How to beautifully highlight the monogram of the letter N. What is a monogram? Use of monograms

What comes to our mind first when we hear the word monogram? I personally have always imagined various curls and pretzels, using the word “unicorns”. But these are not simple patterns and vignettes.

What does monogram mean?

Let's look into Dictionary to find out.

Monogram (from Polish. Węzeł- knot) - the initial letters of the first and last name (sometimes also the patronymic), usually artistically intertwined and forming a beautiful pattern.

It turns out they are quite similar to the monogram. You could even say that they are almost the same thing.

What is a monogram

This word has Greek roots and means (mono - one, gramma - letter) a sign formed by connecting letters together. The letters can be intertwined or just stand next to each other. More often these letters are initial values names or surnames.

We see minor differences. As a rule, the difference lies in the different number of patterns and decorations. Those. a monogram is a more complex sign.

Monograms, accordingly, have a more strict form and are reproduced somewhat easier.

Monogram can be simple or complex. Complex ones belong to several owners, while simple ones use letters belonging to only one. They can be decorated with a crown or wreath.

So what are the main differences?


A monogram can represent several owners, while a monogram can only represent one.

Artistic richness

The monogram carries many more patterns, heraldic symbols and other additional information. Monograms are simply intertwined initials.


The monogram can be displayed manually, while the monogram will be much more difficult to reproduce.


Monograms were seen in 350 AD. BC. and were used on coins. In fact, they began to be used with the advent of writing and served as something like a signature. IN Russian Empire Many high-ranking persons had their own monogram. It was a badge of honor that not many could have.

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Since the 7th century, monograms began to be used as seals by the rulers of the principalities, replacing a personal signature on letters and documents.

In the Middle Ages, these signs marked clothing, jewelry, cutlery, cigarette cases and other household items. At the same time, on the clothes there was a crown corresponding to the title of the owner - baronial, count, royal or noble.

Products were affixed with monograms medieval artists and artisans. Sometimes these were not letters, but various plants and animals. Some used a flower, others a snake, but all placed their sign in nook on the edge of the picture.

Some of these beautiful signs are still preserved on the facades of buildings or on forged products.


On this moment they are used to decorate gift and souvenir items. Located on invitation cards and postcards. They are actively used in the design of corporate symbols.

Monograms and ligatures

In my recent article I talked about ligatures. What is the difference between a ligature and a monogram? After all, a ligature is also several letters mixed into one sign - essentially the same monogram. A ligature forms one sign - a grapheme, and a monogram new sign does not form, it does not merge two graphemes into one, but only “intertwines” them into one composition, but not into one letter.

What are they?


Monograms and monograms can be simple or complex, depending on the number of initials. A simple monogram is one that belongs to one person. Complex monograms are those that have several initials from different people and family surname. Complex monograms and monograms were previously passed down by inheritance, from one generation to another, and were applied to jewelry, dishes, furniture, etc.

Now let’s take a closer look at each of these types of monograms.

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Personal monograms

This type of monogram can consist of one letter, usually the initial letter of a name or surname, or of two, for example, for Alexei Zaitsev it can be either “A” or “Z” or both letters intertwined together.

Monograms and three-letter name monograms are more popular in the Russian-speaking environment, which is explained by some cultural characteristics, because in Russia a person is often called by his first name and patronymic. When developing monograms, the letter of the surname is executed slightly bigger size, or may stand out in some other way.

Family monograms

Paired (family) monograms are very popular these days as wedding attribute, monograms are used when decorating invitations and business cards, for decorating a wedding hall and cakes, wedding processions.

Either one letter is signed - the initial letter in the surname of a young family, for example, for the Ivanovs - “I”, or two, intertwined from the initials of the spouses’ names. The most common and frequently occurring are paired Russian monograms, consisting of three letters, located in a special way: initial letter comes first female name, followed by the first letter of the couple’s last name, and at the end – the first letter of the man’s first name.

Female or male monogram?

When designing a monogram from Russian letters, you should remember some generally accepted rules: Male signs are made only from block letters; calligraphic obliques are used to create symbols for women; in a woman’s monogram, the first letter will be the initial letter of the name, followed by the largest letter of the surname, and at the end the letter of the patronymic (the same size as the name); in monograms for men, the size of all three letters is always the same; if a man's monogram consists of two characters, then the name is written first, followed by the surname, and the size of the letters is the same.

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Monogram and monogram.

What do we think of first when we hear the word monogram? Many people imagine various curls and pretzels, in one word “unicorns”. But monograms are not at all ordinary patterns and vignettes.

What is a monogram?

Let's look in the explanatory dictionary to find out.

Monogram (from Polish Węzeł - knot) - the initial letters of the first and last name (sometimes patronymic), usually artistically intertwined and forming a beautiful pattern.

It turns out that they are very similar to the monogram. You could even say that they are practically the same thing.

What is a monogram?

This word has Greek roots and means (mono - one, gramma - letter) a sign formed by connecting letters together. The letters can be intertwined or side by side. Usually, these are the initial letters of first or last names.

In the picture we see slight differences. As a rule, the difference lies in the different number and complexity of patterns and decorations. Those. externally, the monogram is a more complex monogram.

Monograms, accordingly, have a more strict form and are reproduced somewhat easier.

Monogram can be simple or complex. Complex ones usually belong to several owners, while simple ones use letters belonging to only one. They can be decorated with a crown, wreath or other heraldic elements.

So what are the main differences?

1) Affiliation

A monogram can represent several owners, while a monogram can only represent one.

2) Artistic richness

The monogram carries much more patterns, heraldic symbols and other additional information. Monograms are simply intertwined initials.

3) Playback

A monogram can be rendered by hand, while a monogram can be much more difficult to reproduce by hand.


Monograms were seen in 350 AD. BC. and were used on coins. In fact, they began to be used with the advent of writing and served as a kind of signature. In the Russian Empire, many high-ranking persons had their own monogram. It was a badge of honor that not many could have.

Since the 7th century, monograms began to be used as seals by the rulers of the principalities, replacing a personal signature on letters and documents.

In the Middle Ages, these signs marked clothing, cutlery, jewelry, cigarette cases and other household items. At the same time, there was a crown on the clothes, corresponding to the title of the owner - baronial, count, royal or noble.

Monograms marked the products of medieval artists and craftsmen. Sometimes these were not letters, but plants and animals. Some used a flower, others a snake, but all placed their sign in a secluded corner on the edge of the product.

Some of these beautiful signs are still preserved on the facades of buildings or on forged products.


Currently they are used to decorate gifts and souvenirs. Located on invitation cards and postcards. They are actively used in the design of corporate and wedding symbols.

Monograms and ligatures

There is also such a term - ligature. What is the difference between a ligature and a monogram? After all, a ligature is also several letters combined into one sign - essentially a monogram. A ligature forms one sign - a grapheme, but a monogram does not form a new sign, it does not merge two graphemes into one, but only “interweaves” them into one composition, but not into one letter.

What types of monograms and monograms are there?

Monograms and monograms can be simple or complex, depending on the number of initials. As previously written, a simple monogram is one that belongs to one person. Complex monograms are those that have several initials from different people and (or) a family surname. Complex monograms and monograms were previously passed down by inheritance, from one generation to another, and were applied to jewelry, dishes, furniture, etc.

Now in more detail for each of these types of monograms:

Personal monograms

This type of monogram can even consist of one letter, mainly the initial letter of a name or surname or two, for example, for Alexei Zaitsev it can be either “A” or “Z”, or both letters intertwined together - “ AZ".

Monograms and three-letter name monograms are more popular in the Russian-speaking environment, which is explained by cultural characteristics, because in Russia a person is often named by his first name and patronymic. When developing monograms, the letter of the surname is made a little larger, or may stand out in some other way.

Family monograms

Couple (family) monograms are very popular these days as a wedding attribute; they are used when designing invitations and business cards, for decorating a wedding hall, cakes, and wedding processions.

Either one letter is signed - the initial letter in the surname of a young family, for example, for the Zaitsevs - “Z”, or two, intertwined from the initials of the spouses’ names. The most common and most common are paired monograms consisting of three letters, arranged in a special way: the initial letter of the female name comes first, followed by the first letter of the couple’s surname, and at the end the first letter of the man’s name.

Female or male monogram?

When ordering and creating a monogram from Russian letters, you should remember some generally accepted rules: Male signs are made only from block letters; calligraphic obliques and italics are used to create symbols for women; in a woman’s monogram, the first letter will be the initial letter of the name, followed by the largest letter of the surname, and at the end the letter of the patronymic (the same size as the name); in monograms for men, the size of all three letters is often the same; if the male monogram consists of two characters, then the first name is written first, followed by the surname.

Order for the development of a monogram and monogram

From us you can order the creation of a monogram, monogram or ligature for you.

We offer two options: budget - from standard layouts with ready-made fonts (the price depends on the complexity) and individual, unique - the artist will draw a sign for you individually, not similar to the others, with approval, starting from the sketch and until the final approval of the layout.

Many in their lives have at least once encountered beautifully intertwined letters, sometimes decorated with ornaments - a monogram. Has anyone wondered what a monogram is and what is the history of this symbol of high-ranking persons and monarchs? But he has a very interesting story. An article about the monogram will introduce the reader to interesting facts associated with it, as well as where it is currently used.

Drawing from time immemorial

Beautiful drawing of two or more letters elegantly intertwined with each other, first appeared, according to historians and archaeologists, on the coins of Ancient Greece.

One of the most famous monograms in the world is the Chrisma - the monogram of Jesus Christ. It is placed on the emblem of the military standard of the first Roman emperor Constantine the Great.

On coins of ancient cities found during excavations, a monogram consisting of the first two letters of their names is clearly visible. For example, on the coins of the city of Achaia.

Monograms can be found not only on coins, but also on medals.

Monogram as a signature

Roman emperors and soon monarchs European countries France and England, in the 7th-8th centuries, began to use a monogram instead of their signature on letters and documents. During the Renaissance, the monogram began to be perceived as a personal symbol of its owner, his autograph. Soon it migrated to household items: clothes, cigarette cases, weapons. Of course, only wealthy people could afford such a luxury. Noble owners of monograms and monograms used to pass them on by inheritance.

Gradually, such symbols began to be used by artists, sculptors, and engravers who sought to indicate the authorship of their works. Johann Sebastian Bach, for example, had three monograms, two of which were in the form of notes and one in the form of a signature. He also owned a beautiful monogram made in the Baroque style.

What a monogram is is well said in Great Encyclopedia edited by S. N. Yuzhakov. This is how it is written on Old Slavonic language:

Monogram (Greek), strictly speaking, one letter, as well as a figure consisting of several intertwined letters representing a name or a well-known formula. Such M. were used for signatures and seals. M. are also found on ancient coins and medals. Subsequently, they were used by artists, engravers and industrialists, exhibiting M. in their works.

Etymology of the word "monogram"

What is a “monogram”, what is the etymology of the word itself? The essence of such an emblem is expressed in its name, which has Greek roots: mono - one, gramma - letter. Thus, it was originally a beautifully designed single letter indicating the family surname or name of the owner. As time passed, more letters were added to the writing and design of the monogram, standing side by side or intertwined. They talked about family affiliation; they also included the first letters of the names and surnames of the wife or husband, or all the initials of its owner were placed on the symbol. Currently, such an emblem is composed not only of letters. The monogram includes the most different signs, symbols and ornaments.

Russian monograms

The tradition of using monograms also came to Russia. It is believed that Tsar Peter I was the first of the Russian nobility to use them. In 1722, he ordered a monogram with the letter of the Russian alphabet “P” and the number “1” to be placed on Russian rubles. Thus, he indicated himself as its owner. Initially, when the emperor first arrived from abroad, he had a monogram with the Latin letter "R". Then she changed to Russian. Peter I also introduced the mandatory use of monograms on epaulettes and shoulder straps of high-ranking officials. The embroidery was done with gold-colored threads.

Known in Russian history was the monogram of Catherine II. She used her initials on documents, coins and things she owned. jewelry. It was an original and elegantly drawn letter "E" with two vertical strokes.

Both of these emblems are unique identifications of an individual. How does a monogram differ from a monogram? At first glance, it seems that these are the same thing, because both there are intricately intertwined letters. The simplest explanation for the differences in definitions is this: a monogram is a more complex form of monogram.

Geometric patterns, heraldic motifs, crowns and military attributes are used to compose the monogram. All this is combined in one composition. Monograms can be simple, belonging to one owner, or complex, which can be used by several owners.

Rules for drawing up monograms

When composing a monogram, you need to adhere to certain rules so that it does not turn into a monogram. That is, the intricacy of the composition should not be overly saturated with all kinds of interweavings and not overloaded with additional motifs. The monogram alphabet can be represented in both Cyrillic and Latin alphabet. Original and discreet monograms are often embroidered on cuffs and collars. They are usually done in blue and black colors.

So, what rules should you follow when creating a monogram? First of all, you need to decide who it will be intended for: a man or a woman, a married couple or a child. After this, you can start creating and take into account the following:

  • The monogram is read from left to right and from top to bottom.
  • For men, it is customary to use block letters.
  • Women's monograms, as well as those created for married couples, are usually done in capitals. Calligraphic fonts are also used in these cases.
  • If a woman's monogram is made of three letters: first name, patronymic and last name, they are arranged in the following order: first name - small, second large letter - last name, third small - patronymic.
  • If the monogram is made up of two letters denoting the first and last name, then in this case the letters must be the same size.
  • An emblem intended for a child must consist of one letter.

Family monograms

The skill and originality of drawing up family monograms is a real test for the designer. It is the combinations of letters and their interaction that are complex. Typically, the spouses' monogram consists of three letters: the first small one is the wife's name, the middle large one is the common surname, the third small one is the husband's name.

If the family wears double surname, in the middle of the monogram there should be two capital letters first and second surnames. For example, Saltykov-Shchedrin is S and Shch.

Currently, family monograms from letters are used, as a rule, when designing invitations and business cards. It's very fashionable now. If this is a young family, then the wedding celebration is also accompanied by the decoration of the wedding hall, decoration of the car and cakes using the emblem. At family celebrations you can often see monograms embroidered on napkins. Usually, on the emblem of a young family, one letter appears - the first letter of the common surname.

Monograms today

The popularity of the monogram is currently returning. Previously, only high-ranking nobles and people of art could use such symbols. The revolution made its own amendments, eradicating everything that did not correspond to its ideology. Today, any citizen or company can use a monogram. Famous brands place monograms on their products. By doing this, they emphasize the status of the company and the leader. And it is not at all necessary to place the first letters of the owner’s last name on the monogram. This could be the name of the company or its motto.

It is appropriate to use monograms on jewelry, exquisite gifts. It may happen that this gift or piece of jewelry will be kept in the family as a family heirloom. Thus, the monogram will be passed on from generation to generation.

Monograms as symbols are introduced into use by hotels and restaurants. On bed linen, towels, bathrobes, tablecloths and napkins of elite establishments are decorated with embroideries in the form of elegantly woven Russian or Latin letters. Currently, there are quite a lot of monogram options that can be built into software at sewing enterprises that ensure the application of such designs on certain products.

Monograms on men's shirts

An interesting fact is the appearance of monograms on men's clothing. What is a monogram on a shirt, why is it needed, especially if it is located in not very noticeable places of this subject clothes? It turns out that she did not appear out of a desire to stand out or show her level. Men who handed over their laundry to the laundry had to distinguish their shirt from someone else's. Currently they do not take laundry to the laundromat. A monogram on a shirt no longer has any practical value, but it serves to add beauty. To modern youths I like to personalize everything, to have my own marks on clothes.

There are rules for monogramming shirts. It is not applied to be on public display. It is needed exclusively for the owner of the shirt. Located a few centimeters above the trouser waistband, it will look discreet and appropriate, just like on inside collar Basically, monograms are located to the left of the placket, and if the shirt has a pocket, then on the pocket. The monogram should not be large and catchy. Otherwise, the shirt owner will be considered tactless.

The art of writing a monogram originated in ancient world. Monograms decorated coins and medals. In the Middle Ages, the monogram and monogram became a personal symbol powerful of the world and entire births.

In aristocratic circles, having your own monogram or family monogram was considered a sign of belonging to the highest strata of society; it was an absolute reason for the pride of its owner. What is the difference between these two concepts - monogram and monogram?

Translated from Greek, "monogram" means " simple line"Initially, the monogram was indeed made in the form of one continuous one, continuous line, however, gradually her writing became more and more refined, sophisticated, and therefore difficult.

Nowadays, a monogram means the first letters of a first and last name, made in the form of a general pattern or intertwined into one sign. This is a highly artistic logo made in an incredibly complex and sophisticated manner.

Translated from Polish language the word "monogram" means "pattern". This is an image consisting of the first letters of the last name, first name, patronymic, beautifully intertwined, united into a bizarre pattern.

The monogram appeared later than the monogram; one might say, it originated from it, and these concepts are often confused with each other. However, a monogram, unlike a monogram, is complemented by individual elements, usually crowns, various frames, ornateness and patterns.

Today, these two definitions are directly intertwined with each other - especially exquisite monograms are called monograms, monograms. According to another classification, the monogram is defined as a feminine monogram.

And yet, in order not to confuse these two concepts, just remember: a monogram is an abbreviation of one, two, three letters (for example, initials or the name of a company), and a monogram is already a logo, brand name, nameplate (symbol) Although of course and the monogram itself may well be a symbol - today all this is very intertwined and it may not be worth dividing in principle

The monogram (monogram) has a rich and interesting story. It began its existence in the era of the formation of monarchy. Initially, monograms were decorated with royal coins and various signs differences. Ordering and using monograms was then the privilege of only the highest management. Monarchs, emperors and kings sealed historically significant documents with a monogram signature.

Monograms can also be found on dishes, bedding, and household items that belonged to the royal families of that time. A personal monogram given by the monarch to any representative of the aristocratic class was considered a manifestation highest degree affection and gratitude, many dreamed of receiving such an expensive gift.

Gradually, monograms began to penetrate into wider masses. However, they still remained a sign of noble, aristocratic origin. Famous families ordered monograms either for each individual family member, or a special family distinctive monogram was created.

Depending on how many initials the image contains, the monogram can be divided into simple (belongs to one person, contains only initials) and complex (it combines several names and a common surname).

Family monograms were passed down from generation to generation; they were placed on all interior items belonging to the family, jewelry and books.

Nowadays, a monogram or monogram has not lost its exquisite beauty and incredible charm. The intricately executed signature is still in great demand among our contemporaries.

Monograms and monograms can be found on documents of companies and organizations, on company logos. Many business people In order to stand out from the crowd and show their individuality, they order masters to create their own personal monogram signature, which has the same legal force as an ordinary standard painting.

The scope of use of monograms and monograms is quite wide - someone decorates their wardrobe items with them (ties, neckerchiefs, cufflinks or jacket lapels, on which a similar image is imprinted, look very elegant on the owner).

Other owners of a personalized monogram decorate their office supplies with it and Business Cards. The tradition of creating a special family monogram, which will subsequently become the property and heritage of an entire family, is becoming increasingly popular.

People often come to art workshops wanting to bring a beautifully designed artistic monogram in a frame or even design and order a family monogram as a gift to their loved ones and acquaintances - this is a very unusual, extraordinary and sophisticated manifestation of their affection.

For examples of such gifts and ideas, see the links:

In the tags and categories of the same name you can find many ideas for gifts, various decor, alterations, handmade items, etc.

And a few more photos - family monograms and monograms, interesting ideas and examples

Monograms- this is a certain combination of capital letters of a person’s surname and name, which are applied to a thing belonging to this person. The monogram consists of intertwined monograms of initials. In the old days, it was possible to judge a person’s neatness, aristocracy and taste. Each housewife made every effort to ensure that the monogram turned out neat. It was applied to handkerchiefs, tablecloths, towels and bed linen. As a rule, the monogram was indicated in the corner, however, if it was applied to a tablecloth or towel, it could be located in the center. On shirts, the monogram was applied to the cuffs or pockets.

Monogram embroidery

As a rule, monograms were made with a cross. In some cases they were embroidered using satin stitch. Iris or floss was used as thread. On objects women's wardrobe the monogram was embroidered contrasting colors, and on men's - with threads that matched the main color of the product. In addition to shirts, handkerchiefs and underwear, the monogram could be seen on boxes of personalized chocolates, expensive cigarette cases, etc.

Fans of various puzzles will be interested to know what a palindrome is.

DIY monogram

If you want to make a monogram with your own hands, then take advantage of our master classes.

Monogram on your favorite bag.

Necessary materials:

Simple pencil
- eraser
- scissors
- thin brush
- palette on a saucer
- bowl of water
- lightly dampened paper towels
- acrylic paint for leather of different colors
- printed monogram
- sticky paper tape

Manufacturing process:

1. Wipe the area of ​​skin on which you plan to apply the monogram with a paper towel and let dry.
2. Cut out the monogram, shade evenly with reverse side pencil.
3. Unfold the paper with the monogram facing up, place it on the desired area, and secure with adhesive tape.
4. Using a pencil, press the outlines of the monogram so that they stand out clearly on the product.
5. Remove the monogram, clean the surface of any trace residue using an eraser.
6. Start drawing, applying paint to the contours of the monogram with neat strokes. There is no need to rush in this matter!
7. Let the first layer dry (about 20 minutes), apply paint again, and let the drawing dry.

Creating a monogram for a wedding.

Necessary materials:

- thin wire for attaching bundles
- wire for the base
- fern and gypsophila

Manufacturing process:

1. Form the base: bend the wire into the shape of capital letters.
2. Take a small bunch of material (fern or gypsophila) and tie it with thin wire.
3. Use the same wire to tie the bundle to the base.
4. Attach all other bundles in the same way. Make sure that all bundles are attached in a spiral and cover the base of the previous one.
5. Attach the last bundle in the opposite direction from all previous ones.
6. After making monograms, straighten the plants.

Russian monograms:

You can use monograms for place cards, wedding invitations, bonbonnieres for guests, etc.

Monogram photo

Wedding monogram made of woolen threads.

Necessary materials:

Thermal gun
- artificial flowers
- wool threads
- cardboard
- thick felt or cotton wool

Manufacturing process:

1. Print out the letter of your name, cut it out, outline it on a piece of cardboard, and then cut out the letter from the cardboard.
2. Glue a little thick felt or cotton wool onto the surface of the letter.
3. Divide the woolen threads into small balls to make it easier to wrap them around the letter. Do not tighten the threads around the letter too much, but make sure that they lie evenly.
4. As a result, you should completely wrap the letter. If you need to cut the threads and start work from the other end, do it without hesitation. The main thing is to seal the ends with a heat gun.
5. From one corner you can decorate the monogram with fabric flowers, beads, artificial buds, beads, ribbons, etc.
6. The finished monogram can be hung or placed on the table.

You will also be interested to know what kind of wedding competitions and games there are. In our article you will select several interesting competitions that your guests will certainly enjoy.

How create a monogram V Microsoft Word.

In that graphic editor you can easily create any monogram, change its size and color as desired. There are other programs for creating monograms and monograms, but we offer you the simplest and most affordable way.

The process of creating a monogram:

1. Create a text field of a suitable size where the names of the newlyweds should fit. (Insert - Caption).
2. We write capital letters of names, and then experiment with different fonts. It is better to increase the size of the drawing to 180-200.
3. Let's play with different colors- they should fit harmoniously into the design of your wedding.
4. To insert a name, add 2 more text fields. Again use different monogram fonts, colors, placement.
5. Get rid of the frame around the name. To do this, right-click on the text field and select “Format Label”.
6. Select the “Fill - no color” option. This way you will get rid of white background, which does not allow you to see the capital letters of the wedding monogram.
7. Go to the “Line” tab and also get rid of the frame.
8. Click “Apply”. As a result, the frame fill will become transparent.
9. Following the recommendations described above, create a second name.
10. Insert the word "AND". It is desirable that it be subtler than the names.
11. Add the wedding date below. Remove the background and border.
12. Add a butterfly to the monogram. You can also use other drawings. To do this, simply load them through the “Insert - Drawing” function.
13. Monogram ready! Feel free to print it out!

If you want to teach your child to draw, then “How to teach a child to draw” will be very useful for you.

you also can download monograms, but you must agree - making them to your liking is much more interesting!

Monograms and monograms

Quite often these words are perceived as synonyms. But there is still a difference between them. Monogram is a complicated monogram, with the addition various decorations, with a more intricate interweaving of letters. If the initials belong to the same person, then the monogram is considered simple, and if different, then complex. It can be decorated with a crown, wreath, etc. A larger number of monograms looks royally beautiful. And this is not at all accidental. In the old days, all the people from royal families had their own Monogram monograms. They were widely used on coins, documents, and could also be given as a sign of special respect. Noble people and aristocrats decorated their houses with monograms, painted them on gates, etc.

You can also create monograms online. This is very convenient for those who do not have special programs.

Monogram of Christ

The monogram of Christ consists of three letters "IHS". These letters are the first letters of the word "lhcuc" or "lhsus", which is the Greek word for the name "Jesus". This inscription quite often confused with letters Latin phrase“In hoc signo.” In fact, this phrase is associated with the legend of Constantine, who on the eve of the battle, before his own baptism, saw visions of a banner with the words “In hoc signo vinces,” which translated means “With this sign you will win.” After winning this battle, Constantine became a Christian.

Letter monogram

Another famous monogram of Christ is the letters “HR”. These are the first two letters of the Greek word "Christ". In the combination of these letters you can see the shape of a cross. In addition, this monogram can be read in Latin as “rah”, which translates as “peace”.