The meaning of the title of the work thunderstorm is brief. The meaning of the title of the play by A.N.

It was first staged in 1859. The writer wrote his work in the era of realism, when all phenomena and objects were endowed with symbolic meaning. The drama was no exception. Let's decide what the meaning and symbolism of the title of Ostrovsky's play is.

The meaning of the name of the drama Thunderstorm

When you read a playwright’s play, you involuntarily single out the main character, Katerina. But the writer does not name the work in honor of Katerina, he chooses symbolic name Thunderstorm, and for a reason.

In the play, the thunderstorm is represented as a natural phenomenon, where various events are accompanied by frequent bad weather, and the residents of Kalinov live in anticipation of the elements. But not only does the thunderstorm appear as a natural phenomenon, here it is also an active character. It became a challenge to the established order, where the writer denounces tyranny in everyday life and shows the protest that should have arisen.

The thunderstorm is also a characteristic of individual characters in the drama. This is how we see Kabanikha, whose character is like thunder. Everyone is afraid of her and does not dare to contradict her. She is also a representative of the old order.

A thunderstorm is also raging in the soul of Katerina, who protests against the established foundations and cannot come to terms with them. She begins to fight injustice and throws herself into the river, freeing her living soul, choosing death. So it turns out that the meaning of the drama’s title is much broader than showing people’s lives in anticipation of this natural phenomenon. The point is to show change and turning points, which are caused by rejection of rules, foundations, morals and loss of morality.

Symbolism of the play Groz Ostrovsky

Getting acquainted with Ostrovsky's drama, we can notice the different symbolism that the writer uses in his work. First of all, it is a thunderstorm, which is both a symbol of God's punishment and punishment for sins, and a symbol of change and rebellion. It is also a symbol of the new, the future.

Katerina often remembers birds and dreams of becoming one of them. Here the birds symbolize freedom, independence, lightness, which the heroine dreamed of getting, freed from the swampy swamp of life.

The writer also symbolically uses the river in his work. She is like the border between two lives. On one side is Kalinov, where the old foundations and the dark kingdom are. On the other side - ideal life. It is different for everyone, but it is special, the kind in which everyone would like to be. At the same time, the Volga also becomes a symbol of death, although this sounds strange. After all, water in its essence is life. But on the other hand, by jumping into the river, Katerina found the very freedom that she had so dreamed of. She freed herself from the dark kingdom.

Drama by A.N. Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm" is one of the most famous works writer. It contains many themes: love, freedom, and serfdom. And of course, the main idea, which runs like a red thread through the entire work, is reflected in the title of the play.

A thunderstorm is both a natural phenomenon, a danger looming over the city, and a symbol of the era.

From the very beginning of the story, in the first act, we hear a conversation between two heroes about Kalinov’s morals. Kudryash and Kuligin are minor characters, but despite this they carry an important semantic load. Their conversation revolves around the Wild One. This hero is gifted by the author with a speaking surname; indeed, human concepts seem to be alien to him. This hero is a kind of thunderstorm for everyone at home, as well as for the courtyard people; his sudden anger keeps the entire neighborhood in fear.

Another episode in which Dikoy and one of the heroes who first appear on stage, Kuligin, are present. In this episode, Kuligin asks Dikiy for money to build a clock and a lightning rod; the hero wants to do something useful and good, to somehow move the ossified society. But he is refused, it turns out that Dikiy’s stupidity and short-sightedness is even deeper than it might seem to us, he is categorically against the construction, because a thunderstorm, in his opinion, is sent to people as punishment, and watches are not needed at all (the author probably emphasizes the lack of watches the fact that Kalinov’s development is lagging behind, there is no education and rough serfdom still reigns).

The main character of the work, Katerina, lives with her husband in the house of his mother Kabanikha. Kabanovs, that’s their speaking surname, and it does not require further explanation. Freedom-loving Katerina languishes under the yoke of this cruel woman, a real thunderstorm for your entire home. Only Katerina's good manners and wisdom allowed her for a long time hold out under her power, but only externally; internally, the heroine always remains free.

Much in Katerina’s life is connected with thunderstorms. She is afraid of this natural phenomenon, faints, her intuition tells her that something is about to happen that will decide her fate. And she admits her actions with Boris, and understands: she cannot live in the Kabanovs’ house anymore. After all, Kabanikha became a thunderstorm not only for her, but also for her son. He runs away from home to spend a few days in freedom.

As for Katerina, she herself can be called a thunderstorm for the outdated foundations of the Kalinovites. In the finale, she seems to challenge the slavery and oppression that reigns in the city. Throughout the entire action, tension is felt, a thunderstorm hangs over Kalinov’s tyrants.

Much indicates that the power of Kabanikha and Dikiy is in danger. Kudryash refuses to obey them, and in the end disappears along with Varvara, who also only creates the appearance of subordination to Kabanikha, but in reality she does what she considers necessary.

And, of course, Kuligin’s words at the end of the play confirm the idea that the power of the Wild and Kabanovs is short-lived, a thunderstorm is approaching them. Kuligin reminds them that Katerina’s body may belong to them, but her soul is free.

The meaning of the title of this play is very significant. Many times it occurs as a natural phenomenon, is reflected in the images and characters of the characters, and seems to be a character itself. The whole atmosphere of the work is reflected in the title of A.N. Ostrovsky’s wonderful and still popular and beloved play “The Thunderstorm”.

The meaning of the title, the title of Ostrovsky's play The Thunderstorm

A.N. Ostrovsky is one of the most outstanding writers XIX century, his works tell us about the struggle of humanity, kindness, compassion with meanness, greed and malice. In each of his books, the author shows kind, naive heroes faced with the cruel reality of the world, which leads them to complete disappointment in life and kills all the good that is in them.

"Thunderstorm" - peak creative quests playwright. After all, this play marked the beginning of such a monumental theme, which was subsequently used more than once as the main theme in their works by various writers of contemporaries and subsequent centuries. What has impressed readers so much over three centuries?

Katerina, translated from Greek, means “pure”; Ostrovsky tells us how people around her, rotten to the very bones, oppress her and drive her into a corner, because they feel the strength in her and understand that she is the beginning of the end for them.
This fragile, naive girl cannot be called strong-willed or strong, she did not accomplish a feat, on the contrary, her act can be perceived as weakness, but the death of the heroine became a protest against the existing order, by her example she freed the hands of all the oppressed. Her image is a “ray of light”, a symbol of the fight against cruel, selfish people who ruin the lives of everyone around, that is, with " dark kingdom".

IN last days, weeks of her life, Katerina was terribly afraid of thunder, believing that God's punishment for her sins was falling on her head, she was so pure that she did not understand that the thunderstorm had not come to kill her, lightning and thunder were splitting into pieces the world of those who offended her, the darkness the end has come.

Katerina played the role of a soldier who runs ahead of everyone with a flag, calling to fight, the role of a soldier who awakens strength and resistance in souls. After all, after her death, everyone who had been silent and patient before protested. Kabanov finally realized and understood that his tyrant mother was to blame for what happened, but his conscience was not calm either, because he could not prevent the tragedy. Kudryash and Varvara decide to run away, to leave behind Diky and Kabanikha, whose life will become unbearable if they have no one to oppress and no one to pour their dirt on.

Storm, bringer of death to the dark kingdom, to the former terrible foundations - here main meaning and the meaning of Ostrovsky's play.

Alexander Nikolaevich shows the hackneyed and banal theme of the struggle between good and evil in a completely unique light and perceives it quite sharply. I think it's very important work, which is worth reading for everyone.

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Where are you, thunderstorm - a symbol of freedom?

A. S. Pushkin

Play by A.N. Ostrovsky’s “The Thunderstorm” was written under the writer’s impression of a trip in 1856 along the Volga River. When the play was published and staged in the theater, contemporaries saw in it a call for renewal of life, for freedom, because it was published in 1860, when everyone was waiting for the abolition of serfdom.

At the center of the play is an acute conflict between the masters of life, representatives of the “dark kingdom,” and their victims. On the background beautiful landscape Ostrovsky paints an unbearable life common people. Ostrovsky often correlates the state of nature with the state of soul of the heroes. At the beginning of the play, nature is quiet, calm and serene, this is how life seems to us merchant family Kabanov. But gradually nature becomes different: clouds roll in, thunder is heard somewhere. A thunderstorm is approaching, but is it only in nature? No. A thunderstorm is also expected in society, in this kingdom of despotism. What is a thunderstorm in Ostrovsky?

This name has multiple meanings. Kabanikha’s son Tikhon is the first to speak about the thunderstorm: “There won’t be any thunderstorm over me for two weeks.” Tikhon is afraid and does not love his mother, he is also an unhappy person. The heroes perceive the thunderstorm as a punishment; they fear it and wait for it at the same time, because then it will become easier. “A thunderstorm is sent to us as punishment,” he teaches Dikoya Kuligina. The power of this fear extends to many of the characters in the drama and does not even pass by Katerina.

The image of Katerina is the most bright image in Ostrovsky's play "The Thunderstorm". ON THE. Dobrolyubov, analyzing in detail the image of Katerina, called her “a ray of light in a dark kingdom.” Katerina is very sincere, real, and freedom-loving. She believes in God, so she considers her love for Boris a sin. She sincerely thinks that she deserves punishment and must repent: “I didn’t know that you were so afraid of thunderstorms,” Varvara tells her. “How, girl, not to be afraid! - Katerina answers. - Everyone should be afraid. It’s not so scary that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins.”

If in nature a thunderstorm has already begun, then in life it is only approaching. A thunderstorm is a symbol of liberation from the “dark kingdom” that has already begun. The mind is shaking the old foundations and common sense inventor Kuligin; Katerina protests, albeit unconsciously, but she does not want to put up with such living conditions and decides her own fate. She rushes into the Volga to preserve her right to freedom in life and in love. This is how she wins a moral victory over the “dark kingdom.” In all this lies the main meaning of a realistic symbol - the symbol of a thunderstorm.

However, it is not only positive. There is something elemental and natural in Katerina’s love for Boris, just like in a thunderstorm. Love should bring joy, but this is not the case for Katerina, because she is married.

The thunderstorm also manifests itself in the very character of the heroine - she is not subject to any conventions or restrictions. She herself says that as a child, when someone offended her, she ran away from home and sailed alone in a boat along the Volga. Dreamy, honest, sincere, kind Katerina takes the oppressive atmosphere of bourgeois society especially hard. Her act, just like the thunderstorm, disturbed the peace of the provincial town and brought freedom and renewal of life.

Contemporaries saw in the play a protest against the oppression of the individual under serfdom; social implications were important to them. However, the meaning of the name is deeper. Ostrovsky protests against any insult to the individual, against the suppression of freedom.

The topical meaning of the drama is gone, but the play “The Thunderstorm” remains relevant today, because the image of Katerina undoubtedly evokes sympathy among readers and spectators.

The title of a work very often reflects either its essence or gives the reader at least a little understanding of what will be discussed. This does not apply to texts of the late XX and beginning of the XXI century, but this position can be fully applied to the texts of the era of realism. For example, in “Poor People” by F. Dostoevsky it really talks about poor people, and in “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth" by L. Tolstoy shows precisely these stages of a person’s life. The same can be said for plays. One of Ostrovsky’s dramas, which will be discussed, was written in 1859, during the acute social contradictions. The meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm” is not limited to the characteristics of a natural phenomenon.

In order to most accurately answer the question of why Ostrovsky called the drama “The Thunderstorm,” we need to take a closer look at this image.

As you know, sentimentalists introduced the image of nature into literature, conveying the feelings and emotions of heroes using the landscape. Thunder and lightning in Ostrovsky's play perform the same functions. Initially, the author describes the pre-storm time. This concerns not only the weather (some characters notice that it may soon start to rain), but also the social situation. Before a thunderstorm it is usually very stuffy - the same is true in the city of Kalinov. People who don't like lies and hypocrisy find it impossible to breathe in such an environment. Money talk, drinking and judgment become concentrated to the point where disaster becomes inevitable. In order for this state of affairs to change, a push, a blow, a catalyst was needed, which in the text of the play is thunder and thunder.

Thunderstorm is one of the main characters in the fourth act, namely in the scene of a walk along the embankment. Kuligin draws attention to the gathering rain, admiring the power of nature. He thinks that a lightning rod would be useful to all residents of the city, but Dikoy does not share his ideas. In act No. 4, the author's remarks that a clap of thunder is heard are repeatedly repeated. These sounds become the auditory design of the climactic scene, increasing the semantic load and enhancing the severity of the unfolding tragedy. It is the thunderstorm that frightens Katerina, makes her nervous and weak. The girl, hearing the rumble of thunder, confesses to betraying her husband and Kabanikha, and with the next lightning strike she falls unconscious.

As already indicated earlier, the title of the play “The Thunderstorm” has several meanings. There is one more aspect that needs to be considered in more detail. The thunderstorm appears before the reader not only as a manifestation of the elements, but also as separate character. The thunderstorm seems like a fate that hangs over all the heroes. It is no coincidence that Tikhon, before leaving, says that “there will be no thunderstorms over him for two weeks.” By the word “thunderstorm,” Kabanov means the entire unhealthy atmosphere that reigns in their family. This mainly concerns Marfa Ignatievna’s moral teachings, because for two whole weeks the mother will not interfere in her son’s life.
Kuligin, for example, is not afraid of thunderstorms. On the contrary, he calls on residents to come to their senses from causeless anxiety: “it’s not the thunderstorm that kills!

...kills grace! Perhaps Kuligin is the only character who does not have an internal feeling of a thunderstorm. There is no premonition of impending misfortune. Dikoy believes that “a thunderstorm is sent as punishment.” The merchant thinks that people should be afraid of thunderstorms, even though it scares the Wild One himself. Katerina considers the thunderstorm to be God's punishment. The girl is also afraid of her, but not as much as Dikoy. There is a significant difference between the concepts of “punishment” and “punishment”: punishment is rewarded only for sins, but you can punish just like that. Katerina considers herself a sinner because she betrayed her husband. In her soul, just like in nature, a thunderstorm begins. Doubts accumulate gradually, Katerina is torn between the desire to live her life and control her own destiny and stay in her familiar surroundings, trying to forget about her feelings for Boris. There can be no compromise between these contradictions.

Another meaning of the name of the drama “The Thunderstorm” can be called a plot-forming factor. The thunderstorm becomes the impetus for the conflict to end. How internal contradiction main character, and conflict between representatives " dark kingdom"and educated people XIX century. Katerina was frightened by the words of the crazy Lady about beauty, which certainly leads to the whirlpool, but only after a clap of thunder did Katerina admit to treason.

The relationship between Boris and Katya can also be compared to a thunderstorm. There is a lot of decisive, passionate, spontaneous things in them. But, like a thunderstorm, this relationship would not last long.
So, what is the meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm” by Ostrovsky? The thunderstorm appears as a natural phenomenon, framing the work with an auditory frame; as a separate image; as a symbol of fate and punishment; as a kind of generalized reflection of the social catastrophe that hangs over Russia XIX century.

The given versions of the title of Ostrovsky’s drama are intended to answer the popular question “why was the thunderstorm called a thunderstorm?” This information can help 10th grade students in revealing the relevant topic in the essay “The meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm” by Ostrovsky.”

Work test

“The Thunderstorm” was the pinnacle of A.N.’s creativity. Ostrovsky. In respect of artistic expression"Thunderstorm" can be compared with other large and significant works Russian and world literature.
When creating their main work, great artists sometimes have a desire to go beyond the designated topic. So, for example, when Gogol worked on " Dead souls“, he wanted to depict “all of Rus', at least from one side.” This is nothing more than an attempt to go beyond the boundaries of a narrow topic. Likewise, in “The Thunderstorm” Ostrovsky, perhaps, unwittingly turned to a question that, in its essence, goes far beyond the events depicted.
The playwright addressed the question of how a person should behave in “stormy” conditions, what should he do if he feels the presence of bright mental strength, if he wants to join something pure, perfect, especially when he is endowed with character and does not tolerate humiliation. How can he live in this world where they dominate cruel morals, lies and submission? This is the question posed by Ostrovsky. He, as we know, did not find an answer to it, and it is not his fault. But Ostrovsky’s merit as a playwright is that he showed the drama of tragic incongruity spiritual purity, conscience, beauty with the heavy force of human tyranny, lies and moral oppression.
In the play, everything is subordinated to the disclosure of this drama not as a private case, but as an event that has a deep moral, psychological and social meaning.
The name of the play is symbolic - "The Thunderstorm". This is primarily a thunderstorm within human social relations. One goes against the other, and everyone goes against one. The law of the jungle reigns in this society - every man for himself. In principle, no one cares about what is going on around them. People become interested in their surroundings only if what is happening in one way or another concerns them.
Almost in front of the entire boulevard, Kabanikha quarrels with her son and daughter-in-law, shouts throughout the street, unfairly accusing them of almost all mortal sins. And no one cares at all about this. In Tikhon’s house, his mother runs everything, and he himself does not dare to set foot or say a word against her. Almost the same situation is observed in the house of Dikiy, who tyranls not only his relatives, but also his hired workers. Therefore, the symbol of a thunderstorm takes on a second meaning here - it is also a thunderstorm family life. In fact, Katerina’s life in her husband’s house is filled with the feeling of an approaching catastrophe. Even before she met Boris, Katerina felt that she would not stay long in this world, that thunderstorms would touch her too, that clouds were gathering over her head.
Finally, the third meaning of the play's title. A thunderstorm is also a symbol of punishment for unrighteous living, with particular violation of moral laws. In addition, this is Katerina’s punishment for the sin she committed. After all, whatever you say, betrayal of marital debt has always been considered a sin in Rus'. And Katerina is also very religious. Therefore, she is very tormented by her action, which constitutes a genuine and insoluble drama.
Of course, we completely understand the impulse of a young woman, the attempt of a bright personality to break through to a bright beginning. Katerina is trying to find herself in love with Boris and through this state to feel at least a piece of happiness. But this attempt strong personality defending oneself leads to sin.
Oppression from the cruel human environment gives rise to the desire of gifted natures to overcome oppression and defend their right to happiness. However, the path to achieving it turns out to be false. This is exactly the situation Katerina found herself in.
The key to unraveling the character of Katerina, and with it the symbol of the thunderstorm, is given to us by the seventh scene of the first act. Here the exposition still takes place, the very beginning of the drama.
Let us remember Katerina’s famous monologue (“Why don’t people fly...”) and the entire subsequent conversation with Varvara. This episode reveals Katerina as a poetic, beautiful nature, which in no way agrees with the world around her. And we understand that such an exalted soul will face trouble one way or another. There is a sort of premonition of a thunderstorm. This feeling is strengthened in us after Katerina’s meeting with the madwoman.
Katerina already realizes the sinfulness of her love, and then this crazy woman begins to accuse her of human dissipation, of vulgarizing beauty... Of course, we understand that her words do not apply specifically to Katerina, and earlier this scene was perceived as a characteristic of a dark , ignorant environment. But at the same time it was eclipsed symbolic meaning words of the old woman.
Beauty as a means of satisfying personal interests is not only a sin, but also the destruction of a person. Such beauty is soulless and leads to a tragic outcome.
As for Katerina, she perceives the old woman as a personification dark side fate. And so the girl decides to commit suicide before retribution befalls her. She wanted to cleanse herself, and she saw cleansing in getting closer to God.
It may seem strange that Katerina dared to do such an act - after all, suicide is no less a sin than treason. But it seems to me that a soul that loves and has suffered a lot in this life deserves forgiveness. And it turned out that with her decisive movement, her desire to go to trial, the heroine partially atoned for her sin.
Hence another meaning of the name: a thunderstorm is not only punishment, it is also cleansing. After all, after a thunderstorm, the air becomes fresher and the earth cleaner. This means that Katerina’s impulse did not go unnoticed. Perhaps it will make some of the residents of Kalinov think. And with them, us.