The most beautiful male Hollywood actors top 100. The most beautiful male actors in the world

Many people try to attract attention to themselves by any means. And some don’t make any effort to do this: they rather have to fight off their fans. They are really beautiful. Many shy girls catch their eye on handsome guys. Wide cheekbones, sharp jawlines, deep gaze, sweet smile and kind eyes will be remembered for a long time. There is nothing repulsive about them: they are devoid of arrogance and self-confidence and are really good-looking.

So, who are the most handsome guys in the world? Let's look:

Tom Hiddleston (1981, UK)

British actor and model, and also: UNICEF Ambassador for Children's Rights. His most famous works are “Thor” (2011), “Crimson Peak” (2015) and “Thor: Ragnarok” (2017) and the serial film “The Night Manager”. Thomas's theatrical debut also did not go unnoticed; he was twice nominated for the Laurence Olivier Award. And in 2017, the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art entrusted him with the role of Hamlet. He, like a true English gentleman, prefers blondes: Tom, who broke up with Taylor Swift, was noticed on dates with girls who were exactly like her!

Niall Horan (1993, Ireland)

Famous guitarist and singer. His attractive appearance and musical abilities allowed him to become one of the vocalists of the Irish boy band " One Direction" The team conquered the UK with the singles “Little Things”, “What Makes You Beautiful”, “Summer Love”, “Same Mistakes”, “Everything About You”, “Taken”. In addition, Niall has an impeccable sense of style: he has a really good eye for clothes.

Robert Pattinson (1986, UK)

Robert Pattinson is not only a mysterious and aristocratic vampire with a mesmerizing look from the movie “Twilight”. He is a producer, model theater actor and a writer of lyrical ballads (“Never Think”, “Let Me Sign”). And also a good-natured guy: he once asked a fan out on a date simply because she had been relentlessly following the handsome actor around for several weeks. Robert is an excellent supporting actor in the films “The Ring of the Nibelungs”, “Little Ashes”, “Maps to the Stars”, “Queen of the Desert”.

Taylor Lautner (1992, USA)

A handsome man and athlete with a sculpted torso breaks the hearts of Hollywood beauties. Of course, we like the mysterious vampire, but many people like Jacob’s aggressive and wild werewolf from “Twilight” much more. And Taylor, who has Indian blood in his veins, was quite convincing in this role.

Kit Harington (1986, UK)

Kit Harington is another "girl bait." A young English actor, baron, related to English kings! One of the most highly paid actors on TV. It is not known who the fans adore more: him or him screen image- bastard Jon Snow from Game of Thrones, contender for the throne. In addition, Keith has a rather bright sense of humor. Season 7 of the series ended with a rather revealing scene. When the actor was asked what he did during a break between filming, he replied: “All the girls in the world now know that I have strong buttocks... I’m having a good time!”

Omar Borkan Al Gala (1989, Iraq)

Poet, photographer and actor. Perhaps he would have remained unnoticed if not for “ happy ticket"to one of the cultural festivals in Saudi Arabia. The SA police, among other things, monitor the observance of decency on the streets of the city. One day, Omar was stopped on the street and asked to leave the country. For the reason that he is too handsome. At one glance at him, women lost their heads, that in Muslim countries is considered unacceptable. After being expelled from the country, he was bombarded with offers from agencies, he receives thousands of messages every day on social networks, and women bombard him with gifts (one of them incognito gave him a Mercedes G55 for his birthday). The actor’s career is going uphill, he now lives in Canada and is in search of the “ideal princess.”

Armin van Buuren (1976, Netherlands)

Dutch producer, musician and DJ. Ranks first in the top 100 DJs according to fans. Having started musical career, he not only wrote music and became the owner of the Armada Music studio. In 2008, his studio album of the dance genre “Imagine” took first place in the Dutch chart, which is quite amazing for the Netherlands.

Prince William (1982, UK)

The appearance of the heir to the British throne attracts a lot of Englishwomen. He is handsome, charming, well-groomed, and has an innocent smile. Many are drawn to his military image: he served briefly in the Royal Air Force. His brother Prince Harry, despite a large number of titles, does not have so many fans. Whatever you say, they don’t like redheads in England.

Noah Mills (1983, Canada)

Mills is the youngest of five children, his childhood was spent in Canada and Australia, and he began acting as a model quite late - at the age of 20, representing the collections of Gucci and Dolce & Gabbana. Since 2010, he periodically starred in comedies and short films: “Sex in big city 2" (2010), "Happy New Year!" (2011), “Who Am I” (2013). His bright appearance and gentle look are liked by many girls. According to his colleagues, he is very trusting and pleasant to talk to.

Hrithik Roshan (1974, India)

Famous Indian film actor. Hrithik is handsome and emotional, he is well built, has attractive eyes and a smile. Many girls literally went crazy for this handsome guy after his debut role in the film “Kaha naa Pyar Hai”. He is very good dancer and easily performs any difficult pirouettes. He received many awards, including international ones, for his acting work.

Rohit Khandelwal (1989, India)

There is a fashion in the world for sizzling Indian beauty. The attractiveness of the nationally famous actor and model did not leave specialists in the world of men's fashion indifferent. Rohit achieved a clear victory over 46 contenders in the Mister World 2016 competition. To get on television and in the modeling business, Rohit had to work hard on himself. His unshaven hands and hands are admired by millions of girls.

Ian Somerhalder (1978, USA)

Model, actor and director. A very handsome guy with amazing blue eyes and well-groomed hair. Fans never miss the release of films with his participation. He started his modeling career from the age of 12, he starred in the films “Life is like a House”, “Rules of Sex”, etc. As a director, he took part in the filming television films“The Downward Spiral”, “The Vampire Diaries”, “Days of Future” and others. A multifaceted and talented personality.

Chris Evans (1981, USA)

American actor with attractive light eyes and soft cheekbones. Starred in the films Captain America: Civil War, Cruel people", "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer." At any acting role- be it a film or a television series, he remains attractive, girls only have to choose between images, his hairstyle is always the center of attraction.

Godfrey Gao (1983, Taiwan)

Canadian actor of Taiwanese origin and famous fashion model. A bright personality and a pleasant smile literally captivate. He graduated from Capilano University in North Vancouver. Like many handsome guys, he made appearance the basis of his career. He became the face of the Louis Vuitton fashion house, its first model of Asian origin, Godfrey starred a lot in television dramas.

Logan Lerman (1992, USA)

Logan Lerman attracted the attention of American teenage girls with his roles in the films “The Musketeers” (2011), where he played the handsome D’Artagnan, and “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” (2012). He is good at military roles (“Fury”). Logan gets off youth and, according to him in my own words, started playing “just for fun” and “doing something to get out of school.”

Ståle Sandbæk (1993, Norway)

Ståle Sandbeck has already earned a place in history as a winter medalist. Olympic Games 2014 (slopestyle discipline). But he attracted the attention of women with his unusually attractive appearance and mohawk hairstyle. A strong look, rough unshavenness and yet - Yes! He's a champion!

Zac Efron (1987, USA)

The American actor does not get out of gym. And this is bearing fruit: he has an extensive filmography (“Lucky”, “That Awkward Moment”, “Grandfather of Easy Virtue”, “Baywatch”, etc.). But other men perceive him with sadness film set. This “golden god” is not easy to compete with.

So our list of the most handsome and popular guys in the world has come to an end. Who do you think should be included in it? Write in the comments!

The previously prevailing opinion that men should be slightly prettier than a monkey, is no longer relevant today. After all, now the beauty of a representative of the stronger half of humanity is assessed somewhat differently. Stateliness, brutality, grooming, beautiful actions, romance - these are all those masculine qualities that make a woman vulnerable and make her melt. So what are they, the most handsome men peace? Let's try to figure it out in our article.

Throughout all times different nations there were certain “idols” in physical form that forced women into literally This word is to idolize a man and do desperate things for him. Rulers, artists, poets, dancers, singers could charm girls and make them sigh languidly every time they saw their secret lover. Now, with the presence of the media, television, and the Internet, we can watch our “idols” almost every day. So what is he like, an ideal man in every way? Maybe this is the well-known Brad Pitt, who has remained a constant sex symbol for several generations? Let's figure it out. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the TOP 10 most handsome men in the world.

10th place. Colin Farrell

10th place in our ranking is occupied by a famous actor named Colin Farrell. The handsome and sexy Irish actor makes many women lose their memory just by the sight of him. This kind of “bad boy” has always attracted the attention of the fairer sex with his acting talent, beautiful smile and masculine actions.

Farrell was born in 1976 in Dublin in the family of a professional football player. As a young man, Colin wanted to follow in the footsteps of his father, but his sloppiness and irresponsible attitude to life did not allow the guy to achieve any success in this area. He lived, in a word, as he wanted. Proof of this was his trip around the world which he committed as a teenager.

Colin Farrell has been married twice. He entered into his first marriage with Canadian model Kim Bardenave, who gave birth to his first son named James Patraig. The actor's second wife is Alicia Bachleda, who also gave birth to his child. According to rumors, Colin even had an affair with singer Rihanna, but this information was later denied. Colin Farrell is currently single.

9th place. Tyson Ballou

This handsome man is one of the representatives of the list of “the most beautiful male models in the world.” Tyson Ballou is a true fashion icon. The most famous magazines in the world are full of his photographs. A truly handsome and sexy man has entered the hearts of thousands of women. Tyson Ballou was born on November 14, 1976. He started his modeling career in Texas. And for the past 15 years, this sex symbol has never ceased to please with his luxurious body (and no less beautiful face) many representatives of the fair half of humanity.

8th place. Zac Efron

The TOP 10 most handsome men in the world also includes a young actor named Zac Efron. This man, despite his age, has gathered around him an army of millions of fans. A piercing gaze, a sexy body and a charming smile are the minimum of the qualities that this wonderful actor possesses.

Zac Efron was born on October 18, 1987 in California. Shine with your acting skills started at the age of 4, took part in many school theatrical productions. In 2005, he starred in a famous film called “High School Musical.” In 2007, it became known that Zach was dating young actress Vanessa Hudgens. Their relationship lasted quite a long time. But despite this, the couple broke up in 2010 due to the actor’s problems with alcohol.

7th place. Cristiano Ronaldo

This handsome man is a representative of the list of “the most beautiful athletes in the world.” Men involved in sports, as a rule, not only become ideals for women, but also are excellent examples of how to achieve success for young people.

Cristiano Ronaldo was born on February 5, 1985 in the Portuguese city of Funchal. The best football player in the world, the top scorer of the Portuguese national team, three-time winner of the Ballon d'Or award. He played for the English club Manchester United, then became a permanent and unchanging leader in the Spanish team called Real Madrid.

In 2006, it became known about his affair with Jordana Jardel, the sister of the famous Brazilian football player, who was 9 years older than Ronaldo. She herself initiated their separation. The football player's next serious romance began with Letizia Filippi, a famous Italian model. The woman was 7 years older than Ronaldo. Further, the footballer was credited with romances with Paris Hilton, model Rafaella Fico and actress Bipasha Basu. The footballer's last great love was the Russian model Irina Shayk. At the moment, according to the press, the young couple has separated.

6th place. James Statham

Our TOP of the most handsome men in the world continues with the famous American actor James Statham. A brutal, sexy and mysterious man managed to conquer millions of women’s hearts throughout his career.

Statham was born on September 12, 1972 in British city Sydenham. The actor started out in sports. So, since 1988, James has been a member of the National Diving Association. Then the actor chose a modeling career. And already in 1998 he starred in the famous action movie “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels...”.

In his personal life, Statham is serious, responsible and constant. Probably, these qualities scare away all women, because the actor’s relationships with girls always ended in separation. So it is with actress Cali Brooke. After being in a relationship for about 7 years, the couple broke up due to another hobby of the girl. At the moment, Jason's heart is occupied by the beautiful Rosie Whiteley. The couple has been dating since 2010. So fans can only hope and wait.

5th place. Ryan Reynolds

TOP of the most handsome men in the world continues Hollywood actor named Ryan Reynolds. The romantic, charming and sexy actor received worldwide recognition back in 2002, when he played in famous comedy"Party King".

Ryan was born on October 23, 1976 in Vancouver in the family of a police officer. Career young actor began in early childhood, when Ryan starred in a soap opera called “15.” In 2010, he topped the list of “the most beautiful men in the world of 2010” according to People magazine.

Today, the actor's heart is occupied by Blake Lively. In 2012, the couple got married, and in 2014 they had a child.

4th place. Alexander Ulyum

This handsome man is a representative of the list of “most beautiful arab men peace." Actor, poet, photographer, native United Arab Emirates I simply amazed all the women with my beauty. The 25-year-old actor is currently actively searching and is content with a huge amount gifts given to him by beauties from all over the world. So, for example, one unknown fan gave him a Mercedes G55 car.

3rd place. Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp is another representative of the “most handsome male actors in the world” rating. This charming man has been a world sex symbol for many years. The actor, producer, director, screenwriter and simply handsome man amazes with his endless talent and attractive appearance.

Johnny Depp was born on June 9, 1963 in Kentucky. Fate did not spoil the future actor. At the age of 12 he began drinking alcohol. Mental problems were affected by the death of my beloved grandfather. Johnny began his career in music group called “Children,” for which he dropped out of school.

Johnny began his first serious relationship at the age of 20. He married makeup artist Laurie Ann Alisson. After that, the actor cohabited with Kate Moss, then with Vanessa Paradis. In this union they had two children - a boy and a girl. In 2012, the family separated due to Depp's affair with actress Amber Heard. In 2014, the couple entered into a legal marriage.

2nd place. Jude Law

The ranking of the most handsome men continues with the handsome Juj Law. A charming smile, a low timbre of his voice, masculinity, romance - all his attractive aspects can be listed for a very, very long time.

The actor was born on December 29, 1972 in London into a family of teachers. Jude made his debut in 1986, when he starred in the teen program Pocket Money. In 1999 he was nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe.

Lowe's first marriage took place with actress Sadie Frost. It lasted quite a while for a long time. Sadie gave birth to her beloved husband two charming children, but in 2003 the couple, unfortunately, separated. There were rumors that Jude was having an affair with Nicole Kidman at this time. The actor was also in a relationship with Sienna Miller, but the couple soon broke up due to Jude’s affair on the side. Subsequently, the media reported that the actor cheated on his girlfriend with their children’s nanny. After this, the couple tried to live together again, but these attempts led to nothing. At the moment, Jude Law is single.

1 place. David Beckham

Our ranking of the most handsome men in the world has come to an end. The first and well-deserved place was taken by the famous football player David Beckham. A football star, the conqueror of millions of women's hearts, this handsome man never tires of delighting the public with his charming appearance, a beautiful smile, a deep gaze and endless masculinity.

Beckham was born on May 2, 1975 in London. Played in these famous clubs, like Manchester United, Real Madrid, LA Galaxy, Milan. David is currently married to Victoria Beckham. The loving and caring wife gave famous football player four children: three boys and one girl.

Our men are no worse!

Next, we will discuss which of the most beautiful men in the world and country come from our state. Our men, the most attractive and sexy, can easily compete with Americans and Europeans in both beauty and acting talent.

Danila Kozlovsky

Danila Kozlovsky is the most handsome man in Russia, according to the majority of the fair sex. A native of Moscow. The actor was born on May 3, 1985. Danila has been involved in charity work for a long time. He starred in more than 20 films, including Hollywood (“Vampire Academy”).

Alexey Chadov

The eccentric, daring and very handsome actor was born on September 2, 1981 in Moscow. Starred in 14 famous Russian films. Married since 2012 to actress Agnia Ditkovskite. The couple has a son, Fedor.

Sergey Bezrukov

This conqueror of millions of women's hearts was born on October 18, 1973 in Moscow. He starred in more than 50 films. Currently married to Irina Bezrukova.

Vladimir Mashkov

The brutal, attractive and talented actor was liked not only by our audience, but also by foreign ones. Mashkov has in his arsenal an award that positions him as the most handsome man in Russia. Winner of many awards, Vladimir Mashkov amazes with his mystery and romance. The actor is currently married to Oksana Shelest, who recently gave birth to his child.

The most beautiful men of the past era

Naturally, every woman has her own opinion regarding who they are, the most beautiful men in the world. But everyone will agree that style, charisma, charm, masculinity and charm are those integral qualities that every representative of the strong half of humanity should possess. Next, we would like to offer you a list of five contenders for the title of “the most beautiful men of the past.”

Elvis Presley

The greatest performer of all time, the highest paid American singer, winner of many awards, including “the most handsome man on the planet,” Elvis Presley was imitated by millions of men around the world.

Elvis was born on January 8, 1935. The singer died on August 16, 1977 from an overdose of sedatives. But, despite the fact that this wonderful singer is no longer with us, his songs continue to be heard on the radio, and we never cease to admire him.

Alain Delon

A sex symbol of the 60s-80s, the talented and romantic Alain Delon was born in France in 1935. The actor, director, screenwriter, theater artist and producer was wildly popular not only in the West, but also in the Soviet Union. At the moment, Alain Delon is not married.

Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor is another representative of the list of “the most beautiful men in the world of the past era.” Anyone who has never seen films with this amazing American actor will not be able to understand how talented, handsome and romantic Robert Taylor was in his role. It seemed that he was born only to act in films and charm women with his masculinity and endless charm. The actor was born on August 5, 1911. Died of lung cancer on June 8, 1969.

Marlon Brando

A sex symbol of the 50s, a role model for millions, a two-time Oscar winner, a talented actor born on April 3, 1942 in Los Angeles. He was always considered a rather mysterious and complex person, which is why things didn’t work out for him on the love front. Marlon died on July 1, 2004 from respiratory failure caused by obesity.

Al Pacino

The greatest American actor of Italian origin, winner of the Oscar and Golden Globe awards for his role in the famous film “The Godfather,” was born on April 25, 1940. Al Pacino is currently directing and acting work. Since 1977 he has been cohabiting with Martha Keller. He was never officially married; this did not prevent him from having two children on the side during his relationship with Martha.


A photo of the most handsome man in the world cannot convey all the sensuality and courage that our hero possesses. Every woman has her own ideal. Only by getting to know each other and talking, you can understand whether the handsome men are really the way we see them on the screen. We hope you will never be disappointed in your the ideal man, especially if he is sitting next to you.

According to statistics, there are 3.7 billion men in the world, each of whom has his own individual characteristics.

Most of them - ordinary people. But among these billions, there are those who sing and dance well, others act wonderfully in films or theater, play sports professionally, and still others are simply the most attractive men - handsome men, about whom women are simply crazy.

Attractiveness and beauty are, of course, subjective concepts. Some like brown eyes, others like blue, some are delighted with lush lips, others with stubble, some like pumped-up men, and some are not at all afraid of even a beer belly. How many women, so many tastes.

A beautiful body deserves attention, since pumping up your abs and muscles is not easy. It is ideal when a man has not only a pumped up body, but also a mind.

Smart, determined, strong-willed and strong representatives males will conquer any female heart.

Now we will talk about those stars who do not take steroids, but train hard in the gym.

A pumped-up body will not go unnoticed by the fairer sex, but to interest a worthy woman, then you need to be distinguished not only by your figure, but also by your high intelligence.

The most beautiful men in the world 2019-2020: TOP 50

Every year, well-known glossy publications present ratings of “The Most Beautiful Men in the World.”

We also decided to make our own interesting rating handsome men, dividing the nominees into several categories.

To hell with words, better watch and enjoy the photo review “The Most Beautiful Men in the World.”

The most beautiful men in the world 2019-2020

Bradley Cooper is an American film actor, four-time Oscar nominee.
Channing Tatum is an American film artist, creator of several films and fashion model.
Daniel Craig is an English film actor who is better known as the “new” James Bond. James Franco is an American screenwriter, screenwriter and filmmaker. Jason Statham is an English actor.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt - American film artist and director famous films.
Andrew Garfield is a British film actor who is known as Spider-Man.
Ryan Gosling is a Canadian film actor and director. Ryan Reynolds is a Canadian film actor and film producer.
Tom Ford is an American film director and fashion designer. Gucci houses.

The most attractive men in the world 2019-2020

Hugh Jackman is an Australian screen maestro and creator of many films.
Alexander Skarsgård is a Swedish artist who played in theater and cinema, director of mega cool movies.
Jonathan Rhys Meyers is an Irish actor. Jude Law is a British actor who became famous after the film Sherlock Holmes. David Beckham is an English football player who starred in the film The Sword of King Arthur this year. Armie Hammer – American famous actor movie. Leonardo DiCaprio is an American screen maestro who still waited for his Oscar award. Oscar Isaac is an American film actor and amazing musician. Robert Sheehan is an Irish film actor. Ian Somerhalder - American actor, who played in cinema and theater.

Handsome men of the world 2019-2020

Brad Pitt is an American film artist and creator of several films; by the way, he is divorcing his wife Angelina Jolie.
Jake Gyllenhaal is an American artist who played in films and theater, and also created his own film masterpieces.
Robert Downey (Jr.) is an American film actor, film producer and musician.
Johnny Depp is an American film actor, director and musician. Til Schweiger is a German film and theater actor, film producer and film playwright. Guillaume Canet is a French film actor, director and playwright.
David Duchovny is an American actor, director and writer. Jensen Ackles is an American stage and film actor, director and musician. Hugh Laurie is a British film actor, film director, screenwriter, famous singer and pianist, who became known as Dr. House. Cristiano Ronaldo – Portuguese famous master leather ball, there are rumors that the athlete is gay.

Famous men of the world 2019-2020

Al Santos is an American film artist and producer of famous films.
Ben Affleck is an American film actor, film screenwriter and winner of two Oscar awards.
Baptiste Giabiconi is a French instrumentalist and model. George Butler – Scottish famous artist theater and cinema. Mark Wahlberg is an American film and theater actor, two-time Oscar nominee. Cillian Murphy is an Irish film actor and music maestro with deep blue eyes. Ed Westwick is a British film actor and musician. Matt Damon is an American film actor, producer of many films and Oscar winner.
Simon Baker is an Australian popular film artist and director of several films.
Robert Pattinson is a British film actor, musician and fashion model.

Handsome men of Russia 2019-2020

Egor Creed - modern singer, conquered more than one woman’s heart. Alexey Vorobyov is a singer, film actor, film director, UN Ambassador. Sergey Lazarev is a musician, film and theater actor, television and radio host. Dima Bilan is a musician and actor; he liked the pseudonym so much that he mistook the fictitious name for his real one. Anton Sevidov – famous musician and composer.
Alexander Tarasov is a rapper, showman, known under the pseudonym T-killah. Nikita Panfilov is a film and theater actor, showman and TV presenter.
Daniil Strakhov is a showman, theater and film actor, a patriot of his country. Konstantin Kryukov is a theater and film actor, producer, and excellent jeweler.
Vyacheslav Malafeev is a football player for the Zenit club.

Beauty issues are very popular and always arouse keen interest and a lot of discussion among readers and columnists of famous glossies.

At the same time, topics not only female beauty and attractiveness, but also masculine.

Proof of this is the annual compilation of the “Top Most Beautiful Men in the World” rating, which is published by famous and top glossy publications, including People, Heat World, Vogue, Elle, Men’s Health, GQ, Cosmopolitan and many others.

Male beauty is a rather controversial and highly ambiguous concept, which at the same time arouses great interest and a lot of controversy on this topic.

After all, what attracts a man is not beauty, but charisma, masculinity, a sharp mind and a sense of humor.

For the most part, these are the most popular and popular actors Hollywood, which appear in box office and rating films, attracting millions of viewers around the world.

Top most handsome men in the world 2019: photos of the most handsome men in the world

Top most handsome men in the world 2019: Ryan Reynolds, Canadian actor and film producer
Top most handsome men in the world 2019: Ryan Gosling, Canadian film actor
Top most handsome men in the world 2019: Ben Affleck, actor
Top most handsome men of 2019: Chris Hemsworth, Australian actor
Top most handsome men of 2019: Tom Hardy, British actor
Top most handsome men of 2019: Scott Eastwood, actor, model
The most handsome men in the world 2019: Brad Pitt, actor, producer
The most handsome men in the world 2019: Robert Downey (Jr.), actor, producer and musician
The most handsome men in the world 2019: Hugh Jackman, actor, producer
Top most handsome men of 2019: Leonardo DiCaprio, actor, producer
The most handsome men in the world 2019: Johnny Depp, actor
The most handsome men in the world 2019: Chris Evans, actor
The most handsome men in the world 2019: Michael Fassbender, actor
Top most handsome men in the world 2019: Christian Bale, actor, film producer
The most handsome men in the world 2019: Matt Damon, actor
The most handsome men in the world 2019: Jake Gyllenhaal, actor
The most handsome men in the world 2019: Matthew McConaughey, actor
The most handsome men in the world 2019: Jason Statham, English actor
The most handsome men in the world 2019: Josh Duhamel, actor
Chris Pratt, actor
Jared Leto, actor, singer
The most sexy men in the world 2019: David Beckham, English football player
The sexiest men in the world 2019: Colin Farrell, film actor
Handsome male actors of 2019: Channing Tatum, actor, producer and model
The most handsome men in the world 2019: Jamie Dornan, British actor, model and musician
Handsome male actors of 2019: Benedict Cumberbatch, actor
George Clooney, actor, film director, producer, screenwriter
Liam Hemsworth, Australian actor
Gerard Butler, Scottish film actor
Bradley Cooper, actor
Robert Pattinson, actor, model and musician
Matt Bomer, actor
Ian Somerhalder, actor
Orlando Bloom, film actor
Justin Timberlake, actor and singer
James Franco, actor
Chris Pine, actor
Zac Efron, actor
Jeremy Renner, actor
Wentworth Miller, actor and screenwriter
Cristiano Ronaldo, Portuguese football player
Adam Levine, singer, actor