Painting of a rake on a clear autumn evening description. Essay on the painting of a grabber "clear autumn evening"

Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar is known in the history of Russian art as a wonderful painter, museum figure, outstanding teacher and architect. Each of his works radiates positive energy and creativity.

His paintings always show an optimistic perception of life. All his landscapes are bright, light, and lift the spirit and mood of the viewer. It is precisely this mood that permeates the painting “Clear Autumn Evening.” Nothing gloomy or rainy, despite the autumn. Bright blue and clear sky, green grass of the fields, yellow-greenish leaves of the trees and a blue river. The impression is that nature does not yet want summer to go on vacation, and autumn is in no hurry to come. Sharp tints of colors and contrast make the picture more realistic and vibrant. The landscape is very quiet and calm. Probably, the author wanted to draw attention specifically to nature, which is why the poet did not depict animals and birds.

In the foreground, several young trees sway lonely in the light autumn breeze. Autumn has covered the not yet fallen leaves with yellowness. There are many shadows from the trees on the green grass, this tells us that the sun is already starting to set, but everything is still shining brightly. A blue, blue river can be seen from behind the trees. It seems to divide the field into two parts. The pure blue sky occupies the upper part of the canvas and somewhere in the distance it seems to touch the ground. From this touch, the field turns light red, slightly noticeable.

Like all his works, the painting “Clear Autumn Evening” is full of positivity and positive energy. It is light, bright, colorful. You want to admire her and admire her. There is no place for hanging weeping clouds, gloomy rain and gloomy evening. There is no place for despondency. The author wants to show us that autumn is just one stage in nature, that without the golden color there will be no room for a green spring awakening. In nature, everything is fleeting and you need to have time to admire all its beauties.

The painting depicts an evening landscape, although it seems that it is daytime outside. The trees are yellow, autumn has probably already begun. If you look closely, you can see a small river that flows very far from the viewer. It attracts a lot of attention, makes you look in its direction and try to see what is hidden behind the bushes near the water.

The trees are gilded, and greenery is still visible in some places. Probably, autumn began not so long ago, and nature has not yet had time to completely cover itself with a bright scarlet blanket. Lots of vegetation that attracts attention. It seems that you just have to reach out and you can touch any tree. It's very beautiful and exciting.

For some reason, the river in the distance attracts me most. She is so charming, I want to see her closer, touch the small waves. I like this picture, it managed to convey the mood of autumn just beginning. It seems as if all this is happening in reality; once you want it, the evening from the picture will turn out to be real.

Description of Grabar’s painting “Clear Autumn Evening”

Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar is known in the history of Russian art as a wonderful painter, museum figure, outstanding teacher and architect.
Each of his works radiates positive energy and creativity.

His paintings always show an optimistic perception of life.
All his landscapes are bright, light, and lift the spirit and mood of the viewer.
It is precisely this mood that permeates the painting “Clear Autumn Evening.”
Nothing gloomy or rainy, despite the autumn.
Bright blue and clear sky, green grass of the fields, yellow-greenish leaves of the trees and a blue river.
The impression is that nature does not yet want summer to go on vacation, and autumn is in no hurry to come.
Sharp tints of colors and contrast make the picture more realistic and vibrant.
The landscape is very quiet and calm.
Probably, the author wanted to draw attention specifically to nature, which is why the poet did not depict animals and birds.

In the foreground, several young trees sway lonely in the light autumn breeze.
Autumn has covered the not yet fallen leaves with yellowness.
There are many shadows from the trees on the green grass, this tells us that the sun is already starting to set, but everything is still shining brightly.
A blue, blue river can be seen from behind the trees.
It seems to divide the field into two parts.
The pure blue sky occupies the upper part of the canvas and somewhere in the distance it seems to touch the ground.
From this touch, the field turns light red, slightly noticeable.

Like all his works, the painting “Clear Autumn Evening” is full of positivity and positive energy.
It is light, bright, colorful.
You want to admire her and admire her.
There is no place for hanging weeping clouds, gloomy rain and gloomy evening.
There is no place for despondency.
The author wants to show us that autumn is just one stage in nature, that without the golden color there will be no room for a green spring awakening.
In nature, everything is fleeting and you need to have time to admire all its beauties.

The autumn distance opens from a small hillock. The river flows quietly, the spring flood is far behind us, although even now the breakers are boiling a little.

The leaves are falling underfoot, Yellow leaves lie, Yellow leaves lie, And under the leaves rustle, Rustler, Rustler, and Rustler - Dad, Mom and Little Leaf

The autumn distance opens from a small hillock. The river flows quietly, the spring flood is far behind us, although even now the breakers are boiling a little. Cloudless, blue-blue sky, the kind that only happens on clear autumn days. Neither beast nor bird. Only two trees in the foreground

They show off multi-colored foliage, not everything has fallen yet, but further, closer to the river, the trees are all covered in gold leaves.

The artist loved to depict clear, sunny days, when there is no place for despondency and sorrow. There are no hanging, weeping clouds ready to shower you with rain, no slush, sad figures, the personification of the withering of nature.

The artist showed us that autumn is a natural stage in the development of nature, that without this riot of gold there will be no spring renewal, that a fluffy winter will come and everything will be fine. Grabar was an art connoisseur, a remarkable painter and museum worker. He taught at the Academy of Arts. In his work, Grabar always maintained an optimistic mood and good spirits.

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