With whom will you fall for and climb. Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain, does that mean? “Whoever you mess with, that’s how you’ll gain.” in books

Sergey Gryzunov.
Secret bridge.
– M.: Book,
2018. – 280 p.

My friend wrote a book. In general, this could become a reason for a nice get-together on the territory of his cozy country house in the Moscow region, but the book turned out to be surprisingly topical, and the Knigar publishing house and the artist Georgy Frangulyan did everything to make it pleasant to pick up.

Sergei Gryzunov, author of the novel “The Secret Bridge”, a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, worked for many years in the territory of the Balkans, mysterious to me (and to many others, I think). On the territory of endless conflicts and civil strife, each of which, when flaring up, threatened to turn into a source of global conflict. He started as a correspondent in Sofia and ended as head of the APN bureau in Belgrade. Endlessly in love with Balkan songs, Balkan food, Balkan painting, Balkan booze... And with the people who live on Balkan soil - they love, they hate, they fight, they suffer.

Events own professional life the author would be quite enough for a full-fledged “diplomatic novel” - this is how Gryzunov defined the genre of his book. But before us, fortunately, is not an example of autobiography, which are usually deathly boring, but a lively, intense story about people who have to be servants of not even two, but three or more masters - and at the same time they must not lose either professionalism or conscience. The book is about our friends who worked and are working abroad.
You are unlikely to love the main character: he is arrogant, cynical, likes to drink, has a consumerist attitude towards women and is generally a disgusting type. But he is a professional, he knows how to find contact with the right person, to get to where entry is prohibited, not to give up in the most impasse situation. Those who do not like fiction will appreciate the documentary series: you can learn from a knowledgeable person about the meeting of the soothsayer Vanga with Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, which stunned the Secretary General, and stand next to him concrete wall, where the family of the Romanian dictator Ceausescu is shot; take a special elevator down to the carefully guarded basements of the famous Wardolph-Astoria Hotel in New York; eavesdrop on what visitors come to the office with general director Bolshoi Theater... For me, my favorite chapter was the journey through the famous restaurants of Gorky Street in the 90s. “Central”, “Aragvi”, House of Actors, “Beijing”, then the restaurant of the “Sovetskaya” hotel - here are not only the features of the cuisine, but also the characteristics of the objects from the point of view of professional observation of guests. Guess which restaurant was equipped with a personal office for Beria? Where was Marina Vladi accommodated when she came to Moscow to visit her loved one, Vladimir Vysotsky?

If we talk about chronology, the novel is dedicated to dramatic events in the former Yugoslavia in the 90s. The country split into small fragments, and each of them oozed blood. And conflicts that were insignificant from the point of view of global politics due to the intervention of the largest world powers threatened to result in a new world war. The author talks about how selfless work individual person- politician, journalist, warrior - could in those difficult years save the lives of tens of thousands of people, prevent the destruction of many cozy cities and villages, and preserve the humanitarian environment of humanity.

Today, the threat of World War III is once again looming over us. Yes, the geography is different - the epicenter is shifting to the Middle East. But the mechanisms are still the same, and the novel “The Secret Bridge” becomes a kind of warning.

The heroes risk their careers, and sometimes their health and even their lives - but the author’s irony removes unnecessary pathos, and “The Secret Bridge” is easy to read.

Alexander Yurikov

Opening my eyes, I saw 5:40 on the alarm clock. I gently “like a cat” stretched, smiled, and stroked my beloved body. She told herself: “ Good morning, dear Natalie! and happily began my morning awakening, which I have recently begun with Thai hormonal gymnastics and Nishi gymnastics. I love to develop my physical body. I listen to it, adore it and love it. In my daily routine and joint gymnastics M. Norbekova, and breathing exercises A. Strelnikova and much more that I do with Love and pleasure for the temple of my Soul.

But I only recently started waking up early, without an alarm clock. For about 2 years, I often thought that I would like to get up early. But when I woke up before 6 o'clock in the morning, there were usually reasons to be lazy and continue to sleep. Not to be pampered, but to be lazy. Photocopied versions of hormonal gymnastics and Nisha’s gymnastics have been lying on my bedside table for several years now... I was going to learn them and start doing them, but something didn’t work out. And now I will share with you my story, thanks to which everything happened in the easiest and most natural way.

So. Usually on your visit to hometown I stayed with my husband’s sister, and on my last visit it so happened that we stayed with my mother-in-law. I lived with her for two weeks. She and I often walked, discussed issues that concern us on topics of health, relationships, creativity, and the upcoming health festival, in which she will participate for the fourth time. We shared our impressions of new books we read and watched during this time. useful films(we even have a list of such films).

It’s good that we always have something to talk about and something to please each other with. We have not suffered and shared “rotten apples” for a long time. Our communication is interesting and useful for both of us.

So, one day I woke up and looked at the clock. Time 5:30. I wanted to continue sleeping, but I felt that my mother-in-law was not sleeping in the next room. I got up, quietly opened the door and saw that she was doing Nisha’s gymnastics (she is 80 years old). At breakfast, I talked to her about waking up early, about these gymnastics that were lying “dead weight” in my bedside table, and she unexpectedly invited me to do these gymnastics with her. From this day on, as by command " magic wand“I woke up very early. She and I, as a “friendly group,” did two gymnastics in the morning, then went to our rooms for our individual classes))) and did one gymnastics together in the evening. And so on for two weeks. When I returned home, I no longer had the question of “get up early or not”... I was already living in a new way, waking up very early in the morning. I took out photocopied versions of the gymnastics that I wouldn’t need and parted with them. My beloved body already knows them and is looking forward to when I pamper it with these magical exercises.

It’s not for nothing that they say: “If you place a fresh cucumber in a jar with pickles, then it will soon become salty too.” A similar story happened to me...☺

I will give another example from life on this topic. The child of my friends was diagnosed with mental retardation (delayed mental development). They were offered to give the boy to correctional school. Hearing this, his father said that if he had been around people with mental retardation all the time, he would have become like that himself. And they sent him to the regular high school, where he is already studying in the 7th grade. He's not an excellent student, but he's not a laggard either. Draw your own conclusions.

And today in my article we will talk about awareness, quality and importance of communication in the life of every Person. We often talk about development... I am developing. But no matter what we do, no matter what we do, and no matter what we develop ☺, development comes only through relationships. Wherever we go...whether to the store, to the theater, whether we walk, or travel, dance, yoga...we enter into the process of communication everywhere. Even when alone with yourself.

We communicate with a glance, a word, a thought, a Heart..., in the process of communication there is a constant process of energy exchange. The whole World is energy. It constantly circulates around us.
The process of energy exchange occurs constantly between all objects, between the elements of water, fire, air and earth. That's why we feel so good when we walk in the forest or admire beautiful lake, bright colors, we see smiling faces..., and we know how our condition worsens, our energy level decreases when we see the “opposite”: for example, dirt, hear obscene language or disturbing news.

The exchange of energy is a constantly ongoing process in human communication.

Friends, do you ask yourself the question with whom do you communicate, with whom do you spend your precious time? How is this communication useful to you and the other party? Is there any development in this communication that we talk about so often? This inevitably applies to your circle of friends. I know this is a sore subject for many. At one time she was sick for my husband and me.

As a child, you don’t always realize how true aphorisms and proverbs can be. By the way, for some reason the proverb “Whoever you mess with, you’ll get the hang of it” is used and perceived by us, as a rule, in a negative sense. I remember my mother always told me: “Don’t hang out with her (him), you’ll learn bad things.” But if you look a little deeper, you can see how universal the truth is this proverb and in its other sense.

Communicating with interesting people, applying the worldview of people of a new circle, expanding and changing our consciousness, we ourselves begin to change and our lives change. From the people with whom you communicate, make friends, with whom you often meet, you involuntarily adopt new views, habits, skills, abilities... novelty comes into life. This is how a new habit of “getting up early” came into my life. And novelty is development. It’s interesting to have diversely developed friends, then the area of ​​what you can “gain” becomes much larger. These are not just words, this is mine life experience, which I talk about at the health festival, communicating with Academy students and in the articles that I share with you.

Dear friends, if you want to change something in your life, first just realize that your circle of friends must expand. Ask yourself: “How often do I find myself in new social circles?”

After realizing, take another step - “put yourself in a jar of “pickles” ☺. Start communicating with people who ALREADY live happily, interestingly, lead healthy image life, expand their consciousness, enjoy life, share it with others and the World. I even know where you can find them:

Come to the health festival “Age of Wisdom”!

You can easily win a free trip by taking part in the competition!

Then you are guaranteed both the development that everyone so often talks about and growing happiness! The choice is always yours, see you next time!

With Love, Natalya Senicheva.
Teacher at the International Academy of Natural Sciences,
Organizer and teacher of the Health Festival project “Age of Wisdom”,
practical psychologist, family relationship consultant.

Over time, and in last years I am especially acutely aware that the lack of religious education is a huge disadvantage in all aspects of life, in all its areas, and... A huge hole in the soul the size of God...

Well, because what kind of happiness can there be if a person has no idea what a family is, because he learns from the example of his parents and relatives, who themselves are unhappy all their lives and can barely tolerate each other? Where can he get an example to follow? From modern singers who have been married 8 times and never understood what it means to be happy, but they skillfully lie on stupid cheap talk shows and share advice that, God forbid, should they use? From divorced girlfriends who walk around with bruises under their eyes and “plow” from dawn to dusk in order to somehow survive? But it’s never too late to relearn... At any age - if there is a desire and aspiration...

And when it comes to making a living, who does everyone look up to?

Those about whom they say with undisguised envy - “he knows how to live”... Thieves and swindlers... And they are imitated... They steal and cheat... Then, of course, they pay with illness, ruin, sometimes prison or even life - then who stole how much... But they think that even if it was a couple of years, they “lived”... Even in absolute hell and fear, but with money and to the fullest, which sooner or later will unravel in any case...

Who do they learn from and who will they go to with questions about how to solve problems? To life coaches... coaches... sectarians... occultists... The methods they use in their work are predominantly the tenacious grip of the client, manipulation, illiteracy and an absolute lack of knowledge about the soul. Just ask anyone and you won’t get an answer or you’ll either hear something unintelligible or some self-invented nonsense about reincarnation and something similar...

Why? Because as a result of upbringing, lifestyle, social circle, lack of faith and, accordingly, a strong spiritual foundation, as well as training and work according to given criteria, they have lost the basic important qualities souls, or their replacement has occurred... The landmarks have changed... The beacons have become false... And they themselves are going in the wrong direction, and dragging a string of ignoramuses behind them...

I deliberately, out of purely professional interest, once made contact with one of their camp, who offered to buy some initiations in bulk... When I asked him about his conscience, he replied that after “enlightenment” he had completely transformed... into whom??? Who do they look up to and who are their idols? Thomas J. Leonard? Osho? Hindus from ashrams recruiting adherents? Scammers and swindlers? What great and memorable things have they, the current “gurus,” done for humanity, what can we imitate in them and what can we be grateful for? For crazy brains and crippled destinies? How long will they remain in your memory? What mark will they leave behind in history? The most disgustingly smelly...

And it is absolutely certain that he is not the same as St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, who was (and is) a real man, who lived from March 15, 270 AD - to December 6, 343 AD, and did so much good that to this day they remember him and ask for help, which they instantly receive...

And absolutely not like Seraphim of Sarov - one of my favorite Saints, who raised the dead with his prayer and healed (continuing to do this to this day) from incurable diseases.

And not like Seraphim Vyritsky, who, being a very rich man, gave away all the wealth he had and went to a monastery. They ask him for employment, for help in trade matters, for house-building, for health and for everything that one would like to ask for... In his own words... From the heart. Meaningful. And he helps. You just need to be able to understand and hear.

And not like Alexander Peresvet - our schemamonk who saved Holy Rus' from the invasion of the Tatars right on the Kulikovo Field...

And not like Alexander Nevsky (in schema Alexy), who with a small retinue defeated the Swedish army after prayer and with the words: “God is not in power, but in righteousness. Some with weapons, others on horses, but we will call on the name of the Lord our God!”

And certainly not at all like Jesus Christ, who healed and is healing the crippled, revived and revives the dead or dying, whom the “omnipotent modern scientific medicine", helped and helps the disadvantaged, the burdened and the toiling, and, restoring justice, consoles those who cry, giving hope and real support in everything - just ask for good, believe and strive to become an eternal person.

This is where the trouble comes from, because the majority have changed their guidelines from the correct ones, from those that are worth emulating and emulating, to those that you need to stay as far away from as possible, because if you follow the path they suggest, you will inevitably get into trouble and you will suffer bitterly...

Look at the mass media of information in the news kiosks... Life stories of harlots, libertines, perverts, thieves and swindlers, politicians (who are completely rotten and liars), singers, actresses... And they write everything so colorfully that the human brain, unable to resist the destructive influence of information, absorbs all this abomination into himself, and then begins to reproduce, imitating the base and trampling on the sublime...

No materials about truly great and Holy people throughout human history can be found in public places...

Because those who do not know how to analyze and think are very easy to manipulate. It’s easy to convince them of anything - from usefulness electronic cigarettes, to the harmlessness and normality of promiscuity - and this will become the norm of life for hundreds of millions. And they will get sick and suffer, and will not stop believing in what they were taught. And they will try again and again to change something, and their attempts will be unsuccessful. Because the path in the opposite direction from salvation has not yet led anyone to return to life...

That is why for the last 5-6 years I have been communicating exclusively with representatives of the clergy and religious intelligentsia. I’ll tell you a secret, I’ve never had a more interesting and fulfilling process in my previous life. Already because information from spiritual sources enriches, if you like, aligns, gives answers to deep questions about all aspects of life. While modern “samizdat” (invented for myself or what I see, I sing) takes away strength, dulls, corrupts, perverts consciousness and mind and in the end does not lead to where a person strives...

Everything is explained here quite simply and is clearly visible. Even if a person is lost in life, has made mistakes, but is determined to change - when in front of his eyes are the right guidelines, people worthy in all respects, their life stories, and their support - he will rise, because gradually, step by step, he will begin to live like this , as commanded from above. And thereby fill your existence with the highest meaning. Spirit. And he will automatically transfer this meaningfulness to his life and the lives of those around him, spreading around himself, albeit insignificant, but still light...