Learn good from bad in your mind. Learn good things, so bad things will not come to mind

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An old Russian proverb says: “Learn good, evil will not come to mind.”
And this is normal, this is how it should be and actually is. A person who has been accustomed since childhood to do only good deeds, to show mercy, mercy, kindness to people, animals, and everything around him, is unlikely to commit a vile act. Training so valuable human quality, of course, starts from an early age. The most basic thing they can teach their child is not to pick leaves from trees, not to break branches, not to needlessly kill bugs and spiders, not to tear off their wings, etc. In relation to people, children should learn to greet elders and give up their seat in public transport. Such upbringing always gives positive results, parents then do not have to blush in society for their ill-mannered son or daughter. And good always comes back good.

You hear the words “good”, “kindness”, “kind” and similar ones quite often.
Even more often you hear the phrase: “Good always turns into evil, ingratitude, if you want the best, it turns out as always...”
Is it profitable to be a kind person today and what is kindness? you committed good deeds?
Kindness is, first of all, thrifty and Attentive attitude to anything. When they say - " a kind person”, then they mean that his words and actions are kind to other people and the world around him. I believe that we need to do kind deeds more often, help each other, thank each other more often, and generally be kind.
Good conquers evil - Russian motive folk tales, and Indeed, the majority of people are kind! Let's be kinder and more attentive to each other!
There are, as always, not enough good people,
There is, as always, a shortage of kind people.
Kind people are not always understood
The hearts of the kind hurt more.
Kind people generously help the sick,
Kind ones - they give warmth and comfort,
The good ones walk in step with the weak ones
And no thanks are expected.

Only kind words take away the pain,
And warm words are important for everyone!
Responsiveness comes to us as help,
Good feelings are healers of the soul!
We are different, but we are protected by God!
Everyone has their own Angel and destiny!
We are touchy and vulnerable,
From rude words from envy and evil.
Sometimes feelings disappear
The soul is empty and only the pain of loss.
From kind words all feelings come alive
The pain subsides again, glad to live!
And life goes on, putting everything in its place,
But you can’t live with a full head of hair forever.
May good feelings never leave us,
Let your soul be filled with kindness

Kindness is the absence of evil. Just like darkness, absence of light, or cold, absence of heat. Only the concepts of good and evil, a purely individual thing, but known relative.
What is good? This is a piece of happiness
This fresh air, a sip of wind.
Give it and it will return,
Someone's heart will just beat faster.
Do not buy this word and do not sell it,
You can give it as a gift or just give it away...
Free of charge, without demanding money back,
It's all very simple and very clear.
Today I want to give good things to everyone,
How do you feel, people, in your heart - Has it become warm?
Let everyone feel it, smile,
And it will immediately return to you with a smile!

He who does good to another does good to himself; not in the sense of consequences, but by the very act of doing good, since the consciousness of good done in itself already gives great joy.
There is kindness in each of us - you don’t even need to look for it! All you have to do is do a good deed and your soul will immediately feel better! Our class is no exception: in 3 years we managed to do a lot - we handed over waste paper and scrap metal, collected books and toys for children from orphanage, and recently we collected a package for WWII veterans and even today we invited them to our class to listen to stories about that time that we need to remember!
In our class there are strong relationships between students, that we will not leave anyone in trouble and will always help, because doing a good deed is the simplest thing, this is what each of us can do!

I think kindness is love for your loved ones, caring for them, respect for elders, for your friends, helping them. Kindness is when a person loves nature, protects it, and takes care of our little brothers. This is also helping people who find themselves in difficult situations. You also need to treat people of other countries and nationalities well. Next time dear person won't help, but someone else will help out

Learn good things, bad things will not come to mind.

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