The Ainu - the white race - are the indigenous inhabitants of the Japanese islands.

During three years The Decembrists were kept in the Chita prison. Their wives followed them here from St. Petersburg. One of the Decembrists, Dmitry Zavalishin, remained in the settlement in Chita. By 1830, a prison for the enemies of the Tsar was built in Petrovsky Zavod; the Decembrists were transferred there. Since 1835, the Decembrists were allowed to go to settle in places designated for them. Ivan Gorbachevsky chose to stay at the Petrovsky Plant.

Purpose prove by deeds
Novosibirsk resident Tatyana Vladimirovna Sitnikova is the great-great-great-granddaughter of the Decembrist Nikolai Bestuzhev. I only found out about this in 1980. Since then she has been a frequent guest of Petrovsk residents. This is her fifth trip.
- How can I not go? They are waiting for me, greeting me like family.

It all started 16 years ago, when a resident of Buryatia, Vasily Ivanovich Petrov, a local historian and Decembrist historian, decided to find the descendants of Nikolai Bestuzhev living in the USSR. He found the great-great-grandchildren of Alexei Startsev, the son of Nikolai Bestuzhev, in Vladivostok. Another branch - according to Nikolai Alexandrovich Bestuzhev's daughter Ekaterina and his son-in-law Nikolai Gomboev - was found in Novosibirsk.

Bestuzhev’s great-great-grandchildren and we, their children, met for the first time in Selenginsk. And since then we have not lost sight of each other.
- What was passed down to descendants from Nikolai Bestuzhev?
- Or rather, from the Bestuzhev branch. The father of the Decembrist Nikolai Bestuzhev was a teacher and wrote a treatise on education. Nikolai Alexandrovich himself - at 19! - was appointed teacher of cadets in the Naval Corps: for the reason that he showed exceptional knowledge at the final exams. He taught astronomy, geography, physics and taught future midshipmen maritime practice.

And in our family there are many teachers and educators. I work at a private school as a teacher. My daughter Elena is a historian; she graduated with honors from Novosibirsk Pedagogical University. While still in high school, I began collecting material about the descendants of the Bestuzhevs. In the ninth grade I was in Moscow with my message. She received a silver cross and the title “Property of the Fatherland” as a reward. He continues to work on the project “The Contribution of Representatives of the Bestuzhev Family to the Development of World Civilization.” Moreover, we, “Bestuzhevites” by blood, can be found in Russia, Estonia, and Australia.

What Bestuzhev precepts do you follow in your life?
- Nikolai Bestuzhev’s father wrote a treatise on education. There are these words: you should not boast of your family, but prove your destiny with your deeds. This is my credo too.

My great-great-great-grandfather Nikolai Aleksandrovich Bestuzhev did not give up even in hard labor. Wrote watercolor landscapes- they have been preserved, portraits of their Decembrist friends, their wives. At the settlement he made stools and carts, and developed a unique chronometer.

Vital energy and a creative streak helped him survive in hard labor, lead decent life at the settlement. And we, his descendants, make ordinary everyday life brighter and more meaningful. There is an amateur theater at the private school where I work. With the production of "Tom Sawyer" we even went to international festival amateur performances in Sochi. I am a costume designer and an artist-designer.

On Gorbachevsky Street
The residents of Petrovsk preserved the house in which I. Gorbachevsky lived. At first it housed the city library. Now the house has been transferred to the Decembrist Museum. The street was formerly called Bolshaya. Renamed Gorbachevsky Street.

During the festival, an exhibition of local artist Nikolai Mikhailovich Polyansky was opened in the house-museum of I. Gorbachevsky. One of the rooms contains etchings, lithographs and paintings by the artist. They show the most memorable moments of the life of the Decembrists in the Petrovsky Factory. Here are the prisoners of Peter's convict prison teaching factory children to read and write. On the other - the reception of poor patients by doctor (Decembrist) Wolf. Several of the artist’s works are dedicated to tragic moments in the fate of the Decembrists.

One of the etchings shows the funeral of the Decembrist Pestov, the first of the prisoners of the Petrovsko-Zavod prison to pass into another world. The Decembrists carry the coffin with the body of their friend in their arms. They bent over not so much from the weight of the burden as from their sad thoughts. Are they really facing such an unknown death in a foreign land? On takeoff. When the mind is clear, and the acquired knowledge is waiting to be used, when the hands are burning in anticipation of action... The artist, it seemed, together with the participants in the mournful procession, was experiencing the grief that suddenly overtook them. Together with them he rethinks life. Perhaps it was then that the Decembrists’ decision became stronger: even here, in the Siberian penal servitude, in the outback, you can be useful to people, to be useful... Only then will life not be wasted.
The etching is stunning - Nikita Muravyov’s departure from the Petrovsky Plant for settlement.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Polyansky devoted many works to the life calvary of the Decembrist Ivan Gorbachevsky. To better understand my hero, I read his ethnographic works, the memories of the Decembrists about him, and sat for a long time in his house to feel the aura. He assured: “These walls remember Ivan Ivanovich, they have absorbed his spirit.”

I resorted to the help of museum employee N.I. Belomestnova: “Tell me about Gorbachevsky. What did he love? What was bothering him? Is this? Gorbachevsky often went to the local churchyard. He chose the place of his future burial. He wanted his house to be visible from the hill, where he spent his life, where he met with friends and people close to him, where heated debates took place about the fate of the Fatherland. “He used to sit here, on this hill.” “No,” Polyansky objected. - I didn’t sit, I stood. Definitely stood! And his hair was blown by the wind.”

This is the last work of Nikolai Mikhailovich. On the artist’s canvas we see the powerful figure of the Decembrist Gorbachevsky. He stands on a hill. Behind him is the graveyard, where the burials of his deceased Decembrist friends are buried, and the crypt of the good angel of Peter the Great’s prisoners, Alexandrina Muravyova. Ivan Ivanovich exposed his chest to the fierce Siberian winds, protecting the graves dear to him.

The last unfinished work of the artist Polyansky. Therefore, where his hero’s face should be on the canvas, there is a blurry spot. But this incompleteness shocks the viewer most of all.
We will all leave someday. What did they protect during their lifetime? What will we leave behind?

On a street that doesn't exist
Do not look in Chita for a street named after Dmitry Zavalishin, a Decembrist, an extraordinary personality, a man who did a lot for Transbaikalia. And its pages family life as if erased from the memory of Chita residents.

The love story of the French milliner Pauline Goble, who came to work in Russia, was sung by her compatriot writer Alexandre Dumas. According to the fencing teacher who served in the Annenkov house. In his declining years, the writer had the opportunity to meet the heroes of his novel. But in the swollen Praskovya Egorovna Annenkova, he did not recognize his heroine: young, impetuous, reckless in love. Still would! 18 births, and only seven children survived; and old age, when overcome by illness, is not beautiful. In the grumpy, cruel Ivan Annenkov, it was also difficult to recognize an ardent lover, romantic nature... There was no continuation of the novel.

Praskovya Egorovna herself, before her death, dictated memories to her daughter: more and more everyday, “mundane” details from own life and the lives of other women - the wives of the Decembrists. About how noblewomen learned to cook porridge, and Praskovya herself managed the garden and desperately bargained with visiting Buryats about the price of food... And, here’s the paradox, because of this they, the women of high society, are much closer and more understandable to us.

But the love story of our fellow countrywoman Appolinaria Smolyaninova, a resident of Chita! - the daughter of a mining engineer, did not inspire any of the writers. And she was an extraordinary girl. Gorgeous. Well educated, well mannered. One of the best brides in the Transbaikal mountain district. Many young people from noble families sought her hand and favor... Appolinaria refused everyone. She gave her word to the young prisoner Dmitry Zavalishin and faithfully waited for him for ten years while he was serving his sentence in prison. In 1839 he was allowed to settle, and they got married. They didn't live long. Appolinaria burned out from fever, or rather from pangs of conscience. She was painfully honest, but she had to give in to her mother, who did not want to let her daughter go to other lands, and... hide the truth from her husband: this ruined her. She was buried near the walls of the Archangel Michael Church. But the place of her grave is lost. There is neither a photograph nor a portrait of this young woman in the Chita Museum of the Decembrists. There are no memories of contemporaries - enlightened merchants, officials who visited the Zavalishins' house. None of the Chita residents tried to write down the stories, and later - the myths of the old residents of the city about this married couple.

Well, isn't it a shame! We are ready to admire the actions of young French women, milliner Polina Goble and the daughter of governess Camille Le Dantu, who offered themselves as wives to demoted Decembrist officers. But they did not appreciate the feat of love and loyalty of the young Siberian woman. Our countrywoman... Alas, we still haven’t found our own - Transbaikal! - Dumas, to glorify her fate.

Carte blanche for the edge
In 1982, in Chita - in connection with the opening of a museum in the former St. Michael the Archangel Church - an All-Union scientific-practical conference about how to better manage the legacy of the Decembrists. Then they talked about how unconvincingly the transition of the Decembrists from Chita to the Petrovsky Plant was presented, that it was necessary to find out what the meteorological conditions were, the weather, what and how they were fed, what they did on the way... And 34 years have not passed since the project was presented “Milestones” (more details on page 1). At the round table dedicated to the prospects of tourism, this project of Galina Samarina was approved. Local historians, travelers, artists, museum workers We are sure that the route “On the Path of the Decembrists” will be in demand among tourists. City residents will be able to spend their own “days out” in nature: spend the night in a Buryat yurt, taste Buryat bukhuler and poz, visit a cattle farm, and go horseback riding. Tourists are interested. You just need to finish what you started.

professional, 12/07/03
I have a ton of friends like that, you can’t help but look like a nobleman, and their surnames couldn’t be simpler, but everyone tells heartbreaking stories about how their ancestors went into hiding, changed their surnames, and just recently it turned out that... etc. And some in general are nobles, and Jews, and who knows who else, and their faces are so... Russian-peasant... we also need to come up with something, otherwise it’s unpleasant to feel like a black bone among such eminent...

UghOnYou, 12/07/03
There is nothing more disgusting than trying to classify oneself in the sphere of Russian-imperial Nazism. And everything would be fine, but the topic is painfully relevant: nowadays every piece of dirt calls itself a prince. However, this is how it has always been, during the maturation of the monarchy. But then it’s not easy to demonstrate one’s dirty tricks, and also vile depravity in the form of arrogance, and stupidity... stupidity. It is a shame for those who are respected to be called a prince, a nobleman, a boyar - after all, these are the titles of the most inveterate scoundrels.

Sylvester, 13/07/03
I saw a joke on TV once. Novozhenov talks with Malinin. At first brief information about him (but without indicating real name: Vyguzov). Then Lyova asks: “It’s written about you that you are from a working-class family. And your image is that of a hussar, a nobleman...” And do you know what this idiot answered? He rolled his eyes and coyly said: “Well, we know these working-class families... We know how many counts counted themselves as workers... Who knows who’s from where...”

professional, 13/07/03
one acquaintance stated that the palace in St. Petersburg, apparently owned by the Beloselsky-Belozerskys, turns out to belong to them, the Nikitins!!

Sylvester, 14/07/03
There is a moment of confusion here. The nobility in Russia was liquidated as a class in the middle. 18th century and all the nobles were elevated to BOYAR (but retaining the old name). By inertia, they retained their arrogance: they say, we are service people, we served the Fatherland... In fact, “boyars” Russian Empire- these are the same oligarchs and “new Russians”. So their descendants have nothing to be proud of.

Lyokha from Bryansk, 14/07/03
And what are they better than peasants? Just because there was more money and because the Tsar was seen every day? Personally, the main thing for me is that the person is good, and I don’t care about his origins at all.

Patsa, 12/05/04
The most noblewoman of course is Mikhalkov’s daughter (Leads the kids good night). purebred noblewoman with a ragged muzzle, fat hands and a heel-toe gee-gee-gee

C0LNYSHK0, 07/05/08
Yesterday I came to hand over bottles, and the receptionist said that I was a hereditary nobleman. Apparently, I compare favorably with the contingent hanging out there. but this is no reason to compare me with the offspring of the oppressors of the working class!

Confucius, 08/05/08
Mayakovsky spoke competently on this topic in “My Discovery of America”: “In the highest chic high society An ancient relationship with some noble Indian families is considered - a thing that until recently was completely shameful in American eyes." Well, that is, they say - and let them say... Look, what is written on the fence! And if you touch it, it’s a tree! :)

Hellbent, 12/05/10
All these most illustrious and illustrious princes and countesses of the Balabans, Bezborodki, Bezobrazovs, Bekaryukovs, Beloglazovs-Lykovs, Birdyukins-Zaitsovs, Bludovs, Boboedovs, Bobyrs, Boks, Borsuks, Boshnyaks, Brezguns, Bryukhatovs, Byrdyns are truly touching... If you don’t understand , what’s what, these are the real names of Russian noble families (thank you, wiki), and I gave these examples of selectivity, sophistication and grace only with the letter “B”. What do you think of the noble family of Toad? It bothers me that I’m not a nobleman with such a glorious and noble surname!

A man with a very strange nickname, 27/12/10
Because it doesn't say anything good about these people. Nobles in the history of Russia are simply people who buttered up the court/tsar and enjoy all sorts of honors for this. Well, this is something like modern officials - deputies - United Russia members

Begerit, 27/12/10
Now suddenly everyone has become nobles, or rather descendants of such. They were shouting that they were from workers and peasants, now the other extreme has become fashionable. Any resident of our country can, if desired, find ancestors of “blue” blood, because over the last hundred years all classes have mixed , but what's the point? I also noticed that those who constantly talk about their noble origins do not represent anything worthwhile. They are mediocre or simply losers, at least among the “descendants” whom I know personally.

Naf Nafych, 16/05/12
The most interesting thing about this phenomenon is that the overwhelming majority (85% and above) of those who approve have nothing to do with the pre-revolutionary nobility. As many as I have noticed, the main category of people who suck (or rather, fart out) the nobility from themselves, as a rule, prefer to establish themselves not at the expense of their personal qualities, but at the expense of the noise they expect to receive when talking about such topics. I immediately remember the times of the post-Soviet 90s, when a mass of costumed clowns (yesterday’s Komsomol members) began to crawl out of all the cracks in various old-fashioned underwear and with tchotchkes (the devil knows where they got it all from) and with aplomb rubbed the unpretentious “dummies” that like they are from Alexander Nevsky, then from Charlemagne himself, isn’t it funny? About the so-called “Cossacks” this is generally a separate topic for jokes, but oh well, is it worth spending time on such subjects. In short, you need to understand one simple thing: there is no nobility now, just like there are no Scandinavian Vikings.

Homm, 16/05/12
The descendants of nobles often have skin problems: dry, white and easily burns. Their genetics are corrupted. But this does not affect the psyche and luck in life, people are like people, they have nothing aristocratic. At our school, one teacher was a “noblewoman”; two of her great-grandfathers were princes and counts. So we didn’t suspect it for many years until she told us. In my opinion, it no longer matters whether your ancestors were nobles or not. Of course, if they did not leave you a rich inheritance.

Kill Bieber, 27/07/12
well... because this is nonsense, bullshit... I know so many people like that, they basically don’t represent anything... Auntie is such a jackass... I was visiting them and asked to use the computer, but they sent me there (the same guy) didn’t let me in... said that he was reading his story... blah blah blah how cool he is, what kind of ancestors he has.... in what censored village was he born... infuriating... and he himself is a drunk ...they drive me out of work...but the philosopher is censored...he can’t find a job...when I spent the night with them, he stole my phone and drank it away...but my ancestors are nobles, censored!

DCdent, 24/08/12
It’s okay to say that, but it happens that there are nobles in a family, and not infrequently. But when they start to be proud of it!.. My great-great-great-grandfather’s seventh cousin was “of the nobles”!.. And immediately the fingers fanned out: blue blood, white bone! Nobles from our yard, yeah.

DCdent, 24/08/12
And, most importantly, there is so much pathos, as if they were nobles themselves. But even if they admit that their ancestor was such, what next? God forbid if the great-great-great-great-grandfather of this relative served the Tsar and the Fatherland faithfully (oh yes, the first is especially commendable). And the descendants no longer need to worry - all the kingdoms of the world will fall at their feet anyway. Remember in " The captain's daughter": my mother was still pregnant with me when I already received such and such a title.

Darth Eugene, 22/03/14
Caramel, the word “never” --> reveals a stupid and overly arrogant person, even for Vanga’s relative. I don’t know about the “scoop”, but the monarchy is unlikely to be revived for sure. In a form, at least, so that people like you can take advantage of their origins. There will be other “nobles” at the feeding trough, you can be sure, EVERYONE. Therefore, I recommend relaxing and supporting democracy, where people stand out due to their merits and achievements, and not because of actions that were not interesting to anyone long ago days gone by and eras. You need to live in the present and look to the future. This is how life works, this is how the Force works. :)

Valerian, 01/04/14
By and large, I don’t give a damn about them. Negatively don't give a damn. I just don't see anything wonderful or special about it. What difference does it make who your ancestors were, the main thing is who you are now.

Vulpecula, 16/07/14
The nobles drink champagne - and we wash our feet in it! Because I am a descendant of merchants. True, by a quarter. Well, I took my last name from them, yes. Actually, what does all this matter now? Even if they tell the truth. After all, she means something to them. No, if it’s true, that’s okay, depending on how they say it. And if it’s not true, then I had such an example in front of my nose. And what kind. All this was reminiscent in places of the plot of “Big Fish” (there is a book and a film), only I gave up on separating truth from fiction... except for obvious moments, like with the nobility. And then I also had a Russian language teacher. and literature - thank the foxes, we only watched each other for two years... although that was a lot. It is not known whether it is true - but taking into account the status, surroundings, appearance and standard of living that was available at that time, it was somehow even tragicomic.

Kwan Chang, 21/07/14
Only those who have nothing else to be proud of say this. Alright, let’s skip the question of who the nobles were - exploiters and parasites, or faithful servants of the Tsar and Russia and accept the second as truth, let’s accept as truth that the proud one is really a descendant of a truly noble family, and not a seventh cousin great-grandson illegitimate son some landowner from a small village. so what? How does this add merit to Vasya himself, a descendant of a noble family? You should be proud of your achievements, not your distant ancestors. By the way, considering that among the nobles there were quite normal occurrence to have sexual intercourse with our serf peasant women - then each of us contains noble blood.

Marietta2010, 23/07/14
Because it’s not a fact that your ancestors really were aristocrats. My example: my dad said that his ancestor was a certain count. I was interested in this statement, but I don’t believe it 100 percent. In general, it doesn’t matter whose descendant you are. The main thing is that your life goes well and that you distinguish yourself in at least something good.

MALOV, 24/07/14
Fortunately, I am not a descendant of nobles. I don’t like them, because thanks to the reforms of Catherine 2, the nobles turned into slackers, who were of little use to both the state and the people. This is why Russia will fail Crimea, Russian-Japanese and PMV. And people who claim that they are their descendants most likely want to stand out in some way, since they have no personal merits or talents.

False descendants are rushing to the Kremlin

“Everything around is treason, deceit and betrayal...”(Nicholas II)

Thanks to the work of genealogists at the end XIX - early XX century, among whom the Russian Leonid Mikhailovich Savelov stood out, the assumption was formulated that cultural basis society is transmitted and maintained through a complex culture in tribal families, in which traditions of transmission and accumulation of social and spiritual experience ancestors of many generations. All this requires rethinking, study and a certain revival today.

However, unfortunately, there are forces that mercilessly speculate on the culture of the past, the culture ancestral family. They turn away from historical understanding cultures of all classes, underestimate their importance for. They recognize only the activities of the noble class as serving the Fatherland. And this is understandable. In this case, the introduction of our contemporaries to the descendants of the noble class becomes the basis for increasing their own social status. This is the reason for the phenomenon that can be defined today as "noble puffing of cheeks".

Many researchers of their families look for the slightest mention of nobility in the biographies of their ancestors. At the same time, they are not interested in the specific life of their ancestors, nor the peculiarities of their service to the Fatherland, nor their way of life, nor the upbringing and education of their children and grandchildren. We observe a desire not so much to study our family as to try on its status laurels on our inadequate, disfigured by a hundred-year history, far from noble face.

Demand, as we know, generates supply. And this proposal was not made yesterday. First, a group of like-minded people was formed, which participated in patriotic events at the panorama museum "". Then they realized that this patriotic trend could be turned into a “cash cow.” Namely, to cry to the naive descendants of princes, counts and simply rich Russian descendants of the heroes of 1812 from abroad about the need to finance the patriotic movement under their leadership. And the money flowed: streams formed rivers. Truly, in the words of L.N. Tolstoy, such patriotism is the refuge of scoundrels!

Using foreign money raised, the Society of Descendants of Noble Families was created in 1992, or the so-called Russian Assembly of the Nobility (hereinafter referred to as RDS), provided voyages to the regions, receptions different levels princes and grand duchesses. Of course, the organizers’ own financial affairs were significantly improved.

From subsequent events one can see that the ideology of this organization of like-minded people was to protect their own connections with abroad and protect their own already established income. Any other purposes, for example, scientific, educational or educational, this organization didn't pursue. True, it excessively advertised the noble class and thus inflated noble ambitions, which attracted more and more people eager to join the former elite!

And we had a lot of people who wanted to show themselves as descendants of nobles. The enterprising people who appeared in its ranks, actual descendants, were perceived as competitors to the original organizers. They were persecuted and expelled by various methods: collective slander, labeling, condemnation by the “fed” court of noble honor and other no less rude and unworthy methods.

Of course, this “group of like-minded people” (as they call themselves!) began to print and issue diplomas to the descendants of nobles, although the leaders themselves noble class had no relationship. To cover up their insolvency, actual descendants were invited to become “ceremonial generals” famous genera, for example, the descendants of princes Golitsyn, Obolensky or Gagarin.

The example of the RDS was followed by other, later registered, organizations that felt the net profit from prestigious diplomas. They promote “their” genealogical research, which is carried out using a data bank that has been collectively developed, but “grabbed” by like-minded people. RDS pays special attention to foreign applicants as potential sponsors. To expand their sphere of influence, the same group carried out a raider takeover of the “Society for the Study of Russian Estates” in 2004 and today offers clients information about villages and family estates, trading them under the guise of the National Fund for the Revival of Russian Estates they created.

In addition to obvious and implicit legal violations of the law during raider actions, such a bias towards propaganda of the elite pre-revolutionary class of citizens is not as harmless as it seems.

Firstly, because it helps to inflame inter-class contradictions, which were recently recognized as nothing other than antagonistic. Note that the phraseology of these descendants of nobles today is no different in novelty from the pre-revolutionary one: the people are cattle, the nobility is everything. In this wild and shameful self-affirmation, they try to find strength and foundations for a new life in modern Russia! Is it really that harmless? modern society, socially and spiritually divided at the beginning of perestroika and still just feeling the way to civil unification?

Secondly, because it does not contribute to real scientific research and propaganda of the noble function of serving the Fatherland, replacing it with service to elite corrupt groups, including pro-monarchist groups. It is quite possible that today she finances and manages them. It “muddies the waters” in the domestic and international life of Russia, which is no secret even to the Presidential Administration, which, judging by recent events, for some reason does not stop their activities, incl. allows questionable burials in Peter and Paul Fortress etc.

It is no secret that descendants of the Rurikovich dynasty have suddenly appeared in Russia, who have created the Princely Foundation and are trying to sue the authorities for the right to perpetual use of the Moscow and Kazan Kremlins, as well as ten historical residences in the Moscow region...” (“Slovo”, No. 29-30(696-697), 20.08-02.09.2010, p.3).

Such a general informational and legal offensive by organizations of the descendants of the elite pre-revolutionary classes raises a natural assumption about the coordination of the actions of all of them from a single center. The financial claims reveal the hand of like-minded people from the RDS. After all, descendants could begin their extensive activities with something else: studying the class culture of succession of generations, upbringing and education, which Russia so lacks now. And any help in this direction would be greatly appreciated! And here are arrogant and immoral appeals to the court for the use of the National Heritage!

Obviously, the applicants hope, after a successful trial, to lease all these areas to the Russian Government, the Ministry of Culture and other structures... and receive a corresponding addition to your bank account. Then the descendants of the Rurikovichs would have sued all of Russia! Just look, and another income will burn out from nothing!

It is characteristic that to cover up pseudo-activity and write-off of sponsorship funds, the RDS spoke about a gymnasium that actually did not work, about a library that no one used, about creative meetings, in which management and their proxies engaged in unbridled self-aggrandizement, not giving anyone a chance to speak, and hunting down “dissidents.” For two decades, the idea of ​​a monarchy was exaggerated in the RDS, which boiled down to servile admiration for the Grand Duchesses Leonida Georgievna and Maria Vladimirovna (and for George too!). The same applies to Orthodoxy: there is demagoguery, everything worthless was carried out with prayers. Apotheosis spiritual fall and blasphemy was the holding of a noble ball on the 40th day of the death of Patriarch Alexy II.

Of course, true descendants, the cultural and scientific elite, were drawn to this structure for many years, but under the incompetent and selfish leadership, much of what they brought was destroyed or deformed beyond recognition. Many were extremely disappointed and left the organization. Others remained in the hope that tomorrow the situation would change and the adventurers would be deposed.

But when will this happen? How much longer to wait?

The influence of the RDS on the decisions of the authorities is sometimes simply surprising - so far has it apparently put its paws into their structures. Indicative, in in this case, is the situation with the Society of Descendants of Participants Patriotic War 1812, which was revived on the basis of the previous circle of descendants in 1998 at the Borodino panorama, but carried out public work independent of the RDS for 9 years. However, as it approached its 200th anniversary, it was captured and destroyed by the RDS. Thanks to the unscrupulous and illegitimate re-election of the chairman, the same “group of like-minded people” reigned in him. An account was urgently opened to accept donations. Indeed, under the pretext of patriotic work in the Society of Descendants of Participants in the Patriotic War, it is easier to extort money from naive foreign patriots of Russia!

It should be noted here that false descendants are in demand in our society. It’s convenient to do their “deeds” behind their backs (see, Princely Fund) and push through dubious projects (see, Society of Descendants-2008). After all, they can not only conduct a hypocritical conversation about patriotism and sacrifice, but also easily collude when they see mutual benefit. In particular, the newly-minted Society made “contact” on work plans and a project for celebrating the 200th anniversary in the Borodino Field museum-reserve. But in 2007, the Chairman of the Society A.K. Naryshkin did not agree with the plans of the museum-reserve for privatization of Borodino field and actively opposed it! By the way, it was then that the raider group from the RDS first actively manifested itself in the collapse and capture of the Society of Descendants.

The museum-reserve’s interest in “tame” Societies and “tame” chairmen also manifested itself in 2008, when the former activists of the destroyed Society of Descendants began to organize a new patriotic society - the “Union of Descendants of Participants in the Battle of Borodino.” Through the assistants of the museum-reserve (and the RDS!), a “tame” chairman was imposed on the Union from, allegedly, the descendants of the commander M.I. Golenishcheva-Kutuzova. Today this lady formally heads the “Union of Descendants of Participants in the Battle of Borodino,” although in fact the Union is led by a completely different person, who is not a descendant, but is very concerned about the benefits of the museum.

It is bitter to see how the leaders of the city of Moscow fall under the influence of the RDS and their “fake” communities. On July 14, at a meeting of the Organizing Committee for the celebration of the 200th anniversary, the newly-minted Society of Descendants 2008 (i.e., RDS) imposed on Y.M. Luzhkov events for VIP reception of guests from the category of descendants of former princes and other titled aristocracy from abroad. Obviously, the current Society and the RDS intend to pay with the money of the city of Moscow for supporting them former princes and counts, grand duchesses.

This case is not the only example of how harmful false descendants and false nobles can be for the city of Moscow. We are not talking about the false Ryurikovichs. They are harmful not only to Russia, but also to themselves.


- You probably don’t serve mass anymore? - he asked at the next meeting.
- Where to serve there! Parishioners have fled to the cities, looking for treasures.

I. Ilf, E. Petrov. "The twelve Chairs"

World has gone mad. The Michelin Guides to Paris have been thrown out. Nobody in the Vatican is interested in the Pope's sermons anymore. In London, tourists who have forgotten about the grave of Princess Diana crowd around the majestic tombstone of Sir Isaac Newton. Tens of millions of people from more than forty countries around the world are searching for the main treasure of Christian civilization. They are driven by the Book.

This book is not Holy Scripture at all, as it might seem at first glance. It has no literary merit. It doesn't have bright heroes, and the images characters flat and poster-like. There is practically no action in this book. But there is a Mystery.

We're talking about a novel American writer Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code", and the plot of this novel is extremely simple. A famous art critic named Saunière is murdered at the Louvre. Before his death, the deceased manages to leave a coded message to his granddaughter Sophie, who works as a code reader for the police. She will have to decipher this message together with the professor. Harvard University(what about without American hero!) Robert Langdon. As a result of a little brainstorming, carried out among the greatest paintings and with the participation of the Mona Lisa, the accomplices learn that the deceased stood at the head secret society"Priory of Sion", and also obtain the key to a safe in a Swiss bank. The safe contains an artifact called the “cornerstone,” which contains something that points to the location of the biblical Grail.

Hiding from the police, a codebreaker and a professor come to visit a rich and extravagant scientist, whose main goal in life is the search for the aforementioned Grail. The story of this scientist about the essence of the sought-after Grail is the very essence of the novel. Over the course of dozens of pages, the reader learns with increasing excitement that his world is not as simple as it is taught in school. It turns out that Jesus Christ was married, and not to anyone, but to Mary Magdalene. And not just married, but had children in common with her. After the death of Jesus, Mary and her children fled to what is now France, where her family continued. The descendants of Jesus Christ live among us, and the Holy Grail turns out to be a sarcophagus with the body of Mary Magdalene herself and four accompanying chests with documents that tell the harsh truth.

The funny thing is that Dan Brown hardly lied anywhere - the fact that Christ had children who, after the crucifixion, settled in Europe and became the founders of the royal Merovingian dynasty is denied by almost no one, including the Church. But the secret revealed in the novel “The Da Vinci Code” is not really a secret. The main goal of the thousand-year activity of the Priory of Sion was not at all the preservation of the body of Mary Magdalene. The secret was completely different - and Dan Brown carefully avoids this issue.

But in reality it was like this.

Noah, who survived the flood, had three sons. A descendant of one of them, Shem, named Jacob (Israel) had eleven sons. The great-grandson of one of these sons (Levi) Moses (as a child was supposed to be sacrificed, but was hidden by someone in the reeds near the water, where he was found by the daughter of the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II - Termutis, where she went to swim in order to be cured of AIDS or leprosy, but was instantly cured by touching Moses), who about 3,400 years ago led the Jews out of Egypt, where they were in slavery, and brought them to the land we now know as Israel. The descendants of each of Jacob's 10 sons and 2 grandsons from only daughter Moses allocated his land to Dinah, Menashe and Ephraim - this is how the 12 tribes of Israel were formed. The descendants of Levi (they were not descendants of Jacob, but like Moses himself - Aaron aka Asur - the son of Shem), the Levites, did not get their land - they were blessed by Moses for the priesthood and had to roam the Promised Land (that is, promised by God ). One day, a Levite crossing the territory of the tribe of Benjamin was attacked and his wife was raped by the pagans. The injured Levite immediately gathered the rulers of Israel and demanded that the criminals be punished, but Benjamin refused to hand over the attackers. In response to this, the eleven tribes of Israel carry out a military operation, as a result of which the tribe of Benjamin is practically exterminated. Repenting of what they have done, the Jews give the descendants of Benjamin the land of Jerusalem for eternal hereditary use. However, most of the surviving members of the tribe leave Israel and move to Greece, to the center of the Peloponnese, Arcadia. A hundred years later they take part in the siege of Troy, remain in the defeated city and become its kings (the tribe of Benjamin).

Another hundred years later, in the eleventh century BC, the Jewish people turned to the prophet Samuel (a prophet is a person who has a constant dialogue with God) with a request to elect a king. It must be said that this was a strange desire for the Jewish people, who had only one leader - God. The Prophet did not really like this desire, but he nevertheless asked God: what to do? God answered Samuel this way: “Why not? Let them choose, but tell them that royal power is fraught with consequences.”

The Jews chose the most beautiful and tallest of the Jews - Saul. Saul was the son of a noble Jew, Kisha, who came from the tribe of Benjamin.

Saul united the tribes of Israel, won a number of military victories, but soon pride took possession of him, and luck turned away from the king. Samuel was very upset, and God said to him: “Why be sad about Saul? Go to the city of Bethlehem, there is a better king there.” Samuel went to Bethlehem and, at the direction of God, made David king from the tribe of Judah - a blond shepherd with blue eyes, who once killed the Philistine hero Goliath with a sling. David spent the first seven years of his reign in Hebron, after which he decided to make the capital of his state the only non-Jewish city in the Judean Mountains - the impregnable city of Ir-shalem, which had existed since time immemorial (more than 4000 years), inhabited at that time by the Jebusite people.

David conquered Ir-shalem, renamed it Yerushalayim (Jerusalem), built a rich royal palace and drew up a plan for the construction of the Temple - the House of the Lord on earth. The main difference between the Jewish Temple and all others was that this Temple had to be one - the only place where God allowed sacrifices to be made to him. God did not allow David to build the Temple and commanded that he take over the construction younger son Solomon, on whom there is no blood from wars of conquest.

Solomon became king of Judah in 965 BC. Eight years after his accession, Solomon begins construction of the temple. The temple was built over seven years in 950 BC. It was a stone building, decorated inside with Lebanese cedar and gold. In the center of the Temple was the Holy of Holies, a cubic room in which stood the Ark of the Covenant - an elegant casket made of acacia wood, upholstered in sheet gold (it was in it that sacrifices were made twice a week by releasing the blood of 6 days Jewish boys, since, according to his will, only individuals with Jewish blood should be sacrificed to God). Inside the ark were kept the tablets of the Covenant - two stone slabs on which the text of the Ten Commandments was inscribed by the hand of God himself. God personally gave these slabs to Moses on Mount Sinai. During the construction of the Temple, a mysterious incident occurred. The builders somehow didn’t like one of the stones intended for masonry, and they threw it away. However, after some time, the builders saw that this stone was in the masonry of one of the corners of the building (it stood at the top of the corner). This stone became known as the “cornerstone” or “stumbling stone.”

After Solomon's death single state Israel splits into Israel and Judah, each led by a separate king, with dynasties lasting no longer than three generations. Since then, Jews have been living in anticipation of the coming of the Messiah (meshiach) - a king blessed by God, who will be a descendant of Solomon and will again rule the Jews as it was in better times. (According to Kabbalah, he is in two persons: Mashiach ben Joseph - will take over torment for the sins of all Jews is already there: M.H.!!! and the second is Mashiach ben David (descendant of David the father of Solomon (the particle ben means not a son, but a descendant), who will show the Jews the direction in which they need to move , where will new earth promised and new Main city) and as soon as he. The old (current) Jerusalem must be sacrificed and flooded like Sodom and Gomorrah. He should soon appear and the Jews are eagerly awaiting him.

King Solomon's Temple stood for 364 years. In 586 BC. Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II captures Jerusalem, kills most of the Jews, and drives the rest into slavery in Babylon. The Temple is destroyed and the Ark of the Covenant perishes in the fire. After 48 (Jubilee) years, the Persians conquer Babylon, and the Persian king Cyrus lets the Jews go home. Not everyone returns - some Jews settle outside the Holy Land. The Second Temple was built in 515 BC. The Holy of Holies in it is empty - the Ark burned down.

Shortly before the birth of Christ, the Jews commit perhaps the most stupid act in the history of their people. In 67 BC. Queen Salome-Alexandra dies. Her sons begin the struggle for the throne civil war. At this time, Rome had just completed the conquest of Syria and came close to Israel. The disputing brothers decided to submit to the judgment of the Roman military leader Pompey, who with his army entered Jerusalem, occupied it and, after a three-month siege, captured the Temple. At this point, the independent Jewish state ceased to exist - the Romans installed the non-Jewish Herod dynasty as kings of Israel.

When the son Jesus (the first person with IV blood type) is born in the family of a descendant of kings David and Solomon Joseph (tribe of Judah), the Jews live under a harsh occupation regime. Soon the direct rule of the Roman procurator is introduced in Judea, and the situation worsens even more. The new regime is very cruel - Jews are crucified en masse, robbed, the Temple is constantly desecrated.

Upon reaching adulthood, according to Jewish law, Jesus marries Mary of Magdala, a girl from rich family with good pedigree, living in Bethany. Subsequently, she will be called Mary Magdaelianka, or Mary Magdalene. At their wedding in Cannes, Jesus turns water into wine - after all, he is from a line of kings marked by God, and they know how to arrange various spectacular things. Mary gives birth to children for Jesus.

When Jesus approaches 30 years of age, Pontius Pilate, an extremely cruel and evil man, is appointed procurator of Judea. The Jews almost despair and begin to eagerly await the coming of the Meshiach (which in Greek sounds like “Christ”), a savior from the line of King Solomon, who will solve Israel’s problems and drive out the adversary.

And then Jesus understands that it is time. At the age of thirty, he begins his three-year journey to Jerusalem to take the empty throne of the Jewish kings. This path is described in many sources, which are usually called the gospels. Along the way, Jesus performs miracles that the Old Testament meshiach should perform. For example, he resurrects his brother-in-law Lazarus. Mary's brother, also Jesus' beloved disciple, Lazarus goes to the grave, from where Christ frees him. Just before entering Jerusalem, Jesus sends two of his disciples to his wife’s house, in Bethany, so that they can find there a donkey prepared in advance for entry into the capital.

Arriving in Jerusalem, Jesus understands that he will not be able to take the throne in the existing political situation. And then an influential relative of Jesus, a member of the Sanhedrin (the council of elders governing the Jewish community of Jerusalem under the auspices of the Romans) Joseph of Arimathea, who was briefly acquainted with Pilate, negotiates with the procurator for a large bribe to stage the execution of the prophet. This deal is beneficial to Pilate - Joseph promises the procurator that Jesus will “die” and will no longer lay claim to the throne of the king of the Jews. For Jesus, the staging of martyrdom was necessary in order to fulfill the Old Testament predictions about the coming of the messiah. The crucifixion took place in Joseph's private garden, near the city gates. Simon of the Siren ascended to the cross, and the execution process was observed by the closest relatives of Jesus, privy to the secret. Simon's body was placed in a crypt located in the same garden, which turned out to be empty when morning came.

After the crucifixion, the family of Christ was divided. The heir to the kings himself remains in Judea, while Magdalene and her children, her brother Lazarus and Joseph from Arimathea flee the country by ship. They land near Marseille. Joseph goes to England, where he founded the Glastonbury Church, and Lazarus founded the first bishopric in Marseilles. Magdalene raises her children, and when the time comes, she dies a natural death in Provence, in the grotto of Aix, which has since been called Saint-Baume. The children of Jesus have families and offspring.

Jesus' disciples, who do not know that the teacher is alive, go to preach his teachings. One of them, Mark, 30 years after the crucifixion, writes the first Gospel. A couple of years later, the people of Israel rebel against the Roman yoke, which costs them very dearly - the Roman legions of Emperor Titus brutally suppress the rebellion, kill 20 thousand Jews, plunder and destroy the second temple. Jews are fleeing en masse from the Holy Land to the territory of future Europe. Those who remain are fortifying themselves in the mountain fortress of Masad in the southeast Dead Sea. The fortress holds its defense for four years, but the Romans gain the upper hand. When the legionnaires enter the fortress, they see nine hundred and sixty corpses of men, women and children who committed suicide. Among them was Jesus Christ, the crown king of Israel.

Over the next twenty-five years, many biographies of Christ were created, including the Gospels of Luke, Matthew and John, and the institution of bishopric emerged. In 131, the Roman Emperor Hadrian finally demolished the Temple, erased Jerusalem from the face of the earth and allowed Jews to visit the ruins of the Temple only once a year, on August 9. The Jews come to the only remaining western wall of the Temple and cry near it. Since then, this wall has been called the Western Wall.

In 140, Bishop Irenaeus of Lyon compiled a list of the books of the Bible, which included the Gospels of Mark, Luke, Matthew and John. Christianity at that time consisted of many small sects, each of which had its own view of the life of Christ and his nature. The most widespread are the Gnostic sects - they believe that Christ was a simple prophet, and insist on personal communication between each person and God. This continues for one hundred and fifty years, during which new religion gradually increasing its influence. In 300, seeing the spread of Christianity, the pagan Roman emperor Diocletian orders the destruction of as many as possible Christian writings. But this does not help - already in 312, Constantine became Emperor of Rome, who allowed to profess Christianity, and thirteen years later he assembled the first Ecumenical Council in Nicaea, which established the day of Easter, determined the power of bishops and, by voting, decided that Jesus was God, and not a mere mortal prophet. The same council condemns the Gnostic sects. Christianity is gradually beginning to take on features familiar to us today. Konstantin finances the publication of the Bible, which for the first time begins to be widely distributed. The gospel texts for this Bible are edited by church editors in order to hide human nature Christ, and in this form they survive to this day. In 330, Constantine created the capital of Byzantium, Constantinople. There are 150 years left until the fall of Rome.

At the end of the 4th century, the Bishop of Rome proclaims himself Pope. Ten years later, Rome is attacked by the Visigoths, who plunder and destroy the city. The damage to the Colosseum today is a reminder of that devastating raid.

At the same time, King Clodio, a descendant of those same Trojan kings who became the descendants of the tribe of Benjamin who fled from Israel, and his wife, descended from the family of Jesus Christ, have a son, Merovee. For the first time, the descendants of the hereditary owners of the land of Jerusalem and the descendants of the kings named by God united. Born royal dynasty, which has no equal in blood in the world. In 448, Merovey's son, Merovey II, is proclaimed king of the Franks and becomes the first monarch of the united people from which France would be born centuries later. After the name of the founders of the new dynasty, the descendants of the Merovites will be called Merovingians. Each of the Merovingians wears long hair, has a special cut on the head for direct communication with God (Christ had the same cut) and a birthmark in the shape of a cross.

In 480, the Visigoths finally finished off Rome and destroyed all Christian churches. The Pope finds himself in a desperate situation - the Roman Church is going through the most difficult moment in its history, it is just one of the many Christian sects, and its fate literally hangs by a thread. And then the Pope does a brilliant thing political move- Knowing about the origins of the Merovingians, he concludes a pact with Merovey’s grandson, King Clovis I of the Franks. Clovis accepts Catholic Christianity, and the Church names him New Constantine and allows him to rule all the lands of the rapidly collapsing Roman Empire. From this moment on, the Roman Catholic Church becomes the main Church of Europe, and the Merovingian hereditary kings receive the status of emperors of the new Holy Roman Empire, built on the ruins of old Rome. It was under Clovis I that the Franks adopted Christianity.

Clovis's main enemies are the Visigoths. He begins to wage constant military operations against them, and in 507, at the Battle of Vouya, he finally defeats the Visigoth army. After this, Toulouse and Carcassonne fell, and the remaining Visigoths founded their last bastion at Rhazes in Languedoc. Now this place in the south of France is called Rennes-le-Chateau.

Clovis I died in 511. The empire was divided among his four sons. For more than a hundred years, the Merovingians ruled almost all of Europe, relying on their majordomo administrators. They were nicknamed "slacker kings", and this disregard for the processes of government led to the tragedy of the House of Merovingians.

In 570, in Mecca, the widow of a poor merchant Abdallah gave birth to a son, Muhammad. At the age of 20, Muhammad married the widow of a rich merchant, and at the age of 40, he first heard the voice of the Archangel Gabriel. Muhammad told the archangel's words to his family, and his wife and children became the first Muslims in history. Over the next five years, there were already about 150 followers of Muhammad in Mecca. In the summer of 622, fleeing persecution from the inhabitants of Mecca, Muslims moved to the oasis of Yathrib, now called Madinat an-Nabi (“City of the Messenger of Allah of both worlds”), or Medina for short. The first mosque was built, the first imam and muezzin were elected. Just as God once told Moses how to make sacrifices to him, so now Allah told Muhammad how to organize the rituals of Islam. The year of migration (Hijra) of Muslims from Mecca to Medina became the starting point of the Muslim calendar. Over the following years, Muhammad led constant fighting against “infidels” - those who do not profess Islam. In 625, he expels all the Jews living there from Medina, which lays the foundation for religious hostility between Jews and Muslims. In 630, Muslims conquer Mecca, and on June 8, 632, the sixty-two-year-old prophet Muhammad dies. After the death of Muhammad, his followers, the caliphs, continued to conquer everything that could be conquered. The scale of their campaigns is comparable only to the campaigns of Alexander the Great. Among others, in 638 the Muslims captured Jerusalem.

In 651, the Merovingian Dagobert II was born. His majordomo Grimoald, in order to prevent Dagobert from coming to power, kidnapped the boy at the age of five, sent him to Ireland and placed his son on the throne. At the age of 20, Dagobert marries the Visigoth princess Gisela, who lives in Rhazes. There, Dagobert becomes imbued with the ideas of Arianism (a religious movement of Christianity that denies the role of the Church in communication with God) and cools towards Roman Catholicism. The church cannot but irritate Dagobert's behavior. In 674, Dagobert II returned home and took the throne that belonged to him by hereditary right. Two years later, Gisela gives birth to his son Sigibert IV. Dagobert is preparing for new conquests and amassing funds, which are stored in his wife’s house in Rhazes. But the new conquests were not destined to come true: on December 23, 679, Dagobert II went hunting in the Wevre Forest, lay down there to rest and was killed in his sleep with a spear in the eye. The killer returned to Dagobert's house with the intention of killing his entire family, but the king's sister managed to hide Sigibert IV and transport him to Rhazes. At his mother's house, the boy's name is Plante-Art, which means "ardent escape."

The Church justifies the murder of Dagobert II, and from the moment of this betrayal there will never be peace again between the line of God's chosen Jewish kings and the Catholic Church.

The assassination of Dagobert II was organized by majordomo Pepin d'Eristal. His son Charles Martel began to actually rule the Franks, without occupying the throne that rightfully belonged to the Merovingians.

In 692, on the site of the temple in Jerusalem, the second Muslim caliph, Omar ben al-Khattab, begins construction of the first Al-Aqsa Mosque, which will become the third most important shrine of Islam and the huge golden dome of the current version of which towers over all of Jerusalem.

In 741, Charles Martel dies and his son Pepin the Short seizes the throne, deposing the Merovingian king Childeric III. New King names his dynasty in honor of his father Carolingians, and the word “king” itself etymologically comes from the name Charles.

At the same time, a small independent state is formed around Rhazes, the kings of which are the Merovingians - the descendants of Dagobert's saved son, Sigibert IV. The Carolingians recognize these kings, but the Church pretends as if they do not exist. The Church has other matters - it will publish the false “Deed of Constantine” - a document with which the last Roman emperor allegedly donated all his rights and wealth to the Roman bishop. From now on, the Church gave itself the right to appoint kings - something that only God had done before, pointing the prophet Samuel to David. And in 800, the Church crowns the son of Pepin the Short, who will go down in history as Charlemagne, the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire - and this title, according to the pact concluded by Clovis I, could only be worn by the Merovingian. The betrayal of the Catholic Church was finalized. Meanwhile, the Carolingians understand that they do not occupy the throne by right, and, if possible, they marry Merovingian princesses - such is the wife of Charlemagne and his son Louis the Blessed. Since the power of the blood of kings chosen by God is absolute, the descendants of Charlemagne are also Merovingians in the female line.