American Myths and Legends. American urban legends

Admit that you still shudder at the memory of scary stories from the time of your youth. Every child has heard stories about maniacs, ghosts and alien abductions. And all these stories are, of course, true, because... happened to no one but a friend of your girlfriend's friend cousin. Isn't there enough evidence? While you have time and the opportunity, download torrent movies for free and watch horror films, in principle they are no different from these terrible urban legends

10. The Suscon Screamer.

Is there anything more creepy than a dead bride? I think no. Stories about these unfortunate people can be found in any country.

Suscon Road is a road in Pennsylvania, where the Railroad Bridge over the Susquehanna River is also located. There are many legends associated with this place. Locals claim that if you come to this place, turn off the engine, put the keys on the roof of the car and wait a little, then you will be able to see in the rearview mirror the so-called “the Suscan Screamer” (from the English Scream - to scream shrilly; screamer - the one who is screaming).

Most stories boil down to the fact that this is the ghost of a woman who was abandoned right at the altar and who then committed suicide on this bridge. They also say that after jumping from the bridge, she let out a piercing scream.

Another version features a creature with webbed feet, large claws and a huge head. Maybe someone should ask this dead bride what really happened when she sits in the back seat?

9. Lillian Gray.

This story begins with tombstone, which is located in the center of a cemetery in Salt Lake City, Utah. It "belongs" to a woman named Lillian E. Gray, who died in the 1950s at the age of 77. At first glance, this tombstone is no different from the others, until you come across the inscription “Victim of the Beast 666”.

Now this is alarming.

What could this mysterious inscription mean? Maybe this is some kind of indictment of the believers of one of the most religious cities in the country? Could she have been sacrificed for a satanic cult? Maybe she herself worshiped the devil? Or was she the victim of a witch hunt? But, all these are just rumors that intrigued residents came up with to explain this.

And as always, there will be someone who will come and ruin everything. The inscription was ordered by a paranoid husband who hated the government and blamed the police for his wife’s death. It's hard to say whether this makes the story any less terrible, but that's how it happened.

8. The Stow Lake Ghost.

Golden Gate Park in San Francisco (California) is famous for its paranormal stories. If you believe the locals, then it is teeming with spirits, and you risk bumping into one of them while doing yoga. This park might as well be called “Undead Park.” But one ghost story was especially popular. It was published in the San Francisco Chronicle on January 6, 1908. This is the story of the Stow Lake ghost.

Newspaper publication begins with the name Arthur Pidgin. He was driving along the road, slightly exceeding the speed limit. A policeman stopped him. Arthur said that it was not his fault, he had to drive quickly to leave the lake as quickly as possible. He saw the ghost of a woman. She had long ones blonde hair, and there were no shoes on my feet.

Legends say that she was a mother who lost her child, or even killed her, and then committed suicide. Yeah, of course, it was impossible to come up with a better excuse for my violation...

7. Gates of Hell

Bobby Mackey's Music World popular bar in Wilder, Kentucky. The owner of this establishment is country singer Bobby Mackey. Three legends are associated with this place, which have become so popular that the building is put up for sale.

First. There are the gates of hell, which allow demons to enter our world. It is not yet clear why they come. Maybe they really like country music or beer.

As for the other two stories, they are more traditional. The first is about Pearl Bryan, a real-life pregnant woman who was found beheaded in the late 19th century. Her lover Scott Jackson and his friend Alonzo Walling were hanged for her murder.

The second legend is that of a woman named Joanna who is said to have fallen in love with a singer at a club. Her furious father allegedly hanged her lover in the dressing room, causing Joanna to commit suicide by poisoning. Bobby McKay wrote a song about this incident that suggests that the girl is still stalking him in that bar.

6. Patterson Road.

In Houston, Texas, numerous urban legends are associated with memories of the Civil War. One of the creepiest is associated with Patterson Road, which is located next to Interstate 6. All the locals agree on one thing that the ghosts that live there were soldiers of the Civil War. Those who believe this say that if you drive to the Langham Creek Bridge on Patterson Road at night and turn off the lights, you will hear a tapping sound or the car will be engulfed in fog. More skeptical local residents note that parking a car with the lights off on a busy bridge would be a good opportunity to become a ghost yourself.

5. Goat Man

Many stories are often made up by adults to scare children when they misbehave. Anyone who grew up in a Mexican family is familiar with this method of parenting, and many are probably still afraid of El Cucuy (Spanish).

El Cucuy, or boogie man, or more simply “the evil guy”.

The stories seem to have been made up by idiotic older brothers who are always trying to scare the younger ones. For example, the story about the goat man in Beltsville, Maryland. Official version This legend does not exist, but most claim that a scientist from the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center experimented on goats. And this somehow led to the fact that he himself partially became a goat, such, you know, a hybrid of a human and an animal.

4. The Snallygaster

In the 1730s, immigrants in Frederick County, Maryland, claimed to have encountered a terrifying creature. Soon after establishing a city on the site, residents began reporting sightings of a beast that was half bird and half reptile with a metal beak and razor-sharp teeth. It also had octopus tentacles, which it used to grab people and carry them away to feed its baby squid lizards.

When you hear this story for the first time without mentioning the nickname of this creature - Snelligaster, you can easily scoff. The plot of this story acquired new details as residents reported their “sightings” from New Jersey to Ohio. But let's not find fault with these states where every second person uses drugs

3. Green man.

This is probably the only story from this list, which is associated with real person with truly horrific details.

In the Koppel, Pennsylvania area, it is easy to spot a horribly disfigured man wandering the dark streets at night. He was nicknamed "Charlie without a face" or " green Man", and everyone has their own story of meeting him.

This is all because he really existed! Raymond Robinson, born in 1910, at the age of eight tried to look into a bird's nest on a bridge but had an accident. He touched a power line, which electrocuted him, causing horrific facial injuries that were permanent.

As it happens, such an appearance caused people to panic, children began to cry, so for almost all 74 years Robinson hid from people at home and went for walks at night. He became a living legend, and some people even went out at night to get a glimpse of him.

2. Dog boy.

Quitman, Arkansas is another place full of ghost stories. Most houses have their own history, and to stand out from “this crowd” you need to try hard. And such a story takes place. Here it is - the legend of the boy-dog.

In 1954, Floyd and Ellyn Bettis had a son, Gerald. By the way, this house is called the Battis house. Those who knew him in his youth claim that he caught dogs and cats, kept them in his home, mercilessly tortured and killed them. But what he is really famous for is the fact that he kept his parents captive in the attic for many years. He was arrested after his father died.

Gerald himself died in prison from a drug overdose. Since then, people have been claiming that things are happening in their home. paranormal activity. Flickering lights, strange sounds and moving objects. Considering Gerald threw his father out of the window, it seems unsurprising that there are ghosts there.

1. Coal Man.

Famous Californian urban legend originates from the Ojai Valley, Park Camp. They say that the spirit of a man who was burned alive lives there, and now he suddenly appears from the forest and attacks cars and tourists. They call him the Coal Man.

There are several versions of the origin of the "coal" man, but they all begin with forest fires that occurred in the park in 1948. The main version is that father and son were held hostage by fire. The father died in the fire, but the son survived. When the rescue team arrived at the scene, they found that the son had suspended his father and pulled off his skin. At the sight of the firefighters, the son disappeared into the forest.

Another story tells about a married couple who also became victims of a fire, and tells us that the young man, also falling into the power of the fire, suffered greatly and also went crazy because he could not help his wife, who screamed for help.

And yet, as usual, people say, if you come to this park, stop on the bridge and get out of the car, the Coal Man will come out to you. A horribly burned man will stumble upon you and try to rip your skin off.

In America, the younger generation is hardened by horror stories in scout camps. In the evening, around the fire, chilling stories are told - sometimes based on urban legends, sometimes something from Indian stories. Some horror stories are very similar to the ones we used to scare each other as children.
Angel Several years ago, one married couple decided to allow themselves to relax for the evening and go to have fun in the city. They called a girl they knew who had babysat their children more than once. When the girl arrived, two children were already sleeping in their cribs. So she just had to sit at home and make sure nothing happened to the children. Soon she got bored and decided to watch TV, but there was no cable downstairs because her parents didn't want their kids watching junk. The girl called her parents and asked their permission to watch TV in their room. They naturally agreed, but she had one more request... she asked permission to cover the statue of an angel outside the bedroom window with something, or at least close the curtains, because the statue was making her nervous. There was silence on the line for a second, and then the father who was talking to the girl said: “Take the kids and run from the house... we'll call the police. We don't have an angel statue." Police found all three dead three minutes after the call. The angel statue was never found.
Glad you didn't turn on the light? A very famous urban horror legend, the plot of which is very often found in films. It appeared around the 1940s. Two girls lived in the same dorm room in college. One of them was going on a date, and then to a student party. The girl called her neighbor with her, but she decided to stay at home and prepare for the exams. The party dragged on and the girl came at about 2 am. She decided not to wake her friend. As quietly as possible, without turning on the light and trying not to make noise, she climbed into bed and fell asleep. Waking up far from early in the morning, she was surprised that her neighbor was still sleeping and went to wake her up. She was lying under the blanket on her stomach and apparently fast asleep. The girl pulled her friend by the shoulder and suddenly saw that she was dead, she had been stabbed to death. On the wall was written in blood: “Are you glad you didn’t turn on the light?” Jane the Dog Jane's mother often stayed on the night shift at the hospital where she worked as a nurse. IN Once again, when mom slammed the doors behind her, Jane locked all the locks and even put on a chain. She checked all the windows in the house, all but one window were locked, she left the window open so that at least some air could get into the house. She went to bed as usual, and her dog climbed under the bed and snored peacefully there. That night Jane fell asleep quickly, but in the middle of the night she was woken up by a strange dripping sound, it seemed that she had not turned on the tap in the bathroom. She was too scared to go and check. Jane just put her hand under the bed and felt her dog lick her hand. This calmed her so much that she immediately fell asleep. She woke up from this dripping sound five more times and each time she calmed down when the dog licked her hand under the bed. Finally she got so tired of it that she made up her mind and quickly headed to the bathroom. The sound intensified as we approached the bathroom. And now she stands on the threshold of the bathroom, turns on the light... A scream of horror is stuck in her throat. Her dog had its tail tied to the shower and blood was dripping from its throat, making this terrible sound. When was she able to look away from this terrible picture, Jane saw the inscription in blood on the mirror: “I liked the taste of your fingers”...

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This section contains articles devoted to phenomena or versions that in one way or another may be interesting or useful to researchers of the unexplained.
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Mystical urban legends of the USA

Urban legends are widespread in the United States and have a huge influence on the formation of attitudes towards the paranormal, as they have become the basis of many cult films, TV series and literary works, having worldwide fame. Among them " Secret materials"(The X-Files), "Supernatural", many horror films like "Bloody Mary" or "The Entity", literary creativity Stephen King, etc. The list of such works could take a very long time.

An urban legend (in American English - urban legend) is modern variety folk legends and is usually fictional. However, in some cases similar stories be based on real incidents, the descriptions of which are distorted by numerous retellings.

Story modern America began back in 1565, when the Spaniards founded the city of St. Augustine - the first European settlement on the territory of the modern United States. The United States of America itself was formed in 1776 with the unification of thirteen British colonies that declared their independence. Residents who crossed the ocean to find a new life brought with them cultural heritage, which formed the basis of local mythology. The themes of the myths were also influenced by the rich cultural, historical and religious heritage of Mexico and the indigenous peoples of North America.

Let's look at the main plots of American urban legends and the history of their origin.

It’s probably worth starting with a topic that is found among all nations - mysticism on the roads. Way to go mystical place describe many cultures, as if it connects not only settlements, but also different worlds. Travelers are full of mysterious and creepy stories about ghosts of people, animals and even cars, about a soul collector who votes on a night road, about a truck engulfed in flames that suddenly appears on the highway and just as suddenly disappears, about UFOs and strange creatures running out onto the road, about mysterious fellow travelers and much more friend.

For example:

One night in June 1994, a traveler from Alabama was driving along the famous highway. Suddenly he saw a bus rushing towards him. The young man managed to pull over to the side of the road, and when he got to the first motel he came across, he learned from the owner that he was still very lucky. This bus has been appearing on this section of the route for many years, and it has caused a lot of accidents.

Unsuspecting motorists who stop on the highway and get out of their cars to stretch their numb limbs are attacked by packs of demon dogs that are only looking for new victims. A chilling howl, pupils flickering with yellow light and teeth sharp as knives - this is the potential danger to which anyone who stops at night on the side of a hellish highway in Utah exposes themselves.

The next place in frequency of occurrence mystical creatures, should probably be considered a cemetery. Again, Americans are not unique in this; almost every nation considers the burial places of the deceased to be a gateway to another world. There are many stories about cemeteries about ghosts and other mystical creatures.

For example, the legend of blond Mary is quite widely known:

In the early 1980s, a man drove by the cemetery and saw a woman locked in the cemetery after it had closed. It never occurred to him that it was a ghost; he thought that someone had been abandoned in the cemetery and needed help. The man went straight to the police station for help. The police arrived at the cemetery and did not notice anyone. But they discovered that the iron bars next to the cemetery gates had been unbent, seemingly by human hands. The bars were blackened and burning, and had jagged edges like fingers.

But perhaps the most famous is the phrase “ancient Indian cemetery.” If it is present under a building or on any territory, this place may contain ghosts, poltergeists, and simply pose a danger to the inhabitants.

There are many references to ghosts in American culture. residential buildings, public buildings, roadside motels, cafes and even gas stations.

In addition to ghosts, there are also frequent references to strange creatures. The most famous legends you can name meetings with the Mothman, the Jersey Devil and strange people who have some kind of visible defect (for example, people with black or completely white eyes).

For example:

In October 2005, one such case was reported by a 47-year-old female realtor named Tee. A stranger knocked on the office door just after lunch. He looked about 17 or perhaps 18 years old. He arrived on a bicycle. I asked if there were any available apartments.

“I remember suddenly feeling terrible fear as soon as I saw his eyes. Goosebumps crawled down my spine, I just trembled! As much as I work, I don’t remember this happening to me even once,” says Tee. “I couldn’t look him straight in the eye.” It seemed to me that I was going to die now... He didn’t approach me, he just stood outside the threshold and waited for me to invite him in or take him to look at a vacant apartment. He talked to me normally, but I slammed the door in front of him and rushed away from there - to hell. I had the feeling that I was in mortal danger. And all this is because of his eyes. If I had looked at them a little longer, I probably wouldn’t have been able to close the door. And after that I shook for several more hours.

Late on the night of November 15, 1966, two married couples, Scarberry and Mallett, were driving through the vicinity of an abandoned ammunition plant located seven miles from Point Pleasant in West Virginia. Arriving at the factory gates, they noticed a strange glow that seemed to come from the generator set. However, when they stopped the car and looked closely, they realized that the two red lights were not from the generator - they belonged to a living creature.

People managed to notice that it looked like a person, but six and a half or seven feet tall, with wings folded behind its back. Noticing them, the creature turned around and headed towards them. Frightened, Scarberry and the Malletts jumped into the car and ran away. The creature spread its wings and rushed in pursuit of the car. It pursued the fugitives right up to the city limits, and its speed exceeded 100 miles per hour.

A terrible incident rocked the quiet seaside town of Atlantic City yesterday. Its inhabitants have never before witnessed such a mysterious and incredible tragedy. As expected, it happened in the darkness of the night.
Hal F. Williams, an employee of the Electric Company, was returning to Philadelphia with his wife and two children after a weekend at sea. Hardly anyone could have predicted that this would be his last trip. Was he thinking about this when a minor accident forced him to make a stop near Atlantic City?

“Hal was slightly irritated by the delay, but did not show any concern,” says Mrs. Williams. - He disappeared in a matter of minutes. It happened completely silently. I even thought he was playing a trick on me until I noticed blood on the grass. Whatever grabbed him appeared completely unnoticed."

Fortunately for the distraught Mrs. Williams, she and the children were picked up by someone passing by at such a late time Mr Dixon, resident small town. In New City, Mr. Dixon immediately took Mrs. Williams to the police station. Amazed by her story, Sergeant Cleveland brought the entire city police to their feet. And, as soon as it was dawn, a detachment of policemen and volunteers immediately set out to look for the missing man and his killer.
The body was discovered by Sergeant Patrick Cleveland. Here's what he says:

“I have never seen such mutilated corpses before. The deceased had no legs and looked as if they had simply been torn off or chewed off."
When the electrician's fate was clarified, brave hunters followed the bloody trail of his killer. Not far from the highway, in one of the small caves, they discovered a lair. The frightened inhabitant did not want to leave his hole. Not wanting to lure dangerous beast, the police simply shot him. What a surprise the hunters were when they pulled out of the cave not the carcass of a cougar or grizzly bear, but... the corpse of a man!

Most cultures in the world have their own legends about werewolves, and America is no exception. It is believed that they adopted their faith from the Indians. Navajo legends tell of “black” shamans and witches who can transform into wolves, coyotes, bears or birds, but at the same time retain human intelligence.

One of the stories about werewolves:

In 1960, Delbart Cragg from Texas described mysterious case which happened to her in 1958. One night, covered with metal mesh open window someone began to scratch themselves. The woman began to take a closer look and, when lightning flashed, she saw a terrible wolf's face. When she jumped up to get the flashlight, the monster ran into the bushes, and soon a man came out of the bushes instead and quickly disappeared in the direction of the road.

America also has its own “Nessie”: a mysterious creature lives in Lake Champlain. There are stories about vampires and evil spirits. But not all plots remained unchanged.

Enough shining example changes in European ideas that have passed through American culture - Tommyknockers. From English mining folklore, stories about knockers came to the American soil. This word comes from the English knockers, which, according to the New International Dictionary in English Webster, means "spirits or goblins who live in mines and knock to warn of a possible collapse." But Stephen King's work "Tommyknockers", where he refers to rather scary aliens with this word, radically changed ideas about them, giving rise to a creepy legend among the new generation about creatures knocking on doors.

However, the most famous characters Urban legends can still be considered native American. It was in the United States that the popularization of stories about encounters with UFOs and aliens began. Massive observations of unidentified objects moving in the sky began in the mid-20th century. Afterwards, the topic of UFOs, aliens and “men in black” developed quite quickly, acquiring new stories and details.

“They flew about 20-25 miles and disappeared from sight. For about three minutes I watched as a chain of objects moving like saucers on the water, like thrown flat stones, stretching for at least 5 miles, maneuvered between high mountain peaks. They were flat, like frying pans, and, like a mirror, they reflected Sun rays. I saw all this quite clearly and distinctly.” - K. Arnold described his observations

There is no strict division between children's and adult folklore in American urban legends. The same stories circulate among children and adolescents as among adults. However, among adults it is still much less common to meet people who call upon spirits or go to a cemetery or an abandoned house in order to tickle their nerves. Therefore, the most significant among teenage and children's folklore is the story of Bloody Mary, very similar to the legend of the Queen of Spades, widespread in Russia. The rules of evocation are as follows: “Look straight in the mirror and say three times: “ Bloody Mary, Come to me!" When you say these words for the third time, you will see Mary behind your left shoulder." This is considered to be very risky because she can kill the caller.

Thus, there are not many stories in American urban legends that have not been borrowed from other cultures. However, thanks to the film industry, comics and books American culture contributes to their modification and popularization. Distinctive feature urban legends of America can be called a frequent presence in the story exact dates of this or that incident, which makes it possible to filter the real components of the described incident from the rumors that it has acquired in the process of retelling.

You watch American horror films or mystical thrillers and you get the impression that ghosts and residents other world are present in almost every city in the USA, in almost every home. Either people run away from them somewhere and hide, or, on the contrary, they catch them and destroy them. Just American history horror. We will introduce you to the most mystical buildings in the USA, where ghosts most likely live. In any case, this is what the residents of these houses claim.

The Amityville Horror

That's a scary house number 112 with sinister secrets! In 1974, in Amityville, in a house at 112 Ocean Avenue, a terrible tragedy- 6 members of the Defeo family were killed. After the tragedy, the house could not be sold. And the new owners, who finally bought it, called it “Hell House” within a few days. It seemed to them that demons lived there and had killed the family. They even invited a priest to bless the house. But he was forcefully pushed to the floor in one of the rooms and he heard “Get out!” The family could not stand it and fled, even leaving all their belongings in the house, while claiming that they were being pursued by an unknown force. The next owners saw in it flying spirits, pigs with glowing red eyes, a swarm of flies in winter, and regular slamming of doors. Fiction, you say. Who knows. True, others who lived in this house claim nothing of the kind.

Half Lady

In San Francisco, strange things are also happening at the Chambers mansion. Its first owner lived in the house with two nieces. But one day trouble came to the house. One of the girls went to an agricultural plantation where she was accidentally cut in half by a combine harvester. Since then, strange things have been happening in the house - many of its inhabitants have seen the two halves of a bloodied girl walking around the rooms at night. Today this building is used as a hotel. And often hotel visitors complain that something happens in their rooms in the evenings.

Mystical castle

There's an old abandoned castle in Ohio called Franklin's (no, not Benjamin's). Once upon a time it was home to the family of a grocer and a banker, who was known in the area as Cruel person. One day, under strange circumstances, everyone in the house died, even the servants and some relatives. It was rumored that their owner had killed them. There is also the fact that for some time after Franklin’s death, the castle was owned by German socialists, who, in addition to secret meetings, tortured their party members, about 20 people were even killed there. The castle itself has many secret rooms and tunnels in which human skeletons were found. This place is considered cursed. Many who visited the castle heard children crying and moaning, strange sounds, a pool of blood on the floor in the hall that appeared and disappeared, and in the evenings lights came on in the windows of the castle.

Bloody Lizzie

In Massachusetts, in the small town of Fall River, there is a house in which the influential family of Andrew and Abby Borden were brutally murdered with an ax in 1892. Their daughter Liz was accused of murder. This came as a surprise to the residents of the city, because Lizzie was an old maid and also taught at Sunday school. Soon the court acquitted Liz and she moved to another city. More than 120 years have passed since the tragedy. Now a city hotel has been opened in this mansion. And its guests claim that they see mysterious white ghosts of a man and a woman. Perhaps they are still seeking justice?

Ghosts of the White House

It turns out that the residence of the American president is also haunted. And this was confirmed by many of the top US officials and guests who visited the White House, and servants. It is said that in the East Room the ghost of a white lady in a hat with a lace scarf was often seen hanging out laundry. It is believed that this is the spirit of Abigail Adams, the wife of the second President of the United States, whose family was the first to settle in the White House when the capital was moved to Washington. She was its first owner, and in all likelihood, she loved the house very much. Harry Truman once even wrote in his diary that he felt the ghostly presence of President Jackson in his office, who, as it seemed to him, was walking up and down the stairs. Jackson's ghost was seen by first lady Mary Todd Lincoln, who was a little involved in the occult and sometimes communicated with the spirits of her dead sons. So, in the Pink Bedroom, in Jackson’s bedchamber, she also heard the President stomping and cursing. But most of all, the ghost of Abraham Lincoln appeared to the residents of the White House. They saw him in the Oval Office, where he stood with his eyes fixed on the Potomac River. Even Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, who was visiting the White House, saw a ghost of Lincoln when she heard a knock on the door and opened it. The woman fainted from what she saw. Probably, Lincoln's premature death did not give him the opportunity to complete the government affairs he had begun. So he comes to The White house to finish the job.

Today Americans celebrate their National holiday– US Independence Day..

Manhattan is a place where sex is possible after 35

The tourist Mecca of the Big Apple is Manhattan Island. This is one of the five boroughs of New York, famous for its tall skyscrapers and active social life. Meeting a celebrity in Manhattan is not a problem; stars often buy real estate here. Ukrainian viewer I've heard well about the island from the famous TV series "", where four friends aged "well over 30" actively promoted open relationship, thereby proving that it is possible to live in Manhattan even after 35. Life on the island is expensive and luxurious. All the most famous attractions are concentrated here: Rockefeller Center, Metropolitan Opera, Times Square, Brooklyn Bridge, Carnegie Hall and many others.

The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of American freedom

The Statue of Liberty is one of the most popular attractions in New York, located on Liberty Island. The symbol of freedom and American democracy was presented to the States by the French government and dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the declaration of American independence (1876). However Grand opening The statue took place ten years late (1886). The creator of the statue was the French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. There is a legend that the sculptor even had a model - a Frenchwoman named Isabella Boyer. Today, "Lady Liberty" - as the Americans call her - is open to visitors. Climbing to her very high point(crown), you can see the breathtaking scenery of New York Harbor. There are many copies of the statue all over the world, the smallest of them is in Uzhgorod, its height is only 30 centimeters.

Wall Street is the place to get rich

Wall Street - historical Center financial district, located in lower Manhattan. The main attraction of the street is the New York Stock Exchange. More than one was filmed against the backdrop of the skyscrapers of this famous street. hollywood movie, and these buildings were built mainly to save space. Wall Street itself is small and quite narrow; you can walk along it from start to finish in just ten minutes. Life on Wall Street is busy. People are constantly in a hurry, talking on their mobile phones, and there is no free space on the sidewalks. But on weekends it is calmer here; you can even take a tour of the stock exchange and watch how the famous stock trading takes place.

Las Vegas is a place where you can catch your luck

Las Vegas is a city for those who prefer risk and excitement. Located in the western USA (Nevada) and is one of the largest world centers gambling business. If you want to catch your luck by the tail, be sure to go to Vegas. Here you will find numerous casinos, gaming pavilions, luxury hotels, and entertainment for every taste and budget. Las Vegas is the capital of entertainment, there is never a dull moment here. In addition to casinos and nightclubs, tourists can see numerous museums, exhibition halls And art galleries. In addition, the most enchanting carnivals and music shows are held here.

Hollywood is the place to become famous

Hollywood is the dream of those who want to become famous. Movies are made in Hollywood, celebrities live here, the best film studios and the world-famous "" are located here, which is the dream of everyone who comes here to become famous. Every tourist arriving in Hollywood can go on an exciting tour of the pavilions and scenery legendary studio Universal. But the most iconic symbol of Hollywood, perhaps, remains the fifteen-meter letters “Hollywood” located on the hills, which are so popular in American films.

Arlington Cemetery is a place where you understand that you have to pay for freedom

Arlington Cemetery is located in the suburbs of Washington. This is the place where America buries its heroes - the soldiers who died in Civil War, warriors, political and cultural figures. The first soldier was buried in Arlington Cemetery in May 1864. Currently, about 300 thousand people are buried in the cemetery. Here are the remains of two US presidents: the 27th President William Taft and the 35th President John Kennedy, as well as his wife Jacqueline.

The main attractions of the cemetery are two graves - John Kennedy, where he burns Eternal flame, and Grave unknown soldier, where there is a changing of the guard every half hour, and thousands of tourists come to see it.

John Kennedy - the legend of the president

He was young, handsome, rich, women loved him and he was president. The 35th American president, John Kennedy, was the only Catholic president. His three-year presidency, which was interrupted by a mysterious murder, can hardly be called successful. His personal life is much more interesting. Having success with women and skillfully using your radiant smile, Kennedy easily won the election. Even after marrying Jacqueline, womanizer John did not miss a single skirt. All of America was talking about his affair with Marilyn Monroe, and although Kennedy himself denied this fact in every possible way, the blonde beauty was not averse to meeting him secretly. Their romance developed so rapidly that after John won the presidential election, Marilyn seriously thought about becoming the First Lady of the United States. But this was clearly not part of John Kennedy’s plans. After several drunken antics, Marilyn Monroe, having taken a fatal dose of drugs, was found dead in own home, and a year later her lover Kennedy died.

Marilyn Monroe - the legend of eternal femininity

The actress, singer and sex symbol of America still delights many men. She was successful actress, whose career began as a model for a modest $10 an hour, and a true sex legend. Even American President Kennedy could not resist her beauty. Marilyn Monroe was the first girl to appear on the cover of the debut issue of Playboy magazine. Throughout her life, she conquered many men, with whom she, by the way, was catastrophically unlucky. The star liked to repeat: “Give a girl a pair of high-heeled shoes and she will conquer the whole world!” Today, platinum blonde Marilyn is still called an American legend and the most famous woman last century.

Hugh Hefner- a man who lives in paradise

The magazine's founder, Hugh Hefner, A multifaceted and loving personality. At 86, Hef continues to be active. sex life, however, not without the help of Viagra. Being a twice-married man, the famous playboy still won’t stop, as if he’s in a hurry to get all the imaginable and inconceivable pleasures of life. If rumors are to be believed, then throughout my entire life long life Hefner had about four thousand sexual partners. There are always a lot of girls around Hef, but his favorite still remains. The star appeared on Playboy cover ten times. By the way, not so long ago among Hugh’s favorites appeared Ukrainian singer Dasha Astafieva, which the beauty is undoubtedly proud of.

John Rockefeller - the legend of a long, happy and rich life

John Rockefeller was and remains the most famous oil tycoon in history, confidently holding the palm in the ranking of the richest people in the United States even after his death. Famous Entrepreneur, philanthropist and the first dollar billionaire in human history, started his business with a capital of two thousand dollars. At the time of his death (Rockefeller was 97 years old), his fortune was $1.4 billion. Rockefeller said: “The first and main prerequisite for success in business is patience,” and was also firmly convinced: “Without wise advice my wife Laura, I would have remained poor." In his youth, John had only two dreams: to earn 100 thousand dollars and live to be 100 years old. He coped with the first task perfectly, but only a few years did not live to see his centenary. Absolutely not understanding chemistry, Rockefeller created the largest oil company in the world. But for many Americans he was almost a monster, because people saw the billionaire as a rich man who made money at the expense of ordinary workers. However, no matter how people treated him, he the personality remains truly legendary.