun is low.(I. Goncharov) The pale gray sky became lighter, colder, and bluer; the stars blinked with faint light and then disappeared; the ground became damp, the leaves began to fog up, in some places living sounds and voices began to be heard. (I. Turgenev)

Exercise 1. Read the text. Observe the intonation, stylistic features of non-conjunctive complex sentences, justify the use of commas and semicolons.

It's fun 2 to make your way 6 along the narrow 6 path 6 between two walls of high 3 rye. Ears of corn quietly hit 1 you in the face, cornflowers cling 6, 2 to your legs, quails scream all around, the horse runs at a lazy 2 trot. Here is the forest. Shadow and silence. Stately 5 aspens babble high 6 above you 3; the long hanging branches of the birches barely move 6; a mighty oak tree stands like a fighter next to a beautiful linden tree 4, 7.

(I. Turgenev)

Attention! Parts of a non-conjunct complex sentence separated by a semicolon are pronounced with a lower voice towards the end of the part (almost like a period) and significant pauses between parts. The rate of speech in such sentences is usually slow.

Given this information, prepare expressive reading text by I. Turgenev. Try to feel the mood that the author conveys.

    Determine which language means expressiveness is used in the last sentence.

    Choose a synonym for the word stately.

    Indicate the types of one-part sentences. What is their role in the text?

Task 2. Read the non-union complex sentences and find in them grammar basics. Decide in which non-union complex sentences you need to put a comma between the parts, and in which you need a semicolon. Justify your choice.

Write down the sentences using punctuation marks. Fill in the missing letters and open the brackets.

1) Meanwhile, the night was falling and growing like a thundercloud, it seemed, along with the evening vapors, to rise from everywhere and even (from) the darkness to rise. 2) Everything around quickly turned black and faded away; only the birds screamed occasionally. 3) Already I (with) difficulty distinguished separate objects; the field shone indistinctly around (behind) it (with) every moment the gloomy darkness rose up in huge clouds. 4) One gentle hill gave way to another and endless bushes seemed to rise up from the ground right in front of my nose. 5) Everywhere, large drops of river sparkled like radiant diamonds, clean and clear, as if they had also been washed in the cold morning (n, nn), the sounds of a bell came to me. 6) The wind fell as if its wings folded and froze with a soulful warmth wafting from the ground. 7) The night's heavy and damp breath puffed into my hot (n, nn) ​​face, it seemed that a storm was getting ready, black clouds were growing and crawling across the sky, visible to my eyes, smoky faces.

(I. Turgenev)

1) Meanwhile, the night was approaching and growing like a thundercloud; It seemed that, along with the evening vapors, darkness was rising from everywhere and even pouring from above. 2) Everything around quickly turned black and died down, only the quails screamed occasionally. 3) I already had difficulty distinguishing distant objects; the field was vaguely white around; behind it, looming in huge clouds every moment, rose the gloomy darkness. 4) One gentle hill gave way to another, fields stretched endlessly after fields, bushes seemed to suddenly rise out of the ground right in front of my nose. 5) Everywhere large drops of dew began to glow like radiant diamonds; The sounds of a bell came towards me, clean and clear, as if also washed by the morning cool. 6) The wind fell, as if folded its wings, and froze; the fragrant warmth of the night wafted from the earth. 7) The night smelled heavy and damp on my heated face; it seemed that a thunderstorm was brewing; black clouds grew and crawled across the sky, apparently changing their smoky outlines.

(I. Turgenev)

Task 3. (Formation of speech and punctuation skills.) Continue the sentences so that you get compound ones without conjunctions: a) with a comma; b) with a semicolon.

1) The sky in the east began to darken...
2) The lights came on in the evening streets...
3) Lightning flashed almost continuously...
4) The river overflowed greatly during the flood...
5) There was thunder behind the village...
6) All nature breathes freshness...
7) The air is clean and transparent...

Task 4. Prepare to read the text expressively, paying attention to intonation and choice of punctuation marks in sentences.

Do you know what pleasure leave in the spring before dawn? You go out onto the porch... On dark gray sky here and there stars blink; damp breeze occasionally comes in a light wave; a restrained, unclear whisper is heard nights; the trees make a faint noise, bathed in shadow... Behind the fence, in the garden, he snores peacefully watchman; every sound seems to stand in frozen air, stands and doesn't work. So you sat down; the horses started moving at once, the cart rattled loudly... You are a little cold, you cover your face overcoat collar; to you dozing... But now you’ve gone about four miles... The edge of the sky turns red; jackdaws wake up in the birch trees, awkwardly fly; sparrows chirp near the dark stacks. It's getting brighter air, the road is clearer, becomes clearer the sky, the clouds are white, the fields are green. In the huts with red fire are burning splinters can be heard outside the gates sleepy vote. Meanwhile the dawn flares up; here are the golden stripes stretched out steam swirls across the sky, in the ravines; larks they sing loudly, predawn the wind blew and quietly floats up crimson Sun. The light will just flow in like a stream; the heart is in you perks up, like a bird. Fresh, fun, love!.. The sun is fast rises; the sky is clear... You climbed the mountain... What a view! River curls about ten versts, dimly blue through the fog; for her watery green meadows; beyond the meadows gentle hills; peewits screaming in the distance curl above swamp; through the damp shine diffused in the air, the distance clearly appears... How freely the chest breathes, how cheerfully moving members like getting stronger the whole person covered fresh breath of spring!..

(I. Turgenev)

    Title the text and determine its main idea.

    How many paragraphs can be identified in this text?

    What is the role of non-union complex sentences in the text?

    What explains the differences in the placement of punctuation marks (commas and semicolons) between parts of non-conjunct complex sentences?

    What means of expression did the author use?

    Explain the spellings in the highlighted words.

    Compose a short text using non-conjunct compound sentences with a semicolon and a semicolon, on one of following topics:

1. Before a thunderstorm.
2. Early in the morning.
3. Summer evening.
4. Blizzard.
5. Leaf fall.

II. Colon placement

Colon between parts of a non-union complex sentence is placed in the following cases:

1. If there is a causal relationship between the parts (the second sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first sentence), in this case conjunctions can be placed before the second part because, since .

One should never boast about ignorance: ignorance is powerlessness.(N. Chernyshevsky)

2. If there are explanatory relations between the parts (the second part explains, concretizes the expressed thought of the first part), in this case explanatory conjunctions can be placed before the second part namely, that is .

The weather was terrible: the stormy wind had been roaring since the night, the rain was pouring down like buckets.. (I. Goncharov)

3. If the second part complements the content of the first part, extending one of its members (usually a predicate). In the first part, in this case, you can insert verbs of speech, thought, feeling, perception ( hear, see, feel and the like). Test conjunctions: what how .

He raised his head: the Golden Dipper shone through the thin steam.

Exercise 1. Read the sentences. Indicate non-union complex sentences in which the second part
a) indicates the reason for what is said in the first part;
b) reveals and explains the content of the first;
c) complements the meaning of the first part.

1) I entered the hut: two benches and a table and a huge chest near the stove made up all its furniture. 2) I could not sleep: a boy with white eyes kept spinning in front of me in the darkness. 3) I stood up and looked out the window: someone ran past him a second time and disappeared God knows where. 4) We looked at each other: we were struck by the same suspicion. 5) I looked up: on the roof of my hut stood a girl in a striped dress, with loose braids, real mermaid. 6) She was beautiful: tall, thin, black eyes, like those of a mountain chamois, and looked into your soul. 7) I was created stupidly: I don’t forget anything. 8) Grushnitsky took on a mysterious look: he walks with his hands behind his back and doesn’t recognize anyone. 9) A long-forgotten thrill ran through my veins at the sound of this sweet voice; she looked into my eyes with her deep and calm eyes: they expressed distrust and something similar to reproach. 10) One thing has always been strange to me: I have never become a slave to the woman I love; on the contrary, I always acquired invincible power over their will and heart, without even trying to do so. 11) One should never reject a repentant criminal: out of despair he can become twice as criminal. 12) Oh, I ask you: do not torment me as before with empty doubts and feigned coldness. 13) I laugh at everything in the world, especially at feelings: this begins to scare her. 14) I looked at her and was frightened: her face expressed deep despair, tears sparkled in her eyes. 15) Our conversation began with slander: I began to sort through our acquaintances who were present and absent, first showing their funny and then their bad sides. 16) These patients are such a people: they know everything. 17) I got down and crept up to the window: the loosely closed shutter allowed me to see the feasting people and hear their words. 18) Here are my conditions: you will now publicly renounce your slander and ask me for an apology. 19) I ask you one thing: shoot quickly. 20) Everything is arranged as best as possible: the body is brought... the bullet is taken out of the chest. 21) A lot of time has passed since then: I penetrated into all the secrets of your soul. 22) I will never love another: my soul has exhausted all its treasures, its tears and hopes on you. 23) I took... the ace of hearts from the table and threw it up: everyone’s breathing stopped. 24) I walked around the hut and approached the fatal window: my heart was beating strongly. 25) I like to doubt everything: this disposition of mind does not interfere with the decisiveness of character. 26) There are two people in me: one lives in in every sense of this word, another thinks and judges it.

    What work are these lines taken from? Name the author.

    How to explain the frequent use of a personal pronoun I in these sentences?

    Give a complete punctuation description of sentence 10.

    Draw a diagram of sentence 9.

Task 2. Read it. Determine the semantic relationships between parts of non-conjunctive complex sentences. Write down the sentences, using punctuation marks and emphasizing grammatical basics, in the following sequence:

1) the second sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first sentence;
2) the second sentence reveals and explains the content of the first;
3) the second sentence complements the meaning of the first sentence.

1) There are such happy faces in the world that everyone loves to look at, as if they are warming you or petting you. 2) Not only the semi-wild charm spilled throughout her subtle body I was attracted to her by her soul, I liked her. 3) It wasn’t my feet that carried me, it wasn’t the boat that carried me, I was lifted up by some wide, strong wings. 4) Suddenly I hear someone calling me. 5) My head was spinning, too many impressions flooded into it at once. 6) He loved her passionately and never forbade her anything; in his soul he considered himself guilty before her.

(I. Turgenev)

Task 3. Continue the sentences so that you get unionless complex sentences with a colon. Determine the semantic relationships between the parts.

1. Plants freshen the air: ...
2. Forest affects air temperature: ...
3. Love nature: ...
4. Read V. Kaverin’s book “Two Captains”: ...
5. I looked at the sky: ...
6. I'm happy: ...
7. I ask you one thing: ...

III. Setting a dash

Dash is placed between parts of a non-conjunctive complex sentence in the following cases:

Feet carry - hands feed. (Proverb)

2. If the first part indicates the time or condition of what is said in the second part. Test conjunctions: time – When , conditions - If .

1) Evening will come - the stars will light up in the sky. 2) If you like to ride, you also like to carry sleds.(Proverb)

3. If the second part contains a conclusion or consequence from what is said in the first part. These relationships can be verified by unions so, therefore .

The layer of clouds was very thin - the sun shone through it.(K. Paustovsky)

4. If parts of a non-union complex sentence have the meaning of comparison. Test conjunctions: as if, as if, as.

If he looks, he’ll give you a ruble. (Proverb)

5. If parts of a non-union complex sentence depict a rapid change of events.

The cheese fell out - there was a trick with it. (I. Krylov)

6. If the parts of a non-union complex sentence are connected by concessional relations. Test conjunctions: although, despite the fact that .

I told the truth - they didn’t believe me. (M. Lermontov)

Exercise 1. Read the sentences. What semantic relationships are expressed by the dash sign in these non-union complex sentences? What alliances can be used to test these relationships? Draw intonation patterns for sentences 1, 2, and 8. Write down the words with highlighted letters and explain their spelling.

1) I was g O tov love the whole world - m e nya n And who (didn’t) understand. 2) He (not) r A waved his hands - a sure sign of some secrecy of character. 3) I repeat O ril pr And announcement - he n And what (not) answered. 4) Vd A whether in And dust was falling - Azamat sk A cal per liter And Home Karagöse. 5) Try it O shaft go n e shock - my legs od To O were trying. 6) Shot p A gave in - smoke filled the room A that. 7) Gornoe oz e ro st e flashes in the sun - shimmers with all colors e Tami in O Amazing Krista ll. 8) Fog of Ra ss e I was in e rshiny again A St. e roared in the sun. 9) I was modest - m e Nya obv And caught in the bow V quality

(M. Lermontov)

Task 2. Write it down by grouping the proverbs by semantic relations their parts. Insert the missing letters, highlight and mark the spellings in these words.

1) Summer comes, winter comes. 2) Darkness does not like light - evil does not tolerate good. 3) They go ahead - they don’t regret it. 4) The source quenches thirst - kind word revives the heart. 5) By eye it turned_sh_ - it measured_sh_ crookedly. 6) The brave conquer, the cowardly perish. 7) Don’t shout about yourself - let others quietly talk about you. 8) Science is not gained for nothing – science is gained through hard work. 9) They teach the alphabet - the whole hut is covered. 10) Finished the job - go for a walk safely. 11) If there is patience, there will be skill. 12) Time for business - time for fun. 13) Human labor feeds - laziness ports. 14) If you plow better, you will get more bread. 15) The red sun has risen - goodbye, the month is bright. 16) A person without a homeland is a nightingale without a garden. 17) A thread from the world - a naked shirt. 18) The eyes are afraid - the hands are doing. 19) If you believe in altyn, they don’t believe in rubles. 20) It fell from the cart - you won’t find it_. 21) A white hand is a black soul. 22) When you hang around with stupid people, you become stupid yourself. 23) Talk to a smart person and drink some water. 24) A friend scolds a friend - an enemy fights. 25) If you swing a stick without knowing how to do it, your neck will suffer. 26) The root of teaching is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. 27) A scientist without practice is a bee without honey. 28) I read a bad book and met with a friend. 29) Together we get down to business - the desert begins to bloom. 30) One tongue, two ears – say once, listen twice. 31) Don’t look for an impeccable friend - you’ll be left alone. 32) Illnesses and illnesses pass - habits remain forever. 33) A happy person talks about good luck; an unhappy person cries loudly about his misfortune. 34) I gave the sick man a loving shove and gave him half his health back. 35) The rich man couldn’t find a heifer in his herd; he took the last heifer from the poor man. 36) Don’t waste your labors, don’t get too full—the key will eventually return to the flower. 37) The first stone sank crookedly into the ground - the whole wall went awry. 38) If a friend offends you, your word will be crushed like a stone. 39) A smart head feeds a hundred heads - it’s thin and can’t feed one. 40) From day to evening there is nothing to listen to. 41) If you read books, you will know everything. 42) An enemy agrees - a friend argues. 43) I didn’t get up in the morning - the day was gone. 44) Hv_stun will tell the truth - no one will believe him.

    Indicate sentences whose content is based on the use of antonyms.

    Name proverbs that are synonymous in meaning.

IV. Training exercises

Exercise 1. Read the sentences. Convert complex and complex sentences into complex non-conjunctive ones. Write it down using the correct punctuation marks..

1) Proverbs and sayings are always short, but whole books’ worth of thought and feeling are put into them. (M. Gorky) 2) A person must grow with his feet into the soil of his homeland, but let his eyes survey the whole world. (J. Santayana) 3) There is a popular belief that lightning “lightens the bread,” that is, illuminates it at night. This makes the bread pour faster. (According to K. Paustovsky) 4) Small rooms or dwellings collect the mind, and large ones disperse it. (Leonardo da Vinci) 5) If you are going to love someone, learn to forgive first. (A. Vampilov) 6) Not only did you collect books, but books also collected you. (V. Shklovsky) 7) If you want to be rich, do not think about increasing your property, but only reduce your greed. (C. Helvetius)

    Determine the main idea of ​​the proverbs (sentences 8, 9, 10). What advice is contained in the proverb Read without thinking - what to eat without chewing?

Task 2. Write down the sentences, place punctuation marks, justify your choice. Emphasize the grammatical basics of the sentences.

1) He who goes on the road and is bored alone, let him take a book as a companion; there is no companion better than her; let him who is sick and suffering take a book to help him; in the world there is no medicine stronger than her. (Ancient Eastern wisdom) 2) Love the book, it will help you understand the motley confusion of thoughts, it will teach you to respect a person. (M. Gorky) 3) It [the book] introduces people to the lives and struggles of other people, makes it possible to understand their experiences, their thoughts, their aspirations, it gives the opportunity to compare, understand their surroundings and transform it. (N. Krupskaya) 4) You need to treat the word honestly; it is the highest gift to a person. (M. Gorky) 5) Science must be loved; people have no more powerful and victorious force than science. (M. Gorky) 6) My request is the following: take care of our language. (I. Turgenev) 7) I looked around, my heart ached sadly to enter a peasant’s hut at night. (I. Turgenev) 8) A narrow path led between the bushes to a steep slope; fragments of rocks made up the shaky steps of this natural staircase; clinging to the bushes, we began to climb. (M. Lermontov) 9) It was getting hot; white shaggy clouds were quickly running from the snowy mountains, promising a thunderstorm; Mashuk’s head was smoking like an extinguished torch; All around him, gray wisps of clouds curled and crawled like snakes, arrested in their quest and as if caught in the thorny bushes. (M. Lermontov) 10) So people from the fortress gathered around him, he [Kazbich] didn’t notice anyone, stood around, talked and went back, I ordered the money for the sheep to be placed near him, he didn’t touch them. (M. Lermontov) 11) Pechorin is not indifferent apathetically he bears his suffering, he madly chases after life, looking for it everywhere, he bitterly blames himself for his delusions. (V. Belinsky) 12) Water is the master of everything and fears fire. (Proverb) 13) Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you’ll fall yourself . (Proverb) 14) Don’t swear; your mouth won’t be clean. (Proverb) 15) The mare competed with the wolf with only one tail, but the mane remained. (Proverb) 16) In the midst of a noisy, unknown crowd, those sounds were twice as clear to me, with a miraculous power they reminded me of everything dear to my heart. (A. Fet) 17) A colored ball is jumping in the yard in front of me, this ball is very cute, it hasn’t hit glass yet. (G. Vieru) 18) Every business has a special smell; the bakery smells like dough and baked goods. You walk past a carpentry shop and smell of wood shavings and fresh boards. (J. Rodari) 19) You just need to do something good, do something then our mothers will smile and cry with happiness. (O. Shestinsky) 20) There is nothing holier and more selfless than love to a mother, every affection, every love, every passion is either weak or self-interested in comparison with her. (V. Belinsky)

    Indicate sentences that correspond to the following schemes:

– ; – .


    Indicate a non-union complex sentence, the relationships between the parts of which are cause-and-effect.

    Illustrate the following spellings with examples from the sentences:

1) -tsya, -tsya in verbs: ...

2) n, nn in suffixes of different parts of speech: ...

3) Not with different parts of speech: ...

4) roots with alternating vowels: ...

5) unstressed vowels, verified by stress: ...

    Using an explanatory dictionary, explain the meaning of the highlighted word.

    Write down the words whose structure corresponds to the diagrams:

    Indicate the parts of speech in the 17th sentence.

Task 3. Read fragments of literary works. Indicate the author, title of the work, determine the genre.

Write it down, inserting the missing letters and adding punctuation marks.

1) One poor mother did not sleep. She crouched down to the head of her dear sons who were lying next to her, she combed their young, carelessly tangled curls with a comb and moistened them with tears, she looked at them with all her senses and could not look away. She raised them with her own breasts, she raised them up and only for one moment sees them in front of her. My sons, my dear sons, what will happen to you, what awaits you, she said, and the tears stopped in the wrinkles that had changed her once red face.

2) Sweet old gentle
Don't be friends with sad thoughts
Listen to this snowy harmonica
I will tell you about my life.

3) Don't leave mothers alone
They grow old from loneliness.
Among the worries of love and books
Don't forget to be kinder to them.

4) I know a lot about the exploits of women who carried wounded fighters from the battlefield, who worked for men who gave their blood to children following their husbands along the Siberian highways. I never thought that all this had to do with my mother. To the quiet, shy, everyday worry(n, nn) ​​only with the intention of putting on our shoes...
Now I look back at her life and see she went through it all. I see this with the op_building. But I see.

5) If you have become harsh at heart
Be more kind to her.
B_r_gite Mother from an evil word
Know that children hurt everyone more!
...Mother will die and the scars will not be erased.
The mother will die and the pain will not be relieved.
I beg you to take care of Mom
Children of the world, take care of Mother!

6) My friend, my brother, my comrade
if your mother calls you
Strive for her with your heart. Sp_shi.
Rush to her in the most winged rocket.
Every moment counts. Be faster than sound
and than the light.
If you get late on the way, you won’t forgive yourself for this forever.
Oh, your mother’s testament, and who is wiser than you in the world?
You take us to the stars even in dark nights deaf.
I dare to affirm that there are few bad mothers in the world!
Why is there still evil crawling on the earth?
AND selfishness stinks? And dries out the heart hoarding?
But how on earth would _light be made for people?
If only all their mothers would obey their offspring.

7) Z_foot give me a bigger soul
Kind heart
Eye (not) dormant
Naked, soft, tender, affectionate
Hands are strong (not) angry
It's very difficult to be a mother!

(N. Gogol. “Taras Bulba”; S. Yesenin. “The snow crush is crushed and pricked”; A. Dementyev, Yu. Yakovlev. “Heart of the Earth”; R. Gamzatov. “Take care of mothers”; S. Ostrovoy. “Mother "; A. Yashin. "Mother's Prayer.)

    Draw diagrams of non-union complex sentences, indicate the grammatical basics in them.

    Using a dictionary, find out the meaning of the underlined words.

Task 4. Prepare an expressive reading of the text.

My mother's constant presence merges with my every memory. Her image is inextricably linked with my existence... I sometimes lay in oblivion, some kind of intermediate state between sleep and fainting: my pulse almost stopped beating, my breathing was so weak that they put a mirror to my lips to find out if I was alive; Doctors and everyone around me had long ago condemned me to death: the doctors - based on undoubted medical signs, and those around me - based on undoubted bad omens. It is impossible to describe my mother’s suffering, but her enthusiastic presence of mind and hope to save her child never left her. “Mother Sofya Nikolaevna,” a distant relative, devoted to her soul, said more than once, as I myself heard, “stop torturing your child; After all, both the doctors and the priest told you that he is not a tenant. Submit to the will of God: place the child under the icon, light the candle and let his angelic soul leave his body in peace. After all, you only interfere with her and disturb her, but you cannot help her...” But my mother greeted such speeches with anger and answered that, as long as the spark of life glimmers in me, she will not stop doing everything she can for my salvation, - and again she put me, unconscious, in a strengthening bath, poured rhine wine or broth into my mouth, rubbed my chest and back with her bare hands for whole hours, and if this did not help, then she filled my lungs with her breath - and after a deep sigh, I began to breathe stronger, as if he was waking up to life, gaining consciousness, starting to eat and speak, and even recovered for a while. This happened more than once... I attributed my salvation to vigilant care, unrelenting care, and boundless attention from my mother. The attention and care was like this: constantly in need of money, living, as they say, from penny to penny, my mother got an old Rhine wine in Kazan, almost five hundred miles away, for an unheard-of price at that time. In the city of Ufa there were no so-called French white breads at that time - and every week, that is, every post, a generously rewarded postman brought three white breads from Kazan. I said this as an example; exactly the same was observed in everything. My mother did not allow the dying lamp of life in me to go out; As soon as he began to fade away, she nourished him with the magnetic outpouring of her own life, her own breath.

(S.T. Aksakov)

    Formulate and write down the topic and main idea of ​​the text. (The selfless struggle of a mother for the life of her child is the theme of the text. The meaning of the text is deep: as long as there is a Mother on earth, a person is not afraid, she will light a light in the darkness of the night, will not let you get lost and fall into the abyss, will help, will protect you from trouble, will warm your soul, will save, will come back to life.)

    Explain the placement of punctuation marks in the text.

    Indicate non-conjunctive complex sentences in the text.

    Draw a diagram of the third sentence and characterize it.

    Remember the spelling "letters" n And NN in words of different parts of speech,” illustrate it with examples from the text.

    Fill in the table with examples from the text:

    Prepare to take dictation.

Task 5. Read the text. Write down, using punctuation marks, justify your choice.

You bought new book... It can be in hard cardboard cover with calico covered in a hard cardboard (n, nn)o (paper) cover or in a soft paper cover. The book is new, clean and beautiful. Do you want to keep it in this form? Remember

Books are afraid 1 of the sun's rays (not) read 6 them in the bright sun. 7

Books are afraid of dampness (don’t) read them in the rain.

Books are afraid of dirt and grease stains (do not) read them (during) eating (do not) shave them with dirty hands.

Books are afraid of dust, clean them 2, 3 preferably with a vacuum cleaner.

Books are afraid of mechanical damage (do not) bend them 2 (do not) put them (in) thick things by turning them over 2 Grab the edge of the sheet and (do not) drool on your finger. 7

Use these tips to make sure your 3 books 1 will be extended 4 .

(From the calendar)

    Title the text. Determine its main idea.

    Explain the meaning of the highlighted word.

    Perform the specified types of analysis.

    Choose words with the same root book, reading.

Task 6. Prove that the colons in the examples refer to three different punctograms. What is the similarity in intonation of all sentences that have a colon?

1) I rode at a pace and was soon forced to stop: my horse got stuck, I couldn’t see a thing. (I. Turgenev) 2) Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice, need. (Voltaire) 3) I looked around: the night stood solemnly and royally. (I. Turgenev) 4) V.G. Belinsky argued: “Literature is the consciousness of the people, the flower and fruit of their spiritual life.” 5) Knowledge is based on three things: you need to see a lot, learn a lot and suffer a lot. (U. Foscolo)

Task 7. Read it. Explain the placement of colons in the text.



In the fall, the ants' wheat became wet: they dried it. A hungry dragonfly asked them for food. The ants said: “Why didn’t you collect food in the summer?” She said: “I had no time: I sang songs.” They laughed and said: “If you played in the summer, dance in the winter.”

(L.N. Tolstoy)

    Formulate and write down two questions for the fable.

Task 8. Indicate where the dash is placed: a) between the subject and the predicate; b) in incomplete sentence; c) before a generalizing word; d) in a non-union complex sentence; d) in a complex sentence.

1) Fine snow began to fall - and suddenly fell in flakes. (A. Pushkin) 2) To comprehend one’s guilt to the end - this is the characteristic of a sage and brave man. 3) A bird is visible by its feathers, and a person by its speech. (Proverb) 4) Communication with a book is the highest and irreplaceable form of human intellectual development. 5) We descended into the ravine, the wind died down for a moment - measured blows clearly reached my ears. (I. Turgenev) 7) Read a book - enrich your memory, continuously learn new things.

Task 9. Find the "third wheel". Justify your choice.

I. 1) Thoughts should be attacked with thoughts: ideas should not be attacked with guns. (A. Rivarol) 2) She raised her eyes with effort and immediately looked away: Gogol looked at her, grinning. (K. Paustovsky) 3) The homeland is made up of concrete and visible things: huts, villages, rivers, songs, fairy tales, picturesque and architectural beauties. (V. Soloukhin)

II. 1) I lived, I was - for everything in the world I answer with my head. (A. Tvardrovsky) 2) Never lose patience - this is the last key that opens doors. (A. de Saint-Exupéry) 3) To be able to endure solitude and enjoy it is a great gift. (B.Shaw)

III. 1) Don’t sing, beauty, in front of me you sing the songs of sad Georgia: they remind me of another life and a distant shore. (A. Pushkin) 2) The desired time will come: love and friendship will reach you through dark barriers. (A. Pushkin) 3) I give up my place to you: it’s time for me to smolder, for you to bloom. (A. Pushkin)

Task 10. Copy using punctuation marks, inserting missing letters, and opening parentheses.

1) Learning is like swimming (with) the flow, you stopped for a minute and you were thrown (on) your backside. 2) The morning dawns on the whitened sky, the golden pale streak is fresher and the wind becomes harsher. (N. Gogol) 3) For everything that exists in nature, water, air, sky, clouds, sun, rain, water, rivers and lakes, meadows, fields of flowers and herbs, in the Russian language there is a great variety of good words and names. (K. Paustovsky) 4) The word is the key and opens hearts. (Proverb) 5) There is (in) the beginning of autumn a short but wondrous p_ra all day long, as if it were crystal and rays of sunshine yesterday. (F. Tyutchev) 6) If a person depends on nature, then it also depends on him; it made him, he remakes it. (A. France) 7) Give a person all the blessings of life, but deprive him of an understanding of the meaning of life on earth, he will be unhappy. (K. Ushinsky) 8) An evil person is like a pear, it breaks easily but is difficult to glue together. A good person is like a jug of gold, difficult to break but is easily glued together. (Indian folk wisdom) 9) A person’s exceptional happiness is to be involved in his or her favorite work. (Vl. Nemirovich-Danchenko) 10) The prosperity of the Russian man is closely connected with the existence of the Russian people. Perishing, a silent disaster threatens man too. (K. Timiryazev) 11) The wealth of other people is (not) worth seeing; they acquired it at a price that we cannot afford; they sacrificed their health, honor, and conscience for it. This is too expensive (s, h) the deal would bring us only a loss. (J. Labruyère) 12) Love is a great decoration of life; it is the nature of flowers to play with colors, sing wonderful songs, dance in wonderful dances. (A. Lunacharsky) 13) Too much wealth sometimes makes a person (un)suitable for society; they (don’t) go to the market with gold bullion; there they need a coin, especially small change. (N. Chamfort)

    Indicate non-union complex sentences and draw their diagrams.

Task 11. Read it. Guess the riddles. Write it down using punctuation marks.

1) One pours 1, another drinks, the third grows. 2) One says let's run, let's run 6 the other says 6 let's stand, stand, the third says let's stagger let's stagger. 3) Little Chernenka 6 the dog curled up 2 lies, does not bark, does not bite, and does not let him into the house. 4) The 2nd river is flowing 6 we are lying down. Ice on the river we are running 4.

    Indicate the parts of speech in the first sentence.

    Perform types of analysis.

Task 12. Read the text. Explain punctuation marks and highlighted spellings. Get ready to take dictation.

Summer, July morning! How gratifying br O go to hell A re! Green line l O there is a trace of your feet along the river O sistoy, pob e left-handed grass. you ra h dvin e those wet bushes will just hit you O drank warm A home of the night; the air is all O with fresh bitterness O lyni, honey gr e sneezes and poops; vda whether there is a wall O it oak forest and bl e stitis and a l it's on with l ntse; still St. e and O, but I already feel V stuy ts I am the proximity of the heat. G O l O circle languidly ts I'm from excess bl A G O hoots. There is no shrub O wow... Some where is it vda whether e flying sp e growing yeah, y h kimi p O blushes with glosses e sneeze. Here's a sneak peek And sang t e leg; trial step And heaven ts I'm a man, puts the horse in the shade in advance... You p O building O fought with him, from O walked - I heard chn oh la h g to O cheese A building A e ts I'm behind you. The sun is getting higher and higher. Dries quickly e t grass. It's already getting hot... Through the thick bushes O Resolver, p e R e puta NN 2 tenacious grass, descent e get 2 you to the bottom O enemy... Under the very O by storm t A is exhausted chn IR; oak bush greedily With threw his palmed branches over the water b I; big with e R e bristly bubbles, to O gushing, under And tossing from the bottom covered with fine barch A dark moss 4... You are in the shadows, you are breathing And those p A hoochey cheese O stu; you x O R O sho 3... But what is it? Wind in e suddenly n A l e bodies and rushed; the air trembled all around: was it thunder?.. But the faint light e lightning struck... Eh, yes it's gr O behind! The sun is still shining brightly all around: O wants b It's still possible. But the cloud is A stet: its front edge is extended And sleeved, tilted O nyah ts I'm a vault. Grass, bushes, all of a sudden sweat e I'm tired... Hurry! look like ts I'm in And today ts I'm here NN oh s A paradise... soon! You are kind e stung, in O walked... How is the rain? what are lightning? Some-where through with O Lome NN water dripped onto the fragrant hay from the roof... But then the sun began to shine again. Thunderstorm Ave O walked; you are the way out And those. My God, how joyfully everything sparkles around, how fresh the air is! and 3 and liquid, what does it smell like? e blueberries 2 and mushrooms!..

(According to I. Turgenev)

    How can you title this text?

    How many paragraphs can there be in it? Which? Try to make an outline of the text.

    Determine the artistic idea of ​​the text. Check the means to do this.

    What means of interphrase communication does I.S. use? Turgenev?

    Give the parts of speech in the last sentence.

    Draw diagrams of non-conjunctive complex sentences. Emphasize the grammatical basics in non-conjunctive complex sentences.

    Give a full punctuation description of the fourth sentence.

    Perform types of analysis.

Task 13. Prepare an expressive reading of the text. Explain punctuation marks and spelling of highlighted words. Prepare to take dictation.

I remember for a long time: the heat, the stuffiness, the hair stuck together at the temples, throwing V half-delirious: hard the child is sick. And suddenly from somewhere, as if from another world, floats something cloudy, soft, cool and strokes the forehead, relieving pain and reducing fever; and finally sleep comes - a sound, peaceful sleep recovery...

Mother's hands. I remember them then, in my childhood years - beautiful, with long fingers. I know them and current ones... I also know: will it burst unexpected trouble, whether your soul gets sick, whether you lose yourself or love, the first hand extended to help, will be the mother's hand.

True, sometimes we overestimate it late And belated trying with flowers redeem my callousness, inattention, and sometimes - that they were embarrassed for some reason tell her about love. In life.

Differently their destinies, the destinies of our mothers, took shape. Look at these hands: like the branches of an old tree, sadly flowing down they are on their knees. The years have left their marks on them: in deep paths marked loss, grief, fatigue, lack of sleep, swollen like streams in flood, overworked veins... I see my mother on the threshold of the house: she worked from dawn until the evening, she went out onto the porch, sighed, sat down on the heated steps, folding her hands on her knees. Waiting something? Maybe yes: son, what a long time ago was not visiting, daughter, what grew up unnoticed, grandchildren When they come running, she will caress them, tell a long story a fairy tale or sing a song, sorting through children's curls...

Invest mother's hands in yours, raise them, bring it closer to your face, look into mottled with wrinkles fingers. They once upon a time were flexible and agile, soft and even. But no matter what they are - young or old, smooth or “with knots”, Nothing They are not and cannot be more beautiful in the world.

(According to O. Kuzmina)

    Express your attitude to the problem raised in this text in a short creative work. Reflect on the following questions:

2) how can we repay, reward our mother for her love, carried like a burning candle through all the years of her life? for the sleepless nights spent near our crib, fighting enemies and illnesses that often befall children? for the daily, painstaking work that continues from year to year, and at the same time so unnoticeable work around the house and housework?

(According to A. Vladimirov)

Use non-conjunctive complex sentences to express your thoughts whenever possible.

Task 14. Read the sentences. Try to name the author, work, genre. Write it down using punctuation marks.

1) Suddenly the cheese spirit stopped the Fox. The Fox sees the cheese. The Fox sees the cheese. captivated. 2) The crow croaked at the top of its throat, the cheese fell out with it, that was the trick. 3) I’ll find the secret and open the casket for you in Mechanics and I’ll be worth something. 4) So he began to work on the Casket, turning it from all sides and racking his brains. 5) Ignorant they judge exactly like that, they don’t have any sense, then everything they have is nothing. 6) “And he deigns to be angry in vain; I just can’t make him drink.” 7) You look at some businessman, he’s busy rushing about, everyone is amazed at him, he seems to be bursting out of his skin, but everything doesn’t move forward like a squirrel in a wheel. 8) The frog in the meadow saw Ox and started portliness She was envious of being equal to him. 9) My Orestes quarrels with Pylades, as soon as the shreds fly upward, they are finally poured with water. 10) I am your old matchmaker and godfather who came to make peace with you not at all for the sake of a quarrel; let’s forget the past and settle the common okay! 11) Everything has passed with the cold winter, the need for hunger is coming, the Dragonfly no longer sings, and who would think of a hungry stomach to sing! 12) Although it [the bridge] is simple in appearance, it has a wonderful property; not a single liar among us dares to cross it; it will not reach halfway; it will fail and fall into the water. 13) This Pike teaches you to be smarter and not follow mice. 14) The man had no great ideas; he immediately found some use in Bulat. 15) This is what I heard about it from the side dry The Lion showed contempt for the Mosquito, the evil took the Mosquito offence, and could not bear the insult, the Mosquito rose up and fought against the Lion. 16) Here the Nightingale began to show his art, clicked, whistled in a thousand frets, pulled, shimmered. 17) There are many such examples in the world; no one likes to recognize themselves in satire.

    Explain punctuation marks. Draw diagrams of non-conjunctive complex sentences.

    Give a complete punctuation description of sentences 5, 7, 9, 11, 12.

    Determine the meanings of the highlighted words.

    In what meaning is the word used? dry in the 15th sentence? Find synonyms for it.

    Remember the rule “Spelling -tsya, -tsya in verbs" and illustrate it with examples from these sentences.

    Perform types of analysis.

    Indicate the parts of speech in the 9th sentence.

    Continue formulating the conclusion: “I. Krylov’s fables contain...”.

    What phenomena and vices does I. Krylov ridicule in his fables?

Task 15. Read the sentences. What punctuation marks need to be placed in them? Explain your choice. Fill the table.

1) The day turned out to be slushy, in the morning it began to snow mixed with rain... (B. Mozhaev) 2) Fomich examined his dilapidated tarpaulin boots and decided to tie the rubber soles with rawhide belts; the road to Tikhanov is long. (B. Mozhaev) 3) It was a cold, milky day; white, disheveled clouds rose towards him in the blue span between the houses. (V.Nabokov) 4) She looked at herself in the mirror: her face was paler than usual. (V.Nabokov) 5) In his appearance there was something like a badger, an elongated, blunt-nosed face with a black mustache and a white beard, a sloping low forehead and a densely lying, as if slicked, gray stubble of short hair. (B. Mozhaev) 6) It’s not for nothing that winter is angry; it’s time for spring to knock on the window and drive it out of the yard. (F. Tyutchev) 7) October has already arrived and the grove is shaking off the last leaves from its naked branches. (A. Pushkin) 8) Over the hills in clear hours the air smoked, carrying the bitter, intoxicating smell of dry wormwood, distant voices sounded clearly, and the screams of flying birds. (V. Rasputin) 9) I lost a lot of weight; my mother, who arrived at the end of September, was afraid for me. (V. Rasputin) 10) Nastenka, frightened by the elk, looked in amazement at the snake; the viper still lay curled up in a ring in the warm ray of the sun. (M. Prishvin) 11) The air is already beginning to get dark and everything around is cooling. (M. Prishvin) 12) The autumn chill has blown in and the road is freezing. (A. Pushkin) 13) It just so happened in their family that all the misfortunes happened on Frolov’s day. (B. Mozhaev) 14) Repairs would be ruinous for the house; you can’t disturb the old hard bones. (V. Belov) 15) I remember a wonderful moment when you appeared in front of me. (A. Pushkin) 16) Freedom and licentiousness are completely opposite concepts to one another. (Quintilian) 17) Education needs three things in the gift of science and exercise. (Aristotle)

    What sentences did you not write down? Why?

    Which columns of the table were left blank? Fill them in with your own examples: make up your own sentences or copy them from literary works.

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write the answer to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) In ancient times and the Middle Ages, travelers rarely undertook long-distance sea and land expeditions. (2) The evidence of their routes and impressions that has survived to this day is often inaccurate and inconsistent. (3) However, the significance of their discoveries of previously unknown lands and peoples, _____, is great and priceless.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. Evidence of the routes and experiences of ancient and medieval travelers is often inaccurate and inconsistent.

2. Despite the fact that the evidence of travelers of antiquity and the Middle Ages is often inaccurate and inconsistent, the significance of their discoveries is great and priceless.

3. In ancient times and the Middle Ages, travelers rarely undertook long-distance sea and land expeditions.

4. The significance of the discoveries of previously unknown lands and peoples by travelers of antiquity and the Middle Ages is great and priceless.

5. The significance of the discoveries of ancient and medieval travelers, despite their inaccuracy and inconsistency, is great and priceless.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

1. maybe

2. fortunately

3. as a rule

4. definitely

5. however


Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word CERTIFICATE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

SVID E BODY, -a, cf.

1. Witness testimony. S. eyewitnesses.

2. Something that confirms, certifies something. event. Historical evidence.

3. A document certifying something. Marriage village S. about birth.


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.





One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. My friend is quite a DIPLOMATIC person.

2. Every step caused Meresyev UNBEARABLE pain.

3. The mayor congratulated the actors drama theater, noting their superb PERFORMANCE skills.

4. The rare beauty inherent in the Karelian Isthmus is created by ROYAL forests, towering over picturesque reservoirs.

5. After sowing and during the period of intensive growth of seedlings, ROOT fertilizing is carried out to maintain the active life of plants.


In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.







Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) violation of aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms 1) Blue bitter smoke spreads down the river, rustling the foliage of old poplars.
B) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members 2) More than eight minutes are required to sunlight reached the Earth.
C) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate 3) The old man threw fresh wood chips into the fire and ran his finger along the edge of the ax.
D) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 4) At the last competition, the Zhiguli car came first.
D) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition 5) The magazine “Smene” reports on the most striking literary discoveries of the year.
6) Children rarely listen to and follow the advice of their parents.
7) Viktor Astafiev calls the story “The Last Bow” his best book.
8) Society is concerned about the problem of extinction of large animals: elephants, tigers and others.
9) According to scientists, there are now about six hundred active volcanoes on Earth.

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other symbols


Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

lights up






Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

s...capacity, in...southern

claim, claim away, pr...grandfather, from...skate

ra...chop, ra...bash


Write down the word in which the letter O is written in the blank.




Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.

you can stand it





Indicate all the numbers in whose place the letter E is written.

I can’t (1) understand (2) how one can (3) admire, (4) love, or even just (5) know stories home country.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

1. (ALL) EVERYWHERE large drops of dew began to glow like radiant diamonds; The sounds of a bell rushed towards me.

2. Egor woke up because SOMEONE was trying to twist his arm.

3. TO live well, (HUMANLY), you need to work well.

4. He wanted to go with me to (TO) MEET you, but for some reason he changed his mind.

5. (BY) the way a person conducts an argument, one can determine his character, and ALSO (the SAME) his intentions.


Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

Subsequently, I found in the storeroom some unusual (1) manuscripts, bound (2) in volumes and written (3) in Latin.


Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. The oldest herbarium was collected at the beginning XVI century and is now kept in Rome.

2. In winter I went hunting or fishing or skiing.

3. For an observant person, there is a lot of interesting things in the taiga both in summer and winter.

4. Grandsons and great-grandsons went off to become pilots and sailors all over the river.

5. The eye never tires of admiring the fields and groves and the heart is full of a feeling of harmony with nature


The melody froze at a dizzying height (1) as if in last time looking around the heavenly surroundings (2) she took off and rushed (3) accelerating and accelerating the pace (4) shuddered freely and fell silent (5) hanging in exhaustion somewhere in the outskirts of heaven.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

In other words (1) romanticism (2) in the words of V. G. Belinsky (3) is “an exceptional character in exceptional circumstances.” However (4) for many this is already (5) obvious.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

It seemed to me (1) that by some miracle I had come from the twentieth century to the time of Ivan Kalita (2) and that (3) if you get off the ship (4) you would immediately disappear.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

IN mailbox there turned out to be several letters at once (1) and (2) if it were not for the commander’s strict prohibition (3), it is unlikely that anyone from the detachment would have resisted the temptation to check (4) if there was any news from home.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of modern Russian literary language.

From this age, the chicken begins to lose its original flight feathers, being replaced by new ones, which are somewhat different from the previous ones in their formulation: new, real flight feathers have rounded ends.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.

(1) Long ago, in ancient times, an old-looking man lived on our street. (2) He worked in a forge on a large Moscow road. (3) His name was Efim, but all the people called him Yushka. (4) He was short and thin; on his wrinkled face, instead of a mustache and beard, sparse White hair; His eyes were white, like a blind man’s, and there was always moisture in them, like never-cooling tears.

(5) Yushka didn’t drink tea or buy sugar, he drank water and wore clothes long years the same one without changing: in the summer he wore trousers and a blouse, black and sooty from work, burned through by sparks, so that his white body was visible in several places, and barefoot, in the winter he put on over the blouse another sheepskin coat that he had inherited to him from his deceased father, and he shod his feet in felt boots, which he had been hemming since the fall, and wore the same pair every winter all his life.

(6) When Yushka walked down the street to the forge early in the morning, the old men and women got up and said that Yushka had already gone to work, it was time to get up, and they woke up the young people. (7) And in the evening, when Yushka went to spend the night, people said that it was time to have dinner and go to bed - and Yushka had already gone to bed.

(8) And small children and even those who became teenagers, seeing old Yushka walking quietly, stopped playing in the street, ran after Yushka and shouted:

(9) - There comes Yushka! (10) There's Yushka!

(11) The children picked up dry branches, stones, and rubbish from the ground in handfuls and threw them into Yushka.

(12) - Yushka! - the children shouted. (13) - Are you really Yushka?

(14) The old man did not answer the children and was not offended by them; he walked quietly and did not cover his face, into which pebbles and earthen debris fell.

(15) Due to this illness, Yushka left his owner for a month every summer. (16) He went on foot to a remote remote village, where he must have had relatives. (17) No one knew who they were to him. (18) On the way, he breathed the fragrance of grasses and forests, looked at the white clouds born in the sky, floating and dying in the bright airy warmth, listened to the voice of the rivers muttering on the stone rifts, and Yushka’s sore chest rested, he no longer felt his illness - consumption. (19) Having gone far away, where it was completely deserted, Yushka no longer hid his love for living beings. (20) He bent down to the ground and kissed the flowers, trying not to breathe on them so that they would not be spoiled by his breath, he stroked the bark of the trees and picked up butterflies and beetles from the path that had fallen dead, and peered into their faces for a long time, feeling feeling orphaned without them. (21) But living birds sang in the sky, dragonflies, beetles and hard-working grasshoppers made cheerful sounds in the grass, and therefore Yushka’s soul was light, the sweet air of flowers smelling of moisture and moisture entered his chest. sunlight.

(22) Along the way, Yushka rested: he sat in the shade of a roadside tree and dozed in peace and warmth. (23) Having rested and caught his breath in the field, he no longer remembered the illness and walked on cheerfully, like healthy man. (24) Yushka was forty years old, but illness had long tormented him and aged him before his time, so that he seemed decrepit to everyone.

(25) And so every year Yushka left through fields, forests and rivers to a distant village or to Moscow, where someone was waiting for him or no one was waiting - no one in the city knew about this.

(26) A month later, Yushka usually returned back to the city and again worked from morning to evening in the forge. (27) He again began to live as before, and again children and adults, residents of the street, made fun of Yushka, reproached him for his unrequited stupidity and tormented him.

(28) Yushka lived peacefully until the summer of next year, and in the middle of the summer he put his knapsack on his shoulders, put the money he had earned and saved in a year, a total of one hundred rubles, into a separate bag, hung that bag in his bosom on his chest and went to no one knows where and no one knows. to whom.

(29) But year after year Yushka grew weaker and weaker, so the time of his life passed and passed and chest illness tormented his body and exhausted him, because of it he died.

(30) They remembered Yushka again only in late autumn. (31) One dark, bad day, a young girl came to the forge and asked the blacksmith owner: where could she find Efim Dmitrievich?

(32) - Which Efim Dmitrievich? - the blacksmith was surprised. (ZZ) - We’ve never had anything like this here.

(34) The girl, having listened, did not leave, however, and silently waited for something. (35) The blacksmith looked at her: what kind of guest the bad weather brought him. (36) The girl looked frail and short in stature, but her soft, clean face was so gentle and meek, and her big grey eyes they looked so sadly, as if they were about to be filled with tears, that the blacksmith’s heart warmed up, looking at the guest, and suddenly he guessed.

Vasily Pupochkin got up very early. It was a beautiful July day, one of those days that only happen when the weather has settled for a long time. Vasya Pupochkin stretched and yawned sweetly at the full width of his mouth. Today, he finally goes hunting.

Pupochkin quietly climbed out of bed, made his way to the kitchen, quickly swallowed the cold sandwich he had prepared from the evening, got dressed just as quickly, grabbed a gun, a cartridge belt, a duffel bag and with great pleasure put himself out the door of his own house.
The morning escaped from the tutelage of the gloomy night and went wild with all its might, filling the earthly space with freshness and the first colors... Everything moved, woke up, sang, rustled, and spoke. Everywhere large drops of dew began to glow like radiant diamonds.
Vasily Pupochkin smiled happily and quickly walked towards the forest, which was darkening in a narrow strip at the edge of the village. The forest greeted him with bird noise and a unique smell of freshness.

For several hours Vasily wandered around the thicket, enjoying freedom and peace, and only when a hare rushed past him on some hare business did Pupochkin remember why he had come here. Ripping the gun off his shoulder and instantly loading it, Vasily began the hunt. He chased the hare, breaking bushes and crashing into thickets, jumping over piles of rotten trees and rotten stumps, mentally asking the side-eyed one to wait so that it would be easier for him, the hunter, to take aim, but the long-eared one was not a fool. Sensing danger, he, showing all his slanting impudence, simply ran away, which greatly puzzled Pupochkin. “That impudent long-eared one,” Pupochkin was offended, “no, he would have sat quietly and waited for his fate, so on you, he ran away!”

In thoughts of the insolent hare, Pupochkin wandered into unfamiliar wilds and, giving up the hunt, wearily sank onto a moss-covered stump. Thoughts, one heavier than the other, entangled his head, and he began to think. It is worth saying that due to his wife, who was always dissatisfied with him and his busy work schedule, Pupochkin rarely had the opportunity to be alone with his thoughts, so he decided to make the most of the current situation.

He took off the bag, took out his “soboy” and took a break for lunch. Slowly chewing bread with lard, biting with onions and pickled cucumber, Pupochkin surveyed the unpleasant wall of wet trees and dense bushes and thought, thought, thought.
In fact, he was not a thinking person, he was accustomed from his childhood to obey and not contradict his elders, so his life at times bored him terribly, but he could not and did not want to break free from the captivity of conventions. Reality irritated him, frightened him, kept him in constant anxiety... All sorts of violations, deviations, deviations from the rules made him despondent, although, it would seem, what did he care? ...But the persistent thought “no matter what happens” did not give him the opportunity to tear himself away from the conventions that were boring to the marrow.
“I’m pathetic, I’m a slave, I’m a loser,” Pupochkin stated once again over the past years and sighed heavily. He got used to this thought, and it no longer upset him. On the contrary, remembering his colleagues and their silent submission, he looked at himself more optimistically. “But if you look at it, I’m still nothing…” Pupochkin jumped up quickly and shouted at the top of his lungs: “I am Vasily Pupochkin!” I’m not a slave, I’m lucky and I..., oh, damn!”

A lump falling on Pupochkin's head interrupted his inspired shouting, his passionate desire to tell the whole world that he was immortal. This is how it is always, someone or something will definitely prevent him from speaking out, expressing his protest and raising himself in his own eyes. He raised his head to see who dared to interfere with him, and saw a red squirrel. She was sitting on a tall spruce tree and, as it seemed to Pupochkin, she was smiling wickedly.
Pupochkin grabbed the gun, took aim and... got another lump right in the eye. "Ugliness! - Pupochkin swore, rubbing his bruised eye. “I’ll teach you all a lesson now!” He pulled the trigger - and a loud shot echoed through the forest, tearing thin yellow needles, brown cones and dry moss from the spruce trees.

When the entire combat supply of ammunition was exhausted, Pupochkin spat on the ground strewn with needles, cones and cartridges, threw the gun over his shoulder, scraped the bag and began to get out of the thicket he had disturbed. Hunting failed today!

Pupochkin wandered for a long time through the awakened forest and, getting out of another thicket, almost fell off a high cliff. Grasping the sticky branch with all his strength, Pupochkin balanced on the edge of the cliff, peering with horror into the pit darkened by a gloomy hole. “Yes, man is mortal, but that would not be so bad. The bad thing is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal, that’s the trick!” - a message came to him with a damp wind, and Pupochkin went cold. He didn’t want to die at all when he was young. “The work of helping drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves,” a positive thought came to the aid of the unlucky hunter, and Pupochkin jerked himself, his beloved, off the edge of the cliff. “Here’s a blast for you!” - the unfortunate hunter threatened someone and wandered on, carefully skirting the thickets.

Soon he came to a river that spread widely between the yellow banks. “How wonderful the Dnieper is in calm weather, when its full waters freely and smoothly rush through forests and mountains! - Pupochkin tuned into a poetic mood. “A rare bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper...”
A sharp, piercing “Car-rr!” and the white greeting that fell on Pupochkin’s shoulder from a flying crow drove Pupochkin crazy. He tore the gun from his shoulder and took aim. The crow, noticing something was wrong, began to twist in the air, trying to get away from the hunter’s persistent sight, but it wasn’t so easy to do - just evade the angry Pupochkin. "Guard!" - the black bird screamed at the top of its crow power and went into a dive. "It is for you!" - Pupochkin grinned maliciously and pulled the trigger. But, instead of two loud shots, two blank clicks were heard, and only then the hunter remembered that he had no cartridges and the gun was not loaded. “You're lucky, crow! But next time...” Pupochkin shook his fist at the bird flying away into the distance and wandered along the river.

“Why don’t people fly like birds? - Pupochkin thought puzzled, wandering along the wet sand and thinking about the crow that had enraged him. “He would run like that, raise his hands and fly.” Should I try it now? Pupochkin spread his arms wide and ran, cutting through the warming air with his dense body. Alas, those born to crawl cannot fly. Pupochkin tripped over a rotten snag and buried his sweaty face right in the yellow sand. “Today is not my day,” the hunter thought, spitting sand, and straightened up heavily. “And there’s still a wife, mother-in-law, and children at home.” How inopportune everything is. They would go somewhere far, far away, so that they wouldn’t be able to find them.”

Pupochkin did not love his wife, a tall woman with dark eyebrows, straight, important, respectable and, as she called herself, thoughtful. Vasya categorically disagreed with his wife’s conceit; on the contrary, he considered her narrow-minded, narrow-minded, ungraceful, was afraid of her and therefore did not like to be at home.

The unlucky hunter spat again and looked around: in the distance he saw a boat. “Just what you need!” - he was delighted and hurried to the shore. The boat was oarless. "If you're unlucky, then full program“, Pupochkin concluded and walked further along the wide river.

Suddenly the river turned sharply to the right, and Pupochkin saw his village visible through the sparse line of trees. “All roads lead to Rome or to hell,” Pupochkin reinterpreted the classic and trudged to his “native ashes.” But he didn’t want to go home, so he turned to his bosom friend Stepan Paldin. In front of Stepan's house, Pupochkin lingered for a while: he walked around the landmark of the village - a huge puddle that under no circumstances ever dried up. All the villagers were proud of this puddle. This was an amazing puddle! The only one you have ever seen! It occupied almost the entire area. Beautiful puddle! Houses and small houses, which from a distance can be mistaken for haystacks, surrounded around, are amazed at its beauty!

Stepan was at home, but his bandaged head and leg in a cast did not make Pupochkin happy to see him.
- What's wrong with you? - he asked Stepan sympathetically.
“Yes, I talked to my wife,” he said in a deep voice and glanced sideways at the kitchen door, “are you on business or what?” You understand, I have no time for guests these days.
Stepan looked expressively at his cast leg and frowned.
- Hurt? - Pupochkin became worried.
- There is little.
- What's wrong with your head?
“The wife had more weighty arguments, and the result was a concussion,” Stepan said in a fallen voice and again glanced sideways at the kitchen door.
- Why not in the hospital?
- Who needs me there? – Stepan got angry. “I even bought the bandages myself, at least I didn’t bandage myself.” You know what kind of medicine we have. It won't be wasted on us. What is their current rate? The closer to nature, the better; they don’t use expensive medicines. They reason like this, a simple man: if he dies, he will die anyway; if he recovers, then he will recover. That’s why our people are recovering like flies. Here!
Stepan raised his finger up and shook it at someone unknown.

Pupochkin lingered around his crippled friend for some time, then finally headed home. In the yard, a dog named Dobry greeted him with a joyful bark. Pupochkin crouched in front of the red muzzle and affectionately hugged the dog. “You are my best friend,” he whispered to the dog’s face and kissed him on the nose.
- Why are you kissing a dog? – Vasily Pupochkin heard his wife’s loud voice above him and shuddered.
“Well, I say hello to my friend,” he muttered guiltily, looking ingratiatingly into his wife’s stern eyes.
- I see, but where is the game, the hare, at worst? – the wife asked, examining her husband’s equipment.
“No hand is raised against our smaller brothers,” Pupochkin put on a smile on his face.
- So why did you wander around the forest all day? Is there no work at home? – his wife advanced towards him like a mountain.
“Quiet, quiet, my dear,” Pupochkin fawned, retreating just in case and hiding behind the mongrel, “you can’t be nervous, your heart will hurt.” And remember, we are responsible for those we have taught.
-Who do you mean? – the wife thickened her eyebrows and stuck her hands on her sides.
Her fighting stance instantly reminded Pupochkin of the unhappy appearance of his friend Stepan, so he made a kind, kind face and cooed affectionately:
- You, my darling, you; If you worry, your heart will start pounding, and look, you might get sick. You take care of yourself.

Pupochkin’s wife let off steam and, throwing out a short “follow me!”, went into the house.
“Yes,” whispered Pupochkin into Dobry’s ear as a farewell, “that’s how things are, brother. No matter how the day begins, it still ends as always!”
The dog barked back and stopped wagging his tail. He completely agreed with his master.

So, the riddle is solved. The reader, the well-read reader (may he forgive me for the tautology!) can discover his own knowledge of the classics by calculating how many passages from famous works mentioned here? Or weak?

2.9. Comparative turnover and turnover with HOW

Exercise 37. Place the missing punctuation marks. Justify your answer.
1. Her eyes, sometimes wide open and bright and joyful like day, sometimes half-covered with eyelashes and deep and dark like night, stood before his eyes (Turgenev). 2. Turgenev, like perhaps no other Russian writer, is suited to the title of master (Rylenkov). 3. Kupfer, as one of the stewards with a white bow on the cuff of his coat, fussed and fussed with all his might (Turgenev). 4. The thick foliage, caught in frost, was picturesque: yellow, purple, red like blood, it was pleasing to the eye (Shishkov). 5. She holds and moves as if magnetized, like a somnambulist (Turgenev). 6. He, as a “fatal” person, had to do some extraordinary thing (Turgenev). 7. None of the writers make such festive seas rustle and shimmer on the pages as Green’s (Paustovsky). 8. Most people know Bunin mainly as a prose writer (Paustovsky). 9. She seemed completely petrified (L. Tolstoy). 10. His face, as mobile as an actor’s, became cheerful again (Shishkov). 11. The sounds of a bell came towards me, clean and clear, as if also washed by the morning coolness (Turgenev). 12. Sometimes it seemed like it was about to rain; but the outstretched hand did not feel anything, but looking at the sleeve of the dress one could notice traces of tiny drops, like the smallest beads (Turgenev). 13. The pulse is like a hammer, and the hands are cold (Kuprin). 14. Fine, hard snow was falling, pricking my face like needles (Chekhov). 15. She’s just still like a child (Gerasimov). 16. If not for death, then perhaps A. Green would have entered the ranks of our literature as one of the most original writers who organically merged realism with a free and bold imagination (Paustovsky). 17. The moon rose crimson and gloomy, as if sick (Chekhov). 18. Sometimes you shoot a hare, wound it, and it screams like a child (Chekhov). 19. Panteleimon sits on the box with his straight wooden arms extended forward (Chekhov). 20. But precisely because Alexandra Gavrilovna gets excited, she loses more often than her husband (Saltykov-Shchedrin). 21. Cities are like magnets (Soloukhin). 22. The traitors seemed to have sunk into the water (Nikitin). 23. When I remember old concepts, it’s like I’m doused with varnish (Ostrovsky). 24. And the whole steppe was covered with the fallen, like a swarm of black locusts (Pushkin). 25. As a woman, you loved your homeland (Nekrasov). 26. Valya was called in his case as a witness (N. Ostrovsky). 27. She needs it just like we do (Yevtushenko). 28. It rained like buckets (Prishvin). 29. Since pre-war times, I have been following you as an ordinary moviegoer and appreciate your talent (Krutikov). 30. I speak like a writer. I am used to looking at literature as a revolutionary matter (Fedin). 31. And this little story is nothing more than fragmentary memories of those days of happy closeness to them (S. Nikitin). 32. It was clear that he was trying to get away from this large gray building (Polevoy) as soon as possible. 33. But in front of him was none other than Aigle, a famous collector of songs of legends, legends and fairy tales (Green), traveling on foot. 34. Days run like streams into a foggy river (Yesenin). 35. Gentlemen, I think that you are like everyone else decent people were in love at least once during their lives (Turgenev). 36. The smell of oil is as strong as in a church (M. Gorky). 37. To Moscow, as well as to the whole country, I feel my filial relationship as to an old nanny (Paustovsky). 38. I now see the owner himself (Pushkin). 39. She has now become again slender and thin as before (M. Gorky). 40. I looked at her like a fool (Turgenev). 41. We treated Vanya as our own person (Prishvin). 42. The robber ripped the man off like a stick (Krylov). 43. After all, she lived with the paramedic like a cat and a dog (Chekhov). 44. I answered him as best I could (Turgenev). 45. Like a telegram the earth flies, the fields ring with an even ringing (Tikhonov). 46. ​​Vera Pavlovna was constantly in the workshop, and they already managed to get to know her closely as a prudent, prudent, judicious woman (Chernyshevsky). 47. Urbenin and the Pole, being heavy people, preferred to wait for us down on the road (Chekhov). 48. He was afraid of familiarity like fire and behaved very dryly (Chernyshevsky). 49. The sunset was clotted like a wound from the blood of the dead (Lugovskoy). 50. The night outside the window is as beautiful as the Snow Maiden (Lugovskoy). 51. Chichikov as an acquirer is no less, if not more, Pechorina is a hero of our time (Belinsky). 52. She was like her father’s least favorite (L. Tolstoy). 53. Vasenda, as a positive and practical person, found a fixed place unprofitable (Pomyalovsky).