A game based on the pages of your favorite fairy tales. Quiz on the pages of your favorite fairy tales in elementary school

Literary quiz

"Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales."

2nd grade

Literary quiz


    generalize knowledge of fairy tales, develop speech, and the ability to work in a team.

    developing students’ motivation to read through exciting gaming activities,

    ability to cooperate in decision making common tasks and creatively apply knowledge in new situations,

    develop Creative skills children.

Progress of the lesson

    introduction teachers.

- Guys, today we have a literary quiz. Guess for yourself what the topic is.

* Uh, follow me and you

Fairy tales run in droves!

Favorite fairy tales -

Sweeter than any berry!

* In a fairy tale, the sun is burning,

Justice reigns in it!

The fairy tale is clever and lovely!

The path is open to her everywhere.

( Children's answers. Determining the topic of the quiz).

Well done guys, you guessed right. We will visit a fairy tale.

From the early childhood we hear fairy tales. Mom reads them to us when she puts us to bed, grandmother tells them in quiet winter evenings. We listen to fairy tales kindergarten, we meet them at school too. Fairy tales accompany us all our lives. Not only children, but also adults love them.

Listening and reading a fairy tale, we find ourselves in Magic world, where miracles happen, where good always triumphs over evil.

Today we will try to remember fairy tales and fairy-tale characters, play games, learn a lot of new and interesting things, relax with a fairy tale.

Three teams play.

2. Presentation of commands.

Each team presents its name.

3.Warm up.

Name the second part of the fairy tale title:

Sivka - (Burka); The Little Humpbacked Horse); Moroz - (Ivanovich); Swan geese); Little Red Riding Hood); The Scarlet Flower); Zayushkina – (hut); Princess Frog); Tiny - (Khavroshechka); Dr. Aibolit); Boy - (Thumb); The Bremen Town Musicians).

Well done! Did a good job. You are real experts in fairy tales, and you are not afraid of any difficulties.

4. Competition "Who is more."

Each team is asked questions for 30 seconds. Whichever team answers the most questions correctly will win.

    What does Winnie the Pooh fly on? (On the ball).

    How many petals does Tsvetik - Semitsvetik have? (Seven).

    In what fairy tale did things take offense at a slob boy? (“Moidodyr”).

    Who lives in a house on chicken legs? (Baba Yaga).

    Favorite expression of Leopold the cat. ("Guys let's be friends!").

    The postman's name in Prostokvashino is... (Pechkin).

    It makes a gloomy day brighter. (Smile).

    Carlson's medicine. (Jam).

    Unfortunately, it's only once a year. (Birthday).

    Brother Kokoshi from the fairy tale “Moidodyr” (Totosha).

    Fabulous tablecloth. (The tablecloth is self-assembled).

    Bear house. (Den).

    Fairytale boots. (Boots are fast walkers).

    Round of text. (Kolobok).

    Who loves to ride on the stove. (Emelya).

    Fairytale hat. (Invisible hat).

    He has a very a long nose. (Pinocchio).

    A cat who can embroider on a machine. (Matroskin).

    What did the fox treat the crane with? (Semolina porridge).

    What did the wolf catch fish with? (Tail).

Well done, you completed the task. But they were light. Let's try to overcome a more difficult obstacle. The team that knows the answer raises its hand and answers:

1. What is the name of the work by K.I. Chukovsky, main character which “Washstands are the boss and washcloths are the commander”? (“Moidodyr”).

2. In the fairy tale “Cinderella,” a pumpkin turns into ... (carriage), a rat into ... (coachman), mice into ... (horses), and ordinary girl to... (princess).

3. A fairy tale in which a wolf eats all the main characters and only the youngest managed to hide from him in the oven. ("The wolf and the seven Young goats").

5. Poetic questions

1. Our hero didn’t wash his face

I was completely left without things.

“If you don’t want to wash your hand,

We don’t want to be friends with you!”

But soap came to the rescue.

Became a dirty fellow.

The fairy tale ended with friendship,

A good, happy ending.

(K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”)

2. He quietly climbed down from the window,

Rolled along the path.

Chubby, rosy and bold,

Everyone wanted to eat it.

From enemies and from friends

He saved himself with his song.

Well, why are you, my friend,

Did you sit on the fox's sock?

(“Kolobok”, Russian folk tale.)

3. The old man - father cannot sleep,

He gave the order to his sons to get married:

"Everyone will shoot an arrow

And he will find himself a wife!”

Happiness of the youngest, Ivan,

It was difficult, long-awaited.

Ivan walked a hundred roads

I found Vasilisushka.

(“The Frog Princess,” Russian folk tale.)

4. Sister ran and played

Yes, and I lost my brother.

How to be? Where to run?

Where can I find my brother?

In a deep forest, in a dilapidated hut

From the yaga, from the evil old woman.

Friends helped the children

They returned to their native home.

(“Geese are swans”, Russian folk tale.)

5. Grandfather was pleasantly surprised:

The vegetable is now grown.

Alone in the garden

He can't handle it.

And she sat firmly in the ground

Amazing... (turnip).

(“Turnip”, Russian folk tale).

6. There is no river or pond,

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof!..

(“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

6. Competition "Correct the mistake."

I've been reading fairy tales for a whole week. Listen carefully and try to correct me if I'm wrong.

– “Turkey Princess”;

- “At the dog’s command”;

- “Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf”;

- “Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka”;

– “Cockerel - the golden shepherdess”;

– “Boy-with-a-fist”;

- “Fear has big ears”;

– “Axe noodles”;

- “Little Red Hat.”

7. Captains competition.

Solve fairytale problems (from the book Oster G. Problem book. - M.: Rosman, 1996).

    Ryaba the hen laid an egg, but the mouse broke it. Then Ryaba laid three more eggs. The mouse also broke these, Ryaba strained herself and took down five more, but the unscrupulous mouse broke these too. How many eggs could grandpa and grandma make themselves scrambled eggs from if they hadn't spoiled their mouse? (From 9 eggs.)

    Once upon a time there was a Little Red Riding Hood. She loved her grandmother very much. One day her mother baked pies, and Little Red Riding Hood decided to take them to her grandmother. She put 3 pies with cabbage, 2 pies with apples and 4 pies with meat in the basket. How many pies did Little Red Riding Hood take for her grandmother? (9 pies.)

Reflection.Summing up the quiz.

Now, let's count the points. The team with the most points wins (team awards).

Our journey in the world of Miracles and Magic has ended. Thanks to your knowledge of fairy tales and your friendship, we were able to walk this path. But now you can continue it yourself, because the fairy tale path is endless. Once you open the collection of fairy tales, you're off!

Did you enjoy the journey through fairy tales? (Children's response)

What did you like best? (Children's response)

Why do you think we need fairy tales? What do they teach? (Children's response)

Fairy tales teach us to be smart and kind, honest and hardworking, friendly and brave. They teach how to defeat evil, lies, deceit, never lose faith in luck, love your homeland and protect the weak.

Organization: MKDOU "Dandelion"

Locality: Irkutsk region, Turma village

Goal: Development of children's speech through telling fairy tales based on plot pictures, guessing riddles.

Educational: Promote the use of both verbal skills (pace, voice strength, intonation expressiveness), and non-verbal (gestures, facial expressions, posture) means of expression.

Developmental: develop children's ideas about moral qualities person, confidence in the victory of a good beginning. Develop phonemic analysis and synthesis. Develop emotionality and a sense of beauty. Develop free communication with adults and children.

Educational: Cultivate interest in folk art. Develop friendly relationships and the ability to work in groups.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales, looking at illustrations for fairy tales, guessing riddles based on fairy tales, dramatizing excerpts from fairy tales, watching videos and cartoons based on fairy tales.

Equipment: music Center, house, chest, fence, book of fairy tales, trees, pebbles, masks, costumes,

Before the start of the lesson, the teacher invites the children to stand in a circle, hold hands and play the game “Hello.” a kind person»

Good morning - they told you

Good morning - you answer.

And two strings connected you,

Warmth and kindness.

(Children come up to each other, touch their palms, look into each other’s eyes, smile). At the same time they say to each other: “Hello, good man.” Then they turn to the guests and tell them “Hello, good man.” After the game, the teacher asks the children what mood they are in - (good).

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Guys, what is a fairy tale?

A fairy tale is a fiction. A fairy tale is a miracle! A fairy tale is a magical world into which the author immerses us in order to show that it is better to be kind and honest.

V. -Every person from the very beginning early age gets acquainted with fairy tales. These are the very first works that people begin to read. After all, it is thanks to the fairy tale that we become kinder, learn to condemn evil, and admire kindness.

Musical composition "Baba Yaga"

Suddenly exciting music sounds, Baba Yaga flies by and sings a song. An envelope containing a disk with tasks from Baba Yaga falls into the hall.

Q: What is this? Guys, let's see what's here?

A disc with a video message from Baba Yaga is turned on.

Baba Yaga: Cough, cough, we gathered here, they love fairy tales, but your fairy tales disappeared, I tore them up, I trampled on them, I got everything mixed up. Here is your empty little book with fairy tales and miracles. Now try to bring back the magic and miracles.

Q: Wow, Baba Yaga! The nasty, evil one has done a mischief again. How are we now without fairy tales? The book is empty. Guys, let's try to bring back our fairy tales.

Q: Guys, I invite you to go on a journey through fairy tales - into the world of goodness, miracles and magic.

The road will be difficult. Are you ready to encounter miracles and mysteries, answer all Baba Yaga’s questions, and overcome all obstacles?

Let's complete Baba Yaga's tasks and collect our fairy tales into a magic book.

Baba Yaga tells the first task in a video message:

Guess by the first sounds fairy tale hero? Three pictures appear on the screen

A). (raspberry, watermelon, chocolate, orange) Children make up a word and guess the fairy-tale hero - Masha

B) (lion, needle, cheese, pineapple). Children make up a word and guess the fairy-tale hero - Fox

B) (cherry, cloud, frog, kitten) Children make up a word and guess the fairy-tale hero - Wolf

Q: Guys, in what fairy tales do we meet our heroes?

Children list the names of fairy tales.

Second video message from Baba Yaga.

Well, killer whales, fairy-tale heroes, you know, but what about the names of fairy tales?

2.task. The players need to remember and give correct names fairy tales

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka"

"Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf"

"At the dog's command"

"Wolf and 7 Tiger Cubs"


"Turkey Princess"

Third video message from Baba Yaga:

You know everything, you read about everything, but my next task will be very difficult.

First, let's warm up!

Physical exercise: musical.

Baba Yaga: Well, you’ve kneaded the bones, now you’ll walk through the marshy swamp, you’ll find a chest there, under every pebble you’ll find a riddle, guess it.

Children walk through the swamp, pick up stones, and solve riddles.

I went to visit my grandmother

Brought the pies to her

Gray wolf I was watching her.

Deceived and swallowed.

(Little Red Riding Hood)

Q: Why did the wolf come to grandma’s house first? (Children answer)

My father has a strange boy

Unusual, wooden

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key

His long nose sticks everywhere

Who is this? (Pinocchio)

Q: List Buratino's friends? (Children answer)

He walked through the forest boldly.

But the fox ate the hero.

The poor thing sang goodbye.

His name was (Kolobok)

Q: Who did the bun meet on its way? (Children answer)

Who carried Masha in the basket,

Who sat on the tree stump

And wanted to eat a pie?

You know the fairy tale, right?

Who was it? (Bear).

Q: Tell us how Masha outsmarted the bear? (Children answer).

The children pass through the swamp and end up in the forest. There is a chest hidden under the tree.

The guys find him. But it doesn't open.

Baba Yaga from a video message. We got to the chest, but to open it we need to say magic words.

Knock-knock, chok-chok

Open the chest. -3 times.

Children repeat magic words and open the chest, there are two envelopes containing story pictures, with the help of which they must compose fairy tales.

Children are united into two groups. Groups are formed using the game “Divide your name into syllables.” The first group has names consisting of two syllables, the second group has three.

One group composes the fairy tale “Teremok”,

The second group makes up the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”.

One group of children tells their tale in a chain to another group of children, and then vice versa.

Baba Yaga asks to tell or show another fairy tale.

Q: Before telling a fairy tale, let's play the game “Let's play a fairy tale” on intonation.

Who was sitting in my chair?

Who ate from my cup?

Who slept in my bed?

Who was in our house?

staging musical fairy tale"Seven Little Goats"

Baba Yaga:

Oh, well done guys, they completed all my tasks and made the old lady laugh.

It’s time for me to go to a fairy tale again. Will you remember me?

I will live in fairy tales again

Do both good and evil.

And on holidays, guys,

I will come to visit.

Don't be bored without me

Always read about me

And don't believe me, I'm not evil

I'm good like that.

And for you, my dears, I left gifts.

Baba Yaga invites the children to look again into the chest, where the children find

Coloring pages with fairy tales.

Summary of the lesson.

Well, our fabulous journey has ended.

Guys, was it difficult? What was the hardest thing? What did you like?

So what do fairy tales teach us?

A fairy tale teaches us to be friends,

Be faithful and live honestly

Let the heroes of fairy tales live in a children's mischievous world

Let the wizards come into our house more often.

Guys, our lesson has come to an end. See you again!


Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2005.

Gerbova V.V. Introducing children to fiction. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2005-2010.

Fairy tale quiz Today we are setting off on a difficult but entertaining journey through the kingdom of Fairy Tales. Do you love fairy tales? We will travel by team. You have emblems attached. And for the first tests we need divide into teams according to numbers (1,2,3). For the first answer, tokens will be awarded: 1 answer - 3 tokens, 2 answers - 2 tokens, 3 - 1 token.

    The first Telegram competition
    Who sent this telegram: “ C graze! Help! We were eaten by the Gray Wolf! What is the name of this fairy tale? (Kids, "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats") Call Sivka-Burka with words from a fairy tale. What was the name of this horse's owner? (“Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!”, Ivan the Fool) What words did the girl say to the bear? What fairy tale is she from? (“Masha and the Bear”, “Don’t sit on a stump, don’t eat the pie...”) Which pet helped the girl complete her stepmother's tasks? What is the name of the fairy tale? What grew from the bones of this tree? (Cow.“Tiny- Khavroshechka, apple tree) What fairy tale are these words from? Who is its author? “You are always late, you worthless boy! Who raised you? (“The Adventures of Buratino”, A. Tolstoy) Paste into text the right word. “Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman who were sometimes sad. Only the chicken that... was their consolation” (Ryaba Hen)
    Second competition “Guess the crossword puzzle”
Each team is given a crossword puzzle, the team that solves it first wins.

1. ... scientist
2. ... - Golden comb
3. cunning...
4. assistant girl Khavroshechka
5. Chicken...
6. mother of seven kids
7. Gray... Musical pause Dividing teams by geometric shapes

    Third competition “Choose a question”
They choose 3 questions from the presentation and receive a token for the correct answer.
    Fourth competition “Name the title of fairy tales”
Oh father, I'm fascinated
A young stranger.
At balls among the courtiers
I have never seen such beauty.
I'm walking on my feet, in red boots,
I carry the scythe on my shoulders.
I want to whip the fox
The fox has left the stove.
(Zayushkina's hut) The grandmother loved her granddaughter very much,
Grandmother...gave it to her.
The girl forgot her name.
Who can guess what her name was?
(Little Red Riding Hood) I was born in a lovely flower.
And, fortunately, my path was difficult.
And everyone, apparently, guessed -
My name is.
And I was born strange
A wooden toy.
Eared, ugly,
And no one likes it.
One noticed me
And greeted me kindly
And this was, guys,
Gena the crocodile.
I was thrown into the sea in a barrel
And forgotten by his father,
But to an unknown island
Was washed down by a sea wave.
And on that island he now rules...
(Prince Guidon)
The overall results for the two competitions are summed up. Musical pause Dividing teams by color
    Fifth competition “Find the mistakes”
There are errors in the titles of the following fairy tales.
    "Ryaba the Cockerel"- “Chicken Ryaba.” "Dasha and the Bear"- "Masha and the Bear". "The Wolf and the Seven Lambs"" - "The wolf and the seven Young goats". "The Cockerel and the Pea Seed"- “Cockerel and bean seed». "Ducks and Swans"- "Swan geese". "Fox with a saucepan"- “A fox with a rolling pin. "At the command of the fish"- "By pike command». "Zayushkin's House"- “Zayushkina’s hut.”
6.Sixth competition “Answer questions” 1. Who arranged such a division with whom: “Your tops, and my roots.”(A man with a bear in the fairy tale "The Man and the Bear")
2. Tell me, which hero was played at the pies?(Bear from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear")3.Who cooked the porridge using intelligence and ingenuity?(Soldier in the fairy tale "Porridge from an Ax")

4. Who helped Emelya? (Pike)

5. What words do Russian folk tales begin with?("Once upon a time...", "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...".)
6. What did the Tsar Father order to his daughters-in-law to test their skills?(Bake bread, weave a carpet)
7. What did the fox feed the crane?(Porridge)
8. The name of the cow that Matroskin the cat bought. (Murka)
9. Who sang the song “I’m lying in the sun…” together with the lion cub? (Turtle)
10. Who was the first to find the tower?(Little mouse.) Musical pause The overall results for the two competitions are summed up. Dividing commands by letters. 7. Seventh competition “Collect proverbs” Children are given cards with the following content.Friends get to know each other
You can't pull it out without difficulty

8. Eighth competition “Who owns the fabulous object” The overall results for the two competitions are summed up. Musical pause

Municipal state educational institution

"Novomelovatskaya Secondary School"

Kalacheevsky district, Voronezh region

Extracurricular activity

in primary school

Travel game

"Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales"


teacher primary classes 1 QC

Grishchenko Galina Ivanovna

With. Horsetail

Travel game “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales.”

Target. Teach children to navigate the world of fairy tales, develop the ability to respond emotionally to works fiction, cause in children positive emotions, develop fantasy, imagination, creative abilities.

Several teams take part in the traveling game. Each team of travelers is given guide sheets. Near each station, game participants are met by fairy-tale characters who have prepared various obstacles for the teams (quizzes, competitions, riddles)

At each station, teams receive tokens for correctly completed tasks. Whichever team has more of them at the end of the game, that team wins.

Leading. Guys! Today we have unusual activity. We will take you on a journey through the pages of your favorite fairy tales. After all, fairy tales are our faithful and wise friends, our good advisers. They live next to us in closets and on shelves. We just have to want to extend our hand, and they will lead us through forests, seas and different countries, they will tell amazing stories, will tell wonderful secrets. So, let's go on a journey.

Station "On a forest clearing".

Leshy. Hello guys. Once you've come to our fairy forest, which means they should know fairy tales well. And now I'll check it. Don’t yawn, answer in unison.

    Who was the fiancé of the Tsokotukha Fly? (Komarik).

    What was the carriage made of in which Cinderella went to the ball? (From pumpkin).

    What were the names of the three little pigs? (Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf).

    Where did Aibolit go by telegram? (To Africa).

    Which king has a golden cockerel on his knitting needle? (At Dadon's).

    What is Fedora’s middle name from Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Fedorino’s Grief?” (Egorovna).

    How many years has the old man in The Tale of the Goldfish been fishing? (33 years).

    What word did Kai make in the castle? Snow Queen? (Eternity).

Station "Visiting Baba Yaga".

Baba Yaga. Did you show up? Not dusty. Well, let's see what you are capable of. I have prepared such tasks for you, you will never guess.

    In a dark forest, at the edge,

Everyone lived together in the hut.

The children were waiting for their mother,

The wolf was not allowed into the house.

This is a fairy tale for the guys...

("The wolf and the seven Young goats")

    Whose hoof, full of water, came across to sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka on the way first? (Cow).

    What did the little robber give to Gerda? (“Mittens”)

    What wood was the flying ship in the fairy tale of the same name built from? (“From pine”).

    What was painted on the canvas in Papa Carlo's closet? (“Hearth”).

    What did the brothers from Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” grow for sale in the capital? (Wheat).

    What was the name of Doctor Aibolit's dog? (Abba).

    This tablecloth is famous

The one that feeds everyone to their fullest,

That she is herself

Full of delicious food. (Self-assembled tablecloth)

    Where was the death of Koshchei the Immortal kept?

    In which fairy tale does a girl go to the forest in winter to pick flowers? Who is the author of the fairy tale?

Station "Musical".

Buffoon. Now you will hear excerpts from cartoon fairy tales.

Your task is to find out which fairy tale this passage is from.

Station "Miracle Tree".

Nightingale the Robber. Do I have a good tree? They call it a miracle. And things grow on it that some fairy-tale heroes have lost. Guess whose things these are and move on.

    ABC. (Pinocchio).

2. Shoe. (Cinderella).

3. Jar of honey. (Winnie the Pooh).

4 . Pea. (Princess on the Pea).

5. Egg. (Chicken Ryaba)

6. Coin. (Fly Tsokotukha).

7. Medical thermometer. (Aibolit).

Station "Zagadkino"

Postman Pechkin. I have prepared riddles for you guys. Interesting and confusing. I barely figured it out myself.

1. It mixes with sour cream,

He is cold at the window,

He has a ruddy side.

Who is this? (Kolobok).

    Gobbling up rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess. (Emelya).

    Lives in a forest hut,

She is almost three hundred years old.

And can that old lady

Get caught for lunch. (Baba Yaga.)

    And I washed it for my stepmother

And sorted out the peas

At night by candlelight.

And she slept by the stove.

As beautiful as the sun.

Who is this? (Cinderella).

    Boy in a blue hat

From a famous children's book.

He's stupid and arrogant

And his name is (Dunno).

    Not a young man

With a huge beard.

Offends Pinocchio,

Artemon and Malvina.

Generally for all people

He is a notorious villain.

Do any of you know

Who is this? (Karabas).

    He is cheerful and not angry,

This cute weirdo.

With him is the owner, the boy Robin.

And buddy Piglet.

For him, a walk is a holiday.

And he has a special nose for honey.

This is a plush prankster -

Little Bear (Winnie the Pooh).

    Walking to school with an ABC book

Wooden boy

Gets to school instead

In a linen booth. (Pinocchio)

    A girl appeared in a flower cup,

And that girl was a little bigger than a marigold.

That girl slept in a nutshell

And she saved a little swallow from the cold. (Thumbelina)

    An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,

And in that swamp someone caught her,

Who, having said goodbye to green skin,

Instantly she became beautiful and comely. (Princess Frog.)

Station "Fairytale Workshop"

Papa Carlo. Well, my dear fairy tale lovers. You have come a long and difficult path, and finally ended up in my fabulous workshop. And your task is this: you need to make your favorite fairy-tale hero. And for this I have everything in my workshop: plasticine, colored and White paper, scissors, glue, markers, natural material.

You only need to turn on your imagination, creativity and imagination.

Summarizing. Team awards.


    O.E. Zhirenko, E.V. Lapina, T.V. Kiseleva.- Cool hours on ethical and aesthetic education. — 1-4 grades. Moscow. "WAKO" 2007.

    O.V. Basyuk, M.A. Golovkina, R.I. Dyakova, N.S. Zhidkova, Z.B. Melnik, G.V. Mizeva, L.S. Mikhailova, O.B. Nikolaeva, G.V. Pogorelova, O.A. Yudina. Cool watch. 1-4 grades. - Volgograd. Publishing house "Teacher" 2008.

    E.P. Strelkova. Literary game"Through the pages of your favorite books." - Elementary School. No. 5. – 1995.

    S. I. Shilova. Lesson “On the roads of fairy tales.” - Primary school. - No. 3. -1994.

    A.A. Metlitskaya. - Visiting a fairy tale. - No. 9. - 1991.


1. Develop reading interest, instill a love of reading and books; promote the development of speech and memory.
2. Organize leisure time for children, help strengthen children's group, instill the ability to listen and hear each other.
3. Foster intolerance towards human vices- greed, lies, cowardice.
4. Show the children amazing world fairy tales, their wisdom and beauty; develop interest, creative thinking, attention, memory; cultivate a love of fairy tales.
Equipment: illustrations for fairy tales, projector, screen, presentation “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales,” presentation “Guess it!”, exhibition of student drawings.
The fairy tale has a pure soul,
Like a forest stream.
She comes slowly
In the cool hour of the night.
Native people its creator
A cunning people, a wise people,
He put his dream into it,
Like gold in a casket.

Children perform the song “Little Country”, author I. Nikolaev.

Why do we need fairy tales?
What does a person look for in them?
Maybe kindness and affection.
Maybe yesterday's snow.
In a fairy tale, joy wins
A fairy tale teaches us to love.
In a fairy tale, animals come to life,
They start talking.
In a fairy tale, everything is fair:
Both the beginning and the end.
The brave prince leads the princess
Definitely down the aisle.
Snow White and the mermaid,
Old dwarf, good gnome -
It’s a pity for us to leave the fairy tale,
Like a cozy sweet home.
Read fairy tales, children!
Learn to love them.
Maybe in this world
It will become easier for people to live.
Presentation "Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales"
Slide No. 1 of the presentation “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales” is shown.
(Title slide of the presentation)

Guys, I propose to go on a journey on a flying ship through the pages of your favorite fairy tales. We will not only meet our familiar fairy tale characters there, but also check how well you remember these fairy tales. And so, let's go!

Slide No. 2(A flying ship is projected on the screen)

Not in reality and not in a dream,
Without fear and without timidity
We're flying around the country again
Which is not on the globe.

Not shown on the map
But you and I know
What is she, what is the country
The country is magical!

Gloomy centuries float by,
Floating like clouds in the sky.
They hurry, they run after year after year,
And the fairy tale is on you! - lives!

When and who folded it
In my hut somewhere -
And the oldest old-timer
Won't give you an answer.

And about animals
And about kings,
And what in the world happened -
Everything is a fairy tale in my memory
Saved it for you and me.

She lives in any house
And travels across countries.
And why?
Yes because
That we can’t live without her.

Now let’s turn over the pages of your favorite fairy tales and check how you remember them.

In what fairy tale did the king-father address his sons with the words:

"Before everything honest people I give my royal word,
That today, in passing, I, sons, will marry you!
Here are your bows, here are your arrows - get to work!
You shoot an arrow without looking,
Where your arrow lands, there your bride is waiting for you!” (Princess Frog)
Slide No. 3(Slide showing an illustration for the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”)

Slide No. 4

(Slide with the image of Moroz Ivanovich)

What is the name of this fairy tale? Who was awarded by Moroz Ivanovich in the fairy tale “Morozko”? (Needlewoman)

Slide No. 5(A slide is projected for the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”)

Why did Ivanushka turn into a little goat? (Drank water from the goat's hoof print) Who saved him? (Merchant)

Slide No. 6(Illustration for the fairy tale "At the Pike's Command")

What is the name of the hero of this fairy tale? (Emelya)
What magic words did the pike tell him?
(At the behest of the pike, at my desire...

The geese quietly flew up,
We circled around and looked,
The boy was quickly grabbed
And they put me on wings,
Gone beyond the clouds
Without leaving a trace.
Slide No. 7(slide with illustration for the fairy tale "Geese and Swans")

Who helped Mashenka save brother Ivanushka? (Mouse)
What did Masha’s parents promise to buy? (handkerchief)

Poems are read by trained students
Many interesting tales
Accumulated over centuries
But especially famous
About Ivan the Fool.

Frank, kind guy
And naive, like a child.
He never lost heart
I did difficult things jokingly.

He didn't have to study
Learn book wisdom
But the magical Firebird
Only he managed to catch it.

On his hunchbacked horse
He galloped halfway around the world.
Famous and rich
He conceded nothing.

There was a simpleton Ivan,
But cabbage soup
Laptem still didn’t take a sip.
He is the immortal Kashchei
Found and punished.

Russian guy from the village
Wasn't afraid of anything
And the beautiful princess
She married him.

Vanya threw a noisy feast,
But without quarrel and without fights,
Because he was smart
He was a very smart fool!
What fairy tales do you know in which Ivan was the hero?

Ivan the peasant son", "Ivan and the Miracle Yudo", "Sivka the Burka", "The Little Humpbacked Horse", "Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf", "The Frog Princess")

Slide No. 8(On the slide is an illustration for the fairy tale “Sivka-Burka”)

What magic words did Ivan the Fool say in this fairy tale so that Sivka the Burka would appear?
(Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass)

Slide No. 9(Slide with the image of Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf)

What is the name of this fairy tale? ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf")
Who brought dead and living water for Ivan Tsarevich? (Crow)

Slide No. 10(Image of King Berendey

What was the name of the king whose Firebird stole apples from his garden? (Berendey)
What fairy tale is he from? ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf")

Slide No. 11(Illustration for the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen")

Who broke the egg? (Mouse)
Slide No. 12(Slide with an illustration of the fairy tale “Tops and Roots”)

What fairy tale characters are depicted? (“Tops and Roots”)
Why was the bear offended by the man?
(Because the man deceived him)

Slide No. 13(Slide showing an illustration for the fairy tale "Kolobok")

Which kolobok song was the last? Why? (Fourth, the fox ate the bun)

Slide No. 14(On the slide there is a picture for the fairy tale “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”)

What did the cockerel choke on? (Bean seed)
Who helped the hen save the cockerel? (Mistress, master, cow)
What is the name of this fairy tale? ("The Cockerel and the Bean Seed")
What does this fairy tale teach?
(Comradely mutual assistance, the ability to be friends and help each other)

Teacher: You're right guys. A.S. Pushkin also said: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.” What lessons does the fairy tale teach us? What does it teach?

You can learn from a fairy tale
She's full of wisdom
Her heroes teach life,
Kindness adorns them.
Cinderella comes to the rescue
The mermaid of speech says,
Puss in Boots reads a story
Koschey the immortal is sleeping at home.
Are there no fairy tales in life?
Heroes here, heroes there, -
The good wizard is sunbathing,
And even goes to Amsterdam.
Everyone in the world needs magic,
All people believe in miracles
And Snow White dark night,
Draws cities online.
And I want to believe so much
That in a fairy tale we are once again magical,
Let there be storms and blizzards in life,
We wish you kindness.

Now let's turn to the exhibition of your drawings. For today's event, you illustrated your favorite fairy tales. I give the floor to the authors of these drawings. Present your work, guys.
(Children describe their work and express their attitude towards fairy tales.)

Thank you very much to the authors of wonderful works for their love of fairy tales, creativity, the ability to express your feelings in drawings. I invite everyone to draw a picture together to wish everyone well famous fairy tale. But our drawing will be unusual. We will make it out of puzzles. They themselves form a picture if you guess the riddles correctly. So…
Presentation "Guess it!"

Presentation "Guess it!"
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Slide No. 1, No. 2 (Title slide of the “Guess It” presentation”, slide with an appeal to the guys)

“The fox worked all winter, rebuilt the house.
Decorated, tidied up,
She felt good in it.
But spring has come, away from home
There was no trace left.
All the foxes' mansions
Melt water washed away.” (Zaykina's hut")

Slide No. 3 (Slide with image of 1 puzzle)

As a child, everyone laughed at him,
They tried to push him away:
After all, no one knew that he
Born a white swan. ("Ugly duck")

Slide No. 4 (Slide showing two puzzles)

In this book there are name days, There were many guests there.
And on these name days
Suddenly a villain appeared.
He wanted to kill the owner
Almost killed her.
But to the insidious villain
Someone cut off the head. ("Fly Tsokotukha").

Slide No. 5 (slide with 3 puzzles)

Who didn't want to work, but played and sang songs?
To the third brother later
They came running to new house.
We escaped from the cunning wolf,
But they shook their tails for a long time.
The fairy tale is known to every child
And it’s called... (“The Three Little Pigs”).

Slide No. 6 (Slide with 4 puzzles)

And now we’ll start a conversation about someone’s house...
It contains a rich mistress
Lived happily
But trouble came unexpectedly:
This house burned down! ("Cat house").

Slide No. 7 (Slide showing 5 puzzles)

He pounded and pounded on the plate with his nose,
Didn't swallow anything
And he was left with his nose.

Slide No. 8, (Slide showing the whole picture: illustration for the fairy tale "Teremok")

Teacher: I am sure that you enjoyed today's journey and will take away from it good lessons, you will become more attentive to others, you will rush to help those who need it, show courage and determination, ingenuity and resourcefulness. And I hope that we will have more encounters with fairy tales. Thank you for your activity.

We will grow up, we will become different,
And maybe among the worries
We will stop believing fairy tales,
But the fairy tale will come to us again!
And we will meet her with a smile:
Let him live with us again!
And this fairy tale to our children
We will tell you again in good time!