Alexandra's way. The tragic fate of Sasha Putri: Memories of what did not happen, and the early departure of the Soviet artist-prodigy

Sasha Putrya lived on Earth for 11 years, but left a huge creative heritage, more than two thousand drawings and compositions. In Russia, her name became known only recently. It attracted Special attention after a story about her at the International Conference “Children of the New Consciousness”, which was held in International Center Roerichs in 2006. At the conference they talked about new children who today delight and amaze us with their early spiritual and creative maturity, and remembered those whose young lives failed to save due to a variety of circumstances. The story about the life of Sasha Putrya shocked the participants and guests of the conference.

The only thing the authors of this story knew about Sasha’s life was that she was from Poltava, and in order to learn more about her phenomenon and collect material for the current conference, we went to her homeland. Sashenka’s parents greeted us cordially and readily entrusted their memories and testimonies about earthly and above-ground labors to their daughter - everything that they themselves owned, studied, kept, and realized. They allowed us to photograph all the materials, drawings, notes, diaries, took us to the Sasha Putrya Museum in the kindergarten where she was raised, to the children's gallery named after her, and showed us the places where they walked. And they told, they told, they told... Evgeniy Vasilyevich, the girl’s father, explained that he could not talk about everything with others, as he could with us, because people were not ready to listen about the unusual.

“Do you remember, dad, how we lay on the grass and looked at the sky?” And she began to tell how white-white the clouds were then, and the blue-blue sky, high-high, and small golden snakes swarming in it; she supposedly asked if I saw them, and I answered that I saw them, and she she asked what it was, but I didn’t even know. But now she knows that it’s “little bait”! I asked to explain in more detail, and heard an amazing theory, clearly her own: all living things, they say, consist of these “live creatures” - insects, microbes, all animals, fish, and all trees and herbs, in a word, everything... everything, everything in the whole world. These “little creatures” are everywhere and control everything, and when something or someone dies, they leave it and fly freely, and then we see them. They can connect, and then lightning occurs, and when they combine into a huge, enormous ball, they get the sun! These “zhivitki” are very smart and know what we don’t know. And the halos of the saints are also them, “zhiviki”.”

Girl from a good family

Star girl Sasha Putrya (1977–1989), was born at a time when the Earth was not yet ready to accept the child of Light into the tender embrace of an affectionate mother, but showed only the tight grip of a stern stepmother. But there must be first...

She was born into an intelligent family, her father is an artist, her mother is a musician. Growing up on fertile creative soil, the girl developed amazingly quickly, surprising both her parents and her artist friends. From the age of three, she was already good at holding a pencil and a brush in her hands and drew incessantly, often falling asleep, all stained with paints. “When I grow up,” she said even then, “I will certainly become an artist and will draw from morning to evening. Even at night".

“Once I asked: “Daughter, why are you drawing on the bottom of the chair? Are you out of paper?”

“Oh, how did you see!.. You know, I have to run to another room for the paper, but I don’t have time!”

From the small bedroom of a two-room apartment, my father made an art workshop in which he placed two tables - for himself and for Sashenka. Father and daughter each created at their own table, never looking over each other's shoulders. On those occasions when Sasha wanted to show her father finished work or she needed help, she quietly put a note on his table: “Dad, come!” Convinced that his daughter was a diamond that needed cutting, her father attempted to teach her an academic program: sketches, still lifes, technique etc. - and encountered a delicate but firm rebuff. I didn’t do any more similar tests. “Don’t interfere, don’t harm,” was the wise argument the child gave. As an artist, Sasha developed independently, guided by her own desires and imagination of an inner, multifaceted and unique world.

“Dad, have you ever had to draw when you don’t feel like it?

- Wow! How many more! And what?

- Why did you draw?

- Because it is necessary. Deadlines and all that... What's the matter?

– Wait, wait, so you forced yourself?

- It turns out he forced me.

– Did it work out well?

- It depends. What are you getting at anyway?

“But when I don’t feel like it, I don’t draw...”

Princesses and animals

She outlines her favorites, as if caressing them with a brush: funny chickens, kittens, puppies. Beautiful creations, born magical imagination Sasha, the artist, remained a reverent revelation of pure childish trust and tenderness for “our little brothers.” Harmony of relations between people and nature is Sasha’s commandment. “Puppy Bimochka”, “Fisher Cat”, “Dog Nika and kitten Tishka in his castle”, “Animal Festival”. If people have holidays, then animals should have them too! – Sasha thought. Princes, kings, knights, valiant and just, fill her albums, and in this community she, Sasha, is a princess with a crown, beautiful and kind. In the image of the sleeping princess, Sashenka’s features are easily discernible. “I was still little, then I was a star and dark night without the moon, and that’s why I have such big eyes,” said Sashenka. But it is not difficult for us to perceive in these huge, icon-like eyes, deep compassion and sadness for our Earth.

Brother Yurochka

“In Kharkov, when my wife and I were still students and lived in an apartment, our first child was born in 1963, a boy, we named him Yurochka. And a month later he died. Every year we go there from Poltava, take care of the grave, and commemorate it. Sashenka often asked about him, and we lovingly, remembering, described him, a dark, strong little man, calm and smiling. “Are there any photographs of him?” “No, daughter.”

In 1983, for his twentieth birthday, which we gathered to celebrate in the family circle, Sashenka, shyly, brought and showed us his portrait, drawn with colored felt-tip pens: a child with large blue tear-stained eyes, and the inscription: “Yurochka, my dead brother.” We hugged her touchingly: “Thank you... Thank you, daughter... But why is he crying, little one?”

“So he’s in a strange city. He’s all alone there. He misses us...”


Suddenly, a serious illness burst into a happily calm, measured life. Leukemia was inexorably advancing, gradually taking away the girl’s strength. But Sasha doesn't give up. Only now her consciousness has gone beyond the boundaries of earthly existence. God, galaxies, planets and constellations, aliens, UFOs - this is where the disturbed soul reached out for salvation. These are the compositions of another Sasha, the one who, day after day, wins the right to life. The whole family, united by a common misfortune, courageously guarded every breath of the child.

Passion for India

Rumors are spreading about unusual drawings, and soon two of her personal exhibitions took place one after another - the first and last during her lifetime. Unexpectedly for everyone, India appeared in her drawings. Dozens of portraits of the actor from the Indian film “Disco Dancer”, the handsome Mithun Chakroborty, the dancing God Shiva, Indira Gandhi, Indian boys and girls in love. Indian film star Rekha, self-portrait in the form of a six-armed goddess... Father says that Sashenka loved to repeat: “Well, where did my four arms go?” Was she joking or serious? An interesting coincidence - on the second of December, the day when Sasha Putrya was born in Poltava, Orthodox Church The day of remembrance of the Venerable Joseph, the Indian prince, is also celebrated.

At first my parents didn’t give special significance daughter’s passion for India, although they supported him. Together with her older sister and friends, they kept her company on trips to Indian films. Seeing "Disco Dancer" with Mithun Chakroborty for the first time in leading role, Sasha fell madly in love with him and his homeland. She watched this film more than ten times. Not only magazines dedicated to India and records with songs from Indian films appeared in the house, but also serious literature about ancient art this country, its culture. The girl comprehended all this with enthusiasm.

"Where is our elephant?"

The father recalls that nine-year-old Sasha once stunned them with the question: “Where did our elephant go?” The parents didn’t understand: “What are you, daughter, what kind of elephant? Where?" “Well, how come you don’t remember our elephant? - the girl got excited. “I also rode him in such a beautiful basket.” I was small then, but the elephant was big, real, and I was even a little scared that I was sitting so high.” Judging by the tone and persistence with which their daughter found out where they used to live, Evgeniy Vasilyevich and Victoria Leonidovna realized that this was not a movie fantasy. What then? What memory was included in the girl’s consciousness? From past life? Memory of the eternal soul?

Expression of love

“When our artists were working on a new exhibition at the Museum of the History of the Battle of Poltava, the series “Youth of Peter” was shown on television. The young actor in the role of the Tsar aroused everyone’s admiration external resemblance with young Peter, the way everyone wanted to see him. An atmosphere of general elation reigned in the halls of the museum; the exhibits suddenly began to be perceived as living witnesses. With some trepidation we now examined Peter’s old camisoles, his turning tools, and the snuff box he had turned with his own hands, and the plaster mask taken from his face during his lifetime. Everyone put their palms on the cast iron casting of the king's handprint. And Sasha and I tried it on. I still remember her splayed pink fingers lying on her black paws... “Well, she’s great!” I remembered this now when I watched her latest composition “Sirius”. At the same time, she painted several portraits of Peter the Great, and next to her, herself, his bride. This is how she usually showed her love...”

Mithun Chakroborty became the most big Sasha love, she was preparing to marry him. She learned to dress in a sari, comprehended complex art Indian makeup, sang Indian songs from records without mistakes, dedicated dozens of drawings and poems to her favorite actor.

Already seriously ill, with the help of her father she composed a letter to the magazine “India”, which was sent home at the request of her daughter. The letter in which she asked for the address of her idol remained unfinished... Later last will The daughter will be celebrated by the parents, and the magazine's editors will allocate a color tab for publishing the girl's drawings. By the way, on last portrait Sasha portrayed herself as Indian.


The girl fought for life for six years. Then she asked her parents to let her go: “I’m tired. Don't worry about me. Dying is not scary." On the eve of her departure, says Evgeniy Vasilyevich, Sasha asked her dad to put his hand on a white sheet, then circle it. Then she put her hand on top and circled it too. The drawing was found completed after Sasha left. Near the big Moon on the right there is a star - this is Sirius, to which Sashenka wanted to fly...

Curriculum Vitae

Sasha Putrya lived on Earth for 11 years.

In 1983, she fell ill with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

She left behind 2280 drawings and compositions.

Sasha Putrya is known all over the world as a talented artist. From 1989 to 2005, 112 of them took place. personal exhibitions in 10 countries. In Austria, a postal envelope and a stamp were issued with Sasha's drawing, a series of her drawings were published, the proceeds from the sale of which were transferred to the purchase of disposable syringes for patients in the USSR.

Five films were made about Sasha documentaries, the documentary story “Sasha Putrya” was published. On the wall of the kindergarten where she was raised, there is Memorial plaque, the Sasha Putri Museum is open. Children's room opened in Poltava art Gallery named after Sasha Putri, it hosts competitions under the auspices of the Foundation for the Protection and Support of Talented Children children's drawing; Since 2005, these competitions have become international.

Awarded (posthumously):

Gold medal of Christ the Savior “For life, worthy of a person", 1998

Order of St. Nicholas the Pleasant “For the increase of good on earth”, 2000

An ancient icon in a silver setting “Christ Pantocrator”, 2001.

National prize of the All-India Children's Association "Nehru Bal Samiti" - "Kalasari Award", 2001.

January 4th, 2014

Born on December 2, 1977 in Poltava Alexandra Putrya- one of the most unusual artists in the history of fine art.

Sasha lived on Earth for only 11 years, but during this time she managed to create 2279 works: 46 albums with drawings, a great variety of crafts and even technical drawings, which, in her opinion, should have helped adults reach the Moon and make asphalt roads without cracks. For Sashenka, drawing was as natural as sleeping and eating; it often replaced her with friends and children’s games.

Already at the age of three, Sasha confidently held a pencil and brush in her hands. She painted incessantly, and often fell asleep, all stained with paints. Her father turned a small bedroom into an art studio and tried to teach the girl an academic program, but encountered gentle rebuff. As an artist, Sasha developed independently, guided by her own impressions and imagination.

When the girl was five years old, she was given a terrible diagnosis - leukemia.
Trying to ignore the pain, Sasha began to devote much more time to her favorite activity. At this time, funny animals and fairy tale characters came images from Hindu philosophy, as well amazing self-portraits - either in the form of the many-armed god Shiva, or even in the form of an adult Indian woman, whose eyes reflected deep sadness for our Earth.

Sasha fought for life for six years, after which asked her parents to let her go...

Shortly before she left, she asked dad to put his hand on the white sheet and circled it. Then she put her hand on top and did the same with it. Finished drawing was found after January 24, 1989, when the girl died. It depicted the star Sirius, to which Sashenka dreamed of flying.

Since 1989, more than a hundred personal exhibitions of Sasha Putri have taken place in many countries around the world, several documentaries have been made about the girl and a documentary story has been written. A memorial plaque was installed on the wall of the kindergarten where she was raised and a museum was opened. In Poltava there is a Children's Art Gallery named after Sasha, where, under the auspices of the Foundation for the Protection and Support of Talented Children, international competitions children's drawing.

Sasha Putrya is known all over the world as a talented artist. Sasha Putrya left behind 2280 drawings and compositions. From 1989 to 2005, she held 112 personal exhibitions in 10 countries. In Austria, a postal envelope and a stamp were issued with Sasha’s drawing, a series of her drawings were published, the proceeds from the sale of which were transferred to the purchase of disposable syringes for patients in the USSR.

A word about my daughter. Evgeniy Putrya

- Sashenka, what will you become when you grow up?
- I don’t know... I like everything. Maybe a trainer to perform with dogs. No, I'll probably be an artist.

Sashenka started drawing from three years. Her hands and face were always smeared with felt-tip pens or watercolor paints. Our entire apartment, bathroom, kitchen, toilet, closet doors are painted to the height she could reach with her hand. She generously gave her drawings to friends and relatives - on holidays and birthdays she congratulated her with cards that she drew herself, and she also wrote texts, often in poetry.

Drawing was so natural for Sasha - like sleep, like food, it often replaced her friends and children's games, especially when the illness worsened. She fell ill suddenly, unexpectedly, the doctors could not make a diagnosis for a long time, and when they did... it was like thunder among clear skies- leukemia. Sashenka was five years old then. And the fact that she lived six more is a miracle. And at the heart of this miracle is an incredible, fantastic desire to draw.

She could sit with markers and paints for eight to ten hours a day. When her health deteriorated and my mother went to the hospital with her, I would come and ask:

- How is Sasha? Drawing?
- Yes. Look how much I managed!

This meant that my health was improving. And if the wife silently threw up her hands, the condition was disappointing.

Everyone at the hospital knew and loved Sashenka: from the nanny to the head doctor. They loved her for the patience with which she endured painful procedures, for her kindness, for her cheerful, cheerful disposition. In the ward where she lay, children always gathered; laughter and fun could be heard. The doctors, thanks to them, did not prohibit such communication, and the hospital was not something scary for the girl, although, naturally, she did not experience much joy when she got here again.

But most of all she loved the house, although she complained: “Oh, this fourth floor!..Who invented it?”

Sitting with us warm autumn evenings on the balcony, she reverently gazed at the blazing sunset clouds, which gradually merged with the dark sky, and sparks of stars flashed overhead, and the sky blossomed with the silvery flickering of constellations and galaxies... We talked with her about the planets, about “flying saucers,” about God, about people... She was interested in horoscopes, astrology and was especially interested in reports about UFOs. She firmly believed that these were our ancestors arriving, and the day would come when she would meet them.

At school, Sashenka studied easily and naturally, and immediately became the favorite of the class and teachers. When they praised her (“you’re our professor”), she modestly walked away, and at home she told us how uncomfortable it was for her. At the end of first grade, she was awarded a Certificate of Merit. Then the illness began to worsen, and she was forced to leave school. I studied at home or went with my mother to the teacher. School program she wasn't happy with it. I started my own library, which consisted of about a thousand books, and reread them all. Among her favorite authors are Cooper, Mine Reed, Stevenson, Mark Twain, Dumas, Hugo, Pushkin, Gogol... every evening, after the “Time” program, I went to bed with my mother and read until there were “moths” in my eyes.

It was easy and pleasant to communicate with her. In her entire short life, she never offended anyone. She was kind to everyone. We still feel her childish embrace, the pleasant touch of warm cheeks, her tired body on her shoulder...

Sashenka loved to draw while listening to music. Her music library contains about a hundred records: recordings of children's fairy tales, musicals, dramatizations, and songs. She knew almost everything by heart. I especially loved “The Blue Puppy”, “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves”, “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen”, “The Prince and the Pauper”, “The Three Musketeers”, “Hottabych”, “ The Bremen Town Musicians", "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel"…

Doctors advised her to avoid bright sun, so we walked with her early in the morning or in the evening, when the heat subsided, or when it was cloudy outside. On such days, they got on a bicycle and traveled around the outskirts of the city, through parks or to museums. Most of all she liked the Poltava Local History Museum. Although I’ve been here more than once, I always went there as if it were a holiday. She liked small animals - hamsters and weasels. She only regretted that they were not alive and kept asking:

- Did they die themselves or were they killed?
- On your own, on your own, from old age.
- How about old age? Are they so tiny?
- And they don’t grow anymore.
- Then what kind of children were they?
“And here they are,” he showed her half his little finger.
- Oh, little ones! Oh, my good ones!

She treated everything small and living with a kind of - not at all childish, rather maternal - tenderness, as if she felt its insecurity. At home, at her request, we got a dog, then took a kitten for company. The neighbors, knowing her love for animals, gave her an aquarium with fish. We bought newts and turtles there, and Sasha could spend hours looking at the underwater kingdom. Then, one autumn, a barely alive albino parrot came to our balcony and, naturally, stayed with us...

Usually in the morning, after breakfast, Sashenka came up and said: “I want to draw. Please give me some paper.” She sat down at her separate table and became quiet, sometimes humming some melody under her breath. And after a while you look - he gets up, comes up to the side, hugs and quietly says: “Are you very busy? Please look, what did I do?” And it was always a surprise. It is clear that there were works that were more successful and not entirely successful, she saw this herself and suffered if she could not achieve the one perfection known to her. Sasha for a long time I haven’t used an eraser, but once I got used to it. Her drawings became more accurate, proportionally correct. How did it happen? He draws and draws, then he makes a mistake somewhere and, crying, starts all over again, this happened three or four times. We have up to five hundred of her unfinished drawings: sometimes only eyes, sometimes a face, sometimes half a figure...

Already now that she has left, many of those who looked at her drawings and compositions ask the same question: “Which of the artists did she like best? Who did she try to imitate?” We somehow didn’t notice her imitating anyone. We should not forget that she is still a child, and the ways of expressing her feelings towards the world around her did not yet require imitation.

And among the many books on fine arts who were in our home library, she most often chose “Durer’s Drawings”, “Durer and His Age”. These books are very richly illustrated, and she looked at them for a long time, resting after drawing. She liked Hans Holbein, but she was especially struck by Albrecht Altdorfer! She looked at his “battle of Alexander the Great with Darius” with a magnifying glass in her hands, captivated by the unusual sky and epic clouds above the crowds of horsemen. And yet Durer was her favorite artist. What she saw in him remained her secret.

Sashenka didn’t like to draw. I drew everything from my head, from memory. If he likes someone he sees on the street or in a movie, he will sit down and draw. She has collected a whole series of portraits of her “mother’s students” (her wife teaches at a music school). She also painted relatives, dressing them in fabulous clothes, ennobling and rejuvenating them. I painted my favorite little animals: mice, dogs, cats, and also fish and birds, decorating them with wonderful ornaments, inventing unprecedented clothes so that they, the little animals, fish and birds, would be pleased.

Sashenka made several tiny books (4 by 2.5 centimeters in format), in which she “settled” dozens of unusual bugs that carry unusual names: Tsymzibutsya, Korobulka, Funya, Kovbasyuk...

She also made two books of poetry, artistically designing them with drawings and ornaments according to all the rules of the publishing house: Sasha Putrya. Poems. Publishing house - "Dom dear". Chief Editor- "Funtik." Main artist- "Little accountant." The poet - “Poop in the Cannon” (a nickname given to her as a joke by her sister, when Sasha’s hair fell out from taking medications and new fluff began to grow; Sasha clearly liked the nickname). And the dedication: “In memory and laughter to dear sister Lerochka and her friends and to roommates from Sasha." These poems are funny, like Sasha herself:

My dear Lera! -
Find me a millionaire
But if he was young,
And, like dad, with a beard.
So that he has a yacht,
And there’s a mine in the villa,
Where is my bearded husband?
Digging for gold with a shovel.
And tell me that I
I'll grow up, loving him,
And we'll get married in the spring,
Only you be friends with me!

There are dozens of poems left, written on pieces of paper, they are scattered around notebooks, among books and toys. Sasha read them to her friends and laughed merrily with them, adding more and more details...

…On January 22, being already in the hospital, she drew her last job- "Self-portrait". Children from her and neighboring wards surrounded the bedside table behind which she was drawing and vying with each other to order pictures. Sashenka smiled happily and said: “I’ll draw, I’ll draw! I’ll draw for everyone!”

And on the night of January 24, 1989, she left. Her last words were: " Dad?.. Forgive me... For everything..."

Sashenka lived for 11 years, 1 month and 21 days...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

(c) Thanks for the collected material and the tip

The fates of children whose abilities were many times greater than those of their peers were, as a rule, not easy: only a few could become successful in adult life, and many of them died prematurely. One of these prodigies was Poltava artist Sasha Putrya, who managed to create more than 2,000 works in just 11 years of her life. The girl amazed those around her not only with her artistic talent, but also with her unusual perception of reality.

She would have turned 41 this year. Sasha Putrya was born in 1977 in Poltava in the family of an artist and a teacher. music school. The love for painting was passed on to her from her father - the girl did not go to kindergarten, drawing all day long with his father. She never studied at art school, and began drawing at the age of three, dreaming of becoming an artist and doing what she loved “from morning to evening and even at night.”

Sasha’s father Evgeniy said: “ Her hands and face were always smeared with felt-tip pens or watercolors. Our entire apartment, bathroom, kitchen, toilet, closet doors are painted to the height she could reach with her hand. She generously gave her drawings to friends and relatives - on holidays and birthdays she congratulated her with cards that she drew herself, and she also wrote texts, often in poetry».

One of her first works was a portrait of Pushkin in the image of Cricket - one day she learned that the poet was called that at the Lyceum, and in just 15 minutes she made a sketch that amazed her father. " I was shocked. Such a resemblance! No institute will teach you this.", he said. It wasn't the only talent girls - she not only drew, but also embroidered, wrote poetry, made cards, sewed Stuffed Toys, practiced wood burning, read a lot.

At the age of 5, the girl became seriously ill. For a long time, doctors could not establish the cause of the high temperature and severe pain, until they made a terrible diagnosis: leukemia. Since then, Sasha Putrya spent months in the hospital, where she continued to paint for 8-10 hours a day. Another passion of hers recent years became Indian culture- one day she saw Indian film, and from then on I began to be interested in everything that was connected with this country.

She often portrayed herself as an adult Indian woman, and puzzled her loved ones with her memories of events that did not actually happen. So, she asked her mother if she remembered how they rode an elephant, which she never did before. real life didn't happen. At the same time, the girl described such details and details that her relatives doubted that she could see it in the movies. Your last birthday and New Year she celebrated in a sari, in the image of an Indian woman.

Doctors gave her only two months, but she lived another 6 years. Shortly before her death, she amazed her loved ones with these words: “ If I have an exacerbation again, there is no need to treat me. Just don’t be offended or cry - I’m already tired. I know death is not scary..." In one of her latest drawings, the 11-year-old artist depicted her hand on top of her father’s hand, pointing to the star Sirius - that’s where Sasha dreamed of going after life on Earth.

The mother of the child prodigy Victoria said: “ Art gave Sasha 6 years of life. She was distracted from her problems, from her pain, and immersed herself in creativity. I even knew that if Sasha was drawing, then everything was fine. But if he neglects what he loves and doesn’t touch his brushes and pencils, then trouble is coming, an aggravation is approaching. Even by the colors of the paints she could determine her condition. If everything was fine, Sashenka used fresh tones in her drawings - green, blue, light green... When she painted in red, brown, I understood that I had to urgently run to the hospital and get tested».

The child prodigy artist was given only 11 years of life, during which she managed to create more than 2,000 works - 46 albums with drawings, cartoons and poems. After her death, Sasha’s drawings were seen by the whole world: from 1989 to 2005. 112 of her personal exhibitions were held in 10 countries. About this to an unusual girl 5 documentaries were shot, and in Poltava the Children's Art Gallery, which hosts international children's drawing competitions, bears her name. She was posthumously awarded the Gold Medal of Christ the Savior “For a life worthy of man”, the Order of St. Nicholas the Pleasant “For increasing goodness on earth” and the National Prize of the All-India Children's Association “Nehru Bal Samiti - Kalasari”.

The fate of such children was often tragic: .

Sasha at the age of six (1983)

On December 2, 1977, Alexandra Putrya was born in Poltava - one of the most unusual artists in the history of fine art.

Sasha lived on Earth for only 11 years, but during this time she managed to create 2279 works: 46 albums with drawings, a great variety of crafts and even technical drawings, which, in her opinion, should have helped adults reach the Moon and make asphalt roads without cracks . For Sashenka, drawing was as natural as sleeping and eating; it often replaced her with friends and children’s games.

Already at the age of three, Sasha confidently held a pencil and brush in her hands. She painted incessantly and often fell asleep, all stained with paints. Her father turned a small bedroom into an art studio and tried to teach the girl an academic program, but encountered gentle rebuff. As an artist, Sasha developed independently, guided by her own impressions and imagination.

When the girl was five years old, she was given a terrible diagnosis - leukemia. Trying to ignore the pain, Sasha began to devote much more time to her favorite activity. At this time, funny animals and fairy-tale characters were replaced by images from Hindu philosophy, as well as striking self-portraits - either in the form of the many-armed god Shiva, or even in the image of an adult Indian woman, whose eyes reflected deep sadness for our Earth.

Sasha fought for life for six years, after which she asked her parents to let her go. Shortly before she left, she asked dad to put his hand on the white sheet and circled it. Then she put her hand on top and did the same with it. The completed drawing was found after January 24, 1989, when the girl died. It depicted the star Sirius, to which Sashenka dreamed of flying.

Last composition."Sirius"

From 1989 to 2005, more than a hundred personal exhibitions of Sasha Putri took place in many countries around the world, several documentaries were made about the girl and a documentary story was written. A memorial plaque was installed on the wall of the kindergarten where she was raised and a museum was opened. The Sasha Children's Art Gallery operates in Poltava, where international children's drawing competitions are held under the auspices of the Foundation for the Protection and Support of Talented Children.

Sasha was a child of the New Consciousness. She was already operating with the knowledge that was not inherent in her from birth. Most likely, it was an experience made up of lives. Sasha's life was a clear manifestation of the phenomenon now known as Children of Light or Children of Indigo. (sorry for the photos, I couldn't find better ones)

Sasha Putrya - talented artist, famous all over the world.

“When I grow up, I will certainly become an artist and will draw from morning to evening. Even at night.”

During her short life, she created 2,279 works - 46 albums with drawings, cartoons and poems, embossing, embroidery, plasticine crafts, soft toys, products made from beads and multi-colored pebbles, wood burning. She even made technical drawings, which, in her opinion, were supposed to help adults reach the Moon and make asphalt roads without cracks. She died at the age of 11 from leukemia.
Sasha was born on December 2, 1977 in Poltava in creative family. Father Evgeny Vasilyevich is an artist by profession, mother Victoria Leonidovna is a choirmaster. WITH early childhood together with her older sister Lera, Sasha loved to listen classical music, learned to read early, knew many poems and fairy tales by heart, and began drawing at the age of three. Her father tried to instill in her artistic skills, but Sasha refused. Possessing a refined sense of beauty, she inspiredly created her unique world of images. Very cheerful and sociable, she changed beyond recognition when she painted. Her thoughtful gaze was directed into space, as if she saw something accessible only to her. According to the recollections of the artist, a friend of his father, he was once struck by Sasha’s gaze while drawing: such depth and unearthly mystery froze in her eyes... This secret shines in the huge eyes of her characters - people and animals. It generates high feelings, radiates light and joy, gives unforgettable moments of meeting with beauty and perfection. In her childishly simple drawings, the hand of a true master is visible, and one can feel a deep philosophical understanding of life. With her art, Sasha Putrya tried to change this world, to make it kinder and more beautiful; she was especially concerned about the fate of defenseless animals. The girl portrays them with love and tenderness, protecting them from human cruelty, hiding them in houses and a submarine. This is how a series of drawings was born: “Puppy Bimochka”, “Alpha Fashionista”, “Tsarevich Bear”, “Home for Homeless Animals” and others. Sasha had a special love for India. She fell in love with this country, its art and culture with all her heart, and devoted many of her works to this topic. Records with Indian songs appeared in the house. Sasha especially liked the film “Disco Dancer” with the famous Indian film actor Mithun Chakraborty, who became her real idol. During the last six years of her life, Sasha Putrya courageously fought against a fatal illness, maintaining patience and joy, optimism and great love to life, continued to create Beauty. Her drawings became even more colorful, and in her self-portraits, sadness and pain for this imperfect world appeared in her eyes. She was in a hurry, realizing that there was little time left. At this time, space, its infinity, stars and constellations appeared in her drawings. Sasha was sure that the Universe was alive and that people came to Earth from Space, and after death they returned back. Her latest composition is called "Sirius". It was there that Sashenka was going to live after leaving Earth.
From 1989 to 2005, she held 112 personal exhibitions in 10 countries. In Austria, a postal envelope and a stamp were issued with Sasha’s drawing, a series of her drawings were published, the proceeds from the sale of which were transferred to the purchase of disposable syringes for patients in the USSR.

Five documentaries have been made about Sasha, and a documentary story “Sasha Putrya” has been published.

A memorial plaque was installed on the wall of the kindergarten where she was brought up, and a museum was opened for Sasha Putri.

A Children's Art Gallery named after Sasha Putri has been opened in Poltava, where, under the auspices of the Foundation for the Protection and Support of Talented Children, children's drawing competitions are held; Since 2005, these competitions have become international.

Awarded (posthumously):

Gold medal of Christ the Savior “For a life worthy of man”, 1998. Order of St. Nicholas the Pleasant “For the increase of goodness on earth”, 2000. An ancient icon in a silver frame “Christ Pantocrator”, 2001. National prize of the All-India Children's Association “Nehru Bal Samiti” - “Kalasari Award”, 2001

"Anna Karenina". Sasha Putrya, 8 years old

"Byzantine Prince"

"The girl Maria. She is still 11 years old"

"Jesus Christ Cries"

"Dear Lerusinka." 10 years

Oksana is Indian.

"The Virgin Mary". 10 years

"Sirius" - last drawing Sashi Putrya.

Her hand and dad's hand.

I believe this is Angel's soul

Touched us, the poor, fleetingly.

We are gaining our sight too slowly,

We part with sins reluctantly.

It's very difficult to reach us,

We see nothing but bread

And, lamenting, Heaven sends

Lamb into a pack of urban wolves.

Now the sad star is burning

A candle over a lonely grave...

Oh, Sashenka... This world will never

He did not accept either God or the Prophets.

These eyes...Eyes...eyes...eyes!..

From all sides, from all her portraits!

And a burning tear begins to boil -

I can’t find an answer to their question!

A silent reproach haunts me, -

How complacently I lived in the world!..

And meanwhile, the bells are ringing,

Children are leaving us under the gospel...