Gloves pencil drawing. Drawing mittens: decorative drawing

Quite often, parents are faced with the task of teaching their child to count. It may seem that there is nothing complicated in this, but for small child Sometimes it can be very difficult to learn to count. Children, as a rule, tend to remember only what is interesting to them, so adults need to try to first interest the baby, then the process of acquiring new knowledge will pass much easier.

If you present arithmetic as a dry, boring activity, it will be difficult to interest your child in it

The optimal age to start teaching a child to count

The best time to start teaching children to count is when their brains are actively developing. This usually occurs before the age of 6-7 years. It is important for parents to begin developing their child’s counting skills even before entering school.

Children at an early age, as soon as they begin to talk, show interest in counting. Parents need to maintain this interest with the help of special educational games.

Basic rules for teaching counting

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If you want to teach your child to count, you must adhere to the following basic teaching rules:

  1. The amount of information a child receives. Exercises should be performed three times a day, the duration of each of which should not exceed 10 minutes. In this way, the child will not become tired of the abundance of information, and interest in new knowledge will not disappear.
  2. Do not repeat the material covered every day. It is better to remember it only in cases when the accumulated knowledge is required to solve more difficult tasks.
  3. Don't give your baby too much difficult tasks. You should not scold your child if he fails to achieve the desired result. Perhaps it is actually difficult for him to cope with the task. Select tasks for your child that he can solve.
  4. Consolidate acquired knowledge in Everyday life. More often, work with your child to count everything that is around: cars, birds on a tree, the number of plates on the table, buses on the road, etc.
  5. Follow the order of the steps. According to psychologists, the process of acquiring new knowledge in a child consists of three stages: the adaptation stage, the stage of understanding the information received, and memorizing the material.

The most important thing is not to rush the baby. Be patient, communicate with your baby more often, compare objects when talking, talk about numbers, provide support and help in gaining knowledge.

You can teach your child to count on a walk, where you come across remarkable interesting items

Baby teaching methods

To teach a child correct mental arithmetic, you must use the following methods:

  1. Fingers. This method is one of the most popular among parents. Its essence lies in counting fingers. The method helps to develop visual memory baby, hand motor skills, and also promotes fast learning count objects.
  2. Material for counting. Ideal for teaching your child to count examples. Ordinary toys or certain educational sets are suitable as materials. When choosing such a set, give preference to the brighter and more colorful ones, make sure that they are made from environmentally friendly and safe materials.
  3. Educational children's books (we recommend reading:). IN currently the stores offer a huge selection interesting books for the development of a preschool child. Try to choose tutorial, written in simple and in clear language for your baby, so that in your absence he can continue to learn to count objects.

Make sure your child's brain doesn't overload during activities. Too much information can tire a child and will not bring the desired result. At the beginning of classes, teach him to count examples up to 10, spend no more than 10-15 minutes on this, in the future you can work with your baby for up to 30 minutes. During each new lesson, review previously covered material.

Learning to count to 10

You can start teaching your child how to count to 10 as early as two or three years old. First, he must learn to count to 5, and then to 10. At this age, kids already know that they have two legs and that means they need to put on two socks. At 3-4 years old, you can give your child more complex tasks. The most important thing is that the child begins to understand the meaning of the words “equally”, “more”, “less”. You can bring him simple examples: “Masha had three tangerines, and Katya had two. Which girl has more fruit and which girl has less?”

To make it easier for your child to master counting to 10, invite him to count his fingers. Give the baby the task of adding 2+1, let him raise one finger on his left hand and two on his right, and then count total raised fingers.

The same manipulations can be carried out so that the baby learns to subtract: the child bends several fingers, and then counts the number of those remaining in the raised position. The same can be done with various objects: pencils, pens, etc.

Learning to count to 20

When your child learns to count to 10, move on to learning to count to 20. Cars on the streets are a good material for counting. On the way to kindergarten Can you suggest counting their number? When your child has mastered the lesson well, try counting the cars in reverse order.

A child may find it quite difficult to add numbers from 1 to 20, so lessons should be conducted with a playful focus. For example, you can say: eight decided to add three to itself. She first took a two from a three and turned into a ten. Three became one. How much will it be if eight adds three to itself?

Your baby's brain needs daily exercise. If a child begins to practice mental arithmetic at an early age, he will have well-developed mental abilities.

Mental arithmetic training

When your child turns 5 years old, try to wean him from using counting materials, including your fingers. Let him learn mental arithmetic. If at first this helped him a lot, then in the future it will only interfere with the process of acquiring new knowledge.

After five years, children must be taught to add and subtract numbers up to 10 on an automatic machine, i.e. You need to ensure that the baby remembers the results of calculations. To achieve these goals, the use of mathematical chains helps well. Do not forget that the process of acquiring knowledge must maintain a playful nature. For large numbers there are separate techniques.

Learning to count in 1st grade

For every baby comes important point in life - he goes to 1st grade. This is the time when the basis of all knowledge about the future is formed. In the first grade, a child’s activity changes, but the ability to learn everything through games does not disappear. The child takes on the role of a student and develops self-organization skills. He needs to master the skills of planning his work, monitoring and evaluating his actions, communicating with peers and the teacher.

First-graders pay a lot of attention to oral work. To teach first-graders mental arithmetic and consolidate previously acquired knowledge, teachers use some methods with a playful twist:

  1. Zaitsev's cube method. It is a very common gaming method, the purpose of which is to quickly learn counting. Kids with great interest gain knowledge using cubes. The essence of the method is to use several tables, with the help of which children learn to add and subtract numbers in their heads much easier and faster. This method can also be used by parents during developmental activities with their child. preschool age. The set of Zaitsev's cubes includes a teaching aid and a CD with songs, which makes the process of acquiring new knowledge very interesting and simple.
  2. Glen Doman method. This method involves children learning to count using special cards with dots on them. The method allows you to develop the baby’s visual memory and the ability to count the number of objects.

Teachers may also use other methods of teaching numeracy in their practice, so it is advisable for parents to clarify in advance how the learning process will take place at school. To achieve good results, experts advise not to use different methods learning - it may not in the best possible way affect the child.

The Doman technique can also be used for early age, but during preparation for school it is especially effective

Learning to count in 2nd grade

The next important test for the child is entering second grade. Some teachers only follow school curriculum and do not pay due attention to the learning process of their students. It turns out that the child seems to know how to add and subtract, but at the same time he is unable to understand why one number turns into another.

In mathematics, it is very important to follow the sequence of actions and regularly train your memory. Only in this case will the baby be able to confidently count two-digit numbers in his head.

If parents are faced with the problem of their child’s poor performance at school, teachers advise working with him more at home. Examples for home practice:

  1. Add two-digit numbers 30+34 in your head. You can invite your child to break 34 into 30 and 4. This will make it easier for the child to perform addition. Train your visual memory as often as possible while performing everyday tasks.
  2. Perform addition 40+35. Some children find it much easier to do addition in reverse side. To do this, you need to round the smaller number to the nearest ten: 40+40. Then simply subtract the extra part: 80-5=75.
  3. Practice adding and subtracting simple examples in your head. For example: 2+3 or 2+2. Then start complicating the problems: 3+7=10, 10-2=8, 10-8=2. If the baby is good at deciding simple tasks, then tasks with two-digit and three-digit numbers will not be difficult for him.
  4. If your child has a rich imagination, you can invite him to count objects or animals in his mind. Each baby is individual, so parents must choose the most suitable teaching method based on its characteristics.

Mental counting will be easier for a child who is a dreamer to master, who will replace boring numbers with animals or toys.

Don’t think that the desired result will be achieved quickly, be patient. It is not as easy for a child to learn to count as it might seem at first glance.

Experts advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  • During classes, monitor how the baby reacts to the learning process. If he is bored and uninterested, it is better to try another technique.
  • Do not force your baby to study against his will. This way you will not achieve the desired result.
  • Do not be nervous during classes and do not scold your baby.
  • Regularly review the material you have already studied.
  • Praise your child for every achievement.

Teaching a child to count quickly is not that difficult (we recommend reading:). Parents just need to approach this with full responsibility, show love, patience and understanding to the baby, then the result will not be long in coming.

Numbers and math don't have to be boring and joyless. For some reason, many, elevating mathematics to the rank of “queen of all sciences,” endow it with precisely these characteristics.

However, the world of numbers can be very exciting - you just need to find it the right approach. And if you still haven’t found it, then with the emergence of the need to teach mathematical fundamentals and counting to your child, you will have to search with redoubled force.

At the very beginning of the journey, a lot depends on you, so you should not let the process take its course or teach your child inconsistently. In fact, kids love to count, the main thing is to choose a teaching method that suits you and try to convey information to the child in the most simple and interesting way, and better yet. game form.

Peculiarities children's perception are such that the child simply does not perceive and remember things that are not interesting to him. You can force him to learn numbers as much as you like, but until he himself wants to do mathematics, nothing will come of your lessons.

One of the common mistakes parents make is haste. Often adults rush to brag about their child’s successes to acquaintances or friends, parents of other children their own age, who, according to them, already know how to count and even do it in their heads.

Chasing an ephemeral result to equalize the abilities of your own child with someone else's children will not only not help you in learning, but will even cause harm. The best option is to start working with your baby when he is ready for it.

How to teach a child to count to 10?

A child can learn to count to ten quite easily at the age of two or three years, depending on his individual characteristics and general development.

Many mothers do math with their children without even knowing it. For example, when you show your child various game exercises to the score, such as “Magpie-Crow”, “Ladushki” or “Fingers Went Out for a Walk” - as a rule, familiarity with such nursery rhymes occurs before the baby turns six months old.

Of course, he is not yet learning numbers, as such, but you are helping him develop memory, perception of the presence of objects and their quantity, contribute to the formation imaginative thinking, working to improve fine motor skills hands and fingers.

After a year or by one and a half years, using the example of toys - the same nesting dolls or any other objects, a child can become familiar with the concepts of “one-many”.

At the same time, try showing him numbers, this makes it easier to teach counting in a playful way. Various cubes, magnets on the board, colorful posters, and many other devices with which you can teach mathematics in a fun and interesting way are suitable for these purposes.

If you practice counting constantly, gradually increasing the number of familiar numbers, then by the age of three your child will be able to easily count to ten without any hints or mistakes.

From this video you can learn how to teach a child to count to ten, how much time is recommended for classes, and what tools can be used.

Double digit numbers: Counting to 100

At four years old, a child who has been regularly trained will be able to distinguish which number is greater and which is less, and will also know concepts such as “equal” and zero.

Be prepared for the fact that the baby may not immediately understand. There is no need to rush, so put this information aside for now and repeat it after some time. It's good if you learn to count from ten to twenty for now.

There are children who grasp faster and show more pronounced abilities in mathematics - such children will be able to master counting in tens up to one hundred at the age of four or five. If your child is a strong humanist, then this ability will simply come to him a little later.

Some teachers still advise that you first show your child the processes of subtraction and addition with those numbers that he can handle well, that is, from zero to ten or twenty. This will significantly help in consolidating the material and understanding the subject as such, and only then can you move on to mastering tens and counting to one hundred.

Quick count

  • will remember the numbers well - he will remember them, and not just memorize them, that is, he will know their forward and reverse sequence, will be able to recognize the number by writing, find the missing or missing number, compare the written number with the same number of objects, etc.;
  • learn the basics of counting and the composition of numbers;
  • will clearly distinguish the concepts of “more-less-equal”, “one-many”;
  • will be able to count objects well and correctly, perform basic mathematical operations with sticks, cards or other aids.

As a rule, children master quick counting at about five or after five years.

Mental arithmetic

At the same time, it is worth gradually weaning the child from using various aids when counting, such as sticks, for example. Also, at the age of five or six years, a preschooler should stop counting on his fingers and start counting in his head.

This process may require a lot of time, but your task is patience and constant regular exercises to develop memory until the child brings operations with the first ten digits to automaticity.

Having mastered the simple mechanisms of counting in the mind, he will remember more and more easily and quickly and will soon be able to solve more complex examples.

Basic rules and nuances of training

To make classes a joy for both you and your child, you should follow several rules and recommendations from experts.

  • Patience and calm. This is the state that should become your motto in the learning process. Even if you think the information is simple to understand, a three-year-old child may think completely differently.
  • Do not force your child, do not yell at him or condemn him for mistakes - the atmosphere in the classroom should be calm and comfortable.
  • Will provide you with significant assistance in your studies the world- just count everything around with your child: the buttons on the blouse, the dishes you put on the table for dinner, the products you buy, toys, cars, animals and birds on a walk, steps on the way home, etc.
  • To conduct a lesson, it is not at all necessary to sit down at the table, as in a lesson - a child’s introduction to mathematics should be fun, exciting and interesting, otherwise he will get bored, become absent-minded and will not perceive the information that you want to convey.
  • For a small child, classes can last no more than ten minutes. You can work with preschoolers for up to half an hour, but it is important that the child does not get tired.
  • There is an opinion that it is necessary to devote time to classes every day, constantly repeating previously covered material. If a child goes to kindergarten or to developmental classes, then this is quite possible, but at home parents may simply not have time for regular classes.
  • Repetition and regularity are, of course, important, but a child also has his own natural rhythms of learning, for example, at some point he will be enthusiastically engaged in counting and learn numbers with pleasure, and then suddenly his interest in this topic will subside and he will switch to anything else. Then it is better to wait a little or present the information in a different form.

Be sure to take into account all these points and work with your child not because it is necessary, but, first of all, be interested and passionate yourself - then your child will also enjoy your lessons, and both of you will be able to receive not only knowledge, but also positive emotions.

Learning by playing

Pay attention to the existing gaming techniques that help you quickly get acquainted with the world of mathematics:

  • you can use cards with numbers or pictures on which, in addition to the number itself, you will also see various items in a certain quantity;
  • visual material can also be in the form of posters or tables;
  • cubes and numbers on magnets also work well;
  • you can find educational lotto or dominoes on the topic of counting;
  • Various counting materials will also be useful - Cuisinaire sticks or specialized sets of fruits, geometric shapes or other items.

How it works? In fact, it all depends on your imagination, because you can come up with educational games yourself, relying on or taking as a basis existing methodological developments.

  • Visual aids help your child visualize numbers. Show him the numbers on a poster or cards and have him think about what each number looks like or come up with ideas for it special image, for example, a two is very similar to a swimming swan, and an eight is like two bagels, which were placed one on top of the other, etc.
  • Buy or make your own “knowledge cubes” with cards. First, the child can place the cubes in the box, counting them and choosing the corresponding card with the desired number.
  • Zaitsev's tables and cubes are very useful in this regard, since with their help you can show your child the difference between large and small numbers; colored cubes are well suited for teaching counting in a column - by laying out examples, the child will see that units are indicated by one color, and tens - to others.

Dominoes for learning to count can be made from plasticine or quickly hardening plastic. Just make small rectangles and make indentations in them with an arrangement like dots on a domino. Then make small balls of different colors.

The shapes can play the role of houses, cars, ships, a flying carpet or any other object in which character balls will live, play or move in different quantities:

  • Let the child lay out the balls and count how many fit on each rectangle, after which you need to find and place a card with the desired number next to it;
  • cover any of the rectangles with a sheet of paper and ask the child to remember how many balls there were;
  • you can play like a real domino - then you will need to make a lot of chips, and additional players can be toys, for whom you will also make moves;
  • arrange all the numbers from one to ten in order and fill the rectangles with balls, then let the child turn away, and someone harmful, for example, Baba Yaga, will fly in and mix everything up, and the baby will be given the task of correcting everything;
  • with the help of multi-colored dominoes and balls, you can learn to divide them into groups by color and number of dots;
  • show your child the difference larger number from the smaller one, let him find dominoes with the same number of points.

How not to miss the moment when you can start learning mathematics so that the child can get the math in his head, says the teacher.

We teach counting quickly and easily

Your little one can be introduced to numbers by doing normal everyday activities:

  • Here you wash both eyes and one nose, here you wash both hands and feet;
  • Here you put on two shoes, but put on one blouse;
  • then you can count your fingers - first on one handle, and then on two, accompanying the counting with rhymes and nursery rhymes;
  • try to count the characters of the fairy tale that you read to your child at night, for example, all the inhabitants of the tower or everyone who pulled the turnip, etc.;
  • Special educational cartoons and presentations can help introduce a child to numbers;
  • numbers can be drawn or painted, played with magnets on the board;
  • use nesting dolls, pyramid rings, labyrinths and other toys that may be interesting and useful for the child.

Learning to count to ten

Many methods advise starting learning to count by working with objects, rather than with numbers. That is, at first you operate only, for example, with toys: the child has one car on the table, if another one comes to it, then there will be two of them, and then a third, fourth, etc. can join them.

As already mentioned, you can practice anytime and anywhere, counting birds on a branch, trees along the road, and steps in a staircase.

Then we will begin to get acquainted with the numbers themselves. Remember that it will be easier for the child if you visualize their images, and this can be done with the help of various visual aids.

The most traditional and in a simple way learning has always been counting on fingers, but keep in mind that this way you completely prevent him from using the memory mechanism, and later you will have to wean your baby from using his fingers and teach him to count in his head, and this is quite difficult.

Another way to mechanically memorize numbers and their order is to teach counting using a ruler. However, many teachers believe that with it you risk weaning the child from remembering and thinking, because such a primitive method not only trains, but also inhibits memory and mental development.

Its essence is that to obtain, for example, the number five, you must find the number two on the ruler and count three centimeters from it to the right.

You can play a digital train with your child. To do this, line up his favorite toys or cars in a large train, adding one carriage at a time. Let the kid name it himself: the bear is the first or the first carriage, the bunny joins it - this is the second or the second carriage, etc. Then the train needs to be disbanded and the numbers counted in reverse order.

Learning to count to one hundred

First you need to firmly consolidate the numbers and count to ten. Teach your child various simple and funny poems for memorizing numbers, riddles, songs and counting rhymes. Use educational games with visual aids, look for familiar numbers on the numbers of houses and cars you encounter.

At each lesson, expand the range of familiar numbers. First, you must explain to your child how to count from ten to twenty, and then show him the principle of counting in tens to one hundred.

Of course, he won’t learn and remember everything right away, but that’s not scary. Move gradually, periodically recalling what has already been learned and consolidating the material, return to previous topics in the context of new, more complex tasks.

Among the exercises that may be useful at this stage are:

  • searching for “neighbors” of a number, for example, a child must name or find which numbers come before and after the five;
  • search for missing or missing digits in the chain;
  • organizing a jumbled series of numbers;
  • counting in both directions within each ten;
  • familiarization with clocks and the principle of telling time, various games about this theme;
  • familiarization with a thermometer for measuring air and the principle of its operation - the child can record temperature readings daily and compare them, etc.

We teach a child to memorize examples and composition of numbers

If a child learns and is able to list numbers, this does not mean that he can count, because for this he needs to learn how to determine the composition of a number and master various simple mathematical operations such as subtraction, addition, multiplication and division.

You can introduce your child to subtraction and addition after he has confidently mastered counting to ten. There is a method that is considered elementary, but not very useful for further learning.

Its essence is to show the child how to add and subtract by one, for example, to get the number five you add one to three, and then another one, or even add five ones. Many experts do not advise stopping with this method, but believe that it is better to immediately show the child a full count.

However, it is quite possible to use it in games at first. Take at least the classics with numbers drawn in squares. Let the child jump with a bucket or basket containing small toys, perhaps plastic fruit:

  • Jumping from cell to cell in order, the baby must count out loud: one plus one is two, two plus one is three, etc.;
  • when he calculates everything from one to ten without errors, try jumping and counting in the opposite direction, already subtracting;
  • You can also arrange toys by jumping on the squares and counting them, determine which number is greater and which is less, when you get zero.

To make it easier for your child to learn addition and subtraction, solve simple problems with him using visual examples:

  • Place different amounts of sweets or cookies on two plates, let him count them and compare where there are more and where there are less, then invite him to make it so that it becomes equal, then take a few pieces - you need to count how many are left;
  • It’s also better to teach the composition of numbers visually, and homemade dominoes, which we have already talked about, can help you with this - children perceive bright visual images much faster, therefore, if you show on two dominoes that the five consists of either two and three balls, or from one and four (they must be multi-colored), then he will immediately remember it;
  • be sure to show your child the most basic things mathematical rule- changing the places of the terms does not change the sum. This can be done using the same ordinary objects, for example, by putting first two pears on the table, and then two apples, and then vice versa - the baby must say that the result is the same number four;
  • imagine a larger number, like a house in which smaller numbers live, come up with different rhymes for better memorization, invite your child to experiment and play with combinations of numbers, and independently form the conditions for simple puzzles.

Teaching mental arithmetic

When a child confidently copes with numbers and quickly counts without using fingers or counting aids, then he can already be taught to count in his head.

There are two required elements in this process:

  1. Speech.

At first, your baby may loudly comment on his actions and the mathematical operations he performs. Then he will begin to do this in a whisper until he comes to counting in his head without speaking out loud.

  1. Motor.

Often, children first need to perform certain actions with objects in order to count them - rearrange, move, remove. The next step is to simply point your finger at the items being counted, and then the baby will learn to count using just his eyes.

Didactic games are very helpful in learning mental arithmetic; children also like to play shop. You can purchase a manual called “Cashier of Numbers”, operate with toy or fictitious money and candy wrappers, or introduce your child to real purchases in a store.

If your child shows an aptitude for mathematics, introduce him to multiplication and division, the concept of even and odd numbers, and some formulas.

Learning to count in a column

When the baby learns to write numbers, he can be slowly prepared to count in columns. To do this, you just need to show how the numbers are arranged and written using this method of counting.

The key principle of writing numbers in a column is to arrange them one below the other with different bit depths, that is, we write units under units, tens under tens, and hundreds under hundreds. Explain to your child that this is how addition occurs - from units or from right to left.

Continuous practice is required to develop knowledge. Don't try to get your child to memorize information. Proceed to the next counting operation only when the baby remembers the previous one, that is, do not start teaching him to subtract into a column until he still knows how to add well in this way.

They will also come to your aid illustrative examples as didactic games, diagrams, number cards, multi-colored cubes.


Mathematics is a rather difficult science, but it can also be fascinating and interesting if you open it to your children from this side.

Be consistent and patient, turn the learning process into an entertaining game, do not make excessive demands on your child - then everything will go much easier and faster, and very soon your child will delight you with his new achievements and mathematical abilities.

Many children, from an early age, are interested in numbers and counting.

First, the child masters ordinal counting; many children begin to take their first steps in this direction at the age of 2-2.5 years. A little later, at 3-3.5 years old, you can teach him to count backwards. This is also an important skill that will be needed a little later for learning addition and subtraction.

The next stage occurs at the age of 3.5-4 years. At this time, the baby can learn to perform simple arithmetic operations within 5, a little later and up to 10. However, at this age, abstract thinking in children is not yet developed, they do not know how to operate with numbers in their minds, generalize and draw conclusions, so it is very important that Learning to count took place on objects that can be seen and touched.

And finally, children are able to master addition and subtraction in their minds only after 5-6 years. All these figures are very conditional, they are presented as a guide and in each specific case they may differ in one direction or another. It is important to look at the child’s needs, follow his interest, without getting ahead of his time, so that learning is meaningful and not mechanical.

In addition to ordinal counting, the child masters the concepts of “more-less-exactly”, “first-then”, “it was-was”. All this is easy to do at home, during ordinary household chores and walks.

How to teach your child ordinal counting

This stage goes through quite easily for all children; children often develop an interest in counting quite early; already at the age of about two years, the baby can point with his finger and count after his mother “One, two, three...”. Of course, this is not yet a completely meaningful account; awareness will come a little later.

However, the first seeds are laid already at this age. Typically, young children begin their meaningful acquaintance with numbers with the concepts of “one” and “many.” Numbers are not immediately associated with the number of objects, but gradually an understanding comes: not just “three”, but “three apples”.

Through movement, memorization occurs much better, so you can, for example, hopscotch with your child on the street, taking turns counting the squares. Or count the steps when going outside: first down, then when we return home, count up.

You can count birds, fingers on your hands, passing cars, trailers next to a toy train, parts of a construction set - in a word, the whole world around you in this case is continuous visual material. It is very good to sing counting songs together or read short poems where there is ordinal counting. Gradually, the child will remember the numbers and count on his own.

Divide the cubes with him and count who has more and who has less. Now let's divide it equally?

How to teach your child to add up to 10

Once ordinal counting is well mastered, you can begin to learn addition. Adding is usually much easier for children than subtracting.

Read also:

You can master addition using any available objects - small toys, candy, fruit or counting sticks. Many children love to play dominoes on multi-colored abacuses; at the same time, this trains fine motor skills.

First, teach your child to operate with numbers within 5, adding one at a time. Here we have one candy, let’s add another one to it - how many do we get? What if we add one more?

After the child has mastered a simpler counting, you can slightly complicate the task: add two to two, or two to three. As soon as the baby has learned to add well within 5, you can encourage him to add within ten.

At the same time, we teach the child to determine the composition of a number. “Here are three apples, and we are waiting for five people to visit. How much more do we need to add so that there is enough for everyone?” At first, the baby will count each apple sequentially, but gradually he will learn to count their number in advance. It is important that over time the child masters all the ways to obtain numbers within 10.

How to teach a child to subtract to 10

After addition is more or less mastered, you can move on to subtraction. To do this, you need to explain to the child that subtraction is the inverse action opposite to addition.

The principle is exactly the same as in addition: we clearly show it on objects: if we had 3 oranges, and we ate 1, how many are left? To ensure high-quality fixation of the material, you can eat the orange right there. And then count the remaining ones. Gradually the number of items increases and we move on to more complex examples.

Children really love the game “Look, what's missing?” It trains memory and teaches subtraction at the same time. There were 6 toys, I hid 3. How much is left? Which ones are missing?

How to teach a child to count in his head?

It is worth moving on to addition and subtraction in the mind after the child has mastered visual counting well enough.

Another one important detail- at first it will be easier for the child to add more to less, then the terms can be swapped.

  • Training should take place unobtrusively, in a fun, playful way. The most important thing is that the baby is interested. Don't be nervous and rush time: some people learn very quickly, others need more time. If something doesn’t work out for the child, he doesn’t understand, go back a step and offer a simpler example. Do not put pressure on your child if he has no desire to engage: it is better to leave him a little intrigued than to continue to force an activity when he is no longer able to maintain attention.
  • There is no need to exercise if the child or you are tired or have Bad mood. This will definitely not benefit anyone.
  • As practice shows, it is much more interesting for a child to add and subtract where the situation is closely related to real life, he needs to understand why to count. If we are expecting guests, is the right number of cutlery on the table, is there enough for everyone? Or how many treats do you need to take so that everyone gets the same amount?
  • It is very useful to play a variety of counting games with children. Dominoes, lotto, all kinds of “adventure games” with dice and chips, and other board games.

Mathematics is the science of algorithms. Therefore, to study any topic, you need to give the child a rule and an explanation of why it is necessary to act one way and not another. How to teach a child to add and subtract, because it is very interesting and useful?

Learning to count with Lego bricks

Before memorizing the composition of numbers, you need to tell the preschooler what a number is, how it is formed and what actions are possible. The best way to teach your baby is to repeat this action many times, doing it with your hands. Many parents note the usefulness of Lego constructors. Some kids themselves try to count by individual pieces.

How to teach a child addition and subtraction using Lego bricks? Let's look at the principle using the number 6 as an example. To do this, you will need bricks of different values:

  • 6 circles;
  • 1 and 5 (five is 4 and 1) circles;
  • 2 and 4 mugs;
  • 3 and 3 mugs.

As you can see, some blocks cannot be solid (like 1 and 5), so the number five consists of two pieces of the same color (or you can use tape and just glue the bricks together).

Combining bricks, we lay out the number 6 different ways. Don’t forget that 6 is not only 2 and 4, but also 4 and 2. If you repeat the composition of the number 2-3 times while playing with a construction set, this will be enough for something to stick in the child’s head.

Teach your child addition and subtraction through this fun game, like a Lego constructor, you can do it very quickly. If it is necessary to subtract, close some of the circles and ask how much was hidden. If we add, on the contrary, we add new bricks of the required value.

How to teach addition and subtraction without “creaking”

A technique that can be called a classic of mathematics for kids is the abacus, but the abacus is not simple, but special. In such accounts, the tens bones are located on the same axis and are divided into two colors: yellow and white, blue and purple. Under the guidance of the mother, the baby lays out numbers consisting of two parts. Thus, he visually studies the composition of the number. Movable multi-colored bones “running” along the wire increase the child’s interest in mathematics.

Addition and subtraction for those who are not interested

If you ask the same kid a problem on a boring topic: adding and subtracting sticks, circles or boring pencils, he makes mistakes with the same numbers that he just counted without difficulty. It is not without reason that teachers at school strive to connect tasks with the interests of children.

Try an experiment - offer your child a fun oral problem. - It will solve it in two seconds without any visualization!

Mathematical ladder - what you need for mental calculations

To teach your child to add and subtract mentally, draw a game for him or her like a number ladder. Ladders come in two colors - down one, up another. When a child steps up, the number increases by as many units as the number of steps completed. But when we need to take it away, we go down. This technique is very visual. The child immediately understands that adding is more, subtracting is less.

This technique is effective for developing mental counting skills.

Composition of numbers

You can start studying at school with this technique. Children and parents work in a notebook or on paper. An example needs to be written down, but in a special way: two circles + four circles = six circles. That is, we combine drawing diagrams and action signs. When subtracting, you can duplicate the letter by actions with objects: lay out the number and close or remove some of the units.

Addition and subtraction greater than ten

It is clearer for a small child when parents explain in accessible categories. For example, counting with a transition through 10 is associated with the concept of “being friends”: 6 is friends with 4 (because 4 is not enough to reach 10). When a schoolchild comes across the example 6+5, he reasons like this:

6 is friends with 4, if you take 4 from 5, 1 remains. As a result, we get a completely worthy and methodologically correct entry:


Is it possible to teach a child to subtract using such a technique as “friendship of numbers”? Instead of answering, let's solve example 17-9. The child talks like this:

9 is friends with one, which means: 7+1=8. This is also a completely legitimate methodological notation:


As you can see, the answers are the same!

Of course, the child must also understand mathematical language - units, tens, consists, decompose... But if a student has difficulties, why not explain to him first, and only then take on the terminology?

Addition-subtraction and number composition: what is more important?

It turns out that parents and even teachers do not always appreciate the importance of a child’s understanding of mathematical operations. When the baby has memorized the composition of numbers, it is absolutely necessary to bring plus and minus skills to automaticity.

To do this, it is recommended to use everything known techniques, including those we are discussing today. It is important to teach a child to subtract and add as diversely as possible, using knowledge in various everyday situations:

  • add kilograms, centimeters, minutes, etc. – named units;
  • use geometric material: segments, figures, area, perimeter;
  • count with a ruler;
  • use counting sticks, abacus, games with numbers, etc.

By offering your child a variety of games, you will prepare him for such difficult subjects as physics, chemistry, geometry - namely, those where there are named numbers and solutions using formulas.