Bench. Agricultural expert of the republic - about agrologistics and assistance to farmers of Dagestan

13.10.2017 11:11:21

After the resignation of Ramazan Abdulatipov and the arrival of the new acting Head, Vladimir Vasiliev, residents of the republic began to wonder: who will join the team of the regional leader introduced last week? Who will he “bring with him” and who will he leave behind?

Against the backdrop of incessant forecasts, guesses, versions and assumptions, users social networks began to remember “forgotten” candidates “from the past,” noting that they were the ones who needed to be returned.

Who has been on the bench too long? “MI” conducted a survey of which of the politicians, ministers, officials and managers the Dagestanis would like to return and give them a job.


Our post, published on the social network Facebook, was not in uniform social survey in its classical sense. Dagestanis were only asked to “voice” their candidates. Perhaps the responses of commentators were subjective and based on personal liking or being “friends” with their “nominees,” but the majority of Dagestani Facebook users turned out to be unoriginal. As it turned out, the political “tastes” and preferences of many converge on the same surnames.

The most “votes” were received by the former: the prime minister of the Dagestan government Mukhtar Majidov, Minister of Industry of the Republic Rizvan Gazimagomedov and Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan Sharip Sharipov. It is noteworthy that the listed “troika” were appointed to these positions Ramazan Abdulatipov in the first months of their leadership, and by the end of it, not a single one of them was in the government anymore. Why?

Mukhtar Medzhidov left the post of head of the Dagestan cabinet of ministers for at will due to fundamental differences - he categorically disagreed with the personnel and economic policies pursued by Ramazan Abdulatipov’s team.

Rizvan Gazimagomedov, judging by various inside stories circulating in society at that time, left his position for an almost similar reason - he “did not get along well” with the Head of the Republic.

Sharip Sharipov, transferred by Ramazan Abdulatipov from the post of deputy minister Agriculture republics were immediately promoted to deputy prime ministers of the government and assigned to oversee the agro-industrial complex. Despite his activity, competence, hard work and work “on the ground”, Abdulatipov, during his live broadcasts as part of the “Open Power” project, at meetings and speeches before the Dagestan parliament, tirelessly criticized Sharipov in conjunction with the then Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Dagestan Battal Battalov. In particular, in his annual Message in 2015, Abdulatipov advised Sharip Sharipov to engage “not only in selection work, but also in the selection of personnel.” Also, the ex-head of the republic expected rapidly growing indicators from Sharipov. "More is not better"– Abdulatipov said to Sharipov, meaning that positive dynamics alone are not enough, and as a result, he removed him from the post of Deputy Prime Minister without providing anything in return.

Facebook users who took part in the survey speak about Sharipov in the most flattering way, calling « the best specialist on Agriculture", noting that “If there is justice on this earth, then he will be returned.”

Similar “pleasant things” are written about Mukhtar Medzhidov - “I am for Medzhidov. Apart from him, there are no business executives there.”– and Rizvan Gazimagomedov. “Everyone else needs to close the road there,”– social network users note.


This may seem strange to some, but Dagestanis name the first president of Dagestan among the names whose return to “active politics” they consider necessary Muhu Aliyeva. Among the opinions of fans of the ex-president of the Republic of Dagestan that Aliyev has not yet done everything he can for the republic, and he was “written off early,” there is even this: Mukha Aliyev should be appointed Head of Dagestan.

The politician, who retired and leads a non-public lifestyle, preferring once again not to communicate with journalists, even refused to widely celebrate his 75th birthday in Makhachkala two years ago. Therefore, we can only hope that the first president of Dagestan will want to take part in political life region.

In addition to Mukhu Aliyev, users of social networks also suggest for consideration another political heavyweight - the permanent chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Dagestan - 87-year-old Magomedali Magomedova. "Bring back Grandfather"– the Dagestanis ask laconically.


Among the politicians who not only can, but also need to be entrusted with leadership positions in the republic, Dagestanis list the names of the former head of the Kayakent region and the Minister of Agriculture of Dagestan Murata Shikhsaidova, who has a reputation as a good business executive, former head of the Ministry of Nationalities of the Republic of Dagestan, political observer Eduard Urazaev, ex-Minister of Health of the Republic of Dagestan Ilyas Mamaev, former long-term general director of the Makhachkala port and ex-deputy chairman of the Dagestan government Abusupyan Kharkharov, as well as a current deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Rizvana Kurbanova.

Whether any of the above-mentioned popular candidates will occupy a high post in the White House - time will tell.


Medzhidov Mukhtar Murtuzalievich– businessman, former chairman of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan, founder of the banking system of Dagestan and former vice-president of the Innovation Union Russian Federation. Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Dux (Moscow).

Gazimagomedov Rizvan Kazimovich– In the 90s he worked in the construction business. In 2007, he was elected to the People's Assembly of Dagestan, where he was deputy chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy. He held the position of Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Dagestan. In February 2013, he was appointed acting Minister of Industry and Energy of the Republic of Dagestan. Currently holds the post of Advisor to the Minister for Affairs North Caucasus RF.

Sharipov Sharip Ismailovich- Honorary Worker of the Agro-Industrial Complex, Honored Economist of the Republic of Dagestan, graduate of the famous Moscow Agricultural Academy. Timiryazev. He first worked as a foreman of a collective farm in the Tambov region, then in various positions in the Ministry of Agriculture of Dagestan. In May 2013, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Government of Dagestan. Currently he manages the greenhouse complex of Yugagroholding LLC.

Aliev Muhu Gimbatovich- Soviet and Russian statesman and political figure. For 11 years (from 1995 to 2006) he headed the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan. In 2006 he was appointed Vladimir Putin to the post of leader of the republic, becoming the first President of Dagestan in history.

Magomedov Magomedali Magomedovich- an outstanding Soviet and Russian statesman and political figure, honorary Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Dagestan.

Shikhsaidov Murat Shikhsaidovich- former head of the Kayakent region and Minister of Agriculture of Dagestan. In the 90s he worked first as president, and then general director"Dagvino".

Urazaev Eduard Kairkhanovich– worked as the head of the press service of the State Council of the Republic of Dagestan, from November 2006 to October 2008 he served as Minister of national policy, religious affairs and external relations Dagestan. Currently he appears in various media as a political scientist and journalist.

Mamaev Ilyas Akhmedovich– Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan and the Russian Federation, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Epidemiology of the DSMU. From 1987 to 1996, he worked as the chief physician of the Republican Tuberculosis Dispensary. In 1996, he was appointed Minister of Health of the Republic of Dagestan.

Kharkharov Abusupyan Magomedovich- former deputy prime minister of the Dagestan government. From 1998 to 2010, he held the position of General Director of the Makhachkala Sea Commercial Port. From 1999 to 2011 he was elected as a deputy of the People's Assembly of Dagestan. On January 31, 2013, the acting Head of Dagestan, Ramazan Abdulatipov, was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Dagestan government. He did not work in this post for long - he was dismissed.

Born on January 3, 1967 in Makhachkala (according to other sources, in the village of Chokh, Gunibsky district). 50 years. Avarets.

Kurbanov Rizvan Daniyalovich– politician, current deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. From March 2010 to December 2011, he was First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan. In 2010, he headed the Commission for Assistance in Adaptation to peaceful life persons who decide to stop terrorist and extremist activities on the territory of Dagestan.

Our readers showed great interest in the material about the harvest in Dagestan, about the fact that farmers have to hand over their produce for next to nothing and there is still a lot of unharvested harvest left in the fields. Who is to blame for this and how to create a system that meets the interests of farmers, how to bring agricultural products to central regions Russia, big cities, which are in great need of environmentally friendly, rich in vitamins and minerals, grown in the best natural conditions, tasty and healthy fruits and vegetables? Doctor Patimat Rasulova told RDV correspondent about the problems of farmers and what needs to be done to improve logistics in this area. economic sciences, famous agricultural expert, former Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Dagestan (2013-2015), curator investment projects Yugagroholding LLC Sharip Sharipov.

Sharip Ismailovich, the harvest season has begun in the Republic of Dagestan. How did it start for rural workers and what harvests are expected this year?

— Yes, the harvest is in full swing, and this year Dagestan’s agricultural producers intend to increase the supply of quality fruits and vegetables to the market in volumes exceeding last year’s level. It must be said that the weather has not been kind this year; just this week, hailstorms occurred in a number of mountainous areas, causing damage to farm products. A little earlier, vegetable growers in the Levashinsky and Akushinsky districts, who are leaders in the production of cabbage and a number of other crops, suffered from hail.

This year there was a good apricot harvest, whereas in the past late frosts destroyed almost all of it. I think that about 140 thousand tons of fruits (131 thousand tons in 2016) will be collected in the republic and 1.4 million tons of vegetables - at the level of last year. The peculiarity of Dagestan fruit growing is that in the structure of the fruits produced, pome and stone fruits are almost equally distributed, while in the country as a whole the share of stone fruits in the total volume does not exceed 19%. Accordingly, Dagestan is the undisputed leader in the country in the production of stone fruits such as apricot, peach and others.

- How is the harvest exported and surplus sold in the republic? Is there any procurement system?

— Today, there is no special service empowered to purchase grown crops from agricultural producers on a national scale, which, in principle, is not the function of the state in a market economy. And so there are a lot of scattered resellers scurrying around everywhere, for whom this is a business, sometimes offering prices that do not cover the costs of growing crops. When it comes to perishable products, farmers have no choice - they are forced to give away in order to get something for their hard work. This situation forces individual farmers to make adjustments to their functionality - they purchase transport or team up with neighbors and export their products to the regions themselves, at their own peril and risk. It is quite natural that success depends on many factors, and I believe that farmers cannot be left alone with their problems.

One of the ways to build a procurement system is the formation of agricultural consumer cooperatives, the need for the development of which in last years they speak at all levels, even in the latest message from the Russian President. This area is most in demand in Dagestan and in regions with similar agricultural structures, where the main agricultural producers are many private households and farms, which together account for more than 85% of the region’s agricultural production. For example, in the republic more than 420 thousand private household plots and 13 thousand farms are engaged in agricultural activities, which objectively need help, not only in marketing the harvest, but also in solving other problems.

The created cooperatives will, on behalf of and on behalf of their founders, agricultural producers, also deal with marketing issues. There is no need to reinvent the wheel; it is necessary to study the positive experience of individual regions, such as the Lipetsk region and others. For the third year, money has been allocated from the federal budget to create the material and technical base of these cooperatives - SPC (rural consumer cooperatives). Dagestan joined this program this year and will receive just over 100 million rubles, which can be used to create pilot cooperatives in order to subsequently replicate it throughout the republic. This is an impressive amount, and I believe that if it is used effectively, working SPCs should emerge, primarily marketing ones.

Well, you must agree that this is work for the future; it takes time and effort. In addition, several created cooperatives do not solve the sales problem.

- What to do in this situation? After all, you can’t tell farmers: wait until we create cooperatives.

Correct positioning question. Indeed, it is necessary to solve the problem here and now, moreover, in the absence of funds for these purposes. For many, this situation gives rise to the feeling that there is an overabundance of fruit in the country and they do not know what to do with it. In fact, one of the highly import-dependent areas is the production of fruits, since in the country as a whole, self-sufficiency in fruits is only 30%, with 45% in Dagestan.
The thing is that fruit growing is seasonal and during the harvest period prices are minimal, and there are not enough fruit storage facilities, which is why we eat fruits imported from outside. And if we talk about stone fruits, they need to be sold in a short period.

Firstly, you can increase sales within the region itself. Take, for example, Makhachkala, where there is a central food market and several other small ones, which are not enough given the size and population. So it turns out that in conditions of low competition due to the small number retail outlets price for products, even in season big harvest, remains high. They lose as manufacturers from whom they purchased low prices, and consumers for whom the availability of fruit is decreasing.

Therefore, it is necessary to organize temporary points for seasonal sales in cities and more actively hold agricultural fairs, without waiting for the fall, because it is important for us to purchase a healthy product for our consumption during the season.

To do this, city administrations need to create a list suitable places for trading in certain period indicating the addresses, which are distributed among the regions by the regional Ministry of Agriculture and provide the necessary assistance to district administrations in organizing seasonal trade.

It turns out that the agricultural producer meets face to face with the consumer, everyone wins: the consumer, who gets the opportunity to purchase first-hand a quality product at a good price, and the farmer, who receives cash on the spot for his work!

In this case, there will also be no need to travel from one end of the city to the other for a couple of kilograms of apricots.

This does not require finance, but only initiative on the part of interested individuals and structures.

Secondly, it is necessary to help agricultural producers export their products outside the republic, especially since they are loved and expected in many regions of the country.

For these purposes, it is possible to connect representative offices of the republic in the regions of the country, the potential of which can and should be used to organize seasonal supplies of our products to consumers of these regions. After all, it’s one thing for our producers to deliver goods to an unknown address at their own risk, and it’s completely different if they receive at least an indication of what volumes and what can be delivered to a farmers’ market or other designated place in the cities of our country. The options may be different; an organizing start and appropriate coordination from stakeholders at the republican level are required. There is a practice of signing cooperation agreements with regions in different areas, so you need to start with these simple steps, helping farmers find consumers for their products.

© From personal archive

- In recent years, everyone has heard buzzword"agrilogistics". What is being done to create it?

— Above, I announced measures to promptly respond to sales difficulties, and it is impossible to do without the formation of a civilized system of commodity distribution - the infrastructure of the agri-food market. The task is long-term, requiring investment, where it is impossible to do without adequate government support.

Today, the state stimulates the creation of logistics by reimbursing up to 20% of the direct costs incurred for the construction of fruit and vegetable storage facilities of certain parameters, however, not a single facility in the republic has yet been commissioned within the framework of these rules. There are several projects to create modern capacities for storage, processing, packaging and bringing products to presentation, but they will not have an impact on the situation in this area in the near future.

There is also a program for creating wholesale distribution centers (WDC), which, in order to participate in the state support program, must have a simultaneous storage capacity of at least 30 thousand tons of agricultural products, and with the ability to store at least five types of products at once, which is unrealistic for us given our micro-agricultural structure .
It is necessary to radically restructure the work to disseminate the positive experience of the regions in creating agrilogistics, so that those who are starting to move in this direction can adopt them. It is necessary to create a section on the website of the country’s Ministry of Agriculture that will contain information about agrilogistics facilities built in recent years, reflecting the main parameters, special equipment for these purposes, and much more, which will act as a guide for others. There is practically no such information, which complicates the route of those who intend to develop these areas.
For example, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic has made a leap in creating fruit storage facilities, where the capacity for simultaneous storage exceeds 90 thousand tons of fruit! Or the same for vegetable growing in the Astrakhan region and so on.

— You completed an internship in the USA and visited other countries to exchange experiences. Which country has the best organization for delivering fresh goods to customers?

— It’s different everywhere, it all depends on local specifics and country characteristics, but everyone has one thing in common - that agricultural producers are not forced to run around and look for a buyer for their products. Most of these countries have developed systems of agricultural consumer cooperation, where farmers are members of special marketing cooperatives that are fully engaged in solving common cooperative problems. The farmer doesn’t have a headache about this; his task is to produce a quality product that meets strict standards. Required condition— high trust between members of the cooperative. These cooperatives already determine where and at what, often pre-agreed, price to sell their products. There are other options.

In our conditions, it is difficult for farm products to make their way onto the shelves of network structures; there are various encumbrances, including unreasonably high entry fees, bonuses for the counter, and so on. Legislative regulation, as everyone constantly talks about, does not have a significant impact on the situation. Without a noticeable simplification of these administrative and economic burdens, progress in this area cannot be counted on.

Mechanical transfer of foreign experience will not yield anything; we need consolidated efforts across a wide range of problems on a systematic basis.

Only systematic work, filled with effective, proven tools, including government support, will be of utmost importance and will achieve obvious results.

© From personal archive

Basic scientific principles formulated by the author based on the research:

  1. The institutional methodology for studying a multi-structure agrarian economy is justified and applied in the process of analytical development of the topic. A refined author's classification and characteristics are given different approaches to the methodology of studying various structures. The content of the concepts “multi-structure”, “way of life”, “form of management” has been clarified from the standpoint of the institutional approach. Three groups of research approaches to characterizing structures are generalized and identified: the traditional production approach characterizing the economic structure special type industrial relations; socio-economic approach based on the characteristics of structures from the perspective of the entire system of social relations; institutional approach based on the methodology of modern institutionalism. A methodology has been developed for institutional analysis of a multi-structure agrarian economy and institutional environment at four logical levels.
  2. The features of the processes of transformation of forms of ownership and management, determined by the influence of specific informal rules of the institutional environment of rural areas, are determined using the example of the Republic of Dagestan. A significant influence in rural areas of formed formal institutions and informal institutional heritage on the development and functioning of economic structures has been revealed. It is shown that this influence is due to the high stability and large role of informal rules in the institutional environment of rural areas, increased conservatism and commitment of the rural population to traditions and customs. The conditions and factors that determine the specificity (sustainability and significance) of informal institutions in the agricultural sector of the economy in the region as a whole and its individual zones have been identified and systematized.
  3. Developed methodological foundations classification of economic structures, trends and features of the formation of a multi-structure agrarian structure in Dagestan in comparison with other regions of Russia are determined. It has been revealed that the agrarian sector of the region differs in the structure of ways of life, the institutional factors that determine it, the level and dynamics of development of economic structures) of the estates and the introduction of settlements and territories of the island.
  4. The factors determining specific feature development of the structure of structures in the agricultural sector of the region, characterized by a predominant share in the agricultural production of personal subsidiary plots, a pronounced differentiation of private household plots has been established according to geographical areas region. Approaches to the study of the comparative effectiveness of economic structures are proposed, taking into account the influence of the informal use of part of the resource potential of agricultural organizations by households.
  5. The need for multi-structure and multifunctional rural development as a core direction is substantiated sustainable development rural settlements and territories of the region. It is shown that the integrated multifunctional development of agriculture and rural areas makes it possible to ensure sustainability and competitiveness through a more complete realization of the resource potential of rural areas. The reasons determining the need for a transition to multifunctional development of rural areas in the region have been identified.
  6. The forecast scenario for the development of a multi-structure agrarian economy in the institutional environment of rural areas of the region is methodically substantiated. Distinctive feature The proposed development is to predict the development processes of a multi-structure agrarian economy in close connection with the formation and development of their institutional environment. At the same time, the specifics of such scenario development are taken into account not only in the temporal aspect, but also in a spatial context - for individual natural, climatic and economic zones of the republic.
  7. The development of agricultural cooperation with stimulating state support is formulated and justified as the most important direction in the formation of a multi-structure agrarian economy. An organizational and economic model of the system of agricultural consumer cooperation in the region has been developed and tested, including the creation of an extensive network of agricultural consumer cooperatives, united in a coherent structure, allowing for the establishment of an effective mechanism for marketing agricultural products, and specific types of production and consumer cooperatives have been proposed and tested in various regions of the republic. .
  8. An organizational and economic structure and a mechanism for regulating and supporting the institutional environment and the development of a multi-structure agrarian economy, a mechanism for organizing, managing, financing and implementing rural development programs, consisting of an extensive network of service centers, a fund for sustainable development of rural areas, associations of rural producers organized by at the regional and municipal levels. Methods of state regulation of the agricultural sector of the economy are proposed, taking into account differentiation by categories of commodity producers, contributing to the optimization of a multi-structural agricultural system and increasing the efficiency and sustainability of its development in the institutional environment of the region.

1. Sharipov, Sh.I. Reforming the region's agriculture / Sh.I. Sharipov. Moscow: State Unitary Enterprise "Efes", 2001. - 7.0 pp.

2. Sharipov, Sh.I. Market transformation of the agricultural sector of Dagestan / Sh.I.Sharipov - Makhachkala: Planet-Service LLC, 2007. - 11.4 pp.

3. Sharipov, Sh.I. Regional features of the development of a multi-structure agrarian economy in a specific institutional environment / Sh.I. Sharipov. – Michurinsk-science city of the Russian Federation: Michurin Publishing House. state agrarian University, 2008. – 16 pp.

4. Sharipov, Sh.I. Development of agricultural consumer cooperation. Educational and methodological manual. / Sh.I.Sharipov. – Makhachkala: DagpressMedia LLC, 2006. – 4.8 pp.

5. Sharipov, Sh.I. Development of personal subsidiary plots and peasant (farm) holdings. Educational and methodological manual. / Sh.I.Sharipov. – Makhachkala: DagpressMedia LLC, 2006. – 5.7 pp.

6. Sharipov, Sh.I. Land relations in the agricultural sector of the Republic of Dagestan. / Sh.I. Sharipov. – Makhachkala: LLC “Planeta-Service”, 2007. – 11.0 pp.

7. Sharipov, Sh.I. Agricultural production cooperative in the agrarian structure of the region. / Sh.I. Sharipov. – Makhachkala: “FORMAT”, 2007. – 7.1 pp.

8. Sharipov, Sh.I. Agriculture in terms and definitions. Scientific and practical publication. / Sh.I. Sharipov. – Makhachkala: “FORMAT-A”, 2009. – 16.0 pp.

Articles in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission:

9. Sharipov, Sh.I. Regional features of reforming agrarian relations / Sh.I. Sharipov // Russian Agricultural Economics. – 2000. – No. 7. – 0.1 p.l.

10. Sharipov, Sh.I. Land reform in Dagestan / Sh.I. Sharipov // Russian Agricultural Economics. – 2001. – No. 1. – 0.1 p.l.

11. Sharipov, Sh.I. Agriculture of Latvia on the path of market transformation / Sh.I. Sharipov, S. Coroner // Achievements of science and technology of the agro-industrial complex. – 2002. – No. 1. – 0.2 p.l. (automatic volume 0.15 p.l.).

12. Sharipov, Sh.I. Development of farming in Dagestan / Sh.I. Sharipov // Russian Agricultural Economics. – 2002. – No. 6. – 0.1 p.l.

13. Sharipov, Sh.I Structural transformations in the agricultural sector of Bulgaria / Sh.I. Sharipov, S. Coroner // Achievements of science and technology of the agro-industrial complex. – 2002. – No. 8. – 0.2 p.l. (automatic volume 0.15 p.l.).

14. Sharipov, Sh.I. Resource potential of agricultural enterprises of Dagestan / Sh.I. Sharipov // Russian Agricultural Economics. – 2003. – No. 12. – 0.1 p.l.

15. Sharipov, Sh.I. Marketing research in regional agriculture / Sh.I. Sharipov // Marketing. – 2005. – No. 2. – 0.4 p.l.

16. Sharipov, Sh.I. Problems of rural development in the Republic of Dagestan / Sh.I. Sharipov // Region: economics and sociology. – 2005. – No. 4. – 0.4 p.l.

17. Sharipov, Sh.I. Regional development strategy: alignment or polarization? / Sh.I. Sharipov // Regional economics: theory and practice. – 2006. – No. 2. – 0.3 p.l.

18. Sharipov, Sh.I. On structural shifts in agriculture in the world and Russia / Sh.I. Sharipov // International Agricultural Journal. – 2006. – No. 1. – 0.2 p.l.

19. Sharipov, Sh.I. Formation of a multi-structure agrarian economy in the Republic of Dagestan / Sh.I. Sharipov // Economics of agricultural and processing enterprises. – 2006. – No. 3. – 0.3 p.l.

20. Sharipov, Sh.I. Forms of management in the multi-structure agrarian economy of the Republic of Dagestan / Sh.I. Sharipov // AIC: economics and management. – 2006. – No. 5. – 0.2 p.l.

21. Sharipov, Sh.I. Transformation processes in Russian agriculture / Sh.I. Sharipov // Achievements of science and technology of the agro-industrial complex. – 2006. – No. 5. – 0.2 p.l.

22. Sharipov, Sh.I. Efficiency various forms management / Sh.I. Sharipov // Vestnik Russian Academy agricultural sciences. – 2006. – No. 3. – 0.1 p.l.

23. Sharipov, Sh.I. Personal subsidiary plots in the agricultural economy of Dagestan / Sh.I. Sharipov // Agrarian science. – 2006. – No. 10. – 0.1 p.l.

24. Sharipov, Sh.I. Trends in structural transformations in the agricultural sector of Dagestan / Sh.I. Sharipov // Regional economics: theory and practice. – 2007. – No. 11. – 0.2 p.l.

25. Sharipov, Sh.I. Structural transformations in the agricultural sector of China / Sh.I. Sharipov // International Agricultural Journal. – 2008. – No. 1. – 0.2 p.l.

26. Sharipov, Sh.I. Development of small forms of farming in regional agriculture / Sh.I. Sharipov, Zh.A.Akhmedova // Regional economics: theory and practice. – 2008. – No. 17. – 0.1 p.l. (automatic volume 0.05 p.l.).

27. Sharipov, Sh.I. Institutional factors in the formation of a multi-structure agrarian structure / Sh.I. Sharipov // Regional economics: theory and practice. – 2009. – No. 19(112) 0.3 p.l.

28. Sharipov, Sh.I. On labor productivity in agriculture in the context of institutional reforms / Sh.I. Sharipov // Economic analysis: theory and practice – 2009. – No. 21 (150). – 0.3 p.l.

29. Sharipov, Sh.I. State support of agricultural enterprises: reality and mechanisms for improvement / Sh.I. Sharipov // AIC: economics and management. – 2009. – No. 2. – 0.5 p.l.

30. Sharipov, Sh.I. Restructuring the agrarian economy of the region and rural employment / Sh.I. Sharipov // Regional economics: theory and practice. – 2009. – No. 1. – 0.3 p.l.

31. Sharipov, Sh.I. On the role of informal institutions in the development of economic structures in agriculture in Dagestan / Sh.I. Sharipov // International Agricultural Journal. – 2009. – No. 4. – 0.4 p.l.

Articles in other scientific and scientific-practical publications:

32. Sharipov, Sh.I. Sheep farming in the agrarian structure of Dagestan / Sh.I. Sharipov // Agrarian Russia. – 2007. – No. 5. – 0.2 p.l.

33. Sharipov, Sh.I. Scientific and information support of small forms of management / Sh.I. Sharipov // Technology and equipment for rural areas. – 2008. – No. 5. – 0.1 p.l.

34. Sharipov, Sh.I. Some aspects of the development of rural areas in a labor surplus region / Sh.I. Sharipov // Sat. materials from international scientific-practical conference“Sustainable development of rural areas: concepts and mechanisms.” – M.: Encyclopedia of Russian Villages, 2001. – 0.2 pp.

35. Sharipov, Sh.I. Financial recovery of agricultural enterprises using the bankruptcy mechanism / Sh.I. Sharipov // Sat. proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference NAEKOR “Financial recovery of agricultural enterprises.” – M.: Publishing house MCHA, 2001. – Issue 5. – T.2. – 0.4 p.l.

36. Sharipov, Sh.I. Development of the family economy and food supply for the population of mountainous territories / Sh.I. Sharipov // Sat. materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Government, business and the peasantry: mechanisms of effective interaction.” – M.: Encyclopedia of Russian Villages, 2002. – 0.2 pp.

37. Sharipov, Sh. Some aspects of the development of agricultural advisory service at regional level in Russian Federation / Sh. Sharipov // Bulletin of the 3rd Corference on agricultural advisory of central and eastern Europe, Riga, 2002/ – 0.1 p.l.

38. Sharipov, Sh.I. Socio-economic aspects of the development of rural areas in mountainous areas in the conditions of the country's accession to the WTO / Sh.I. Sharipov // Sat. materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Agri-food policy and Russia’s accession to the WTO”. – M.: Encyclopedia of Russian Villages, 2003. – 0.2 pp.

39. Sharipov, Sh.I. Problems and prospects for the development of a multi-structure agrarian economy / Sh.I. Sharipov // Sat. proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference NAEKOR “Regional problems of socio-economic development of the agro-industrial complex”. – Barnaul: Alt.Gos Publishing House. Ag. University, 2003. – Issue 7. – T.2. – 0.2 p.l.

40. Sharipov, Sh.I. Problems of increasing the financial stability of agricultural enterprises in the region / Sh.I. Sharipov // Sat. materials of the interregional scientific and practical conference “Trends and experience in the development of the Russian agro-industrial complex.” – Rostov-on-Don: GNU VNIIEiN, 2003. – 0.3 p.l.

41. Sharipov, Sh.I. Development of agricultural consulting and problems of sustainable development of rural areas / Sh.I. Sharipov // Sat. materials of the international conference of advisory services of the Central and of Eastern Europe“The role of agricultural consulting services in the sustainable development of rural areas” M.: Federal State Scientific Institution “Rosinformagrotekh”, 2004. – 0.3 pp.

42. Sharipov, Sh.I. Market transformations and prospects for the development of personal subsidiary plots / Sh.I. Sharipov // Sat. materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference " Economic fundamentals, opportunities and directions for the development of personal subsidiary plots of the population", M.: GNU VNIETUSKH, 2004. – 0.3 pp.

43. Sharipov, Sh.I. Development of personnel potential of agriculture in Dagestan in the conditions of agrarian reform / Sh.I. Sharipov // Vestnik personnel service, agricultural education and innovation. – 2005. – No. 2. – 0.3 p.l.

44. Sharipov, Sh.I. Local government and sustainable development of rural areas / Sh.I. Sharipov // Municipality. – 2005. – No. 2. – 0.2 p.l.

45. Sharipov, Sh.I. Structural transformations and priorities of state support for the agricultural sector / Sh.I. Sharipov // Sat. materials of the international scientific and practical conference “State regulation of agriculture: concepts, mechanisms, efficiency.” – M.: Encyclopedia of Russian Villages, 2005. – 0.2 pp.

46. ​​Sharipov, Sh.I. Multistructured agrarian economy and cooperation in the agro-industrial complex / Sh.I. Sharipov // Sat. materials of the regional scientific and practical conference “Agro-industrial integration and its role in the regional agro-industrial complex”. – Rostov-on-Don: GNU VNIIEiN, 2005. – 0.2 p.l.

47. Sharipov, Sh.I. Trends in structural changes in the agricultural sector of the economy of a depressed region / Sh.I. Sharipov // Sat. materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Tasks and prospects of the agro-industrial complex in the context of the Rural Revival and Development Program.” – Minsk: Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, 2006. – 0.1 pp.

48. Sharipov, Sh.I. Scientific and information support for the formation of a multi-structure agrarian economy / Sh.I. Sharipov // Sat. materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Organization and development of information support for governing bodies, scientific and educational institutions APK". – M.: FGNU “Rosinformagrotekh”, 2006. – 0.4 p.l.

49. Sharipov, Sh.I. The role of the national project “Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex” in the sustainable development of the agricultural sector of the region / Sh.I. Sharipov, R.M. Mirzaev // Sat. materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Regional aspects of the development of the agro-industrial complex in the Southern Federal District (experience, problems and prospects for the implementation of the national project.” - Rostov-on-Don: SKAGS publishing house, 2007. Issue IY - 0.3 pp. ( auto volume 0.15 p.l.).

50. Sharipov, Sh.I. The role of agricultural organizations in the development of rural areas / Sh.I. Sharipov // Sat. materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Multifunctionality of agriculture and sustainable development of rural areas”. – M.: Encyclopedia of Russian Villages, 2007. – 0.2 pp.

51. Sharipov, Sh.I. Agrarian law as a tool for sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex / Sh.I. Sharipov // Sat. materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 120th anniversary of N.I. Vavilov “Vavilov Readings - 2007”, Saratov: SSAU, 2007. – 0.1 pp.

52. Sharipov, Sh.I. Information support Agroindustrial complex gives obvious results / Sh.I. Sharipov // National projects. – 2007.-№10. – 0.2 p.l.

53. Sharipov, Sh.I. On the role of management factor in increasing labor motivation in agricultural enterprises of the region / Sh.I. Sharipov // Sat. materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Productivity and labor motivation are the most important factors in the economic development of agriculture” M.: Federal State Scientific Institution “Rosinformagrotech”, 2008. – 0.1 pp.

54. Sharipov, Sh.I. Economic aspects of involving unused farmland in economic turnover / Sh.I. Sharipov // Makhachkala. Agro-industrial complex of Dagestan. – 2008. – No. 2–3. – 0.3 p.l.

55. Sharipov, Sh.I. On the resource potential of the region’s agriculture / Sh.I. Sharipov // Sat. materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Socio-economic and technological development of the agro-industrial complex: status, trends, forecast.” – Rostov-on-Don: GNU VNIIEiN and RINKh, 2008. – 0.3 p.l.

56. Sharipov, Sh.I. Stimulating wages in agricultural enterprises of Dagestan / Sh.I. Sharipov // Bulletin of personnel service, agricultural education and innovation. – 2009. – No. 5. – 0.3 p.l.

57. Sharipov, Sh.I. Problems and prospects for the development of agricultural consumer cooperation in the region / Sh.I. Sharipov // Sat. materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Integration and disintegration in the agro-industrial sector of the economy: traditional and innovative approaches.” – M.: GNU VNIETUSKH, 2009. – 0.4 p.l. (in the press).