Olga Volkova TV channel star personal life. The presenter of the Zvezda TV channel kicked his clone out of the studio

Olga Vladimirovna Volkova (nee Politova). Born on April 15, 1939 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema. People's Artist of Russia (1993).

Father - Vladimir Lvovich Politov (1920-1992).

Mother - Ksenia Ivanovna Volskaya (1916-1989).

Grandfather - Ivan Volsky, actor.

Olga grew up in an acting family, but since childhood she dreamed of becoming not an actress, but an archaeologist.

She said: “My grandfather was a wonderful actor, a master of ancient vaudeville, he graduated from the St. Petersburg courses at Alexandrinka and organized his own theater, acting profession My uncles and aunts were also involved, and my mother was unable to become an actress only because of the war, so she always dreamed that I would be an actress. But family council I decided that this was not for me: a small, unprepossessing, skinny girl with a completely unfighting character, in their opinion, could hardly achieve anything. But I liked the theater. Although I didn’t often, I was behind the scenes of my grandfather’s theater. It was a real holiday, indescribable delight - noisy and cheerful beauties in chic suits, perky men in high spirits. Life inside vaudeville attracted me. During the performance, my friend and I made our way into auditorium and watched the audience as people reacted to my grandfather’s performance. I was terribly proud, I just wanted to stand up and shout to the whole hall: “But you don’t know that this is my grandfather on stage!” I grew up an enthusiastic child."

In 1960 she graduated from the acting studio at the Leningrad Youth Theater, workshop of Leonid Makariev. She made her debut on the stage of the Youth Theater back in 1957 and remained a theater actress until 1970. She played in the plays: “For the Power of the Soviets” by V. Kataev - Petka; “Tales of Pushkin” - Little Imp; “The Miracle Worker” by W. Gibson - Ellen; “Rainbow in Winter” M. Roshchina - Katya; “Ours, only ours...”, dir. Zinovy ​​Korogodsky - Mary Pickford.

In 1970-1976 she performed on the stage of the Leningrad Comedy Theater. She was involved in the productions: “The Village of Stepanchikovo and its Inhabitants” by F. Dostoevsky, dir. Vadim Golikov - Falalei; “Colleagues” by E. Braginsky and E. Ryazanov - Kalugin; 1973 - “Warm Heart” by A. Ostrovsky - Parasha.

In 1976 she moved to the Bolshoi Theatre of Drama, where she served until 1996. On stage, the BDT played in the following performances: 1977 - “The Effect of Gamma Rays on Pale Yellow Marigolds” by Paul Zindel, dir. Georgy Tovstonogov - Ruth; 1978 - " Pickwick Club"by Charles Dickens, dir. Georgy Tovstonogov - Rachel; 1981 - “The Meek” after F. Dostoevsky, dir. L. Dodin - Lukerya; 1983 - “The Death of Tarelkin” by A. Kolker and V. Verbin after A. Sukhovo-Kobylin, dir. Georgy Tovstonogov - Marfusha; 1985 - “Simplicity is enough for every wise man” by A. Ostrovsky, dir. Georgy Tovstonogov - Glafira Klimovna Glumova; 1987 - “At the Bottom” by M. Gorky, dir. Georgy Tovstonogov - Anna; “What you go for, you will find” by A. Ostrovsky - Krasavin; “Ghosts” by E. de Filippo - Armida Marigliano; “The Witches of Salem” by A. Miller - Anne Putnam.

He has been acting in films since 1958.

The actress became most famous for her roles in the films “Forgotten Melody for Flute”, “ Cruel romance", "Promised Heaven", as well as in the films " Bat", "Kill the Dragon", "Poor Sasha", "Treasure Island".

Olga Volkova in the film "Forgotten Melody for Flute"

In 1993 she received the title of People's Artist of Russia.

In the 1990s and 2000s she starred in many TV series. Although she had to refuse roles more than once. The actress explained: “Now big disaster With good material. All that is offered to me are homeless women... or so, I was offered the role of an elderly noblewoman who, out of jealousy, turned her husband over to the KGB, he was shot, and she performs a striptease in front of a young man. There is no humor in this, no sense either - just vulgarity. Of course, I’m not a prude and I have a normal attitude towards romances between older ladies and young men, if this romance originated somewhere in Paris... In our country this traditionally causes aversion. A woman has the right to live riskily, I don’t condemn it, but I don’t want to play such a role. Actually I happy man, I don't have any psychopathic acting ideas. I played all my Ophelias and Juliets back in my student years."

In 2013, she was the host of the Channel One program “Between Us Girls.”

Olga Volkova's height: 156 centimeters.

Personal life of Olga Volkova:

The first husband is cinematographer Volkov. The marriage produced a daughter, Katya.

Second husband (lived in a civil marriage) -, National artist RSFSR. The couple had a son, Ivan Volkov.

Children became actors. Former daughter-in-law (ex-wife of Ivan Volkov - actress).

The actress said about her second wife: “It wasn’t a marriage, it was just very good man, a wonderful actor Nikolai Volkov, he lived in Moscow, I lived in Leningrad, we were both alone... It’s hard to even call our relationship a romance, and I had no need to marry him at all, we just met on life path, and from this meeting a son was born. Also Volkov. I have both Volkov children, because I was Volkov, and my first husband was Volkov, and the father of Volkov’s son. This is how we turned out to be a Wolf Pack, but we managed to maintain a relationship that was not at all wolfish.”

Third husband - Vladimir Khovralev (1931-2015), Honored Artist, main artist Bolshoi Theater dolls in St. Petersburg.

Filmography of Olga Volkova:

1958 - The city lights up - a student at the Bridge Construction Institute
1962 - Grooms and Knives - a boy at the booth
1964 - I am a taxi driver
1965 - Sultry July - collective farmer
1965 - Child and Magic (teleplay) - boy
1965 - Roman Tales (television play) - street singer
1967 - First Russians
1967 - The Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin (television play) - Lyuba Matushkina
1967 - Seedy Kingdom (television play) - Princess Manya
1970 - Twenty-seventh incomplete (television play) - Natasha
1972 - Singing teacher - Mila's mother
1976 - Widows
1976 - Everyday Affair (film almanac, film “Everyday Affair”) - a woman with her son at the station
1978 - Bat - Lotta
1979 - We'll be back in the fall - Zina Vyazova (uncredited)
1979 - I ask you to blame Klava K. for my death - Irina Grigorievna, kindergarten teacher
1979 - My first friend - Sasha’s mother, actress
1979 - Autumn story- teacher
1979 - Three in a boat, not counting the dog - a whiny lady in a labyrinth
1980 - To whom did the singing canary fly - Seryozha’s mother
1980 - Solo (short film)
1981 - Maigret and the Man on the Bench (teleplay) - former colleague of Louis Toure
1981 - Passionate faces will come - “Stepanich”
1982 - Theft - Mrs. Stone, Starquater Typist
1982 - Treasure Island - Mrs. Hawkins, Jim's mother
1982 - Station for two - Violetta, waitress
1982 - Monomakh's Hat - Alla Perfilyevna, secretary of the school director
1983 - Unicum - member of the artistic council
1984 - The understudy begins to act - Lidia Ivanovna, secretary
1984 - Applause, applause... - Polina, assistant director
1984 - Cruel Romance - milliner
1984 - And then Bumbo came... - sister-in-law
1984 - Olga and Konstantin - saleswoman
1984 - Overheard Conversation - Teacher
1984 - TASS is authorized to declare - Emma Shants
1985 - Have you called the Snow Maiden? - Svetlana Ivanovna
1985 - Defendant - Lidia Sergeevna, people's assessor
1985 - A Dream in Hand, or a Suitcase - Antonina Sergeevna, editor
1986 - Exceptions without rules (film almanac, film "Paper Clips") - secretary
1986 - My dearly beloved detective - Rossita, actress from Sheffield
1986 - With open doors - Nadezhda Petrovna, engineer
1986 - Sorry - Lidia Mikhailovna Svirskaya
1987 - Forgotten melody for flute - Surova
1987 - Madam Minister - Savka
1987 - Grumpy Wife (teleplay) - Nino
1987 - Daughter - insurance agent
1987 - The Tale of a Painter in Love - Queen Drosophila II
1987 - Extraordinary Adventures Karika and Vali - grandmother
1988 - Everyday life and holidays of Serafima Glyukina - Elvira Pavlovna, double bassist
1988 - Physicists - Mathilde von Zand, chief physician of the Cherry Orchard sanatorium
1988 - Gypsy Baron- Mirabella
1988 - In one familiar street...
1988 - Treasure - director of a jewelry store
1988 - Kill the Dragon - The Blacksmith's Wife
1990 - Yama - lady charity
1990 - Anecdotes - Marina Rodionovna / lady / devil
1990 - Suicide - Raisa Filippovna
1990 - Sunset - Potapovna
1990 - Quarry - Baranovskaya
1991 - Anna Karamazoff - neighbor
1991 - The Arithmetic of Murder
1991 - Promised Heaven - Katya Ivanova
1991 - Inner Circle - Tamara Petrovna
1992 - Strange men of Semyonova Ekaterina - director of the boarding school
1992 - Old young people - Alla Petrovna Shapkina, secretary of the city committee
1992 - Oriental novel - Fatima, Said's wife
1992 - Racket - Melnikov’s mother
1992 - The Arithmetic of Murder
1992 - And the king is naked (television play) - first lady
1993 - Angels in Paradise
1993 - Labyrinth of Love
1993 - I'm bored, the demon is a rag-picker witch
1993 - I don’t want to get married! - Tsvetkova, mother of Alexander
1993 - Happy Loser - psychiatrist
1993 - Passion for Angelica - Kirillovna, mother of Angelica
1994 - Golden ring, bouquet of Red roses- Varvara
1994 - I’m free, I’m no one’s - Gulyaev’s wife
1994 - Rumble - Klasha, Olya’s grandmother
1995 - The Brownie and the Lacemaker - Antonina, representative of the orphanage
1995 - Revelations to a Stranger (Confidences a un inconnu) - a woman who ate an onion
1997 - Hello, fools! - ophthalmologist
1997 - Poor Sasha - Amalia Arkadyevna, Sasha’s nanny
1998 - Totalitarian novel - Andrei’s aunt
1998 - Heavenly Apple - doctor
2000 - The Bremen Town Musicians& Co - Wife of Donkey Sr.
2000 - Still waters - Varvara Petrovna Muromova, investigator
2000 - Fortune - saleswoman
2001 - The Tale of Fedot the Archer - Baba Yaga
2001 - Trace of the Werewolf - Sonya Gurvich
2001 - Drakosha and company - Zhanna Eduardovna
2001 - New Year's Adventures - Oskolkina
2002-2005 - Friendly family - Olga Ivanovna, grandmother
2003 - Game of Modernism - Kitsinskaya
2003 - Evlampia Romanova. The investigation is conducted by an amateur (episode “Poker with a Shark”) - Emma Markovna
2004 - Unequal marriage
2005 - Twelve Chairs - Klavdia Ivanovna
2005 - My Love - Rose, Vadim and Angela’s neighbor
2005 - Fool - Tatyana Ivanovna Pereverzeva
2005 - Payment for love - mother
2005 - The machinations of love - Zinaida Romanovna
2005 - The most beautiful - librarian
2005-2006 - Lyuba, children and the plant - Evgenia Aleksandrovna Orlova
2006 - Travesty - Student, assistant director
2006 - Payment for love - mother
2006 - Virtual romance- Inessa Sigismundovna, next door neighbor
2006 - Star Vacation- Anastasia Filimonovna
2006 - Vices and their admirers - Elena Tikhonovna
2006 - Star Holidays - Anastasia Filimonovna, Masha’s grandmother
2006 - Three on Top - Martha
2007 - House on the Promenade des Anglais - Dunya
2007 - Kings of the game - school director
2007 - Luna-Odessa - Bori’s mother
2007 - Hope as evidence of life - Nina Nikolaevna Tikhomirova
2007 - Polonaise by Krechinsky - Atueva
2007 - Rude and Sam - Anna Romanovna
2007 - Treasure - Tamara
2007-2012 - father's daughters- Antonina Semyonovna Gordienko, grandmother of the girls, mother of Lyudmila Sergeevna
2008 - Treasure - Tamara
2008 - New life detective Gurov - general's wife
2008 - Hope as evidence of life - Nina Nikolaevna Tikhomirova, director of a private school
2008 - Incident in the city of M
2008 - Harp for a Beloved - Ada, Zoya’s mother, Honored Teacher of the USSR
2008 - Thank you for everything - 3 - Henrietta Leopoldovna
2008 - New life of detective Gurov (series “Stoic”) - general’s wife, Baikov’s neighbor
2008 - Operation CheGuevara
2008 - Paradox
2008 - The vicissitudes of fate - Olga Petrovna
2009 - Thank you for everything 3 - Henrietta Leopoldovna
2009 - Like the Cossacks - the mother of the empress
2009 - Moscow courtyard - Sofya Sergeevna
2009 - Unfinished lesson - Nadezhda Petrovna, school director
2009 - Country comedy
2009 - Hanuma (teleplay) - Anush
2009 - Zhurov (series " A holiday romance") - Pankratova
2009 - Blood is not water - grandmother of Ani and Masha
2009 - I will live! - Margarita Pavlovna
2009 - Like the Cossacks - the mother of Empress Catherine II
2010 - Grandma Ada - Grandma Ada
2010 - Little Hunchback
2010 - Wedding. Case. Death - Atueva
2010 - Death of Vazir-Mukhtar. Love and life of Griboyedov
2010 - There is someone here - Tamara Proskurina
2010 - Lawyers - Galina Arkadyevna Vitruk
2010 - Ivanov - Avdotya Nazarovna
2010 - Olympic Village - watchman
2010-2011 - There is someone here - Tamara Proskurina, Dmitry’s mother
2011 - Best summer our lives - Klara Semyonovna
2011 - Comrade police officers - Galina Evgenievna
2011 - Comrade Stalin - thrush
2011 - Pandora's Box - Lyudmila
2011-2012 - Newlyweds - Andrei Petrovich’s acquaintance at a dance
2012 - Veronica. Lost Happiness - Maria Stepanova
2012 - Dodo Day - Zoya Anatolyevna
2012 - Moms (short story “To My Beloved”) - a man’s mother
2012 - Big laugh - grandma
2012 - A man with a guarantee - Baba Nina
2012 - Exchange rings - Maria Ivanovna
2012 - Last role Rita - Tatyana Yuryevna Mamaeva, orphanage worker
2012 - Holiday in Lockdown - Kira Pavlovna
2012 - The Mystery of Yegor - Alevtina Petrovna
2012 - Daddy's daughters. Superbrides - Antonina Semyonovna Gordienko, grandmother of the girls, mother of Lyudmila Sergeevna
2013 - Upside down - Raisa, Andrei’s mother
2013 - Veronica. Runaway - Marya Stepanovna
2013 - Marathon - Valentina Ivanovna
2013 - Twists of fate - Maria Ivanovna
2013 - Toy seller - tour guide
2013 - Treasures of O.K. - museum curator
2013 - Sherlock Holmes - Emma Naligan
2014 - In one breath - Vera Vasilievna
2014 - A gift with character
2014 - Belovodye. The mystery of the lost country - the owner of the apartment
2014 - Life after life - Khorkov’s mother
2014 - Moms-3
2014 - Between two fires
2014 - Under the Heel - Elizaveta Borisovna, Kostya’s mother
2014 - Trait
2015 - Nurse - Raisa Mikhailovna, Anna’s mother-in-law
2016 - Sorcerers
2016 - French cooking
2016 - Belovodye. The mystery of the lost country - the owner of the apartment

Employees of the Zvezda TV channel took an original approach to the story on the topic of cloning. One of the presenters staged a fight with his own clone, and then forced security to kick him out of the studio.

On November 30, on the Zvezda TV channel, columnist Evgeny Muzhikov and his colleague Olga Volkova hosted a program about cloning in South Korea. A recording of the broadcast appeared later on the channel’s website.

In the video, the TV presenter enters the studio wearing a sweater and his colleague asks him a question about his unusual outfit. “Forgive me for the personal question, but why are you wearing a sweater today?” The man replies that he didn’t find his suit in the dressing room.

Next, Muzhikov begins to talk about how in South Korea, several hundred identical dogs were bred through cloning specifically for service in law enforcement agencies. Three of these dogs were sent to Yakutsk to work as police officers.

Then another man enters the studio - the same TV presenter Evgeny Muzhikov, only in a suit. An argument begins between them.

Men in suit: What's going on here? I'm already twenty minutes into the broadcast. Who are you?

Guys in a sweater: I am a columnist for the Zvezda TV channel.

Men in a suit: No, it’s me, a columnist for the Zvezda TV channel, but look at yourself, who are you? Some kind of sweater, well, it’s not an ethereal look, absolutely. Who is this? I'll ask the security to take this so-called columnist away. Him, him, away, quickly!

At this moment, a security guard appears and approaches Muzhikov in a sweater. He actively resists, but is practically “carried out” of the studio.

The guy in the suit ends the broadcast with the words:

Yes, now such a plot seems fantastic, but the future, when people begin to grow clones for their own purposes, for example, as assistants or for spare parts, is already on the threshold.

At the end of the program, a “clone” of his colleague Olga Volkova enters the studio and they leave together.

On the channel's website they explained that they used this technical technique“as a joke to illustrate the news spectacularly.”

Mistakes made by presenters live often become the subject of jokes on social networks. During the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, for example, a sports commentator, causing heated discussion on Twitter.

And journalist Matvey Ganapolsky is live. Social networks reacted differently to his words.

Presenter news program on the Zvezda TV channel, Olga Volkova looks simply amazing in the frame. A spectacular woman knows how to be charming and business-like at the same time. Some viewers miss news broadcasts with other presenters in the frame. They like to study the picture of the day only together with Olga Volkova.
The secret of charm famous TV presenter simple: she knows how to keep herself in great shape.

Bad habits are a thing of the past

Who hasn't gone through a period when they had to grab sandwiches on the go? A common student habit that can lead to extra pounds with age.

Olga Volkova was also among the women who did not neglect sandwich nutrition. Bread, cheese, ham are not the best foods for those who want to stay slim. So Olga eventually learned to do without sandwiches so as not to spoil her figure.

  • Read more: Weight loss product - how to lose weight with it?

Activity instead of sport

Olga Volkova rarely gives interviews. It is difficult to find information about what this TV presenter lives and breathes. For a public figure, this lifestyle seems quite unusual. In fact: the Zvezda TV channel is watched by about one hundred million viewers monthly. And one of its main representatives is silent about what she thinks about fashion, sports, diets or politics.

Olga does not hide that she loves to be active and learn something new. She spent a long time learning how to stay in the frame and not mince words. Now she knows how to do it delicately. It is obvious that an active and active girl simply cannot get fat and wither in the hustle and bustle of her affairs.

This approach is promoted by many celebrities. In fact, people who get up before dawn and work until sunset do not really need sports, fitness and other ways to part with extra pounds. Everyday activities prevent them from gaining weight and getting out of shape.

The pursuit of excellence

Olga Volkova often appears on camera in loose clothes that hide her figure. You can understand it: the host of a news program needs to look strict and be able to inspire confidence in his person. After all, she has to talk about important things with the public: about the opening of airports, about urban problems, about relationships between children and adults.

Olga assures that she constantly strives for perfection, but does not believe that she will be able to achieve it very soon. Simply put, she has to think about her figure every day. And this means the ability to limit yourself in food, to have a disciplined approach to diet issues.

Famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. Starred in films "Forgotten melody for flute", "Bat","Kill the Dragon."

Olga Vladimirovna Volkova(née Politova) was born on April 15, 1939 into an acting family. Her grandfather Ivan Aleksandrovich Volsky is a famous provincial actor and creator St. Petersburg theaters"Crooked Jimmy" and "Vintage Vaudeville". Many other relatives of Volkova were also involved in the theater.

However, in childhood Olga Volkova I didn’t dream about the stage at all, but about archeology. But the future actress grew up as a hooligan, studied rather poorly, but she loved and knew how to make her classmates laugh. Thanks to this, one day she got into the drama club.

The beginning of Olga Volkova's career

IN Theatre Institute Olga Volkova I didn’t get in, failing in the first round. In 1957, through connections, she was hired into the Leningrad Youth Theater, and in 1960 she graduated from the acting studio at the Youth Theater (L. Makariev’s workshop) and became a theater actress.

Olga Volkova: “I was enrolled in the Youth Theater studio on the condition that they would not study with me. So everything that I was able to learn, I collected bit by bit myself.”

After graduation, the actress could easily get assigned to some provincial theater, but around the same time she married a Leningrad cameraman Leonida Volkova and stayed to work at the Youth Theater. A few years later, a daughter, Ekaterina, was born into the family. In 1970 Olga Volkova moved from the Youth Theater to the Comedy Theater. N.P. Akimova, and in 1976 she became an actress at the Leningrad Bolshoi Drama Theater. M. Gorky, where he invited her Georgy Tovstonogov. Main director BDT was especially appreciated in Olga Volkova lack of fear and self-control.

Olga Volkova: “I wasn’t afraid of anything. I had no fear of my superiors. There was no trepidation or fear either before the party bureau secretary or before the chief director. It was hard to put me down because I never lose my sense of humor. My two brothers grew up with me, and they joked about me so much, taught me so much that now no one can spoil my appetite. When you grow up with brothers, one way or another you learn to take a punch.”

Film career of Olga Volkova

The actress first appeared on screen in 1965. At first she acted a little, and she got mostly episodic roles. One of Olga Volkova’s most notable works was the role of Lotte in the operetta film "Bat".

Success came to the actress in the 1980s, when director Eldar Ryazanov drew attention to her. In the film "Station for Two" Olga Volkova played the waitress Violetta - a small but memorable role. After this picture, she began to appear on screen more often and starred in films "Treasure Island","TASS is authorized to declare" , “Have you called the Snow Maiden?”, “The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Valya”,"Forgotten Melody for Flute" , "Poor Sasha" and many others.

One of best roles Beggar Katya Ivanova became an actress in a social tragicomedy Eldara Ryazanov "Promised Heaven".

In 1997 Olga Volkova left hometown and moved to Moscow. There she actively acted in films and participated in enterprises. At the same time, Ivan, Olga Vladimirovna’s son from her second (civil) marriage, and his wife Chulpan Khamatova were graduating from theater institute, and in Moscow it is much easier for an actor to realize his potential.

Olga Volkova: “In St. Petersburg, I couldn’t even imagine that you could refuse a job that doesn’t interest you. I never imagined that I would ever have the opportunity to choose. I don’t have omnivorousness and that duck hunger that is characteristic of many actors. I don't grab everything just to stay afloat, or for money, or just to be on stage. Of course, an actor should always be in shape; as I say, you must not move away from the streetlight so that you can be seen. But at the same time, you must be able to calculate your creative and physical strength and not spoil your reputation.”

IN last years Olga Volkova continues to play on stage and appears in many TV series. She appeared in such multi-part projects as “Daddy’s Daughters”, “Evlampia Romanova: The investigation is conducted by an amateur”, “Lyuba, children and the factory”,"Pandora's Box", "The Death of Wazir-Mukhtar" and many others.

In 1993, Olga Volkova was awarded the title People's Artist Russia.

In 2002, Olga Volkova received the national film award “Golden Eagle” in the category “Best Supporting Actress” for her participation in the film “The Tale of Fedot the Archer.”

In 2009, on the occasion of the actress’s seventieth birthday, television project“The Late Happiness of Olga Volkova.” In August 2012, she tried herself as a TV presenter of the show “Between Us, Girls!” on Channel One.

Personal life of Olga Volkova

The actress’s second husband was the namesake of her first husband, Nikolai Volkov, People’s Artist of the RSFSR. In 1974, Olga Volkova gave birth to a son, Ivan, who also became an actor ( ex-husband Chulpan Khamatova). Olga Vladimirovna’s third husband is an Honored Artist Vladimir Khovralev, chief artist of the Bolshoi Puppet Theater in St. Petersburg.

  • Filmography of Olga Volkova

  • Schastlivyy Neudachnik
  • Sherlock Holmes (TV series) (2012)
  • Veronica (TV series) (2012)
  • Holiday in Lockdown (2012)
  • Toy Salesman (2011), tour guide
  • Exchange Rings (TV) (2012), Maria Ivanovna
  • The last role of Rita (TV) (2012), Mamaeva Tatyana Yurievna
  • Big laugh! (2012), grandmother
  • Moms (2012), short story “To My Beloved”
  • Pandora's Box (mini-series) (2012), Lyudmila
  • The Best Summer of Our Lives (TV) (2011)
  • If I Fall (2011), short film
  • Indian Summer (TV series) (2011)
  • Grandma Ada (2011)
  • Olympic Village (2011), watchman
  • Newlyweds (TV series) (2011), old lady
  • Little Hunchback (2010)
  • (TV series) (2010), Tamara Proskurina
  • Death of Vazir-Mukhtar (TV series) (2010), Praskovya Nikolaevna
  • Like the Cossacks... (2010), mother of the empress
  • I will live! (TV) (2009)
  • An Unfinished Lesson (2009), school principal
  • Lawyers (TV series) (2009), Galina Arkadyevna Vitruk
  • Ivanov (2009), Avdotya Nazarovna
  • Blood is not water (TV) (2009)
  • Country comedy (TV series) (2009)
  • Incident in the city of M (2008)
  • Vicissitudes of Fate (2008)
  • New life of detective Gurov (TV series) (2008), general’s wife, Baikov’s neighbor
  • Harp for the Beloved (TV) (2008)
  • Hope as evidence of life (TV series) (2008)
  • Kings of the Game (TV series) (2008)
  • Wedding. Case. Death (TV series) (2007), Atueva
  • 20 cigarettes (2007)
  • Treasure: Scary Christmas story(TV) (2007)
  • Rude and Sam (2007), Anna Romanovna
  • Luna-Odessa (2007), Bori's mother
  • Daddy's Daughters (TV series) (2007), Antonina Semyonovna
  • House on the Promenade des Anglais (2007), Dunya
  • Vices and their fans (TV series) (2006), Elena Tikhonovna
  • Payment for love (TV series) (2006), mother
  • Star Vacation (2006)
  • Virtual Romance (2006)
  • Travesties (2006)
  • The machinations of love (TV series) (2005)
  • My love (TV series) (2005), Rose
  • 12 chairs (2005), Klavdia Ivanovna
  • Godmother's Gift (2005), voice acting; short film
  • Lyuba, children and the factory... (TV series) (2005), Evgenia Aleksandrovna Orlova
  • Dura (2005), Tatyana Ivanovna
  • Unequal Marriage (TV series) (2004)
  • Evlampia Romanova. The investigation is conducted by an amateur (TV series) (2003), Emma Markovna
  • Evlampia Romanova 1: Poker with a Shark (TV) (2003), Emma Markovna
  • The Game of Modernity (2003), Kitsinskaya
  • Friendly family (TV series) (2002), Olga Ivanovna, grandmother
  • From the Life of Robbers (TV) (2002), voice acting; short film
  • Trace of the Werewolf (TV series) (2001), Sonya Gurvich
  • New Year's Adventures (TV) (2001)
  • Drakosha and company (2001), Zhanna Eduardovna
  • The Tale of Fedot the Sagittarius (2001), Yaga
  • Bremen Town Musicians & Co (2000), Wife of Donkey Sr.
  • Still waters (2000), Varvara Petrovna Muromova
  • Fortune (2000)
  • Totalitarian novel (1998), Andrey's aunt
  • Heavenly Apple (1998), doctor
  • Poor Sasha (1997), Amalia Arkadyevna
  • Hello, fools! (1996), ophthalmologist
  • Confessions to a Stranger (1995), Onion Eater
  • The Brownie and the Lacemaker (1995)
  • I'm Free, I'm Nobody's (1994)
  • Gold ring, bouquet of scarlet roses (1994)
  • Rumble (1993)
  • Happy Loser (1993), psychiatrist
  • Passion for Angelica (1993)
  • I don't want to get married! (1993)
  • I'm Bored, Devil (TV) (1993)
  • Labyrinth of Love (1993)
  • Strange men of Semyonova Ekaterina (1992)
  • Old Young Men (1992)
  • Racket (mini-series) (1992), Melnikov's mother
  • The Naked King (TV) (1992), First Lady
  • Oriental Romance (1992)
  • Angels in Heaven (1992)
  • Promised Heaven (1991), Katya Ivanova
  • Anna Karamazova (1991)
  • The Pit (1990)
  • Suicide (1990), Raisa Filippovna
  • Quarry (1990)
  • Jokes (1990), Marina Rodionovna / lady / devil
  • Sunset (1990)
  • The Gypsy Baron (TV) (1988)
  • The Physicists (TV) (1988), Dr. Von Zand
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Olga Volkova is an actress who can hardly be called a star of the first magnitude. She did not star in sensational blockbusters, did not give scandalous interviews. However, despite this, in her career and creative destiny you can also find many bright and interesting moments. She played in the theater, acted in films and always selflessly served the art of acting. There are few actresses like her today. That is why the story about our today's heroine should become unique in its own way.

Early years, childhood and family of Olga Volkova

Olga Vladimirovna Volkova (more precisely, then Olga Politova) was born on April 15, 1939 in a family closely associated with acting art. Most well-known representative of the illustrious dynasty was the grandfather of our today’s heroine - Ivan Aleksandrovich Volsky. At one time, he played a huge role in the creation and development of the St. Petersburg theaters “Antique Vaudeville” and “Crooked Jimmy”. In addition to him, many other representatives of the famous family were also involved in acting and creativity in general.

However, despite this fact, Olga Volkova (Politova) did not immediately begin to dream of becoming a professional actress. IN early childhood she dreamed of a completely different dream - a dream of archaeology. Moreover, at school our today’s heroine was known as the main hooligan. She often participated in various adventures, studied poorly and in a positive way She was distinguished only by her subtle ability to make others laugh. The talent for parodying one's peers was once noted school teachers local drama club, who immediately invited the young girl to join the acting group.

So it began creative path our today's heroine. She performed in school plays, and after finishing ten classes she went to enroll in theater university, but failed in the first round. Perhaps, after this failure, the actress would have left forever performing arts, however, her relatives came to the rescue at the right time. Taking advantage family connections, Olga got a job at the Leningrad Youth Theater, where she began to study at the local acting studio. It is very noteworthy that, according to Volkova herself, there was, in fact, no training as such. She was accepted into the Youth Theater on the condition that they would not mess with her. Therefore, our today’s heroine learned all the intricacies of the acting craft herself.

Perhaps it was precisely this state of affairs that made her professional actress. Olga relied only on herself, and therefore at some point she managed to reach impressive heights in her profession.

After graduation, our today's heroine began to often receive offers from various provincial theaters, but after her wedding with cameraman Leonid Volkov, she decided to stay at the Youth Theater.

Star Trek actress Olga Volkova, filmography

The actress performed her first screen role in 1958 in the film “The City Lights Up,” but she made a cameo appearance as one of the applicants for entrance exam it’s hard to call it serious at a university acting work. Our today's heroine managed to truly make her film debut only a few years later. In 1962, the name of Olga Volkova first appeared in the credits of a film. This happened as part of the film “Grooms and Knives,” in which the girl got a small role as a guy at a booth.

Olga Volkova on Radio Mayak

In 1964, the actress played her first main role in the cinema - in the film “I am a driver”. This picture was followed by another – “Child and Magic”, in which our today’s heroine again reincarnated as a guy. Since the mid-sixties, Olga Volkova began to frequently act in films. Among her best works sample from the sixties include the paintings “The Seedy Kingdom”, “The Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin”, as well as some others.

In 1970, a talented young actress left the Leningrad Theater young viewer and began performing at the Akimov Comedy Theater. In 1976, at the invitation of Georgy Tovstonogov, the actress moved to the Leningrad Bolshoi Drama Theater named after Gorky. During this period, Olga Volkova had the opportunity to feel like a real star.

The actress’s film career was no less bright. She starred with the country's best directors, regularly delighting her fans with new memorable roles.

Indian Summer - Olga Volkova

Among the best works of our today’s heroine, it is worth highlighting the paintings “Forgotten Melody for the Flute”, “Have You Summoned the Snow Maiden?”, “Treasure Island”, “The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Valya”, “TASS is Authorized to Declare”, “Kill the Dragon”, “Poor Sasha” and many others. Among the most famous works The actress should also include a small but very colorful role as the waitress Violetta in Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Station for Two.” Lyudmila Gurchenko, Nonna Mordyukova, Nikita Mikhalkov, Oleg Basilashvili and others also worked in this film. Subsequently, the actress also worked with the famous film director on the creation of the film “Promised Heaven”, in which she played the role of a beggar woman.

In 1993, for her many years of service to cinema, Olga Volkova received the title of People's Artist of Russia. Four years later, she moved to Moscow, where she began to play in enterprise performances and also star in new films.

Olga Volkova currently

Despite his old age, Olga Volkova is still in great demand among Russian and Ukrainian directors. Among her later works The films “Quiet Pools”, “New Year’s Adventures”, “A Man with a Guarantee”, “Moms”, as well as the series “Lyuba, Children and the Factory”, “Daddy’s Daughters”, “Friendly Family” stand out. Separately in this list it is worth highlighting the film “The Tale of Fedot the Sagittarius”, which brought the actress the Golden Eagle Award for the best female role background.

As noted in a number of sources, 2014 promises to be no less productive for the actress. Currently, three films with the participation of Olga Volkova are in production. In addition, the actress will continue to star in the series “Sherlock Holmes”, the first episodes of which were presented to the public at the end of 2013.

Personal life of Olga Volkova

The actress had three marriages in her life. The first husband, cinematographer Leonid Volkov, gave the woman his last name, as well as his daughter Ekaterina. Surprisingly, the surname “Volkov” was also borne by the actress’s second husband, actor Nikolai Volkov. With him, our today's heroine lived in a civil marriage. From this union she left a son, Ivan, who today became famous actor and composer.

The third husband of the actress - theater artist Vladimir Khovralev. The actress lives with him to this day.