Interesting serious stories from life. Funny stories

Everyone has moments in life when difficulties overcome them, and it seems that their hands are about to give up... The stories of these are amazing strong in spirit people will help many of us understand that we can cope with any situation and under any life circumstances, the main thing is to believe in yourself and in your strength!

/ Stories from life

/ Stories from life

The history of the creation of an amateur series about morals and customs African country Ghana and the position of women in society. Even if you are a doctor of science or, by chance, the owner own business, for an African man this makes no difference. You are a woman, which means you should not have a personal opinion, as well as desires.

/ Stories from life

Timur Belkin is a professional photographer, creates websites, develops the public “Other Odessa”, in which he covers informal events of the seaside city, and conducts performances as part of the authentic La Briar theater. But today we are going to talk about the features of hitchhiking domestic spaces.

/ Stories from life

We are the “fast food generation”. With us, everything is quick, in a hurry: instant pictures, short SMS, express trips... A crazy kaleidoscope of events behind which the essence is not visible... Why are we in such a hurry to live? This question was asked to the heroine of the story by an old antique dealer. And the search for an answer helped the girl find her calling and taught her to value time.

/ Stories from life

On the International Day of the Girl Child, which is celebrated today all over the world in support of equal rights, I would like to remind you of such an important, integral (albeit sometimes hated) part of our life as education. To receive education, for example, in Afghanistan, girls in literally risking their lives...

/ Stories from life

How to get into winter in summer, cause rain on a sunny morning and curb the wind? Why is filming never dependent on the weather forecast and how long does it take to place a lime in a block of ice? In the kingdom Snow Queen know the answers, find out too.

/ Stories from life

She looks better than the flowers on the dress. With a warm look, a caramel smile. There is a confident calm next to her. She says Vajra, and I want to listen to her. She says awareness, and this needs to be written down. And read it. After all, this is yoga. And something else.

/ Stories from life

"You need to live a dream and think about it. It needs to be allowed to grow stronger so that it does not shrink in front of public opinion and criticism. To know that it is unique only because it originates from love. For the love of photography." We talk about the dream of becoming a photographer.

/ Stories from life

What kind of business becomes profitable, how to survive frustration, build your own reality and want to get married correctly. The story is told by a girl from the list of Top 100 entrepreneurs in Europe, who worked at Google and Cisco in Silicon Valley and attracted $3 million in investment for her startup.

/ Stories from life

Pole dance is the toughest type of dancing, which requires not just coordination and flexibility, but remarkable strength in the arms, abs and other muscles. Acrobatics. Stretch marks. Soldier's work. Expander in hands. And love. Because how can you endure all this if you don’t love this activity?

Real stories from the lives of women blog readers about domestic tyranny. Your stories are accepted for this section! How did you meet your tyrant husband, how did the relationship develop, what feelings and thoughts bothered you, and of course, how did you manage to get rid of the tyrant and recover from painful dependence on him? Read, discuss, consult, exchange experiences!

Some women, disappointed in domestic suitors and experiencing financial difficulties, they see salvation in marrying a foreigner, believing that the men there are different and there are more opportunities. But, instead of a heavenly life, they often fall into the arms of a domestic tyrant. Marina shared...

Using this life story as an example, one can trace a fairly typical pattern of how a woman finds herself in a situation of domestic violence and what happens to her next. Here you can see all the mistakes made by women who become victims of a domestic tyrant and remain in destructive relationships. After the story we...

A woman asks to help her decide on a divorce. She describes terrible life with a tyrant husband who mocks her, but something prevents her from filing for divorce... This happens often. No matter how terrible our situation is, we are prevented from deciding to change it...

Svetlana asked a question that many women ask when a relationship does not suit them and it seems (or does not seem) that something is wrong with a man: is he a tyrant or not? Often a woman really needs to get an answer to this question in order to stop having illusions about...

The heroine of this story put the question in the title: how was I able to deceive myself? She managed to find and analyze her mistakes and successfully get out of a destructive relationship with a domestic tyrant. I highly recommend reading her experience to anyone who is in the same situation, trying to get rid of...

10th place: The neighbors have a shepherd dog on a chain; they themselves went to work. I hear a roar and swearing from their side, I look out the window, and there is some guy in black trying to enter the gate. The dog furiously digs gravel, throwing stones at the thief. If he closes the gate, the shepherd doesn’t dig, he waits and barks like, “What, did you piss?” The gate will open - again shelling with gravel. He left ten minutes later, holding his eye. Armed guards, huh))

Your mark:
-2 -1 0 +1 +2

9th place: How I caught crayfish. Previously, I didn’t even perceive crayfish, let alone try them. One day, somewhere, my wife bought some crayfish. She prepared it and taught them how to eat properly. I liked it very much.
An acquaintance once invited us to relax in nature with company. Eat crayfish, go fishing. At that time, I had a vague idea of ​​catching crayfish using some kind of net with rotten meat. Never mind: we took the tents, loaded everything we needed into the cars and hit the road. We arrived at a warm canal coming from the state district power station. Slavka, our friend, takes out his scuba gear. “No shit, cool! - I thought. He puts on his scuba gear, explains and shows everything in detail along the way, puts on ordinary cloth household gloves, takes a mesh bag with a thin neck and, leisurely, smoothly plunges into the canal. We didn’t record the time, but it wasn’t there for about 10 minutes. Small bubbles appeared only in some places. Using them, we tracked his movement and the place where we then had to help him get ashore. And then a diver appears. We help him get out; in his hands he has a net with almost a bucket of crayfish. We remove all the ammunition from him, and Slava turns to me:
- Now go ahead.
- In terms of. I?
- No piss, everything is adjusted, there is still plenty of air, which is not clear, I’ll explain.
I'm a good swimmer. I have known fins, a mask and a snorkel for a long time; I can stay under water for a long time, but this was the first time I had seen scuba gear so close. Here I draw your attention to the fact that my girls, and all the guests, look at me as if I were a Submariner Hero who is now scheduled to perform a feat. There’s no way to shit yourself at this moment, so, trying to look confident and brave, I give the command:
- Let's! Get dressed!
Here small retreat. I didn’t look like a handsome jock, but rather athletic. And also: Slavka knew that I loved all sorts of experiments, adventures and welcomed something new and unusual. The rest of the company absolutely didn’t give a fuck: everyone was waiting for us to finally set up camp and open the canister of alcohol. Therefore, there weren’t really any candidates.
While they were hanging all this underwater equipment on me, for some reason nursery rhymes and phrases flashed through my head: “I’m not a coward, but I’m afraid,” “Why did I stand against the wall? My knees are shaking,” etc. When everything was ready, I asked:
- Slav, how do you catch these, what are they, crayfish there?
“It’s simple: you look for a hole on the walls of the canal, stick your hand in there. When you feel that the crustacean has grabbed your finger, you grab it and gently, otherwise the paw will come off, you pull it out into your bag. Then you look for another hole.
- Should I stick my hand far?
- Well, sometimes up to the elbow, even more.
Nihyasse! I thought they should fit into the bag themselves. I won’t describe the diving process, but when I found myself under water, I was pleasantly surprised. It turned out to be noticeably more difficult to breathe, but after a few breaths I got used to it. The heavy scuba gear did not press me to the bottom, but balanced my position under water. I felt like I was in space. So, why am I here? Another mesh bag in his hand. Ah, crayfish! Swam out to look for holes. It turned out that there is no need to look for them - there are tons of them there! I swim up to the first one, a few seconds of moral preparation. I’m still a little nervous, but, overcoming my fear, I begin to slowly put my hand into the hole. Oh fuck! It's scary, it's creepy! What if it’s not a crustacean, but some kind of monster? The hand is in the hole almost up to the elbow. Suddenly I feel something trying to cling to the glove. That's it, fucked up. In my head there are excerpts from horror films, as I take out from a hole a bitten-off, bloody hand with torn edges, with white bones sticking out. I'm trying to remember the prayer. Suddenly something specifically grabs my gloved finger. Frames from a uselessly lived life begin to flash before your eyes, and somewhere behind you, bubbles begin to actively appear, but there is no scuba gear there. Probably the brain turned off and transferred all powers to the ass. Gurgling with bubbles, the ass quickly and clearly gave the order: “Now quickly grab him and carefully pull him out.” I unquestioningly carry out the order and in my hands, already in front of the mask, a quite acceptable cancer is floundering. I put it in my bag and this is where my brain connects again. I almost shouted into my scuba gear: “Hurray! I did it! And it wasn’t scary at all! " I pulled out the second crayfish, although with some effort, more confidently. Then it went like seeds. Having caught about 30 of them, I surfaced, pulled out my mouthpiece and, boasting, yelled:
- Look how much I've already caught! Are you weak?
I demonstratively pull the mesh bag out of the water. On the shore, almost everyone starts laughing, and Slava asked:
- Why, you fool, didn’t you clutch your bag with your hand?
I look at the bag, and there is a lonely crustacean sitting! How? In response to my excuses, there was even more laughter. Someone, on the contrary, calmed me down and encouraged me. Through general laughter, Slava explained to me that crayfish are only so slow and clumsy on land, but in water they can give fish a head start, squeezing into any hole. So they got fucked through an unclamped bag. I was a little tired, but resentment and frustration forced me to wipe my mask and dive in again. I was now squeezing the bag, or rather its neck, under water with all my anger. He pulled crayfish out of their holes mercilessly, like fascists from bunkers. But strength takes its toll, and I’m always good with my head (I kept an eye on the pressure gauge from time to time). When they helped me get ashore, there were 18 good crayfish in the bag, and there was only 5 minutes left in the air tanks. To the question, like, how’s it going? He answered confidently:
- Yes, it’s all bullshit. I immediately caught a lot of them, I just messed around with the bag a little. And so - everything was very interesting, not even scary at all.
Nobody paid any attention to his hands, which were a little shaking from adrenaline.
Already in another place, on the lake, they set up camp. I have never eaten so many crayfish in my life. To taste, the shrimp are rested. There were also crayfish in the lake, but I didn’t catch them there anymore, others caught them, more in simple ways, but there was no shortage of crayfish, they even brought a lot home, and they caught good fish.
And my wife and I went to that channel more than once. Believe it or not, I dived only in a mask and fins, and threw the caught crayfish to the shore, where my wife picked them up. We collected about half a bucket (small). I still remember these fishing trips with delight.
PS. true to the smallest detail and now I know exactly where the crayfish spend the winter.

Your mark:
-2 -1 0 +1 +2

8th place: All my life I was chasing one girl, but everything was unsuccessful. Once I was walking down the street, there was snow everywhere, and I saw a stray cat meowing from the cold. And I wasn’t the only one who approached her, there was another sweet girl who also felt sorry for her. More than 10 years have passed, we live together, and also with us)

Your mark:
-2 -1 0 +1 +2

7th place: It’s funny, but it turns out that trainers (as well as fans of paintball and similar games) outperform trained warriors who have passed through hot spots almost dry - they simply don’t have the instinct of self-preservation; no experienced person can run out into the crowd and unload a machine gun into it . He would rather hide in a ditch and shoot in the direction of the enemy, occasionally peeking out to adjust the fire and emptying the magazine over and over again, because he has already been firmly forbidden to get in front of bullets.

Your mark:
-2 -1 0 +1 +2

6th place: On the way home, my dog ​​was distracted by something to the side, but his step did not slow down. I look at him and wonder if he will notice the parked car. Bang, the dog hits her and the alarm goes off. Before I have time to smile at his inattention, I loudly crash into a pole. While I’m sitting on my butt, holding on to my iron friend, and counting stars before my eyes, the owner of the car chuckles loudly on the first floor balcony. Then he asked him to pick up the last cigarette from the ground, otherwise it had already fallen out.

Your mark:
-2 -1 0 +1 +2

5th place: My friends and I took metal detectors and looked for treasure in the village. We didn’t find anything interesting and returned to our site, where the owner allowed us to dig on the condition that we cleaned everything up. There are only signals of nails throughout the entire area. I didn’t want to give up, so I decided to take a drop at random. I chose a random place, dug for a long time, there was nothing but nails, and, already in despair, I came across something solid. I pulled it out and it turned out that it was a broken, ugly box. They opened it. There was nothing there except a piece of paper with the inscription “Whoever finds it is a fool.” The owner said that the site appeared under Peter I. Thus, in the near future historical museum a new exhibit has appeared)

Your mark:
-2 -1 0 +1 +2

4th place: My husband and my eldest daughter flew off to rest, and I and my younger daughters moved in with my parents for a while. In the evening, my daughter shows me on Skype how they are having dinner together in a cafe. Suddenly my dad sharpens and says: “Granddaughter, take the tablet to that aunt who laughs loudly.”
Malaya hands her aunt a tablet, and here is the following dialogue:
- Luda, are you on sick leave?
- Sergei Petrovich?! How did you find me?
My dad is the dean of the faculty, and this woman took sick leave for a week and went off on vacation with her husband. For 2000 km...

Your mark:
-2 -1 0 +1 +2

3rd place: I came to the bank to close all cards and accounts. The girl in the window first talked about them Special offers, then she started questioning why I was refusing, because they were so wonderful and so on. To which I leaned closer to her and said in a conspiratorial tone that God ordered me to do so. For some reason more offers I didn’t receive anything from her, and the process of closing cards and accounts went faster.

Your mark:
-2 -1 0 +1 +2

2nd place: An acquaintance once gave his 10-year-old daughter a raccoon for the day. There is such a service, they bring you a raccoon, it destroys your entire home, rinses cellular telephone, chews a hole in his sneakers and dismantles his laptop. Along the way, it scratches everyone. In general, the raccoon thinks that this is his holiday, and he was brought to play with new people. The kids like it. Children generally like it when someone is crazier than them. In the evening, the contented raccoon is taken away, you exhale and understand what real happiness is.

Your mark:
-2 -1 0 +1 +2

1 place:, which does not exist. Today. My wife got sick with the flu. But now this disease is outside of ours. No doctor can make such a diagnosis. Now we must first of all carry out a biological analysis for viruses, hell knows where and how, in order to write wheezing in the epicrisis. But the minister reports on the success of vaccination. See how the incidence rate has dropped! It’s not for nothing that they spent billions on vaccines... And in our country, 2 weeks of a serious condition of “non-flu” led to complications in the lungs - pneumonia. It turned out that pneumonia is also out now. The squelching and hissing in the lungs, audible even to the naked ear, cannot be heard point-blank by emergency doctors. All is clear. The main thing is not to write out a referral to the hospital for hospitalization, otherwise the question will come up - what kind of ARVI led to complications on the lungs. Nice, the fight is on for their performance, and the patients go to drink tea with lemon if they survive. We were saved by an elderly general practitioner who prescribed the necessary courses of antibiotics for pneumonia, which is not available, and antiviral drugs for influenza, which our Ministry of Health also does not have. We're lucky.
I remembered from my childhood.
In the entire region we had only one medical center, staffed by an elderly general practitioner and his wife, a paramedic, an obstetrician, a speech therapist, a pediatrician, and much more. There was also a “hospital” in the form of two beds, on whose periodic residents the doctor carried out his medical manipulations. So I, as a child, lay there, recovering from an operation to remove my tonsils. There was such a thing back then. Here I am lying, and grandpa comes to the doctor, who is bandaging a lumberjack wounded by a saw. Give him, he tells the doctor, some kind of heart pill, he’s tormented by tachycardia. Tachycardia, says the doctor, yes, you are our specialist, but why are you so pale, gloomy, have you been drinking or what? No, says grandfather, I’m not getting enough sleep. For some reason I’m tired, I’m probably having a heart attack.
Yes, the doctor says, a heart attack is a serious matter, let’s measure the pressure. He tried it on, grunted, but what kind of poop do you have, he asks? What are you doing, the grandfather replies, can I see them in the hole toilet? Don’t be ridiculous, Mikhalych (that’s what he called the doctor. In fact, Moiseevich, but who would remember such a middle name in the Siberian wilderness).
The doctor kicked me out of bed, put my grandfather down, felt his stomach and said: you, grandfather, now go home, wash, pack your suitcase and tomorrow morning you will go to the district, to the hospital, lie there, get treatment. I'll give you the directions in the evening. Grandfather left. And the doctor, having finished the dressing, began to call the regional hospital in the district - the patient says I have severe cancer of the small intestine and some tricky words. His heart is such a cancer - I was already sweating from fear. Yes, says Moiseevich. Hemoglobin is low in the skin, it hurts certain place, which means there is blood loss, fatigue, blood pressure, and it’s not the first time I’ve had this. I can already smell what someone is sick with. Why are you whining? Yes, this is my own grandfather, I say. Oh, here it is, well, don’t be afraid ahead of time. Maybe it will get better. The doctor was right, the diagnosis was

As a child, I really loved leaning on the lid of the secretary. My mother scolded me very much for this, because on top of the secretary there was a beautiful tea set brought by my grandmother from Ashgabat. And then one day, while doing homework, I Once again leaned on her elbows. There was a terrible roar. My grandmother rushed in, saw the broken set, grabbed me in her arms and ran outside. And only below did she come to her senses that she was in Leningrad, and there was no earthquake here. Oh, and it hit me then! And in the evening my mother added...

I am very calm person who rarely raises his voice. But there is one way that makes me scream - mirrors in indoors from which there is no way out. My boyfriend decided to play a trick on me somehow, to make sure that I could raise my voice too. One fine morning I woke up in a locked room with a dozen rather large mirrors. He found me two hours later under the table in hysterics, the nightmares did not leave me for several more months. The guy is gone.

I work in a cinema for two. Usually couples come. Romance, movies, tasty food, wine, kisses... But how infuriating are those who cross the line of kisses and take things to the horizontal plane. There is a camera, an announcement at the entrance, and we tell guests this too, but it’s a pity that not everyone gets it.

My husband and I decided to take a serious step - adopt a child. The daughter of our distant relatives, there was a fire in the house, she was the only one saved. At first she was silent all the time, then she began to speak occasionally. But in two years this has not progressed further. I dreamed that we would replace her family, but she is still as cold. I don’t blame anyone, but this makes me so sad.

I recently cheated on my husband because he’s a fucking workaholic, and we last had sex a year and a half ago. I love him very much, but I couldn’t stand it. I went to the city to visit a friend, went to a club and slept with a guy whose name I don’t even know. He fucked the soul out of me, and I returned home happy, to which my husband suggested going to see her more often. On the one side desirable girl I finally felt myself, but on the other hand, the cats are scratching at my soul.

Grandmother and grandfather met in the park when grandmother, headlong, ran home, shielding herself from the pouring rain with her hands. She accidentally bumped into him, knocking him off his feet. Mom and Dad learned about each other on school disco, when my mother accidentally collided with my father, knocking him to the floor, falling on top of him to the tune of the “slow song”. And I found my love in the trash when, without looking, I threw a bag of garbage into a barrel, and accidentally hit the guy, knocking him down and dropping him straight into the trash. But I found it.

Half a year ago I was hit by a car. As a result, spinal injury wheelchair. My husband supported me as best he could and blew away specks of dust. Recently, doctors said that I can undergo surgery, there is a 50/50 chance that I will be able to walk again, but the condition may worsen. My husband, with tears in his eyes, begged me not to take such risks, he would take care of me. I really started to fear intervention. And then my tablet broke, I took my husband’s laptop and found a bunch of porn with disabled people. I'll have surgery soon.

I have a strange obsession with making up dialogues. various subjects furniture. So I was sitting in line at the clinic, a woman was pulling the handle of the office, the door was closed, and I immediately imagined a dialogue between two doors: - Oh, why are you pulling, you’ll tear it off! Don't you see? Closed! No, did you see it? She's pulling here! Let me wipe off the polish on my hand! - Hmmm, people have gone! They either kick or clap. My mother told me, go to paper...

I often select music for performances. This is a labor-intensive process, you can sit for several days and listen, listen, listen, until notes slip through the pile of music, which begins to seem the same, that catch you. And how many incredible melodies found along the way are now in my piggy bank and waiting in the wings! I want to have the opportunity to show all the images that this music paints.

I have a scar on my tongue from teeth. According to my parents, when I was two years old, I was sitting on a chair, and my older brother pushed him, I fell, hit my head on the radiator and bit my tongue. My parents thought it would heal, so they didn’t stitch it up. As a child, a friend called this scar a pocket, because a piece of skin can be pushed away with your teeth and you can see the indentation. The expression on the faces of the people to whom I tell this story and in conclusion I stick my tongue out is priceless!

My grandmother is 84. She has beautiful makeup, hair, a dress and heels. She has a husband who is 17 years younger, who loves her madly. She runs on the treadmill on the balcony in the morning, cooks like crazy, sings great and sews amazing clothes to order. And I just want to be like her, at least at 70 years old, and not just at 80 and a half!

No matter how many times I meet people, every time I manage to ruin their attitude towards myself with amazing skill. Because... Apparently, I don’t understand the personal side of each person. A careless action or word - the relationship becomes strained, and they themselves become like strangers. I don’t even know how many times I’ve seen this in my life. People with whom, it seemed, he could communicate about anything and constantly, now barely exchange a few phrases...

They have diagnosed a heart defect and need to fly for surgery. And then a friend says that it is expensive to deliver the body, and many people bring the ashes back in urns. The positivity disappeared, I saw my husband looking for delivery of the body. She said as if she spat... I feel sorry for my loved ones - they are worried, and I myself became scared. We are realists, but here it’s hard and scary.

In life I am a gray mouse. But after sex I become more beautiful. The eyes shine, the lips become slightly plump and bright, the skin becomes beautifully pale, the cheeks are rosy. I even learned how to use it: if I had to attend an event, I made love before it, it helped more than makeup. The only thing I didn’t take into account was that this feature was noticed not only by me, but also by my beloved husband. My former beloved husband, who burned my beautiful me after work.

I moved into the apartment where my friends had lived before. From their stories: they fucked on the table and made as much noise as possible, for which all their neighbors hated them. On the first evening, around 10, I decided to move the closet a little. Five minutes later, all the grandmothers in the world came out, shouting that I was a whore and organizing orgies, and another half hour later two policemen arrived. When they saw me in my pajamas and my cat, who had shit himself from knocking on the door, they apologized for a long time, and then for another half an hour they reprimanded the neighbors on the stairs.

I never liked visiting my grandmother. The whole family came once a year for a couple of days, and the trash started. A drinking session with moonshine and a fight, in which my grandmother and her sons took part, and after that she tried to educate 7-9-year-old me about sex in all the nasty details. In the next argument, when she lifted her skirt and showed where to go, I found out that she wasn’t wearing underwear either. It’s a pity that I didn’t recognize the other grandmother - she died when I was one year old(

I recently came across a series about Katya Pushkareva. My God, then her image seemed terrible, but today she’s downright trendy, but everyone who was in style looks like a moron. Which strange thing- fashion!

When the war began, my grandfather went to the front, and my grandmother and her four-year-old daughter were evacuated. Life was hard, there was not enough food, my daughter was very sick. Grandmother was a beauty, and an officer of high rank looked after her, bringing her stew, butter, and chocolate. And she gave in. Girl on good nutrition recovered quickly. When my grandfather returned from the war, my grandmother immediately confessed to him. He smoked, paused and said: “Thank you for saving your daughter.” They lived together for 55 years, and he never reproached her with a word.

I can't stand cash coins. Seeing them immediately makes you sick. As a child, I had a habit of collecting small change around the house and stuffing it into my mouth. Years have passed, the habit has gone, but only now I understand that it was disgusting.

I hate this spring, because it’s impossible to look down at the phone normally! You get on a minibus after the street, bend over the phone, and snot flows down so treacherously...

For a long time in the office I picked out huge boogers and sculpted them at the table. I kept thinking that I would clean it up later. While I was on vacation, we moved to another office, and the boss sat there. It's a shame to go back to work

As a child, I was afraid of old people because it seemed to me that they would steal my youth in order to prolong their life. And because I was a sweet child, they often took me on their laps in crowded transport. Minutes of horror.

My husband works for an agricultural company - he plows fields and transports crops. At work he drives a tractor, and when we get bored at home, he asks: “What is 150+150?” I say: “300,” and go to suck the tractor driver)

Before each flight, of which there are not many, I set a status from the “life is so short” series or make a post with the song “If I die young”. If I suddenly die in a plane crash, then everyone will come to my page and think that I had a presentiment of my death. I suffer from aerophobia.

Since childhood, my dad beat me and tormented me mentally until I left home. Now I live abroad and communicate occasionally via messenger. Once, while telling him a story, I swore. Dad was absolutely blown away by the fact that I didn’t respect him because I “sweared in front of him.” And that if I continue to swear, he will stop communicating with me. And I really thought about the fact that I don’t respect him and that if he stops communicating with me, I won’t be very upset.

I recently heard from friends whose baby is a month old, that it’s time to baptize the baby. She casually asked whether they had read the Bible (no); Do they even know “Our Father” (also no); What time was Jesus baptized and was he even baptized? The last question left them stumped. Then I asked why such a baby should be baptized. The answer was brilliant: “Well, wow, we seem to be Orthodox...” Orthodox, who didn’t even hold the Bible in their hands, but wear a cross as an ornament. It's annoying!

Grandma always scolds me when she sees HOW I peel potatoes. He says that during the war, my cleaning could feed the entire village.

I was returning home from the store. My five-year-old daughter ran into the elevator, and I was dragging my bags behind. And then someone calls the elevator, I don’t have time. The doors close and I hear my daughter screaming as she drives up. I throw my bags, rush around the floors, trying to figure out where the scream is coming from. Made it to seventh. You should have seen the face of the man who was waiting for the elevator. When the doors opened, in front of him stood a little angry girl, crying, who ran into him, yelling in the bass voice of a healthy man: “Where is my mother?! Answer!”

I identify men by their butts. Round, plump butts or loose hips, more like a woman's - most likely he is lazy, and he may also be cunning or Sissy. How many times has it coincided!

I started dating a 19-year-old girl who smokes, drinks and doesn’t mind earning extra money for a blow job. He wanted to put her on the right path, moved in with her, got a better-paying job to support her and her mother. As a result, over the course of three years I almost became a drunkard myself, and they wanted to imprison me twice. He left and left. Fuck such charity. We occasionally communicate as friends. I don’t regret my action, I don’t plan to repeat it. I don’t drink at all, I’m 27.

Almost every person loves it. They especially amuse people short stories, funny and amusing that happened in real life. Such cases will be great entertainment for any company. Short stories, funny, original, cheerful - this is exactly what you need for a pleasant pastime. They are a kind of joke. However, the difference is that taken from real life, they sound much more interesting. You can laugh at these comical, twisted plots for a very long time without stopping.

Short stories. Funny incidents from life

So, if you are planning to relax with friends, rest assured that everyone will enjoy this kind of entertainment. Short stories, funny incidents can instantly lift the mood of those around you. And if you are endowed with a good memory, you probably have a lot of them. Short stories - funny, kind, comical - about your acquaintances and friends will give you smiles and a lot of positive emotions. Let's consider where various situations most often occur.

Military service

You can often hear, for example, interesting stories from people's lives - funny, short - about the military. For example, this one. A man talks about his time in the army. While he was on duty at a checkpoint, an elderly couple approached him. The woman began to wonder where the tank unit was located nearby. The son allegedly served there, according to her. The duty officer tried to explain to the spouses that there was no tank unit nearby. In response to this, the couple tried desperately to prove that their son would not deceive them. The woman’s last argument was the photograph shown to the duty officer. It showed a young “tanker” with a proud posture, leaning out from the waist up with a lid in his hands in front of him. You can imagine how the soldier on duty laughed. Such interesting stories from people's lives (funny, short) are heard very often among the military.

Cases with documents

Where else can you find funny funny moments? Surprisingly, you can often hear stories from life, funny, short, related to working with documents. Here is one of them. The man needed to obtain a certificate for the notary's office at the State Bureau of Investigation. The office worker asked how urgently he needed the document (the cost of registration for three days is sixty-eight rubles, for two - one hundred and five). The man settled on the second option, since time, as they say, was running out. Having paid money at the cash register, I received the answer: “Come on Monday.” And it was Thursday. The girl explained that they are closed on Saturday and Sunday. “What if I paid for three days?” - asked the man. The girl explained that he would still have to come for a certificate on Monday. “Why did I pay forty rubles more?” - the man asked. "Like this? Time is running out. To get a certificate a day earlier,” the girl explained. Of course, such stories from life, funny and short, can only infuriate you at first. However, over time, you will remember such incidents with a smile on your face.

On a rest

Next option. Short funny stories from real life, related to recreation, are no less popular than the above. A lot of curiosities can be seen on the beach. How fun it was, for example, for vacationers watching next picture. A married couple with an eight-year-old son was relaxing on the seashore. The family forgot to take the Panama hats with them. The wife went to the room to get some hats, leaving the child with the father. When she returned, she did not see her husband, but her son... He was buried in the sand. One head stuck out. To the question “Where is dad?” the boy replied: “He’s swimming!” “Why are you here?” - asked the mother. The child cheerfully declared: “Dad buried it so that I wouldn’t get lost!” Of course, it’s hard to call such an act serious, but everyone had fun!


Short funny stories from real life sometimes continue, developing into longer, drawn-out ones. The guide tells one of them. Group Russian tourists(hockey players) went on a boat excursion along a mountain river. Often, guides provoke water fights between vacationers. This time the Germans became rivals for the Russians. Moreover, the excursion was held on May 9...

One could imagine how excited the hockey players were when they found out who they were fighting against. With shouts of “For the Motherland!” and “For victory!” they furiously splashed their oars through the water. However, they quickly got tired of this too. Turning over the objecting guide along the way, they rushed at the enemy directly on the boats, quickly turning them over into the water.

It would seem that the fun is over. But in the evening the following fact emerged: both groups settled in the same hotel. The hockey players loudly celebrated their “victory” right by the pool, singing patriotic songs. The Germans didn’t even leave their rooms.

At work

Very often there are also funny stories from people's lives (short) in the workplace. For example, this case. One man bought himself a book on Bringing it to work, he decided to try it on his colleagues. His employee wanted to “check” her daughter. The man agreed. The next day, a colleague brought an envelope with a note. Having opened it, the man immediately said: “Your daughter is 14 years old. She is an excellent student. Loves horse riding and dancing." The woman was simply shocked and immediately ran to tell her friends about everything. The man didn’t even have time to tell her about the contents of the note: “I’m an excellent student, I’m 14 years old, I love horses and dancing. And mom thinks you’re a liar.”

Cases with animals

Funny stories from short and not only, quite often they are also connected with our smaller brothers. For example, like this interesting case happened to a middle-aged man. A tired man once came into the courtyard of his private house. old dog. However, the animal was fattened and had a collar on its neck. That is, it was absolutely obvious that the dog was well taken care of and had a home. The dog approached the man, allowed himself to be petted, and followed him into the hallway. Walking slowly through it, he lay down in the corner of the living room and fell asleep. About an hour later the dog came to the door. The man released the animal.

The next day, at about the same time, the dog came to him again, “greeted”, lay down in the same corner and slept again for about an hour. His “visits” lasted for several weeks. Finally, the man decided to be curious about what was going on, and pinned a note to his collar with the following content: “Sorry, but I want to know who is the owner of this sweet, wonderful animal and whether he knows that the dog sleeps at my house every day.” The next day the dog came with the “answer” attached. The note read: “The dog lives in a house with six kids. Two of them have not yet turned three years. He wants to get some sleep. Will you allow me to come with him tomorrow?”

The youth

It happens that funny stories bring others to tears. Short stories from the lives of young people are especially common among students, applicants, and high school students. However, this case is not like that. No one was offended or disappointed. Two young guys were leisurely walking along the streets of the city. Having stopped near a kiosk with a press, where various stationery and other small items are also sold, they decided to buy a small ball with an elastic band that flies merrily if you pull it - just for fun, as they say. The problem was one thing: the guys didn’t know the name of this toy. One of the boys, pointing to the ball, turned to the saleswoman: “Give me that fennie over there!” "What to give?" - the woman asked. “Fenka!” - repeated the young man. The guys left with their purchase. The next day they passed this kiosk again. A price tag with the inscription “Fenka” appeared on the display window near the ball.

Cases with children

Funny short stories will definitely make people smile if we are talking about kids. Here is an incident that happened to a three-year-old boy. A large friendly family gathered together at one table. The child sat and calmly watched his grandmother and mother fry pancakes. All this time he just quietly said: “This is all mine. I'll eat first. Anyone who eats without me will be punished!” The women finally finished cooking and stacked the pancakes on a plate. The family took out the jam and began to sit down at the table. The boy was the last to wash his hands. Before that, he warned everyone: “I will leave. But I’ll count all the pancakes so you don’t eat without me.” Next to the plate came the following sound: “One, two, five, twenty, thirty... That’s it!” Do not touch!" When the child returned, one pancake had been eaten. The boy began to shout: “I told you, you can’t eat without me!” The relatives asked: “Did you really count?” To this the kid replied: “Are you not thinking straight? I can't count! I flipped the top pancake!”

It really turned out funny. After all, none of the adults could guess to turn the top pancake over with the fried side down.

Hospital stories

Very often, comic incidents occur within the walls medical institutions. As a rule, interesting stories (funny, short) from maternity hospitals about young fathers are the most common among them. For example, this one. One man's wife gave birth. The couple were expecting twins. However, they did not know the gender of their future children. The woman gave birth to a girl and a boy. An excited man was waiting for the doctor at the door of the room. Finally, the midwife appeared. Her father ran up to her with the question: “Twins?” "Yes!" - the woman answered. Husband, smiling: “Boys?” She: “No!” Dad, smiling even wider: “Girls?” Midwife: “No!” The husband, dumbfounded: “Who?” Similar cases a lot happens every day.

On road

Real funny stories, short and long, are often associated with traffic police officers. At one of the motor depots in Novosibirsk, for example, such a case is known. There was one short driver who worked there. When he was driving the KrAZ, he was not even visible from the outside. One day a driver went on a flight without securing the rear license plate on the car. He just put it in the glove compartment. As usually happens in such cases, a traffic police officer was standing at the intersection. Seeing the car without a driver, he was very surprised and whistled. The driver found a way out of the situation. He positioned the car so that he could slip out of the second door unnoticed and secure the number. It's risky, but it's the only way avoid a fine. So the car stopped. The patrolman slowly approached, stood and, without waiting for anyone, looked inside. Of course, he was very puzzled, looking at the empty cabin. Meanwhile, the driver secured the number, and everyone returned to their seats. The traffic police officer was even more surprised when, obeying the command of his baton, the empty car started up and drove on.

That's just funny

And one moment. A lot also depends simply on a person’s mood. Funny short stories may not have a so-called special plot. It happens that a person is simply cheerful and joyful in his soul. As they say, I got a laugh in my mouth. This is most likely explained by the fact that people face various stresses every day, minor and not so much. All this, of course, is deposited inside each of us, adversely affecting nervous system. A person, of course, does not always remember this. But all these unpleasant moments remain in my memory. Accordingly, the body has to perform nervous discharge from time to time. After all, laughter heals. Thus, the healing process manifests itself in the form of a cheerful mood.

Therefore, it is not at all surprising that this happens from time to time. You can walk down the street with absolutely absurd thoughts in your head, look at those around you, and you will feel funny. Their clothes, their gait, and their facial expressions can amuse you. By trying to hold back your laughter and smile, you thereby provoke a response from those you meet. Well, if suddenly some other incident happens... For example, a gust of wind throws a piece of paper, or a bag, or something like that in your face, this story will seem especially funny to you. And this, it’s worth reminding once again, is not gloating at all! It's just a fight against stress in our body! Laughter prolongs our life!