Is it possible to draw beautifully with a mouse? Drawing apps

The main tools are described.

First we need to position our drawing correctly. Due to my difficulties in sketching proportions, the first thing I created was a grid, based on a photograph (A4 size picture from glossy magazine) using a pencil and ruler. The grid consisted of 12 squares across and 9 down, each square 1.5 cm.

To do this, I created a transparent layer and (for further work with the ruler) further size chart– 12 squares across and 9 down. Named the layer GRID. Since I needed the size of this image to be 640x480, I trimmed the grid to the size I needed.

After that, I created another layer with a white background, called it SKETCH, placing it in front of the GRID layer, like this:

On the SKETCH layer, I started creating a sketch in Photoshop using the line tool, with a grid for better drawing of proportions.

Behind this SKETCH, on the white layer, I started adding a little shading using airbrush until this worked:

Step 1

You can see here how the grid helps me accurately distribute all the proportions. For example, a woman's face takes up approximately 15 squares, with 1 square between the girl's nose and cheek.

Basic shadow

When working with a background layer in Photoshop (with a SKETCH and a GRID layer on foreground), I started shading the image with gray using airbrush And smudge tool with different brush settings, varying pressure 60-80%.

Step 2

For denser areas like the nose, I added small blobs and lines which I then smeared over the entire shape of the nose using smudge tool.

Using the same tools I started shading male face, touching up some areas and adding shadows to the girl's shoulder until I came up with this:

Step 3

Basic coloring

In the light and dark areas, I started layering color. This was done quite simply by painting over the current image. airbrush in mode:color.

Step 3

For this coloring, I decided to use simple brown and pink shades for skin.

What not to do!

Since I draw according to my own method, I can immediately tell you about the mistakes I made during this work.

The first mistake was that I started coloring not on the SKETCH layer, but on the background layer. After thinking about it, I decided to merge the layers. Because of this, I lost a lot of time and nerves:

Error 1: I cut the image using Magic Wand and glued it onto the red background, ruining the anti-aliasing around the girl’s head. I also noticed that I was a bit hasty with airbrush’em and lost some detail on the man’s nose and cheek. Having loaded the previous stage of my work, I tried to cut out the man and paste him onto the damaged image (it didn’t work out very well) and a little later I still had to clean up some areas with an eraser.

Error 2: I found it very easy to draw the girl’s hair, and I decided to apply one of the filters before further processing with the tool smudge. To do this I selected the hair using the tool Lasso tool, and applied the “Paint Smear” Photoshop filter to them ( Filter > Artistic > Paint Daubs).

Sometimes I used sharpen (filter > sharpen) to the hair, so that all the details and sharpness of the colors that are present in the hair are more clearly visible, in order to give an even greater number of shades and simply for variety and reduce the monotony of their very appearance.

Looks not in the best possible way, Yes?

After trying to work with this (and once again stretching out the whole process), something incomprehensible turned out.

I saved the image on top of the previous one, after coloring each of the heads, and also during the further course of work. This gave me two options: load the previous step (shown as step 4) or try repainting the damaged areas. I decided to correct the damaged areas and redo my painting.

Lesson 1: Save your work regularly under different titles.

Lesson 2: Do not use filters! (Okay, I admit that I have used Paint Daubs, BUT very rarely).

One way or another, in the end, after redoing the image using airbrush And smudge tool I have reached the next stage.

Step 5


At this point, I decided to smooth out some areas after using the brush. This was done first with blur tool and then mixing the shades together with smudge tool, as shown in the following example:

1. An uneven gradient with small transitions between each shade.

2. Smudge tool usually used to soften these shades.

3. Smudge tool And soft brushes used for further mixing before moving on to the next step.


To begin with, I decided to delete the GRID layer with all its features and continue working without it, using the original photo. When adding various elements and details, I do not take an existing sample as a basis. It's better to contribute your own creative potential at this stage and realize some of your ideas.

WITH dodge And burn tool, I began to enhance the main highlights and shadows. I also used airbrush, burn And dodge tools And smudge tool With hard brushes to add detail to each person's lips, eyes, and nose, gently pushing and pulling the colors in the desired direction (see previous nose example).

By using burn And dodge tools, I started adding light and dark lines to girl's hair using smudge tool And hard brushes, to separate color lines.

To some other areas of the hair I applied Filter > Artistic > Paint Daubs(in moderation) before smoothing and further processing (as shown below).

Step 6

Continuing with the above methods, I continued smoothing where the colors were applied with the brushes, adding stronger effects and detail to the hair. I also started adding creases to the eyes, eyelashes and eyebrows of the eye using smudge And burn tools 1px size on low pressure.

1. A simple, undetailed eye.

2. The main point is to brighten the tip of the eye using the Photoshop tool dodge tool. Adding individual elements to the eye, made using smudge tool.

3. Eyebrows and eyelashes drawn down. Added folds to the tip of the eye. Addition purple shades with help airbrush in mode: color.

Step 7

Part one

In this article we will learn how to draw a mouse. We'll start with simple examples, which are perfect for children, and then we will gradually move on to more complex methods of drawing.

The easiest way to draw

In the first example, we will look at how to draw a mouse for small children. She is very cute, very easy to depict on paper and does not take much time to draw.

So, our mouse will stand on hind legs kah and have simple form torso. We draw a large oval, and in its lower part a small oval, which will be the stomach. We will draw two circles on top, they will be the ears of our raw foodist.

At the height of the upper side of the abdomen, draw small paws sticking out in different directions. At the bottom we will also add the legs on which it stands.

Now we are working on the muzzle. Two black eyes and an oval nose, from under which protrudes a mouth and teeth. Let's finalize the ears by drawing circles in them.

On the right side we will draw a thin tail.

Now take a felt-tip pen and trace all the lines that we drew with a pencil.

Take colored pencils. The entire body of the mouse can be shaded regular pencil, without pressing hard on it, and the belly is darker, for example, black. Inner part Let's paint the ears pink.

Draw in 4 steps

This time we will learn how to draw a mouse step by step in just 4 steps. This drawing method will be a little more complicated than the previous one, but it still remains quite simple.

At the first stage we will make a sketch. To do this, we will draw the contours of the head with a sharp tip on which there will be a nose, two even circles on top and a crumpled oval, which will be the body.

Now we need to detail all the limbs of our character. We work on the front, hind legs and tail.

Making the figures more mousy appearance, namely, we add fur to the leg, draw fingers on all the paws, and also draw a muzzle.

At the final stage we need to erase everything auxiliary lines and our drawing will be ready.

Mouse with cheese

And thanks to this drawing method, we can understand how to draw a mouse with a pencil. This time she will not be empty-handed, she will be holding the cheese that she found somewhere.

Let's start by drawing the head and then move on to the rest of the parts. The head has a fairly simple shape that is easy to repeat. At the tip we depict a black nose; it can be made in any shape. We draw a smile under the two black eyes.

Let's draw the ears. One ear should be much larger than the other because it is closer to us.

Now we add the small front legs, they will hold the triangular piece of cheese. On the other side, draw a line for the back.

The lower legs should be much larger than the front ones, because they take the main load when moving. Just like with the ears, the leg closest to us will be larger than the one farthest.

Add a long tail and our drawing is ready.

Mouse lying down

If previous mice stood on their hind legs, then in this example we will show you how to draw a lying mouse with a pencil. This drawing method is perfect for adults and children.

Even though this example is shown on the side, it is more difficult than the previous ones, but you should still be able to handle it.

So, first we need to draw a circle, it will be the tip of the nose. From the circle we draw a strip diagonally upward, on the edge of which two ears will grow.

The smooth line of the back contour gradually bends to form the beginning of the leg.

Connect the left and right side drawing. We draw the mouth with a regular stripe, then draw the long front paw and the short back paw.

The final touch will be painting the nose black, leaving a white area for the highlight, adding antennae, an eye with a highlight and a long tail.

Another mouse in a horizontal position

The last example on how to draw a mouse step by step within the framework of this article is not too different from the previous one. However, the drawing method is a little different and some may find it simpler and more convenient.

The first step is perhaps the most unusual in this example. We simultaneously depict both the back and the front. Take a look at the picture below and you will immediately understand everything. And if you don’t really understand how to draw this, then you can skip a couple of steps and start drawing, for example, from the third picture.

Having painted on the ears, we will plug the resulting hole with them and connect the left and right parts.

One of the hind legs will not be visible, because the mouse is standing sideways to us, so we draw three legs.

Add a long tail, which should gradually taper towards the tip.

well and the final stage There will be coloring of our mouse.

Probably, everyone who has ever entered the simplest graphic editors, for example, the built-in Paint, has tried to draw simple ideas with the mouse. Most likely, he either abandoned the work, or the image turned out to be unsuccessful. And the point is not at all that the person draws poorly. The problem is that the computer mouse they are using to draw is not entirely adapted for creating illustrations. The mouse is not able to accurately convey the movements of the hand that are transmitted to paper through a pen or other tool. Then the question arises: “How to learn to draw on a computer with a mouse?” You can learn, but you need to find your own approach to such a computer device.

Graphics tablet and computer mouse

In our time Graphics tablet- this is not nonsense at all. It appeared in hardware stores quite a long time ago and has become a favorite of many artists, designers, architects and those who simply like to draw. But, however, many are not ready to pay money for a device that they may stop using in the future due to loss of interest or inspiration. To test their abilities, aspiring artists think about how to draw with a mouse on a computer. Sometimes there are cases when a person masters the art of drawing with a mouse so well that he no longer wants to switch to a graphics tablet.

Programs that are best for drawing

In fact, any editor is quite suitable, even Paint. To draw on a computer with a mouse, like some professionals who are great with it, you need to decide in what format you will work. Either it will be raster graphics or vector graphics. Suitable for the first case Adobe Photoshop, and for the second you can use programs such as Corel Draw And Adobe Illustrator. The main difference- the graphics themselves and the format in which the programs will function, and the tools are the same everywhere.

How to learn to draw with a mouse on a computer?

The main tool for the user will be the “Brush” with all its settings and subtleties. In addition to this tool, you will need the “Eraser”, “Fill” and the “Zoom in/Zoom out” modes. In order to learn how to draw with a mouse on a computer, you need to have patience and desire, since this process is quite labor-intensive.

Most main problem there will be rotation of lines when drawing. For example, if you want a smooth curve, you might end up with an angular bevel. This can be corrected by greatly enlarging the area to render each pixel better and more accurately. Therefore, it is worth working on an enlarged scale so that the lines appear smooth and precise.

Try to use the Line and Curve tool to make more precise construction Images. If you need to draw a long line, then on an enlarged scale, make individual strokes instead of a continuous command with the mouse.

Small subtleties and nuances

It is worth paying attention to working with layers. This is very convenient when drawing with the mouse, since when painting the user will not be able to go beyond the edges of the layer. If desired, you can remove unnecessary layers and avoid unnecessary work with the eraser.

If it is difficult for a beginner to learn how to draw on a computer with a mouse, like some artists, then you can draw an image on paper, then photograph/scan and upload it to graphics editor, and then draw over the drawn image. In the same way, you can load any picture into the program and draw based on it.

There are some accessories for computer mouse, which can make your drawing process easier. They can be ordered in online stores. Watch video courses with topics similar to this one: “Learning to draw with a mouse on a computer.” Thanks to them, you can quickly learn how to use a mouse and, in general, improve your creativity.

I don't have a tablet. I draw very little, and I’m afraid that if I buy it, it will either quietly gather dust on the shelf, or the time, which I already have very little, will be spent on the wrong goals that I pursue in life. But in fact, drawing with a mouse suits me quite well, this, of course, may seem strange, but it’s true.

I use Photoshop CS5 and Logitech mx518 mouse.

It has been serving me for 5 years, it is very comfortable, straight lines, which everyone is so afraid of, are drawn without difficulty. Although make a sketch human figure I can't (it's not easy on paper either), but here's an example of an eye sketch drawn from scratch.

The main difficulty after all, it is a lack of knowledge and experience.

I’ll try to outline the main features of drawing with a mouse:

It is much more convenient to paint with a standard soft brush. Hardness(Hardness) ranges from 20 before 70% . Flow(pressure) 40% . Opacity(Opacity) is also usually low, but it depends on the situation. I'm afraid this item may cause negative emotions, because almost all the use of a soft brush is frowned upon, but drawing with a mouse using it is much more convenient. There is no way to regulate the degree of pressure, and therefore, if you take a hard brush, the strokes will turn out to be very rough. So you need to be careful.

I repeat, since it is impossible to regulate the degree of pressure, I additionally use an eraser with a low opacity to erase a little the ends of the lines.

Lots and lots of clicks. In general, you need to very quickly not only click on the drawing itself, but also be able to change the size of the brush, its hardness, transparency and switch to the eraser and back, this should be developed to the point of automaticity.

Now, actually, about the drawing itself.

The idea appeared more than a year ago, and I no longer remember how this image appeared in my imagination and what inspired me. I removed some stages in order to get rid of fruitless transformations, since due to lack of knowledge, I have to change a lot in the process. Final result different from what I originally posted here, I modified it. It’s no good to somehow post a lesson when you yourself are dissatisfied with the drawing.

I intended to draw a girl whose hair turns into water and fills huge lake. First, I always make a pencil sketch (but since the idea appeared more than a year ago, it was not saved) and trace it in Photoshop. As you can see, the idea was a little different and I had already started to implement it, but something didn’t work out.

A year later, a slightly different picture appeared to me; I thought that this must certainly be a waterfall, and not just a stream. Therefore, I changed the sketch in Photoshop, if there is a basis, then this is not very difficult. Work permit - 3773x5500.

The next stage is definition color range, which is always difficult for me, despite the fact that I have a clear idea of ​​where and what color it should be. To do this, I create a new layer on top of the sketch. Let me immediately mention that in the future I will create many layers on top, gradually gluing them to the base. I don’t use a clear palette; I pick colors by eye or with a pipette from already drawn parts.

I work with the image evenly, but perhaps I will highlight the stages of the face, since on a small scale it is difficult to catch the changes.

I begin to detail the face and outline the hairstyle. To paint the skin, I use a large, soft brush with a low opacity to soften the color transition. In the process, I turn the face and add richer shadows of orange, yellow, and burgundy tones.

I draw hair broken lines and erase their ends. First I take a thick brush and gradually make it thinner and thinner. Using this principle, I draw absolutely everything, not just hair.

And now let’s return, in fact, to the whole picture.

At this stage, the main task for me is to correct the anatomy, prepare some kind of frame for further detailing. To do this, I look at references; I choose a huge number of them, so it’s impossible to single out any specific one. Either using transformation or drawing on top I correct the body. I designate the environment more specifically.

Then I try to enrich the color palette, adding many shades. I paint the sky and go over my hair and skin with the same colors, trying to make it glow. Using a hard brush I make the dress transparent in the leg area and detail the bodice. I draw the mountains in the background, copy them along with the sky and flip them vertically to create a reflection in the water. There was originally a pendant around the neck, which I later found out of place.

I draw the hands and change the appearance of the braid, instead of the usual one I draw “ spikelet”, because I didn’t take into account the fact that it was exactly what I got next to my face. I draw in even more detail the sky, waterfall, reflection in the water, and outline the stems of the plant on the rock.

I had a feeling that there wasn’t enough space around, so I expanded the canvas a little. Fog began to appear below and flowers on the plant.

And finally I apply 2 Alien Skin Exposure 2 filters. It turns out 2 layers on top of the picture:

1. Color Film - Kodak Ektachrome mid-1970s (blue) (lower the contrast a little, Opacity 20%);

2. Color Film - Fuji Provia 100F (Opacity 20%);

On each layer I erase areas that are too dark or overexposed.

The finished result.

Final result

Greetings to all!

If earlier, to draw a picture, you needed a brush, an easel, paints, etc., but now you can create without leaving the computer! Moreover, I would like to note that paintings created in some editor on a computer also cause great delight (as if it were a painting on canvas)!

I will add that many people mistakenly believe that drawing a picture on a computer is easier than on canvas. Moving your cursor (or even drawing with a graphics tablet) is no easier or faster!

Actually, this article is dedicated to tools - to draw a picture, you need special programs for drawing (note: graphic editors). These will be discussed below (by the way, I’ll add that I chose free programs that support all popular Windows: 7, 8, 10 (32|64 bits)) . So...

By the way!I have another article on drawing on my blog. There is a special sites that allow you to create paintings online, meet other artists, and find common ideas. For more information, see this article:

List of the best programs. Let's start drawing?

Before moving on to the programs, I would like to dwell on one important issue - the type computer graphics. In general, there are two main types - vector and raster graphics.

Raster drawing is a canvas on which there are many multi-colored dots (pixels). Together all these points look by the human eye, like some picture (or photo).

Vector drawing consists of entities: line, segment, square, ellipse, etc., which are all interconnected. All these entities also form a wide variety of pictures.

The main advantage of a vector drawing over a raster one is the ability to transform it in any way (for example, enlarge it) without losing quality. The computer, in fact, only needs to recalculate your picture according to the mat. formulas.

Raster graphics are convenient for creating high-quality photos and digital drawings. Most popular formats bitmap JPEG and PNG. It is raster graphics that are most popular in our time (and that is why in my article the main focus is on programs for working with it).

Vector editors in the article: Gravit, DrawPlus, Inkscape.

Raster editors in the article: Paint, Gimp, ArtWeaver and others...


Raster editor

Basic program in Windows

How to start: find it in the START menu, or press the Win+R buttons, enter the mspaint command in the open line and press Enter.

A very simple graphic editor, designed not even for drawing, but for easily editing pictures (add an inscription, an arrow, erase something, cut out one piece of the picture and paste it into another, save the screenshot taken, etc.).

Of course, you can hardly draw anything professionally in Paint, but if we're talking about about some very simple drawings- then the program can be used. At least, if you are just at the very beginning of your journey, then why not try? ☺


Raster editor (partly vector)

The GNU Image Manipulation Program (or GIMP for short) is a very powerful, free and multi-purpose graphics editor. This editor is very multifunctional: it can be used for drawing, or as a program for retouching digital photos, as a program for processing a package of pictures and publishing them (+ converting one format to another).

In addition, there are very interesting opportunities for creating step-by-step commands (scripts) that will automate routine tasks (and the scripts can be truly complex)!

Main advantages:

  • drawing pictures and posters;
  • support for graphics tablets (Wacom, Genius, etc.);
  • draw web designs for sites, edit ready-made layouts from Photoshop;
  • you can refresh your old photos, make them more juicy and vibrant;
  • or poster;
  • remove unnecessary elements from photos (a bad photo can become a good one!);
  • a huge collection of plugins for GIMP will allow you to solve a wide variety of problems;
  • The program supports Windows, Mac, Linux operating systems.


Raster editor (some analogue of Photoshop)

This program replicates many of the tools of such a popular editor as Adobe Photoshop. For editing ready-made pictures and drawing new ones, there are a bunch of ready-made brushes of all types and sizes, different modes, imitation pencil, ink pen, oil brush, etc.

Main advantages:

  • support for all popular graphic formats: GIF, JPEG, PCX, TGA, TIFF, PNG (including PSD and AWD);
  • a huge number of tools for editing pictures: gradients, selections, filling, etc.;
  • plugin support;
  • availability of convenient drawing tools: brushes, pencils, etc.;
  • graphics tablet support (BIG plus for those who like to draw);
  • many different filters: spot, blur, mosaic, mask, etc.;
  • working with text layers;
  • the ability to sequentially cancel your actions.
  • support for everyone popular versions Windows.


Raster editor

MyPaint - painted portrait of a girl

A popular raster graphics editor designed more for digital artists(those who like to draw). It is an unlimited canvas (sheet) and a relatively simple interface on GTK+, without distracting the artist from the creative process - drawing.

Unlike Gimp, MyPaint has much less graph functionality. editor, but for your attention a huge dimensionless canvas; big number brushes, for a variety of tasks and for different functions (there are a lot of brushes, see screenshot above).

MyPaint is a tool for painting with brushes on your PC screen almost as if you were doing it on a real canvas. In addition to brushes, there are: crayons, charcoal, pencils, etc. It's hard to resist if you have a craving for drawing...

Main features:

  • the program is specifically designed for drawing, so it has fewer options for editing existing pictures (i.e., there are no functions such as selection, scaling, etc.);
  • a huge set of brushes that you can customize for yourself: create and change groups, blur, mix colors, etc.;
  • the program supports graphics tablet;
  • the boundless canvas is very convenient in the drawing process - nothing is holding you back while creating;
  • support for layers: copying, pasting, adjusting transparency, etc.;
  • Windows, Mac OS, Linux supported.



A free program for painting and those who like to draw by hand on a computer. The program's interface is very simple, designed so that any artist who has just started can immediately start creating without wasting time studying.

I would like to immediately note that the program has a lot of brushes (pen, brush, airbrush, pencil, etc.), there are tools for retouching, working with layers, you can change the brightness, contrast, colors of pictures, add some effects .

Program features:

  • many types of brushes for drawing: pencil, chalk, pen, airbrush, brush, spray, etc.;
  • works with tablet PCs, supports graphics tablets;
  • works with the following image formats: PNG, BMP, JPEG, JPG, TGA, JIF, GIF and TIFF;
  • there are tools for photo retouching;
  • working with layers;
  • possibility of color correction;
  • Compatible with Windows 7, 8, 10.

Note! For SmoothDraw to work, you must have at least NET Framework version v2.0 on Windows.



Paint.NET is a free picture and photo editor for Windows. The main difference from other programs is that it uses an intuitive and innovative interface with support for layers, dimensionless canvas, special effects, useful and powerful tools editing (analogues of which are only available in paid products).

Active and growing online support will help in solving non-standard problems. In addition, quite a lot of instructions have been written for the program, additional ones. plugins to expand capabilities.


  • free to distribute and use;
  • user-friendly interface (somewhat similar to Photoshop);
  • you can work with many documents at the same time;
  • support for working with layers;
  • a large number of instructions;
  • the program is optimized to work with 2 and 4 core modern processors;
  • Supported by all popular Windows: XP, 7, 8, 10.



Livebrush(translated from English as “live brush”) is a powerful graphic editor that allows you to paint with brushes. Moreover, I would like to point out right away that the “drawing tool” is not a simple one, with its help you can create quite interesting pictures, decorate the art with beautiful strokes and lines, etc.

As you work, you can select and adjust the brush so that as you move it, the line under the brush will change its thickness, color, transparency, tip rotation, depending on your mouse movement speed, pressing speed, etc.

By the way, those who have a graphics tablet will be able to fully experience the benefits of Livebrush, because it also understands the force of pressure and its inclination.

There are many brushes in the program set different forms: from simple lines to patterned Gothic ornaments. By the way, you can correct any pattern yourself by switching to editing with a pencil.

In addition, you can draw the pattern yourself and save it as a template. You can import ready-made sets of brushes, projects, and decorations into the program. By the way, they can be found in a huge number on the official forum of the program.

In general, my verdict is that the program is very convenient, interesting, and deserves the attention of all drawing lovers!


Vector editor (one of the few)

Free analogues: Gravit, DrawPlus

Paid analogues: Corel DRAW and Adobe Illustrator

Inkscape is a free vector editor, one of the few that can partially replace such monsters as Corel Draw and Adobe Illustrator. The application has a fairly standard interface: color palette, menu, tools. The program supports all major graphic formats: SVG, PDF, AI, PS, EPS, CorelDRAW.

By the way, Inkscape also has tools from the raster editor - for example, it supports different kinds mixing. Besides drawing some geometric shapes, the program supports extensive work with text: you can write text along curved lines. It looks very cool and unusual.

The application has a fairly large number of filters, extensions, etc. All this is available at the office. program website.


Vector editor (online version)

Gravit- quite an interesting vector editor. Of course, it cannot replace Adobe Illustrator, but it can compete with the previous program (Inkscape).

The tools include all the most basic things: pens, lines, intersection and cutting of shapes from each other, alignment, layers, fonts, etc. Works can be exported to SVG and several raster formats. You can also open works made in Adobe Illustrator in the program.

What's somewhat surprising is that Gravit looks like a real program while running in a browser window, without using Flash. Among the main shortcomings I would highlight the lack of Russian language.

By the way, in Gravit the choice of canvas is implemented quite interestingly: you can choose standard formats of sheets, business cards, postcards, and create covers of popular social networks, phone screens and other gadgets.

Overall, an interesting editor that deserves attention.



A very flexible and powerful graphic editor that allows its users to create high-quality illustrations. This program will allow you to fully explore your drawing capabilities.

DrawPlus has many tools that will allow you to easily and quickly create a variety of shapes, strokes, and lines. Each of the elements can be combined with others and gradually the whole complex will become a rather complex, but beautiful illustration.

By the way, DrawPlus has a 3D module - it will allow you to turn your creativity into real 3D design elements. You can apply a wide variety of effects when creating logos, isometric projections, and flowcharts.

You can import a huge number of formats into the program: PDF, AI, SVG, SVGZ, EPS, PS, SMF, etc. The proprietary format for projects is DPP.

Graffiti Studio


Raster graphics

One of the most best programs for drawing graffiti, looks as realistic as possible!

To start drawing: you need to choose a piece of canvas (carriage, walls, bus), and, in fact, start creating (there are just heaps of ready-made options to choose from!). The artist has a large palette of colors (more than 100 pieces), several types of caps (skinny, regular and fat), and a marker. The distance to the surface is changed manually, it is possible to make drips. In general, for fans of such graphics there is a huge scope!

Those who don’t believe that you can create real masterpieces in the program, I recommend checking out the official website and having a look. best works- the look will change a lot!

PixBuilder Studio

Raster editor

Powerful processing and editing program graphic images and photographs. In addition to editing, it is quite possible to draw and create (although there are fewer tools for this than in previous similar programs).

PixBuilder Studio has enough interesting tools, allowing you to finely work with color, brightness, contrast, layers. In addition, there are built-in effects (for example, dithering (when processing digital signals, it is the mixing of pseudo-random noise with a specially selected spectrum into the primary signal) ), blur, sharpening, etc.


  • support for popular raster formats: BMP, PNG, JPG, GIF, TIFF, etc.;
  • there is the opportunity and tools for drawing (though very limited);
  • Great opportunities for editing finished photos and pictures;
  • ability to work with layers;
  • professional work with color: adjusting balance, brightness, contrast, etc.;
  • setting up hot keys;
  • the presence of ready-made effects (you just need to apply them);
  • preview (to evaluate the result);
  • support for popular Windows OS: 7, 8, 10.


Raster editor

An excellent and convenient raster graphics editor for artists (by the way, at the time of writing this review, the program is free even for commercial use). Krita runs on both Windows and Linux.

As for the most important thing: there is a good brush motion stabilizer, layers, masks, dynamic brushes, animation, a large number of blending modes, paper and pastel imitation, “infinite” canvas, etc.

By the way, there is even a portable version of the program that can be run from a regular flash drive on any PC. The program has also been translated into Russian.

PS: the article will be updated...

Thank you in advance for tips and advice in the comments!