Father's daughters. Daddy's daughter games

Having a sister is good, but not so good when there are a lot of them. Imagine, in the Vasnetsov family, as many as FIVE sisters share space! It's probably not very easy for them to get along together. After all, each of the sisters wants everything to be according to her rules! Has their apartment turned into hell or into a place where understanding and kindness reign? It all depends on the heroines themselves, who can often quarrel and declare war on each other, or start a common interesting hobby that will only strengthen family relationships.

Let's get to know the characters better!

If you are not familiar with the series at all or don’t remember its plot, there is no point in playing here. What to do if you don’t remember all the characters very well, since you saw the series a long time ago? Don't worry, we'll help you easily refresh your memory by discussing all your favorites. Hurry up, because the Vassnetsovs have just been waiting for you!


Remember that at the very beginning of the series, the Vasnetsov family lives only with their father named Sergei. From the words of the song to which the series begins, we can conclude that his wife ran away to the hockey player. You can also hear many characteristics of the father, who, in spite of everything, loves his five daughters very much and is ready to perform feats of any difficulty for their sake.
After a few seasons, Vasnetsov, the head of the family, leaves, and his place is taken by the returning mother, Lyudmila Vasnetsova. Despite the fact that the relative who appeared was slightly flighty, Lyudmila turned out to be a very kind and intelligent woman. Of course, at first it will be difficult for her to find a common language with her once abandoned household members, but everything will work out and even relations with Sergei will be restored.

The daughters themselves, in person!

The eldest daughter and the character of almost every Daddy's Daughter game is Masha. The girl is incredibly beautiful, but one cannot say that she is smart. Since her intellect is very weak, she overcomes life's obstacles with the help of her excellent appearance. Attractive Vasnetsova gets tired of the numerous male attention and begins to focus on her own career and life.
The second daughter in line is Dasha, who in the first seasons of the series appears as a Goth. Soon she becomes disillusioned with some aspects of her life and happily burns her clothes and accessories of the popular subculture of those times. Dasha Vasnetsova, ahead of all her sisters, marries her friend Venya and gives birth to a beautiful baby.
The third from the Vasnetsov family is Zhenya, who is passionate about sports. The girl cannot choose between a sports career and the choice of some simple profession. As a result, a bright and active girl is identified and becomes a commentator on sports topics on the radio, which radio listeners love so much!
Galina Sergeevna is perhaps the smartest of the Vasnetsov children. According to her intellectual abilities, Galya will surpass all her sisters, and one day she even has to surpass her grandmother, a glorious professor and biologist. This had to happen, but an excellent student and a smart girl falls head over heels in love with the main slob of the school - the clueless Polezhaikin! Together, the couple graduates from school and jointly enters the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The Vasnetsovs' littlest prankster is Polina or Button, as she is usually called within the family circle. The girl is very different from all the sisters, who are already nothing alike. Button, despite her age, leads a very active life and is in no way behind her older sisters. She's starring in a TV series and having an affair with a boy from her class. The little heroine of the game Daddy's Daughters is loved by many and clearly Polina is a small copy of her frivolous parent.

All free online games from the series Daddy's Daughters in one place!

It’s very sad that the series Daddy’s Daughters has not been shown on TV for a long time; probably everyone is interested in the future life of each of the funny characters. But there is no need to rush to be sad, because there are a number of Daddy’s Daughter games where you can see the Vasnetsovs again. This family won’t let anyone get bored, that’s for sure! You can dive into interesting games right on our website! Here you can easily and simply find the most exciting collection of online toys about the Vasnetsovs, which we have collected for you.

Why say goodbye to charming heroines when you can play with them and retrain from spectators into participants in what is happening. Believe me, daddy's daughter games will offer something to do on the computer. They will dashingly come up with a bunch of entertainment for girls and share their secrets and tips. Therefore, if you want to know more about your favorite eccentrics, this is your chance.

So different, but always together

A clear proof that some parents give birth to children who are completely different in character was a television series about 5 daughters and their father Sergei (a family psychologist with his own office). Initially, my mother did not take part in raising her little ones, but gradually the storyline developed in such a way that everything changed dramatically. So, daddy's daughter games are a source of positive emotions and fun that guarantees completion.

Take the test which of the five schoolgirls you are most like in character; believe me, the result can be unpredictable. In general, young beauties show by their example how important family relationships, support and understanding are. In any situation, you have to be human and come to the aid of your loved one, sometimes even to the detriment of yourself.

Help the Vasnetsovs get ready for the sea, they need to pack all the beauties’ things and not forget the little things that will be useful to everyone. Make sure Masha doesn’t fill all the suitcases with her dresses and skirts, otherwise she might. And if you are in the mood for bright and impressive adventures with daddy’s daughter games, make sure that you launch the full version, and the plot will not end at the most interesting moment.

We have prepared cool arcade games and coloring books, puzzles and adventure games, dress up games for the computer for everyone. With a noisy company, leisure time will fly by. Even if you start opening games on Android, it won’t change the essence, it’s just that the screen is a little smaller.

More about the Vasnetsov clan

Maria - most often called simply Masha, the eldest and most attractive, considers herself a queen due to her naivety. Dressing up appears most often in daddy's daughter games. You can’t call her smart, but thanks to her cunning and resourcefulness, she managed to get into the ranks of Baumanka students, and then get a job as a teacher at the school. I realized in time that novels are not the most important thing in life and took up my career.

Evgenia is the third oldest of her father’s daughters. Zhenya is a born athlete, loves football and wants to connect her future profession with it. She ended up becoming a good commentator. Always positive and funny, it is not surprising that she is loved by many and often appears in games.

Daria – for a long time she fancied herself a goth, the second oldest. She came to her senses in time, got married and got a job as a laboratory assistant. The cutie was lucky with her husband Veniamin; the caring guy helped her find herself.

Galina Sergeevna is a real genius, she knows where to find something, download it, there is so much knowledge in her head that you can only be surprised. She fell in love with the short-sighted Polezhaikin and is quite happy. Because of him, I entered the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and studied to become an analyst, although later I returned to science.

Polina – she calls herself Button, she’s the youngest and just a charmer. A talented and artistic little girl who makes everyone around her fall in love with her. She never gets discouraged and will find an approach to anyone; games with her are always hilarious.

One of the most popular TV series in the CIS has now been transformed into a series of flash games. The online games Daddy's Daughters are in many ways similar to the plot of the series, beloved by millions of television viewers. The player will have to take control of one of five heroines: Dasha, Masha, Galya, Zhenya and of course Polina, also known as Button. The only main male character of the franchise, Sergei Alekseevich Vasnetsov, remains behind the scenes in most online games “Daddy’s Daughters”.

The plots of flash games about daddy's daughters are as varied and eventful as the popular television series itself. In each part, the heroines will have to extricate themselves from new adventures and incidents, or solve various everyday problems. Girls are very different in character and temperament. The large age gap also makes itself felt. They rarely manage to agree with each other on joint solutions to problems, since each of the heroines partly pursues only their own interests. But this is the whole intrigue and excitement of the flash game Daddy's Daughters.

In some series of this game, the gamer will have to solve difficult everyday and life situations in order to satisfy the interests of each heroine. For example, in one part of the online games Daddy's Daughters, the plot will revolve around preparing luggage for a trip abroad. Sergei Vasnetsov finally got out of financial difficulties and decided to surprise his daughters for the summer holidays. True, the male character himself will not appear in the game, and the player will have to correctly pack the suitcases of each of the girls. The trip will be to a warm country, so your wardrobe will be appropriate. Before packing luggage, the player will have the opportunity to try on clothes for each of the heroines. The dress-up genre predominates in Daddy's Daughter online games. One of the main gaming problems of Daddy's Daughter flash games is to take into account the tastes and needs of each heroine. In addition to stories about girls going on vacation, there are episodes dedicated to getting ready for school, a disco, a group outing to the cinema or a restaurant. The Vasnetsov family does not live richly, so the choice of wardrobe is not particularly large. The older sisters are close in age and their clothing sizes are also approximately the same. As often happens among girls, they periodically exchange some clothes in order to somehow brighten up and increase the choice of outfits.

But when it comes to important events, the sisters begin to quarrel and argue with each other about who owns what little thing. The main argument of rightness, for them, is often how well the clothes fit on the figure. Players will have the difficult task of determining which of the sisters belongs to this or that dress, skirt, blouse or jacket.

The only possible way to find out the truth and determine where whose clothes are is to try them on each of the girls. Of course, each of the sisters will convince that this is exactly her skirt or blouse, because it fits well on her. The girls have really good figures and any outfit suits them, which could make the task almost impossible. Fortunately, clothes can be identified by the character and preferences of the sisters. For example, Dasha prefers dark colors, spikes and rough metal decorations on her things, because she identifies herself as a representative of the Goth subculture.

Fashionista Masha is not delighted with such outfits, so if you put something like this on her, you will immediately understand: something is wrong here. The athlete Zhenya loves everything spacious and laconic, so you can also undoubtedly find her suitable outfit.

Every visitor will be able to try all series of flash games Daddy's Daughters on our website absolutely free of charge and without registration.

Many representatives of the fairer sex deliberately search for VKontakte games for girls. Today, in our article we will talk about just such a game! A game that can captivate not only fans of the series of the same name, but also people who have never seen it or heard about the series.

Today, on VKontakte, the game "Daddy's Daughters" has gained many fans and even admirers. After all, the player has the opportunity to independently take part in the events that he is used to observing in the series. VKontakte games for girls are not that uncommon, but this one actually arouses interest. The player will have to personally meet each of the participants in the series and help them cope with their problems and various kinds of troubles. The game "Daddy's Daughters" consists of as many as eleven episodes that follow each other. The plot is, naturally, linear.

In each story, you appear in the next room and complete a task... and not just one, but a whole list of tasks! Each of the tasks is inextricably linked with the next one and requires promptness and ingenuity from you. Most often this is a search for objects or some not too complex logical tasks.

A cunning move by the developers: it is impossible to sit down and go through the entire game in one go, episode by episode. Each of the episodes in "Daddy's Daughters" opens either after a few days, or... for votes that are bought for real money. However, you can return to the already completed episodes that you liked at any time and go through them again.

The game "Daddy's Daughters" on VKontakte implies fair competition with other players. As you progress through the game, you will gain experience, which can then be compared with the experience of other players. This way you will find out who is cooler. The sound in the game is very well implemented, which cannot be said about the graphics. In contact, games for girls are usually simple. And "Daddy's Daughters" is no exception.

Now let's reveal a few secrets of the game "Daddy's Daughters".

  • Waking up Masha will not be as easy as it seems at first glance. The same applies to helping my father get ready for work;
  • Invite more friends to the game "Daddy's Daughters" on VKontakte. This will provide you with the maximum number of hints along the way;
  • Click around the room as much as possible. Valuable items can fall out from the most unexpected places;
  • Use items collected during the game to complete various additional tasks;
  • Having completed the episode, say, only halfway and turning off the game, you will lose all progress;
  • Try to rearrange the furniture in the rooms more often;
  • It is more interesting and easier to complete tasks if you listen to Button;
  • Click on the magnifying glass in the corner to go full screen. This makes the game look much more beautiful;
  • Complete previously completed episodes to score more points;
  • If you suddenly cannot cope with any of the tasks, feel free to use the hint in the game.
In VKontakte, the game "Daddy's Daughters" may not be as exciting as, for example, in the same game, but it can still give you several interesting hours.

  • “Let's Chat” is a massive social multiplayer game in which you can rate photos of other participants, meet new interesting people and even start relationships. Let's first talk in more detail about the interface.
  • Have you long wanted to know which social network users visit your page most often? Today you will have such an opportunity! The Guests and Fans in VKontakte application was created specifically so that you can track for free the people who visit your page in general. In addition, My Fans and My Guests VK is an application that can build special ratings, thereby showing you who is in first place (the largest visit to your page), who is in second, and so on. In general, it will be very fun and interesting, you can be sure!
  • In this game in VKontakte, everyone has their own role. If you are a knight, you have to fight with rivals for the glory of beautiful ladies. If you are a lady, you will have to look after the estate. If you play this game with friends and loved ones, you will find it much more interesting. “Fidelity” is an exciting social toy on VKontakte, which you won’t get bored playing.
  • You have a treasure map in your hands. Guess all the riddles on the way to the treasure and you will find Henry Morgan's treasures! In the game Pirate Treasures on Odnoklassniki, you are a young corsair, your goal is to become a pirate. To achieve your dreams, you need real treasures that can be found with the help of old maps.