Test and diagnostic work on literature (grade 11). Instructions for completing work for students

Novozhilova Anna Mikhailovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

MOU " high school №59"

city ​​of Yaroslavl

Input diagnostic work on literature

5th grade

1. Purpose of diagnostic work

Diagnostic work on literature is carried out in order to determine the level of students’ assimilation of the subject content of the literature course according to the program primary school For the previous period

2. Structure of diagnostic work

Each version of the diagnostic work consists of 15 tasks with the choice of one correct answer from four proposed

3. Lead time

30 minutes are allotted to complete all diagnostic work.

4. Additional materials and equipment

Presentation containing instructions for completing the work and evaluation criteria

5. Grading system individual tasks and work in general

Tasks 1 to 15 are worth 1 point (for each correct answer 1 point). The maximum test score for completing all work is 15 points. For completing diagnostic work, students receive marks on a five-point scale. For an incorrect answer or lack thereof, 0 points are given.

6. Source : StatGrad

During the classes

I . Organizing time

1) Greeting

2) Checking those present

II. Motivation educational activities

1) Presentation and accompanying speech by the teacher

III. Performance test work

I option

1. Choose the correct answer

2. Choose a proverb that could most likely become the title of a story telling about the triumph of justice

3. Choose the correct answer

4.Which proverb fits the meaning of this poem?

6. The main idea of ​​the poem is expressed in the statement

7. Choose two answers. From the text we can draw conclusions:

8.Children were caught and turned into old people because

9. Determine the style of the presented text

1) reference

2) educational

3) artistic

4) scientific

10.Imagine what is in front of you full text“Tales of Lost Time” by E. Schwartz. You need to find in the text the exact answer to the question: “How did the children defeat the wizards?” What type of reading will you use?

11. Wanting to emphasize the reason for the transformation of children into old people, the author uses

12. The work “The Tale of Lost Time” is a fairy tale because

14.Choose two folk tales from those offered

15.More than one correct answer is possible. For reference when answering the question: “What is an epithet?” - you can use:

II option

1. Choose the correct answer

Epics say that heroes in a dangerous situation for Rus' usually

2. Choose the correct answer

In Russian fairy tales goodies, having found myself in a difficult situation,

3. Choose a proverb that could most likely become the title of a story telling about the triumph of justice

Read the poem and complete tasks 4-6

(1) Books taught me good things,

(2) Books gave hope and strength

(3) And they helped, as if they were relatives,

(4) On the days when everything seemed unpleasant to me.

(5) There were many difficult moments,

(6) There were many of them, worries and doubts.

(7) But I understood: since books live,

(8) The connection between generations is not interrupted.

(9) And the dream will not die in our souls,

(10) And love will remain on the planet.

(11) Let there be books everywhere, always!

(12) Let them shine for us like the sun!

4. The main idea of ​​the poem is expressed in the statement

5. In the poem, the vital need for reading is emphasized by the expression

6.Which proverb matches the meaning of this poem?

Read an excerpt from a fairy tale by E. Schwartz and do tasks 7-12

A person who wastes time in vain does not notice how old he is. AND evil wizards Let's find out about this and let's catch the guys who are wasting their time. And so the wizards caught Petya Zubov, and another boy, and two more girls and turned them into old men. The poor children grew old and didn’t notice it themselves...

(excerpt from "The Tale of Lost Time")

7.Children were caught and turned into old people because

8. Choose two answers. From the text we can draw conclusions:

9. Imagine that in front of you is the full text of “The Tale of Lost Time” by E. Schwartz. You need to find in the text the exact answer to the question: “How did the children defeat the wizards?” What type of reading will you use?

10. Determine the style of the presented text

1) scientific

2) artistic

3) educational

4) reference

11. The work “The Tale of Lost Time” is a fairy tale because

12. Wanting to emphasize the reason for the transformation of children into old people, the author uses

13. More than one correct answer is possible.

You have to do oral communication about Russian folk tales. You will choose as sources of information:

14.More than one correct answer is possible. For reference when answering the question: “What is an epithet?” - you can use:

15.Choose two folk tales from those offered

Answers to assignments

I option



This manual is intended to develop practical skills of students in preparation for the literature exam in grade 11 in Unified State Exam format. It contains options for diagnostic work based on the literature, the content of which corresponds to the testing and measuring materials developed Federal Institute pedagogical measurements to conduct a unified state exam. The book also includes answers to tasks and criteria for checking and assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer. The author of the manual is the developer of training and diagnostic work for the StatGrad system.
The materials in the book are recommended for teachers and methodologists to identify the level and quality of students’ preparation in the subject and determine the degree of their readiness for the unified state exam.
The publication complies with the Federal State educational standard(FSES).

Read the work below and complete the tasks.

Dreams of my spring love.
Dreams in the morning of my days
Crowded like a herd of deer
At the protected river waters:
The slightest sound in the green thicket -
And all their sensitive beauty.
All sleep blissful and trembling
He was already rushing like lightning into the forests!

Indicate the type of literature to which the given poem by I.A. belongs. Bunina.

The first and second lines of the poem begin with the same word. What is this stylistic figure called?

Select 3 titles from the list below artistic means, used by the poet in the poem (indicate the numbers in any order).
1) comparison
2) neologism
3) oxymoron
4) epithet
5) metaphor

Determine the meter in which I.A.’s poem is written. Bunin “Dreams of my spring love...” (without indicating the number of feet).

Instructions for performing the work
Option 1
Part 1
Part 2
Option 2
Part 1
Part 2
Option 3
Part 1
Part 2
Option 4
Part 1
Part 2
Option 5
Part 1
Part 2
Option 6
Part 1
Part 2
Option 7
Part 1
Part 2
Option 8
Part 1
Part 2
Answers to short answer tasks
Evaluation criteria for a task with a detailed answer.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Literature, Preparation for the Unified State Exam, Diagnostic works, Zinin S.A., 2017 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • Final essay, Admission to the Unified State Exam, From choosing a topic to evaluating according to criteria, Belyaeva N.V., Novikova L.V., Zinin S.A., Zinina E.A., 2018
  • Methodological recommendations for teachers, prepared on the basis of an analysis of typical mistakes of participants in the 2018 Unified State Examination in literature, Zinin S.A., Barabanova M.A., Novikova L.V.

Diagnostic work is carried out based on the results of the 1st half of the year school year in order to determine the intermediate level of training of 8th grade students as part of monitoring the achievements of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program schools in the context of the introduction and implementation of Federal State Educational Standards LLC.



Diagnostic work on literature for the 1st half of the year, 8th grade

Job specification.

  1. Purpose of diagnostic work

Diagnostic work is carried out based on the results of the 1st half of the academic year in order to determine the intermediate level of training of 8th grade students as part of monitoring the achievements of the planned results of mastering the main educational program of the school in the context of the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC.

The diagnostic work covers the content of the 1st half of the academic year, included in the educational and methodological set on literature for the literature textbook for grade 8 by authors V.P. Polukhina, V.Ya. Korovina, V.P. Zhuravleva, V.I. Korovina.

  1. Documents defining the content of diagnostic work:
  1. Federal component state standard main general education on literature. Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 03/05/04. No. 1089 “On approval of the federal component of the state education standard.”
  2. Programs educational institutions. Literature. grades 5-11 ( a basic level of) / Ed. V.Ya.Korovina. M.: Education, 2014.
  3. Literature. 8th grade. Textbook For educational institutions with an application on electronic media. In 2 parts./ V.Ya.Korovina. M.: Education, 2014.

The number of hours per week is 3 hours, per year – 102 hours.

Number of options – 2

Time to complete the work is 40 minutes.

Structure of diagnostic work.

The work is accompanied by instructions for students: The test consists of 2 parts. It takes 40 minutes to complete. It is recommended to complete the tasks in order. For each multiple-choice task (A1–A15), there are 4 possible answers, of which only one is correct. If you cannot complete a task right away, move on to the next one. If there is time left, return to those tasks that you did not complete.

Instructions for students

For each multiple-choice task (A1–A15), there are 4 possible answers, of which only one is correct. When completing such a task, circle the number of the selected answer in the work. If you circled the wrong number, cross the circled number and then circle the number of the correct answer.

You must formulate the answers to tasks B1–B10 yourself. Write down the answers to them in the space provided for these answers in words or numbers. If you write down an incorrect answer, cross it out and write a new one next to it. When performing work, it is not allowed to use a textbook, workbooks, literary dictionaries, or other reference materials.

We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. If, after completing all the work, you have time left, you can return to the missed tasks. Try to complete as many tasks as possible.

We wish you success!

Criteria for assessing diagnostic test work
on literature

8th grade
Part I A (test) For each correct answer in the first part of the test - 1 point, 15 points in total.
Part II B (short answer tasks) Maximum amount points for the second part – 10 points.

“5” - 20-25 points
“4” - 13-19 points
“3” - 8-12 points
“2” - 0-7 points

Option 1

A1. Years of life of N.M. Karamzin:

a) 1799 - 1837;

b) 1766 - 1826;

c) 1828 - 1910.

A2. What epigraph preceded the work of A.S. Pushkin “ Captain's daughter»?

c) Take care of honor from a young age.

A3. In N.V. Gogol’s work “The Inspector General,” the main character punishes vices and approves positive ideals, is:

a) auditor;

b) Mayor;

c) laughter.

A4. Khlestakovism is:

a) the desire to present oneself as a person more important and significant than he really is, unsubstantiated bragging;

b) the desire to dress fashionably;

c) pursuit of ranks.

A5. How did Ivan Vasilyevich’s love for Varenka end in Leo Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball”?

a) wedding;

b) love came to naught;

c) divorce.

a) last year’s magazine;

b) cane;

c) hare sheepskin coat.

A7. To which literary direction Can we include the work of M.Yu. Lermontov “Mtsyri”?

a) romanticism;

b) realism;

c) classicism.

a) ballad;

b) elegy;

c) confessional poem.

A9. The theme of the work is:

a) main idea;

b) object of reflection;

c) composition.

A10. The composition of the work is:

a) topic;

b) beginning and ending;

c) the sequence of parts and elements of the work.

a) climax;

b) epithet;

c) the beginning

A13. What means of expressiveness does M.Yu. Lermontov use in the lines: “And cloud after cloud, // Leaving his secret overnight stay, // He ran towards the east”?

a) comparison;

b) personification;

c) metonymy.

A14. What means of expression does M.Yu. Lermontov use in the lines: “... with longing // My chest ached again”?

a) comparison;

b) epithet;

c) metaphor.

A15. What means of expressiveness does Osip use in his monologue (“The Inspector General” by N.V. Gogol): “... and the chatter in my stomach is as if a whole regiment had blown its trumpets”?

a) comparison;

b) epithet;

c) litotes.

Block 2. (B) Short answer task.

B1. Indicate the hero of A.S. Pushkin’s work “The Captain’s Daughter” according to this passage: “... lived as a teenager, chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with the yard boys. Meanwhile, I was 16 years old. Then my fate changed.”

B2. To which hero of M.Yu. Lermontov’s work do these words belong:

"You listen to my confession

I came here, thank you.

Everything is better in front of someone

With words I can ease my chest,

But I didn’t do harm to people...”?

B3. To which hero of N.V. Gogol’s work “The Inspector General” do these words belong: “I seemed to have a presentiment: today I dreamed about two extraordinary rats all night. Really, I’ve never seen anything like this: black, of unnatural size!”?

B4. To whom is Mtsyri’s monologue addressed?

B6. Indicate the year of birth of A.S. Pushkin.

B7. Define poetic meter the following poetic lines written by A.A. Blok:

“The river has spread out. Flows, lazily sad

And washes the shores...”

B9. What trope does M.Yu. Lermontov use in the following poetic line: “From these sweet names"?

B10. What trope does S.A. Yesenin use in the following poetic line: “Stand on the threshold of Russia,like Tamerlane's shadow»?

Option 2

Block 1. (A). Multiple choice task.

A1. Years of life of A.S. Pushkin:

a) 1799 - 1837;

b) 1766 - 1826;

c) 1828 - 1910.

A2. What epigraph preceded N.V. Gogol’s work “The Inspector General”?

a) Tasting, I taste little honey, and now I die;

b) There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked;

c) Take care of honor from a young age.

A3. The problem of honor arises in the work:

a) “The Captain’s Daughter”;

b) “Song about the prophetic Oleg”;

c) "Inspector".

A4. Theme of L.N. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball”:

a) a story about the love of Ivan Vasilyevich;

b) a story about a colonel;

c) showing Nikolaev Russia.

A5. How does N.V. Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General” end?

a) wedding;

b) silent stage;

c) Khlestakov’s departure abroad.

A6. What did Petrusha Grinev grant to the counselor (Pugachev)?

a) hare sheepskin coat;

b) cane;

c) last year's magazine.

A7. To which literary movement can Fonvizin’s play “The Minor” be attributed?

a) romanticism;

b) realism;

c) classicism.

A8. Determine the genre of M.Yu. Lermontov’s work “Mtsyri”:

a) ballad;

b) elegy;

c) confessional poem.

A9. The idea of ​​the work is:

b) composition;

c) the main general idea of ​​the work.

A10. The tie is:

a) the moment of occurrence or discovery of the conflict;

b) the beginning of the work;

c) the first appearance of the main character.

A11. Tragedy as a genre is:

A) dramatic work, ridiculing traits or social vices;

b) a dramatic work based on tragic conflict leading to catastrophic consequences;

c) a play with an acute conflict that allows for the possibility of its successful resolution.

A12. figurative means language:

a) climax;

b) beginning;

c) epithet.

A13. What means of expressiveness does M.Yu. Lermontov use in the lines: “... and one // Only a cloud was sneaking behind her”?

a) personification;

b) comparison;

c) metonymy.

A14. What means of expression does M.Yu. Lermontov use in the lines: “I was a stranger // For them forever, like a steppe animal”?

a) comparison;

b) personification;

c) metonymy.

A15. What means of expressiveness does Osip use in his monologue (“The Inspector General” by N.V. Gogol): “You get bored of walking - you take a cab and sit like a gentleman”?

a) epithet;

b) destruction;

c) litotes.

Block 2. (B) Short answer task

B1. Identify the hero of A.S. Pushkin’s work “The Captain’s Daughter” based on this passage: “... he was about forty years old, of average height, thin and broad-shouldered. His black beard showed some gray; alive big eyes That’s how they ran.”

B2. Identify the hero of A.S. Pushkin’s work “The Captain’s Daughter” based on this passage: “(he) was not very stupid. His conversation was sharp and entertaining. With great joy he described to me the commandant’s family, his society and the region...”B3. To which hero of N.V. Gogol’s work “The Inspector General” do these words belong: “I know pretty actresses... I am on friendly terms with Pushkin...”? B4. In what poetic meter is M.Yu. Lermontov’s work “Mtsyri” written?

B5. What animal did Mtsyri fight with?

B6. Indicate the year of birth of M.Yu. Lermontov.

B7. Determine the poetic size of the following poetic lines written by A.T. Tvardovsky:

“In war, in the dust of the march,

In the summer heat and cold..."

B8. Write the name of the empress who contributed to the happiness of Pyotr Andreevich and Marya Ivanovna (“The Captain’s Daughter” by A.S. Pushkin).

B9. What trope does M.Yu. Lermontov use in the following poetic line: “Andproud adamant gaze"?

B10. What trope does A.A. Blok use in the following poetic lines: “Your songs are windy to me //Like the first tears of love»?

Test and diagnostic work on literature (grade 11)

Part 1

A1. Which of the Russian princes in the work ancient Russian literature“The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is depicted as follows:

“You fight in front, shoot arrows at the warriors, rattle damask swords against their helmets. Wherever, Tur, you gallop, flashing your golden helmet, there lie the filthy heads of the Polovtsians.”

A2. Below are the words of one of the heroes of the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". Which character does this line belong to?

And all the Kuznetsky Most and the eternal French.

Destroyers of pockets and hearts!

A3. At the beginning of the poem " Bronze Horseman"her hero Evgeniy dreams of

A4. Listed below are those included in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time" story:

A) "Taman"

B) " Princess Mary»,

B) "Bela"

D) "Fatalist"

D) “Maksim Maksimych.”

Indicate the order of the stories in the novel.

B, C, A, D, D

C, D, A, B, D

B, B, D, D, A

D, A, B, C, D

A5. Below is a portrait of one of the heroes of the poem by N.V. Gogol " Dead Souls»:

“He was of average height, a very well-built fellow with full rosy cheeks, teeth white as snow and jet-black sideburns. It was fresh, like blood and milk; his health seemed to be dripping from his face.”

This is about

A6. Below is a statement from one of the characters in the drama A.N. Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm":

« Cruel morals, sir, in our city, they are cruel! In philistinism, sir, you will see nothing but rudeness and stark poverty. And we, sir, will never escape this crust.”

Who owns these words?

A7. What ends the last, twenty-eighth chapter of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"?

A8. Which of the characters in the novel by I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov” is given the following author's description:

“A simple, that is, direct, real view of life - that was his constant task, and, gradually reaching its solution, he understood all the difficulty and was inwardly proud and happy whenever he happened to notice a crookedness in his path and make straight step"?

A9. Which of the heroes of the poem by N.A. Nekrasov “Who lives well in Rus'?” spoke about himself:“Branded, but not a slave”?

A10. Which of the battles depicted in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”, the following reflections of Prince Andrei are connected: “How quietly, calmly and solemnly, not at all like how I ran... not at all like how the Frenchman and the artilleryman were dragging the banner from each other with embittered and frightened faces - not at all like how the clouds crawl across this high, endless sky. How come I haven’t seen this high sky before?”?

A11. Which of the heroes of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment overhears Raskolnikov's conversation with Sonya about murder?

A12. What is the fate of Firs in the finale of A.P.’s play? Chekhov " The Cherry Orchard»?

A13. About what tragic event Baron informs the night shelters in the finale of M. Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths”?

A14. Beautiful Lady, Stranger, Carmen - these are images of poetry

Part 2

IN 1. What is the name of the traditional part of the fable, which contains the main author's conclusion?

AT 2. Specify genre the following works M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin: “ Wild landowner", "Bear in the Voivodeship", " The wise minnow».

Answer: ____________________________.

AT 3. Read a fragment of the poem by F.I. Tyutcheva:

Nature hasn't woken up yet,

But through the thinning sleep

She heard spring

And she involuntarily smiled...

Specify artistic technique, used by the poet.

AT 4. Indicate the technique used by V.V. Mayakovsky in the poem “The Sitting Ones”.

And I see:

Half the people are sitting.

Oh devilishness!

Where is the other half?


AT 5. Below is the epigraph that the Russian poetess A.A. Akhmatova prefaced one of her poems by taking these lines from her own 1961 poem. Name this poem.

No, and not under an alien sky,

And not under the protection of alien wings, -

I was then with my people,

Where my people, unfortunately, were.

Answer: _____________________________.

Keys to the correct answers to the questions in Part 1.

Job No.


Job No.


Keys to the correct answers to the questions in Part 2.



IN 1 Morality



Option I

1. Folklore is...

a) oral folk art;

b) small works for children: lullabies, riddles, counting rhymes, etc.

c) fairy tales invented by the people;

2. Tatyana in the work of I.S. Turgenev “Mumu”, leaving with her husband for the village, kissed Gerasim goodbye because:

a) there was such a custom before a long journey;

b) they were friends;

c) she appreciated his kindness as a sign of gratitude;

3. Which of the listed genres is not folklore?

b) Riddle

c) Jokes

“She was of a very meek disposition, or, better said, intimidated; she felt complete indifference to herself, and was mortally afraid of others...”

c) I.S. Turgenev "Mumu"

5. Determine which work this fragment is taken from.

“If I listened to you, all I would do was think, think, think, and in the end I would probably go crazy or come up with God knows what... But, fortunately, I don’t listen to you...”

“Filka was silent, distrustful, and his favorite expression was: “Screw you!”

a) K.G. Paustovsky "Hare's Paws"

c) K.G. Paustovsky " Warm bread»

“The boy froze. It even took his breath away - his native river was so beautiful, so wide! But before, for some reason, she seemed ordinary and not very friendly to him.”

c) N.A. Nekrasov “On the Volga”

“The girl is small in stature, good-looking and such a cool wheel - she won’t sit still... In a word, she’s an arty girl.”

a) P.P. Bazhov " Copper Mountain Mistress"

c) A. Pogorelsky " Black chicken, or Underground inhabitants"

“There was a war in the Caucasus then. There was no passage on the roads either day or night. As soon as any of the Russians move away from the fortress, the Tatars will either kill them or take them to the mountains.”

a) M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino"

b) Sasha Cherny " Prisoner of the Caucasus»

10. Determine which work this fragment is taken from.

“If you approach the town from the east, the first thing that catches your eye is the prison, the best architectural decoration of the city.”

c) A.P. Chekhov "Surgery"

“For a second the sexton looks for the icon with his eyes and, not finding one, crosses himself onto a bottle of carbolic solution...”

b) A.P. Chekhov "Surgery"

c) K.G. Paustovsky "Hare's Paws"

b) N.A. Nekrasov “On the Volga”

c) D. Defoe “Robinson Crusoe”

How many times have they told the world

... Damask steel sounded, buckshot squealed,

The soldiers' hands are tired of stabbing,

And prevented the cannonballs from flying

A mountain of bloody bodies.

a) R.L. Stevenson "Heather Honey"

b) V.A. Zhukovsky "Cup"

c) M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino"

“Yes, you talked about the fact that a person can cope, as they say, with an unclean spirit. It is, of course, that is, if you think about it carefully, there are all sorts of cases in the world... However, don’t say that. Wants to faint devilish power, then he will faint; By God, he’ll faint!”

a) P.P. Bazhov "Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

b) N.V. Gogol "Enchanted Place"

c) D. Defoe “Robinson Crusoe”

16. Poet who studied at Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

a) A.S. Pushkin

b) M.Yu. Lermontov

a) G. H. Andersen

19. Tom Sawyer and Joe Harper argued that rather than being President of the United States for life, they would prefer to become President of the United States for one year:

a) pirates Caribbean Sea;

b) the robbers of Sherwood Forest;

c) the leaders of an Indian tribe.

20. How did the little hunter Kish deal with the bears in D. London’s story?

a) killed them with a gun

b) killed them with a spear

c) killed with seal oil and whalebone.

Criteria for evaluation:

Number of correct answers

Less than 13 answers

2 (unsatisfactory)


5 (excellent)

1a, 2c, 3a, 4c, 5b, 6c, 7b, 8a, 9c, 10b, 11b, 12c, 13c, 14c, 15b, 16a, 17c, 18c, 19b, 20c.

Input diagnostic work on literature grade 6

Option II

1. Which of the listed genres is not folklore?

a) Fairy tale

c) Proverb

2. What type of conflict you will not find in Russian folk tale?

a) good - evil;

b) life - death;

c) nature - civilization.

3. Determine which work this fragment is taken from.

“Gifted with extraordinary strength, he worked for four people - the work progressed in his hands, and it was fun to watch him...”

a) P.P. Bazhov "Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

b) L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

c) I.S. Turgenev "Mumu"

4. Determine which work this fragment is taken from.

“I can’t write and think at the same time.”

a) P.P. Bazhov "Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

b) S.Ya. Marshak "Twelve Months"

c) V.M. Garshin “Attalea princes”

5. In what fairy tale did you meet talking mirror?

a) V.A. Zhukovsky "The Sleeping Princess"

b) A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes"

c) “The Frog Princess”

6. Determine which work this fragment is taken from.

“Taiga... Taiga... She stretched endlessly in all directions, silent, indifferent.”

a) K.G. Paustovsky “Warm Bread”

b) V.P. Astafiev “Vasyutkino Lake”

c) D. Defoe “Robinson Crusoe”

7. Determine which work this fragment is taken from.

“The sick man came up with the idea of ​​getting a shotgun and got into the habit of hunting. And yet, hey, he goes to the Krasnogorsk mine, but doesn’t bring the spoils home.”

a) V.P. Astafiev “Vasyutkino Lake”

b) N.V. Gogol "Enchanted Place"

8. Determine which work this fragment is taken from.

"This big man! He was the first horseman, he beat a lot of Russians, he was rich. He had three wives and eight sons. Everyone lived in the same village. The Russians came, ravaged the village and killed seven sons.”

a) Sasha Cherny “Prisoner of the Caucasus”

b) Sasha Cherny “Igor-Robinson”

c) L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

9. Determine which work this fragment is taken from.

“When the cavalrymen were passing through the village of Berezhki, a German shell exploded on the outskirts and wounded a black horse in the leg.”

a) L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

b) K.G. Paustovsky “Warm Bread”

c) A.T. Tvardovsky "The Tankman's Tale"

10. Name the prince from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A.S. Pushkin.

a) Yaroslav

b) Elisha

c) Alexey

11. Determine which work this fragment is taken from.

“Something shapeless, inexorable, hard and tough, like stone, was bending over the small head, sucking out of it the blush, the sparkle of the eyes and the liveliness of movements.”

a) G.K. Andersen " The Snow Queen»

b) V.G. Korolenko "V" bad society»

c) V.P. Astafiev “Vasyutkino Lake”

12. Determine which work this fragment is taken from.

“At the thought of my loneliness, I began to cry, but, remembering that tears never stop misfortunes, I decided to continue on my way and get to the broken ship at any cost.”

a) V.P. Astafiev “Vasyutkino Lake”

b) N.A. Nekrasov “On the Volga”

c) D. Defoe “Robinson Crusoe”

13. Determine which work this fragment is taken from.

How many times have they told the world

That flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is no good,

And a flatterer will always find a corner in the heart.

a) R.L. Stevenson "Heather Honey"

b) N.A. Nekrasov “Frost, Red Nose”

c) I.A. Krylov "The Crow and the Fox"

14. Determine which work this fragment is taken from.

“Mr. Egyptian, Alexander Ivanovich, lived in St. Petersburg for seven years... educated... one suit costs a hundred rubles... and even then he didn’t swear... What kind of peahen are you? There’s nothing for you, you won’t die!”

a) N.V. Gogol "Enchanted Place"

b) A.P. Chekhov "Surgery"

c) L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

15. Determine which work this fragment is taken from.

“Two earthen holes went under the fence wall of the barn. Secret residents also lived there. Who were they? Maybe snakes! They will crawl out at night, crawl into the hut and sting the mother in her sleep, and the mother will die.”

a) A.P. Platonov "Nikita"

b) A. Pogorelsky “Black Chicken, or Underground Inhabitants”

c) P.P. Bazhov "Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

16. Determine which work this fragment is taken from.

Dull, gloomy barge hauler!

How I knew you as a child,

This is how I saw it now:

You're still singing the same song

You carry the same strap,

In the features of a tired face

All the same humility without end...

a) N.A. Nekrasov “On the Volga”

b) N.A. Nekrasov "Peasant Children"

c) N.M. Rubtsov " Home village»

17. Determine which work this fragment is taken from.

“On Sundays and holidays he was left alone all day, and then his only consolation was reading books that the teacher allowed him to take from his small library.”

a) V.M. Garshin “Attalea princeps”

b) A.P. Platonov "Nikita"

c) A. Pogorelsky “Black Chicken, or Underground Inhabitants”

18. A poet who ran away from home at the age of 19 and walked from Arkhangelsk to Moscow to study.

a) M.V. Lomonosov

b) M.Yu. Lermontov

c) V.A. Zhukovsky

19. Which country’s history does R.L. Stevenson refer to in his work “Bather Honey”?

a) England

b) Scotland

20. How old was D. Defoe when he wrote his first work, “Robinson Crusoe”?

Criteria for evaluation:

Number of correct answers

Less than 13 answers

2 (unsatisfactory)


5 (excellent)

1b, 2c, 3c, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7c, 8c, 9b, 10b, 11b, 12c, 13c, 14b, 15a, 16a, 17c, 18a, 19b, 20a.

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