How to learn to draw beautifully for a novice interior designer. Do-it-yourself interior design: your own designer

I did not complete design courses and did not study design at the institute, but I managed to complete my own course of study in 6 months, I note that during the learning process I was simultaneously doing my main job full time. Although I didn’t think that I was ready to get a job new job designer, but I was very lucky and managed to find a good place.

Of course, I understand that I do not have the skills that many professional designers who have studied this for several years and have a lot of experience have, however, I feel that I can work for good level, creating a good design. I am currently designing websites.

This article will help beginning designers take their first steps in learning design on their own; here you will find links to those books and resources that helped me in my study and turned out to be useful. Please note that the links point to English-language resources that I used for self-study.

Level one: learning to see

The main mistake that novice designers make is trying to immediately start by learning Photoshop and drawing a design. But Photoshop won't make you a designer, just like buying paints and brushes won't make you an artist. Therefore, let's start with mastering the very basics of design.

Learn to draw

To complete this task you will not need to make a lot of effort or enroll in an art school, you will not have to draw still lifes and paint oil paintings, we will limit ourselves to learning the basics of drawing, which will be enough to make a sketch on paper. One will help with this good book in drawing - “How to learn to draw in 30 days”. By practicing for half an hour for 30 days, you can learn the basics of drawing.

Learning the theory of graphic design

- Start with the book - “Draw It”. This book will help you understand the basics of design.
- Learn color, typography, and grid-based design.
- Take several training lessons from this site every day.

Learn the basics of user experience

Written great amount books on this topic, you can start with these two:
- “Design of everyday things”.
- “Don’t make me think!”

Learning to write

Abracadabra like Lorem Ipsum should be cause for concern; it is a direct indication of a bad designer. A good designer must be able to communicate well with his users, he sees the entire process of evaluating his design as a whole and does not miss such details as presentation text. Each word is chosen thoughtfully, wisely, and the text itself is written with the expectation that people will read it. Do not use abstruse language, which is used by teachers at school.

Do not include absolutely all of your work in your portfolio, choose only the best.
On initial stages don't try to be original, it will come with time, with experience, with skill. At first, everyone learns the basics and repeats simple things after the teacher, and when enough experience has been accumulated, you can move on to more advanced and independent work.

For inspiration, visit Dribbble (see works best designers) and (web design).

Do you have a good imagination? Wonderful. However, often, when planning a renovation, you want to not only imagine what you have planned, but also visualize it. In addition, sometimes situations arise when builders or other specialists need to explain your desires not “on your fingers”, but in a completely tangible picture.
How to draw the interior of a room correctly? Now we'll tell you. We will try to draw the interior of the room step by step in perspective, that is, with distorted visualization by the shape and size of the interior items. Unclear? Imagine two parallel roads... If we look at them in perspective, then on the horizon they will definitely converge at one point - the vanishing point, although in reality they will never intersect.
Well, we won’t look at the roads, but we’ll try to draw a living room with a fireplace together. 1. On sheet A4, draw one line parallel to the edge of the paper, and then draw a second one - the horizon line, in the center of which we define one vanishing point, and behind the edge of the line parallel to the edge of the sheet we define the second.

Drawing the horizon line and vanishing points

2. Then we draw the lines of a rectangle onto the image, most of which is located below the horizon line. From the main vanishing point we draw rays to the edges of parallel lines - this is where the outlines of the walls, ceiling and floor appear.

Creating Perspective

3. Delete the lines inside the rectangle and begin to draw the outlines of the furniture: floor lamp stand, door, back of the sofa, etc.

Drawing the basic elements of the interior

4. We draw a few more lines from the vanishing point, draw the oval outline of the floor lamp, and outline the fireplace a little.

We continue to draw furniture

5. Delete the lines that have become unnecessary and continue drawing the outlines of the furniture.

We apply the main elements of furniture

6. Draw a few more lines from the main vanishing point - in the future they will become a sofa, window, floor lamp, paintings or any other item you need.

Draw a few more rays from the vanishing point

7. We draw the outlines of pillows, a coffee table, and other objects - this way you will understand how these objects should look on a sheet of paper.

Let's use the second vanishing point

8. Remember we still have a second vanishing point? It is needed in order to correctly place the furniture on the other side of the picture. We draw the necessary lines and outline the outlines of the chair and pouf.

Almost finished sketch of the interior of the room

If you wish, you can refine the details of the drawing, although it is already clear that the sketch shows all the most important elements interior In the same way, you can depict any room, but do not forget to draw, for example, a place for studying in the interior of a children's room, and in the kitchen - a working wall and the location of the kitchen table.

How to draw the interior of a room on a computer

I would also like to dwell on ways to depict interiors in perspective using a computer, because modern technologies allow you to do this even with minimal knowledge of the relevant software. Quite common programs such as Paint will help us in drawing on a computer. Adobe Photoshop or Corel, which are available both in a paid version and in shareware demo versions, the validity period of which is quite enough to create many drawings throughout the entire repair process. In the next article we will dwell in more detail on drawing programs, but now a few visual lessons step by step image interior using the program.

Screenshot of the main page of the program

Here is a screenshot (screen image) home page programs. As you can see, the interface is intuitive, the version is Russian, there are a lot of drawing tools, the color scheme includes at least 24 shades.

We begin to draw the interior of the room step by step

And now in the photo - we draw an image of the vanishing point and the edge of the paper using the “Line” tool with a thickness of 5 px (pixels), images of links with inserted text. For ease of perception, color highlighting is used - lines and inscriptions are made in blue and red tones.

Drawing the outlines of the furniture

Using the “Basic” - “Rectangle” tool, add the back of the sofa and the fireplace wall, using the “Line” tool we draw the lines of the walls, doors and floor. In addition, there are opportunities to conduct uneven lines, ellipses, circles, links and arrows; you can choose different colors, fonts, sizes and text placement; layering; smoothing and clarity; dotted lines and rows of small dots - the program's possibilities are almost limitless.

Drawing the outlines of the furniture

In the same simple way, you can draw the rest of the interior, which will be clearer and smoother than in a hand sketch, but first practice on light images.

How to draw a room interior online

When planning your interior, you can seek help from professional designers who will be able to realize your wishes online regarding the arrangement of a house or apartment. However, this pleasure costs money, so it directly depends on your financial capabilities.

Home page of the website for online interior planning

Another screenshot of the online planner page, which, in addition to arranging furniture and decor, provides for choosing the exact size of the room area, which is necessary when planning repairs and design, offers several options for windows, doors, ceilings and other structural elements. Read our tips, take a pencil and a piece of paper, download a computer program and start learning, because graphics, including computer graphics, are very exciting and interesting activity. And if she also helps you make a beautiful, stylish renovation, then this is exactly what we were counting on.

Reading time: 11 minutes Images: 33

Usually, when a person thinks or creates, it is easier for him to write down his thoughts in short form. This applies not only to design, but to any field of activity where a person creates. Often designers begin their work with sketches. A sketch is a hand-drawn drawing, which is not usually used as finished work. On the contrary, this is the very beginning of the process.

A sketch can be used as a shortcut to express a thought, visually demonstrating an image, idea or basis. Sketch this quick ideas for later use, as a rule, they immediately reflect what the artist sees. A sketch, as a rule, is made with improvised means, pencil on paper, pen in a notebook, etc.

Nowadays in web design, a sketch is often used as an initial drawing to show future ideas for a website. Computers allow you to upload a sketch and convert it to digital format. Thus, a sketch is a transitional step from an idea to its implementation. All designers, artists and others creative people believe that it is often quite difficult to concentrate on something at once. A lot of thoughts and ideas come into your head and keep you up at night. As long as the idea remains just an idea, it will not give a complete vision of the result. That's why most designers always start with sketches on paper to see how the idea might look from the outside.

Even if you don't know how to draw well, you can always create a sketch with symbols and diagrams on paper in order to better visualize the arrangement of elements, changing them many times, erasing or repainting them. Thanks to the sketch, skipping the time of precise execution, you can turn your attention to more small parts. Did you know that the most famous logos were they drawn on paper? The most impressive ideas were created by hand, not by soulless machines.

1. Cassette Player Project Sketch

2. Pittsburgh Sketch

3. Mega-dropdown explorations

4. iOS Icon Design – Sketch

5.Video detail page

7. Gardens Sketch #1

8. sketch: vimeo profile page idea

10. sketch: vimeo video browser module

11. Adidas – is all in – SKETCH

12. Humdrum logo (sketch)

13. Awaken Our Hearts – Sketch

14. Coastal Capital Partners Wireframe Sketch

15. Heroic Sketch

16. Web Sketches

17. Hook & Irons Co. – Logo Sketch

18. GEOINT2009 (Microsite)

19. Bag icon sketch

20. iOS Game Icon (Sketch)

21. castle sketch

22. Vault App Icon (Sketch)

23. Cerberus Project – Sketch

24. Sketch the mocks

25. Biosensor UI

26. Sketchy wireframe

27. The Little Chihuahua Logo Concepts

28. Schreber Meister Logo – Vector #1

29. No time like the present – ​​lettering sketch

30. Friday Type – Project

32. Activity Stream Sketch

33. Let's make it drawn

Interior sketches are black and white or color sketches made without the use of drawing tools. Draw with markers gel pen, pastel pencils, ink, watercolor.

How does a professional design studio begin working on a new project? From the drawing.

But, before starting to draw, the designer gets acquainted with the room that requires decoration, plus the wishes, ideas and preferences of the customer.

The real proportions of space and individual elements are preserved on paper. For each room, 2-3 drawings are usually prepared to detail the functional areas and show the finishing of the floor and ceilings. Drawn sketches of the interior create the whole picture future situation.

Why do you need an interior design sketch?

  • At the stage of hand-drawn sketches, the customer gets acquainted with the future design, its mood, and tries on a new environment. Proposes to make adjustments to color scheme, furniture arrangement, lighting. The next sketch is prepared taking into account the changes, which later saves time during 3D modeling.
  • While working on the sketch, the designer selects color combinations, furniture style, decorative and lighting solutions. When put on paper, the interior concept created in the author’s imagination becomes clear and reveals shortcomings.
  • Based on the drawing, finishing materials and flooring are selected: color, texture, relief. But you need to understand that color palette created by paints and the actual shades of materials differ. Interior sketches give general idea about color accents, display proportions and combinations of objects in a color game.

Sketch - 1st step towards the interior

The joint creativity of the customer and the designer is the first step in creating a design project. Once approved, the interior design sketch becomes the basis for 3D modeling, in which the smallest details are worked out.

The selection above contains sketches by the authors of the TopDom design studio in different techniques. In each case, we strive to create an attractive atmospheric picture that is close to the customer’s ideas about a harmonious interior.

Start creating with us!

Have you ever imagined what your room would look like if you moved your bed or chest of drawers? Or what would your living room look like if you moved the sofa, chairs and TV? It takes a lot of effort to rearrange everything and just see what your “design project” will look like. This wonderful blog tutorial will teach you how to draw a room, hall or foyer in frontal perspective, so you can decorate the interior as you please!

Of course, at first this lesson may seem simple and uninteresting to you, but it shows basic steps constructing a frontal perspective of the room, which will lay the foundations for the correct construction of any room in the future.

In this lesson we will learn frontal perspective: This is a painting technique in which all objects are related to a single central point in the drawing. This perspective is also called “single vanishing point perspective.” Not to be confused with angular perspective, although they are based on the same principle. Only angular perspective uses two vanishing points in your drawings with specific alignments to create depth.

I won't explain how to draw furniture in this tutorial. Now let's let's concentrate on drawing a truly large three-dimensional space, which you can fill in yourself using your imagination.

1. Let's start the drawing from the back wall of the room. Draw two horizontal lines parallel to the top edge of your notebook and two vertical lines parallel to the side edges of the paper. It is very important.

2. Place reference point in the center of the resulting square.

3. Lightly draw a guide line diagonally through the corners of the room and straight through the anchor point in the center. You can use a ruler or the edge of paper.

4. Also easily guide the second guide through the opposite corners of the room directly through the center anchor point.

5. Now erase all the lines inside the square, leaving only the anchor point in the center.

6. Lightly mark the location front door. Notice how the concept of size is used. The bottom edge of the door is drawn bigger size to create the illusion of intimacy. Draw the floor, walls, ceiling, always keep the size rule in mind.

7. Using the center reference point, lightly draw a line through the near edge of the door to this very point. This point will become the positioning point for almost every line in this drawing.

8. Draw a window on the opposite wall, starting with two vertical lines. Don't forget to make the near line longer.

9. Once again, focusing on the center point, draw straight lines - the top and bottom edges of the window. It turned out well, didn't it?

10. Horizontal and vertical lines used to draw door and window slopes. Draw horizontal lines to indicate the thickness of doors, windows and stairs.

11. Now draw a vertical line to define the slope of the window.

12. This step is very important in this tutorial. Using a center reference point, lightly draw the top and bottom lines of the window. Voila! You've created a window in frontal perspective! Now let's work with the stairs.

13. Using the back wall as a guide, draw horizontal and vertical lines to create the far edge of the staircase. Remember in step 1 how I said about the importance of the first horizontal and vertical lines? And that's why. All other horizontal and vertical lines must be parallel to the first, otherwise your drawing will visually fall apart.

14. Time to use the center anchor point again. Draw each corner of the step using this point. Lightly sketch lines away from the center, like in the illustration below.

15. Erase all extra lines. Sharpen all edges to create a focal point in your drawing. Shade your drawing according to the light coming from the left window and from the ceiling. If there is a light on the ceiling, where should the shadows be? You can add parquet flooring and a row of light bulbs on the ceiling. Redraw this several times, experimenting with different doors and windows.


Try drawing your room. Sit at your desk, on your bed, or on the floor where you feel comfortable and have the best view of the room. Position your canvas so that vertical edge your paper aligns with the far corner of your room as you close one eye.

Draw everything you see: the edges of walls, ceilings, floors, windows and furniture. Try not to move your paper. Place it on the scanner and make a copy.

Use a pencil to color the copy and add color. Pay attention to the "secret" shadows, falling shadows and shading in real world, and how placement, size and overlap visually impact. Funny?

Be inspired by example!

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