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Many witches live among us without knowing that they are witches. Many people are not even aware of their inner strength. They do not connect the stories and events that happen to them with any of their magical abilities. They rejoice when they get what they want; they forget wishes if nothing works out. Over time, more and more often they have the idea that they lack something in life, that their life is somehow gray and insipid, they want something that is already ripening in the soul, but will not take shape in the future. something concrete.

Closer to 33 years old, it’s as if some kind of valve opens. Events begin to speed up, preferences, areas of activity, work, and social circles change. It’s as if a person is emerging from stagnant water. Talents awaken, new abilities appear, character changes. The soul asks for change, for something grandiose. There is a constant urge to go somewhere, to learn something new and unusual. If the feet lead where they need to go, the person stops and the process of learning and accumulating new knowledge begins.

Ancestral abilities of a witch

Magic is the art of controlling oneself, people, the forces of nature, and events. And if something unusual starts knocking on your soul, look for a way out, an application - don’t brush it off, figure it out within yourself. Perhaps this will lead you not only to future health and wealth, but also to the implementation of your own life program. You don't know what you need to do in this life. Maybe learn how to cast a spell and heal people from illnesses beyond the control of medicine, or make someone happy and in demand in this life. The law of karma guides a person through life. And if it involves practicing magic, engage in it as an art, a craft, a way of life.

You are free to do whatever you want, but remember that you should not burden your karma, the karma of your family, your family and friends with bad deeds, do not complicate your life and do not burden your soul. Choose the right ways and directions in life. Let high ideas become the engine of your intentions, even if they are magical.

Witchcraft is only a tool, the main thing is intention and controlled will. Don't slide to the level of evil, revenge and creating negative situations. By sending the wind of hatred into the world, you will reap a storm of evil that can strike you at the most inopportune moment.
Ancestral witches intuitively seek witchcraft knowledge; they will not rest until they find a way or a person who will teach them everything that is included in the concept of witchcraft and healing. If inborn witches do not want to continue witchcraft in the family, troubles and misfortunes begin to fall on them like from a cornucopia. Fate becomes so difficult that it forces you to look for ways out of troubles by any means, even witchcraft.

How to recognize a hidden or overt evil witch?

Externally possible. Let us remember the saying “God marks the rogue.” These could be birthmarks, slanted eyes from birth, something unpleasant in a seemingly good-looking appearance. Sometimes the witch is given away by her speech - fast and poorly audible chatter about nothing, when the words become crumpled and become incomprehensible. This is very annoying to others. At the same time, it is allocated into space a large number of negative energy that the witch feeds on. She simply blossoms before our eyes from this, and those around her begin to feel tired and sick.

Often external signs show that a person may have magical abilities. Deformities and external signs can appear during life if a person does something contrary to the laws of life.

I knew a woman who was involved in criminal abortions. Beautiful in appearance, even in summer she hid her hands under long sleeves. From the elbow to the fingers, the skin was corroded by scabs that were not amenable to any treatment, either medicinal or witchcraft.

They say that witches come into life in order to plague their once-damned relatives. If relatives do not die, it is believed that the witch has not fulfilled her vital function.

Witches are almost always victims of sexual harassment in very early age. Perverts are literally attracted to them, often these are close relatives, sometimes naturally awarded with a similar gift. It is believed that it is through the sexual organs that one connects to certain forces that enter a person precisely at the moment of such contact.

If there was a witch in the family, even one who brings only good, then most often one of the descendants, usually after a generation, is forcibly imposed the ability to practice witchcraft. A foreign entity can enter a person, which will control him and force him to engage in witchcraft. Often this can be the soul of a person who has already died, very rarely it can be a real demon. Possessed by a demon, a person ceases to live a normal life. He is constantly haunted by troubles. Such people end up in psychiatric hospitals, prisons, drink themselves to death or commit suicide.

Let's turn to stories that can help you analyze your actions, aspirations, and give you tips. It is through other people's stories that it is easier for you to guess who you are - a hidden witch, a religious person or a “don’t care” who is “knee-deep in the sea.” And then defend yourself in accordance with this, begin to build your own protected life, affairs and work.

Damage and negatives are often removed with wax. From it you can understand what caused the incomprehensible ailment.

Let me give you an example. When I got carried away similar techniques, I was interested in everything, I experimented, analyzed and looked for my way in parapsychology. The man was my test subject.

Each time the wax is poured with reverse side there were voluminous piles of some kind of cubes and pyramids, I have never seen anything like this. Moreover, they did not decrease from time to time, but increased, as if damage had passed into them, coming out of the depths of the body. This man had a large red birthmark on his face, which soon ceased to be noticed due to his fair character.

I set out to capture something from him that was pouring out so voluminously and incomprehensibly. I couldn't do it. One day he brought his photograph at my request. I was interested in removing information from a frozen image so that its thoughts and emotions did not interfere with the work. I melted the wax in a teaspoon and poured it over my head into a glass of water. When I turned the wax over to look at it, I was very puzzled. Absolutely smooth circle with perfect borders along the edges, and in the center there are three letters in script, similar to Arabic. I sketched everything on a piece of paper, the patient wrapped the wax casting in paper. We realized that this was a type of seal that meant something.

Then there was no one to find out what these letters were. Now I understand that this could be a kind of mark, a seal of the witcher by family. We looked for an analogue of letters, but did not find it. The wax will soon break and be thrown away. My piece of paper was lost, I never found out what the letters were. But I still remember the impression of looking at them. Beautiful, noble, perfectly drawn, with convex edges on smooth round wax. We tried to pour it from the same photograph in the same way - nothing came out, just a smooth waxy blot, that’s all. It was as if some kind of seal had already been removed, and a cleansing of the negative program had taken place.

Unfortunately, this man did not live long. He died from severe adrenal disease. Who knows, maybe it was I who removed the seal of belonging to something and prevented the hereditary continuation of witchcraft? His children actively and successfully conjured for themselves, helped their friends a little, but they could not conjure for themselves what they really wanted. They did not produce offspring, the family was left without successors.

Sometimes a person feels something in himself that has no explanation. He toils, finds no place for himself, suffers, catches himself with strange thoughts and desires. Household appliances are burning under his hands, light bulbs are exploding, everything around is electrified, breaking, and it’s as if everyone is electrocuting him. Strange, scary, fantastic dreams prevent you from getting enough sleep, and your health begins to deteriorate. Suddenly, one day, a vision, a memorable vivid dream, a hint from a specialist or relative gives an impetus to reading literature of esoteric content. A period of passion for yoga, fortune telling, magic, and extrasensory perception begins. Some, even having achieved certain results, do not suspect that a previously dormant generic Magic force. Those who allowed it to open up and began to use power for their own good recovered, stopped experiencing attacks from night horror films and stopped ruining themselves by damaging expensive devices.

Many people are naturally endowed with the ability to influence the lives of other people, interfere during their quiet life, unobtrusively help or just as quietly harm. They may not even notice their abilities until one day they realize that something is happening to them that is worth paying attention to, but in the meantime they use these abilities unconsciously.

It’s good if you are endowed with such abilities bright man, then his loved ones will be helped unobtrusively and unnoticed. But if this is an angry and vindictive person, and even aware of his ability, then everyone who stands in his way, hold on.

Many natural sorcerers know about their power and use it for themselves. Sometimes possibilities of an unusual nature appear, often witchcraft.
The majority of people do not suspect that their ancestors have given them unusual talents that are passed down through the family. Often these abilities remain undiscovered, only sometimes disturbing them with incomprehensible dreams, strange coincidences, or suddenly fulfilled desires.

Ask your relatives if there were among them those who are usually called “knowledgeable”. Maybe they will remember some unusual stories about them, or that a dashing person once harmed someone. If the latter, then maybe your not entirely successful life is due to damage to your family, your home, or a specific person. Even if this person is no longer there, you can improve the situation, get rid of the curse or damage, so that you can continue to live more happily without the shackles of sorcerers.

Already in childhood I myself had paranormal abilities. I could to a random person say something about him that shocked him. My parents scolded me and did not allow me to tell people what I saw. I learned that I have birth abilities after I was thirty years old. I was already engaged in subtle practices and healing, when my mother once said to me thoughtfully: “Wow! I still got it from my great-grandmother.” I understand the responsibility I have. I try not to even think badly, so that something negative is not passed on to my family and children.

Most often, my unconscious communications on a subtle level pass through dreams. I have double life: one daytime is real, the second nighttime is transcendental. my nightlife cannot be ignored just because at this time I am lying motionless in bed. It is she who sets the tone for daily life.

Before going to bed, I make a verbal appeal: “I ask you, Lords of heaven, Spirits, Angels and Archangels, dead and living, relatives and friends, to come to my aid and tell me how I can continue to work, what should I do? I don’t want to get involved in witchcraft for ideological reasons, and I don’t want to use extrasensory methods anymore, I don’t have the same strength anymore, I get tired quickly, it takes a long time to recover. Tell me, because you know everything and can lead me to a job or type of activity that will be within my capabilities and will be able to help people, without compromising my own health.”

I fall asleep sweetly and find myself in my grandmother’s house, which was demolished more than forty years ago. I stand with my back to an antique mahogany sideboard self made. In front of me is a table covered with a black cloth. On it is a black stand with a large metal goblet. Many black candles are burning. There is some kind of hollow structure on the table irregular shape, covered with black fabric. There is also a candle burning inside it. I call the Spirits with a loud voice (I don’t remember who or how). The spirit materializes into a person and gives me some kind of plant. I throw it into the cup and see that a green thick liquid, similar to concentrated shampoo, begins to bubble. I call upon another Spirit. He brings me a metal jug with a long narrow neck, a spout, and a thin handle. I pour it into a cup. Then they call me again, they bring me some kind of dead bird. And the last challenge - an Arab appears. I saw everything clearly, down to the smallest detail.

In the room, a completely material wooden door appeared right in the air, it opened, and an Arab, naked to the waist, entered it. He was leading a huge camel by a rope. I was so surprised that I left my place and went over to touch the camel. Red fur on the back right leg I hesitated, and I saw white skin between the hairs. The camel calmly chewed the cud and paid no attention to anything. I looked curiously behind the door from which the Arab came out; there was a corridor with yellow straw on a clay floor. In contrast to my dark room, a bright sunlight. Suddenly I saw that a strong flame had ignited inside the structure on my table. I grabbed a piece of black cloth and quickly put out the fire. She sighed and extinguished the candles with the words: “Nothing, I’ll finish it later.” But this cannot be done, the ritual had to be completed. The door to another world melted, and so did my dream.

When I woke up, I began to analyze. My great-grandmother died in this room when I was five years old. I remembered her lying on the bed during her illness. I don’t remember any communication with my great-grandmother at this time. I was not even allowed to come close to her bed, to give her anything, and if she asked for anything, to immediately call the elders.

I'll go back to my dream. There I performed some kind of ritual that I had never done in reality, but there was a clear feeling that it was me. Maybe my great-grandmother, who could not die for a long time, took me by the hand and gave me something? Perhaps she had high knowledge and could summon Spirits. Maybe it was passed on to me?

In that dream, I clearly saw the door and the world that opened behind it, quite material and ordinary. I remember that when the Spirit was giving me plants, he came out of the door on the left. The Spirit gave the bird, coming out of the door almost under the ceiling, and the faith-man came out to the right. All of them did not materialize out of thin air, but appeared through an open door from their world. Magic spells are needed in order to make a passage between ours and other parallel worlds, so that the one who is called comes out. Perhaps in their world, they ordinary people, live, like us, a completely ordinary life, invisible to our eyes, and appear when called through a transition created through a specific set of sounds that create a certain vibration in space and allow them to make a transition from one state to another, from one plane of existence to another .

In a dream, I once walked through such a door in a parallel world. I also wrote that in my dreams I was taken several times to another planet, to another world. Who knows, maybe I was summoned in the same way using a spell and my astral projection fulfilled someone’s request, command. This is certainly what happened.

Otherwise, how do I have this strange experience in dreams? From the dream it is clear that I clearly have a magical gift from my ancestors. I haven’t made the dedication yet, I don’t want to. Invented the new kind work through subtle plans and the help of the invisible world. All work is aimed at working with the Mental layer of the Earth, at goodness, positivity, appealing to the angels, heaven, and subtle plans above your head. I conduct training seminars and have published books on this topic.

Not only I have similar experiences, but also my students, some of the people who came to the reception. They tell their stories, share their best practices and secrets.

A. My grandmother treated people with herbs and whispers. I didn’t know about this until my mother told me. Grandmother was kind and did not refuse anyone. She reduced illnesses and damage to stones, which she then threw into a hole in the garden. How many years have passed, the hole is long gone, but not a blade of grass grows in that place. I also found out that she, it turns out, had a sister. She also had abilities, only of the opposite nature. At the request of her fellow villagers, she could cause damage, punish, and so on. They were afraid of her, and no one was friends with her. When she grew old and prepared to die, she suffered terribly. She died for a whole week. Either it freezes, falls into a coma, then after a while it comes to life again. She suffered and suffered and began to ask for help to die.

I had to take it out to the barn. They made holes in the shape of a cross above her head, and then made a hole in this place. After this, the great-grandmother died.

I myself have some obscure abilities that I don’t understand, and I can’t give meaning to them and explain them. Now it became clear to me where I got it from. I won’t say that they bother me, but sometimes they scare me. For example, I get up in the morning and already know what will happen today. Or sometimes I smell the smell of a dead person from some people, and then these people die. Sometimes I even smell that smell from other people’s fences; then there are dead people in that yard. If the smell of a dead person is heard not from a person, but next to him, I know that one of their relatives will die. That's what happens later. I am more and more drawn to read literature of magical and esoteric content. I read, but I'm afraid to use it. You may never find out about your ancestors. However, the connection between them and you exists at the genetic level. The subconscious mind has the memory of all incarnations, both past and future. Contact him and you will learn a lot of interesting things about yourself. Hints in a dream are valuable because they can be followed; they force one to be careful in what was shown in the Dream and to avoid troubles and misfortunes. A. She can not only see dreams, she has well-developed intuition, the subconscious base of the family works, from which she draws the right decisions and strength for herself. Once she realized her ability regarding future death, she began to investigate emerging cases, record them and analyze them. From this I understood who exactly might die soon and his body was already imperceptibly preparing for this.

You also need to keep notes, write down all the incomprehensible and strange cases, your prophetic thoughts and involuntary predictions that come true, in order to understand the mechanism of the emergence of knowledge and develop it. Only Full time job above itself can lead you to some result.

A. Once I was at a regression session (going into the past). I entered a hypnotic trance and began to see the past, communicate with those with whom I had not seen in reality. I saw my great-great-grandmother, who lived in a house in the forest. She had hooked fingers. I don’t know her, I haven’t even heard of her, apparently it was too long ago. When my son was born, my grandmother gave me advice in a dream magical properties, talked about the herbs that should be used to treat my son. Now I need to ask all my relatives who exactly had such a grandmother. She told me very clearly, she had some medicine, some chicken feathers. I saw and clearly knew that this was exactly the case. She told me: “Baby, you can’t get away from me.” I was terrified then, I thought I was imagining it. Now I know for sure that from that time on she has been sending me knowledge and helping me.

A. At one time she worked as a psychic in a health center, cared for the sick, gave massages to small children, removed evil eyes, and was fond of herbs. Only after I learned about my birth abilities did I realize that everything was not accidental. I began to develop such rare abilities in myself and now can see the future, receive hints in prophetic dreams, and can predict the future situation.

Q. My grandson in the first grade, after visiting a psychic who came to clean the apartment, suddenly became clairvoyant. After leaving, the grandson suddenly said: “She didn’t do everything. She just takes money from you and doesn’t do anything.” We listen to him, we are indignant that he is telling us nonsense. The next time he told us the same thing again. And then he says: “I can open your eyes and you will see it for yourself.” He “opened the eyes” of his daughter, and she began to see. He told her about the stomach, what it looked like, and her daughter suddenly saw it too and said that it looked exactly like a pouch. She told me the details.
At first I thought that my grandson was damaged. She prayed: “Take this damage to a dry tree...”. My daughter and I prayed like this and sent her to a dry tree that was under our window. The damage settled there. The grandson looked at all this, and then said: “The damage went to the tree, but my uncle just passed by, the damage landed on him. This is a person, only invisible to us. Sometimes it’s an aunt or an uncle.” Then the younger one began to see. I come home from work, and he walks around the house. I just arrive, and he backs away from me, into his mother’s arms and starts crying. I told him: “What, is someone sitting on grandma? Who?" He says: "Auntie." "Which?" "Evil." Then we began to clean up these aunts. I had someone sitting on my neck, even a huge rat. You were filming. I left you, something clung to me again. I went to church. It’s good there, and then something will get attached again. Then I took your healer courses and got used to cleaning things up on my own. I remembered how you burned with astral fire, and I became like that myself.

The grandson explained to us that every fairy tale means something. A fairy tale about a pipe with seven holes, you can blow into this pipe and your army will come. You can command him. You may not see it, but you can control it completely. You need to make a circle around a person with a magic wand, hit him on the head and you will see a spirit that you did not see at first. He will obey you. If you surround it with divine fire, it will burn.

I adopted this method and thus cleansed myself. Mentally with a magic wand I surround someone I don’t like, and also mentally touch him with a magic wand so that he obeys. I realized that if you just surround me in a circle at first, the spirits will instantly fly away. And when you hit him on the head, you subjugate him. It's just evil spirits. This does not harm good spirits; they do not disappear. Spirits were not only in human form, but also in the form of dragons, cats and the like.

I prayed to Nikolai Ugodnik and asked for help. One night I have a dream. I was traveling on a train, went into a restaurant, then went into my compartment, and Nikolai Ugodnik was standing there and looking at him with a question like, what are you asking me? I sat down on the bed, looking at their linen, how it was tucked in. And it is white, gray, again white, gray. The thought came to mind: “Why are you asking if you haven’t cleansed yourself? How can someone like that help you?”

When my daughter began to treat her mother-in-law using her phantom from a photograph, and then called someone else and began to treat her, I was holding my granddaughter in my arms at that time. She hasn't spoken yet. Suddenly she turned around, began to reach towards the door, looked in and said: “Ku-ku.” I didn't understand at first. I looked, there was no one. I say to my daughter: “Please look who’s standing there.” front door" She looks and says: “Oh, my mother-in-law is standing. I forgot to send her phantom home.”

Only the third generation, like the grandson, could have such clearly demonstrated abilities. If he is taught and directed to the right path, a strong sorcerer will grow up. If only they taught to do good, otherwise with such abilities you can break a lot of wood. By the way, his grandmother, who took courses in parapsychology, never practiced witchcraft. But her daughter and son-in-law seem to be doing something magical, attacking people who interfere with their psychic business only because they are more talented than them and people go to them. So there is someone for the rest of the children, who are also marked by their birth abilities.L. I was born with abilities. Since I was eight months old, I remember this incident: a man was killed and a car ran over him. I remember what he was wearing, how he lay, I even remember the car number. I remember his chrome boots, the soles lined with nails in two rows, his breeches, his legs. Scattered, in a brown jacket. I remember how they opened the side of the car and loaded it onto this car, which crushed it. At this time I was sitting in my sister’s arms. My relatives remember this incident and say that I could not remember it, because I was very young. I remember all the details, what his mother-in-law screamed, how she cried, what skirt she was wearing.

My mother told me that as a child there was no need to yell at me, I understood everything myself, adults would only think, I already knew and did everything, I read thoughts. We thought it was time to feed the pig, but I was already going to cut the weeds; I need to bring water, they are looking for me, and I’m already walking with a bucket of water. Sometimes people asked me about the future. Or my sister is supposed to arrive, they go to meet her, and I say: “No, she won’t be there.” “Where is she?” “She got sick on the way.” And so it turned out: she felt sick on the plane and got motion sickness. And I told all this to my parents. Mom was always surprised: “Where does this come from in you? Who did you go to? After all, there are six people and no one has anything like that.”

On my mother’s side, my grandfather was a priest, and my great-grandfather was a priest. This is why I am drawn to prayer. On my mother’s side, I became a prayer worker for the family. But I still don’t understand from whom I got my abilities.

The fire was exploding next to me. If my husband yells at me and I don’t respond with the same aggression, fire explodes about two meters away from me. The flame appears out of nowhere, on its own, next to me. Suddenly there is an explosion ahead of me, a bang, very strong, as if a bomb had exploded. Everyone who is nearby sees this. Sometimes I work at my place, receiving patients; People are sitting in the corridor and are indignant that I’ve been working for a long time. Probably them negative energy reaches a certain level, and I get angry with them and in my room there is an explosion, a bang, everything lights up with flames and immediately disappears. At this moment, it’s as if I’m waking up and returning from somewhere. I've had this since I was young. Before the wedding, no one bothered me, but after I got married, my husband started pestering me, everything was not right for him. My mother-in-law began to cast spells on me. My husband never defended me and attacked me himself. If I snap and cry, there is no explosion. If I don’t react to anything, I endure it, then an explosion occurs.

I have known L. for a long time. She is not an ordinary healer; she can do a lot. It works in an interesting way: he closes his eyes, looks mentally at the patient, scans him, looks at his past, illnesses, and talks about it. It also mentally works through its energy, cleanses it and fills it with the energy of prayers. People feel better about it. Many people don’t understand her work and are surprised that she just sits with eyes closed, then blushes, then turns pale, then moves his head back and forth, and this makes them feel better. L.'s abilities manifested themselves in mature age, but were correctly developed and used for good and help.
She never revealed the secret of the appearance of fire, it does not bother her, it only shows that it is time to calm down so that there is no trouble. She may be a hidden witch, but in a good way- from the word “to know”. It's time for you to find out who you belong to.

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11 Signs that you have a strong Witch in front of you. We often hear that someone has been hexed, and some may even cite the example of someone they know who suddenly suddenly lost their luck in life. The ability to recognize a witch among the people around you will help you avoid unpleasant situations.

Witches have long been considered the friends of the devil himself and the receptacle of evil otherworldly forces. People have always been sure that witches could cause damage or the evil eye; they were feared, hated and at the same time respected. Nowadays, half of the people are skeptical about the existence of witchcraft, and the majority are confident that witches, psychics and sorcerers exist and live among us.

How to recognize a modern witch by appearance
Appearance is the most striking indicator of a witch's nature. Many people endowed psychic abilities, have a noticeable flaw or a bright, catchy appearance.

Hair color and length are the most striking feature. Witches often have fiery red or blue-black long hair that seems to be filled with power.

If a woman carefully braids her hair in public or, on the contrary, she constantly wears them loose, strictly makes sure that her hair is not touched by strangers and scrupulously destroys hair removed from the comb, then you can take a closer look: it is possible that this woman knows the secrets of nature and is familiar with the concepts of energy exchange.

External flaw is the second extremely important indicator.

A squint, lameness or noticeable birthmark is considered a mark indicating the otherworldly power of the owner of the imperfection.

However, the absolute, striking, perfect beauty of the face and figure is also a clear sign of this woman’s abilities.
Rare eye color is another sign of witches, which are often owners of green, black or blue eyes. Also, women with a penchant for extrasensory perception and witchcraft often have the ability to put a person in their place with one glance or to win them over.

If a woman from your not-so-close circle causes you irrational fear or, on the contrary, you cannot resist her silent participation and tell her all your secrets, and she sits silently and does not take her eyes off you, then you are almost certainly a witch.

The wardrobe of women with witchcraft abilities is often characterized by a predominance of dark and natural colors, natural fabrics and loose fit.

But if, naturally, on certain days, your colleague or friend, who constantly wears elegant, discreet and modest clothes, suddenly puts on a bright, flashy dress and drives the entire male half of the team crazy, then most likely this is not without reason: witches, due to the attention of others, can raise and feed your energy.

Jewelry and accessories unusual girls often unclear to many people: for example, witches rarely wear a combination of silver and gold; they may wear an incomprehensible symbol on their necks and not allow anyone to touch their jewelry, much less try it on.

What does her behavior say about a witch?

The behavior of a witch in almost any life situation will be different from the behavior of an ordinary woman. There are several of the most obvious signs of a person’s unusualness and the presence of certain abilities.

The ability to predict the future is perhaps, the fundamental sign of a witch. Many women, who do not want to be suspected of having abilities, deliberately hide them, but spontaneous predictions can be impossible to hide.

For example, if your colleague always guesses what mood your boss is in and never gets into trouble, talks about some matter and subsequently always turns out to be right, or in a bad mood gloomily wishes “good” to a colleague who irritates her, and she words come true after a while - then in front of you is probably a witch who has the power of words and the gift of fulfilling her plans.

Love for animals is another sign modern witch , by which it can be recognized. A witch will never throw a kitten outside and will not be afraid street dog. She will talk to the dog as if it were her own, and she will take the cat off the street, wash it, and in some incredible way place it in good hands in a couple of days.

A woman with abilities is very rarely afraid of spiders, snakes or mice, almost certainly gets a black or red cat - the color of her hair, and is able to “agree” with an evil yard dog so that it will sincerely rejoice at every meeting with the witch, hating all other neighbors.

Witches have knowledge of edible and medicinal herbs and roots, adding them to almost any dish and constantly experimenting with spices.

And this does not spoil the food, but on the contrary, makes it more tasty.
The witch loves unusual teas, is often scrupulous about the use of utensils, and in response to a complaint about a headache, she can offer a herbal mixture that will help.

Speech and manner of speaking will help to recognize a witch: these women carefully monitor their speech, as if weighing every word, especially when they are angry or upset.

Even at the peak of emotions, you won’t hear useless curses or screams from a witch: she knows that her words can come true, and if she wishes evil, then it is measured, thoughtfully, and in such a tone as if she is saying goodbye forever.

How to identify a witch by date of birth

It is no secret that witches often have esoteric abilities from the day they are born. Most often, people with abilities are born into numerologically strong numbers, and the types of abilities are inherent in the essence of different Zodiac Signs and their elements.

Eg, fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are often presented as psychics who see the future, are skilled in handling fire and have a good understanding of animals.

Representatives of earthly zodiac signs such as Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn are most often born with the ability to predict the future using tarot cards, runes or the book of destinies.

Air Signs - Aquarius, Libra and Gemini- often seen prophetic dreams, easily master the technique of lucid dreaming and cannot imagine their life without meditation.

IN modern world no one doubts that witches exist. That is why the question of how to recognize a witch comes up quite often. Sometimes people simply notice that a woman they know has supernatural powers. For example, she can predict certain events or can solve dreams. Methods of recognizing witches go back to the Middle Ages, when the Inquisition fought against all manifestations of witchcraft. Modern Magic does not consider witches to be bad individuals. It’s just that such people have strong energy and are able to influence the world around them to a certain extent.

Signs of a witch are not always obvious, because women who are aware of their distinctive natural abilities usually hide it. Often, beautiful witches have good health and stamina.

It is a misconception that witches do not attend church. Of course, practicing witches cannot be believers. But at the same time, their magical rituals sometimes require church attributes, for example, holy water or candles. Because of this, witches have to visit the temple and behave similarly to other believers so as not to attract attention to themselves.

Signs of a witch can clearly appear in the temple in Maundy Thursday. But for this you need to perform specific actions. It is believed that on this holy day, witches become invisible in the church. To see a witch, you should wear your clothes inside out and enter the temple without touching anything. Eyewitnesses claim that in this case it was often possible to see a naked witch in close proximity from the priest. Subsequently, this woman was able to be identified outside the temple.

How to recognize a witch in our time

But you can recognize a witch outside the temple. To do this, you need to know the signs that indicate belonging to this. But at the same time, one should not draw hasty conclusions based on one recorded suspicious quality. And it is very important not to tell a woman that you recognize her as a witch. This is due to the fact that not all witches may like this, so they can take revenge.

By appearance

The first sign that may indicate that a woman is a witch is a tenacious and very heavy gaze that forces her to look away. In this case, the eye color can be any, but heterochromia is often observed. This term refers to the eyes different color. Magicians claim that the most common witches are those with green eyes and red hair. Women with supernatural abilities often have moles on their bodies. Moreover, one large mole is always present in a hidden place.

Women who have supernatural powers always have long hair. The whole point is that under no circumstances will they cut it off, since the length of the hair determines special meaning, which only they understand. Witches tend to dress in dark clothes. In addition, they often wear jewelry made from stones, as they consider them their talismans.

By behavior

Witches always carry themselves very confidently and can withstand any gaze. They do not get lost in the most difficult life situations. Witches are introverts, they can adapt to any company. They often attend noisy social events. But at the same time, witches do not suffer from loneliness.

Very often witches behave inappropriately. For example, you can catch her doing something like talking to herself. But in fact, the sorceress is talking to an interlocutor only visible to her.

By lifestyle

Each witch leads a secretive lifestyle, so she never reveals herself even to close friends. In such women special rhythm life, therefore characteristic feature is that they can disappear from sight for some time, and completely unexpectedly.

As a rule, witches are lucky individuals. They are lucky in everything, so they easily climb the career ladder. Such women are sociable and people open up to them.

According to the situation in the house

Witches are bad housewives and have little interest in the everyday sphere of life. As a rule, their home is in disarray. Having a bright appearance, women pay little attention to their image.

There is always a lot in the witch's house various herbs. They love to treat guests to unusual natural drinks made from herbal mixtures.

By the animals in her home

Witches always love animals. But at the same time, most often cats or snakes are kept in the house. On the street, a witch will never be afraid of a stray dog. She is able to understand the language of animals and sometimes uses their clues.

Find a witch by date of birth

A very common question is whether it is possible to identify a witch by date of birth. Numerology, as the science of numbers, allows one to determine with fairly high accuracy the probability that a woman has a penchant for the occult world. First, the number 66 666666 should be added to the date of birth, expressed in numerical form. If the total number contains three, six and two nines, then there is a high probability that the woman is a witch. If the numbers are not found in such a combination, then this indicates that the representative of the fair half of humanity has developed intuition, which she can use from time to time, which arouses the suspicion of others.

How to understand that your wife (woman) is a witch

It is not difficult for a husband to understand that his wife has supernatural abilities. Signs of a witch life together very difficult to hide. First of all, sooner or later, he will begin to notice that in principle he cannot deceive his own wife even in the smallest everyday matters. And it’s not a matter of pathological honesty at all. It’s just that under the gaze of your wife you always want to tell the truth. Of course, this will begin to become annoying over time. Confirmation of the fact that the wife is a witch can be the fact that she makes absolutely no effort to take care of her appearance, but at the same time she looks great. Of course, this can be attributed to genetic characteristics, but such natural characteristics are extremely rare. If a woman is engaged in practical witchcraft, then signs of a witch can be found in the home. For example, it could be great amount herbs In addition, the wife will often go out into nature and strive for complete solitude there. Over time, you will notice that the wife quickly comes into contact with all animals and birds. One of the signs of a witch is a cat in the house. In addition, when open windows Birds often fly into the home.

What to do if you find out about magical abilities

It is hardly worth being wary of a person when it has become clear that he has magical powers. Witches do not always practice witchcraft. In most cases, they direct their energy to protecting loved ones from negativity and creating a comfortable environment around them. In order not to escalate the situation, you should not let the woman know that you have noticed signs of a witch in her and are guessing about her supernatural abilities. You need to be afraid of a witch only when there are suspicions that she is practicing black magic and can cause damage. It should be remembered that there are many ways to protect yourself from negativity.

The powers of a witch are a special topic of conversation. Not everyone puts the right meaning into this concept. More often than not, the average person is driven by a program that was implanted in his subconscious as a child. Everything is complicated by the fact that there are no identical strength criteria, just as there are no identical fingerprints. Still, to satisfy your curiosity, I will try to explain where witches get their power from. But I'm only responsible for myself.

Does the power come from the devil or from God?

Before talking about myself personally and how I “take” power, I would like to debunk a couple of myths in your head.

  1. Myth one: If you have already managed to clearly separate the concept Kind fairy and an evil witch, then know that this is a wrong judgment. We are not divided into castes. We do not have a clear definition in the format that is familiar to you. The concept of good and evil, as well as love, beauty and sin, directly depends on how you look at it from what angle.
  2. Myth two: The witch always fights against light magicians. This is complete heresy. No one is fighting with anyone. People like me have their own magic, aggressive, people like them have their own - soft and positive.

I cannot answer for everyone who knows and can do things that are not available to the average person. And therefore I speak only for myself. I don’t know who these skills or this power come from. We are used to thinking that the gift, as it is called, comes to us from a close relative, but this is not so. At least in my case. Knowledge comes from the teacher, and the power is always with the magician; from the first minutes of his life with his first breath, it already lives in a small child.

How the choice is made

I grew up, matured, lived among people, talked with them, saw, sometimes I just saw, and sometimes I looked and saw what was inside a person. They didn't like me because people subconsciously felt threatened by me. Teenagers are cruel, and that's a fact. But it is at this age that you begin to realize your essence, through the veil of rage and anger. I will not fuss, there is little good in me, such as you imagine it, and a lot of evil, such as you see it.

At first, when the witch is just beginning to realize her power, she does not yet understand all the responsibility.

This is the most terrible period in her life. There are two options:

  1. If she realizes that balance is needed and comes to understand the reasons for this or that action.
  2. If she starts destroying everything around her, first out of anger, and then just like that, in order to see what happens.

In the first scenario, she will live among you and simply do what she does, but according to the rules dictated by the energy of the world.

In the second scenario, she will die and it is not a fact that physically, more often morally, emotionally, spiritually, there may be insanity, alcoholism, drug addiction, and so on. And on top of that, she will lose all her strength and all her energy and all her skills, and I can tell you this worse than death as such. In your terminology, this is a complete disability.

How does power come?

Like me, rarely does anyone explain the essence of what lives within us; we need to come to this ourselves. It’s just that at some point you begin to “drink” strength, energy from everything that walks and breathes. Just don’t imagine excerpts from horror films: there’s this scary woman with his hands raised to the sky, and at the witch’s feet her victim is beating, losing vitality. And then: “Uncle Vasya, turn on the special effects!” - and lightning, the sky clouded, and blood-red streams of unknown origin rushed from the body of the victim to the hands of the witch. This is all complete nonsense, there is no such thing, and never was, these are all the same special effects from those strange films from those strange directors who think they know how to do it.

Process of obtaining energy

If you describe the process with sensations, it’s something like how you drink water or eat cake. But these are then sensations, and the process itself is as follows: the body begins to receive heat, not like the heat from the stove, it is more like breathing in winter, something completely alien in the ordinary familiar world of smells, sensations and sounds. At first it is spontaneous. There are no sensations, there is no fear, no idea whether I’m doing bad or good, it’s just that a special thirst is being quenched, you are satiating yourself with something without which there is no personal comfort for you. It's like breathing, well, you can't stop yourself from smelling or breathing. Later, you move to the stage of portable nutrition, that is, you pull consciously when you realize that you are missing.

Features of energy gain

You should not think that the learning process is simple and happily enjoyable. Not at all. Because this is one of the forms of energy vampirism. When you take your first steps, you begin to lose control of yourself. Sometimes you will strain to such an extent that you will vomit for a day, your blood pressure drops, your body aches, but you don’t know how to throw out all this unnecessary stuff, you still don’t know how.

If you overdo it, you lose control and you can’t form something to throw away the excess either.

It is painful and very scary, because you are no longer you and you cannot help yourself. The excess energy goes away by itself, but it takes hours or sometimes days. There are outbreaks of aggression or life turns black; a depressive state is also one of the symptoms. Another very important moment in the formation of a witch and her outlook on life, a moment that I can’t even explain, concerns the fact that people’s attitude towards you changes. Something really provokes them to show dislike, anger and cruelty towards them. Now I have the honor of watching another future strong girl grow up, who will not only become like me, she will surpass me in many ways, she is much stronger even now in adolescence. She is not easily aggressive in her, there is so much rage and hatred that I am afraid she cannot cope on her own, she has already realized a lot about her situation, but she has understood little.

First practice

My first practices with working on other people's energy, that same evil eye, curse and that same damage, done without accessories, but simply working with energy flows, showed me that if there is no reason, I have to pay. At first, I paid with my health, I paid with the loss of my skills, I paid by slapping a charge of negativity towards the one who offended me, and I lost the opportunity not only to do something, but to see the essence and energy of a person. This gradually taught me to control myself.

I won’t describe the whole path, I’ll just say that over time I came to the realization that you can’t do something with impunity. I became calmer, I saw that those who don’t like me will live a rather joyless life, one will lose himself in living without love, the second will not have self-respect, and the third will simply pathetic person. And I felt sorry for them, and I stopped taking away, started helping, giving. At that time it was simple. Teenagers are like this: love, friends, pass an exam, etc. But what’s the problem, it didn’t work out to help either, I began to fade physically and psychologically, to weaken. It was necessary to figure out what was wrong.

Understanding came on its own. Not dark night as you imagine it, not from books, because not a single witch will tell you how to do it, it came by itself. One day I simply tuned in to the energy of a person who radiated what you call goodness and happiness and began to absorb it into myself. In the process, I saw and felt how his joy was drying up, his aura began to darken, his energy, natural defense, trying to make up for the losses, began to put forward some of his resources, and since we have disorders in ordinary life moreover, it is heavy energy that fills the gaps. And then something clicked in me: the box is full. And the man simply became a man, I saw him, as you see, only his face became like that of a crowd, indifferent. I had no pity and no repentance. This was the first conscious act of a witch, namely a witch, and not a person who knows how to do something.

How I learned to use my skills correctly

Now there is a lot of information about witches, energy and magic. Today, the majority of those who realize themselves in the position of a magician, not one who studies, but one who has such power from birth, do not pass most tests. Because I realized, felt, went to the Internet, started searching, and found either the truth or a lie, the lie didn’t work, we search further. They find explanations for everything that happens to them, they come to something on their own, they learn something from sources. It’s a shame that many people neglect self-knowledge and discovery itself. But each of them has its own strength and purpose.

How I used my power consciously

I already wrote above that at first I could only destroy. This is easy to do if you know how to work well with imagination and the power of thought. I wrote about the first experiment in the first publication: “Who is a witch or “Let’s get acquainted!” So, entering the period of adolescence, when, against the background of teenage changes of the first menstruation and the first bursts of released energy, I already knew how to mentally build what is usually called a flow or charge.

  1. If someone made me angry, I concentrated, this is not easy to do, at first you need silence and preferably darkness so that nothing causes discomfort and does not interfere with concentration.
  2. Next, you need to imagine your anger and resentment as a black or blood-red ball; associate the color with pain.
  3. Having formed a ball, do not rush to throw it, you need to imagine that it is a weapon, it must be dangerous. And then we throw this black clot of energy in the image of the offender.
  4. It is very important to correctly form an image in your head if it is not possible to work with a photograph or directly. When sending the ball, put force into it.
  5. Visually in your head, your job of throwing a dark energy charge should look like this: a black or red energy ball hits the chest area of ​​your victim with force, and spreads across the body like paint spills. Visualization is very important.
  6. Clearly formulate that the ball causes pain, breaks bones, tears the body, stains the heart area black.
  7. Keep the image in your head and send pain, send sadness, imagine how pain, the simple physical pain of a burn or cut, burns and torments your victim.

It's very important to keep in touch. You can imagine how a black stream goes from you to the victim. Send energy in pushes, as if striking.

Should you be afraid of what you can do?

Don't be afraid. Working with energy, if justified, will not harm you. You will feel tired, sometimes dizzy, body aches, your temperature may rise, but this is not a punishment, it will only indicate to you that you have managed to form a flow of energy.

Fatigue is normal, especially if you don’t yet know how to fuel yourself with energy.

If you feel dizzy, it's because your blood pressure has dropped, eat a chocolate bar or drink coffee. That's not fatal. And don’t think that this is punishment. It's a bullshit. Remember, if you are not worthy of this, then you will not be able to do anything.

Some representatives of the fair sex. They are surrounded by a special aura. The ability to find signs of a witch in a woman’s appearance will help you understand whether your new friend is a born witch, or whether she simply creates an atmosphere of mystery and enigma.

Stereotypes about witches

IN different time Different peoples had their own ideas about what a witch looks like. External signs usually indicated a witch from birth, conceived from a representative other world. Oddities of behavior should have betrayed a person who received magical knowledge and abilities after a deal with Satan. Such a transaction, as a rule, involved the sale of one's own soul.

Traditionally, witches were considered green-eyed women with red or black hair. In addition, there should have been a “devilish” mark on her body, which meant a large birthmark. Often, it was precisely this “proof” that became the reason to send a woman to the stake.

In fact, a witch does not always have external differences from ordinary person. Suspect the presence magical abilities or a predisposition to practice magic is possible in people (not only women, but also men) who have a serious physical defect. A person with slanted eyes, a hump and other repulsive defects is given abilities with which he can compensate for his shortcomings. Without knowing a single spell, a person causes damage and sends a curse. Women with physical defects can easily cope with love spells, which helps them get the men they want as husbands.

How to recognize a witch by date of birth?

Numerology offers several ways to determine a person’s inclination towards the occult sciences by working with his date of birth:

  • The number 66 66 6666 should be added to the date of birth. The method is based on the belief that the combination of three sixes is a satanic sign. If, when added, the result is a number containing a three, a six and two nines (the order is arbitrary), you have a witch in front of you. Example: date of birth – July 4, 1988; 4 07 1988 + 66 66 6666 = 70 73 8654. The absence of nines indicates that the person does not have magical abilities.
  • A sorcerer can be considered someone whose date of birth is divisible by 6. Example: date of birth – June 14, 1990; 1 + 4 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 9 = 30. Final result is divisible by 6. There is a high probability that a person born on June 14, 1990 has a predisposition to practice magic or possesses.

If, using one of the methods suggested above, you have determined that you are a witch, observe yourself. Remember the cases when what you predicted came true very accurately, as well as cases of manifestation of magical abilities.

Signs of a witch in a woman in appearance are not limited to unusual makeup or strange amulets around the neck. Real witch is able to “open” the eyes, that is, to divert attention from her witchcraft essence.