Primary school reference book on the meaning of proverbs and sayings. Organization of work with proverbs and sayings in elementary school

“The genius, spirit and character of a people is manifested in its proverbs” (F. Bacon)

Folk proverbs and sayings part spiritual heritage which we inherited from our ancestors. This is truly a gold mine folk wisdom accumulated over many centuries. They cover almost all aspects of our life, so it is very useful from the very early childhood introduce your child to proverbs and sayings, memorize them, explain their meaning, where and in what cases they are used, teach them to resort to them at every opportunity.


Living life is not a field to cross.

There is a saying for every Yegorka.
Flower proverb, berry proverb.

If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water.

Life is given for good deeds.

Speech is beautiful as a proverb.

Trust in God, and don’t make a mistake yourself.

A house cannot be built without corners; speech cannot be said without a proverb.

Wet rain is not afraid.

Small, but remote.

On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little crow.

He who burns himself on milk blows on water.

A wolf is a stump for a cowardly bunny.

It would be lunch, but the spoon would be found.

From time immemorial, a book has raised a person.

Your own land is sweet even in a handful.

Aahs and aahs will not give help.

What you have gained through untruth will not be used for future use.

Once you lie, you become a liar forever.

The mother swings high, but only slightly hits, the stepmother swings low, but hits hard.

On my native side, the pebble is also familiar.

It is better to forgive ten guilty people than to execute one innocent one.

Where the pine tree is mature, there it is red.

It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.

Without roots, wormwood does not grow.

The sting is sharp, and the tongue is sharper.

Without a friend there is a blizzard in the heart.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

If you don't have a friend, look for him, but if you have one, take care of him.

A liar is always an unfaithful friend, he will lie to you around.

The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.

Where to live, there to be known.

You are greeted by your clothes, but seen off by your mind.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

The bird that doesn't like its nest is stupid.

If you go on a visit, you should also take them to your place.

Trouble is trouble, and food is food.

On the other side, even spring is not beautiful.

Every man is the smith of his own happiness.

On the other side, even a falcon is called a crow.

God will soak you, God will dry you.

Teach children without people.

A thunderstorm hits a tall tree.

Altyn of silver doesn't hurt your ribs.

You won't get rich by deception, but you will get poorer.

You go for a day, take bread for a week.

If you love to ride, you also love to carry a sled.

As is the spinner, so is the shirt she wears.

He who does not love others destroys himself.

It is better to remain silent than to lie.

If you don't know how to sew with gold, hit it with a hammer.

The hand of the giver will not fail.

If only he knew where he fell, he’d spread some straw here.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

Summer works for winter, and winter works for summer.

Whoever indulges children sheds a tear later.

For a scientist they give three non-scientists, and even then they don’t take it.

In crowded but not mad.

What goes around comes around.

Prepare a sleigh in the summer and a cart in the winter.

He who knows a lot, asks a lot.

Get up early, think wisely, do it diligently.

Perhaps somehow they won’t bring it to any good.

The master's work is afraid.

Play, play, but know the deal.

Finished the job - go for a walk safely.

You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

The envious eye sees far.

You can't buy health - your mind gives it.

Time for business, time for fun.

It's a long day until the evening if there's nothing to do.

Who does not work shall not eat.

If you walk around in the summer, you'll get hungry in the winter.

Skillful hands do not know boredom.

Patience and a little effort.

If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds.

There will be day - there will be food.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

Take it together, it won't be too heavy.

Beware of troubles while they're gone.

The craft does not ask to drink and eat, but feeds itself.

The snow is white, but they trample underfoot, the poppy is black, but people eat.

The child, although crooked, is sweet to his father and mother.

It is not the ax that amuses, but the carpenter.

Don't sit idly by, you won't get bored.

The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

To live without anything is just to smoke the sky.

Put off idleness, but don’t put off doing things.

Don't rush with your tongue, hurry with your deeds.

Handle every task skillfully.

If there was a desire, the work would go well.

They meet you by their dress, they see you off by their intelligence.

Learning to read and write is always useful.

And strength gives way to the mind.

If you're smart, say one word, if you're a fool, say three, and go after him yourself.

U smart head hundred hands

A mind is good, but two are better.

You can’t live without the sun, you can’t live without your sweetheart.

As is the mind, so are the speeches.

In a smart conversation you gain your intelligence, in a stupid conversation you lose yours.

Know more and say less.

A fool turns sour, but a wise man sees through everything.

A bird is beautiful in its singing, and a man is beautiful in his learning.

An unscientific person is like an unsharpened axe.

Dunno lies, but know-it-all runs far.

If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.

You can't see the whole world from the window.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

The ABC is science, and the kids are learning.

old friend better than the new two.

A friend argues, but an enemy agrees.

Don't recognize a friend in three days, recognize a friend in three years.

A friend and brother is a great thing: you won’t get it soon.

I was with a friend, I drank water - sweeter than honey.

If you don’t have a friend, so look for it, but if you find it, take care of it.

Make new friends, but don’t lose old ones.

For a friend, seven miles is not a suburb.

An orphan without a friend, a family man with a friend.

Seven do not wait for one.

A horse is known in grief, and a friend in trouble.

It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.

There is no friend like your own mother.

What is the treasure for, if there is harmony in the family?

Brotherly love is better than stone walls.

The bird is happy about spring, and the baby is happy about the mother.

The hut is fun for children.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

Mother's affection knows no end.

Maternal anger is like spring snow: a lot of it falls, but it will soon melt.

The sweet child has many names.

Grandmother - only grandfather is not a grandson.

Annushka is a good daughter if her mother and grandmother praise her

From the same oven, but the rolls are not the same.

And from good father a mad sheep will be born.

The bird is in the nest until autumn, and the children are in the house until they are old enough.

You can't expect a good breed from a bad seed.

Capricious in childhood, ugly in age.

All children are equal - both boys and girls.

The hut is fun for children.

Painting by artist Pieter Bruegel entitled “Sayings”.

Painting by artist Pieter Bruegel (1525/30–1569) entitled “Sayings”. The name speaks for itself; the painting depicts more than two dozen different instructive sayings. Here are some of them: banging your head against the wall, leading each other by the nose, pouring pearls before swine, putting spokes in wheels, sitting between two chairs, looking through your fingers, and others. Where in the picture is depicted, look for what proverb yourself.

Proverbs and sayings for children and adults. Wise thoughts about neatness, conversation, carelessness, human qualities(positive and negative).

Proverbs and sayings about accuracy

Where there is neatness, there is neatness.

He who is neat is pleasant to people.

Proverbs and sayings about conversation

Conversation will find a neighbor.

In a smart conversation you can gain your wits, but in a stupid conversation you lose yours.

Let's sit side by side and talk well.

Talk less, listen more.

Listen with your ear, not your belly.

There is no shame in remaining silent if you have nothing to say.

Proverbs and sayings about carelessness

Sleep is sweet for the careless.

Why worry - the ceiling is not falling above us yet.

And he doesn’t blow in his mustache, and he doesn’t lead with his ear.

The trouble for him is like water off a duck's back.

Proverbs and sayings about useless things

Pour from empty to empty.

Pound water in a mortar.

No matter how the frog pouts, it’s still far from the ox.

Proverbs and sayings about stupidity

He's a smart man, but there's no point in him.

He sits and blinks his eyes.

He’s talking about Yerema, and he’s talking about Foma.

You can't cook porridge with it.

I didn't find any firewood in the forest.

To teach a stupid person is to only work for yourself.

And it’s ready, but stupid.

Proverbs and sayings about spinelessness

Not a person, but a wet chicken.

He won't kill a mosquito even in his sleep.

You can even get ropes out of it.

He is like a bag: whatever he puts in, he carries.

He who is like a steamed turnip himself gives in to others blindly.

Proverbs and sayings about faith

Whoever lied yesterday will not be believed tomorrow.

Trust not force, but truth.

Believe your own eyes more than the words of others.

What you don't see, you don't believe.

I believe the cat and the hedgehog, but I’ll wait for you.

Proverbs and sayings about fun

At least naked, but cheerful.

Cheerful and alone is not boring.

He who knows how to have fun is not afraid of grief.

A cheerful head lives carelessly.

Fun is salvation from all troubles.

In a happy hour, death is not scary.

Life is fun for a cheerful person.

Some are cheerful, and some are hanging their noses.

Proverbs and sayings about will

Iron will is not everyone's destiny.

Lots of desires, but little will.

Strong in skin, but weak in nature.

Don't be hasty, but be persistent.

Proverbs and sayings about theft

No matter how much a thief steals, there will be an answer.

The thief thinks that everyone in the world is a thieve.

Indulging a thief is like stealing yourself.

The thief's hat is on fire.

What you have gained through untruth will not be used for future use.

The jug got into the habit of walking on water, and there he laid his head (to be empty).

No matter how much you twist the rope, there will be an end.

Proverbs and sayings about arrogance

I passed and didn’t notice, drove by and didn’t look.

Don't look too high, you'll spoil your eyes.

Don't raise your nose higher than your head.

It's not worth a penny, but it looks like a ruble.

He flew high and landed in a chicken coop.

The bird flew above its flight.

Proverbs and sayings about eyes

Eyes are the mirror of the soul.

What is not in the thoughts will not be in the eyes.

Don't believe your ears, but believe your eyes.

Radiant eyes, but unclean thoughts.

The eyes are turquoise, and the soul is soot.

Children of preschool and school age familiarity with Russian proverbs will be beneficial, because these are apt, figurative expressions teach life, make you wiser. But not all proverbs will be simple and understandable to children. Many of them have hidden meaning, contain ancient, obsolete words and metaphors. On this page we have tried to collect the most simple proverbs about health for school and preschool children.

Health is more important than money.
Those who have never been sick do not value health.
Healthy - jumps, sick - cries.
Smoking is harmful to health.
Those who do not smoke or drink protect their health.
Health is close: look for it in the bowl.
Healthy treatment means first limping to study.
The appetite runs away from the sick, but goes towards the healthy.
Not happy with the sick and golden bed.
Give free rein to the pain, it will bend you into an arc.
Whoever is in pain talks about it.
Keep your head cold, your belly hungry, and your feet warm - you will live a hundred years on earth.
The more you chew, the longer you will live.
Cleanliness is the key to health.

(from the book “Schoolchild’s Dictionary. Proverbs, sayings, idioms", author O. D. Ushakova)

Health has no price.
Everything is great for a healthy person.
You will be healthy, you will get everything.
Health is wealth.
You can't buy health.
Healthy and unhealthy are healthy.
Health comes in days and goes away in hours.
Mind and health are more valuable than anything else.
Lost money - lost nothing, lost time - lost a lot, lost health - lost everything.
If there was health, the rest would be there.
Happiness and health are valued when both are absent.
There is no cure for health problems.
If only I were healthy, there are many days ahead.
It looks like it was hammered together on an anvil.
So healthy that you can drive it into the ground.
I’m as healthy as a bull, and I don’t know what to do.
Silushka runs like fire through the veins.
So healthy that if you squeeze a twig in your fist, water will flow,
Although she is not visible to her body, she is in good health.
For the healthy, grief and misfortune are never a bad thing.
Be healthy for a hundred years.

(from the book “Russians folk proverbs and sayings”, author A. M. Zhigulev)

If you are sick, get treatment, but when you are healthy, take care.
Cleanliness is the key to health.
The disease does not spread through the forest, but through people.
It is good to be in good health and to be ill.
A healthy person looks with both eyes and works with both hands.
Health comes out in pounds and comes in in ounces.
Health is the head of everything.
Money can't buy health.
He who does not know health is never sick.
Everything is bitter for the patient.
The patient is not happy with the golden bed.
An old disease is difficult to treat.
Those who have pain in their bones do not think about visiting.
The unhealthy person is uncomfortable with everything.

(from the book “Russian Proverbs and Sayings”, author M. A. Rybnikova)

A healthy person does not need a doctor.
A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.
A healthy person is a rich person.
Health is twice as expensive in war.
Health is not money, you can’t borrow it.
You'll ruin your health, but you can't buy a new one.
You begin to value your health when you lose it.
He is bursting with health and breathes courage.
If you are weak in health, you are not a hero in spirit.

(from the book “Encyclopedia of Folk Wisdom”, author N. Uvarov)

Healthy as a bull, as healthy as a hog. Strong as a forester.
Healthy for food, but sick for work.
He who is not afraid of cholera is afraid of it.
Treating yourself will only spoil you.
Play, don't act out; heal, don't heal!
And the dog knows that grass is used for healing.
The nasty (bitter) ones heal, but the sweet ones spoil.
Onions cure seven ailments. Onion from seven ailments.
Horseradish and radishes, onions and cabbage - they won’t allow a dashing person.
Bathhouse is the second mother. You will steam the bones, you will direct the whole body.
God grant me health, but there are many days ahead (and we will find happiness).
The healthy and the unhealthy are healthy, and the unhealthy and the healthy are unhealthy.
It is not the one who lies ill who is sick, but the one who sits above the pain.
It’s hard to be sick, and even harder to sit over the pain.
Illness does not make a person look good.
A sick person doesn’t even taste honey, but a healthy person eats stone.
The disease itself will say what it wants. What goes into your mouth is useful.
If God didn’t give you health, neither will the doctor.

(from the book “Proverbs of the Russian People”, author Dal V.I.)

A proverb is a short story that has elements of teaching. These short educational phrases are most often folk art, formed many centuries ago. Essentially, these are our roots.

Studying proverbs is a whole world formed on the echoes of our ancestors, it is an opportunity to better understand our history, touch the life of past generations, understand how important creativity was in past centuries and how it has changed.

By explaining to children the meaning of proverbs, adults socialize children to a large extent. Children will learn to correctly perceive and understand moral standards. The children develop better thinking and speech apparatus. After using proverbs, a child’s speech becomes richer and more expressive. The baby begins to better perceive certain phraseological units, and he develops clear and understandable speech. Many proverbs are aimed specifically at developing a child’s personality.

There is a certain list of teaching proverbs. They must be considered and, if possible, put into practice with your baby.

Type "explain the proverb"

IN in this case You need to explain to your child that the proverb must be understood correctly. You need to teach the baby to say it in his own words. These actions will develop the child's thinking and also teach him to draw his own conclusions. Such sayings should be used daily; one or two per day is enough and they will help your baby develop correctly. Proverbs can be stated as in free form(your choice) and in the form of certain thematic blocks.

Proverbs related to labor:

Business before pleasure.

The master's work is afraid.

If you love to ride, you will also love to carry a sled.

Patience and a little effort.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Business before pleasure.

Labor will feed a person, but laziness will spoil him.

Everyone is bored until the evening if there is nothing to do.

If you want to eat kalachi, then don’t sit on the stove.

Proverbs related to studying are no less common among parents:

If you learn a lot, you will become stronger.

The sun shines for the world, and knowledge for man.

In learning there is light, but in non-learning there is darkness.

People are greeted by their clothes, but they are seen off by their minds.

Live and learn.

Like modern children proverbs about friendship, symbolizing kindness and care:

Always look for a friend, and when you find him, take care of him.

Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.

A true friend will reveal itself in trouble.

Geese are not friends with pigs.

If you tell me who your friends are, I will tell you who you are.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

Proverbs aimed at the love of reading will be very informative and useful:

The book is beautiful not because of its writing, but because of its intelligence.

You can’t live with books forever.

The book is small, but it gave me some insight.

Good book- The most faithful friend.

Anyone who reads a lot knows everything.

The book is created for the mind, like warm rain for seedlings.

The subject of proverbs can also affect some objects (things):

All that glitters is not gold.

It looks nice on the outside, but everything is rotten on the inside.

Not based on appearance, but look at business.

It's not in the title itself, but in the original content.

Everything is beautiful on the outside, but empty on the inside.

Proverbs can also teach behavior in a certain situation:

The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

My tongue is my enemy.

No one is pulling anyone's tongue.

Seven do not wait for one.

If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

Having done evil, do not hope for good.

If you take up the tug, then don’t say that it’s not strong.

Harnessing straight, you will go crooked.

As it comes back, so will it respond.

Proverbs can also be associated with character traits:

The city will take courage.

You can stand up for the right cause with confidence.

The apple never falls far from the tree.

The most common types of proverbs are described above. Sayings can be about features of nature, weather, associated with family relationships and the seasons, and about the flora and fauna, about cash, about the merits and demerits of a person.

Type "continue the proverb"

This action involves the participation of the leader and the child. The first person pronounces the initial part of the saying, and the child must come up with or use it earlier known ending proverbs. You can choose any household item as an auxiliary accessory. For example, a ball or a toy. The presenter voices the beginning of the phrase and throws the item to the child. The kid catches the object and throws it back, voicing the invented ending of the saying. Any child will enjoy such an event and perceive it as a game, favorably influencing the development of thinking.

If the child does not understand the meaning of the first part of the proverb, you can give him an explanation in any convenient form - this is not necessarily a serious conversation. IN fun game The baby will remember useful material faster and better.

"Who has more" type

In this case, an adult also participates (one of the child’s parents or a teacher in kindergarten) and the baby itself. The event resembles a game with certain conditions. Both an adult and Small child alternately pronounce various proverbs out loud. This continues until one of them is unable to answer his “opponent”. Here you can use both sayings already known to the players, and those invented at the time of the game, but logically meaningful.

Type "pick up a proverb"

Here also important role plays the part of an adult. The child is told a fairy tale or short story. After listening to the story, the baby will need to pick up a suitable saying, meaningful and logically sound, corresponding to the thought that can be traced in the work. Both the plot of the story and the specific character of the existing hero may be affected. This exercise is also formed in the form of a game, it can develop logic and teach you to understand the meaning of this or that literary work, do logical conclusions and present them as morals.

“Let’s make up a saying” type

This method allows you to teach your child to independently compose meaningful sayings and proverbs. Some of them may be similar to existing expressions, but formulated differently.

If we look at the proverbs in more detail, we will notice that some of them contain the words “such and such”, “as and so” and many others that are consonantly combined with each other. For example, the most common sayings with consonant phrases:

Anyone who likes to be cool is no one's friend.

Those who are idle on Mondays do not work on Tuesdays either.

No matter how you feed the wolf, he still looks into the forest.

Just as the hands sewed the clothes, so the shoulders were taken off.

He who does not work is not mistaken.

Whoever does not lie down in the spring will be full all year.

He who is everywhere is nowhere.

Like father, like son.

Such features can be taken as a basis when creating new sayings. A game created in this way will appeal to every child. Game process will allow the child to develop thinking and logic - this knowledge will be useful to him in later life.

When teaching a child various proverbs, it is necessary to carefully explain the meaning of a particular statement. It is necessary to do everything possible so that the child grasps the essence of the saying, and does not learn it by heart. This will allow the baby to develop properly. It will be much easier for him in the future if the meaning of many things in life is clear at a very tender age. Correct behavior will attract the attention of peers, he will have many friends, because it is still more interesting to communicate with a person who is able to correctly express his thoughts.