Who won the Bachelor with Sparrow. Scandalous interview with Vorobyov after “The Bachelor”

The fourth season of the show “The Bachelor” is nearing its finale. The participants are eliminated one by one. Very soon the name of the one who was able to win the heart of Alexei Vorobyov will become known.
Of the 26 girls, only 4 remain. Each of them is already tired of the struggle and tension, but no one is going to relax. Too much effort has been spent to quit the race and miss your chance. After all, so much has been done to win, including mistakes.

Alla Berger is so hungry for triumph that she has more than once surprised and sometimes shocked participants and spectators with her actions. Despite the fact that the girl admits to having a complex about her appearance, perhaps none of the participants have such candid photographs in the “Nude” style.
She not only said in advance that she was ready for an intimate relationship if required by the rules of the project, but she stayed the night after the date, and then told her rivals on the show about everything. This provoked the early departure of two girls who were disappointed in the main character.

Alla loves to express unpleasant thoughts about other participants and convey to Alexey the content of the girls’ conversations about him. She doesn’t know how to restrain her emotions, forcing the Bachelor to remind her that he didn’t promise anything.
If we take into account Alexey’s admission that he has already made his choice: this is a reserved girl who calmly goes through the most intense tests, absolutely non-conflict. Then Alla is completely unsuitable for the role of the chosen one. However, if she managed to reach almost the finals, then all is not lost.

Natalya Tkalina also believes that she has a chance to win. Her refusal at first to continue participating in the project, and then her request to return it back, not only did not offend Alexey, but probably aroused his interest. He insisted on the girl's return, although this is against the rules of the show, and also continues to give her a rose. True, he does this in a fundamentally emphatic way: every time Natalya gets it last, which makes the girl worry. Especially when he put her in the car to send her home, and then asked her out on a date. The participant believes that in this way he distinguishes her from the group of girls.

We can confidently call Yana Anosova the next favorite of the singer. Even after the first broadcasts of the project, they predicted that this girl would reach the finals. The appearance of her photo among the first published on Alexey’s blog gave rise to the idea that perhaps the main character was talking about her as the girl he chose on the first date. Why not? Yana is young (21 years old), educated, well-mannered, and by occupation she is a professional actress and model. They knew Vorobyov even before the project. This explains their ease and looseness in communication. By the way, “coldness and restraint” is about her. Fans have long singled out this girl among all the others - and, perhaps, they were not mistaken. She has a chance to get the coveted ring.

The fourth girl who still remains in the project is Natalya Gorozhanova. Fans are haunted by the fact that it was Vorobiev who presented the first rose to her. Many regard this as a sign of special favor. And rumors that the singer was seen in the Kemerovo region allegedly confirm that he went to meet the parents of his chosen one. Although, according to other sources, the girl was raised in an orphanage. Natalya’s modesty and unobtrusiveness were appreciated not only by the audience, but also by the Bachelor himself. Even being ignored by her potential groom for some time did not affect the opinion of the audience, who immediately saw her as a finalist. Whether this will be so, everyone will soon find out.

Now the girls have to please Alexei's relatives. And this is perhaps the most difficult thing. After all, they are not blinded by feelings that prevent lovers from noticing the obvious. And although, as a rule, the project participants did not listen to the opinions of their loved ones, it is difficult to predict how Alexey will behave. A trip to the Bachelor’s hometown of Tula is the penultimate stage of the show. The day is not far off when viewers will see who in a wedding dress will receive a ring from the hands of the Bachelor.

And even though the couples in the previous seasons of the show didn’t work out, fans want to believe that this time the show will end with a real wedding.

On the eve of the start of the fourth season of the show “The Bachelor,” we already wrote about what happened to the three winners of the project after the cameras were turned off and life went on as usual. Olesya Ermakova got married in 2014 without creating a fuss around the event, Maria Drigola, after breaking up with Maxim Chernyavsky, took care of herself, and Daria Kananukha, after reporting that her affair with Timur Batrutdinov was part of the contract, returned to study in Kazan. In the fourth season of the show “The Bachelor,” the main character Alexei Vorobyov did not choose anyone in the final. Natalia Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova were left with nothing after the end of the project. But life does not stand still, especially for beautiful girls. Let’s figure out the status of the finalists of the four seasons of the show “The Bachelor” at the start of the fifth.

Olesya Ermakova, 34 years old, winner of the first season of the show “The Bachelor” with Evgeny Levchenko (2013)

Olesya Ermakova and Evgeny Levchenko parted as friends nine months after the end of the project.

Status: got married in 2014, and not to the hero of the show.

Galina Rzhaksenskaya with her husband Evgeny Gromov and Timur Batrutdinov

Natalya Gorozhanova, 28 years old, finalist of the fourth season of the show “The Bachelor” with Alexey Vorobyov (2016)

Status: Single.

Alexey Vorobyov is the only one who sent two girls home at once in the final of “The Bachelor”. And after the project, he completely ignored the contestants at social events. But Natalya Gorozhanova did not lose hope of renewing her relationship with Alexei and attended all events where the singer appeared. Last June, the finalist of the fourth season of the show “The Bachelor” appeared at a closed film premiere, where, by the way, no one invited her. All evening the girl tried to attract Vorobyov’s attention, but Alexey was so busy that he didn’t even notice her. Gorozhanova left the event in upset feelings.

Now Natalya lives with her dog Eron, for whom she created an Instagram page. By the way, Natalya does not suffer from a lack of attention from men. In the microblog of the “Bachelor” finalist, photographs of luxurious bouquets appear every now and then. But Gorozhanova does not reveal the name of her admirer.

Natalia Gorozhanova

Yana Anosova, 23 years old, finalist of the fourth season of the show “The Bachelor” with Alexey Vorobyov (2016)

Status: Single.

Yana Anosova had a better chance than other participants to win the heart of Alexei Vorobyov. However, she also failed to do this. However, in an interview, she stated that their meetings and communication with Vorobyov outside the project are inevitable. The fact is that Yana and Alexey move in the same creative circles. Anosova hides her personal life.

Finalist of the fourth season of the show “The Bachelor”Yana Anosova with participant of the fifth season Daria Putina

Watch the fifth season of the show “The Bachelor” on Saturdays at 21:30 on TNT.

Moreover, as it turned out, Lesha is now filming in the American TV series Unreal, the plot of which is built around the backstage of the popular reality show. Is there a script for the domestic version of the show “The Bachelor”? What will never be shown on air? What should you not talk about on dates?

website: Lesha, the main question that has always worried fans of the show “The Bachelor” is whether there is a script?

Alexey Vorobiev: There is, of course, no script, and there cannot be one. This is real reality. In such projects, it is impossible to write the plot in advance or predict the development of events. Any reality show is based on just the opposite: you need to put people in an incredibly stressful situation so that they go off the rails and can no longer control themselves. This is what sells best, because real life is more interesting to watch. As you know, in any stressful situation a person immediately shows up and becomes as real as possible. Now imagine that you are surrounded all the time by strangers, cameras... It’s hard to imagine a more stressful situation. After just a couple of days in these conditions, any person will become what he is, because it is impossible to pretend, no matter how hard you try.

Now try to imagine what the show “The Bachelor” would look like if 25 girls without professional acting training were given a script and told that now they need to act on camera. It would be unwatchable. And why? After all, life twists plots more abruptly than any scenario. Every time a date begins, as in life, it is pure improvisation. Nobody: neither the Bachelor, nor the girls, nor the people behind the scenes know how it will end.

website: Maybe editors or producers tried to tell you how best to behave in a given situation?

A.V.: On the first night, before the “rose ceremony,” the editors persistently convinced me to definitely choose one of the girls. So insistently that I even agreed with them, but still didn’t give her a rose. Because when you enter the frame, no one can stop, change or reshoot anything. After this action of mine, it became clear to everyone that I didn’t come there to play games. And I didn’t hear any more clues throughout the entire filming.

website: How much influence did the show’s editors have on the participants and the hero?

A.V.: I can only talk about the season in which I participated. From the first day of filming, I had so many fundamental conflicts with the producers and editors that, even with all their desire, they would no longer be able to influence anything. I immediately and harshly stopped their first attempts at manipulation. And when I realized that what I say in the evening in the “Bachelor interview” is used by editors to teach girls (how and what to say), I abruptly stopped sharing what they could use. It was important for me to figure out what girls really are like.

Of course, there is a lot of behind-the-scenes work going on with the participants. This job is more like brainwashing and pitting them against each other because editors need conflict. None of you will look at how 25 beautiful girls sit quietly and peacefully by the sea and wait for the prince to come. This is the format of the show, and therefore I have repeatedly warned the participants not to listen to anyone but me, and not to give themselves a chance to get involved in conflicts. But, unfortunately, this did not always work out.

I'm currently filming the third season of the very popular American series Unreal in Canada. This is a series about everything that remains behind the scenes of the show “The Bachelor” and which viewers will never see, because it would destroy their idea of ​​​​a beautiful fairy tale. It shows how, for example, producers create conflicts among show participants for the sake of ratings. And I, as a person who saw all this with my own eyes on real filming, can say that all this is 99 percent true. One percent always remains for the “human factor”.

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The show “The Bachelor” has been captivating the eyes of a wide variety of viewers to the screen for years. But for the first time in all the seasons, the main character did not choose a bride? What is this connected with and what else did the singer, actor and main bachelor 2016 tell about behind the scenes of the show.

Vorobyov admitted that, unfortunately, most of what happens on the set is not included in the final television broadcast. That’s why viewers were so surprised when Alexey didn’t choose anyone. It’s just that from short videos and short interviews with the participants, they formed one opinion about them, but the bachelor who got to know them better had a completely different one. Alexey is sure that if the audience got acquainted with the communication that he had with each participant, their opinion would change radically.

The second problem was the duplicity of the participants. Yes, yes, exactly duplicity. They tried to appear in love in front of the cameras; in interviews they assured that they wanted a family. In fact, the main goal of almost all girls was to develop a career and gain fame. Here lies the third reason - Alexey was determined to find a future wife, the mother of his children, and was not ready to wait for the other half to “unwind”.

Another important point is that the participants viewed the famous artist as a prize, a kind of cup that needed to be won. Most of them needed the title of the winner of the show, everything else was not important to them. For Alexey, everything is different...

Oddly enough, another scandalous news for viewers will be that it was not the girls who fought for Vorobyov, but vice versa! The famous artist had to win over girls and this became a problem. Lesha admits that he is excellent at winning hearts, but this is not what he wanted for this project.

His desire was to feel mutual feelings without any underlying reason, because then they would be considered real. And he didn’t want to artificially cultivate self-love. The only thing he allowed himself to do sometimes was to be too harsh. Alexey believes that this is the only way to break through the shell in which many of the girls on the show have locked themselves.

With all of the above, Alexey reacts sharply to accusations of insincerity in this season and the singer himself. He believes that on the contrary - This year's "Bachelor" was super emotional and explosive.. It’s just that many viewers were not used to such emotions on screen and thought that this was a pre-planned scenario.

Another argument in favor of such words is precisely the finale of the project. It was thanks to the fact that Alexey stuck to his line throughout the season, did not want a script and wanted to adapt to the format, the finale came out the way the audience saw it.

Alexey expressed his decision not to choose any of the finalists simply - if he made a promise to get married and gave a ring, then his word had to be kept.

This is his credo as a man. And the artist never saw any of the final participants in the role of his wife.

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It’s no secret that the fair half of humanity really needs romance and is inspired by the wise men who present it to them. Hundreds of scarlet roses on a magnificent high stem, the mysterious reflection of a candle in the bewitching eyes opposite, festively exploding gas bubbles in glasses of champagne and dozens of sincere compliments. The woman rises to the well-deserved pedestal of her charm and endlessly adores her intelligent gentleman, who gave her unforgettable moments of a happy evening.

The picture looks completely different and extremely unconventional when the weaker sex has to fight for one single male - a bachelor, who is a rather tasty and completely unapproachable object of kinotochka.club adoration. Nature intended it differently: taking initiative, caring and idolizing has always been a male privilege, but the modern world dictates modern rules, so it has become quite decent to change gender roles and take the place of the opposite sex, taking the initiative into your feminine fragile hands to begin and develop further relationships.

Twenty-five charming miniature creatures, with different levels of intelligence, different external characteristics, professional skills and worldviews, are ready to enter into another fight for a worthy contender for the title of their future husband. The romantically entertaining TV show “Bachelor” Season 4 2016 online offers its viewers another portion of inspiring inspiration from the most diverse corners of an amazing and incredibly beautiful planet.

This time a twenty-eight-year-old handsome man was chosen to play the role of an eligible groom Alexey Vorobiev, who never met his other half in the usual bohemian circle of celebrities. A singer with excellent vocal abilities, a hardworking actor, a talented composer and director - this is not the entire list of life successes of a sexy and extremely charming guy.

Millions of fans from all over the former Soviet Union, attention from attractive colleagues on stage, never melted the heart of the amazingly purposeful and persistent Bachelor. That is why Lesha decided to look for happiness among twenty-five young ladies from the people unfamiliar to him, believing that it was on the set of a romantic project that one could find that very unique sorceress who could forever bewitch the impregnable harbor of the gifted Vorobyov.

It is noteworthy that three years ago the guy was already trying to become the main character of the Bachelor show on TNT online, but at that time the producers of the project considered him not mature and serious enough, since the media trumpeted about his numerous whirlwind romances, which always ended with a broken woman’s heart. After a while, Lesha began to give wiser interviews, in which the guy’s desire to settle down and start a full-fledged family began to slip through, which played a decisive role in choosing a candidate for participation.

For the creators of the non-trivial show themselves, it is a mystery how this adventure will turn out, both for the previously frivolous bachelor and for the numerous girls who decided to fight among themselves with charm, originality of actions and judgments, as well as the ability to conduct a tactical intellectual battle for the heart of an unpredictable groom.

Paradise corners of the planet that promote love, bringing together extreme sports and mutual assistance, frank conversations and actions, stunning vibes and the originality of each subsequent day. Each participant in the show Bachelor Season 4 on TNT online will have to experience the most incredible and delightful moments of their life.

Trying to switch from jealousy to love, from insidious intrigues and irritation to a friendly manner, the girls of “The Bachelor” will have an extremely difficult time, because only the most resourceful, cunning and purposeful young ladies who know their worth and know how to play a decent game of cat and mouse will be able to reach the finals , both with the man of your dreams and with your many rivals.

It’s time for spring, the time for the awakening of temporarily dormant feelings and the intensity of desires, which will awaken the viewer with its touchingness, crazy adventures and endless romance, which the show has already carefully prepared, returning to the screen, giving the joy of spiritual warmth and all-consuming love.

The Bachelor season 4 on TNT, episodes 1-13, can be watched online for free on our website from 06/04/2016!

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Eh, Lesha, Lesha. You are a good guy, kind, gentle, mysterious. But is it really possible to be a humorist and a very serious person at the same time, judging by the dialogue you had with the girls?

Against the background of such speeches that you spoke to the girls with such seriousness, judging by the behavior of such naivety, tenderness, unpredictability, a romantic, of course, somehow ruin everything in one moment. But the lover of beautiful women, as they say about him, and judging by the project, cannot change. But why did you have to destroy what you started? I mean what happened, or maybe didn’t happen, with Alla and Yana, maybe they just created intrigue on this same show after all. He constantly gives girls some chance, he tells her that’s all she does, and then no, I was wrong. Well, you could take everyone right away and... right with everyone... and what’s wrong with that? It’s male lust... that’s why this happened. Naturally, this affected the girls and their feelings, so some left without tears or even on their own. But if he says that he immediately liked Natalya Gorozhanova from the first moment, he can somehow behave with more restraint. It is clear that he wanted to reveal himself from a side from which no one knows him yet, and this is very beautiful and elegant. But he somehow rushes about, like a squirrel in a wheel, and every time he gets more and more confused. It is clear that the opinion of family, friends and relatives is very important, but he has to live with it, and his father was right when he said that everything comes from the heart... He tried many times to build relationships, but nothing worked, because he thought with his head, but beautiful girls, yes there are many of them, but there is nothing in the heart, this is evidenced by relationships that lasted a maximum of 8 months. All this is good, of course, but the ending is, of course, simply brutal. Here Yana is very good, but in the end this is not mine at all. But what happened with Natalya in the finale, I liked her first, although he hadn’t seen the others yet, she’s sexy on a date, she’s emotional in her homeland. She is good everywhere, but in the finale there is a long pause, he is silent, looks, as always, mysteriously playing with his eyes, smiles all over emotions, nothing happens. She wishes him happiness, gets into the limousine and leaves. And again, out of emotion, he doesn’t understand what happened and what to do about it. Well, what a result, I had fun in my own spirit with beautiful girls, it’s time and honor to know, once again proving that I have not changed. That's how I remained. Maybe he just keeps this brand because he was deprived of it as a child. This was not the case when I was a child. But only he knows this, and the rest can only guess. Artists and singers have weaknesses, but they always and everywhere keep their mark, no matter what they are.

P.S But as a singer and musician he is simply amazing with a voice like a nightingale. One moment from the series “The Secret of the Idol” speaks about this, emotions just come out. This moment where his voice breaks is actually worth a lot... And of course, thanks to him for that...

The sly man couldn’t find anything else to say except: “Love cannot be understood, it just covers.” I would like to ask, how do you know what love is if you have never experienced it. Attraction, yes, maybe love, but not like love. Even his parents confirm this, that he made such a mess because of these girls. And if he does crazy things just for a girl he barely knows yet, then it’s dangerous for him to love. There will be simply elements there... The love of Alexei Vorobyov, judging by his temperament, by his emotions, should be wonderful. But the unpredictability with which it changes unexpectedly and often at the wrong moment is frightening. It's like a volcano exploding. Sometimes he himself does not know why this happens. And a minute later, when he comes to his senses, he does as needed. This is called differently - first I do, then I think... and so far it does not harm him... He is confident in himself, sometimes harsh, sometimes too soft. It would seem that he is all in the palm of his hand, everything is already clear, but his eyes are cunning and they keep many unsolved secrets... Which must be solved by the one whom he feels in his heart, the one whom he will lead down the aisle and finally the one who will give him a child ...which he will protect with his warmth. This woman must be somehow divine, unique, and no one can claim that she will be one of the famous. She must be on the same wavelength with him, although it may be different, so that he cannot immediately figure it out. This needs to be done gradually so that interest does not disappear. After all, many couples do this all their lives. It is impossible to understand what he really is. He is constantly different. Maybe that's why he couldn't present the ring in the finale, because he was disappointed. And in order not to find himself in some stupid situation, he did just that. And what he loses is absolutely nothing. After all, in this case, you can always meet again and try to start the same thing only in a different setting... Maybe this very goal is intrigue. Or were these feelings that should not be shown on camera... these feelings are for two and no one is subject to this...

2017-01-30 21:23:12

This is already the fourth season of the TV show called The Bachelor. This project was originally conceived for people to meet each other, so to speak, and create an alliance or maybe even a strong marriage. But as has already become known from the previous three seasons, it became clear to us that the stars on this project have completely different views on this project. Everyone also knows that this is already the second attempt, so to speak, on Alexey Vorobyov’s project. Last time, Alexey, as you know, was still young and he didn’t really want to start a family, but PR was so for his sweet soul. Now, as Alexey himself claims, he has already become big and smart, so to speak, and his worldview has changed. As for the girls, a lot of girls came to the casting this season. Also, in a frank conversation with one of the project participants, Alexey said that he once suffered a serious illness after which he could not only not sing, but even not speak at all. To summarize, I would like to say that this season turned out to be very interesting and exciting. I advise everyone to watch it, especially lovely ladies, of course. It seems to me that Alexey will finally choose his soul mate this season and will be happy!