Mochalov before surgery. Mochalova Yulia: incredible transformation from guy to girl

Florists never cease to amaze with their work. Combining seemingly ordinary flowers such as roses, asters, irises, chrysanthemums, with modern elements decor, floral art professionals create masterpieces that you want to capture on paper and in your memory. It is no coincidence that a bouquet of flowers from Megaflowers is a win-win option for any joyful event. Unfortunately, the composition, even made from fresh flowers, is not durable. But if you follow simple recommendations, you can extend the life of the bouquet.

Important: when buying a bouquet, pay attention to the condition of the flowers. The heads of the roses should be elastic, the stems should be free of spots, the leaves should be shiny and not drooping. The period of their attractiveness depends on the initial freshness of flowers.

Water preparation

The water for the bouquet should be settled, without bleach. To improve the quality of water, purchase a special product from a flower shop. If flower delivery is ordered through the Megaflowers company, then this product will be offered to you free of charge along with the bouquet. To prevent pathogenic bacteria from developing in the water, activated carbon is added to it. In practice, to improve the properties of water, soda is also used in the amount of less than a teaspoon per liter of water. Do not allow the water in the vase to become cloudy, change it often and spray the flowers.

Preparing flowers

Before immersing flowers in water, their stems should be trimmed. This is done with a sharp knife at an angle. In some cases, when the stems become lignified, they can be flattened and split. This will make it easier for water and nutrients to flow into the flower. The thorns of the rose, as well as the lower leaves of the flowers that end up in the water, should be removed. Getting them wet will speed up the process of rotting and withering of flowers.

Where to put the bouquet?

A bouquet of flowers should not be placed next to fruits: they emit gas that accelerates the withering of the bouquet. The condition of the bouquet is also affected by the temperature of the room. Flowers are best preserved at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. At the same time, they do not like drafts and hot air from heating devices.

Compatibility of flowers in a bouquet

If you yourself act as a florist, then when assembling a bouquet, consider their compatibility. So, roses are not “friendly” with tulips, but they tolerate the proximity of lilies normally. Hyacinths and daffodils should not be added to bouquets with other flowers: they have a depressing effect on them.

If all these conditions are met, your bouquet will delight you with its beauty and freshness for a long time.

The eighth season of the Bachelor project has started, which fans of this TV show have been eagerly awaiting. The Bachelor is an analogue of the American The Bachelor, which appeared back in 2002. In Ukraine, the reality dating show was released in 2011, and has been filmed every year since then. new project. Next up is season 8, which has already managed to intrigue viewers. Who are the main characters? Let's introduce all the participants of Bachelor 8 on Instagram.














Anusi is born


The Bachelor is an original television show that gives one man and 25 women unique opportunity find true love in the most exciting and adventurous way. Don't miss the next episode of the TV show's passions and follow the lives of the Bachelor 8 heroes on Instagram.

If you're looking for something easy to make but delicious for your lunch or dinner, then this Traditional Mexican Vegetable Meatball Soup is perfect and will bring a little Mexican flavor to your dinner table.

At Albondigas, the meatballs are made with ground beef, but you can make them with pork or a mixture of beef and pork. Chicken is also quite suitable. Rice and spices are added to the minced meat. The meatballs are soft and flavorful and just melt in your mouth!

Plus, this soup is filled with fresh vegetables like celery, zucchini, carrots, onions, and potatoes. And best of all, this soup is actually quite easy to make.

Ingredients for Mexican soup

To prepare the meatballs:

  • 450 g minced beef or pork;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 80-100 g of semi-cooked rice;
  • 1 tsp dried oregano;
  • 1 tsp. ground cumin;
  • 1 tsp. chopped fresh parsley;
  • 1 egg;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ¼ teaspoon pepper.

To prepare the soup:

  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 stalks of celery;
  • 2 pcs. potatoes;
  • 1 l. chicken broth;
  • 1-1.5 l. water;
  • 400 g tomatoes in their own juice;
  • ½ teaspoon oregano;
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cumin;
  • 1 medium zucchini (250 g);
  • A couple of drops of lemon juice;
  • Spices to taste;
  • Fresh parsley and cilantro for garnish.

Albondigas Soup Instructions

Step 1. Cooking meatballs. Combine all meatball ingredients in a large bowl. With wet hands, form small meatballs about the size of a walnut. Makes about 35 meatballs, depending on how big you make them. Place the meatballs in the refrigerator.

Step 2. It's time to prepare our vegetables for the soup. Peel the onion and finely chop it into cubes. Peel 2 cloves of garlic, after which you need to chop it using a garlic press or grater. Peel the carrots and cut into thin strips. Next, you need to wash and cut the celery and zucchini into small pieces, also peel and cut the potatoes into medium-sized cubes.

Step 3. Preparing the soup. In a medium saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add chopped onion and cook until softened, about 2-3 minutes. Then add chopped garlic, carrots, celery and potatoes. Cook for about 5 minutes, or until the vegetables begin to soften. Don't forget to stir frequently.

Step 4. Pour broth, water and a can of tomatoes into the pan with vegetables. Add cumin and oregano, stir. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat to medium or low level, cover and cook for 5 minutes.

Step 5. Take the meatballs out of the refrigerator and throw them into the boiling soup. Stir and cover with a lid, cook over medium heat for another 10 minutes. Then add the zucchini and cook for about 5 minutes more or until the zucchini is tender.

Step 6. Add lemon juice and season with pepper and salt to taste. Serve with chopped cilantro or parsley.

That's it, our soup is ready! Bon appetit, or as they say in Mexico, Buen provecho!

Of course, manicure is not the first thing people pay attention to when communicating with you, but believe me, it is one of those elements that create your image and opinion about your style. In order to keep up with the latest trends and not become an accomplice to anti-trends, let’s get acquainted with the manicure trends in 2018.

Nail shape

Trend 👌 Almond, oval and soft square are the most popular nail shapes for this season. And also trendy short and middle length nails.

Antitrend 😒 Very long nails– they are a thing of the past. There is an alternative for fans long nails, but there are some nuances. Nails should not be of super critical length, they should not be sharp and square in shape.

Manicure color

Trend 👌 All shades of nude, purple, red, khaki, burgundy, black, transparent and pastel manicure are all a trend.

Antitrends 😒 Neon colors and colored jackets have become simply unacceptable this season.

Manicure design 2018

Trends 👌 Plain coating, marble with glitter, geometry, large crystals and 3D cat's eye. This is exactly what the most fashionable and trendy manicure design will be.

Antitrends 😒 Piercing, stepping, glitter, confetti, sculpting and nail art on nails are an absolute anti-trend.

Trend 1– purple, lavender, pink. The main color of 2018 in the fashion industry according to Pantone is ultraviolet, so, of course, there will be a lot of it. This is a very bright trend and a rather difficult color to combine; you need to be careful with it.

And also fresh new trend this season - pastel lavender, a beautiful and feminine color, which is already presented in many mass markets and shops. And if this shade suits you, then you are simply fabulously lucky. And those for whom soft pastel colors are not very suitable can take a closer look at bright pink clothes, while in the spring-summer 2018 season pink will be fashionable in all its forms, from pastel to bright fuchsia.

Trend 2– cage, flowers, pop art. As for fashionable print 2018, then you will be surprised, because the cage still remains at the peak of popularity, regardless of color, shape, size. The check will be everywhere on trench coats, coats, bags, trousers, hats, in general, everywhere. And again, a print from past seasons, which quite often appeared on the catwalk in designer collections for spring-summer 2018, is a floral print. The only thing that has changed is the size of the flowers - they have become even larger.

From the latest prints - pop art. For some designers it was comics, for others it was works of art, in any case it was something new and interesting.

Trend 3– fringe. Long fringe is a trend that designers all unanimously support in their collections at shows.

Trend 4– plastic. Clothing made of plastic is the most unexpected trend that has been used even in the collections of the most famous designers such as Chanel and Valentino.

Trend 5– trench coats. Unusual trench coats are a very interesting trend, as this time the designers played with unusual cuts, inserts, belts, and patterns.

Trend 6– denim. Stylists and designers suggest concentrating on dark denim and denim. The most fashionable way to wear denim is still a total look.

Trend 7– sport. Sportswear Now at the peak of its popularity: Blazers, suits, oversized items - it's all in fashion.

Trend 8– logo. Logomania is the main one fashion trend and a sign of the style of the 2000s – this season received a second life. Giant brand logos appear on clothing and accessories.

Trend 9– minimalism and masculinity. Pantsuits This season they are again relevant, and minimalism is still in trend.

These were the most important trends of the spring-summer 2018 season that you should know about. Choose the trends that suit you, then you will be the most stylish and fashionable.

We often discuss fashion trends, offered famous designers, and the variations of clothing that we introduce into our wardrobe. But very often we leave behind all this those trends and those wonderful pieces that designers offer us from the category of something extreme, new, exclusive. Of course, this is sometimes very shocking, but it’s still worth remembering them and looking at the strange variations of clothes that were offered to us fashion designers, but for some reason we don’t accept them yet and don’t want to introduce them into our wardrobe.

Jeans with garters

Yulia Mochalova took part in the project “Supermodel in Ukrainian 3”. No, the girl, alas, did not become the winner. But the audience remembered it for a long time. The reason lies in the fact that Julia is a transsexual. We will find out in the article what prompted Mochalova to change her sex.

Difficult childhood

The girl's story is interesting and at the same time tragic. Yulia was born on April 26, 1994 in the small town of Lubny. At birth she was named Vasily. And it's not a joke. Today's fashion model was a boy.

As the girl recalls, her childhood was not easy. Mom died quite early, leaving 10-year-old Vasya with his grandmother and father.

Since childhood, the boy showed inclinations towards transsexualism. He never played with the street kids, and his favorite pastime was dressing up in women's clothes and imitating famous actresses and singers.

Girl or man?

When Vasya turned 14 years old, he finally realized that he hated his male body. The first thing he decided to do was change his name. So instead of Vasily Geltsman, Yulia Mochalova appeared.

The second stage was hormonal pills. In a small town, Yulia did not have the opportunity to consult with doctors, and the decision to take medications was made independently.

At the age of 16, Yulia left for Kyiv and began working in a nightclub. Having collected some money, she moved to St. Petersburg, where she had sex reassignment surgery, which she never regretted.

Participation in a television project and plans for the future

For the first time on television, Yulia Mochalova appeared in the “Ukraine Speaks” program. She told her story without hesitation and called on everyone who faces such a problem not to be afraid to accept themselves and change.

Perhaps this is where it started Star Trek beauties. Having met famous bloggers, the girl received an offer to try herself as a model. The filming was successful, Yulia acquired a new passion and hobby.

It is not surprising that she soon decided to take part in the most popular television show “Ukrainian Supermodel 3”. Yulia Mochalova confidently passed all stages qualifying castings, but could not reach the top three winners.

Despite this, the girl took second place in the audience vote on the New Channel website and managed to take part in shows of famous Ukrainian designers: Zalevsky and Rybalko.

Today Julia’s plans include creating strong family. Unfortunately, now the girl does not have young man. But we are sure that he will definitely appear soon, because few will be able to resist such a charming blonde.

Yulia Geltsman, whom the public also knows under the names Yulia Mochalova and, - Ukrainian fashion model and DJ, one of the participants in the reality show “Ukrainian Supermodel”.

Yulia was born on April 26, 1994 and at birth she was named... Vasily. The fact is that today's fashion model was originally a boy. But later Geltsman felt like a woman in male body. As she says in one of her interviews, one day she woke up and clearly realized that she was actually a girl.

Having collected the amount necessary for the operation and completed all the required documents, Vasily leaves for St. Petersburg to see a highly qualified plastic surgeon and after some time leaves the clinic as Yulia.

Portal of models "Podium.Life"

Transformed beyond recognition, Geltsman begins labor activity as a DJ at a nightclub for the people gay. Also, the newly minted girl is becoming very popular as a fashion model. Moreover, many photographers do not even suspect that they are dealing with a transsexual.

In addition, Yulia Geltsman often appears in Sasha Shapik’s video blogs, as well as together with another unusual model Andriana Doronina, whose real name is Andrey.

TV show

Yulia Geltsman was invited several times to various Ukrainian and Russian talk shows, since the topic of transsexuals, transvestites and androgynes remains challenging and incomprehensible to the public. Thanks to these programs, as well as photo shoots, Yulia learned to act freely and naturally in front of the cameras.

Portal of models "Podium.Life"

And in 2016, she took part, along with two dozen of her colleagues, in the third season of the popular reality show “Ukrainian Supermodel.” The broadcast of this program on television started on August 26.

Personal life

Today Yulia Geltsman-Mochalova is only 22 years old. She purposefully moves towards her goal - to make successful career in the field of modeling business. The girl also says that she would like to create a full-fledged strong family with a loved man.

Portal of models "Podium.Life"

By the way, in her interviews, Yulia talks very openly not only about how she went through Plastic surgery on gender reassignment, but also about the severe physical pain that a person experiences during this process. In addition, Geltsman emphasizes that a transsexual will not be able to feel 100% like a woman, since, for example, he will not experience intimate relationships classic orgasm. But for Yulia, feeling like a girl from a moral point of view turned out to be a more important factor, so she was ready to come to terms with all the disadvantages of changing gender.

They decided to extend the Ukrainian Supermodel show for a fourth season, in which both girls and boys will be able to take part. We invite you to remember how the lives of the participants turned out. Find out what participants Dasha Maistrenko, Katya Svinarchuk, Sasha Kugat, Sasha Litvin, Sveta Kosovskaya, Yulia Mochalova are doing after the project.

Life after the show Ukrainian Supermodel 3: Masha Grebenyuk

Masha became the winner of Supermodel in Ukrainian 3, which opened up many opportunities for her. After SMPU 3, Masha Grebenyuk took part in two shows at Mercedes-Benz Kiev Fashion Days with Victoria Gres and Liliya Litkovskaya. At Ukrainian Fashion Week SS 2017, the model walked in 12 shows: Navro, Andre Tan, FROLOV, ALONOVA, ARTEMKLIMCHUK, LARISA LOBANOVA, LITKOVSKAYA, The Coat by Katya Silchenko, ELENA REVA. The “supermodel” also starred for the lookbooks of ALONOVA, Lake Studio and participated in filming for The Brow Bar Kiev.

Masha Greberyuk and Dasha Maistrenko at SMPU 3

Masha Grebenyuk at the Andre Tan show

Life after the show Supermodel in Ukrainian 3: Dasha Maistrenko

Dasha has an impeccably model appearance and excellent physical characteristics. After Supermodel in Ukrainian 3, Dasha became very popular in the modeling business. She walked at the 39th Ukrainian Fashion Week wearing outfits from Andre Tan, Poustovit, Label One, Nadya Dzyak, A.M.G., Lake Studio, Navro, Bobkova, ELENAREVA, Olena Dats’, The COAT by Katya Silchenko and Kir-Khartley. Moreover, at Mercedes-Benz Kiev Fashion Days, Dasha Maistrenko had an “exclusive”: designer Liliya Litkovskaya liked the model so much that she took it on the terms under which Dasha could participate exclusively in the show of Litkovskaya’s brand. According to Sergei Nikityuk, this is a very good start in the modeling business. In addition to shows, Dasha can be seen on the pages of such Ukrainian magazines as Pink, Viva, Elle and in photos for The Brow Bar Kiev.

Life after the show Ukrainian Supermodel 3: Katya Svinarchuk

Everyone who watched the show knows about Katya Svinarchuk’s main achievement - she starred in Dima Monatik’s video for the song “Smile.” Katya's face is simply meant for the cameras - we have already seen this more than once. For this reason, her portfolio already includes experience working with makeup artist Elena Glyva. Katya herself is aware that the catwalk is closed to her due to her height, but she plans to go to work in China as a fashion model. True, for now these are just dreams.

Katya Svinarchuk

Life after the show Ukrainian Supermodel 3: Sasha Cugat

Thanks to her thinness, Sasha Cugat received both offers and refusals at castings. But the girl was not upset about this, but looked at the situation with a smile. After the show, Supermodel in Ukrainian 3 Alexandra Cugat walked at Ukrainian Fashion Week SS 2017 at the Poustovit, Sayya by Luba Makarenko, Lake Studio, Elena Burba shows and at two Fresh Fashion Day shows (Sadovskaya for Gepur and Kir-Khartley). But most interesting work Sasha after SMPU 3 began filming in, where she became the main character. The video is called PM breakfast. All participants in this project were satisfied with the work of the model, as was the designer himself.

Sasha Cugat in a video for Ivan Frolov

Life after the show Ukrainian Supermodel 3: Sasha Litvin

Young model Sasha Litvin selflessly fought for victory in the show and even made it into the top five, but, as you remember, she never flew to Munich. Model life after Supermodel in Ukrainian 3 Sami is not very active; she does not have many works to her credit yet. She participated in the Kir-Khartley show as part of Fresh Fashion Day, and also starred for small brands and showrooms (MIA, Yemmy lingerie, Lacy, REDLIPS).

Sasha Litvin

Life after the show Supermodel in Ukrainian 3: Sveta Kosovskaya

Sveta Kosovskaya admitted that she did not actively go to castings and was not eager to get on the Ukrainian Fashion Week catwalk, since she considers herself primarily a fashion model. But still she worked at the Kir-Khartley show as part of Fresh Fashion Day. The model herself admits that she really liked the atmosphere, so who knows, maybe next season Sveta will appear on the catwalk more often.

Sveta Kosovskaya at SMPU 3

Life after the show Supermodel in Ukrainian 3: Yulia Mochalova

Yulia Mochalova is one of the most scandalous participants in the project Supermodel in Ukrainian 3. Her “male” past added a zest to Yulia’s image. But most Mochalova did not pass the auditions for another reason - because of her tattoos. After Supermodel in Ukrainian 3, Yulia Mochalova attended the shows of Olga May, CHUYKO,. The model can also be seen in the photo for the online clothing store N&S woman.

Yulia Mochalova at SMPU 3

Yulia Mochalova at Elena Filonova's show

Text: Anastasia DIDENKO

Episodes of the show have already started on the New Channel. The third season is gaining more and more momentum, and we want to introduce you to the participants of the project.

The channel's website already has information about 15 finalists. So, among the participants of Supermodel in Ukrainian 3 there is trans Yulia Mochalova, Nigerian Emmy Grace, girl from the first season Alina Milyaeva, .

See biographies and photos of everyone. You can watch Supermodel in Ukrainian 3 online.

Daria Maistrenko, 16 years old, Kanev

Height: 176 cm

Weight: 54 kg

Options: 80 – 62 – 90

This was my first casting. A lot of girls, a lot different characters. Of course, I had a lot of doubts about participating in the project. But when I saw that I was being chosen from thousands of others, I realized that I have some kind of uniqueness, and I deserve to participate in the project,” admits Dasha.

Participants Supermodel in Ukrainian 3: facts about Daria Maistrenko

Participant SMPU 3 studies at secondary school No. 1 named after. T. G. Shevchenko. Participation in the reality Supermodel in Ukrainian 3 is Dasha’s first serious step towards her big dream of a career worldwide famous model. The girl dances, sings, draws, and also plays the piano. Afraid of snakes and heights.

Alexandra Litvin, 16 years old, Kyiv

Height: 173 cm

Weight: 53 kg

Options: 87 – 60 – 91

About the casting for Supermodel in Ukrainian 3

I am an open and sociable person, so it was not difficult for me to open up and show my talents. But right before the door, I had to pull myself together and overcome my anxiety. I think I succeeded,” says Sasha.

Participants of Supermodel in Ukrainian 3: facts about Alexandra Litvin

A participant of SMPU 3 studies at Lyceum No. 227 named after M. M. Gromov. Sasha is seriously involved in modeling, collaborates with modeling agencies and participates in various shows and filming. The girl is involved in athletics, and for two more years she played in KVN. Not afraid of anything.

Alexandra Kugat, 20 years old, Odessa

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 48 kg

Options: 79 – 59 – 87

About the casting for Supermodel in Ukrainian 3

I didn’t expect to pass the casting at all, so I didn’t even take enough things with me. But the judges still caught something in me. Perhaps they liked the fact that I was quite simple and didn’t try to pretend to be anything. And I also say “hello,” Sasha laughs.

Participants Supermodel in Ukrainian 3: facts about Alexandra Cugat

Participant of SMPU 3 studies at a choreographic school. Sasha participated in shows and filming in Ukraine, Russia and China. The girl has quite a lot various hobbies: choreography, vocals, acting, KVN, stand-up. Sasha said that she is afraid of closed spaces.

Ekaterina Svinarchuk, 16 years old, Chernivtsi

Height: 167 cm

Weight: 57 kg

Options: 80 – 62 – 98

About the casting for Supermodel in Ukrainian 3

Even though my parameters were far from ideal, the judges liked my face and decided to give me a chance. “I, in turn, promised to lose weight, which I’m working hard on now,” admits Katya.

Participants Supermodel in Ukrainian 3: facts about Katya Svinarchuk

She studies at Chernivtsi Gymnasium No. 7. Before participating in the project, Katya did not have any achievements in the field of modeling. But the girl has very diverse hobbies and interests: football, baseball, theater, dancing, music, learning languages ​​and much more. Afraid of loneliness and death.

Emmy Grace, 24 years old, Kyiv

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 50 kg

Options: 84 – 60 – 88

About the casting for Supermodel in Ukrainian 3

I wanted to come to Supermodel in Ukrainian back in the first season, but then I was very busy with education. And this season I firmly decided that it was worth trying my hand. I am sure that this step will be very successful in my journey. modeling career“Emmy assures.

Participants of Supermodel in Ukrainian 3: facts about Emmy Grace

Emmy was born in Nigeria, so the girl speaks exclusively English. Studying at Wisconsin International University. Emmy has good experience in modeling - she participated in various shows and advertising shoots. The girl is interested in dancing and traveling, and also in free time loves to cook. The biggest fear is snakes.

Maria Grebenyuk, 17 years old, Kyiv

Height: 181 cm

Weight: 58 kg

Options: 89 – 62 – 88

About the casting for Supermodel in Ukrainian 3

At the casting, I was absolutely honest - I simply told the experts my story. I think she got them hooked. And, of course, I’m sure that my external data played far from last role in the decision to take me into the project,” shares Masha.

Participants Supermodel in Ukrainian 3: facts about Masha Grebenyuk

He studies at KNUTD college. Masha graduated from one of the modeling schools, but this is where her achievements in modeling before the Supermodel in Ukrainian 3 project end. Enjoys traveling and sports. The girl also likes to read and study English in her free time. Afraid of panic.

Svetlana Kosovskaya, 22 years old, Odessa

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 54 kg

Options: 84 – 61 – 93

About the casting for Supermodel in Ukrainian 3

I think the experts were interested in my unusual appearance. “On the project, I will prove that all the features of my appearance are only beneficial in the modeling business,” says Sveta.

Participants of Supermodel in Ukrainian 3: facts about Sveta Kosovskaya

He studies at the Odessa Theater and Art School. Sveta works as a photographer and often shoots models. But the girl decided to try herself in the role of those who fall under the gun of cameras. He is interested in painting, sculpture and fashion photography. Afraid of heights and snakes.

Alina Milyaeva, 16 years old, Nikolaev

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 52 kg

Options: 85 – 59 – 86

About the casting for Supermodel in Ukrainian 3

I already came to the Ukrainian Supermodel project in the first season. But then I was 14 years old, and I could not participate. Therefore, I was very worried whether they would give me a chance in the third season,” says Alina.

Participants Supermodel in Ukrainian 3: facts about Alina Milyaeva

She studies at school No. 19. For several years now, Alina has been devoting all her free time to modeling. She participates in shows, acts in advertising campaigns and catalogues. The girl is seriously thinking of connecting her entire future life with the modeling business, as her older sister did. Alina is afraid of snakes and heights.

Victoria Globa, 20 years old, Kyiv

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 49 kg

Options: 88 – 61 – 90

About the casting for Supermodel in Ukrainian 3

I hooked the judges because I was confident. I knew that I couldn’t complete the task, but I started doing it anyway. This perseverance helped me, the experts believed in me,” says Vika.

Participants of Supermodel in Ukrainian 3: facts about Vic Glob

Studying at Kiev national university culture and arts. Vika already has experience in the modeling business: the girl starred in advertising, various catalogs and lookbooks. Victoria enjoys horse riding, dancing, acrobatics, and enjoys fencing. Afraid of the dark, heights and insects.

Olga Golub, 21 years old, Kharkov

Height: 176 cm

Weight: 55 kg

Options: 89 – 64 – 90

About the casting for Supermodel in Ukrainian 3

I became one of the winners of the online casting, so I knew for sure that I would make it into the top thirty. And after all three experts invited me to their teams, there was no longer any doubt that I would become one of the fifteen participants in the third season of Supermodel in Ukrainian,” Olya shares.

Participants Supermodel in Ukrainian 3: facts about Ole Golub

She graduated from KOOSH No. 151 and now works as a gymnastics coach for children. Olya has no experience in modeling, and her participation in online casting is the first and very successful step towards her dream. The girl is interested in gymnastics and traveling. And she believes that there is nothing that could frighten her.

Irina Rotar, 17 years old, Krivoy Rog

Height: 178 cm

Weight: 50 kg

Options: 83 – 60 – 90

About the casting for Supermodel in Ukrainian 3

The most difficult thing for me during the casting was the waiting. A lot of girls came and I had to wait for many hours before I went to see the experts. But I wasn’t worried about the competition at all,” says Ira.

Participants Supermodel in Ukrainian 3: facts about Ira Rotar

Studying at the Mountain College. Ira has already tried herself in the modeling business and even collaborated with one of the local modeling agencies. Among her hobbies, the girl highlights sports and studying in English. She admitted that she is afraid of heights.

Yulia Shchedrina, 16 years old, Mukachevo

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 54 kg

Options: 82 – 65 – 92

About the casting for Supermodel in Ukrainian 3

I came to the casting in my underwear. This surprised the experts. They realized that I was not afraid of anything. I’m sure they hired me because I’m purposeful and ready for anything,” says Yulia.

Participants Supermodel in Ukrainian 3: facts about Yulia Shchedrina

He studies at the Mukachevo gymnasium. Despite the lack of any experience in modeling, Yulia did not hesitate to come to the casting of the reality Supermodel in Ukrainian 3. The girl is into photography and loves to be on both sides of the camera. She also enjoys cooking and learns poetry by heart. Julia assures that she is not afraid of anything.