Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess. Script for the play "The Frog Princess" for production in a school theater studio

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen; he had three sons - all young, single, such daredevils that neither a fairy tale nor a pen could describe them; the youngest was called Ivan Tsarevich. The king says this to them:

- My dear children, take each of your arrows, draw tight bows and shoot them in different directions; In whose yard the arrow will fall, make your match there.

The elder brother shot an arrow - it fell on the boyar's yard, right opposite the maiden's mansion.

The middle brother let her in - she flew to the merchant’s yard and stopped at the red porch, and on that porch stood the soul-maiden, the merchant’s daughter.

The younger brother fired - the arrow landed in a dirty swamp, and was picked up by a frog frog.

Ivan Tsarevich says:

- How can I take the frog for myself? Kvakusha is no match for me!

“Take it,” the king answers him, “to know that this is your fate.”

So the princes got married: the eldest to a hawthorn tree, the middle to a merchant’s daughter, and Ivan Tsarevich to a frog.

The king calls them and orders:

- So that your wives bake me soft white bread by tomorrow!

Ivan Tsarevich returned to his chambers sadly, hanging his head below his shoulders.

- Kva-kva, Ivan Tsarevich! Why did you become so twisted? - the frog asks him. — Did Al hear an unpleasant word from his father?

- How can I not get upset? My lord, my father, ordered you to make soft white bread by tomorrow!

- Don’t worry, prince! Go to bed and rest: the morning is wiser than the evening!

The frog put the prince to bed, threw off his frog skin and turned into a maiden soul, Vasilisa the Wise, went out onto the red porch and shouted in a loud voice:

- Nurses! Get ready, get ready, prepare soft white bread, the kind I ate, ate at my dear father’s.

The next morning, Tsarevich Ivan woke up, the frog’s bread had been ready for a long time - and so delicious that you couldn’t even imagine it, only say it in a fairy tale! The loaf is decorated with various tricks, on the sides you can see the royal cities and outposts.

The king thanked Ivan Tsarevich on that bread and immediately gave the order to his three sons:

“So that your wives can weave a carpet for me in one night!”

Ivan Tsarevich returned sadly, hanging his head below his shoulders.

- Kva-kva, Ivan Tsarevich! Why did you become so twisted? Did Al hear a harsh, unpleasant word from his father?

- How can I not get upset? My sovereign father ordered that a silk carpet be woven for him in one night.

- Don’t worry, prince! Go to bed and rest: the morning is wiser than the evening.

She put him to bed, and she shed her frog skin and turned into a maiden soul, Vasilisa the Wise. She went out onto the red porch and shouted in a loud voice:

- Nurses! Get ready, get ready to weave a silk carpet - so that it’s like the one I sat on with my dear father!

As said, so done.

The next morning Ivan Tsarevich woke up, the frog’s carpet had been ready for a long time - and it was so wonderful that you wouldn’t even think of it, except in a fairy tale. The carpet is decorated with gold and silver and intricate patterns.

The tsar thanked Tsarevich Ivan on that carpet and immediately gave a new order: that all three princes should come to him for inspection together with their wives.

Again Tsarevich Ivan returned sadly, hanging his head below his shoulders.

- Kva-kva, Ivan Tsarevich! Why are you freaking out? Did Ali hear an unfriendly word from his father?

- How can I not freak out? My sovereign father ordered me to come with you to the inspection; How can I introduce you to people?

- Don’t worry, prince! Go alone to visit the king, and I will follow you; When you hear knocking and thunder, say: it’s my little frog coming in the box.

So the older brothers came to the review with their wives, dressed up and dressed up; they stand and laugh at Ivan Tsarevich:

- Why, brother, did you come without your wife? At least he brought it in a handkerchief! And where did you find such a beauty? Tea, all the swamps were coming!

Suddenly there was a great knock and thunder - the whole palace shook.

The guests were greatly frightened, jumped up from their seats and did not know what to do, and Ivan Tsarevich said:

- Don't be afraid, gentlemen! This is my frog in a box has arrived!

A gilded carriage, harnessed to six horses, flew up to the royal porch, and Vasilisa the Wise came out - such a beauty that you couldn’t even imagine it, only say it in a fairy tale! She took Ivan Tsarevich by the hand and led him to the oak tables and the stained tablecloths.

The guests began to eat, drink, and have fun. Vasilisa the Wise drank from the glass and poured the last of it down her left sleeve; She bit the swan and hid the bones behind her right sleeve.

The wives of the older princes saw her tricks, let's do the same for ourselves. After Vasilisa the Wise went to dance with Ivan Tsarevich, she waved her left hand - a lake became, waved her right - and white swans swam across the water. The king and guests were amazed.

And the older daughters-in-law went to dance, waved their left hands - they splashed the guests, waved their right hands - the bone hit the king right in the eye! The king became angry and drove them out of sight.

Meanwhile, Ivan Tsarevich took a moment, ran home, found a frog skin and burned it over a high fire. Vasilisa the Wise arrives, she missed it - there is no frog skin, she became despondent, sad and said to the prince:

- Oh, Ivan Tsarevich! What have you done? If you had waited a little, I would have been yours forever; and now goodbye! Look for me far away, in the thirtieth kingdom - near Koshchei the Immortal.

She turned into a white swan and flew out the window.

Ivan Tsarevich wept bitterly, prayed to God in all four directions and went wherever his eyes led him. Whether he walked close, or far, for a long time, or for a short time, an old old man came across him.

“Hello,” he says, “good fellow!” What are you looking for, where are you going?

The prince told him his misfortune.

- Eh, Ivan Tsarevich! Why did you burn the frog's skin? You didn’t put it on, it wasn’t yours to take it off! Vasilisa the Wise was born more cunning and wiser than her father; For this he became angry with her and ordered her to be a frog for three years. Here's a ball for you: wherever it rolls, follow it boldly.

Ivan Tsarevich thanked the old man and went to get the ball.

Tsarevich Ivan is walking through an open field and he comes across a bear.

“Let me,” he says, “let me kill the beast!”

And the bear tells him:

- Don't hit me, Ivan Tsarevich! I'll be useful to you someday.

- Don't hit me, Ivan Tsarevich! I'll be useful to you myself.

A sideways hare runs; The prince began to aim again, and the hare said to him in a human voice:

- Don't hit me, Ivan Tsarevich! I'll be of use to you myself.

He sees a pike fish lying on the sand, dying.

“Ah, Ivan Tsarevich,” said the pike, “have mercy on me, let me into the sea!”

He threw her into the sea and walked along the shore.

Whether long or short, the ball rolled towards the hut; The hut stands on chicken legs, turning around. Ivan Tsarevich says:

- Hut, hut! Stand in the old way, as your mother did - with your front to me and your back to the sea!

The hut turned its back to the sea, and its front to it. The prince entered it and saw: on the stove, on the ninth brick, Baba Yaga was lying, a bone leg, her nose had grown into the ceiling, she was sharpening her teeth.

- Hey you, good fellow! Why did you come to me? - Baba Yaga asks Ivan Tsarevich.

“Oh, you old bastard,” says Ivan Tsarevich, “you should have fed me, a good fellow, and given me something to drink, steamed me in a bathhouse, and then you would have asked.”

Baba Yaga fed him, gave him something to drink, steamed him in a bathhouse, and the prince told her that he was looking for his wife Vasilisa the Wise.

- Oh, I know! - said Baba Yaga. - She is now with Koshchei the Immortal; it is difficult to get her, it is not easy to deal with Koshchei; his death is at the end of a needle, that needle is in an egg, that egg is in a duck, that duck is in a hare, that hare is in a chest, and the chest stands on a tall oak tree, and Koschey protects that tree like his own eye.

Baba Yaga pointed out where this oak grows.

Ivan Tsarevich came there and didn’t know what to do, how to get the chest? Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bear came running.

The bear uprooted the tree; the chest fell and broke into pieces.

A hare ran out of the chest and took off at full speed; lo and behold, another hare is chasing him; caught up, grabbed it and tore it to shreds.

The duck flew out of the hare and rose high, high; flies, and the drake rushed after her, when he hit her, the duck immediately dropped the egg, and that egg fell into the sea.

Ivan Tsarevich, seeing the inevitable misfortune, burst into tears. Suddenly a pike swims up to the shore and holds an egg in its teeth; he took that egg, broke it, took out a needle and broke off the tip. No matter how much Koschey fought, no matter how much he rushed in all directions, he had to die!

Ivan Tsarevich went to Koshchei’s house, took Vasilisa the Wise and returned home. After that they lived together happily ever after.

Date of publication: 03.11.2013

On November 2, the Dulevsky CDC hosted the premiere of A. Dezhurov’s lyrical comedy “The Frog Princess,” staged by the Scarlet Sails theater studio of the Moscow Regional College of Information Technologies, Economics and Management.

It is no coincidence that the performance was staged based on this particular fairy tale. This idea was suggested to us by a book about our hometown, “Likino-Dulevo: “Pages of History.” If you look into the deep history of our region, Likino-Dulyovo is located approximately on the western border of the Meshchera lands, and in ancient times the tribes of the Slavs, Meryans and Meshchera lived peacefully together and “often merged with each other through mixed marriages. Such joint marriages are spoken of in one of the oldest Russian folk tales, “The Frog Princess.”

The memory of the people has preserved this story about how the eldest sons married Slav women, and the youngest brought himself a bride from the forests and swamps, that is, he chose a Meryanka or Meshcherka as his wife. In some ways, the culture of her tribe was higher than the Slavic one, and therefore she cooked food, made clothes, and even danced better than Slavic wives.” Thus, coming into contact with the wonderful art of theater, we study the history of our native land.

The performance turned out to be bright, elegant, and musical. The audience applauded the young artists with pleasure. And who did not have time to watch, we invite you on November 16 at 14-00 at the GBOU SPO "MOKITEU" MO where on the stage of the assembly hall we will play the performance for you again!

Head of the theater studio "Scarlet Sails"
in GBOU SPO "MOKITEU" O.A. Shashkova.

My youth theater studio needed to find a play for nineteen performers, such that none of the s. the actors were not disappointed so that everyone was visible. And also, so that the play can be rehearsed in parts, taking into account that parents, these enemies of art, will take the selected actors to the dacha at the wrong moment, causing damage to the rehearsal process. I had to rummage through the theater library in search of a more or less tolerable dramatization of some fairy tale. In other words, waste your leisure time on what is obviously a doomed task - finding a funny play for a school amateur performance. It is not customary to write such plays. It was then that I, not yet thinking of myself as a Russian writer, began to sketch “The Frog Princess” scene by scene. This story was the first one that came to my mind, I don’t know why. Apparently I didn't care. As I say, I had purely practical goals. On the eve of the rehearsal, before leaving the house, in a fit of morning inspiration, I created a new phenomenon, read it out before the start of the rehearsal, and immediately set up the mise-en-scène. The need to bring nineteen characters to the theater led to the appearance in the play of the First Frog, the Second Frog, the First Guest at the Feast, the Second Guest at the Feast and other characters that were ignored by the Russian people. Only when the second act was completed did I see that, unexpectedly for myself, I had composed a lyrical comedy with a double addressee - both for children and for their mothers who accompany young spectators on cultural outings. I felt I had the right to publish the play, which was possible with the benevolent assistance of the Argo-Risk publishing house and the editor D. Kuzmin personally. The play was staged more than once on the amateur stage. After the studio performance, she attracted the attention of my friend, director I. Androsova, who worked at the Rolf international school. And with the publication of “Plays for Children’s Theater” by the publishing house “I am entering the world of art,” it became the property of a wide range of school amateur performances. The first production of the comedy on the professional stage took place in 2003 at the Central House of Arts Workers (theater "Tragic Farce", directed by Yuri Laguta), then "The Frog Princess" was accepted for production by the Mogilev Regional Drama Theater. Work on staging the play began in 2005 by director Elena Saleikova on the stage of the Debut Center of the Moscow House of Actors.


Comedy for parents who bring their children to matinee performances

Dedicated to the first
performers of the play - actors Nikita Veretennikov, Mikhail Veselkin, Pavel Bolotov, Anastasia Zhernokleeva,
Anastasia Kulagina, Natalia Kazakova, Alena Subbotina, Sergei Builov, Anton Yarochkin, Sergei Sokolov, Irina Belyaeva, Igor Chekmachev, Dmitry Volynkin, Yuri Volynkin.

in order of appearance on stage

First Tsarevich
Second Tsarevich
Merchant's wife
First frog
Second frog
Vasilisa the Beautiful
First guest at the feast
Second guest at the feast
Other guests
Baba Yaga
Koschei the Deathless

Act one
Scene 1
Three princes. Tsar (off stage).
KING (shouting). Away! Get out of here, you parasites. Stop sitting on my senile neck. Out! So that your spirit is not here. Today for the married to return! Tired of you slackers. Vanya, take them away from here! Out! Out!
FIRST. And why did Father get it into his head to marry us like that? Take, he says, a bow and shoot wherever you look!
SECOND. Yeah! If you tell anyone this, they will laugh. Besides, I'm a bad shooter. After all, it’s unknown where I’ll end up.
FIRST. When hunting, that’s understandable. There we shoot without looking, but they still roast a wild boar for dinner. And here, brother, it’s not a boar. Here, one might say, the whole life is decided. Now an arrow will fly into some cowshed, and you will have to marry a milkmaid...
SECOND. Why are you scaring me!
FIRST. Otherwise you don’t know the priest. He is the master of his word.
SECOND. And if the owner wants to give his word, but he wants to, he takes it back.
FIRST. Eh, no, you're being naughty! Father is such a mischievous old man...
SECOND. What are you talking about!.. About my old father... About the king... What if someone hears...
FIRST. Who's listening? Unless Vanka... (To Ivan.) Hey, brother, can you hear what we're saying here?
IVAN (adjusting the bow). What?
SECOND. Oh, oh, he can’t hear! Tell me you eavesdropped!
FIRST. Are you dodging?!
SECOND. Yulish?!
IVAN. God bless you, brothers! I don't have anything to do - listen to you. I’m wondering where to shoot the arrow so that my first beauty will be.
SECOND. Didn’t you hear what the older brother said about the priest, that the old man was completely out of his mind?
FIRST. And the middle brother nodded his head and kept assenting, and said, when the priest dies, then we’ll divide the kingdom in two?
SECOND. Yes, yes, into two identical halves?
FIRST. More for me, less for him?
SECOND (to the first). What are you saying...
FIRST. So don't listen to us, we're all joking.
IVAN. I have no time for jokes, brothers. The bow wouldn't let me down...
FIRST. Look how serious you are. He wants a beauty for his wife. All the same, the most beautiful one will be mine.
SECOND. And mine!
FIRST. Yes, yes, with us. Mine is prettier. His is worse. And for you, maybe some kind of mess will come.
IVAN. What are you saying? Now I’m shooting an arrow... (Takes aim.)
FIRST. Where are you aiming, you idiot! The merchant’s daughter lives there, a beautiful woman. I'll shoot there. Come on, give me the bow. (Takes Ivan’s bow and takes aim.)
IVAN. Brother, if you aim like that, you won’t hit for a hundred years, let me help you.
FIRST. You want to shoot, just say so, you slacker. Here, shoot, don’t miss! To shoot the merchant's wife for me!
IVAN. Be calm, brother. (Shoots).

The arrow flies along a complex trajectory and hits a merchant's yard. A high-pitched screech is heard.

Scene 2

The same goes for the merchant's daughter.

MERCHANT'S WOMAN (shouting). What kind of mug, dunce, stupid, parasite, fool, empty-headed, loser, suitcase without a handle, holey head ruined my hat? (Shows his hat - there is an arrow sticking out of it).
FIRST. What a beauty! This is necessary! (To the merchant's wife.) Madam, allow me to propose marriage to you.
MERCHANT'S WOMAN. Don’t talk back to me, I’m a decent girl, I don’t tolerate nasty words. You better tell me, villain, monkey, swindler, scoundrel, where can you buy me a new hat? My little darling, a rich merchant, brought this to me from the city of Paris, from England itself, from real Germans! The people there are well-mannered, they don’t crumple the caps of decent girls!
FIRST. As he says! He speaks as he writes!
MERCHANT'S WOMAN. I don’t know, I’m not literate. I’m a decent girl, not some kind of mamzel. You monster, ghoul, rogue, give me back my hat! Otherwise, I’ll take you straight to the neighborhood!
SECOND. Madam, let me explain the situation. This man is the king's son, and he asks you to be his wife.
MERCHANT'S WOMAN. I won’t let you laugh at a decent girl! So I believed it without any documentation.
FIRST. But isn’t it a document – ​​the nobility of my manners...
SECOND. Majestic fire in the eyes...
FIRST. Royal step...
SECOND. Graceful posture...
FIRST. And then, sooner or later I will become a king and will give you hats twice as large and more beautiful than this one.
MERCHANT'S WOMAN. Four times. And you don't need to bargain with me. I will not tolerate my husband being a windbag, a talker, a deceiver and a scoundrel. However, I agree, Your Highness.
SECOND. Vanya, Vanya, come here, help me, something’s not working out for me. Aim for that little house over there - there lives such a priest - not a girl, but a honey gingerbread.
IVAN. We'll get there now, be calm!

Aims and shoots. A squeal is heard.

The same with Popovna.

POPOVNA. Oh, devils, oh, heavenly angels! As soon as she brought the pouring apple to her scarlet lips, there was a fatal arrow sticking out of it! They wanted to kill me, ruin me and stab me, God forgive me!
Appears. In her hand she has a bitten apple with an arrow sticking out.

SECOND. Well, what did I say - not a girl, but sugar is the sweetest!
POPOVNA. It was you, such a devil, who wanted to send me, a blooming rose, to hell and hell like some kind of mouse?
SECOND. On the contrary, lovely child, I want to make you my wife and lifelong friend.
POPOVNA. Yes, I’d rather marry the bald devil than such a robber!
SECOND. I, dear little one, am not a robber at all, but the very son of a king.
POPOVNA. There you go, you damn devils! Why are you, Your Highness, being a hooligan, shooting at the priest’s daughters, at their little white hands, at their playful legs, aren’t you afraid of either God or the devil?
FIRST. Listen to me, my child. You're very lucky. The fact that you have this arrow in your hands means that you are no longer the priest, but the prince’s bride.
POPOVNA. Why didn’t you say it right away? And that’s what I thought: sit, I think, at the wedding table, priest, dip the sieve bread in sweet honey, and wipe your pink lips with your sleeve. I agree to become the wife of such a prominent young man.
IVAN. Let me shoot too, brothers.
FIRST. Oh, of course, of course, they forgot Vanka.
SECOND. You, Vanya, helped us, and we will help you.
They stand on both sides of him, winking slyly. When Ivan takes aim, they push him, and the arrow flies in an unknown direction.

FIRST. Ay-ay-ay, how unlucky you are!
SECOND. You're doing badly, Vanya.
POPOVNA. Looks like you, guy, will have to live your life single.
MERCHANT'S WOMAN. It's even better. It’s hard for the two of us to get along here, otherwise a third one will arrive.
POPOVNA. I have something to get along with. We, the priest’s daughters, don’t see the bills of sale at close range.
IVAN. You've had enough of your quarreling, you need to look for the arrow!..
FIRST. You, Vanya, look, and we will go to the priest to show off our brides.
SECOND. Vanechka, I probably shouldn’t expect you for lunch?
IVAN. Brothers, please help!
FIRST. Nothing, nothing, you're already an adult. You can handle it yourself.

IVAN. Nothing to do. Even if I don’t show up home for a week, I’ll still find the arrow.

Swamp. Three frogs, one of them is the Princess.

FIRST. And I’m telling you for sure, the guards have come to know. Our affairs are bad!
SECOND. What kind of guards are these?
FIRST. And I’m telling you, true guardians. Those who ate all the toads and frogs in their storage!..
SECOND. Oh, how terrible! Why are you telling me such passion! How did you eat it?
FIRST. And so: they’ll catch our sister somewhere, torture her with brutal flour, poor thing, and then they’ll smear her on bread, sprinkle her with sugar, or put her in her mouth!
SECOND. Here are the savages! For us, the frog is given the first honor. Be it a king or a boyar, no one has an appetite for a frog, but it’s all out of respect.
FIRST. And what am I telling you, that, you know, the guards have arrived. What kind of arrow do you think this is? They were aiming at you, poor fellow. You know, they wanted you with onions, potatoes...
SECOND. Oh, don’t tell me, don’t tell me, I’m so impressionable!.. Is it really true?
FIRST. I’m telling the truth: they’ll lay out a napkin, apply mustard and...
SECOND. Oh! Oh!..
QUEEN. Don't be sad, friends. This arrow did not fly towards you. This is not your destiny, but mine... You know, the prediction has come true...
FIRST. And who else is croaking there? What do you have to do with it? Is anyone going to look at you with appetite? Look at yourself, you’re barely green, and not pimply at all...
SECOND. And there is no meat in you. Look at us, how fat we are. Such a person is not ashamed to end up in the French mouth.
QUEEN. This arrow did not fly to take your life, but then to help me out of here.
FIRST. Why do you feel bad here? Sit and swallow flies. You're boring, I'll tell you what - know one thing, you cry and sob... And marvel at us - green face, smile from ear to ear, plump little belly, paws covered in pimples...
SECOND. Hide, the guards are coming!

The first and second frogs are hiding.

Ivan and the Frog Princess.

IVAN. Hello frog.
QUEEN. Hello, prince.
IVAN. Tell me, dear frog, did my arrow fly here?
QUEEN. Here she is, prince.
IVAN. Thank you, sweet frog. Have you seen the most beautiful girl in the world nearby?
QUEEN. No, prince, I was alone.
IVAN. Or maybe the most beautiful girl lives somewhere nearby?
QUEEN. No, there is forest all around here. Your arrow flew straight towards me.
IVAN. What to do... You see, frog, my arrow was supposed to fly to the most beautiful girl in the world, but, apparently, I missed. Well, you'll have to return home.
QUEEN. What about me?
IVAN. Oh yes, thank you frog, you helped me a lot.
QUEEN. Ivan, take me with you. I will become your faithful wife.
IVAN. Like this? Yes, you're a frog...
QUEEN. I am the face and body of a frog, but I have a loving heart and a kind soul. Take me with you, you will find a lot of joy with me.
IVAN. Ah, frog, frog, you seem to be laughing at me. Has it ever happened before that a king's son would lead a swamp frog into marriage? People will make fun of us, and you will shed bitter tears with me. No, apparently, I’m such a poor person. I will grieve myself, but there is no need for you to suffer because of me.
QUEEN. I, Ivan, am in torment in the swamp, but with you I will be fine. And I will be a joy for you, Ivan, because I am not an ordinary frog, but a very amazing one. Take it, you won't regret it.
IVAN. Well, frog, if you are not afraid of human judgment, let’s go home - the hour is already late.
They leave.

Two frogs.

SECOND. Look how lucky we are! But at first he didn’t want to take it. And all because she is thin and pale. If he had seen us, he wouldn’t have even glanced at her. He was lying in our paws, he would have begged him to take him with us!
FIRST. And I’ll tell you, it’s good that he didn’t see us. He looks too much like a guard.
SECOND. What are you talking about?
FIRST. Everything is about love - “Oh, dear frog” - but there is only one thing on my mind: grab it and turn it into mustard.
SECOND. But I didn’t even notice!
FIRST. That's it, mother.

Ivan Tsarevich, Frog Princess.

IVAN. How are you doing here in general?..
FROG. Thank you, I feel good, Ivan.
IVAN. Maybe I should bring you some mud to catch all sorts of flies?
FROG. No, Ivan, I don’t need flies.
IVAN. Oh, okay. Or maybe you can catch it after all? You're kind of sad. You keep sitting, looking out the window and shedding tears.
FROG. My life is sad, Ivanushka. Yes, I see you are not happy either.
IVAN. Yes, I really don’t know how to say.
FROG. Share your sadness with me...
IVAN. It’s not a bad thing, just run! The father started giving a feast, ordered that each bride bake him a loaf, sew a shirt, and come to him in all her beauty. Well, okay, you see, you'll have to try yourself. What do they put in the loaf? There's all sorts of flour and water, right? Eggs, in my opinion... Oh, what a misfortune: it’s not a peasant’s business to bake pies!
FROG. Don't worry, Ivan. I will bake a loaf of unprecedented size and wonderful taste. I will sew a shirt the likes of which I have never seen.
IVAN. How can you do it? Look at yourself, you're small and weak. Come on, I’ll at least knead the dough!
FROG. No, no, Ivan, you are not my help here. Go ahead, don't worry. Tell your aunt that your betrothed will come, as he ordered. You know, sit down at the table and don’t show that you’re upset. Eat, drink, and be merry. And when you hear noise and thunder, say: “This is my little frog riding in a box.”
IVAN. No, I won't let you in alone. They will accidentally step on you there. You can say whatever you want, but I won’t leave you alone. In a box - so in a box. And I will deliver you without any noise.
FROG. You, Ivanushka, did not understand me. Even if I go alone, no one will hurt me. You know one thing, when you hear noise and thunder...
IVAN. So you got this noise and thunder. We would have come quietly, sat, maybe no one would have noticed us. And then, you see, they returned home without shame. And all you need is noise and thunder. How small you are, but how important you are!
FROG. I’m not putting on airs, Ivan, because I have a boastful nature, but because I’m not an ordinary frog, but a wonderful one.
IVAN. I don’t know how it is with you, wonderful frogs, but it wouldn’t be a problem. Let's be more careful. You see, you are still in front of me, so no one will touch you. How about one?
FROG. Don't be afraid, Ivan. I will stand up for myself. And if anything happens, I’ll call you. Now go to the Tsar-Father and tell him how I punished you.
IVAN. Okay, I'm coming, I'm coming. Flour in the barn, needles and threads behind the stove.
FROG. Goodbye, Ivan.
IVAN. Hello Frog.
Ivan leaves, the frog takes off its skin and is miraculously transformed.

Scene 8

Imperial Courtyard. First and second guests. There are others in the background.

FIRST GUEST. No, well, imagine, he wooed either a mouse, or a snake, or a cow. Well, has it been seen? The king's son? Other princes have brides who are both smart and good-looking—a pleasure to look at. And here? Tell me, is it possible to marry a cow? Or on a snake?
SECOND GUEST. Who told you what was on the snake? So I believe that the king’s son will always find a beauty for himself. This is because our father the Tsar’s children are all smart, educated, all like the Father Tsar, that’s what I think. Bad people told you this, that’s what I’ll tell you.
FIRST. And not just any bad people, but the Tsar’s daughters-in-law themselves. The eldest, one of the merchants, speaks of a cow, and the youngest, a priest, speaks of a snake.
SECOND. But I believe that the Tsar’s daughters-in-law cannot possibly make a mistake, because the Tsar’s children will not choose bad wives for themselves, they are all smart and educated as our Tsar Father. If the king’s son takes a cow or some kind of viper as his wife, God forgive me, there’s probably a secret meaning in that. For example, I’ll tell you: lately I’ve really fallen in love with cows. And snakes are simply my first girlfriends.
FIRST. But for what secret reason is it possible to walk down the aisle with a creeping reptile? There is no reasonable meaning here.
SECOND. And I’ll tell you this: the prince, out of his great intelligence, did this. He is a bright-headed man, looking like a priest. I call him to myself: “Ivan-umak.” And if the king’s son put a veil on a cow in his heart, then it’s none of our business. But I will say one thing: there is a reasonable meaning here, because this is the king’s son.

Guests and guard.

GUARD. Stand and listen! The decree of our sovereign and master, above all of us is the anperator, our red sun, our universal little darling! “I, your sovereign and master, the anperator over all of you, your red sun and your universal little darling, command everyone to immediately feast and have fun...”
ALL. Ha ha ha!!
GUARD. Don't interrupt! “...because my beloved sons, my angels, my sugar babies will all get married at once today.” Signature stamp. Got it?
ALL. Got it.
GUARD. Did you understand?
ALL. Got it.
GUARD. Then get ready for the official entrance of the anperator! Smirrno!

The same is true for the king.

TSAR. I wish you good health, dear guests.
GUESTS (at random). Hello, sir and master, above all of us is the anperator, our red sun and our universal little darling...
GUARD. Clearly!
GUESTS. Hello!!
TSAR. How's it going?
GUESTS (at random). Yes, in different ways, father... So-so... My wife is full of food... The children are sick... There is not enough money...
GUARD. Clearly!
KING (to the guard). What's next according to the script?
GUARD. Presentation of the brides, Your Majesty.
TSAR. Well, come on, shall we?
GUARD. Get ready for the entrance of the first bride, the venerable merchant's wife!

Scene 11

The Merchant's wife comes out to the appropriate music and makes a curtsey. The same goes for the Merchant's Wife.

MERCHANT'S WOMAN. King, king, anperator! I accepted your son - the prince, the prince, the anperatorevich - and accepted the proposition. And in gratitude from my generous soul, with my sugar hands, I bought you a Gishpan cake and an English soup for golden money. Please have a taste and try it on.
Gifts are solemnly brought in.

TSAR. What kind of cupcake is this? Like Easter cake, or what? With uzum?
MERCHANT'S WOMAN. I do not know, I have not tried it.
KING (trying). Oh, honest mother, you hit a bad tooth! Oh, my grave sins!
GUARD. Have you decided to poison the Tsar's father?
MERCHANT'S WOMAN. I chose the sweeter one.
TSAR. Too old for me. Come on, tell me... What is this?
MERCHANT'S WOMAN. So I’m amazed myself, father. Do you know what the English anperators wear?
TSAR. Ah... Well, if the English anperator arrives, I’ll put it on him. And you go, mother, have mercy on your prince. Don't bait me with cupcakes in advance.
GUARD. Get ready for the second bride to come out!

Popovna appears, kneels, fights
head to the floor. The same with Popovna.

POPOVNA. Use it for you, sir. Forgive me, the accursed one, the devil tricked me into making gifts for you with my little hands, so I stole all my fingers - I didn’t do anything, I plowed through all the flour - I didn’t mess up anything. All she knew was that she stole my dad’s mallow, the sinner, and his old cassock. Forgive me, poor fellow, it is not a precious gift, but my selfless love!
TSAR. Are you really that poor, Popovna?
POPOVNA. I am poor in wallet, but rich in heart.
KING (to the guard). Okay, bring the mallow to me, and return the cassock to my ass, otherwise I won’t get angry.
GUARD (to the King). Well, that's it, or what?
TSAR. And Vanka?
GUARD. Oh yes. Order: Love and favor Vanka’s bride!
ALL. Glad to try!
TSAR. Well, where is she?
IVAN. Dad, you understand, this is the thing...
TSAR. It’s not your dad who asks you, but the anperator in his anperator voice: where is the bride?
IVAN. Dad, I want to explain, you know, when we shot...
TSAR. He doesn't understand anything! (To the guard.) Ask him.
GUARD. Come on, all together...
ALL. Where is the bride?!
Noise and thunder are heard.
TSAR. What is it?
POPOVNA. End of the world!
ALL. Guard! Save yourself, who can! Guys, we're lost! Half-hearted!
IVAN. Don’t be afraid, dear guests, this is my little frog on his way in a box.

Scene 13
Same with Vasilisa the Beautiful.

VASILISA. Be healthy, sir.

Pause. The guard pushes the Tsar.
TSAR. Good afternoon.
VASILISA. Hello, dear guests.
GUARD. Come on, all together: “Hello to the beautiful stranger!”
TSAR. And who are you?
IVAN. How long have I been waiting for you!..
VASILISA. Forgive me, Ivan Tsarevich, I fussed while I was celebrating my father’s gift by order.
IVAN. Dad, this is my fiancée. Her name is the most beautiful...
VASILISA. Vasilisa.
TSAR. Vasilisa the Beautiful!.. (To guests.) Did you hear? Who was buzzing in my ears? You? Who said "turtle"? You? People talk foolishly, and you pick them up! (To Vasilisa.) Don’t pay attention, these are my courtiers - nice guys, but God didn’t give them intelligence, they’re talking like crazy. Why are you, Vanka, open your mouth, bring the bride to the table, to the place of honor.
IVAN. Now. (Vasilisa.) But what... And where... Why did you earlier...
VASILISA. Don't worry, Ivan. It was I who preened myself for a merry feast, and when we return home, everything will be as before.
IVAN. How, the old way? (To the king.) Dad, I’m here now! I'll be there in a jiffy! (Vasilisa.) Just wait, I’ll be right there, I’ve thought of everything!
Runs away.

TSAR. So what are you going to do? Don't be angry with him, he's a simple guy with such a... weakened upbringing. But...
FIRST TSAREVICH. Golden heart...
SECOND TSAREVICH. Skillful fingers...
TOGETHER (in a low voice). You'll die of boredom.
TSAR. Well, get out of here, parasites.
VASILISA. Allow me, Father Father, to give you a gift.
TSAR. Come on, what is this... You come to the table with us... And what is this... why...
VASILISA (claps her hands. They bring in the casket.). Here, father, I sewed a shirt for you at your command.
He opens the lid of the casket. Everyone stands spellbound.
TSAR. What a miracle!
FIRST GUEST. There's a whole country here!
SECOND GUEST. There is both the sun and the moon!
FIRST. There are groves and fields here...
SECOND. And oak groves and seas...
MERCHANT'S WOMAN. How much is this meter?
POPOVNA. Sovereign Father, let me try it on!..
KING (slams the lid). There's no point in gawking. (To the guard). Come on, quickly take it to the treasury, otherwise you yourself know what kind of people they are.
GUARD. Order: “Designate Vasilisa’s shirt as a national treasure!”

The casket is taken away.

VASILISA. Allow me, sir, to serve sweets to your table.
TSAR. Well, come on, come on, I can already feel it, needlewoman, that you have some difficult gifts.

Vasilisa throws up her hands. Everyone is in tense anticipation, but nothing happens.

KING (disappointed). What, nothing worked out?
VASILISA. Why didn't it work? Look out the window.
Everyone runs to the window.

FIRST GUEST. This is not a cake, but just a mountain -
You won't be able to eat until the morning.
SECOND. There are sugar trees here
And syrupy seas.
THIRD. And a ship made from gingerbread
It lowers anchors into them.
FOURTH. From cookies in the garden
Wonderful animals from different countries.
FIFTH. And they are made of marmalade
Vasilisa and Ivan.
MERCHANT'S WOMAN. Father, let me try!..
POPOVNA. Me first, and more!..

The guests begin to make noise, pulling out their spoons.
TSAR. Go away!
GUARD. Order: “Send Vasilisa’s cake to the bins of the Motherland”!
TSAR. Well, the feast was a success.

Scene 14
Same with Ivan.

IVAN. Stop! Wait, listen! I knew that she was the most beautiful girl in the world! I got it! I guessed! She didn’t want me to love her before I knew her, okay?
TSAR. What are you yelling about? How can you not love her?
IVAN. But she deliberately pretended to be a frog in order to teach me some sense. But now I’m a scientist. Listen everyone, I love her, okay? (Vasilisa.) I love you.
VASILISA. And I already guessed.
IVAN. Wait, do you love me?
VASILISA. What do you think?
IVAN. I don’t know... so what? No?
VASILISA. Did not guess!
IVAN. Love you! So, look, you will never be a frog again. Do you see? (Takes out a frog skin.) Look!
VASILISA. Stop, Ivan!..
IVAN. No, I'm a scientist now. You will never be a frog again, never! (Tears the skin).
Ominous music is heard, sweeping away the guests in a whirlwind, leaving only Vasilisa and Ivan on the stage.

Scene 15
Vasilisa, Ivan.
IVAN. What's happened? Where is everyone? What's happened? Vasilisa? What are you doing? Why are you crying?
VASILISA. Goodbye, Ivan. If only you had been patient for three days, your happiness would have been in your hands.
IVAN. What, you don't love me anymore? I won't let you go anywhere!
VASILISA. This is not my will and not yours. Why did you, Ivan, mess up like that? Yes, now you won’t get anything back. Goodbye, Ivan, don't forget me. And I will not forget you until death.
IVAN. Stay! Please!
VASILISA. It's late, Ivan. An evil force is dragging me from here.
IVAN. I will find you! I... Where should I look?
VASILISA. I won't tell, Ivan. If I'm going to die, I'll be the only one. And my only joy will be that you are alive.
IVAN. Well, wait just a minute more! Well, at least a little!
VASILISA. Goodbye, Vanya.

Scene 16
Ivan, Tsar.

TSAR. Where is she? Vanka? Where are you taking her?
IVAN. Dad, she's gone! She won't come back again!
TSAR. What kind of whims are these?
IVAN. She will never come, dad!..
TSAR. I do not believe. Empty coquetry.
IVAN. No, dad, no, she disappeared, all because of me. How can I live now, dad?
TSAR. And you go and find her.
IVAN. There is nowhere to find her. She said that her evil power took her from here to distant lands, that we would never, never see each other again!
TSAR. Far away?
IVAN. Yes.
TSAR. Of course, this is not all specific...
IVAN. She said that I shouldn’t look for her - you won’t find everything. And I can’t live without her. I won’t eat or drink without it, I’ll wear myself out, white light is not nice to me. What should I do, dad?
TSAR. Like what? Go and look.
IVAN. She didn’t tell me where to look for herself - she felt sorry for me... Why feel sorry for me, a fool, when I had everything I had - that’s all she did.
TSAR. She didn’t say where to look... So, shouldn’t we look now?
IVAN (after thinking). Search, of course... But I won’t find her...
TSAR. You won’t find it... So now, don’t look, or what?
IVAN (after thinking). Search, of course... But how?
TSAR. And so: I got ready and went, understand?
IVAN. Understood.
TSAR. Bye then. Take care of yourself. As soon as you find it, go straight home so that I don’t get bored.
IVAN (throws himself on his neck). Dad!
TSAR. No sentimentality, no need to waste time. He got up and went. Hello.
IVAN. Hello.
TSAR. Bye then.
IVAN. Bye.
TSAR. Goodbye, they tell you.
IVAN. Yeah.
TSAR. Exactly. Goodbye, and off I went.
IVAN. Dad, don't be bored.
TSAR. Get out of here, they tell you, stop hanging out in front of me, let the rash go away, understand? Pedal until you get the hang of it.
IVAN. Well, I'm off.
TSAR. Bye. Let's be careful there. God knows what distant lands they have there.
IVAN. I'm coming.
TSAR. Don't look back on the way.
IVAN. Yeah.
KING (waves after). Don't write letters.
IVAN (turns around). Why?
TSAR. I'll get used to it. Let's go.
IVAN. Bye then.
TSAR. Bye.
Ivan leaves.


Forest. Ivan, Bear.

IVAN (alone). I haven't eaten anything for three days! This way I'll be completely weak. I may still be thirty years old and have been walking for three years, but I can barely move my legs.

You can hear rustling in the bushes.

ABOUT! Whoever it is, this is my lunch.

Aims. The Bear appears.

BEAR. Well? Do you want to kill me?
IVAN. I don't want to kill, I want to eat.
BEAR. So, kill and eat. It's clear. Are you a good shooter?
IVAN. OK then...
BEAR. Understood. All the same, it means you will kill. Okay, I'm off.
IVAN. Where?
BEAR. Say goodbye to the widow and the orphans.
IVAN. With which widow? With what orphans?
BEAR. But what kind of widow, if not mine? Now you're going to kill me and eat me. And she, Nastasya Ivanovna, therefore, will remain a widow, raising my little bear cubs, orphans. Don't be afraid, I'll be back. I'm honest.
IVAN. Wait, wait. And you have a lot of... these...
BEAR. An orphan? Four. And what orphans! Everyone is fluffy, cheerful, you have never heard a rude word in your life. He raised me with honey and affection. You know, the happiness is over.
IVAN. And what is your name?
BEAR. Why do you need it? For the menu?
IVAN. No, I'm just curious. My name is Ivan.
BEAR. And I'm Mikhailo Potapych. Well, in conversation it’s just Potapych. Where are you going, Ivan?
IVAN. You see, Potapych, I had a bride, a beautiful woman. That is, from the outside she looked like a frog...
BEAR. It's clear. For everyone - a frog, for you - a beauty. This happens.
IVAN. No, you don’t understand, she really was a beauty. Only I acted like a fool and she disappeared.
BEAR. It's clear. She, therefore, disappeared, and you, Ivan, therefore, are a fool.
IVAN. So I put it in my heart to look for her for at least thirty years and three years and beyond - as long as I have enough strength. But now I’m walking – not even a year has passed, and my strength is running out. Would you tell me, Potapych, where I could get something to eat? Maybe I'd shoot someone for lunch?
BEAR. Therefore, I am no longer tasty to you.
IVAN. Well, how can I tell you... You see, Potapych...
BEAR. It's clear. The orphan felt sorry. Otherwise I would have gobbled it up for a great life. OK. There is one drake in the creek over there. Generally a good guy, but talkative. This, of course, is not a reason yet, but if you are so unbearable... There is a forest here, after all, forest laws. Everyone is, in a sense, lunch. Well, I'll go and bring you some honey.
IVAN. Why honey?
BEAR. It kills my appetite.

Ivan takes aim and shoots towards the creek.

Ivan, Drake.

DRAKE. What are you doing? Why are you shooting here? You could have killed me! Without any consideration at all? Where have you come? You came to the forest, why are you banging around here? A? Now let’s all get our rays out and start shooting our bullets left and right. Do not you understand? There is a forest right here, people live here everywhere. What if you killed someone? A? What, isn't it a shame?
IVAN. It's a shame, of course.
DRAKE. That's it. You should be ashamed. Even more embarrassing. Put away your bow so I don’t see it.
IVAN (puts away his bow). Listen, what's your name?
DRAKE. Seryoga. Actually, I'm not friends with hooligans, but I'll make an exception for you.
IVAN. You see, Seryoga, I’m looking for a frog, a girl that is...
DRAKE. You speak in order - the frog or the girl. Everything is fine with the frogs, but worse with the girls.
IVAN. No, I'm looking for a girl, of course. But from the outside it slightly resembles a frog.
DRAKE. No, she doesn't live here. There isn't even a frog that resembles a girl.
IVAN. I already understood this. You know, I haven’t eaten anything for three days, but I need to continue on my way. Could you help me?
DRAKE. In general, I eat mud and snails. But don't eat too much...
IVAN. No, I don’t eat mud or snails at all. Could you tell me what is more important here?
DRAKE. Oh, that's what you're talking about... Well, okay, if only for friendship. Here, under a snag, lives one old pike. She’s so old – she’s probably five hundred years old, so I don’t really feel sorry for her. Now you're hooked and that's it... that means...
IVAN. Thank you, Seryoga.
DRAKE. If you need anything, please contact us.
IVAN. Bye then.

Ivan takes out a rope, makes a fishing rod, and throws it into the water.

Ivan, Pike.

PIKE. Boy, boy, come here.
IVAN. What?
PIKE. Come on, get it, I’ve got something caught here.
IVAN. It's not something that got caught, it's I who caught you! Have you all come to an agreement or something...
PIKE. Got me? Oh you puppy! I’m old enough to be your great-grandmother, but he “caught” me!
IVAN. Why are you all embarrassing me! What am I supposed to do here, having not found Vasilisa, should I die of hunger or what?
PIKE. What kind of Vasilisa is this?
IVAN. Beautiful and wise. In the past a frog.
PIKE. Come on, take out the hook.
Ivan takes it out.
Well, should I fulfill my wish?
IVAN. What are you, a sorceress?
PIKE. You ask! I had Emelya on the stove here; I’ll probably help you somehow too. So, for the first course - borscht, for the second - cutlets with a side dish...
IVAN. No need for any cutlets, give me back Vasilisa!
PIKE. Well - a couple of trifles. Just keep in mind - there is only one desire. Or Vasilisa, or cutlets.
IVAN. Vasilisa, I’m telling you!
PIKE. And you, little one, I see that you are suffering from love... Well, I remember, about three hundred years ago there was one perch... Now, probably, he’s quite an old man...
IVAN. Pike, please... I don't know your name...
PIKE. Alena Polikarpovna. So, really, he’s both smart and good-looking... What a woman she’s become...
IVAN. Alena Polikarpovna, rather...
PIKE. Okay, okay, I'm starting to conjure....
Something doesn't work out. Come on, one more time... No. Apparently, your Vasilisa is being held by some force that is stronger than mine.
IVAN. What should I do now...
PIKE. We'll have to settle for lunch.
IVAN. What do I need dinner for when I don’t know how to help Vasilisa out of trouble!
PIKE. Wait, don't bother. There is one old lady... Of course, God knows what kind of character she is, but she can help. He lives far away, in a distant kingdom. Now, if you wish, I’ll send you to her in a moment. Just be more delicate there, otherwise you might not go to her for lunch. A cantankerous person, just between you and me.
IVAN. Please come soon!
PIKE. I'm starting to do magic. “Believe it or not, you’re flying to grandma’s for lunch!”

Ivan miraculously flies away to the Far Far Away Kingdom.

Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych. They sit at cards.

GORYNYCH. Well, just for the last time. And so as not to cheat.
YAGA. Gorynych, what kind of suspicions? You know me.
GORYNYCH. That's why I say it. If you cheat, I'll go home.
YAGA. What are you supposed to do at home?
GORYNYCH. What's wrong with you? Pout at cards?
YAGA. If you don’t like grandma’s entertainment, go ahead and offer something yourself. A?
GORYNYCH. Well, I do not know. Do you want me to set the forest on fire?
YAGA. You are lacking initiative, Gorynych. Give it up.
GORYNYCH (surrenders). If you cheat, I'll go home.
YAGA. Oh, oh, I scared the granny. Now I'm going to stutter.
GORYNYCH. What do you think, I’ll just take it and leave. Who has the smaller trump card?
YAGA. I have a six.
GORYNYCH. Six is ​​on the line, you're lying.
YAGA. Then I have a seven.
GORYNYCH. Go. Have you conjured all your trump cards?
YAGA. Well, how can I tell you... Seven of clubs.
GORYNYCH. On the ace of clubs. Are you throwing it up?
YAGA. Another seven of clubs.
GORYNYCH. On the ace.
YAGA. Where did you get the second ace?
GORYNYCH. Where did you get the seven?
YAGA. You said not to cheat?
GORYNYCH. I told you not to cheat.
YAGA. You are unprincipled, Gorynych.
GORYNYCH. If you call me names, I'll go home.
YAGA. Oh, oh, I'm offended!
GORYNYCH. And I’ll set your forest on fire so that you won’t disobey... (deals cards).
YAGA. I have ace poker.
GORYNYCH. We're playing the fool.
YAGA. Oh, thunder from heaven, I forgot. Then you go. All my trump cards are older than the king.
YAGA. Come on, show me.
GORYNYCH. We studied at the same school, who are you planning to fool?
YAGA. You, Gorynych, are so shameless.
GORYNYCH. Well, I'm off.
YAGA. Go, no one will cry. If grandma is not nice to you...
GORYNYCH. For three hundred years now we have been playing the fool. I'm starting to get bored.
YAGA. Well, what do you want? This is not a cultural park for you. You went to see an elderly, lonely woman...
GORYNYCH. It was I who visited an elderly woman three hundred years ago, and now you...
YAGA. And you, Gorynych, are tactless.
GORYNYCH. I'm not tactless, but frank. What I see is what I say. I see an old witch and I say: old...
YAGA. I'm not only a witch, I'm also a woman...
GORYNYCH. And I say, a witch. If you want, I’ll fasten two more heads - they’ll see the same thing.
YAGA. What are you, Gorynych, big-eyed. You see the witch, but you don’t see the woman.
GORYNYCH. Eight of spades.
YAGA. You, Gorynych, don’t run away from the conflict.
GORYNYCH. I don't want to quarrel with you.
YAGA. What a fearful person you are, Gorynych.
GORYNYCH. Am I the fearful one? You talking to me? Yes, I want... I don’t know what... I’ll set the forest on fire?
YAGA. Don't want. It's boring with you.
GORYNYCH. And with you.
YAGA. And I was the first to say.
GORYNYCH. And I told you three hundred years ago.
YAGA. And if you and grandma are bored, then here’s God, and here, as they say, is the threshold.
GORYNYCH. And I'll leave.
YAGA. And leave.
GORYNYCH. Now I’ll finish playing and go.
YAGA. So go away. Eight of spades.
GORYNYCH. This is my eight of spades.
YAGA. So go away.
GORYNYCH. So I'll leave.
YAGA. Stop! Fu-fu, it smells like the Russian spirit!..
They sniff air.
GORYNYCH. You sniffed it.
YAGA. I say it smells of the Russian spirit. (With suspicion.) This is not from you?
GORYNYCH. What are you doing? You know me...
YAGA. That's why I ask.
GORYNYCH. Well, again reproaches, suspicions, I went.
Noisily, Ivan miraculously appears.

Same with Ivan.

IVAN. Good afternoon.
YAGA. Good afternoon. And where is your horse?
IVAN. What horse?
YAGA. An ordinary horse. About four legs, with a bridle. Here it is customary for us to say “hello” to a young man for lunch and a horse for dinner.
IVAN. Who are you?
YAGA. I am the Elderly Woman Yaga, and this vulgar guy is my friend Gorynych, the snake.
GORYNYCH. Gorynych.
IVAN. Very nice.
GORYNYCH. Yes, in general. Well, I'm off.
YAGA. Where?! (To Ivan.) Boy, why did you come here? Probably, swing your sword in our Far Far Away Kingdom? Maybe Bayun wanted a cat or a self-dancing harp? So, sorry, this cannot be exported. Or maybe he wanted to defeat Gorynych so that he could boast about his heads there?
GORYNYCH. Yes, I have two fasteners, I’ll give it to him. What do I care...
YAGA (to Gorynych.). Be quiet. (To Ivan.) There are a lot of you like that traveling around. Why did you complain?
IVAN. I don’t need any harp and I don’t need a cat either. I would like to help one frog out of trouble.
YAGA. You're darkening something. What kind of frog is this?
IVAN. Princess. My wife.
GORYNYCH. How did you manage to marry a frog?
YAGA. It must be by calculation. You're a cunning guy.
IVAN. Yes, there was no calculation. I don’t know how she married me. I have everything I have, everything on myself.
YAGA. I smell a great secret. Speak to the point.
IVAN. So she disappeared somewhere, and I don’t know where I can find her.
GORYNYCH. What about other frogs, how can I say... Don't you like them?
IVAN. What kind of frogs? I forgot to say that she is actually a sorceress and her name is Vasilisa...
There is confusion among Gorynych and Baba Yaga.

YAGA. Listen, this is not the Vasilisa who...
GORYNYCH. Beautiful?
IVAN (delighted). So do you know where she is?
GORYNYCH. We only know...
YAGA. This is an empty matter, guy, this frog is not about your honor.
IVAN. How is that? Yes, she is my wife!
YAGA. A wife is not a wife, but just get ready, now you will be expelled from here in two seconds.
IVAN. Yes, I won’t leave my place.
YAGA. Not only will you get off, but you will also carefully fly out into this pipe.
GORYNYCH. Wait, wait. (To Ivan.) Listen, guy, when you took her as your wife, this frog, did you already know that she was actually Vasilisa?
IVAN. But how should I know, she told me herself later.
GORYNYCH. What, did you take her as your wife out of love?
IVAN. Could it really be any other way?
GORYNYCH. We need help.
YAGA. Yes, brother, it looks like a serious matter. Anyway, listen. Your Vasilisa is languishing in the kingdom of Koshcheev. You won't be able to save her, but apparently you won't be able to stop her. Here's a magic ball for you, it will take you straight there. Get out of there as best you can - we are not your help. Still... good luck to you.
IVAN. Thank you, Elderly Woman Yaga. Thank you, Gorynych.
YAGA. Please. Well, let's go.
IVAN. Goodbye.
YAGA. Stop. What's your name?
IVAN. Ivan.
YAGA. Goodbye, Ivan.
IVAN. Goodbye.

He leaves after the ball.

Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych.

YAGA. Good guy.
GORYNYCH. Yeah, my own. You know, I think he liked you.
YAGA. How observant you are, Gorynych. Six of clubs.
GORYNYCH. To eight.
YAGA. Bito.
Gorynych looks at Baba Yaga in surprise, both laugh.

Scene 23

Vasilisa the Beautiful, Koschey the Immortal. Koschey walks with a globe, thoughtfully.
Vasilisa sits shackled in the corner with an air of spiritual dejection.

KOSHCHEY. Let's repeat the lesson. What do we hold in our powerful hand?
Vasilisa is silent.

I forgot again. How stupid good people are! Listen to the correct answer: “In your formidable hands there is a special small earth, well, in general, it seems like a toy, we jokingly call it... what is it?”
KOSHCHEY. Well, yes, I wanted to say it myself. But you interrupted me, for which you doomed yourself to another three hundred years of moral humiliation and mental torment. Second question. What do we think about when we hold this land, even if it’s a toy one, as you rightly put it... this...
KOSHCHEY. Well, yes, another three hundred years for insolence. What do we think about when we look at her with our majestic eyes?
Vasilisa is silent.

KOSHCHEY. I forgot. One word: wise. They must have nicknamed you as a joke, just for fun, because you cannot answer our simple, majestic question. And you need to answer like this: “Today you, Your Immortal Majesty, deign to destroy us all with a painful death, then enslave us, then starve us, then kill us with medical diseases, then subject us to mental torment and moral humiliation.” I will do all this immediately in the fight against my majestic boredom.

Vasilisa sighs.

Well, is it difficult for you to learn? We repeated it yesterday?
VASILISA. If you destroy us all today, what will you do tomorrow?
KOSHCHEY. There you go again. Yesterday, for asking such a question, you extended your sentence by another eight hundred years. I gave you majestic hints that this question should not be asked. But so be it. I'll think about it today and answer you tomorrow during class.
VASILISA. The villain!
KOSHCHEY. Right. And I'm proud of it. But still eight hundred years is too long.
KOSHCHEY. Nice to hear, nine hundred more.
VASILISA. Heartless monster!
KOSHCHEY. Finally, I waited for a kind word. Thousand.
VASILISA. Boring, old, bald stump!
KOSHCHEY (stunned). But such insults are washed away only with blood!..
Ivan appears with a bang.

Same with Ivan.

IVAN. Vasilisa!
IVAN. Vasilisa!
KOSHEY (Vasilisa). What is this ugly phenomenon of reality?
IVAN. Good afternoon.
KOSHCHEY. This is where you, boy, are seriously mistaken. This day, one might say, is not at all good for you, and I would even say so majestically, it’s your last.
VASILISA (to Ivan). Why did you come?.. You’ll disappear... Vanya...
IVAN. What do you mean why? Let's go home.
VASILISA. Ivan... run... stop... it's too late...
KOSHCHEY. You don’t need to go home, because your home is now the mother earth. Now I will kill you according to special rules that I will immediately come up with. And then I violate your feelings.
IVAN (to Vasilisa). What is he? Some kind of stupid.
KOSHCHEY. I'm not stupid, but immortal. But you are both stupid and mortal, as both of you will now see.
IVAN (taking hold of the bow). If you get cocky, you won't be happy.
VASILISA. Goodbye, Vanka! Now we certainly cannot be saved.
KOSHCHEY. Right. Of course, there is no way to escape, because I will end you in one second. You won’t even have time to suffer properly, which, of course, is a shame. This is all because you carry your death within yourself, while I keep it in my chest - you see how prudent I am.
VASILISA. In which chest? In that?
KOSHCHEY. Well, let's assume this.
VASILISA (Lifts the lid of the chest.). Vanya, don’t do it all wrong!..
A disgusting looking bunny jumps out of the chest.
Oh!.. Who else is this?
KOSHCHEY. And this is such a special bunny. You'll never listen to the end. That’s what I wanted to say – death in a bunny, a bunny in a chest. (To Ivan.) Do you run well? Catch it.

He whistles at the bunny, and the bunny quickly runs away. Ivan was about to grab his bow, Vasilisa takes his hand and
remains in a mournful pose.
VASILISA. That's it now.
The Bear enters.

Same with Bear.

BEAR (holds the bunny securely in his paws). Van, hello!
IVAN. Potapych!
BEAR. Listen, don't you need a bunny? I saw him for something and thought about you. I think you were interested the other day.
KOSHCHEY (to the Bear). Have you completely forgotten, you pathetic representative of the local fauna?
BEAR. But now I’m going to hit you in the ear...
KOSHCHEY. Do you want to fool me? So here you go: this is not a bunny, but a duck. So catch it now, land rats.
The bunny turns into an ugly duckling and flies away with glee.

Well, Potapych, say goodbye to the orphans.

From under the heavens you can hear indistinct purring, down and feathers are falling. Then a disheveled Drake appears.

Scene 26
Same with Drake.
DRAKE. Hello, Van!
IVAN. Seryoga!
DRAKE (Vasilisa). Hello!
VASILISA. Good afternoon... I mean... I don’t know... Good afternoon!
DRAKE. Hello, Potapych, how are you?
BEAR. Yes, let’s creak a little. What fate are you?
DRAKE. In passing.
BEAR. It’s clear: like me. So simply, with nothing else to do, I decided to check Vanka.
DRAKE. Yes, something like that. (To Ivan.) Van, one duck here has been passing it on to you for many years, leaving an egg as a souvenir. You'll need it.
KOSHCHEY (pulls out the egg, Drake). I'll pluck the feathers out of you! I almost broke the egg with my precious death! Just let this egg fly into the ocean sea, where bears and ducks don’t dive!
Throws an egg into the sea-ocean. The splashing of water is heard. Everyone is despondent.

DRAKE. Yes, Van, something went wrong.

You can hear puffing, stomping and sniffling. Pike Alena Polikarpovna appears.

Same with Pike.

PIKE. Hello honest company.
KOSHCHEY. What, you old roach, have you hobbled?
PIKE. Let me look into your shameless eyes one last time.
KOSHCHEY. Why are you so bored?
PIKE. I missed you, but not you. I have troubles here without the old idlers. (To Ivan.) Van, I broke the testicle out of weakness, but there was a needle in it - it was preserved... Oh, where is it...
KOSHCHEY. Give me the needle! Give it back, they tell you! Give it back!
PIKE. Yes, here she is. (To Ivan.) Hold it, Van, just tightly.
KOSHCHEY. Give me the needle! Well, give it back! Why do you need it? I'll give you another one, even two! Golden mountains! The shores are sour! This needle is of no use to you, but it is very useful to me. If you break it, I'll really miss it!
VASILISA (to Ivan). Give it to me, Vanya. I don’t sit at home doing nothing, it will come in handy. I’ll sew shirts for you, otherwise you’re completely worn out.
KOSHCHEY. Do you sew neatly? Don't you break needles?
VASILISA. Not breaking. If only occasionally.
IVAN. Well, let's go home. I'm already tired of something here.
VASILISA. Let's go, Vanya.
BEAR. Wait. (To the drake, pointing at Koshchei.) Or maybe we should hit him on the ear?
DRAKE. Come on, Potapych. It was interesting that he was still immortal. And now he is so harmless. Pathetic old man.
BEAR. And that's true. Let's go, Seryoga.

Chambers of the royal palace. At the table are the Tsar, Baba Yaga, Gorynych, the First Tsarevich, the Second Tsarevich, the Merchant's Wife, and Popovna.

TSAR. Looks like we can't wait.
BABA YAGA (plays solitaire). You know, no matter how much I lay out the cards, everything must end well. True, I always cheat and cast a spell.
FIRST TSAREVICH. Therefore, brother Ivan disappeared.
SECOND. Father now has one less heir.
MERCHANT'S WOMAN. What a tragedy! I really can’t even cry - I’m so depressed by sadness.
POPOVNA. But it could have been worse. Sometimes I think - what if my older brother had also disappeared... So what would have happened then... I’m just shaking all over.
FIRST. You will not get it.
TSAR. Therefore, don't wait.
GORYNYCH. Why are you all so sad? Why not wait? Let me... I don't know... do you want me...
BABA YAGA. Come on, Gorynych.
The Guard enters.

The same goes for the Guardian.

GUARD. Father, Ivan.
TSAR. What?
GUARD. Ivan, I say, has come, father.
TSAR. Who?
GUARD. Ivan, I say, Ivan.
TSAR. Say it louder...
ALL (with the expression of different feelings, in accordance with the characters). Ivan!!
Ivan and Vasilisa enter.

The same, Ivan, Vasilisa.

IVAN (throws himself on the Tsar’s neck). Dad!
KING (hugs him). Stop this kindness for me here! You know, I don't like this. I sat down, ate, rested, reported. (Vasilisa.) And I really didn’t believe that we would meet.
VASILISA. And I secretly thought to myself that he would find me anyway. She forbade me to think, but I still thought.
TSAR. Everyone is at the table, everyone is at the table! There will be a feast for the whole world! (To Ivan.) And you know, Van, this thing has been pressing on my bald head for a long time. (Takes off the crown and gives it to Ivan.)
IVAN. Thank you, dad.
SECOND TSAREVICH. What about us?
TSAR. Now don’t ask me.
MERCHANT'S WOMAN. Tsar Ivan, let me sit down next to you!
POPOVNA. And I'm on your knees!
SECOND TSAREVICH. And I will lie at your feet!
FIRST. And I'll sit on your neck!
IVAN. No need, brothers. Don't blame me, my friends will sit with me today, otherwise they are embarrassed.
TSAR. What kind of friends?
IVAN. Come in!
Enter Bear, Drake and Pike.

The same, Bear, Drake and Pike.

PIKE. Hello everyone from Alena Polikarpovna. (To Baba Yaga.) Hello, girl.
BABA YAGA. Hi friend.
PIKE. Eh, haven't seen you for a long time. Well, let me put the bones down. (Popovne.) You, my white-rouged young lady, let’s get off my Vanka.
DRAKE (to the first brother). Come on, move over.
BEAR. You guys, forgive us, we are shy people, we would like to be closer to Vanechka.
TSAR. And that’s how it should be with them. I realized too late.
IVAN. Vasilisa!
Vasilisa becomes with Ivan. They look into each other's eyes.

VASILISA. Well, now everything will be just fine.
TSAR. Therefore, the fairy tale ends.
A curtain

1 girl: Our dear guests!

2nd girl: Our guests are invited!

3rd girl: Listen to our fairy tale!

4 girl: Russian fairy tale! An old fairy tale!

5 girl: What are they saying and retelling there?

1 girl: About things that have long been known!

2nd girl: Famous, beaten!

3rd girl: Beaten, long forgotten!

All: Once upon a time there lived a king!

(the king and 2 sons come out)

Tsar: Sovereign!

All girls: Sovereign, sir!And he had three sons!

Eldest son: The eldest was a success for everyone.

Middle son: Average too wow!

All girls: And there was also a youngest! Name was Ivan!

Eldest son: And he was like this...

Middle son: Neither this nor that!

All girls: Vanka the bast worker walked around in bast shoes!

(turn around, laugh)

Ivan: Freer like that!

1 girl: And everyone had

2nd girl: The horse is special!

3rd girl: Bow with arrows

4 girl: And also...

(the nannies run out)

Nannies: And also nannies!

1 nanny: To look after the princes.

2 nanny: So that faces are clean.

1 nanny: The boots are dry.

3 nanny: Tummys are fed.

All nannies: Noses are wiped!

(the girls and nannies run away)

Act 2

(The eldest and middle son sit on the throne. The eldest son cracks the seeds and throws them with a click)


Middle son: Missed!

Eldest son: Phew!

Middle son: Past again!

Eldest son: Phew!

Middle son: Oh, to the point!

(Senior and middle nannies take the seeds)

Tsar: It's a mess again. There must be order in the state. I'll deprive you of your inheritance!

Brothers: For what?

Tsar: Think!

1 nanny: And why did they not please you, Father Tsar, so that you could deprive them of their inheritance?

Tsar: You have spoiled the princes!

2 nanny: That's why we are nannies, to pamper!

1 nanny: If not us, who will pamper their loved ones?

Tsar: So what does this mean? They don’t know how to do this, they don’t know how to do the second either, and they don’t even want the third!

Princes: We do not want!

1 nanny: So you are the father-king, you are the sovereign, you punish them.

2nd nanny: You educate them, don’t let them down.

Tsar: I won't let you down!

Nannies: Oh please don't touch them!

Tsar: Tsits!

(the princes hid behind the throne)

Senior Tsarevich: Gone!

Middle prince: Need to check.

(they come out from behind the throne, the king grabs them by the ear, the sons shout “Ay”)

Tsar: Ah, parasites! You will know how to shoot! Out of sight! (sits on the throne)

(3rd nanny comes out)

3 nanny: Why did you, Father Tsar, shout at his entire kingdom-state?

Tsar: Ah, nanny Avdotya has appeared. Where is your Vanka?

3 nanny: Look at you, you yourself told him to cram English in order to receive English ambassadors! The poor man sits from morning to night. He teaches smart books, it’s a pity to look at the poor thing!

Tsar: At least one thing will do some good!

Senior Tsarevich (behind the scenes): We've seen this!

Middle prince (behind the scenes): Book nerd!

Tsar: Tsits! I’ll make smart ones out of you too! And in order to accustom you to order, I’ll marry you!

(sons and nannies jump out)

Eldest son: This is for what!

3 nanny: Right. Father Tsar! It's high time to curb these fools.

Tsar: Call Vanya.

3 nanny: But why Vanya?

Tsar: Marry everyone at once!

3 nanny: Vanya for what?

Tsar: I already have the decree ready. Servant!

Servant: Was your name Tsar-Father? I read the decree.

Decree of the Tsar-Father! Not for disobedience, but for execution! I order that all the prince sons immediately take an arrow and shoot it in any direction, where the arrow falls, there they will find the bride! Tsar-sovereign, ruler over all!

Tsar: Well done soldier!

Servant: Glad to try Your Majesty!

Tsar: I love brave guys.

(the nannies run after the king and lament. Everyone runs away except the princes. Vanya comes out)

1st prince: Why did Father get the idea to marry us? And also where the arrow will land.

2nd prince: And I’m also a bad shooter! Where will I end up?

1st prince: Hunting is understandable, you’ll get it, you won’t get it, but they’ll still serve wild boar for dinner. And here you can say your whole life is decided. An arrow will fly into some cowshed and you will have to marry a milkmaid.

2nd prince: Stop scaring!

1st prince: You don’t know Father Tsar.

2nd prince: Yes, you nasty old man!

1st prince: Be quiet, what if someone hears you?

2nd prince: Who's listening?

(saw Vanya)

Together: Oh, Vanka!

1st prince: Did you hear what we were talking about here?

Ivan: Do I need to listen to you? Onions wouldn't let me down!

1st prince: Hey, where are you aiming, you garden-variety head! The boyar's daughter lives there, a noble beauty. I’ll shoot there myself, but give me a bow. (takes aim )

Ivan: Brother, if you aim like that, you won’t hit for a hundred years. Let me help you.

1st prince: Won't you miss? Make sure you don't miss!

(Ivan shoots, the sound of broken glass is heard, screams are heard, the boyar’s daughter runs out with an arrow in her kokoshnik)

Boyarina: What was that? I'm all on edge! I was sitting by the window, looking at the porch, suddenly the ground gave way under my feet, the window shattered, my vision went dark, my ears began to ring, and heat went into my head! (faints at the princes)

Ivan: It's not heat, it's an arrow!

Boyarina: What?

1st prince: Hello!

(the noblewoman runs to the side)

1 prince ( Ivan ): Get out.

(addresses the girl) Young lady. Young lady! (the girl turns around)

It wasn’t me who shot, it was all Vanka. Look how clumsy he is!

Boyarina: Clumsy indeed! He ruined my crown.

1st prince: Well, this matter can be fixed, since you have the opportunity to marry the king’s son himself!

Boyarina: For whom?

1st prince: For the Tsar's son, for Vasily!

Boyarina: Where can I get it?

1st prince: Yes, here he is in front of you, in person.

Boyarina: Oh, what a trick!

1st prince: There is no focus. It's all for real. And then, when I become king, I will be able to give you crowns twice as large and more beautiful than yours.

Boyarina: Four times!

1st prince: Okay, four.

Boyarina: I agree to be a queen!

1st prince: Future!

Boyarina: The future.

(They leave. Ivan and 2 princes come out)

2nd prince: Did you see which one? So Vanka, take the bow and shoot.

Ivan: Maybe not?

2nd prince: We need Vanya, we need it! Won't you help your brother?

(Ivan shoots, the sound of broken glass is heard, screams are heard, a noble daughter runs out with an arrow in an apple)

Noble daughter: Boys! Bully! (holds out an apple with an arrow) What is this?

Ivan: Apple.

Noble daughter: I can see for myself that the apple is stupid, so I ask who shot?

Ivan: Sorry young lady, I shot.

Noble daughter: Oh, did you shoot? As soon as I brought the pouring apple to my lips, there was a fatal arrow sticking out of it. Did they want to kill me? Kill the young beauty?

(2nd prince runs out) Vanya, I'm with you!(addresses the noblewoman) Right now! (Pushes Ivan out)

Noble daughter: Another robber?

2nd prince: Not a robber at all, but the king’s son who can’t eat enough!

Noble daughter: Is that you?

2nd prince: That's me!

Noble daughter: You're lying!

2nd prince: I'm not lying!

Noble daughter: Prove it!

2nd prince: Right now!(walks in front of the young lady) Haven't you noticed this majestic gait, this nobility of manners? (bows and sits on the throne ) This majestic fire in the eyes.

The treasured arrow is in your hands, which means that you will be the prince’s bride. Dip rich bread in sweet honey.

(the noblewoman grabs him and pulls him backstage, they collide with the older couple)

2nd prince: Where is Vanka?

Together: Vanka? (run out onto the stage, pull Ivan out from under a bush)

Vanka, get up!

Ivan: What else?

1st prince: Shoot! You helped us, and we will help you! (Vanya takes aim, the princes push him. The arrow flies away)

2nd prince: You're out of luck, Vanka!

1st prince: Bad luck!

(the princesses jostle on the throne)

Boyarina: It's even better!

Noblewoman: Two people can’t get along, and there will be a third!

(the princes turn to look at them)

1st prince: Young ladies.

Together: Young ladies!

2nd prince: Vanka. Should I expect you by lunchtime?

Ivan: Brothers, would you help?

1st prince: Nothing, nothing, you can handle it yourself! (leave)

Scene 3

(Ivan goes to look for an arrow to the music. A swamp appears)

(Frogs appear from behind the water lilies.)

frogs: Kwa!

1 frog: Strange! What kind of arrow is this?

2 frog: Well, I’m telling you for sure, the guards have come to know!

All: Frenchmen?

2 frog: The frog hunt begins!

3 frog: Our affairs are bad!

4 frog: Bad!

5 frog: What kind of guards are these?

2 frog: The real guardians, those who ate all the toads and frogs in their Storage.

5 frog: How did you eat it?

2 frog: And so, they’ll catch you, torture you, or smear it on bread, or sprinkle sugar in your mouth!

1 frog: Oh, what horrors.

3 frog: Is it really true, girls?

4 frog: I'm so impressionable!

2 frog: And for us, frogs are the first honor. Even the king, even the boyars, but no one has an appetite for a frog.

5 frog: It's all out of respect!

All: Out of respect!

(The frog princess appears and picks up the arrow)

Princess Frog: Don’t be sad, friends, this arrow did not come to you, this is not your fate, but mine. The prediction has come true. (frogs laugh)

2 frog: Who else is croaking here?

5 frog: What do you have to do with it?

4 frog: Will anyone really look at you with appetite?

3 frog: Yes, you are barely green.

1 frog: And not pimply at all.

Princess Frog: Yes, this arrow did not fly here to take your life, but to help me out of here.

1 frog: Why do you feel bad here?

2 frog: Everyone will swallow you, and then ugh.

3 frog: And marvel at us, how fat we are, plump belly, slippery back, paws covered in pimples.

(Ivan's music sounds)

2 frog: Hide, the guards are coming! (hiding behind the lilies)

Ivan: Well, I wandered into a swamp, there is no further way.

(The frog princess comes out with an arrow)

Ivan: Oh frog. Tell me, little frog, did my arrow fly here?

Princess Frog: Is this not what you are looking for, Ivan Tsarevich?

Ivan: Oh my. How do you know that I am a prince?

Princess Frog: My heart told me.

Ivan: Well, if you are so smart, maybe you know if the most beautiful girl in the world lives somewhere nearby?

Princess Frog: No. The arrow flew straight towards me.

Ivan: That's bad luck, apparently I missed.

Princess Frog: Tsarevich!

Ivan: Oh yes, thank you frog, you helped me a lot.

Princess Frog: Vania!

Ivan: What else?

Princess Frog: Take me with you.

Ivan: Like this? After all, you are a frog.

Princess Frog: I look like a frog, but I have a loving heart and a kind soul. Take me as your bride.

( Ivan falls) As a bride, you're laughing at me. What a thing it's been like to lead a swamp frog down the aisle. (the frog is crying ) Now I'm stuck in history! Stop crying! Yes, this is certainly not life in a swamp. Dampness, phlegm. I will definitely ruin my health. Well, stop crying, take you, or what?

Princess Frog: Kwa, Ivan!

Ivan: Well, if you are not afraid of human judgment, let's go.

Princess Frog: Let's go to.

1 frog: Look how lucky we are!

All: Lucky!

Frog 2: Yes, he didn’t want to take it at first!

All: I didn’t want to!

1 frog: Yes, it’s all because she’s thin!

Frog 2: Skinny and pale!

3 frog: And if he had seen us, he wouldn’t have even glanced at her. It would be lying in our paws!

Frog 2: I would invite you to come with me.

4 frog: I'll tell you what. It’s good that he didn’t see us, otherwise he looks too much like a guard.

All: For a guard?

4 frog: Imagine, like a guard. Oh, dear little frog, but there’s only one thing on my mind, bam and into the soup!


Scene 4

(Ivan runs out with a frog and looks around)

Ivan: Phew, no one.

(a trumpet blows. Ivan and the frog hide behind the throne. A servant comes out)

The servant reads the decree: The Tsar's brides were ordered and punished to show their skill, agility, skill, and diligence by baking a delicious loaf and sewing a beautiful shirt. Show up on time in all your glory for the royal feast.

Ivan: Did you hear? That's it, you and I are lost!

Frog: Don't worry Van.

Ivan: Now I’ll have to do everything myself. What do they put in the loaf? All kinds of flour, water.

Frog: I’ll bake a loaf and sew a shirt myself.

Ivan: How can you do that? Look how small and weak you are. Let me at least stir the dough?

Frog: No Van, you are not my help here, go. Tell the Tsar Father that your betrothed will come as he ordered. Sit down at the table. And when you hear noise and thunder, say that it’s your little frog riding in the box.

Ivan: No, I won’t let you in alone! Someone else will inadvertently step on you.

Frog: No Ivanushka, you didn’t understand me, I’ll go alone, and you know that as soon as you hear...

Ivan: Why are you all noise and thunder, no, they sat quietly and returned home without shame. Why do you need this thunder? Small, but so important!

Frog: It’s me Vanya, so important that I’m not a boastful nature, but I’m not a simple frog, but a wonderful one.

Ivan: Let's be more careful there.

Frog: Everything will be fine Van, go.

Ivan jumps out: This!

Frog: Van.

Ivan: Should I bring you some sticks or catch some flies?

Frog: Van, you don’t need anything, go.

Ivan: More...

Frog: Vanya...

Ivan: The threads and needles are in the barn, and the flour is in the pantry.

Frog: Okay, Vanya, go.

(Ivan leaves)

Frog: My dear sisters, my dear sisters. I call you, I convene you, I gather you around me. I ask you, do not refuse, show yourself before your eyes.

(sisters run out and hug Vasilisa)

Sisters: Vasilisa!

Frog: Well, we finally met!

2nd sister: Finally we met, my heart hurts for you.

2nd sister: How are you there, in the swamp?

Frog: I have a lot to tell you, but now is not the time, my redemption is near.

1st sister: Not really!

2 sister: how is this?

Frog: That's it.(sit near the throne)

Frog: Ivan Tsarevich betrothed me, and in three days I am free.

1st sister: Sister, what a joy!

Frog: So I wanted to turn to you for help.

2nd sister: Say what you need, we will always help you.

Frog: The king ordered to bake a loaf and sew a shirt.

1st sister: It’s not a tricky thing, the task is not difficult.

2nd sister: This work is a joy for us!

Together: Let's get it done quickly!

Frog: But I’ll just have to give these gifts to the Tsar Father, and for this I’ll have to crawl out of my frog’s skin.

1st sister: Yes, this is three days earlier, but what if Koschey finds out?

Frog: I escaped from the hands of Koshchei, Vanya saved me! There are only three days left to wait.

2nd sister: I wish I could bear it. I would go to a feast like that.

Frog: I can’t disgrace Vanya anymore, everyone is making fun of him anyway because of me.

1st sister: It wouldn’t have happened!

Frog: Why are you worried, everything will be fine.(leave)

Scene 5

(trumpets blow, sons come out, sit on the throne, nannies, brides)

Serviceman: Everyone, everyone, everyone! I order everyone to have fun, because my beloved sons are getting married! (leaves)

(Ivan runs out)

Bride 1: Did you hear, did you hear? The youngest son took either a mouse or a snake as his bride.

Bride 2: Is this a thing we've seen before, maybe he's lost his mind?

Nanny 3: Who told you that? These are some bad people who said this.

2 nanny runs out: What are you gossiping about? darlings? I’ll tell you this right now, my youngest son chose a cow for his wife, the honest truth!

Nanny 3: I’ll tell you what, it’s none of your business!

(Trumpets sound, everyone runs away. The king comes out)

Tsar: Well, are you up? Do it once, do it twice, do it three. What's next in our scenario?

Servant: Presentation of the brides, Your Majesty.

King: Come on.

Servant: Brides, get ready for the exit dance!

(Dance and song of the brides)

We are the king's sons, invited brides

Admire me, chubby face,

The time will come and then we will tear the place apart

I can and I can become a queen!

Look at us, how good we are

This kind of life is more suitable for the soul.

Oh, what a beauty, as always.

Then, then, then, grief is not a problem.

Tsar: I see you are bawling songs, you are craftsmen, let’s see what you have in store.

Brides: Right now!

King: Where is the third? Ivan. Van, where is your daughter-in-law?

Ivan: Here’s the thing.

Tsar: They told me so many bad things about her... I don’t believe it.

Ivan: She will appear later, let's not wait.

Tsar: Well, don’t wait, don’t wait.

Bride 1: This is what you ordered, Father Tsar.(shows shirt)

Tsar: What is this, an apron or something? (ties his shirt like an apron) So who do I look like?

Bride 2: To the scarecrow!

Bride 1: What a shame! I haven’t held needles in my white hands for a long time, I used to bleed all my fingers!

1st nanny: Well, Tsar Father, you see, we are gentle and not used to work.

Tsar: A normal shirt, you can walk.

Bride 1: And if you tie it up, it will be generally good.

2 the bride holds out a loaf: Here.

King: What is this?

Bride 2: Loaf, try it, Father Tsar.

Tsar: Why is it such an unnatural color?

Bride 2: And he was so browned, I wanted it to be prettier.

Tsar: Did you want to poison the Tsar?

Bride 2: What is he?

Nanny 2: Where have you seen this?

Bride 2: Where? I tried and worked for him, but he turns up his nose!

Tsar: It’s a normal loaf, I’ll gnaw it at my leisure. Servant?

Serviceman: What do you order?

King: Take these works of art out of sight.

(Thunder rumbled)

All the girls are screaming, “What is this?”

Ivan: Quiet, this is my little frog on his way in the box!

(The frog princess comes out with her sisters and brings out gifts)

Frog Princess: Hello good people, hello Father Tsar.

Nanny 3: Are you Vanya’s sister-in-law?

Frog Princess: So it is.

Nanny 3: What is your name, girl?

Frog Princess: Vasilisa.

King: What, did you eat? Who was whispering behind my back and lying that it was a frog?

Frog Princess: That was my old name.

Ivan: Don’t do it the old way, I’ll do it right now. (runs away)

The Tsar turns to Vasilisa: Well, Vanka, you’ve made your father happy, where were you before?

Frog Princess: You will forgive me for being late, I prepared gifts for you, please accept, sir.

Nanny 3: Accept, sir.

1st sister: Not for the sake of fame.

2nd sister: Not for fun, you accept it, sir.

Tsar: Declare Vasilisa’s gifts the property of the people.

Ivan runs out: That’s it, Vasilisa, I burned the frog’s skin.

Frog Princess: What have you done? (everyone falls to the floor except Vasilisa)

(voice of Kashchei) Well done Tsarevich, thank you for how you helped me, fool. Now my Vasilisa forever and ever.

(Everyone gets up from the floor)

King: Vanya.

Ivan: Dad, she's missing.

Tsar: What a whim.

Bride 1: Empty coquetry!

Bride 2: I wanted to show off! Let's go.

Ivan: What should I do?

Tsar: Search for Vanya, search.

Ivan: Yes, she didn’t say. Where to look for that.

Nannies: So if I didn’t tell you where to look, maybe I shouldn’t look at all?

Ivan: Search, but how?

Nanny 3 comes out: And so Vanya, he got ready and went, and I’ll go with you, wretched one.

Tsar: Go Gavrilovna, go. Come on Van, be careful there. As soon as you find it, go straight home. Well, with God.

(Everybody leaves)

Scene 6:

(Forest. Nanny Koshcheya is sitting, embroidering. The hooting of an eagle owl is heard)

Nanny: Why are you so swollen, you better make sure that no one comes into Koschey’s kingdom.

(Bear, fox, hare run out)

Bear: Trouble, there’s something like that!

Nanny: Tsits! What kind of upbringing is this, where is the training? Remove bellies! Report in full.

(animals are counted, a bear falls out, the rest hide behind a tree)

Bear: Forgot, how is it there?

The hare says from behind the tree: Nanny is the commander-in-chief.

The bear repeats: Nanny Commander-in-Chief….

Fox: I forgot again, you idiot, I discovered it...

The bear repeats: Nanny is the commander-in-chief. Allow me to report that I have detected a state border violator. The bear reported the situation. (turns to the animals) Well, how?

Animals: Wow!

Nanny: What kind of intruder is this?

Bear: People.

Nanny: People?

The animals shout: People! People! People!

Nanny: Why are you dragging your feet?

Animals: It’s not supposed to be like that!

Nanny: You never know what’s not supposed to happen! My heart felt something was wrong! We will get a scolding from Koshchei. Take observation positions.

(Ivan and the nanny come out)

Nanny 3: Oh, what a road, let’s rest Van. Let's eat, I took everyone on the path, there is linden honey, fragrant kvass.

Ivan: Why didn’t you stay at home with your nanny and father? Why do you have to endure such torment because of me?

Nanny 3: What would I do without you?

Bear: Honey!

Nanny Kashcheya: Tsits! Return the property to the violators! Oh you bear.

Bear: Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

Nanny: Who will you be?

Nanny 3: They call me Gavrilovna.

Ivan: We are passers-by.

Nanny: Passers-by? Do you know that this is strictly prohibited, and border violators face a death sentence. I'll turn you into flies.

3 Nanny: No need, darling!

Nanny: Come on Misha, take the young man to Koshchei.

Bear: Well, it's always us.

Nanny 3: Come on, monster, don’t touch Vanya! Take me, take me wherever you want, just don’t touch Vanya.

Ivan: Nanny, what are you saying?

Nanny: Oh, well then everything is clear. So you're his nanny?

Nanny 3: What can you understand?

Nanny: I was also Koshchei’s nanny, I raised him from the cradle, but as he grew up, he didn’t want to see me. Everything is fierce, fierce, and he ordered his kingdom to be guarded.

Nanny 3: I understand.

Nanny: Why did you come?

Ivan: We are looking for Vasilisa.

Nanny: I’ve never told anyone, but I’ll just tell you. Gavrilovna, your affairs are bad. She languishes with Koshchei, he asked her to marry her many times, but she still doesn’t care, she says, she loves Vanka of some kind. What about you?

Ivan: Me. Help us.

Nanny: What, so that I go against Koshchei?

Ivan: Come on, huh?

Animals: Go!

Nanny 3: Go.

Nanny: And I’ll go. Gavrilovna, help me, maybe my Koschey will become a man

Nanny 3: I’ll help, I need occupational therapy.

Hare: A hundred, a hundred, a hundred, a hundred, a hundred, a hundred, a hundred?

Bear: What, what?

Nanny 3: Occupational therapy. He needs to work.

Nanny: Uh, he won’t want that.

Nanny 3: If he doesn’t want to, we’ll force him.

Nanny: I have one little thing, a treasured needle.

Hare: Carry a casket?

Nanny: Bring it.(pulls out a needle from the casket)

Nanny 3: Let me see?

Kashchei's voice: Be careful with the needle.

Nanny: Oh, Koschey has shown up, listen to me.

Koschey: What are you thinking?

Nanny: I will re-educate you.

Nanny 3: First of all, get some water.

Nanny: First of all, get some water.

Nanny 3: Chop some wood.

Nanny: Chop the wood.

Nanny 3: Fix the roof.

Nanny: You can fix the roof.

Koschey: I can handle it, nanny.

Nanny: That's it, nanny and one more thing...

Nanny 3: Let Vasilisa go.

Nanny: Let Vasilisa go, or I’ll break the needle.

Koschey: Eh, yours took it.

Vasilisa shouts from behind the scenes: Vanya!

Ivan: Vasilisa. (runs away)

Nanny 3: Vanya returned home with his bride, everyone was happy.

The Tsar comes out: Especially, Father Tsar.

All: They played a cheerful wedding and began to live happily and make good money.

Tsar – Nosov Ivan

Vasilisa – Nevezhina Polina

Ivan – Pushmin Semyon

1st Tsarevich – Saveliy Kazakov

2nd Tsarevich – Kazantsev Zakhar

1 bride – Vakaeva Elizaveta

2nd bride – Sorokina Diana

1 nanny – Commander Sofia

2 nanny – Khasanova Karina

3 nanny – Turarova Aidana

Servant - Bychkov Anatoly

Yard girls

1 sister of Vasilisa -

Vasilisa's 2nd sister -

Nanny Kashcheya

Fox -

Bear -

Hare -

Kashchei's voice -

Frog 1-

Frog 2-

Frog 3-

Frog 4-

Frog 5-