Easy children's pencil drawings. How to draw a child’s face and head with a pencil step by step

If at school during art lessons you could not depict anything other than the sun, a house or a tree, if your level of painter can be compared to the creativity of a four-year-old child, if you are an artist from the word “bad”, we are offering to you simple lessons about how to draw with a pencil step by step for beginners: for children, for adults and for everyone.

Perhaps every person who is not related to the fine arts, at least once in his life, had to pick up a simple pencil or a piece of chalk and draw a simple picture from scratch without looking at the manual or textbook.

People who have a lack of imagination and problems with spatial thinking will probably agree that this task is not an easy one. And if you have long forgotten about drawing lessons at school, you may have a sudden need to learn how to draw with a pencil step by step for beginners. With a pencil step by step - this already sounds more pleasant than starting from scratch without a manual or textbook. After all, if you don't great artist, you are enough correctly convey the shape of the object, draw the main lines and draw the main details. Claims to the realism of the image, to the ratio of color and shadow, as well as others professional requirements leave it for real artists, we are still learning to draw the most simple pictures: cartoons, animals, plants and people. The image diagrams that await you below are designed for the most adult “dummies” in the field of drawing, as well as for children 5-6 years old, so you will not have any difficulties.

How to learn to draw with a pencil: from scratch step by step for beginners

Drawing may seem like a difficult and overwhelming task for those who want to get results right away without putting in a lot of effort. But you remember that we draw in stages and set ourselves the initial simple tasks so that expectation coincides with reality.

In the first stages of preparation you will need a simple pencil, a sheet of paper and patience. You also need to know that almost everything simple drawings consist of lines, circles, ovals, rectangles, squares, zigzags and other kinds of squiggles. If for some reason your drawing is not perfect, you can erase part of it or start all over again clean slate. This is the beauty of drawing.

We will start with our smaller brothers, that is, with animals

How to draw a person's face step by step with a pencil for beginners?

Perhaps the most difficult task for a beginning painter is to draw a human face. You probably won’t be able to reproduce all the details and accuracy of a human physiognomy the first time. It's better to start with less realistic drawings, for example, with anime.

Learn to draw anime

The anime genre has won the attention of not only children, but also adults. Big expressive eyes unusual shape faces and lush flowing hair are characteristic features anime characters.

However, there is something else interesting about them - emotions. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the process of creating an anime-style face, as well as explore all the shades of anime emotions.

Drawing a portrait of a person with a pencil

After a little warm-up with emotions, we will tell you how to draw a person’s face step by step with a pencil for beginners. We will not reinvent the wheel and will draw all the main lines together with you.

How to draw a person with a pencil step by step for beginners?

You have already acquired a little knowledge on how to learn to draw with a pencil from scratch step by step for beginners. A simple pencil is the most practical tool aspiring artist. With its help you can depict entire landscapes, flowers, tanks, people. And if with a picture human face We've already figured it out a little, but we still need to work with the human figure.

Figure standing man will interest beginning artists.

A woman who takes a step.

Figure of a woman in different positions.

What else can you draw with a simple pencil?

IN fine arts proportions must be taken into account, as well as the symmetry of the arrangement of all parts. Yes, when you draw a cat, you should calculate exactly where the ears, paws, nose and eyes will be located. Markup will help you with this.

With a simple pencil you can draw beautiful house, palace and even the Kremlin.

When drawing animals, you can use basic technology, for example, draw a regular circle.

At the age of 7-9 years, the child experiences increased stress. Classes at school and adaptation to a new team. New tasks and activities. It is this age that determines the development of mental functions in children: memory, attention, thinking, perception and imagination.

Therefore, it is important to make sure that with these increased loads there is the possibility of psychological release.



all materials

Development of creativity and art therapy.

Drawing is not only an excellent way of psychological relaxation, but also the development of spatial thinking, creativity and aesthetic taste.

A child can throw out all his imagination on a white sheet of paper; when a rainbow or a fairy-tale animal “comes to life” on a white sheet of paper, he experiences genuine joy.

Lesson duration is 1 hour 30 minutes. To ensure that the child does not get tired, 1-2 breaks of 5 minutes are provided. You can switch your attention and relax.

First lesson

At the first lesson, your child will be asked to draw a still life of 3-5 objects with the basics of construction using painting techniques.

The still life genre combines classical drawing and painting.

The child will learn to build a composition, mix and match colors, and learn the basics of drawing, painting and perspective.

Painting and drawing lessons are conducted in a form accessible to the child and are excellent training for memory, fine motor skills, and a sense of perspective.

Individual program.

An individual program is selected for the child, taking into account his abilities and interests.

In other words, if he wants to draw a person, the teacher will teach him, but will make sure that young artist acquired the necessary skills in the process.

The benefits of drawing for children 7-9 years old with the right approach:

  • Calms and pacifies.
  • Develops creative abilities.
  • Improves memory and intellectual abilities.
  • Drawing classes help improve interhemispheric connections.
  • Develops aesthetic taste.
  • Gives you the opportunity to express your experiences through drawing.
  • Introduces a variety of colors.
  • Develops creativity. In the process of drawing, the student will always want to improvise, this helps the child to relax, become more independent and successful.
  • Provides an opportunity to look at the world through the prism of creativity.
  • Improves fine motor skills. The parts of the brain that are responsible for speech, memorization, and coordination work.
  • Develops spatial and compositional thinking. This is extremely useful, as it helps to better understand mathematical and physical models, as well as master other disciplines. (for example drawing, mathematics, physics, geometry, etc.)
  • Increases self-esteem. The child understands that he is now a creator.
  • Helps develop perseverance. An important skill for a young schoolchild.

We always give work to our little students.

This is important, because the child not only receives a positive charge during the lesson, but also takes away finished work, which gives him self-confidence and he can be deservedly proud of it.

He will be happy to give this work as a gift, and then you will also receive a charge of good mood.

Come to our first lesson and see for yourself. Draw, sculpt, make toys. Please your loved ones with your works, get a positive attitude and develop creatively. And rest assured your child will love it.

In this lesson we will look at how to draw small children, study the structural features of a child's head and draw his face.

How to draw children. Facial proportions in children.

To draw a child’s face you need to know certain principles of structure that are different from adults. Proportion is the ratio of one component of a drawing to another. By using the right guidelines, portraits of children look exactly like children, and not like mini-adults. To do this, you must know two basic conditions. It refers to the lower part of the human head, called the face or facial area, and to brain section the skull at the top of the head, called the cranium.

In the first picture below, you can clearly see how the baby's face is in proportion to the skull. Notice the lines that visually separate the head into sections (like pieces of a pie). With the exception of the cervical region, the head is divided into four and a half segments. The child's face occupies only one section, and the cranium occupies all other head shapes (shape refers to the outer contour). Thus, a child's skull is more than three times larger than his face.

The most common mistake beginners make when trying to draw a portrait of a child is to make the face too large in relation to the size of the skull. Next, it is necessary to emphasize how proportionate the tiny face of a child is in comparison with the skull of an adult’s head. The head of an adult is divided into three parts (excluding the cervical region). The face is in one part, and the skull is in the other two. The adult skull is twice the size of the facial region.

There are children's faces various forms and sizes, but the construction of most is the same. How to draw portraits of children so that you get a realistic representation of how tiny their faces actually are. Scheme of face size, head proportions. This is the key for correct drawing portraits of children.

In the figure below you can see that the child’s head, including his ears, is placed inside the circle. The shape of the head is similar to that of an egg, but much shorter. Notice the tiny face is below horizontal line the middle of the circle. In profile (side view), only the chin and tiny parts of the upper lip protrude from the circle.

Next time you draw a child, take the time to carefully examine the head and proportional features. First of all, take into account the attitude small face compared to the size of the skull, as well as the location of the eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

Note also the tiny neck of the baby compared to the size of the head. No need to wonder why little children can't hold their heads up on their own! Look carefully at the child's profile drawing in the picture. Notice the five horizontal lines:
AB is in the middle between top part head and chin.
CD is midway between AD and EF.
EF is midway between AB and IJ.
GH is midway between EF and IJ.
The IJ is located at the bottom of the bone in the chin (lower jaw) rather than at the bottom of the soft tissue under the chin. Babies usually have what is commonly called a "double chin."

Remember the location of the baby's face parts in relation to five lines:
Eyebrows: are on line AB.
Eyes: located between lines AB and CD.
Nose: located between the CD and EF lines.
Mouth: located between the EF and GH lines.
Chin: straight IJ line.
We got acquainted with the basic principles of drawing children.

Now we will see how to draw a child’s face (portrait) step by step.

Let's join me in a fun exercise where you draw a baby's face in proportion to the size of the head. Find some drawing paper, let the sharpener sharpen your pencil, and find a ruler!

1) Draw a square and divide it into four equal parts. The size of your square will determine the size of your baby's head. Mine is a very tiny 5" x 5", but you can make your square larger. The four smaller squares will help you create accurate proportions when drawing your baby's face and head.

2) Draw a circle in the bottom left square to show the size of the baby's face. The bad news is that no lesson can teach you how to draw a circle. The good news is that practice is a great teacher. In other words, you learn how to draw a circle by hand, the more practice, the better. Some useful tips include:

- turn the paper and look at your drawing with different points vision. This little trick often allows you to see problem areas;

- Look at the reflection of your circle in the mirror to help you see areas that need fixation.

3)Draw big circle V original square to represent the size of a child's head. The goal is to draw the profile of the child's face in proportion to the size of his or her head. When you see the size of the face represented as a small circle and the head as a large circle, you may be quite surprised at what the baby's face actually looks like!

4) Draw the shape of the face in a narrow circle.

5) Draw curved lines of the baby's head.

6) Draw the outline of the ear in the bottom right square.

7) Draw the eyes, nose and mouth, and add details to the ear.

8) Erase your entire drawing with a soft eraser until the sketch lines are barely visible.

9) Erase the outlines of the squares and circles.

10) Draw barely visible hair, erasing part of the contour of the face and neck. Be patient! Do the lesson step by step, relax, you should not be overloaded! Constantly check my drawing and correct it small parts and adjust the proportions.

Shading of the face and hair.

Portraits of children should be shaded (shaded) in soft tones and without too much contrast. This helps keep their faces soft. Shading means to apply different shades gray, which allow the drawing to appear three-dimensional. Contrast measures the degree of difference between light and dark tones, and creates the illusion of three-dimensional space on a sheet. Tones are created when you draw strokes with a pencil, changing the density between the lines, changing the pressure on the pencil and using pencils of different softness.

11) Add shading to the child's face, using different tones.

12) Add shading for the eyes, nose and mouth. The pupil of the eye has the darkest tone. The pupil is the dark circle inside the iris. The iris is a large circular shaped eye that varies in color from very light to very dark. Don't forget to leave a white spot (highlight) to make the eye look shiny. The highlight is the tiny bright spot where the light reflects off the shiny surface of the eye.

13) Darken the face and neck area using a 2B pencil. The baby's shape is tiny compared to the size of the head. Shade areas of the face that receive little or no light.

14) Use shading with HB and 2B pencils to add shading to the ear.

15) Add shading to the hair using HB and 2B pencils. See two images below. The soft parts of the hair are drawn as short curved lines. Pay attention to the hair tones.

See below, the baby's face profile portrait is complete and you can make any changes if you want. As you can see, the baby's head is indeed three times larger than his cute face.

Put your signature, today's date, put a smile on your face, and go find another interesting lesson.

How to draw easily step by step and by cells?

Using simple technology step by step drawing, even novice artists will be able to draw beautiful figures animals. Here's how to draw a happy puppy.

And so with the help geometric shapes you can draw a cow.

Start drawing a chicken that sits on eggs in a circle. Gradually the beak, eyes, wings and tail are drawn in.

And after the chicken has hatched the eggs, you can draw chickens.

Drawing a bat seems difficult at first glance, but if you use the step-by-step drawing technique, then this cute bat will appear in your album in 5 minutes. Also two circles, but the larger one at the bottom and the smaller one at the top will help you draw a cat.

Birds are difficult to draw, but parrots are even more difficult to draw. But three circles of the same size will help you cope with this task.

And this is how you can draw a mouse.

A very cute Cat Lady drawn with a pencil, auxiliary lines are carefully removed and the cat is painted watercolor paints.

Anyone who knows how to draw circles, ovals and rectangles can draw a drawing of an elephant and a horse.

The difficult task of drawing a camel only seems difficult. But in the technique of step-by-step drawing there is nothing impossible.

Domestic animals sheep and pigs are drawn slightly differently. For a pig, first draw the face, and then the body. In a sheep, on the contrary, the body comes first and the muzzle ends.

The non-flying bird of the cold seas, the penguin, and the forest bird, the owl, are drawn in stages and painted with watercolors.

It’s easy to draw a snail if you draw a circle, then draw the snail’s body and add a curl on the shell, eyes and antennae.

To draw a duckling, just draw an oval to the circle and finish drawing the tail, beak and eyes and wings.

And this is how you can draw kids.

It happens that girls draw in albums, but do not know how to draw a beautiful face. will come to the rescue simple scheme, where the correct proportions of the face are observed.

You don’t have to rack your brain for a long time about what hairstyle to draw for a girl in your diary, but simply choose the one you like and draw the same one.

You can also draw flowers in albums step by step. In order for the flower to have the correct shape, it is enough to make a circle or oval and complete the center and petals.

Beautiful and easy drawings in cells for sketching in notebooks and personal diaries for girls aged 5 – 12 years

The easiest way to draw is by cells. Of course, if you have a lined drawing. These cute kittens can appear in your diary if you draw them in cells.

For diary pages about love, a drawing with a boy and a girl exchanging hearts is suitable.

Another drawing on the theme of love is easy to redraw, but very interesting.

A bear holding a heart will decorate the pages of the girls' diary, and the cells will help you draw it.

Smiling dog in colors will suit for those who like to communicate with dogs and draw them.

Drawings of girls in anime style will decorate the pages of the diary. It’s easy to redraw them cell by cell and color them with watercolors or felt-tip pens.

A more complex drawing with a girl, a butterfly and a strawberry. However, if you carefully count the cells and draw on them, success is guaranteed.

An anime style portrait of a girl in profile is also suitable for girls’ diaries. The drawing is transferred into cells; the color of the hairstyle and eyes of the drawn girl depends on the wishes of the owner of the diary.

A bear-boy and a bear-girl will remind you that friendship exists both between animals and between children.

Beautiful and easy drawings in cells for sketching in a notebook and personal diary for boys 5 – 12 years old

Both boys and girls love to draw cats. Such a cheerful cat will appear in an album or notebook if you draw it cell by cell.

Boys love to draw motorcycles. Let them not have a motorcycle yet real life, but you can always draw it in cells.

Space theme It’s also relevant for boys’ drawings, and they might like the astronaut cat.

Beautiful and easy checkered drawings for girls and boys: ideas, photos

A lion with a red mane, drawn in the cells with its fiery mane, will decorate any diary.

You can draw a whole picture from the cells. A lion, a zebra, a giraffe, an elephant and a hippopotamus are sitting on it in dense thickets.

These animals can be drawn separately. Blue elephant for sketching by cells

And this way you can draw and color a butterfly. She can decorate girls' albums.

If you complete the pond and reeds, you will get a picture with cheerful frogs in the center.

A little fox drawn in cells can be drawn on fairy tale pictures or you can add flowers and grass and decorate your diary with such a picture. Tree for sketching by cells

A cheerful dragonfly will surprise you with its bright wings.

VIDEO: How to draw a bee step by step?

It's been a while since I wrote anything on the blog. And there are reasons for this, of course. Firstly, we began to be very active in our workshop: we make wooden Toys, children's decor, sometimes furniture, and of course, we take care of all organizational matters. It takes a lot of energy and almost all the inspiration. Secondly, our girls have grown up and no longer really fit into the format of themed weeks, since most During the day they are in kindergarten, where they study, play and interact with children a lot. After gardening, you want to play with indoor toys, draw, take a walk, read fairy tales, watch movies with the whole family, or bake cookies. Thirdly, we are going to school soon, but not a regular one, but a small and private one, which we organize ourselves;) We open in a month. If you are interested, you can read about our school using the link (text in Ukrainian). And this school takes away the remaining inspiration and strength.

So, lesson 1. Aerial perspective.

If you are not an artist at all, don’t be scared :) In fact, all this is very simple, interesting and fascinating, but like everything in the world, it has its own terminology, but the terms almost always sound scary (at least for me).

So what is “aerial perspective”?

This is when you look into the distance and what is closer to the horizon seems lighter, and what is closer to you has more saturated colors.

From the dictionary:

Aerial perspective – Blurring or loss of clarity of distant objects caused by the atmosphere. The effect occurs due to the disappearance of color and brightness contrast between distant objects and the background.

Here are examples of aerial perspective:

To explain to a child what aerial perspective is, it is enough to show examples and draw his attention to those objects that are far away and those that are close - the difference is very noticeable.

Now let's start drawing!

We will need:

  • paint (gouache, acrylic, in principle, watercolor is also possible) three colors– white, yellow and blue,
  • brush,
  • our blank for drawing,
  • jar of water,
  • palette or white plate,
  • paper napkins to wipe something off or blot your brush if necessary.

Drawing order:

  1. Mix on the palette white paint and blue to make it very light shade. This will be the color of the sky.
  2. We invite the child to color only the sky.
  3. Then you need to paint the clouds white and the sun yellow.
  4. Mix white and blue again (or add more blue paint to the previous batch) to get a light shade that is a little richer than the color of the sky.
  5. We color the row of mountains that are closest to the sky.
  6. We repeat the batches, adding more blue and coloring the next row of mountains.
  7. We paint the very front row - hills and trees - with pure blue or add very little to it white at your discretion.
  8. All! Drawing mountains using the principle aerial perspective ready!

And here's how our mountains turned out: