How pamela (pomelo) is useful for the human body, properties, contraindications. Do you know exactly what the pomelo fruit is good for your health?

Pomelo is the largest citrus representative.

The pomelo pulp is drier than other types of citrus fruits, the taste is slightly bitter, the fibers are large and elastic, the color is green-yellow, and the smell is vaguely reminiscent of a banana.

But the taste of pomelo is unusual - the combination of sour and sweet will be remembered by everyone.

The homeland of pomelo is China.

Before our era, this fruit was intended exclusively for the royal nobility.

And at the beginning of the 14th century it was brought to Europe, where it did not immediately take root. Currently, pomelo is grown in countries such as Sri Lanka, Thailand, Japan, India and Indonesia.

Pomelo is an integral part of many dishes in Chinese, Thai and Indian cuisines. Interestingly, the weight of some pomelo can reach 20 kilograms!

There are 3 types of pomelo:

Red– an oval-shaped fruit with bitterish red pulp

Pink– juicy fruit with pink flesh and anthelmintic effects

White– the shape of the fruit resembles a pear, the flesh is white and sweet

Many people confuse pomelo with its close relative, grapefruit, mistakenly believing that their tastes are the same. However, their properties and characteristics are different in many ways. Pomelo is not a giant grapefruit, but rather its parent. How did this unusual fruit win our hearts?

Pomelo: what are the benefits for the body?

Pomelo is a storehouse of minerals, vitamins, trace elements and coarse fibers.

The unique taste of pomelo is justified by its unique composition:


Vitamins B and A

Beta carotene

Vitamin C

Essential oils

Pomelo strengthens the immune system! The experts conducted an interesting experiment: they examined lemon, tangerine, grapefruit, orange and pomelo for the presence of vitamin C. Surprisingly, the winner was the pomelo! The largest amount of ascorbic acid was found in it. Being a source of vitamin C, pomelo serves as a prevention of colds, infectious and viral diseases. If they already exist, a broom will help deal with them easier and faster. Essential oils in pomelo perfectly strengthen the immune system.

The coarse fibers of the pomelo create a kind of food bolus that moves through the intestines. Coarse fibers collect waste and undigested food debris, absorb and remove them from the body.

Pomelo helps normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and stabilizes blood pressure. Moreover, doctors have proven that pomelo can protect against the formation of blood clots in blood vessels!

Pomelo improves mood, increases vitality and helps the body tone up. Lemonides in pomelo are responsible for our performance, attentiveness and productivity. The phosphorus contained in pomelo promotes active mental activity.

Scientists have proven that pomelo helps in the fight against cancer. The exotic fruit is able to resist the proliferation of malignant cells.

Citrus lovers will definitely appreciate the special, fresh, pleasant taste of the fruit. If you compare pomelo with its relative grapefruit, you will notice the difference - grapefruit has a bitter taste, while pomelo has a sweet taste. In summer, pomelo pulp can perfectly quench your thirst.

Pomelo is useful for lung diseases and poisoning. In China, many medicines are made from pomelo.

The calcium in pomelo strengthens bones, hair and nails. Antioxidants in pomelo will help maintain youth and good physical health for a long time.

Pomelo is an assistant for gastritis and other gastric diseases. By making decoctions and tinctures from pomelo peel, you can quickly cope with poisoning, stomach upsets and intestinal disorders.

Pomelo is not only tasty and healthy, it is also healing. By inhaling the scent of pomelo peel, you can easily relieve nasal congestion and even lower your body temperature a little!

It is often difficult to force yourself to go to the gym or go on a diet next Monday. This is where the broom comes to the rescue! The fruit helps the rapid breakdown of proteins and fats in the body, speeds up metabolism and helps burn excess calories.

Pomelo is also useful for cosmetic purposes. An excellent product for moisturizing and nourishing oily skin. By rubbing the skin with pomelo juice, the effect is immediately noticeable: the skin is shiny, rejuvenated, fresher and cleaner without an oily sheen. The pulp of the fruit is incredibly juicy and nutritious, so the pomelo will be your companion for a fasting day.

Pomelo is a symbol of well-being, prosperity, health and prosperity. In China, it is customary to give this fruit to your loved ones on New Year's Eve. Try to give a piece of happiness to your loved ones by presenting them with a basket of tropical fruit.

Often in European countries you can find pomelo decorations on their peel. At home, it is interesting to make a salad dish from the peel of the fruit, cutting the fruit horizontally in the shape of a circle.

Pomelo is an ingredient in many culinary dishes! Feel free to add it to salads, complement meat and fish, and top pies with it. Use the peel to make jam or flavor tea. And, of course, don’t forget that there is nothing better than starting your day with freshly squeezed juice.

The benefits of pomelo for the nervous system are invaluable. Pomelo is boldly called an antidepressant fruit. Eat this wonderful fruit and improve your mood! But the source of joy and happiness is not only the inside in the form of pomelo pulp, but also its peel. Psychologists advise not to throw away the peel, fill a deep vase with it and place it next to your sleeping place. Such a natural aromatic lamp will definitely give you positive emotions, energy and strength.

Calorie content of pomelo

Despite the huge number of beneficial properties, pomelo is low in calories - 100 g of product contains 25-40 kcal. Such boundaries are determined by a simple rule: the sweeter the pomelo, the more calories it contains. The low calorie content of pomelo is explained by its high water content - almost 90 g of liquid per 100 g of fruit!

Pomelo: what is harmful to health?

The benefits of pomelo have been proven, and no one will argue with that. But, like any product, pomelo has its disadvantages and contraindications.

You should not use pomelo if you have:

Allergic reactions to citrus fruits

Stomach and duodenal ulcers

Increased stomach acidity


Be sure to consult your doctor before eating fruit if you have the above diseases. Eating pomelo can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive tract. By greatly increasing the acidity of the alkaline environment, it causes heartburn.

An allergy to citrus fruits can lead to a swollen throat and even asthma attacks. In order to check whether you are allergic to pomelo, just eat 1-2 slices of it or remember what the body’s reaction is to other citrus fruits.

During breastfeeding, it is not recommended to eat pomelo, so as not to harm the health of your unborn baby. Excessive consumption of pomelo can produce a laxative effect. Overeating fruit causes itching and hives.

Pomelo for children: good or bad

Due to the fact that pomelo belongs to the citrus genus, the fruit is a strong allergen. It is not recommended to give pomelo to children under one year of age. After a year you can add it to your diet, but with caution and in small portions.

Be sure to consult with your pediatrician to see if the inclusion of a rather exotic overseas fruit in the diet will harm your baby. If the child accepted the fruit well and the body did not give any reactions, feel free to feed the baby. But remember, it is better to eat seasonal fruits, such as pears and apples. They absolutely will not bring undesirable health consequences to the child.

Pomelo contains less juice than orange and grapefruit, and children are often neutral about this fruit. Therefore, parents can decorate desserts and fruit salads by adding a few slices of such a healthy and tasty pomelo.

Children's salad with pomelo

It will require a few simple ingredients:

Bunch of salad

Boiled breast

Hard cheese

Sour cream

The pomelo is cut, cleared of layers, and finely chopped along with a bunch of lettuce. Mix with small pieces of soft boiled chicken breast. Rub hard cheese on top. Stir, pouring plenty of sour cream. If desired, you can add grated nuts.

How to choose a pomelo?

Only ripened fruit will bring benefits. How to find one and not make a mistake?

It should be soft to the touch, heavy in weight, aromatic in smell, and light yellow in color. It is best to buy pomelo from January to March, because these are the months when its ripening peaks. Be sure to keep an eye on the peel - it should not be damaged! The peel of the fruit should be hard and shiny, and the smell should be intense.

Whole pomelo is stored in a dry, dark place at room temperature. Cut fruit should be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2-3 days.

Pomelo is an alternative to many unhealthy desserts. For more than 15 years, the fruit has been presented on store shelves - affordable, healthy, exotic. By many criteria, pomelo is superior to grapefruit: it is easier to peel, the taste is sweeter, and it is almost impossible to get dirty.

Once you try pomelo, you will definitely fall in love with it!

Many people pass by stalls with pamela; these fruits are also called pomelo. Even true connoisseurs of citrus fruits are wary of buying large and bright fruits, despite the fact that they smell so delicious. This is explained very simply - few people know how to select, clean and use them in cooking. Nutritionists strongly recommend including this unique fruit in your diet. With regular use, it can show itself on the positive side, and much brighter than everyone’s favorite tangerines and lemons.

What is a pomelo

Pomelo is the name of an evergreen tree and its fruit. Another option is sheddock, in honor of the English captain who brought the fruit to Europe. The plant bears fruit once or twice a year. It takes about 5 months to mature. A tree hung with large fruits looks unusual and surprises tourists from northern latitudes.

China is considered the birthplace of the plant. Mentions of it are found in chronicles created before our era. Today it is also cultivated in Thailand, Japan, Vietnam and some other countries. The peculiarity of this fruit is its size. He is a real record holder among citrus fruits. Individual specimens can reach 30 cm in diameter and weigh 10 kg. The average pomelo weighs 1-3 kg, which is still larger than a grapefruit.

This is interesting!

Sometimes it is believed that pomelo is a hybrid. In fact, this is a separate type of citrus fruit; it has not been crossed with anything. But it is used together with other fruits to produce a hybrid - sweetie.

Pamela - description and types of fruit

Few people know that pomelo is the largest of all known citrus fruits. The weight of the fruit can reach 10 kg; it is only in stores that fruits up to 1 kg are mainly sold. A distinctive feature of the product is its fleshy, very thick peel, which can be greenish, yellow, light orange or pink. Although the peel complicates the process of cleaning pamela, it is thanks to it that the fruit can be transported over long distances without fear for its integrity.

There are several varieties of pamela, which differ in the color of the pulp:

  • Red. Sour version, with obvious bitterness. It is usually small in size, about the size of a grapefruit, and covered with a green peel.

  • Pink. It contains a lot of seeds, which is the only drawback of the variety. This is the sweetest and juiciest type of pomelo. It is actively used in folk medicine as an anthelmintic.

  • White. These are usually the largest fruits. Their flesh is not as juicy, but quite sweet.

Pamela crossed with orange gave us grapefruit. The unique fruit is able to retain its appearance, taste and chemical composition when kept at room temperature for a month. It is difficult to find a fruit that could boast of such a skill.

Composition and beneficial properties of pamela

The exotic fruit contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, pectins, antioxidants, essential oils, plant fibers, organic acids and fiber. Unlike other citrus fruits, it does not contain as much citric acid. Thanks to this, the product can sometimes be used by people with gastritis and peptic ulcers (of course, in remission).

  • Like all citrus fruits, pamela is rich in ascorbic acid. By eating 100-150 g of fruit pulp, you can meet the body's daily need for ascorbic acid.
  • B vitamins. Necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system and brain. If you eat a pomelo for breakfast in the morning, you can get a boost of energy for the whole day, increase your performance and stress resistance. The fruit will improve your mood and help keep your body in good shape.
  • Potassium. It has a positive effect on the heart, normalizes the contraction of the heart muscle.
  • Beta carotene.
  • Calcium.
  • Phosphorus.

The fruit also contains some amount of iron and sodium.

The abundance of useful components gives pomelo an impressive list of beneficial properties:

  • Fighting inflammatory processes. In Thailand, a unique product is used to prevent diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Stimulating the functioning of the kidneys without putting excessive stress on them.
  • Strengthening the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to viral and bacterial infections.

Interesting fact: In some countries, pamela is considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. This fruit is even considered the best New Year gift.

  • Strengthening teeth and improving gum condition. Unlike other citrus fruits, pamela does not destroy tooth enamel.
  • Prevention and treatment of anemia. The pulp of the fruit contains a lot of iron, which is qualitatively absorbed by the body under the influence of ascorbic acid.

  • Normalization of blood pressure indicators, if they are elevated.
  • Prevention of rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults and the elderly.
  • Improving the functioning of the digestive system through active cleansing of the intestines. This allows not only to remove toxins and waste from the body, but also to increase the absorption capacity of the intestinal mucosa. Pamela contains a special enzyme that promotes better absorption of food and the breakdown of fats. It is not digested by the body, but it is indispensable for cleansing the intestines. Pectin has an enveloping effect; it protects the delicate mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach from the aggressive influence of vitamin C.
  • Pamela is able to resist the formation, growth and spread of cancer cells. It should be included in the diet of people with a family history of cancer.
  • Pomelo is an indispensable product for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. After just a couple of months of regular consumption of the fruit, you can expect a decrease in bad cholesterol levels in the blood and an improvement in the texture of the vascular walls.

  • Among other things, pamela stimulates the heart, improves memory, increases concentration and performance.
  • Antioxidants in the fruit actively fight aging, which allows you to count on improved external indicators and increased life expectancy.
  • Thanks to regular consumption of the fruit, your complexion will improve, skin turgor will increase, and small pimples will disappear.
  • People who are trying to lose weight are advised to eat this fruit regularly. It is low in calories, so it can be included in any diet. If you really want to eat in the evening, you can eat a couple of slices of the fruit. They will give you a feeling of fullness, but will not be deposited on your waist.
  • Pregnant women should think about introducing pomelo into the menu. The fetus does not cause a negative response from the female or child’s body, and the tissues are saturated with folic acid, which is so necessary for the fetus.
  • The fruit has anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended to use for cough and asthma.
  • Even people with diabetes can eat it, as the product has a very low glycemic index.

With all this, pamela has a low calorie content - only 50 kcal per 100 g of product. Therefore, it is often used as a mandatory component in the diet of obese or overweight people.

Harm of pamela and contraindications

When consuming pamela, you need to take into account not only the beneficial properties of the product, but also its potential harm. Firstly, the fruit has a pronounced laxative effect, so you should not use it if you have unstable stools. This can lead to severe intestinal upset. In addition, pomelo should not be included in the diet with the following contraindications:

  • Tendency to food allergies. This fruit, like any citrus fruit, is a strong allergen. So if a reaction was noticed, for example, to oranges, then it is better not to eat pomelo. For this reason, it is not recommended to give it to children under one year old. Older kids need to limit the amount.
  • Taking medications. Substances in the fruit pulp reduce the effectiveness of medications.
  • Increased stomach acidity (only if permitted by a doctor).
  • Peptic ulcer and colitis in the acute stage. In a state of remission, eating it is allowed, but only a little. The same applies to problems such as increased stomach acidity.
  • Acute liver and kidney damage. If you have kidney or liver diseases, it is recommended to consult a specialist before introducing fruit into your diet.

If there are no contraindications, you can safely eat pamela. Of course, you should not abuse the product and consume it several times a day; including fruit in one meal is quite enough. If the mother eats them in large quantities, then in the future the baby may develop an allergy. Moderation should be observed. True, practice shows that it is quite difficult to eat several fruits at once.

Rules for choosing, storing and using pamela

When choosing a fruit, you need to pay attention to several points, then you will be able to purchase a tasty, fresh and high-quality fruit:

  1. The peel should be smooth, shiny, without dents or stains. The color is uniform, but not very bright.
  2. It’s good when the skin is dense, but not hard, but bends under your fingers. If the pamela is very soft, it will begin to deteriorate inside. If the surface is hard, the product has not yet ripened and, most likely, will not ripen.
  3. A ripe fruit should exude a pleasant citrus scent. Do not take products wrapped in cling film. Manufacturers do this in order to mask problematic indicators and increase the shelf life of products. Once the casing is removed, the product may deteriorate within days or even hours.
  4. The ideal fruit is small in size but heavy. This indicates its juiciness and thinner skin.

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There are signs that mean you should refuse the purchase.

  • The color of the skin is uneven, there are burgundy spots - most likely, chemicals were used during cultivation.
  • If, when pressing on the place of the stalk, a noticeable dent remains, then most likely the pulp has deteriorated.
  • Excessively hard skin indicates immaturity.
  • Dark spots and soft areas are signs of decay.
  • An unpleasant odor also means that the fruit is spoiled.

Pomelo can be eaten fresh. To do this, it is enough to remove the peel from its surface, which is much easier than in the case of an orange or grapefruit. After finding the juicy slices, you need to remove the film from them, all that remains is to eat the tender pulp.

Peeling the fruit is easy. You just need to make a few vertical cuts and the peel will come off easily.

In addition, various preserves, marmalade, and jam are prepared from pamela. In addition, there are recipes in which the fruit pulp is used as the main ingredient in original salads.

If the fruit is unpeeled, it can be kept in a warm compartment of the refrigerator or at room temperature for about 2-3 weeks (depending on its degree of ripeness and harvest time). The peeled pulp should only be kept in the refrigerator. You need to eat it within 2-3 days.

Several original recipes with pomelo

Residents of Thailand and the Philippines eat pamela not only as a dessert, but also as a snack. To do this, it is flavored with whipped cream. The fruit interestingly complements the taste of the meat, giving the dish a touch of exoticism. You can also add the tender pulp to one of these simple salads:

  • Mix 200 g of fruit pulp disassembled into grains, chopped and fried garlic in a frying pan, finely chopped onion, several mint leaves and 100 g of boiled shrimp. Season with salt, fish sauce and lime juice. Serve the pomelo halves in the peel.
  • Mix the pulp of 1 fruit, carrots, and 50 g of fried. We chop all the ingredients well; they should be approximately the same size so that the salad has a uniform texture. Season it all with fish sauce, lime juice, sugar and chopped garlic, fried in a frying pan without oil.

After cleaning and consuming pamela, do not throw away the peels. A medicinal extract can be prepared from them. It can relieve stomatitis, warts, skin diseases, signs of psoriasis and manifestations of fungal infections.
Its taste is too bitter, so you should not eat the peel raw. But it can be dried and added to tea. They also make infusions and even jam from it. The leaves are used to treat peptic ulcers and also to relieve swelling.
You can also wipe your face with the juice of the fruit. The fruit acids it contains will help cleanse the skin of dead particles. The skin will become smooth and radiant. But in the summer it is better to avoid this product, as there is a risk of getting age spots. On sunny days, when using preparations with acids, you must apply sunscreen to your face.

Pomelo is the fruit of an evergreen citrus tree. The peel of the pomelo is quite dense, the segments are large, separated by harsh white partitions with a bitter aftertaste. Ripe citrus has a color from light green to yellow-pink. The fruit gets its pink tint due to the sun, usually only one side facing the sun.

The fruit breaks all records among citrus fruits. The diameter of a pomelo can reach 30 cm, and in weight - 10 kg.

Used to be a broom considered one of the varieties of grapefruit, but its pulp is not so juicy and there is no bitter aftertaste, and when cleaning, the internal partitions are easier to separate from the pulp.

The place of birth of pomelo is China (southeast Asia, Malaysia, the islands of Tonga and Fiji). Even today, pomelo in Asia is one of the symbols of a prosperous life and prosperity. It is a traditional New Year's gift.


The fruit is incredibly enriched with vitamins, macro- and microelements. Its components also include organic acids and essential oils. According to the content of vitamins A and C, it much better than grapefruit. 100 grams of product contain:

Vitamin A 15.2 IU 0%
Vitamin B1 0.1 mg 4%
Vitamin B2 0.1 mg 3%
Vitamin B3 0.400 mg 2.5%
Vitamin B6 0.1 3%
Vitamin C 116 mg 193%
Vitamin E 0.11 mg 1%
Vitamin K 4.7 mcg 4%

Beneficial features

    In cases of iron deficiency anemia, when hemoglobin synthesis is impaired due to iron deficiency, it is recommended to take any iron supplements or eat foods rich in iron. The effect of these drugs can be enhanced if they are combined with foods rich in vitamin C. Scientific discoveries have shown that vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron in the body. Pomelo can be considered as a prevention of such anemia.

  1. Heart Health

    Pomelo contains a large amount of potassium, 12% of the daily value per hundred grams of the product. This mineral is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart. Potassium regulates blood pressure and reduces bad cholesterol levels in the body. Pomelo helps cleanse the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol deposits, thereby reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack. Potassium helps in regulating blood pressure levels, which improves blood circulation, oxygenation of organs and systems, reduces the load on the heart and reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart attacks and strokes.

  2. Consuming one pomelo fruit daily can prevent the harmful effects of free radicals attacking the body. It stimulates antibodies and immune system cells to protect the body from bacteria that cause colds, flu, asthma and allergies.

  3. Prevention of cancer

    Pomelo peel contains a large amount of bioflavonoids - an antioxidant that reduces the risk of colon, pancreas and breast cancer. These antioxidants remove excess estrogen from the body, preventing the spread of cancer. Pomelo also contains high amounts of fiber, which protects the body from colon cancer.

  4. Healthy skin

    Vitamin A present in pomelo thickens the dermis and improves blood flow to the surface of the skin. Regular consumption of pomelo increases collagen synthesis and slows down the breakdown of collagen and elastin, helping the skin look young and healthy. Collagen also promotes faster wound healing, self-healing and reduces signs of skin aging. Pomelo also helps reduce sebum production, which reduces acne.

  5. Pomelo contains vitamins A, C, B1, which are useful for maintaining healthy hair. It also contains minerals such as sulfur, calcium, iron, zinc and calcium, which are essential for hair growth. Vitamins A, C, B1 and zinc contained in pomelo are beneficial for hair health. Minerals such as sulfur, calcium, potassium and zinc promote their growth. Vitamin C soothes the scalp and prevents dandruff. Pomelo juice improves blood circulation and strengthens hair capillaries, which makes your hair stronger and thicker.

  6. Healthy teeth and gums

    Bleeding gums and loose teeth may be a sign of vitamin deficiency. Collagen is necessary not only for the skin, but also in the formation of healthy teeth and gums.

  7. Healthy Bones

    Osteoporosis is characterized by a decrease in bone density caused by depletion of calcium minerals in bone tissue. Thanks to potassium, pomelo helps the body better absorb other minerals necessary to strengthen bone tissue, which reduces the risk of osteoparosis.

  8. Healthy Digestion

    One pomelo contains about 25% of your daily fiber requirement. It promotes healthy digestion and eliminates problems such as constipation and diarrhea. The high fiber content stimulates the secretion of digestive and gastric juices, which in turn help in the breakdown of complex proteins and fats.

  9. Promotes weight loss

The valuable qualities of the fruit are also used in cosmetic procedures. Face masks containing pomelo have nourishing and moisturizing properties. To prepare a mask, take a pomelo slice, chop it, add honey, lemon juice, apply the resulting mixture to your face for a quarter of an hour. After a while, wash off the mask with green tea. Then use a moisturizer. It is better to apply a pomelo mask in the evening before bed to allow the skin to recover.

To give your face freshness, you can wipe your skin with freshly squeezed pomelo juice in the morning. The procedure gives the skin tone and eliminates oily sheen. Experts in the field of cosmetology claim that if such procedures are carried out in winter, then by spring the skin will become noticeably younger and fresher. Oily skin should be wiped with concentrated juice, and dry skin with juice diluted with boiled water in a one-to-one ratio.


Traditionally, in cooking, the fruit is consumed raw or used as an ingredient in the preparation of national Asian cuisine. The pulp of the fruit can be included in salads, marmalade, filling for pies, and a side dish for meat and fish dishes. From the pomelo peel you can make jam, candied fruits or a flavoring addition to tea.

Below are a few possible recipes that include pomelo.

Pomelo-shrimp fantasy


  • Pomelo (1 piece)
  • shrimp (10 pcs)
  • celery greens (50 g)
  • sour cream
  • sugar.


Carefully divide the pomelo into 2 parts. Carefully remove the pulp from the peel and chop. The shrimp should be boiled and cut. Chop the celery thinly. Mix all ingredients, add sour cream, place in two halves of the remaining peel, and serve. You can also decorate with herbs or olives.

Salad “Oh, pomelo!”


  • Small broom (1 piece)
  • green salad (1 bunch)
  • olive oil
  • pepper.


Cut the pomelo into pieces. Tear the salad with your hands or cut it with scissors and knead it so that it does not become bitter. Mix the ingredients, add salt and pepper to taste. Season with olive oil.

Dessert “Miracle – Pomelo”


  • Pomelo (half)
  • orange (1 pcs)
  • banana (1 piece)
  • kiwi (2 pcs)
  • apple (2 pcs)
  • pear (2 pcs)
  • ice cream sundae (200 g)
  • coconut flakes
  • chocolate.


Cut the fruit into pieces, mix, add ice cream. Arrange among bowls. Sprinkle with coconut or grated chocolate.


  • Pomelo, like all citrus fruits, is a strong allergen; if you are prone to various allergies, then you should use it with caution - a couple of slices will be enough for one time.
  • If you have stomach problems, it is better not to overeat on pomelo; the fruit can negatively affect the disease.
  • All the benefits of the fruit will be in it if you choose a fully ripened fruit. The fruit should be slightly soft to the touch, aromatic and shiny. You should not take fruits that are too large; it is better to pay attention to the fact that they are heavy, this means that they contain more pulp and juice.

At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, tree seedlings were brought from Malaysia to the West Indies by the captain of the English ship Shaddock, after which the fruit was brought to Europe. In some European countries, citrus is still called sheddock in honor of the brave captain.

Some people believe that pomelo is a type of grapefruit. But, according to experts, this grapefruit is a degenerate descendant of the fruit. In general, pomelo outperforms grapefruit in almost all respects - it does not taste bitter, it is easier to clean, it is difficult for them to get dirty, and the pomelo peel can be used in cooking and decoration. In China, the pomelo is used for ceremonies at religious celebrations.

What else is useful?

Pomelo is the largest fruit in the citrus fruit family. This unique representative of its genus can reach truly gigantic sizes, up to approximately 30-40 cm in diameter. The weight of such a handsome man ranges on average from 1 to 3 kg, and sometimes up to 10 kg. Seeing this fruit on the counter, many begin to wonder: “Pomelo is a hybrid of what fruit? Or maybe this is the result of modern selection or the bold development of genetic engineers?

In fact, what this “hybrid fruit” is derived from will remain a mystery, since it has been growing in the vast expanses of Asia for thousands of years and is used by the local population for food and medicinal purposes.

Externally, pomelo fruits are similar to grapefruit. They have a moderately sweet and refreshing taste; unfortunately, they are inferior in juiciness to oranges, but they are not bitter, like. Among other names of fruits, the most famous are sheddock and pompelmus, but the official name of the fruit is still pomelo. So, what are the benefits and harms of pomelo for the human body? Is it possible to eat it while on a diet, and how to use it correctly so as not to cause harm to health?

Beneficial features

Pomelo is a real vitamin bomb!

What are the benefits of the fruit? When buying this exotic fruit, every person, willy-nilly, is interested in what is contained in this wonder of nature and is it good for health? Like many other fruits, sheddock contains in its pulp a lot of vitamins and microelements, as well as valuable organic compounds that normalize the body’s activity.

The benefits of citrus fruit for the human body are manifested in the following:

  • due to its fiber content, the fruit is able to restore normal intestinal motility and improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • it is a valuable source of iron, which takes part in the construction of hemoglobin and prevents the development of anemia;
  • potassium in sheddock has a beneficial effect on myocardial function and eliminates periodic manifestations of arrhythmia;
  • the fruit contains a so-called lipolytic enzyme that breaks down fat cells, which makes it possible to use it for weight loss;
  • The vitamins contained in the fruit perfectly stimulate the immune system;
  • limonoids, which are contained in pompelmus fruits, are an excellent means of preventing cancerous tumors;
  • the vitamin composition of the exotic fruit allows it to be used as a prophylactic during an epidemic of viral diseases;
  • pectins protect the gastric mucosa from irritation;
  • With the help of the lipase enzyme, fat metabolism is activated and protein is properly absorbed.

How much vitamin C is in sheddock? Every 100 grams of fruit contains up to 53 mg of ascorbic acid. This indicator is very high, which suggests that the fruit is able to improve the condition of the vascular wall, prevent the development of viral infections and make their course easier, and help maintain the rheological properties of the blood at the proper level.

Are dried citrus slices healthy? The beneficial properties of dried pompelmousse are not as pronounced as those of fresh fruits. It contains much less ascorbic acid. In addition, candied fruits contain a lot of sugar, and therefore their caloric content and BJU indicators are as follows: 308 kcal per 100 grams and 0.2%/1.8%/98%, respectively.

Is it possible to eat pomelo if you have diabetes? How much sugar is in these juicy fruits? The low glycemic index of pomelo allows it to be included in the diet of patients suffering from diabetes. Only pomelo for diabetics is best taken in the form of juice obtained by passing the fruit through a juicer, since it contains all the substances necessary for a sick body. There is no need to worry about the compatibility of pomelo and medications. Citrus in acceptable quantities goes well with taking medications and other foods.

Benefits for women

How is pomelo beneficial for a woman’s body? The benefits and harms of pomelo for women’s health are also explained by the characteristics of its composition. These fruits prevent constipation and therefore have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Representatives of the fair sex who consume pompelmus several times a week in moderate quantities note that the elasticity of their facial skin has significantly increased, the first wrinkles have disappeared, and a healthy blush has appeared on their cheeks.

Is it possible to eat pomelo during pregnancy? When answering the question of how fruit is useful for pregnant women, it is important to understand that the expectant mother’s body is very susceptible to various types of infections, and therefore needs increased immune activity. Pomelo is ready to offer just such protection in the form of vitamin C to a pregnant woman.

How is pomelo useful and harmful for breastfeeding? Is it possible to enjoy pomelo while breastfeeding? Despite the considerable amount of vitamins, pediatricians do not recommend that mothers consume this fruit during breastfeeding, just like other fruits of the citrus family. This is due to the allergenicity of these fruits, which can provoke the development of allergy symptoms in infants.

Benefits for men

The beneficial properties of pomelo fruit for men are also known. It has been proven that after a good feast with alcoholic drinks the next morning, just a few slices of fruit can eliminate the symptoms of alcohol intoxication, invigorate a person and return him to normal life. The benefit of pink pomelo for men also lies in the fact that it is a powerful aphrodisiac that increases potency and restores reproductive abilities in the stronger sex.

Benefits for weight loss

Do you lose weight or gain weight from citrus? Does it help you lose weight and how much pomelo can you eat without gaining weight? How many calories and carbohydrates are in fresh pomelo? These questions interest many people who watch their weight. Fortunately, the giant citrus is one of the low-calorie products (the calorie content of pomelo is 38 kcal per 100 grams), so it can be included in the menu of those losing weight. Pomelo helps burn fat when losing weight. You can eat it even at night without fear of gaining weight. The recommended dose of fruit is no more than 150-200 grams per day.

Is it possible to eat pomelo at night or not? Naturally, yes! Eating sheddock at night for weight loss makes it possible to normalize metabolism and improve intestinal function, so this fruit can easily replace foods intended for a diet dinner. Another question that interests those who want to lose weight: “Which is healthier: grapefruit or pomelo?” When choosing between these two representatives of the citrus series, you should still choose the first option, since grapefruit is richer in vitamin C.

You will learn more about the benefits of exotic fruit from the video:

Possible harm

Who shouldn't eat pomelo? It is no secret that pomelo has not only beneficial but also harmful properties.

Among the main negative effects of the fetus are:

  • the allergenicity of citrus, since it often provokes the development of allergic reactions (whether the use of sheddock is allergic or not in each specific case can be determined using special allergological tests);
  • irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, so the fruit is prohibited from being consumed for gastritis and ulcers of the digestive tract;
  • choleretic effect, due to which it is better to exclude pomelo from the diet of patients suffering from cholelithiasis.

Therefore, before consuming the fruit, you should pay attention not only to its beneficial properties, but also to the contraindications to consuming pomelo. Otherwise, the benefits and harms of red pomelo can work against a person and cause damage to his health.

Features of use

Most often, pomelo is eaten simply by removing the peel and dividing the fruit into slices. However, there are several interesting recipes for light dishes that can be prepared in a couple of minutes and will not spoil your figure.

You can make a very delicious salad from this citrus. To do this, place pomelo slices, quarters of hard-boiled eggs, crab meat and sweet onion rings on a lettuce leaf. All ingredients can be topped with natural yoghurt or served without it.

Pomelo is a delicious component of many desserts. For example, you can make a smoothie or jelly based on it. The fruit goes well with sweet cottage cheese, custard and cranberry jam. It can be safely added to fruit salads and combined with other fruits in compotes and juices.

In folk medicine, pomelo has found its place as a remedy for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, cough, chronic bronchitis and kidney inflammation.

Juice from the fruit can increase hemoglobin levels and prevent the formation of blood clots in patients with arrhythmia. If you use daily mouth rinse solutions prepared by mixing citrus juice in equal proportions with water, you can forget about caries forever. Less commonly, healers recommend brewing decoctions based on the peel of the fruit, which perfectly saturate the body with vitamins and microelements, increase immunity, and treat colds.

In cosmetology, pomelo is used to prepare masks and scrubs. The healing components of the fruit can make the skin softer, healthier and more radiant, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and get rid of acne. To prepare the mask, simply mash the pomelo pulp with a fork and apply the resulting pulp to your face.

You might be interested to know that birch buds will also help get rid of acne.
Read more

How to clean and cut a pomelo - watch the video:

How to choose and store fruit correctly?

The effectiveness of the pomelo fruit, its benefits and harm to humans, is largely determined by how correctly it was chosen.

In order to acquire a truly healthy fruit, you should:

  • pay attention to its peel, which should be smooth, without dents or dark spots;
  • smell the fruit (fresh sheddock has a pleasant citrus aroma);
  • take a fruit that is smaller in size but heavier in weight (this product has a good peel-to-pulp ratio).

It is better to store citrus in a cool place. You should not buy fruit in reserve, as it may rot. It is better to always buy fresh citrus fruits in the store and get only the benefits from them.

Similar materials

Pomelo is a wonderful dietary fruit. It can often be identified by its pale green, yellow or orange color. Inside, the fruit takes on a reddish, yellowish, pale or green tint.

The average fruit is larger than a grapefruit and weighs approximately one kilogram. But “hot” countries can offer fruit with a diameter of up to 30 cm and a weight of a couple of kilograms. This is also the norm.

Pomelo is characterized by a thick skin with large fibers. In terms of taste, it is not inferior to grapefruit - the fruit is many times sweeter.

Southern Asia and China are considered to be the homeland of pomelo. It is here that the fruit symbolizes prosperity with well-being. It is especially popular in Thailand. It is from this state that it is brought to other countries. In addition to Thailand, the fruit is cultivated in the southern part of Japan. India with Taiwan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Israel and California is no exception.

It has a lot of benefits. This is facilitated by the presence of a huge number of vitamins.

It is dominated by:

  • vitamin A (30 mg per 100 g),
  • vitamin C (30-50 mg per 100 g).

Vitamins belonging to group B are also available.

Contains in large quantities:

  • phosphorus and calcium (27 mg per 100 g),
  • sodium (1 mg per 100 g),
  • and iron (0.3-0.5 mg per 100 g).

Limonoids with essential oils have a positive effect on the human body.

In addition, pomelo contains a lipolytic enzyme, thanks to which the human body quickly copes with the breakdown of fats and proteins

The fruit is rich in fiber, so it has a positive effect on the stomach and intestines.

Due to the presence of potassium, heart function improves. An important role is played by limonoids, which can fight cancer tumors.

Due to the fact that pomelo has the power to dull the feeling of hunger and quickly break down proteins and fats, it is often used to combat excess weight. It is an indispensable product in the dietary industry.

The calorie content of pomelo pulp is 32 kcal (per 100 g of product). In this case, 0.6 g is allocated for proteins, 0.2 g for fats, and 6.7 g for carbohydrates.

About medicinal properties and contraindications

Before you start consuming such an exotic fruit, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with its medicinal properties and contraindications in order to avoid negative consequences.

  • Many scientists are calling for the inclusion of pomelo in your diet. After all, this fruit can strengthen the immune system.
  • Since the fruit is a low-calorie product, it is taken as a basis for developing diets.

The entire complex of vitamins contained in pomelo not only promotes weight loss, but also enriches the body with essential microelements.

  • Pomelo contains a lot of potassium, so it is used for medications aimed at improving heart function.
  • Due to the presence of essential oils, the fruit is contained in antiviral agents.
  • It also prevents the appearance of cataracts, nervous system diseases and even cancer due to the presence of limonoids - naturally occurring substances that have unique characteristics. Systematic consumption of the fruit helps block the growth of all kinds of tumors.
  • The enzymes contained in the fruit normalize digestion.
  • If you often eat pomelo fruits, you can improve your blood pressure and prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis.
  • Has a positive effect on asthmatics.

Chinese and Malaysian healers prepare preparations from pomelo that help with all kinds of swelling with cough, discomfort in the abdomen, tumors, stomach problems and alcohol poisoning.

Pomelo is often used in cosmetology. It is put into nourishing face masks, and scrubs are made from the peel.

Benefits for women and use during pregnancy

Every pregnant woman, and not only, should eat pomelo in order to:

  • Increase resistance during colds.

This is important for women because it is not recommended to use powders with tablets during pregnancy.

  • Reduce blood pressure if it is higher than normal.
  • Get a lot of energy.

Pomelo gives strength and increases performance.

  • Quench thirst.
  • Strengthen bones and teeth.
  • Activate metabolic processes.
  • Improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Prevent constipation.
  • Prevent the appearance of a sad mood.
  • Increase the elasticity of blood vessels.

Impact on men

Men who use pomelo note that their health has improved significantly. This fruit tones men and gives them strength. Regular consumption of an exotic product reduces the incidence of cancer and other dangerous diseases.

Due to the calcium contained in pomelo, bones become stronger and are less susceptible to fractures. Phosphorus has a beneficial effect on intellectual abilities.

Contraindications of pomelo and harm caused to the body

In addition to its beneficial properties, it also has contraindications. In order not to harm your body, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with them.

  • It is not recommended to eat pomelo if citrus fruits cause allergic reactions. Even a small piece of fruit can lead to an attack.

Excessive consumption of pomelo can have a negative impact if a person has a stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, or increased acidity in the stomach. Doctors prohibit trying this delicacy at all during periods of exacerbation of these ailments.

  • Hepatitis, nephritis and colitis react negatively to pomelo.

Doctors call for moderate use in such cases, and it is better to completely abandon it.

Pomelo will not harm the body if used wisely. For the average person, it is enough to eat 5 slices of fruit per day. It can be diluted with other fruits.

It is better to eat it raw. This is explained by the fact that after heat treatment some of the vitamins disappear.

Traditional medicine recipes

It is actively used to treat many diseases. Therefore, now we will tell you how to prepare pomelo for medicinal purposes correctly.

Natural Medicines

You need to extract 100 ml of concentrated juice from the pomelo pulp. It is diluted in 100 ml of water. It is best to take warm water. It is recommended to gargle with the solution 3 times a day.

  • Acute bronchitis.

100 ml of undiluted juice must be heated to 40ºС. After this, the patient should drink it. The heated juice will clear the respiratory tract of mucus that has formed there.

  • If atherosclerosis occurs.

You need to eat pomelo salad. To do this, take the pulp of the fruit. The slices are cleared of films, crushed and mixed with vegetable oil (approximately 10 g). Eating this salad will cleanse the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques.

Application in cosmetology

Used for making masks.

  • If you have oily skin.

You need to take fruit pulp and kefir. Peel and mash the fruit slice, add 1 tsp. kefir and mix. Drain some liquid. We soak a swab in it and wipe our face with it. We wait until the skin becomes dry. Then apply the mixture to your face for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off the mixture with cool water.

  • For all skin types.

A universal pomelo mask will do. To do this, take a slice of fruit, chop it, add 1 teaspoon of honey and the same amount of lemon juice. Mix the ingredients and apply the mask to your face. After 15 minutes, rinse it off with green tea and apply a cream with a moisturizing effect.

Rules for selecting and storing pomelo

This is an unusual fruit for our area, so you need to know how to choose and store it correctly.

To choose a fresh fruit, pay attention to the peel, which should be shiny, smooth to the touch and moderately soft. A strong aroma indicates the ripeness of the fruit.

The purchased pomelo is quite easy to store. You can leave it out of the refrigerator for a month without spoiling. The main thing is not to remove the peel.

The peeled fruit will not lose its properties for several days.

But in this case it is better to place it in the refrigerator. The broom is easy to clean. The peel can be removed without much difficulty.

Sometimes you can find dried pomelo in stores. It is considered an alternative to fresh fruit. This type can be stored for a whole year in a dry place.

Thanks to its rich composition, its use is not limited to cooking. The fruit is popular in medicine and cosmetology. Moderate consumption of the fruit does not cause negative reactions in the body.