How to lose weight after hormonal pills?! Just! Losing weight after hormonal treatment: where to start.

Hormonal medications have become a familiar part of the lives of many women. They are used both as contraceptives and for the treatment of complex diseases, including infertility and depression. Often, taking pills of this type is the only opportunity to return to a normal lifestyle, give birth to a child, or feel like a woman again. But, like all medications, hormones and birth control pills have their drawbacks. One of them is a rapid gain of extra pounds. By getting rid of health problems with the help of hormones, women lose their slim figure. And then the most pressing question becomes how to lose weight after taking hormonal pills.

Weight gain for each woman can occur individually: some gain weight while taking a course of medication, others gain weight after it. In both cases, you should not despair; the problem with extra pounds can be solved quite successfully. First of all, you need to contact the doctor who prescribed the medications. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe a special diet or advise what medications you need to take to lose weight. But even when consulting a doctor, you should pay attention to some points that can lead to weight gain and exclude them from your daily life.

There are many factors that can lead to weight gain when taking hormonal pills. Thus, it is no secret that drugs of this type can cause an increase in appetite. When hungry, a woman will eat everything and then blame hormones for the extra pounds. To prevent this from happening, when taking medications, pay attention to your diet and the amount of food you eat. These indicators should remain the same as before treatment. If you suddenly notice that your clothes have become too small, there is no need to panic and go on a diet. Refusal of many usual foods and stress can cause your hormonal balance, established by taking pills, to be disrupted. And this, in turn, will lead to the fact that treatment will need to be started all over again.

When thinking about how to lose weight after taking hormones, do not limit yourself to the amount of food you eat, but try to properly plan your daily diet. It is necessary to exclude frequent tea parties with sweets, sandwiches, fast food and semi-finished products. Have some fruit as your snack, such as a pear or apple.

Weight gain is also caused by such a property of hormonal drugs as a slowdown in metabolism. After or while taking hormones, try to minimize the consumption of foods that promote the growth of fat cells. These are fatty, fried and smoked foods, as well as confectionery and sweet carbonated water.

It is not so much hormones that lead to the appearance of excess weight, but the changes in the body caused by them. Sometimes these changes are so minor that they go unnoticed. Meanwhile, when taking medications of this type, you need to listen to your body and, if necessary, adjust its needs.

Thus, fatigue, insomnia, and excessive psychological stress can lead to weight gain. If you don't feel rested when you get up in the morning, try to reconsider your daily routine. Sleep at least 8 hours a day, go for walks, do light exercise in the morning, and soon lethargy and fatigue will leave you, and your body will painlessly get used to the changes that have occurred in it.

To help your body, engage in a favorite type of physical activity that you enjoy. Yoga, swimming, jogging or dancing are very effective in this case. They will not only allow you to lose weight, but also strengthen your muscles and make your life healthier and more fulfilling. Physical activity that involves lifting weights is not recommended. Forget about hormonal drugs, think only about yourself and your body, and the extra centimeters will leave you forever.

What to do after stopping hormone therapy

When the causes of extra pounds are known, efforts can be made to eliminate them. But you must remember that you most likely will not be able to lose weight while taking the medicine. You should complete the course and then start taking action. Where to start in the fight against excess weight resulting from hormonal drugs? The algorithm of actions and tips for implementing it are as follows.

  1. Visit an endocrinologist. It will help you eliminate diseases that lead to weight gain and adjust your hormonal levels. All subsequent decisions must be made with his approval and on his recommendations.
  2. Avoid various types of diets: improper use of a diet can cause serious harm to the body. Adjust your diet and exercise. It should be remembered that you will not be able to lose weight quickly after taking contraceptives or other hormonal drugs. In such cases, the body’s hormonal levels are restored for at least 6 months, and sometimes within 1.5 years, so it is necessary not to panic, but to patiently and systematically follow the doctor’s recommendations.
  3. Cleanse the body of toxins and waste. This will help improve digestion, thereby improving the absorption of beneficial substances and the removal of harmful ones.
  4. Avoid using all kinds of teas, pills and miracle drugs for weight loss. Pay attention to phytohormones, because in some cases they have a positive effect on the body’s recovery and significantly improve health.
  5. Drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day. It is better if it is pure water or green tea. Limit the amount of coffee you drink, replacing it with parsley decoction.

Approximate diet

If you don't know how to lose weight after hormones, plan your daily diet. This can be done based on the basic recommendations.

  1. Completely eliminate salty, sweet, smoked, fried, fatty foods, hot sauces, mayonnaise, marinades, fast food, and processed foods.
  2. Limit as much as possible the consumption of potatoes, semolina, white rice, white bread, high-fat dairy products, processed and fatty cheese, and instant cereals.
  3. Eat food at least 5 times a day, preferably every 3.5 hours. For snacks, use raw fruits and vegetables, natural yogurt, diet bread, salads made from fresh vegetables and fruits, and a small amount of low-fat cottage cheese. These foods contain a small amount of calories, but will eliminate the feeling of hunger if it arises.
  4. Eat increased amounts of protein-containing foods. This will cause your body to lose fat rather than muscle mass.
  5. To eliminate cravings for unhealthy foods, drink special mineral complexes and vitamins. This not only promotes weight loss, but also restores the functioning of the body.

After reading the above recommendations, the question of how to lose weight after taking hormonal medications will no longer seem insoluble to you. You must remember that it is possible to do this, you just need patience, some effort and time. Follow these tips and your curves will soon be perfect again.

Hormonal tablets are prescribed to cure diseases such as infertility, neurasthenia, thyroid disease, etc. In addition, hormones in tablets are taken as one of the effective means of preventing pregnancy.
Despite the fact that hormone tablets successfully solve all of the above problems, they, like other medications, have side effects.

One of these side effects is weight gain. Depending on the individual characteristics of a woman’s body, some begin to gain weight while taking, for example, thyroid pills, while others begin to gain weight after completing the course of treatment.
You need to be understanding about this phenomenon and realize that weight gain was caused by hormones in the pills, and this is certainly unpleasant, but not fatal.

Lose weight after hormonal pills

First, you should contact the doctor who prescribed you to start taking hormonal medications. The doctor who prescribed this remedy is well aware of its effects, both beneficial and side effects, and therefore will give all the necessary recommendations for weight loss and selection of the most suitable nutrition system.

You shouldn’t go from one extreme to another - go on a strict diet with the goal of losing 5 kilograms in 5 days. It’s enough just to monitor the amount of food you eat every day and not justify your “voracious” appetite by taking hormones. It is worth limiting yourself in food, but not overdoing it. You should avoid eating salty, spicy, fried, smoked foods. Remember that the optimal weight loss rate for any body is considered to be losing 3-4 kg per month. Following this rule will help maintain health and reduce body weight. Try to include fruits and vegetables, dairy products, cereal porridge (except semolina), and rye bread in your diet.

After you have finished taking hormones in tablets, the body's water-alkaline balance is disrupted. To restore it, you need to drink as much clean water as possible, at least one and a half liters. But remember that the water in soups, juices, tea, etc. is not included in this standard. And, of course, try to exercise - burn more calories than you consume.

Hormones and weight loss – is it possible?

You need to take hormones for weight loss very carefully, only after a full examination by a doctor. Modern medicine knows several hormones that help lose weight.
Growth hormone for weight loss is somatotropin. It stimulates protein synthesis and is responsible for building muscle tissue. In addition, the strength of ligaments, bones and tendons depends on somatotropin. In order to produce more of this hormone, it is necessary to increase the duration of physical activity on the body.

To increase another beneficial hormone, endorphin, follow the method of cardio training at a moderate or intense pace. You can also do interval training.

Testosterone is responsible for accelerating the metabolic process. Its level in the blood increases around the 20th minute from the start of physical exercise and decreases after 1-3 hours.

Estrogen is responsible for accelerating metabolism and increasing fat breakdown. After the workout is finished, high estrogen levels will continue for 4 hours.
There are several other hormones that will help you lose weight after taking hormonal medications. But even if the analysis reveals that you have a deficiency of any hormone, you should not rush into treatment. Changing your diet, lifestyle, and taking vitamin and mineral supplements can help restore hormonal balance.

Sometimes people ask me how to lose weight after hormones? They solved a health problem with the help of hormonal drugs or took contraceptives, but now they cannot lose weight. That's why I decided to write an article about it. After all, in fact, many are worried about where the extra pounds come from and why, after stopping one or another hormonal drug, they cannot be lost. Are the pills really to blame?

The confusion arises from the fact that some people lose weight on hormones, while others gain weight. There are those who begin to gain weight after stopping hormones, there are those who cannot lose weight for years and blame it on hormonal drugs or contraceptives that they took in the past. How to figure it out and what to stick to? In the article I will answer these questions, and at the end of the article you will find amazing news, read to the end!

There are hormones that are most often prescribed by doctors for thyroid dysfunction, hormonal imbalance, polycystic disease: thyroid hormones, progesterone,. Progesterone is also found in birth control pills.

High level estrogen promotes fat deposition in adipose tissue and increases appetite.

Progesterone acts in a similar way, in addition, it also promotes fluid retention in the body.

If thyroid gland hormones are not produced in the required quantities, any product takes much longer to digest, and it will be difficult to lose weight. This is why many weight loss programs include medications to improve thyroid function.

To understand why women’s hormonal imbalances occur and diseases appear, I recommend that you watch this video:

Very often, after taking hormonal drugs, and even during taking them, many people note that they wake up with a “ravenous appetite”. It gets to the point where a person consumes everything and cannot get enough. Of course, there will be weight gain.

The saddest thing is that it is unlikely that you will be able to lose weight while taking hormones, so first we “get off” hormones, and then we begin to solve the problem.

Where to start losing weight after hormones?

  1. Calm down. If you look at yourself in the mirror in a panic, jump on the scale every hour to make sure that the numbers are not decreasing at all, or try to fit into your favorite pants that have become so narrow, then you are unlikely to be able to lose weight beautifully and steadily. Panic never leads to good results. Calmly assess your problem, find solutions, and act with feeling, sense, and alignment.
  2. Rule out health problems that may interfere with the weight loss process.

This means: you definitely need to visit an endocrinologist!

It will help correct hormonal levels. Self-medication in this case will not only not help you lose weight after using hormones, but can also lead to health problems.

By the way, another video for those who are interested in hormonal contraceptives:

  1. Adjust your diet. Since hormonal drugs often provoke severe hunger, it is necessary to control how much and what foods you eat.

Moreover, I want to emphasize that you cannot starve or use strict diets!

This will not solve your weight problem, and I will explain why.

After stopping hormonal medications, hormones are normal, and using the wrong diet can lead to hormonal imbalances. Therefore, it is best to properly plan your daily diet and exercise.

Do not think that you will be able to lose weight quickly; many experts say that after stopping hormones, the metabolism is restored within 6-18 months, so you need to be patient.

For all those who claim that they cannot lose weight after taking hormonal drugs, although they do not eat anything harmful and exercise a lot, I write the following:

It doesn’t only matter what you eat, but how many times a day you eat, in what quantity, how much water you drink, and, by the way, it also matters what you put into this “I eat very little and can’t lose weight.”

Check yourself on these points:

Proper nutrition for weight loss after taking hormones

  1. It goes without saying that you should remove sweets, fast food, fatty, smoked, salty and fried foods, marinades, mayonnaise and processed foods from your diet.
  2. Limit white rice, potatoes, white bread, semolina and all instant cereals, fatty dairy products, processed cheese and fatty cheeses in your diet.
  1. Be sure to increase water in your diet. And don’t think that if you are swollen from taking progesterone, water is contraindicated for you. Quite the opposite! Read. And don’t take diuretics, they will only harm you. Replace coffee with green tea, it is also good to drink parsley decoction.
  2. Eat often, every 3.5 hours, organize snacks in the form of fruits, raw vegetables, natural yogurts without fillers, bread, fruit and vegetable salads, a couple of spoons of low-fat cottage cheese. This way you can control the “wolf” that may have settled inside you.

If your body is full, it will require 15% fewer calories - that's a good saving. And don’t forget that your diet must include foods that contain a lot of proteins. Then the body will not lose muscle mass, and this is very important for proper weight loss.

  1. Supplement your diet with vitamins and mineral complexes. Your cells need nutrition, they demand to fill this deficiency through loss of energy and cravings for unhealthy food.
  2. Any physical activity is suitable, except for too heavy ones, with weight lifting. Swimming, treadmill, Pilates, yoga, walking 5-6 kilometers a day - choose any activity.

Now you know how to lose weight after hormones, that it can be done and you shouldn’t blame pills alone for everything. Just apply these simple tips, and you can see for yourself that losing weight after hormones is possible.

Be healthy!

P.S. For those who still cannot relax and not worry about their appearance, I highly recommend this beautiful video for relaxation. I adore the sea, just like this, quiet, at sunset, when there is no one around, just you and the sound of the oncoming wave...

Due to physiological characteristics, a person is forced to carefully monitor his health and, in case of negative changes, take timely measures. Special preparations in the form of hormonal tablets not only normalize the functioning of a particular system, but also lead to excess weight gain. Typically, this feature affects women who, as a result of treatment, are also forced to struggle with excess weight. How to lose weight after taking hormonal pills? Let's try to find out together.

Why did my weight increase after hormone treatment?

  1. Not everyone knows that the cause of the accumulation of excess water in the body is a hormone called progesterone. It is contained in almost all available oral contraceptives, and is also contained in targeted medications for infertility. Fluid retention leads to a slowdown in metabolism, and as a result, a person gains weight.
  2. Another common reason is the accumulation of glucose in the blood at a concentration above normal. The thing is that carbohydrates supplied with food cannot be fully absorbed. They are deposited in forbidden places, usually the waist, hips, and arms. This feature is achieved due to the content of cortisol in the preparations, which is necessary for the treatment of serious pathological changes (lupus, dermatitis, asthma, etc.).
  3. In the process of taking hormonal medications, all metabolic processes in the body slow down greatly. This means that food can no longer be absorbed completely and in a relatively short period of time. If you add to this a “sluggish” lifestyle, the result, as they say, is obvious. The situation becomes more complicated if hormones are taken for a long time.
  4. New mothers face such a problem as the appearance of excess weight due to taking hormonal medications. If lactation worsens, tablets containing prolactin are prescribed. It suppresses the hormone estradiol, which is responsible for metabolic rate.
  5. In most cases, when taking this type of medication, food cravings increase. A person constantly feels hungry. Since not everyone succeeds in eating right, they begin to resort to eating cookies, snacks, and other unhealthy foods. Consequently, body weight goes up.

Losing weight after taking hormones

  1. Any weight loss must begin with adjusting your daily diet. It is worth understanding that you cannot lose weight quickly, which is why mono-diets are prohibited. The plumb line should be no more than 300 g. per day.
  2. It was previously mentioned that hormone treatment has a negative effect on metabolism. It will take you from 6 to 8 months to restore, or rather accelerate, your previous metabolism. Please be patient during this period.
  3. Experienced nutritionists have come to the conclusion that after treatment with hormonal pills, it is optimal to adhere to Table No. 15, the Pevzner diet. But it is only suitable for people who do not have any disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. However, it is necessary to reduce food intake so as not to go beyond 1750 Kcal. per day.
  4. You definitely need to eat small meals, at least 5-6 times a day. Breaks between meals longer than 3 hours are not allowed. It is advisable to limit the serving size to 200 grams.
  5. In addition to portions, adjust your food preparation. Buy a double boiler or a slow cooker, cook everything boiled, steamed, stewed, but not fried. If you want to treat yourself, bake the fruit in the oven.
  6. Remove from your diet anything that stimulates your appetite. We are talking about packaged juices and soda, hot seasonings, canned food, sausage, pickles, smoked meats, etc. Avoid fast food completely.
  7. Avoid sweets and eat dried fruits instead. Replace white bread with dietary whole grain breads, do not eat pasta and potatoes. No fatty cheeses, use low-calorie milk. Bananas and grapes are prohibited; they are replaced by seasonal berries and fruits.
  8. Schedule your daily meals so that most of the menu consists of protein foods. Every day you need to eat lean white meat, seafood, fish (not fatty). Be sure to include boiled eggs (no more than 2 yolks per day), dairy products, cereals, beans, and bran in the diet.
  9. If it is difficult to adjust your diet according to the principles described above, stick to the Mediterranean diet. Lean on seafood and protein, eat everything as usual, with the exception of baked goods and sweets. It is also necessary to reduce the amount of calories consumed by 300 units. Losing weight will not keep you waiting.
  10. If you're trying to lose weight, add a nutritional shake to your menu. It must be consumed daily for half a month. Mix 3 pcs. dried apricots with half a handful of raisins, 1 grated apple, a pinch of chili, a teaspoon of honey and a glass of kefir. Dine on this mixture for 2 weeks.

After a course of taking hormonal medications, it is imperative to comprehensively cleanse the body. The procedure can be carried out using mineral water without gas. Gradually increase the amount of fluid consumed from 2 liters. up to 2.5 liters per day. It is important to understand that only pure water is taken into account.

  1. Purified water. High-quality liquid is involved in absolutely all metabolic processes in the human body. During weight loss, tissues are cleansed and everything unnecessary comes out. In the body, salts are presented in the form of saline solutions. If the concentration of such compounds does not decrease, it will not be possible to get rid of swelling of the limbs.
  2. Mineral water without gas. This liquid is practically no different from simple filtered water. The effect of the composition on the body is the same as mentioned earlier. The only difference is that such water replenishes washed out minerals in the body when losing weight.
  3. Green tea. The drink has a slight diuretic effect. Systematic use allows you to quickly stabilize normal sweating. Remember, it is forbidden to take the composition in quantities of more than 2 cups per day. Otherwise, the active enzymes that are in the tea begin to wash away magnesium and potassium. As a result, the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system suffers.
  4. Berry fruit drinks. Systematic consumption of drinks based on lingonberries, currants and cranberries will completely cleanse the body of harmful impurities and metals. Fruit drinks have choleretic and diuretic effects. Sweating is also improved.
  5. Parsley-based decoction. This drink has similar qualities to green tea. In addition, parsley decoction rejuvenates body tissues, which has a positive effect on appearance. Collagen synthesis increases. As a result, the skin is noticeably tightened.

Losing weight after hormones through sports

  1. If you decide to say goodbye to unwanted pounds through sports activities, at first you should give preference to cardio training. These include jogging, long walks outdoors, snowboarding, skiing, cycling, rowing and walking up stairs in different directions.
  2. If you decide to go to the gym, then you should replace the exercises described above with some exercise equipment. Use a treadmill, exercise bike, or a device that simulates rowing. It is important to know that long-term use of hormonal drugs has a detrimental effect on the state of the cardiovascular system.
  3. On the first day of classes, training time should not exceed 40 minutes. After this, increase the cycles by 5-10 minutes. Gradually increase your training time. Monitor your own condition and feelings. After cardio training, be sure to do gymnastic exercises. Stretch in different directions and restore your breathing.

Losing weight after taking hormones is not difficult if you don’t try to jump in over your head. Start the method by correcting your daily diet, eliminating everything unnecessary. Take at least 1.8 liters per day. bottled water. Supplement the menu with freshly squeezed juices and liquid fermented milk drinks. Do exercises or go to the gym.

Video: how to lose weight after hormonal drugs

To avoid complications, according to gynecologist Albina Usenko, it is very important to choose the right remedy. However, as practice shows, it is impossible to avoid the appearance of excess weight after taking hormonal drugs. A nutritionist-endocrinologist spoke about how to lose weight after hormones and what nuances exist in this matter.

Natalya Samoilenko, nutritionist-endocrinologist, chief physician of the clinic "Capital", member of the Association of Dietitians of Ukraine, founder of the movement "Strunka Ukraine"

Why does taking hormones cause weight gain?

Many hormonal drugs increase the feeling of hunger because they directly affect metabolism and hormonal levels in the body. Of particular note is the activation of the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin, which has metabolic and endocrine functions. To cope with unwanted hunger, it is very important to eat small and often - 5-6 times a day. This method in nutrition is called grazing, and it really helps control hunger.

What diet while taking hormones and after completing the course will help you lose weight?

First of all, any diet must be individual. That is, selected by a nutritionist according to age, gender, lifestyle, level of physical activity, weight, and existing diseases. Those who have taken hormonal medications need to pay special attention to the balance of vitamins and microelements, because hormones contribute to increased consumption and removal of nutrients from the body. Your doctor may advise you to supplement the lack of vitamin C, calcium, zinc, iron, chromium, folic acid, selenium and vitamin E.

What foods should you limit to lose weight after taking hormones?

It is necessary to completely avoid foods that have a high glycemic index, since such patients have a reduced ability to utilize simple sugars, i.e., all products made from sugar and white flour, as well as beer, are prohibited. You need to be careful with potatoes, semolina and white refined rice. It is also necessary to limit foods rich in saturated fats, such as fatty meats, sausages, fatty dairy products, processed and hard cheeses, and cream.

Smoked and fried foods, sausages and semi-finished products will cause great harm to an organism weakened by hormonal drugs. It is worth emphasizing that the body during the period of taking hormonal drugs is especially sensitive to low-quality products and food chemicals - dyes, preservatives, flavors, so you should refrain from sausages, processed foods and bright carbonated drinks.

How should you adjust your drinking diet?

The amount of fluid for weight loss cannot be limited, because this will lead to the opposite process - fluid retention, because the body, feeling a lack of moisture, will begin to save and stock up. Lack of fluid will also trigger the development of other diseases. On average you need to drink 1.5-2 liters per day. You can calculate your fluid intake based on the rule: 30 ml per 1 kg of weight.

What physical activities will help you get rid of extra pounds?

Those who have taken or are taking hormonal medications should avoid heavy weight training. To get back in shape and get rid of extra pounds, the best choice is daily walks in the fresh air at a fast pace. Pilates, dancing, swimming, walking, exercises on a treadmill or orbitrack are also suitable. Also, those who are regaining shape after hormones will benefit from yoga classes, which help improve the overall hormonal balance in the body.