Vsevolod Chaplin: If “Matilda” is shown, Russia will perish! Vsevolod Chaplin said that Playboy founder Hugh Hefner went to hell.

A video message in which he called for a ban on the film “Matilda” directed by Alexei Uchitel, and threatened its viewers with an ancient anathema and excommunication.

“The film Matilda must certainly be banned, because if it is shown, Russia will perish, and this will be fair in God’s eyes,” says Chaplin.

The archpriest is sure that “a world war is inevitable, but if this film is not shown, someone will probably live, even if not in the cities; if it is shown, leave everything, and it will be dignified and fair.”

According to Chaplin, “an Orthodox Christian cannot participate in the filming, promotion, or organization of the screening of this monstrous film.” And viewers of the film, according to him, will fall under the ancient anathema.

“The acceptance of this film, the influence favorable to this film, is a sin that excommunicates from Christianity,” the archpriest threatened.

According to him, “now, on the symbolic day of October 26, 100 years after the monstrous events of October 17, a new, symbolic, ritual regicide is being prepared.”

“[This is] a spit on our history, our soul, the best that we had. For this spitting, for this ritual, new regicide, Russia will suffer monstrously, and will pay with its entire population,” Chaplin promised.

According to him, the film falsifies history.

“Today we are talking about the fact that it is wrong to whitewash Nazi criminals, it is impossible to rehabilitate Nazism and fascism - it is prohibited in the public space - but what is being offered to us is worse, much worse than Nazism and fascism,” Chaplin said.

The demonic, in his words, ultra-liberal ideology “replaces law with lawlessness”, “declares legal mockery of sacred things.” She, Chaplin declares, won “in many countries, against the will of a large part of the people, and perhaps the majority.”

“This ideology today is trying to enslave Russia and it is more dangerous than Nazism and fascism in 1941, because there is a huge fifth column of people who want to blow up the country, deprive it of freedom through this monstrous ideology,” the archpriest is sure.

Earlier, State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya repeatedly appealed to law enforcement agencies with a request to check “Matilda” for insulting the feelings of believers.

In June, she said that viewers of the film, which has not yet been released, were excommunicated from the church, and the church recognizes “Matilda” as “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.” In turn, the Russian Orthodox Church is not aware of the excommunication because of the film.

Vsevolod Chaplin was the head of the Synodal Department of the Russian Orthodox Church for relations between church and society for several years. At the end of 2015, he was fired from this and other positions in the Russian Orthodox Church. He called it an attempt to "exclude any independent voices from the church."

Alexei Uchitel's film "Matilda" tells the story of the romance between Nicholas II and the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya. The premiere is scheduled to take place on October 25.

"must certainly be prohibited. Because if it is shown, Russia will perish. It will not be evil, but good. Because through this the Lord will show people with his instruction, his punishment, what should never be done.”

The words of Vsevolod Chaplin on the video on YouTube sound slowly, weightily and fall into the consciousness like cobblestones. “Spit on the memory of the royal martyrs”, “Russia will pay for this spit in a monstrous way, with its entire population”... What words! And for what, Lord? Just because someone made a film that someone didn’t like? Is this the opinion of God or just one of the people who consider themselves to be his opinion? God is not so wise as to destroy Russia like Sodom and Gomorrah - for a film?!


It’s not even Saltykov-Shchedrin with his “drag and don’t let go.” There is a smell of burnt meat from the frying pans on which the devils in hell are frying sinners, and soon, apparently, all 144 million people living in Russia will be frying. Because after the screening of the film “Matilda”, Russia, along with its entire population, will disappear into the face of the earth. This is what Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin predicts for us. And since he probably doesn’t want this, he’s trying to warn people as best he can - so he recorded a video and posted it on the Internet. So that people come to their senses, realize, get scared and all unanimously ask the authorities to ban the screening of the film, since all other methods have no longer worked. I want to live!

That is, God does not intervene when pedophiles and sadists torture innocent children. God doesn't stop terrorists from blowing people up. God sees a lot of things and does not interfere, and this is the highest wisdom, which we are not given to comprehend. In principle, the explanation could be this: humanity itself must learn a lot, and not just endlessly ask God for help when it itself has foolishly gone the wrong way.

If God endlessly rescues us from situations into which we have driven ourselves, we will never develop a sense of responsibility - for those close to us, for those far away, for our common planet.

He will never grow out of short pants. So smart parents allow their children, who are reaching for the fire, to touch the hot kettle - and everything is immediately clear: it hurts.

That is, God forgives us a lot, thank him for that. But he won’t be able to forgive Matilda! And at once everything will uproot everyone - both those who watch the film and those who don’t, those who are for and those who are against.

So what is God - light and love and mercy?

Or a punishing sword for such a seemingly trifle against the background of Eternity, like a film that someone dislikes?

Note: one of very many - films, plays, books - that caused displeasure of one or another group of people.

But so far we have not been threatened with so much mass murder for any of them.

Isn't it too much?


Why, according to Vsevolod Chaplin, is it on “Matilda” that God will finally lose patience? Humanity has many sins, but “Matilda” is the worst?

Why will we all be destroyed after this particular film is shown?

By the way, to the joy of many: once Russia and its inhabitants cease to exist, it means that the geopolitical issue will be resolved, huge spaces will become free, and the territory will be able to be divided by those who have their eyes on it, populated by people pleasing to God - as opposed to us, undesirable, who dared to disobey Chaplin's warnings and not confront Matilda.

Interest Ask.

In principle, even the date of our Russian “end of the world” is known: October 25, 2017. It was then that the premiere of “Matilda” will take place in St. Petersburg, in the hall of the new stage of the Mariinsky Theater.

Are we preparing for death, comrades?

Chaplin’s thought is easy to follow: even earlier, he regretted that believers, even during the revolution, had not also taken up arms and destroyed every single Bolshevik. They allowed the royal family to be shot, and the king is God’s anointed on Earth. So karma overtook us, for everything that happened in the hundred years since the revolution. And how does it seem that “Matilda” was the last straw?

Because God calmly endured everything else.

But he can’t do “Matilda”!

According to Chaplin.

Is it okay that Nicholas II was an ordinary earthly person? I had the right to fall in love - who doesn’t fall in love in their youth? However, there are also those who DO NOT fall in love; it is they who become the most ardent opponents of earthly love, recognizing only heavenly love.

It’s okay that Nicholas II found the strength to renounce love - in the name of the high ideals of serving Russia.

And by all accounts, he did not cheat on his wife.

Here is a film about this - about the passion of his youth, which he courageously sacrificed.

We will not talk about the personal qualities of the sovereign, so as not to tease the geese.

And the fact that he suffered martyrdom along with his family is, of course, a very, very pity. but doesn’t Vsevolod Chaplin threaten us and our children with almost the same thing?!

Everyone under the spine. Together with small children.

Well, very “divinely”!


“If the film is shown, may everyone die! And it will be worthy and fair! Blasphemous historical falsification must be prohibited. What we are being asked to watch is much worse than Nazism and phischism.”

There’s nothing even to say in response, this is such nonsense - about comparisons with Nazism and fascism.

Unless about “blasphemous historical falsification.”

Was the king an earthly man? Yes. Did the king fall in love when he was young? There is no doubt about that. So what is falsification?

So you can say anything. Chaplin's words that we will all be destroyed - because of what, Lord? Because of some movie? Yes, they filmed worse! - Isn't this a call for mass murder? Yes, “mercifully” cannot be said.

Isn't it an insult to our feelings as people who have done nothing wrong to be punished so harshly?

As for the feelings of believers, there is a recipe: don’t walk, don’t look, and you won’t be offended.

And Chaplin’s words are so cruel, as if we do not live in the 21st century, when the church, reluctantly, after a long struggle, even recognized the existence of aliens as creations of God! And at first they also threatened with punishment for such blasphemous thoughts.

I would like to say one more thing to Vsevolod Chaplin: is it okay that Christ endured and commanded us? Is it okay that he told you to turn the other cheek if you were hit on the first?

But what about the fact that Christ preached by word, and not by weapon, and that is why millions believed him?

According to Chaplin, it turns out that the Bolshevik terror had to be answered with another terror - in the name of God.

Don’t you think that we already went through this in the Middle Ages, when we carried out crusades in the name of God, just because someone else believes in God a little differently than you?

After all, there is only one God, or does someone argue with this?

And God, as his servants say, is wise, merciful and forgives even multiple murderers of women and children who - attention! - they repented a second before death. Moreover: such a repentant soul of a murderer is even more valuable to God than a righteous man, who all his life was afraid to even think about some nonsense, so as not to anger God and not go to hell.

This is me conveying the words that I heard from the priests during conversations about God. I think I understood them correctly.

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  • Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin answered Protodeacon Andrey Kuraev on accusations of PR. Earlier Kuraev, commenting NSN Chaplin’s call to ban the screening of the film “Matilda” by Alexei Uchitel, a fellow atheist in the church, promoting himself at the expense of the film. As stated NSN Chaplin himself, Father Andrei always stands on the side of the enemies of the church.

    “I’m not surprised at Father Andrei’s reaction. He defends almost everything that most Orthodox Christians (including me and Mrs. Poklonskaya) criticize, and defends positions that most of our conservative believers consider wrong. That's his manner. He always stands rather on the side of the aesthetic enemies of the church. I have quite a few topics that I speak on that are less controversial. But a huge number of believers are against this film and are collecting signatures. And Father Andrey needs to finally understand that this is not a matter of PR. The fact is that the entire active part of the church thinks this way,” he emphasized Vsevolod Chaplin in conversation with NSN.

    Earlier, the chairman of the Patriarchal Council for Culture, Father Tikhon Shevkunov, said that the official leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church is critical of Matilda, but does not intend to come up with the idea of ​​banning the film. However, as stated NSN Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, Only a small part of the clergy takes an ambivalent position.

    “Yes, some people are silent because they are afraid to quarrel with some officials who lobbied for modern art. Some take an ambivalent stance, condemning the film but saying it can be shown. We live in our own country, we should be the masters in it, and not the elite crowd, all this “foam”, people who think and act against the people. What to show and what not should be decided by the majority of the people. The government, if it is truly popular and not treacherous, should listen to the people, and not to the pseudo-cultural coterie that has trodden the way to high offices,” Chaplin noted in an interview NSN.

    Today in my vlog Chaplin called for a ban on the film about the relationship between the future Emperor Nicholas II and the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, citing Rule 63 of the Ecumenical Council, according to which false stories about martyrs must be “consigned to fire.” Father Andrey Kuraev in conversation with NSN, that this rule applies only to churches, and not to secular cinemas.

    Chaplin is also outraged by the fact that “the Empress, of whose absolute sanctity there is no doubt, is portrayed in the film like a witch running after Matilda Kshesinskaya with a knife and casting a spell on her blood.” Let us remind you that the premiere of Alexei Uchitel’s film “Matilda” will be held in cinemas at the end of October. The last Russian emperor, Nicholas II, was canonized in 2000.