Joint gymnastics by Professor Bubnovsky: treatment of joints at home.

Exercises for joints differ from joint exercises in the same way as morning exercises differ from a set of exercises for regular or physical therapy. But by and large, any doctor or exercise therapy instructor will advise starting any physical exercise session, including a morning gymnastics complex, with warming up (charging) the joints.

It is quite natural that exercise for sore joints is different from warming up for healthy ones. Below are 2 sets of joint exercises.

  • The first, the Wushu whirlwind warm-up, is taken from the practices of martial arts. By the way, this exercise, only for some reason in the reverse order, was adopted by “Doctor” Norbekov.
  • The second - joint warm-up Qigong - is not yet very popular, but some of the movements can be found in some health complexes of Dr. Bubnovsky.

Whirlwind exercise-warm-up for joints

Almost all training of professional athletes, as well as physical education classes in kindergartens and educational institutions, begin with these exercises, performed in a standing position. We tell you in what sequence and how many times these exercises should be performed so that they become not only “sports warm-up”, but also therapeutic and prophylactic.

Table 1 - Warm-up for the joints of the legs and spine:

Image Description Dosage

Standing on one leg, to maintain balance, spread your arms slightly to the sides, pull the instep of your foot and toes toward you, and then perform the movement away from you, remembering to bend your toes forcefully.

Do not raise your free (working) leg too high, 30-40 cm is enough.

16 counts on each leg:

8 times on yourself + 8 times on yourself

Rotational movements in the ankle joints are also performed while standing on one leg. While performing the exercise, gradually increase the range of motion in the joint. Remember to pull your toes as far as possible towards you (with your feet vertical) and bend them as your feet go down. 16 times from each leg: 8 times outward + 8 times inward

Starting position - put your legs slightly bent apart, rest your hands on your knees, looking down, tilt your head and round your back.
  • Bringing your knees together slightly, stand on the inner surface of the sole.
  • Spreading your knees to the sides, roll onto the outer surfaces of your soles.

During this exercise, do not be too zealous with movements in your knees that are not yet warmed up.

8 times

Exercises for the knee joints begin with asymmetrical simultaneous movements performed from the previous starting position.

First you need to perform circular movements outward and then inward. This order is important for the vortex warm-up of the joints.

8 times out + 8 times in

This is followed by exercises for the knee joint, performed as follows.

In the starting position, you need to connect your legs slightly bent at the knees together. Place your palms on your hips or knees. Look straight ahead, arching your back at the waist.

First, move both knees clockwise and then counterclockwise.

8 times

Exercises for the hip joint are very simple. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, hands on your waist.

Perform circular movements with your pelvis clockwise and then in the other direction.

During a circular movement, the shoulder girdle should deviate from the vertical axis in the opposite direction from the pelvis by the same distance.

16 times

On a note. Charging for video joints is not very convenient. It’s easier to remember these exercises and perform them to the music. However, when choosing musical accompaniment, you should remember that all movements will be performed smoothly, at an average or slow pace.

Table 2 – Exercises for the shoulder girdle and neck:

Image Description Dosage

Exercises for the shoulder joint begin with warming up the wrist, because at the same time, the shoulders are also included in the work, albeit static.

Spread your arms to the sides, clench your hands into fists. Perform simultaneous circular movements with your fists “backward” and then “forward”.

During these movements, try to keep your hands as motionless as possible.

16 times in each direction

Before performing this exercise, shake your hands several times, giving your muscles a rest after warming up your wrists.

Then take the position as in the photo. Very carefully make circular movements at your elbows, moving your forearms (one at a time) back and then forward.

Attention! If you have problems with shoulder joints, then it is better to skip this exercise.

8 times

Exercises for the shoulder joints end with a “classic of the genre” - simultaneous circular movements “backward” and then “forward”. During movement, the arms hang along the body, but to increase the range of movement in the shoulders, they can bend slightly at the elbows. 8 times

This exercise is the final exercise in the vortex warm-up of the joints. You need to rotate your head very slowly, without closing your eyes. The price of ignoring these conditions is dizziness, which may result in fainting.

To strengthen the vestibular apparatus, do all rotations not every other time, but first in one direction and then in the other direction.

4 times

You can finish the whirlwind warm-up, if possible, with “Taoist walking on your knees” (see photo below), which gives an optimal and simultaneous load on all joints.

Joint Qigong exercise

The complex presented above is good for people who monitor their health or have orthopedic pathologies in the initial stages. For patients with stage II-III joint diseases, we recommend performing simple but very effective Qigong exercises for joints.

We do not publish videos in this article, but we provide an explanation for each picture.

Important. Please note that during all exercises, the starting position of the legs is the same - the outer surfaces of the feet lie on the floor and the big toes are connected.

Instructions for implementation:

  1. Bring your fingertips together, placing your wrist joints on your hips. Taking a deep breath, raise your shoulders up, trying to touch them to your ears. As you exhale, return to the starting position (IP). Dosage or number of repetitions (KP) – 6-12 times.
  2. Place your right palm on your left knee and your left palm on the middle of the back of your head. As you inhale, turn your torso to the left side and hold for 2-3 seconds, holding your breath. Exhaling, return to IP. KP – 6-8 times in each direction, alternating one at a time.
  3. Leaving your right hand on your left knee, place your left hand behind your back and clench your palm into a fist. With the back of your hand, move it up and down the spine several times, and then left and right – at the level of the shoulder blades. Don't forget to do the exercise with your other hand.
  4. In this exercise, the free hand performs massaging circular strokes on the tailbone. KP - 4-6 times in each direction with one hand and then with the other.
  5. Connect your fingertips, press your thumbs to your navel, and spread your elbows straight to the sides. Inhale while inflating your belly, leaving your chest motionless. As you exhale, pull your stomach in as much as possible. KP - 3-6 times.
  6. Make fists, hiding your thumbs, and place them on the stomach area. As you inhale, bring your shoulder blades together and tilt your head back, and as you exhale, return to IP, tilting your chin to your chest. KP - 6-8 times.
  7. Place your palms on your stomach and inhale. As you exhale, twist your torso to the left, while touching your chin to your right shoulder. While inhaling, return to IP and repeat the twist in the other direction. KP - 4-6 times in each direction.
  8. Cross your arms and place your palms on your shoulders. While inhaling and exhaling rhythmically, perform circular massaging movements with your palms (8.1). Then massage your elbows (8.2), knees (8.3) and, bending down, your ankles (8.4). KP - 3-6 times clockwise, and the same amount counterclockwise.

Finish the Qigong exercise for joints with several breathing exercises of your choice. This could be simple deep breaths with arms raised up, several diaphragmatic breathing movements, or a couple of full yoga breathing cycles.

Warning. For people suffering from lumbar hernias, exercise 8.4 is contraindicated. It should be replaced with exercises 1 and 2 from the vortex joint warm-up, which in this case should be performed while sitting.

And in conclusion, we would like to add that joint exercises can be a self-sufficient warm-up for the joints after waking up. However, its implementation does not exempt you from performing a preventive or therapeutic complex of joint gymnastics. It is advisable to do them before or after lunch, with a gap of 1.5-2 hours between main meals, starting with the presented warm-up exercises.

Medicines taken to relieve joint pain are often not harmless, and patients begin to look for an alternative to them. Joint gymnastics by Norbekov, a famous doctor-practitioner of the alternative medical system, is aimed at restoring the activity of the musculoskeletal system (neck, spine, etc.) when its functions are impaired. The complex can be practiced for the prevention of joint diseases and their treatment.

Gymnastics Norbekova

Dr. Norbekov’s health-improving methodology consists of a set of classes, the goal of which is to improve health, increase overall tone, and strengthen faith in one’s strength. Significant attention is paid to the psychological attitude and working with one’s state of mind. Charging according to Norbekov, compared to exercise therapy, is not a mechanical repetition of movements. Moreover, the author claims that automatic repetition does not bring benefits, but causes harm. Therefore, it is important to follow Norbekov’s rules as a guarantee for recovery:

  • Do exercises daily.
  • Start in a good mood.
  • Do the exercises with pleasure.
  • Before starting, completely relax until you feel languid.

Exercises from Norbekov have a positive effect not only on joint groups, but also on the entire body. Flexibility is restored, muscle function improves, the respiratory system and vision are strengthened, and protection is created for the joints and the entire skeleton. The body, without exaggeration, gains a second youth. Norbekov’s complex of joint gymnastics is easy to comprehend and does not incur additional costs. Moreover, you can start free self-study based on the description of the treatment course.

According to Norbekov, during gymnastics everyone should temporarily become a child without restrictions on the range of movements, but restrictions on the activities should be taken into account:

  • pregnancy;
  • recent operations;
  • mental disorders;
  • suffered a stroke or heart attack within the previous three months;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • acute joint and back pain;
  • the occurrence of severe pain when performing the complex.

For the spine

Norbekov’s gymnastics for the spine improves the functioning of blood circulation, digestive systems, breathing, and kidneys. Healer Norbekov claims that twisting is very effective for the spine. Sequence:

  1. Spread your legs as if with your feet glued to the floor.
  2. With an even distribution of the load, turn your head to the right, then your body. Turn around as much as possible, tense up, and then relax. Repeat the turn in the other direction.
  3. Clasp your hands in front of you below, lower your chin to your chest. Move your arms down, the back of your neck up, pull your shoulders towards each other, and chin down.
  4. Move your arms back and pull, thereby bringing your shoulder blades together.
  5. Bend your elbows, alternately lower and raise your shoulders.
  6. Lower your shoulders, pull your hands down, raise your shoulders, stretching the top of your head up. Alternate repetitions.
  7. Perform rotational movements with your shoulders back and forth.
  8. Place your hands on your shoulders, bend your elbows, and turn your shoulders left and right.
  9. Tilt your head down, clasp your shins with your hands, bending your back back; squeeze your shoulder blades together, bending your back forward.
  10. Bend your right arm behind your head, pull your left shoulder down. Change hand, repeat.
  11. Bend your legs slightly and move your pelvis back and forth.
  12. Move your hips in a circle left and right, keeping your upper body motionless.
  13. Lower the left river, raise the right one, pulling it towards the ceiling. Switch hands and repeat.
  14. Relax by shaking your head, neck, arms, chest, stomach, hips, legs.

Norbekov's gymnastics for the cervical spine

Exercises stabilize intracranial pressure, improve memory, sleep, and brain function. You should start charging according to Norbekov by straightening your posture, then do the following complex:

  1. Tilt your head back, pull your chin up.
  2. Straighten your head, tilt it to the right, to the left, while trying to touch your shoulder with your ear.
  3. Turn your head, pointing your chin up. Tilt your head down, turning your chin to the sides.
  4. Straighten your head, look forward, twist your neck in one direction or the other so that your nose does not move.
  5. Lower your head, placing your chin on your chest, until neck tension appears.
  6. Slowly turn your head in a circle in both directions alternately.
  7. Do calming breathing: inhaling, arms up; down, exhaling.

For hand joints

Exercises for joints are an important part of mastering the entire Norbekov system. After each exercise, shake your hands:

  1. Hands in front, fingers clench and unclench.
  2. Alternately click your fingers with a sharp movement of your hands forward.
  3. Move your fingers in a fan-like manner, starting from the little finger and back.
  4. Stretch your arms in front of you; brushes, pulling towards you, lower and raise.
  5. Palms parallel to the floor, turn your hands inward, then away from each other.
  6. Clench your fists and rotate them.
  7. Arms to the sides, bend your elbows, make circular movements with your forearms forward and back.
  8. Make a “mill” with one hand, then with the other.
  9. Lower your shoulders, lift them up, trying to reach your ears.
  10. Rotate your shoulders back and forth in a circle.
  11. Lower your arms, turn your hands in and out.
  12. With your right hand, grab your left elbow and pull it behind your back. Repeat with the other hand.

For the ankle joint

The Norbekov joint complex is useful for preventive and therapeutic purposes for arthrosis and arthritis. Regular gymnastics increases the motor function of the joints:

  1. Stand straight, raise your leg, bending your knee. Move springily, pulling the toe down. Do the same with a straight leg moving towards you.
  2. The exercise is similar to the first with the foot moving inward and sideways.
  3. Lean forward, placing your hands on your knees. Squat with circular knee movements inward, then outward. When standing up, straighten your legs.
  4. Hands on your knees, legs together, tilt your back forward and straighten. Squat with knees rotating to one side or the other. When standing up, straighten your legs.
  5. Feet shoulder-width apart, raise the right one, bend it at the knee and spring it to the side. Repeat with the other leg.
  6. Bend your right leg, move it to the side, lower it, lift it forward. Repeat with the other leg.
  7. Bend and hold your leg to the side, making a circle with your knee. Repeat with the other leg.

Video: joint gymnastics by Norbekov Mirzakarim

How we feel during the day depends on how we spent the first minutes after waking up. How to make your morning truly good and as beneficial as possible for your body and well-being? To do this, you should start with simple joint gymnastics!

Daily gymnastics, without getting out of bed, does not overload the joints, helps to develop them, improve blood supply and mobility. Excellent prevention of not only arthrosis and arthritis, but spinal osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia ().

In addition, by doing just a few simple exercises right in bed, you can finally wake up, significantly improve your mood and be energized for the whole day. The secret is not to slack off, but to practice regularly. It only takes a few minutes a day.

First a little warm up

Don't suddenly get out of bed. Let your body wake up gradually. Set your alarm at least five to ten minutes earlier. An unawakened body is not yet capable of active actions; it is not ready to move so abruptly from a state of relaxation to intensive work. Protect your body from waking up so quickly, help it adapt.

1 . Without opening your eyes, stretch gently and long, as cats do.

Lying on your back, stretch your arms behind your head, do the same on one side and the other. During the period of stretching, the body produces endorphins - so-called pleasure hormones, which promote a good mood. Stretching warms up your muscles and prepares them for vigorous activity throughout the day.

2 . Massage your eyelids with light circular movements - at least 15 “turns”. It wouldn’t hurt to repeat the exercise throughout the day – it relieves fatigue from the eyeballs and eliminates “dry eye” syndrome.

3 . Smile and take 5 deep breaths, holding your breath for a few seconds on the last two. Blink your eyes at least 50 times.

4 . Use the soft part of your palm to rub the bridge of your nose until a feeling of warmth appears.

5 . Clench your hands into fists 5 times and unclench them.

6 . Place your palms on your face next to your ears, with your thumbs on the hollow behind your ears. Using gentle movements with light pressure, begin stroking your face from top to bottom from the temples to the chin and back. Do at least 30 of these movements. Exercise helps disperse blood in the temporal region, gently massaging the face, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, and tones the skin.

7 . Try a simple yoga breathing exercise. Close the right nostril with the thumb of your right hand, and the left nostril with your little and ring fingers. Bend your index and middle fingers or place them on the bridge of your nose. Open your left nostril and take a slow, deep breath. Close and, opening the right one, also exhale slowly. Repeat 10 times and you will feel that your breathing has become smoother and deeper, your nasal passages have cleared and you are filled with energy.

8 . Another yoga exercise is for the stomach. Lying on your back, slowly pull your right leg towards your stomach, bending it tightly at the knee, press it towards you and freeze for a few seconds. Stretch, relax a little and repeat with your left leg. This exercise should not be done abruptly - in the morning the muscles and blood vessels may spasm. in the morning they help get rid of bile stagnation, improve lymph flow to the abdomen, normalize digestion and “wake up” the blood supply in the pelvis and genitourinary system.

Exercise for joints

For joints, we recommend simple but effective exercises, which are called “exercises for the lazy,” since they can be performed while lying down, without getting out of bed. It is not necessary to do all the exercises as long as you have time. The number of repetitions is 15-20 times until you feel warmth in the working joints. If you hear a crunching sound, don’t pay attention, it will go away soon.

Foot exercises

Begin to slowly stretch your feet forward, trying to touch the bed, and then pull them towards you, feeling how the muscles of your legs - calves and feet - stretch. Repeat 10-15 times. Alternately bring your thumbs together and spread them as far apart as possible. When flattening, try to place your thumbs on the surface of the bed. When spreading, slowly, slowly, as if twisting the entire shin.

Then rotate your feet in different directions. Clockwise and counterclockwise, alternately. Watch your big toes and try to draw circles with them. And one more exercise for the feet: squeeze your toes as much as possible, as if you were going to grab an apple or a ball with them. Then also spread your fingers as far as possible, as if straightening your palm. By doing this we awaken blood circulation in the legs to make them mobile and light.

Exercises for the feet are useful for flat feet (, gout (), foot spurs, arthritis and swelling of the ankle joint, after injury or surgery on the heel (Achilles) tendon, varicose veins, migraines ().

Exercises for the hip joints

Bend your knees shoulder-width apart and slowly lower them inward one at a time. Hands are slightly spread to the sides, palms down. Alternately lower the bent leg towards the bed inward - the left knee to the right leg, the right knee to the left, trying to touch the bed with the knee. Each leg – 10-15 times.

This exercise improves blood circulation in the hip joints and pelvic organs, and is effective for coxarthrosis - lower back pain, lumbosacral radiculitis ().

The “Half Bridge” exercise activates blood circulation after a night’s sleep and prevents the appearance of hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Slide off the pillow, bend your knees, knees together, feet touching each other, arms resting loosely at your sides. As you inhale, raise your pelvis, as you exhale, lower it. Try to raise your pelvis as high as possible, while squeezing your gluteal muscles several times.

Exercises for the knee joint

"Heel slide." Legs straight, arms along the body.
Alternately bend and straighten your legs at the knees, as if sliding your soles along the bed. When bending, try to touch your buttock with your heel (you can even help yourself with your hand, although this may cause thigh cramps). This exercise is useful for arthrosis, osteoarthritis of the knee joint (), after a knee joint injury.

Exercises for the back and spine

"Pull-up." Very effective for back pain. Legs straight, arms at sides. Wrap your arms around your leg bent at the knees and press it to your chest, lifting your back off the bed and trying to touch your chin to your knee. Change your leg. Do the exercise 15 times. Possible pain in the lumbar and thoracic spine. Therefore, the exercise should be done smoothly, while exhaling.

For the next exercise you will have to get up and get on all fours. “Cutcatching” - when we arch our backs up and down - is familiar to everyone. As you inhale, bend over and raise your head; as you exhale, round your back and lower your head. This exercise is useful for the prevention of osteochondrosis and back pain, helps to “wake up” the back, stretches the spine, at the same time gently massaging the abdominal organs.

For the abdominals

“We suck in our stomach.” The legs are bent at the knees, the soles are firmly on the bed. The palm of the right or left hand lies on the stomach. As you inhale, stick it out, and as you exhale, pull your stomach in (so that your palm falls with your stomach). After holding your breath for a short time, the breath seems to return on its own. Do 20-30 reps.

Exercise for joints (video):

This effective gymnastics for the spine and joints with osteochondrosis is included in my recommended human health complex. I plan to ask some guys I know for a video so they can record it for me. This will be even more clear than trying to repeat it using drawings. In addition, the video will include a warm-up version adapted for an untrained person.

1. Warm up the neck

Tilts the head left and right, forward and backward. Rotate your head in a circle to the right, then to the left. In conclusion, tilt the head again to the right with a little effort, to the left, etc.

2. Shoulder warm-up

Rotation of the shoulders in the joints, without raising the arms, warming the joints “from the inside” (1), then rotation with bent arms (2). Swing with straightened arms - first forward, then back. Finally, the hands move in a circle towards each other, connecting in front of the face with a clap (3).

3. Elbow rotations

First with tension, then with maximum speed in one direction and the other (4).

4. Warm up your hands

paired rotation in one direction and the other (5). Then we “grab” with our fingers and tighten our palms (6).

5. Rotations in the lower back,

to achieve a feeling of warmth in the lumbar region (7), we place our fingers on the sacrum. Then rotate with your legs wide apart and your toes on your hip joints (8). Finally, make circular movements with clasped hands above the ground (9).

6. Tilts towards the feet

From the final position (legs spread wide), bend towards the legs.

7. Arm swing:

the straightened left arm goes from below to the right, rises up and passes above the head to the left (10).

The right hand completes the circle, going down and to the right thigh, and the left one, from behind the back, takes its position (13) and goes down again, starting a new ligament. Then do the same with your right hand. Now it’s worth taking a pause, restoring your breathing.

8. Wide scope

Legs are spread wide, with our right hand we make a push to the right behind our back (with an inhalation “one-two”...), we bend down to the left leg (with an exhalation “three-four”), then with our left hand to the left behind our back (“one-two”) , bending towards the right knee (“three-four”). We swing with both hands behind our heads, bending in the back, and then bend forward, trying to reach the ground with our elbows (“three - four”), and the next triple cycle (14, 15).

9. Working with a bent knee

Bend your leg at the knee and lift it high to your chest. From this position, we begin to rotate the knee in a circle to the side, trying to reach the chin in the upper phase (16), then with the left knee.

10. Swing your leg outward

Full swings with the straightened leg outwards, hitting the palms with a slap along the way (17).

11. Warm up your knees

While resting, we stretch our knees (18).

12. Warm up your feet

Raise the knee high to the chest and stretch the foot with movements away from you, towards you, alternately stretching the toe and heel (19). Then we place our foot on the ground and pull the tendons to the right and left, forward and backward (20).

13. Kicks

Dancing and helping with your hands, we throw forward alternately the knee and the straightened leg, “one-and-two”, alternating the heel and toe in the lift (21).

14. Pulling the leg back

We send the leg forward, sideways and back with tension in the knee and foot, mentally counting to ten (22-24).

Each exercise gymnastics for joints and spine with osteochondrosis need to be done 10-20 times. You need to do the exercises at a natural rhythm, gradually warming up “from the inside.”

Variant of Bubnovsky’s joint gymnastics

Physical activity plays a very important role in maintaining health. From birth, children need to be taught to engage in physical education - do gymnastics and morning exercises with them, and later find time for sports sections. In adulthood, adequate physical activity will help maintain a good mood, normal weight, performance and activity. And older people should also not give up daily physical exercise. The topic of our conversation today on the will be morning exercises for older women and men; we will present a set of exercises for the joints and spine.

Morning exercises for joints and spine

When you wake up in the morning, do not rush to get out of bed. Stretch well, perform several gentle rotations of your neck, knee and elbow joints. Get out of bed carefully, especially if you periodically experience dizziness.

The first exercise for morning exercises will be regular walking in place - for twenty to thirty seconds. Next, go to the chair and grab the back of it with one hand. Raise your other arm up while simultaneously moving your leg of the same name back. Then return to the starting position. Repeat the same for the other arm and leg. Make three or four of these movements in total.

Grab the back of the chair with both hands and rise up on your toes. Next, roll down onto your heels and return to the starting position. Repeat six to eight times.

Holding the back of the chair, move one arm to the side while turning your head in the same direction. Repeat three to four times in each direction.

Grab the back of the chair and take a step away from it. Lunge forward, transferring your body weight to your bent leg. Then return to the starting position. Repeat three to four times for each leg.

Sit in front of a chair, your feet should be together and your hands should be placed on your belt. Raise your leg, holding the chair with one hand, then return to the starting position. Repeat three to four times for each leg.

Squat down, holding the back of a chair one step away from it. Then stand up, holding onto the chair. Without letting go of the back of the chair, straighten your arms and legs, and also extend your torso parallel to the floor. Repeat four to six times.

Sit on a chair, spread your arms to the sides, then bend them at the elbows, bringing them to your chest. Repeat three to four times.

Sitting on a chair, tilt your torso to the side. Repeat three to four times on each side.

Sit on a chair, spread your arms to the sides, then lean forward, stretching your legs forward. With one hand, touch the toe of the opposite foot. Repeat five to six times for each hand.

Sit on a chair, place your hands on your waist, pushing your elbows back. Bend forward and at the same time make a circular movement with your arms, bringing your elbows forward. Repeat three to four times.

Another set of walking for thirty seconds.

Then stand straight, close your legs together and lower your arms. Rise on your toes, moving your arms to the sides, then return to the starting position.

Morning exercises - a set of exercises for the spine

Lie on your back and perform a stretch: stretch your heels down and the top of your head up. The duration of each stretch is fifteen seconds. Do three to four sets.

In the same position, perform cross horizontal or vertical leg swings (scissors). Perform two to three sets of thirty to forty minutes each.

Then bend at the waist (lying on your stomach), raising your head, arms and legs. Perform movements that imitate breaststroke swimming: extend your arms forward, spreading your legs to the sides, then bring your legs together, and spread your arms to the sides.

A set of physical exercises for morning exercises for joints

Sit on a chair, place your shoulders parallel to the floor, bend your elbows, and lower your forearms freely. Hands are in a soft fist. Perform rotational movements with your forearms at the elbow joints - eight to ten times in each direction.

Stand, lower your arms freely along your body. Rotate your right arm in the frontal plane directly in front of you, slowly increasing the speed of rotation. Rotate first clockwise and then counterclockwise.

Also, in a standing position, pull your shoulders with tension towards one another, then tense, and then relax. Do about eight to ten repetitions.

Pull your shoulders upward towards your ears, then relax a little, lowering your shoulders. Repeat several times.

Stand with your right hand on the chair. Raise your leg, bending it at the knee, and then rotate your shin clockwise and counterclockwise. Repeat ten times in each direction, then perform the same exercise with the other leg.

Also, while standing, align yourself, lower your chin to your chest. Slide your chin over your chest, stretching your spine. Alternate tension and light relaxation. Perform up to ten such movements.

Stand straight, tilt your head slightly back. Stretch your chin up. Stop for a second, relax and again stretch your chin up. Repeat ten times.

Morning exercises for older people, when performed systematically, will help maintain physical health, good mood and vigor for many years.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.