Victoria bae. Film and television

Victoria Caroline Adams was born on April 17, 1974. His father, Anthony William Adams, was an electronics engineer and also founded his own electronics wholesale business. Mother - Jacqueline Doreen, worked as an insurance clerk and hairdresser. The future star has a brother Christian (1979) and a sister Louise (1976).

The future singer graduated from St. Mary's High School" in Hertfordshire. Seeing famous musical“Fame”, Vicky set herself the goal of becoming famous. The parents decided to develop their daughter’s hobbies and sent her to drama school Jason Theater School, and then to Laine Theater Arts College, where she studied dance and fashion design. While studying future star consisted of music group"Persuasion".

In March 1993, Victoria noticed an advertisement in the newspaper about a casting in women's group, which was attended by more than 400 girls. Having successfully passed the selection, in April 1994, Victoria Adams joined the group Touch, which in 1996 was renamed the Spice Girls. It also included Melanie Chisholm, Emma Bunton, Melanie Brown and Geri Halliwell.

In March 1995, the girls signed a contract with the Virgin Records record label and began recording their debut album.

In 1996, the British pop group's first single, "Wannabe", was released. He was followed debut album"Spice", released November 4, 1996. It went ten times platinum in the UK and

Victoria Beckham is not such an outspoken woman, but she is somewhat interesting facts about her and her life are still known.

1. At the age of 20, Victoria learned that she would not be able to have children, because... Doctors discovered she had polycystic ovary syndrome. The girl no longer hoped for a miracle and was incredibly shocked as soon as she realized that she was pregnant and expecting a son. Highly qualified doctors were also perplexed, because they once told a young girl that without special medical procedures she would not be able to get pregnant.

2. In 2001, Victoria dreamed of playing Lara Croft in the film “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider” and for this she even auditioned, but lost to the sexy Angelina Jolie.

3. In childhood and adolescence Victoria Adams (previously the recognized “style icon” had exactly that last name) was engaged in ballroom dancing, but left them to participate in the Spice Girls group.

4. Victoria's favorite designers are Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, as well as Donatella Versace. By the way, Victoria is also a designer and draws inspiration not only from the entire world around her, but also from the new collections of the above-mentioned masters.

5. The middle of Victoria's three sons, Romeo, suffers from epilepsy.

6. Victoria is godmother to Geri Halliwell's daughter Bluebell. The women became very close friends during their time together. creative activity, so this fact is not surprising.

7. Victoria hates her smile, so she almost never smiles openly, although her family and friends say that despite her apparent seriousness, Beckham has a great sense of humor.

8. Once, Victoria and her husband David decided to attend Eminem’s concert in Manchester, but ran away from it at the beginning, as the rapper jumped around the stage with a chainsaw, simulated sex with a three-meter penis and sat in the electric chair. The couple was shocked that their children were growing up in a world where Eminem was a star.

9. In one of the interviews, Victoria mentioned that David loves wearing her thong. His teammates, and as you know David is a football player, mocked him for a long time about this.

10. OK! Magazine paid $2 million for exclusive rights to photograph the Beckhams' 1999 wedding at a Gothic castle in Ireland. At the reception, the newlyweds received 300 invited guests, sitting on purple thrones.

11. Victoria Beckham is a vegetarian who does not accept eating meat.

12. The press calls himself youngest son in the Beckham family, Cruise was the “savior of the union”, since shortly before his birth, the former press secretary of the family, Rebecca Luz, said that she was connected with David not only business relationship. The story was circulated, the Beckhams called this statement ridiculous, but there were no refutations. Cruz became the third child in this married couple.

13. In 2002, the Beckham family heard rumors that certain criminals wanted to kidnap Victoria and her eldest son Brooklyn for ransom. For several months they lived in fear. Soon after a long search, the suspects were arrested, but the case was hushed up.

14. The romantic Beckham family still keeps a piece of paper on which David wrote down his phone number future wife Victoria when they first met at a football match in 1997. As the footballer himself says, after he returned home, the treasured number was rewritten on six more pieces of paper (so as not to lose it).

15. More than once Victoria Beckham suffered from indigestion. So, during the time of the Spice Girls, diet lover Geri Halliwell advised Victoria to eat frozen peas instead of regular food, and she decided to try it. The result was not long in coming - Victoria ended up in a hospital bed.

16. Madame Tussauds has wax replicas of David and Victoria standing in front of an American flag.

17. IN teenage years Victoria suffered a lot with her skin - acne kept popping up on her. Beckham never went outside without makeup. Now she is about 40, but acne still shows off on her haggard face.

18. Victoria Beckham thinks Audrey Hepburn perfect example feminine style, a kind of standard of “classical beauty”.

19. But at present, it is not Audrey, but Kate Moss who is Victoria’s “style icon.”

“I just adore Kate Moss. I can confidently say that her style is perfect. I'm a big fan of hers. She always looks fantastic."

20. Victoria is 1 year older than her husband David.

21. Victoria Beckham said that she is addicted to shopping and simply needs it, although in an interview she said that she does not follow fashion, but trusts her instinct.

22. Victoria's waist circumference is no more than 58 centimeters.

23. Victoria says she's "sick" of being called Vicky all the time.

"I'm Victoria, not Vicky"

24. Victoria admitted that her favorite film is The Notebook. Every time she sees him, she cries.

25. Victoria wants her daughter to be the most stylish girl and in no way followed in the footsteps of Lindsay Lohan, whom Victoria clearly dislikes.

In 1994, in the UK, against the backdrop of wildly popular boy bands, a female pop group appeared. At that time, no one thought that it would be successful, and at the time of its creation it even seemed like a utopia...

But the group not only became popular - it became famous all over the world and sold more than 55 million albums. Everyone knows the name of the group - the Spice Girls.

It consisted of five girls, including a famous singer, designer and wife famous football player David Beckham - Victoria Beckham (Adams).

Fans are interested in the details of the biography and personal life of Victoria Beckham, whose height and weight arouse the envy of girls: her height is 163 cm and her weight is 45 kg.

Biography of Victoria Beckham

Victoria Caroline Adams was born in England on April 17, 1974 in Essex. Father's name is Anthony Adams and mother's name is Jacqueline Adams. The family also has a brother and sister - Christian and Louise. They grew up near the village of Goffs Oak, Broxbone, Hertfordshire.

Victoria's father was an electronics engineer, owned own business, so Victoria’s family had a good income. While still a child, she had a complex about her financial situation and asked not to be taken out of her Rolls Royce car near the school. She studied in Cheshunt (Hertfordshire), in high school St. Mary's High School.

According to the star’s recollections, they were not friends with her as a child. She considered herself ugly duckling and therefore worked a lot on myself. I learned how to walk, sit, talk correctly, and how to combine things.

Victoria Beckham set a goal in her youth to become famous. The musical Fame became an incentive for her. Around the same period, she began attending Jason Theater School. When she turned 17, she entered the Laine Theater Arts dance college in Epsom (Surrey). During the same period, Vicky Adams became a member of the group Persuasion.

Spice Girls career

Victoria got into the Spice Girls group completely by accident. In March 1993, she read an advertisement in newspaper The Stage is about the need for a female pop group to have ambitious and confident girls who can sing and dance well. More than four hundred people responded to the newspaper ad. young talents. The result of the casting was a place in the main lineup of the group.

As a result, Melanie Brown, Emma Bunton, Melanie Chisholmy (Mel C), Geri Halliwell and Victoria Beckham became participants. The girls in the photo are not very different in height, but the shortest of them is Geri Halliwell, and the tallest is Melanie Chisholmy. Victoria Beckham's (Adams) height and weight were average among them.

An interesting fact is that the creators of the group called the group Touch, but later they came up with the idea to rename the group the Spice Girls. The first composition Wannabe, released in 1996, became number one in 31 countries around the world.

From that moment on, the group repeatedly occupied a leading position in the world charts. Each performer had her own style of clothing, and Victoria’s main theme was a little black dress and high-top shoes. high heels. She would later be called Posh Spice.

The group's first two albums were successful, but the same cannot be said about the third - Forever. Victoria decides to start solo career, and on August 14, 2000, she, already Beckham, recorded her first album, Out of Your Mind. Victoria's composition took second place in the hit parade. Several more singles followed, but they only occupied sixth place. The last one was recorded in 2002.

In 2007, the Spice Girls decided to reunite and go on tour with a new Greatest Hits album. To participate, Vicky dyed her hair brunette. Later, a film about the Spice Girls: Giving You Everything, directed by Bob Smeaton, was released. The film was first shown in Australia and later on BBC One in the UK.

In addition, the girls accepted an offer from Tesco to appear in advertising and earned £1 million each.

Meet David Beckham

In addition to the successful development of her career, Victoria’s personal life also did not stand still, although she did not set herself the goal of getting married and was fully engaged in creative activities.

Her bandmate Melanie Chisholm suggested Vicki visit Soccer game featuring David Beckham. Mel C loved sporting events, that's why they called her "Sports Spice". Victoria agreed, and the couple’s fateful acquaintance took place at the match.

It turned out that David had seen Victoria on TV earlier and he immediately liked her. And when they met, she impressed him even more strong impression with her energy and self-confidence, and besides, the girl did not ask the famous football player for an autograph. She also liked his appearance and a spark immediately jumped between them. She wrote down her phone number on her boarding pass from the match.

When he returned home, he wrote down her number six times so that he would not lose it. By the way, Beckham still treasures this coupon with trepidation. From that moment on, a stormy relationship began between them.

Even though they were both popular at the time, financial situation it was different for the couple. Victoria was from a wealthy family, and David's parents' income was more than modest. His father was a kitchen assembler, and his mother was a hairdresser. Both parents loved football and instilled this passion in little Beckham.

Their parents were skeptical about the close relationship between them. The singer’s father did not understand what she saw in an ordinary athlete, although when they met, the parents were pleasantly surprised that David liked to help wash the dishes.

Beckham's mother feared that a relationship with the capricious singer would ruin her son's career. And few people thought that the relationship between the stars would last long. But David Beckham continued to meet with the future Victoria Beckham and photos of their turbulent relationship continued to appear in the media. The fears were in vain - a year later the couple announced their engagement.

Fairytale wedding

At that moment, Beckham's future wife was already pregnant, although doctors had previously diagnosed her with infertility. Their first child was born four months before the wedding, on March 4, 1999. They gave him unusual name- Brooklyn.

On July 4, 1999 took place gorgeous wedding David and Victoria Beckham at Luttrellstown Castle in Ireland. 300 people attended the celebration, and the pavilion where the wedding took place was consecrated by the Bishop of County Cork. The bride wore a hundred thousand dollar dress from designer Vera Wang.

Two luxurious thrones were built for the bride and groom, and another, smaller one for baby Brooklyn. The celebration cost about eight hundred thousand dollars, however, they easily compensated for all the costs. The stars sold the rights to an exclusive photo report to Ok magazine and received one and a half million dollars for it.

Victoria Beckham's children

For 2018 star couple four children. Three sons and one daughter. Three years after the wedding, on September 1, 2002, the couple had their second child, Romeo James Beckham. Cruise David Beckham was born on February 20, 2005, and in July 2011, Victoria Beckham gave birth to her daughter Harper Seven Beckham. Victoria Beckham's children love their father very much.

Family problems

Despite the fact that the Beckham family looks ideal, and the photos show an undisguised reverent attitude towards each other, the couple periodically experienced crises, like any other family.

In 2003, their second child was diagnosed with epilepsy. And this was not the only blow for Victoria Beckham: photos of her husband and his assistant in an informal setting began to appear regularly in the media. At that moment he was under contract in Spain without his wife.

Victoria did not comment on what was happening and went with her family to Spain. Later in one of the interviews she will say that they were very hard times which affected the whole family. Victoria realized that everything in the world has a price, and people too. David swore his fidelity, Victoria believed him.

David and Victoria Beckham were able to survive this difficult period, moreover, they decided to get married again. After re-marriage, they got tattoos with the inscription “All over again.”

But this is not all the trials they faced. Scotland Yard prevented the abduction of Victoria Beckham and her children from the home. The terrorists planned to receive a multimillion-dollar ransom for the kidnapping, but upon learning of this, David turned their house into a real impregnable fortress.

Career after the Spice Girls

After finishing musical career in 2003, Victoria was offered to become the face of Italian brand Dolce & Gabbana. And from that moment on, Mrs. Beckham decided to connect her life with fashion.

In the early stages, she collaborated with the Rock and Republic brand, and then released her own line of denim clothing under the dVb Style brand. At the same time, Victoria started working on the line of optics and perfumes.

After moving to America in 2007, a year later at New York Fashion Week, Beckham presented her first collection formal dresses brand Victoria Beckham. The collection received positive reviews fashion critics and the press. She later launched her own line of bags and a line of democratic clothing, Victoria by Victoria Beckham.

Her achievements were two books. The first is an autobiography, the second is style lessons from a truly English lady.

Victoria Beckham tattoos

The star has several tattoos that she dedicated to her husband and children. Some of them are of a pair nature and were also made by her husband.

The inscriptions and drawings are located on the lower back, between the shoulder blades, and on the wrists of the right and left hands. The inscriptions are in Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin.

The eight-pointed stars on the lower back symbolize her, David and their children.

Along the spine is an inscription in Hebrew, which translates as “My man belongs to me, and I belong to my man.”

On her left wrist, Victoria made her husband's initials, and later added an inscription in Hebrew, which translates as "Forever together."

On her right wrist she imprinted the date of her and David's first lovemaking - VIII-V-MCMXCVII, but later decided to change the meaning and corrected the year 1997 to 2006 and wrote the word "Anew" in Latin.

Victoria Beckham (Victoria Caroline Beckham) – British singer And fashion designer. A member of the pop group “Spice Girls” in the 90s, and now a successful businesswoman. She is the wife of football player David Beckham, who twice received the FIFA Player of the Year title.


Victoria Beckham (Victoria Caroline Adams - before marriage) was born into the family of an electronics engineer, whose income allowed him to support his wife and three children in abundance.

Despite the fact that Vicky did not need anything, her childhood was far from calm: the girl was constantly bullied at school. Victoria truly revealed herself only at home: she constantly staged performances, changed costumes, experimented with hairstyles, sang, and took photographs.

After graduating from ballet class at school, Victoria Adams went to study at Laines Arts Theater College for dance and modeling. Studying was easy, but the teachers did not identify any special talents in the girl. After college, Vika had many auditions and castings, modeling shows and even filming in advertising, but the girl dreamed of something more.

Music career

In 1994, Victoria accidentally saw an advertisement in the newspaper “The Stage” about auditions for a female pop group. The girl easily passed the auditions and got into the team, which was first called “Touch” and then renamed “Spice Girls”. Along with her were Melanie Brown, Emma Bunton, Melanie Chisholm and Geri Halliwell.

For two years the girls were preparing to conquer the world, practicing their vocals, dancing and selecting their repertoire. The producers put future celebrities in rather harsh conditions, forcing them to work very hard and not giving them the opportunity to perform, which forced the participants to terminate their contract and go on a free run.

In 1996, four girls found producers and released their first single, “Wannabe,” and later their debut album, “Spice,” was released. The group immediately became popular, and the record sold 20 million copies around the world, and until 1998 the world was in the grip of “spice mania.”

Victoria received the nickname posh spice from fans and the press, which means “chic spice.” All because the girl dressed with excellent taste, she had her own unique style, and she only wore outfits from famous brands.

However, the success of the Spice Girls was just the first step in Victoria Adams' career. In 2001, the group ceased to exist, but by this time Vicky had already begun her solo career.

Victoria Beckham - A Mind Of Its Own

In 2000, Beckham released the solo single “Out of Your Mind” in collaboration with Dane Bowers, and a year later presented her solo album"Victoria Beckham".

Victoria Beckham - designer

At the same time, Vicky began promoting her own brand.

Thanks to her participation as a stylist and promoter, her husband David began to increasingly appear on the covers of magazines and act as a trendsetter men's hairstyles, as well as the face of advertising campaigns.

Musical creativity faded into the background, and Vicky began developing her own brand. At the beginning of the 21st century, she made her debut as a model at London Fashion Week at the Maria Grachvogel show, and later became the face of Dolce and Gabbana and Rocawear.

In 2004, Beckham signed a contract with the Rock&Republic label, which dealt with jeans, creating a limited collection for them. The designer's debut was successful and Victoria began cooking new collection, which was released under the logo of her own brand – “DVB”, which stands for David Beckham.

Victoria Beckham's fashion tips

Under this brand she also released women's and men's fragrances and body cosmetics.

Two years later, Victoria Beckham wrote a book called Another Half Inch of Flawless Style. From hairstyles to heels,” where he talks about how to get the most out of your own natural abilities. The publication received bestseller status and was called the “new fashion bible.”

In 2007, David began playing for the American football club, so the family moved to Hollywood. In America, Victoria released a reality show called “The Beckhams in America,” and then reunited the “Spice Girls” and the group recorded the single “Headlines (Friendship Never Ends).” After farewell performances, the girl stated that this was the final point in her singing career.

During her year of living in America, Victoria made famous friends - Tom Cruise, Gwen Stefani, Katie Holmes, Heidi Klum. The girl became the face of Marc Jacobs and distributed her products to stores in Los Angeles.

In 2008, Vicky demonstrated her first collection at New York Fashion Week evening dresses, the year ended with the release of the “Signature” fragrance. Every year the catwalk saw new collections from Beckham, and in 2011 Vicky began producing her own bags.

Personal life of Victoria Beckham

In 1999, the girl met her future husband, football player David Beckham. Vicky's friend took her to a Manchester United match, where after the game under the stands she met David and they never parted. 4 months before their wedding, the couple had their first child, son Brooklyn Joseph.

In her marriage to David, Victoria gave birth to three more children: sons Romeo James (2002) and Cruz David (2005) and daughter Harper Seven (2011).

Victoria has 5 tattoos on her body, three of which are in honor of her husband: the inscription in Hebrew “I belong to my beloved, and my beloved belongs to me; he feeds among the lilies” (Song of Songs 6:3), David’s initials and the date of the 7th wedding anniversary. All of these tattoos are paired. Victoria also has 5 eight-pointed stars on her lower back, symbolizing the Beckhams and their four children, and the inscription De Integro (Latin for “first”) on her wrist.

Victoria Beckham now

In the summer of 2018, Victoria Beckham refused to participate in the new Spice Girls tour as she began preparing to launch a reality show about fashion design.

Their marriage could be called a misalliance. But love, as we know, does not recognize class differences. Victoria and David Beckham have been considered the most stylish public couple and a truly exemplary English family for eighteen years now.

Victoria Adams

Victoria was born into a fairly wealthy family of Anthony and Jacqueline Adams, where two more children grew up besides her. She was embarrassed by wealth and really did not like going to school with her father in his luxurious Rolls-Royce. She had no friends, and her peers often pestered the girl with ridicule and mockery.

Already in her teens, she decided to become an actress and persuaded her parents to send her to drama school. There she not only forgot about all her problems with her peers, but also actively learned the basics theatrical skill, while simultaneously developing your vocal abilities.

Having entered college after school, young Victoria also took up dancing and enjoyed studying classical choreography. In the spring of 1994, Victoria decided to take part in the casting, which was quite successful, becoming one of the soloists of the popular group “Spice Girls”.

It was from this moment that Victoria Adams, who received the nickname Posh Spice in the group, began her confident rise to fame.

David Beckham

David Beckham was born into a poor family of a kitchen assembler and a hairdresser. The boy's father, who dreamed of a son, devoted all his strength to raising him famous athlete. He began training the child when he was barely two years old. However, David himself was passionate about football, showing remarkable abilities.

Already at the age of 11, the talented boy was noticed by Manchester United recruiters. He was invited to the exams, after successful completion which he was enrolled in the youth team. At the age of 14, the talented teenager had already signed his first contract with his favorite team, and at 17 he won the FA Youth Cup as part of Manchester United. Soon he becomes part of the main team of this club. And although David did not score many goals, he gained football fame for his brilliant execution of free kicks.

The stars have aligned

Posh Spice was dragged to the Manchester United match by teammate Mel B. She was an avid fan and promised that Pepper (as Victoria was often called in the team) would certainly receive many vivid impressions and emotions from the football players’ play.

Victoria Beckham at the PSG - Marseille match. / Photo:

True, Victoria herself did not share her friend’s wild enthusiasm, and did not see anything exciting in this sport. But she still agreed to go to the match. And I never regretted it. After all, it was during the match that she drew attention to rising star English football, immediately deciding to meet him after the match.

Mel put all her strength and connections into getting her and Victoria into the athletes’ locker room. They flew towards the tired, gloomy athletes like two restless birds. And they flew away, leaving a light trail of perfume and a feeling of some kind of understatement in the locker room. However, Vicky wasn’t going to say much, she simply put her ticket for the match into the hand of David, who didn’t understand anything, and back side The ticket had her phone number neatly printed on it. Two stars converged at one point, never to be separated again.

Star Romance

They were both so popular and famous that not a single step of the lovers went unnoticed. Their romance developed quite rapidly. They appeared everywhere, touchingly holding hands and representing the true personification of youth, beauty, and love.

Less than a year later, the lovers announced their engagement and began to slowly prepare for the wedding. However, all their plans were disrupted by the unexpected pregnancy of the bride. The news of this was so stunning also because doctors had shortly before informed Victoria that it was impossible to have children. The bride and groom adjusted their plans and got married four months after the birth of their first child, Brooklyn Joseph.

Victoria Adams and David Beckham vowed to be together for better or worse, for better or worse, on July 4, 1999. Their wedding at Luttrellstone Castle in Ireland was truly a royal ceremony.

Second marriage

After the wedding, the newlyweds showed the world true English restraint: they categorically refused to talk about relationships in their family, and in public they always looked perfect couple. In 2002, the second son, Romeo James, was born into the Beckham family, and in 2005, the third, Cruz David.

No matter what rumors and gossip arose around them, they always remained just rumors. Repeatedly, the tabloids were full of news of the upcoming divorce of the star couple. But Victoria briefly answered all questions that she believed David. And then she went to him on the other side of the globe.

After the birth of Cruise and another round of divorce rumors, David again arranged a wedding with Victoria. They again stood in front of the altar and repeated the words of the oath. After this ceremony, David and Victoria got identical tattoos on their arms: “All over again.”

Coming of age of love

This stylish, bright, extraordinary couple inspires admiration. David and Victoria are distinguished by their incredible ability to work and determination. Over 18 years of marriage, they managed not only to build real family, give birth to four children (the Beckhams' daughter Harper Seven was born in July 2001), but also create their own fashion empire.

At the same time, Victoria and David still look at each other with loving eyes, and in in social networks exchange touching messages.

When they appear in public, there is no shadow of doubt that this is love. The one who “covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything.” True love based on mutual respect and trust.

The love story of David and Victoria Beckham inspires faith in the omnipotence of love. The history of a star marriage proves that real love knows no barriers.