April 1st jokes and pranks with your own hands. Raffle “Desired Door”

Each person probably played a prank on their friends, relatives, teachers and just acquaintances on the day of deception. And many of them will do this in next year, be it a teacher, co-worker, classmate, mom or dad. A few tips on how to prank your neighbor will help you. Just don’t forget - laughter can be good or evil, and jokes can be witty or stupid, choose for yourself what you like best. You can practice these draws both on regular days and on April 1st.

1. This giveaway must take place in a home, not outdoor setting, although if you can use it in another way, well done! With its help, you can prank your boyfriend, girlfriend, parents, even your teacher. For the drawing you will need a small box, bright wrapping paper, a felt-tip pen, and confetti. Cover the box with wrapping paper so that it is bright and eye-catching; for the same purposes, you can write on it something like “Candy”, “Don’t touch it, it will kill you!” or "Take me." The box should not have a bottom. Place it in a high place (so that it is higher than human height), on a cabinet, for example. Fill the box with confetti, and if the "object" you're pranking... good feeling humor or, on the contrary, really bothered you, fill the box with some garbage (gnawed bones, potato peels, garlic, onions, so that it smells better). The “object” enters the room and sees the box. She attracts his attention to her and he films her. But the box has no bottom! Fireworks are guaranteed if there is confetti in the box, and something less pleasant than fireworks if there is trash.

2. Call your neighbors and say in a calm, non-threatening voice that they called you from telephone exchange and warned that an electric current would be released through the telephone wire due to the repair of the telephone line. Draw their attention to the fact that they should not answer calls for 10 minutes to avoid loss of life. After 15 minutes, call your neighbors and, if they answer the phone, let out an inhuman scream. They'll probably think you've been electrocuted.

3. Tell your friends that in 15 minutes hot steam will be released through the telephone wire, so you need to wrap up telephone handsets towel and plastic and place on the floor. And then it’s up to you, you must have time to run around everyone to check who believed your joke.

4. Explain to a friend or acquaintance who does not understand computers the rules for using e-mail. And by chance you remember that just now they should have sent you 500 rubles by email. Having previously placed the specified amounts in the drive, you pull them out of there in front of the amazed student. Miracle of technology!

5. Recruit a few of your friends for this giveaway. You enter a subway car, go to the button to communicate with the driver, and pretend that you are communicating with him. Loudly: “Pizza and a large cola in carriage No...” (you call the carriage number). At the next stop, your accomplice comes in with your order (preferably in appropriate clothing). You pick up your order, pay, and your assistant comes out immediately. You get in touch with the driver again: “Until the final stop without stopping.” The reaction of passengers is indescribable.

6. You and a company (it’s better if there are more of you) are traveling by river transport (you can use land transport, but, for example, on a bridge under which a river flows). You suddenly shout loudly something like “Sharks!” or “Look! Whale!". All passengers look overboard.

7. This prank is best done for a teacher. If there is snow outside, make a snowball (a lump of snow). During recess, while the teacher is not in class, you attach it to the ceiling directly above the teacher's desk. If you're lucky, the snowball, having melted, will fall right on the teacher's head (like snow on his head, as they say), if not, that's okay: the snowball will plop down on the teacher's desk. The main thing is that your class is friendly and no one gives away the secret of who was the author of the prank.

8. Take a box of powder or something else chemical, empty the contents, insert a plastic bag with some treat of the same color into it. You can eat this on a bus or tram in front of dozens of people. Perhaps someone will want to save you, and someone will ask for a treat.

9. Draw for fun company. One person runs past a crowded area (bus stop, etc.) and asks people to cover him. In this case, it is necessary to depict some wild animal: a tiger (the hero in striped sweater and makes scary faces), a deer (hands like a fan above his head). After 15-20 seconds, a whole company of “hunters” runs past the same stop, toy guns in their hands, asking the people at the stop: “Have you seen a tiger (deer)?” It is guaranteed that they will not soon forget this hunt.

11. Dress with a friend in the same clothes, it is best if the jacket has a hood. You are standing at the same bus stop ( more fun prank spend in the subway), and your friend is on the next one. When the bus approaches, you supposedly don’t have time to get on it and run after it. When the bus comes to the next stop, your friend gets on, pretending to be very out of breath from running, and says: “I’ve completely lost my dexterity.” Next time you change places, and you observe the reaction of the people.

12. Find a long rope and ask a passerby on the street (near the house) to hold it, then after 5 minutes walk around the house. At this time, you walk around the house yourself so that the first passer-by does not see you. You find another “victim”, hand her the second end of the rope, and ask her to do the same. Passers-by stand stupidly on different sides of the house, holding a rope, and you stand in safe place and watch both. In 5 minutes they will meet, maybe they will get acquainted and laugh at their naivety, or maybe they will go looking for you to take revenge.

13. Play this prank if you have a couple of extra hours to spare. Put a spool of thread in your pocket, the color of which is different from the color of your clothes. Leave the end of the thread sticking out of your pocket; of course, someone will want to serve you, don’t interfere with him in this.

14. You came to visit a friend, wait until he is busy. You go into the kitchen, pour water into a pan, cover it with a sheet of paper, turn it over without the water spilling out, and place it in a place that is inconvenient for the owner of the apartment (on the floor, on the table). A friend comes into the kitchen, sees an “unattended” pan, removes it and causes a flood. Another option for this prank: instead of a saucepan, you can pour water into a transparent 1, 2, 3, 5 liter jar. The “victim” will know what awaits him, but how to deal with smaller victims is a different question.

15. When you come to a party and go to the bathroom before dinner, don’t forget to leave the shower on so that your friends can also “swim.”

16. The required item for the raffle is a bunk bed. The time it takes place is at night or when the person being played is sleeping. You pour water into a large jar, put a towel in it (there is a knot at the end of it). You and the can are on the second floor of the bed, your friend is sleeping downstairs. You turn the jar over and hang the end of the towel down so that the water dripping from it hits the “victim”’s face. After a few minutes, the “subject” will wake up and most likely pull the towel. Well, in vain...

17. If your friend has a computer, then you can prank him like this: you need a long, strong wire for the mouse. It is better for the system unit to be under the table. If possible, use a fake mouse - the same as the “victim’s” one, only not working. Wait until the “object” leaves the room, use a rope to tie the mouse’s tail to the leg of the chair, and push it under the table. When your friend enters the room, the first thing he will do is move his chair away to sit at the computer, while the mouse will “run away” from him, and when he tries to “catch” it, pulling it towards him, the chair will slide under the table, hitting him in the legs.

18. You are traveling in a cramped bus (subway car, tram, trolleybus), there is a lot of pressure in the morning, and you want to sit down. Addressing your friend or even to a stranger, say a few phrases (speak louder so that others can hear you):

1) “I stole last time, now it’s your turn”;

2) “Heh, heh, heh, tuberculosis is completely tormenting me”;

3) “Don’t you know that AIDS is not transmitted by airborne droplets? I feel sorry for the people";

4) “You don’t know where you can get a fake passport, otherwise they’ll be after me.”

19. You can make a snowfall in the teacher's room, classroom, or just the room of a friend, sister or brother.

Fill a suitable sized tube with confetti or baby powder and insert the tube into the gap between the wall and the door or keyhole. On the other hand, place a switched-on hairdryer on the handset. A dazzling sight!

20. This prank is best carried out in a building with a large crowd of people and rooms (at a school, college, supermarket, train station). Stock up on a lot of signs with the inscriptions “Toilet”, “Buffet”, “Cashier”, “Dining Room”, “Cheburechnaya”, “Dean’s Office”, etc. Hang these signs on any doors: at the dean’s office - “Dining Room”, at the cash desk - “Buffet” " One can only sympathize with the employees who will have to fend off persistent visitors. To avoid lines in the toilet or before entering the elevator, hang signs on the doors of these establishments that read “Out of Service.” You will save significant time.

Pranks at the festive table

If you decide to play a prank on your friends or acquaintances at an evening dedicated to April 1, then one of the main assistants in your endeavors can be yourself festive table. A harmless swap of the fork and knife of a sleeping neighbor will cause those around you, and especially you, to burst into laughter. By the way, the end of the joke can be a small knot that will tie your unlucky friend to the leg of his own chair (if you have the patience, you can tie the chairs of all the members of the festive dinner to each other). And a couple of funny patterns made from birthday cake cream on the subject’s face wouldn’t be out of place either. Having woken up, your friend will undoubtedly want to drink sparkling water, and you, as a faithful comrade, will, of course, provide him with such an opportunity, having first thoroughly shaken the highly carbonated drink. Just keep in mind that everyone present at the table, including you, will become the “victim” of such a joke.

At the table you can show your psychic abilities. To do this, do not be lazy to write numbers from one to ten on separate pieces of paper and arrange them in different places(be sure to remember where and with what date you hid the piece of paper). Now you are fully armed. Ask your friend to name a number from one to ten, then point him to some place in your apartment (under the table or on the windowsill), there he will find a piece of paper with the number in mind. Don’t forget to write a note on it with a phrase that determines the level of mental development of your friend.

There are pranks especially for housewife girls. Ask one of them to go to the kitchen and check the readiness of some dish or drink (for example, milk or cocoa) that is being prepared in a pan on the stove. But don't forget that today is April 1st! A few minutes before she appears in the kitchen, you should pour dry ice into a pan of hot soapy (use shampoo) water. The girl learns a lot about the escaping “milk”.

For the next draw you will need two helpers. You remain in the same room with the “victim” of the prank, you need to prepare her for the subsequent “terrible” event, for this reason with your friend on the topic of the untimely deaths of many great people. After the “object” reaches the required state and is plunged into sad thoughts, hide quietly or silently leave the room. At this moment, one of your accomplices, having laid out on the asphalt (it is advisable that the apartment in which this action will take place is at least on the second floor) a pre-prepared doll, dressed in the same clothes as you, will loudly scream that something like “Fell, crashed, guard!” The second assistant takes the person being played into the yard where you supposedly met your end (don’t give yourself away by laughing loudly). Not finding you sprawled in a puddle of “blood” on the asphalt, your friends return back in bewilderment, and you calmly wait for them in your original place...

Draws for April 1st.

“April 1st...” - how much fun and amusing is combined in this phrase... A more democratic holiday does not exist. They play pranks on everyone from the cleaning lady to the boss, from children to the elderly. The main thing is that everyone is funny and having fun.

The meaning of this holiday, like no other, lies in one a short word- laughter. And if so, then you can play anything, as long as the game or competition brings smiles to the competitors and spectators.

Some people are still delusional, hoping that beauty will save the world. But you and I know for sure that if anything saves the world, it’s laughter!

I congratulate you,

Happy holiday - prankster!

Nobody's tired of it

April Fools jokes

But rather the opposite:

People are happy to laugh!

Raffle “Desired Door”.

In a busy facility, place a sign indicating “Toilet” on the office door. It is advisable that the workers in this room go outside as little as possible - this way your sign will hang longer, and the workers will more often observe people rushing in, dumbfounded and running out. You can make several directional arrows so that people do not immediately find their way to the pseudo-toilet.

Raffle “Hang in there, student!”

On the eve of the important lesson on April 1, the following joke works well. Since the evening, the victim has been fed all sorts of fables like: the teacher went wild, promised to teach him all the topics in class, being late is the end of things, etc. Then, when the victim, exhausted by anxious thoughts and intense preparation, falls asleep, the “caring” neighbors move the clocks forward several hours, turn off the lights and wait for the alarm to ring. When the bell rings, the neighbors jump up shouting that they are already late, get dressed, and just before leaving, in a voice full of hopeless despair, they inform them that nothing good will happen to their poor students, not everyone has such a clear head as the victim, and they will not dare to go to this lesson. After which, having sent the victim off with wishes of “not to worry…”, they go to bed to get some sleep. The clock is reset to its original position...

"Phone Hooligan" Raffle.

Call someone and ask them not to answer phone calls within 10-15 minutes, since the telephone operator is working on the line and may get an electric shock. A couple of minutes later you call back to the same number, and when the other end picks up, you let out a heartbreaking scream.

Raffle “Deer Hunting”.

One person portrays a deer by raising his hands to his head and spreading his fingers like a fan. With wild exclamations: “I am a deer! I am a deer!”, he runs past some crowd of people (this joke is best done on the street at bus stops). About 30 seconds later, armed with improvised guns, several “hunters” run by, simultaneously addressing people: “Have you seen a deer here?” Everyone who saw this will not forget this “hunt” for a long time.

Raffle “Now let’s get going!”

A firecracker is tied to the railings and doorknob of neighbors and the doorbell is rung. The result can be observed through the peephole of the door - just don’t burst out laughing so as not to get caught. As a rule, the neighbors hide behind the door for an hour or two after this and run out into the entrance every five minutes in the hope of catching the pranksters.

“Living Computer” draw.

Pranks with computers are very common, for example, if the person being pranked has a fairly long “tail” on the mouse, a chair on wheels, the victim may be very absent-minded; An “under-desk” option for the location of the system unit is desirable.

Preparation while the victim is away lasts about a minute:

- find the same mouse as the victim’s, but not a working one and put it in place of the working one for the victim (the “standard” mouse is hidden, for example, behind the monitor);

— a chair moves under the table. Using a rope, the tail of the mouse is tied to the chair so that the mouse lies in its usual place, and the tail is almost “tight”, but when the chair is pulled out, the mouse does not fall off the table, and the connector does not pull out of the computer. When the victim comes workplace and sees a chair pushed in, what’s the first thing he does? That's right, he pulls out a chair. The mouse “runs away” from the victim... The first reaction is confusion and sometimes stupor. The second is to sharply pull the mouse towards you - a chair drives up and hits the victim under the knees. Then either plop down on a chair with a stunned look, or push the chair away with your knees.

Raffle "Reach to the ceiling."

For such a prank you need a fairly naive person, an assistant and a room with a not very high ceiling. Next, you can make a comic bet with that same naive person that he will jump higher with his eyes blindfolded than with his eyes open. Naturally, you invite him to try. First ask him to jump with with open eyes. Then you blindfold the victim of the prank and make him face you. At this time, an assistant comes up from behind - with a plywood board or a wooden seat from a chair in his hands. Then you ask the victim to jump. The victim jumps, but the ceiling is missing. The assistant lifts the board over the victim's head and holds it at such a height that the victim can obviously jump to it. You are asking for another jump. The victim jumps and reaches the “ceiling”. This is followed by a flurry of applause from the admiring spectators, after which the blindfold is removed from the “champion’s” eyes.

Raffle “Guess where you are?”

One person sits with his back to everyone else. An inscription is attached to his back indicating a place, establishment, etc. for example, school, kitchen, stadium, sobering-up station. The person to whom the inscription is attached does not know its purpose. However, he will have to answer the questions that others will ask. The questions could be like this.

- What are you doing over there?

- How did you get there?

— How often do you go there?

-Who are you meeting there?

Usually it turns out very funny, since the answerer does not know where he was “sent”.

“Cruel Prank” draw.

This prank is reserved for the moment when guests or colleagues express a desire to drink tea. You need to prepare two kettles in advance. One kettle is put on fire and water is boiled, and the second one is not filled with water. hot water(up to half the teapot or to the top - as desired). The person being played must sit in such a way that he cannot immediately escape, and preferably closer to the door into which the teapots will be brought in. The actor enters the room with two teapots in his hands (it’s better to hold both teapots through a towel) with the words: “Careful, boiling water!”, Very quickly puts the kettle on the victim’s lap (you can put it on your stomach or give it to your hands). It is better for the rest to move back at this moment, as the victim’s reaction can be quite violent.

Raffle “Clean up, wash the floor.”

Water is poured into the saucepan, covered with a sheet of paper on top, turned upside down, placed on a flat floor or even better on a table, and the paper is pulled out. Water does not flow out. The victim sees an ownerless pan that is disturbing everyone and picks it up... The result is obvious. As an option, instead of a saucepan, take glass jar 3-5 liters and is placed where it will interfere with the potential victim, who sees the water, and just has to rack his brains on how to deal with the least amount of casualties.

Draw “With hand”.

Everyone is probably in school years They (sometimes) entertained themselves by tracing their hand on a sheet of paper with a pen and asking them to put their hand to the sheet to compare the size (shape) of the hand. We take a sheet of paper and begin to trace our hand, tracing the little finger, stop (do not trace the edge of the hand), shift the hand so that we trace the little finger again, and finish tracing the hand. As a result, the sheet should show an image of “your” hand with 6 fingers; if possible, you should outline your hand as realistically as possible. Next, this drawing is offered for “comparison” to any person. It's very funny to see how long it takes a person to realize that something is wrong here.

Raffle "Tricky matches".

Is it possible to lift five matches with both hands at the same time? Definitely yes, if you know how it's done. This trick can be performed by betting on a symbolic prize or forfeit. And it is performed like this: the first match is lifted with two thumbs so that they rest against them, the second - in the same way with two index fingers, the third - with the middle fingers, the fourth - with the ring fingers, the fifth with the little fingers. You just need to practice a little.

Raffle "Funny round dance".

Everyone who wants to take part in this prank game stands in a circle and firmly takes each other’s hands. The presenter says that he will name a flower in everyone’s ear, and then begin to name one out loud. The one whose flower will be named must sit down sharply, while standing nearby they are obliged to prevent him from doing this.

The joke is that the name of the same flower is spoken into the ears of all players - chamomile. And when the presenter calls him, everyone sits down abruptly and, unable to maintain their balance, falls. It is advisable that there are no sharp objects nearby that could cause injury.

Raffle “Samarkand Donkey”.

First, the presenter explains to the participants the rules of the game: the driver goes into another room, the rest choose the “Samarkand donkey”, after that they call the driver, who asks the question: “Who is the Samarkand donkey?” Everyone shouts loudly: “Me!” The driver’s task is to guess who the “Samarkand donkey” is. Three attempts are given for this. After the driver leaves, the leader announces the real rules: when the driver tries to guess the “donkey” for the first time, the person he pointed to says that he was mistaken. The second attempt ends with the same result. But on the third attempt, any person pointed at by the driver must say: “Yes, indeed, you guessed right, I am that same Samarkand donkey.” After this, the person who was “guessed” becomes the driver, and the previous driver joins the rest of the players. The most important thing is to warn everyone that the second time, when the former driver is already standing in the circle, to the question “Who is the Samarkand donkey?” everyone must remain silent. The joke is that the driver, not knowing the real rules of the game, will shout at the top of his voice - “I am!”

"Ladies' Stream" raffle.

Girls participate in this competition. Contestants are invited to move from one wall to another along an impromptu stream (a strip of wallpaper laid on the floor), “without getting their feet wet,” that is, with them widely spaced. After this, all participants are taken to another room and invited one by one. Now they have to go the same way, only blindfolded.

When the girl follows the same path, her eyes are opened and she sees a man lying face up on the wallpaper. The girl is usually very embarrassed. But when the next participant is brought in, she laughs heartily along with everyone at the joke, which consists in the fact that the man lies down on the wallpaper after the girl will pass the test, but her bandage has not yet been removed.

Drawing "Let's tell fortunes for life."

Explain to those present that you can tell fortunes using the lines of your hand. in a special way– using ash (cigarette), which makes the lines clearer.

If the volunteer does not smoke, find a helper for him. With your right hand you need to knock the ashes from a burning cigarette onto left palm(it won't be hot). The more ash, the better. Then ask the victim to strictly counter-clockwise, be sure to thumb With her right hand, she rubbed this ash over her palm, making as many circles in the ash with her finger as she/he is old (thus, the diligent victim smears both upper limbs in ash, almost up to the elbow). With a deep look, squinting, you peer at the patterns on your palm, mutter something about an extremely rare combination of lines and, finally, pronounce your verdict on the victim: “Well, what can I tell you... You turned out to be a very bad ashtray!”

“Do you want to earn money” draw.

Two players call. They are seated near a chair on which the presenter places a banknote. He announces that on the count of “One, two, three!” they will have to grab the bill as quickly as possible. Whoever does this first will be able to take it for himself.

When the first round is completed, the presenter announces the second, which will take place blindfolded. Participants, after they are blindfolded, can touch the bill to be sure, in order to more accurately remember its location. After this, the presenter begins the countdown, and at this time the bill is removed and a tomato is placed in its place.

Raffle "Pharaoh".

A blindfolded man enters the room. His hands begin to move over the lying “Pharaoh” from bottom to top. The role of “Pharaoh” is played by one of the initiated participants. The rest of the “Victims” are waiting outside the door. Mournful music and words sound: “This is Pharaoh, these are his legs. This is Pharaoh, these are his thighs. This is Pharaoh, here is his belly, ..., here is his head, this is Pharaoh, here is his brains! With these words, the victim’s hands are immersed in a pan with boiled cold pasta (horns, cones, etc.) mixed with ketchup. The effect exceeds all expectations.

Raffle “With matches”.

The prank is offensive, so it is necessary that the “victim” has a good sense of humor. So, the victim is asked to take a coordination test (dexterity, sobriety, etc.) The essence of the test is as follows: you need to lift a box of matches using two matches. Holding them by the heads with two fingers each, rest different sides against the center of the box and thus lift it. As a rule, after several attempts this is successful. After this, it is proposed to complicate the task: at the moment when the box is already lifted and held, the victim must stamp his foot several times. If the box falls at this moment, the attempt is repeated. Very quickly the victim will stomp his foot on the floor with a satisfied look and hold a box of matches in front of him with two matches. The face in this case is usually very stupid and happy, especially if you first bet that the victim will never succeed.

This is where the presenter turns to face the audience and announces in the voice of an entertainer: “This is how they start a motorcycle in a madhouse...”

"Flour" draw.

Place in the middle of the table inflatable ball. The two participants are blindfolded and sit down at the table. They are invited to compete in blowing up this balloon. The ball is quietly removed, and a plate generously filled with flour is placed in its place. Participants blow on the plate until they suspect something is wrong...

Draw for students “Controversial”.

Especially for students! How to earn money for a glass of beer by arguing. Of course, you need to choose the appropriate moments and company.

  1. I bet you can't step over the pencil. I'll put it on the floor, and you won't be able to step over it!!! (How to win an argument? Place a pencil on the floor flat against the wall).
  2. I bet you won’t budge me, even if we don’t stand on the same newspaper opposite each other. Solution: the newspaper is placed on the threshold of the door so that when you close the door, you end up on the side where the door does not open. Try it, you'll definitely win a glass of beer!
  3. You bet I can jump higher than the refrigerator? Solution: jump 10 cm and say that you jumped higher, since the refrigerator cannot jump at all.

“Pilot” draw.

All participants leave the room, leaving only the presenter and his assistant. Two chairs are placed opposite each other in the room. An assistant sits, as if by chance, not far from the chair of the future “victim” with a soaked rag (handkerchief, etc.) hidden behind his back. The “victims” are launched one at a time. The “victim” comes in and stands near his chair (like the presenter). It is necessary that the chairs are behind them, and the leader and the “victim” look at each other. Next, the presenter greets the “victim” and says: “You entered the flight school, I am your instructor and today we have practical lessons, you must repeat after me all movements, sounds, etc.” then everyone sits down, and the victim, feeling a catch, looks at the chair, and finding nothing, sits down. Then the presenter says: “First lesson, they give us a corn cracker for it” (the presenter pretends to be holding the steering wheel in his hands and begins to make the sounds of a winding up airplane, something like “Peck-peck-peck-peck.” Then he says : “Let’s take off!”, he gets up from the chair, accordingly, the “victim” also gets up, and then both sit down. The same maneuver occurs a second time, only this time they give “Boeing” (well, and the corresponding sounds to it, the third in the park there turns out to be an SU-27 (or something similar jet, with a loud sound). “The victim has already taken his attention from the chair by this time, and the assistant imperceptibly places a wet rag on the chair (just not very wet, so that it does not squelch when on they will sit down). The main thing is that the “instructor-leader” at this time looks into the “victim’s” eyes, and not behind her back. Next are the words of the leader: “The left engine fails, the right engine fails, we fall!” With these words, everyone sits down together The instructor and assistant laugh, but the victim at first doesn’t understand what’s going on (the clothes don’t get wet right away). Then the “victim” sits somewhere to the side and, without giving any sign, becomes a spectator. The next “victim” comes in and everything repeats again. And so on until last participant will not look at the laughing crowd of those “flying away”, waiting in bewilderment until they land him too!

"Create Tension" Raffle.

If a new young secretary has appeared in your team, the following draw is offered. Someone from the next room calls the secretary and, in as serious a voice as possible, reports that they are calling from a telephone exchange and now, in order to check the wires, the telephone channel will be under high voltage, so you need to wrap all telephone handsets in the office with tape as quickly as possible for insulation purposes. The main thing is to pronounce this tirade absolutely seriously.

Raffle "Video joke".

Party. Agree with the owner of the apartment and film the toilet in advance by standing on a chair and raising the camera higher. It is important that the image does not shake. When someone goes to the toilet during the party, quickly instruct the company and turn on the recording. Upon returning, the victim will see on the TV screen (monitor) an image of the toilet where he had just been, and the whole company is rolling with laughter. Naturally, the victim’s first thought will be that “everyone saw everything”...

Raffle “Flight into space”.

For this game, several volunteers are called, who are taken to another room and invited one by one to carry out a “flight into space.” The newcomer stands on a chair, and two strong guys get ready to lift him. Another guy stands nearby, whose head will become the “ship control panel”, which the “astronaut” will hold on to. Then the participant in the “flight” is blindfolded.

The chair rises 10-20 cm, and the guy the participant is holding on to simultaneously squats. The person being played has the impression that he was raised 1-1.5 meters. The presenter shouts: “Jump!” It would be good to secure the player at this moment, because he will think that he is jumping from a great height. All participants are called in turn.

Raffle "Egg".

A raw egg is taken into the hand in front of the “victim”. It is better if the “victim” sits. Then we go behind the “victim’s” back, quietly hide the egg somewhere, and put our hand with our fingers in a “bun” to the “victim’s” head so that the fingers lightly touch the hair and quickly slap the other hand on back side palms. Then we run our fingers along the sides of the “victim’s” head from top to bottom so as to touch the hair. A complete illusion that an egg was broken on the head.

"Group Rhythm" Raffle.

Raffle for 4 or more people. The players sit in a circle. The leader places his left hand on the right knee of the neighbor on the left, and the right hand on the left knee of the neighbor on the right. Everyone does the same with their own hands and their neighbors. You beat out a simple rhythm with your left hand (tra-ta-ta). Your neighbor on the left, hearing the rhythm, beats it right hand(on your left leg). Your neighbor on the right, having heard the rhythm, beats it with his left hand (on your right leg). And so on in a circle. You'll have a lot of fun before you all get the rhythm right.

Raffle “Who is this?”

Take each a piece of paper and draw a head on top - a person, an animal, a bird. Fold the sheet so that what you drew is not visible - only the tip of the neck. And pass the drawing to your neighbor. Each participant in the game had Blank sheet with an image he shouldn't see. Next they draw top part the torso, hide the drawing again and pass it on to the next neighbor to finish drawing the lower limbs. Now unfold all the pictures and see what creatures are depicted on them. It will be a lot of fun. Try to name the new species.

Raffle "Salute".

Place the small box in a high place (higher than human height), such as on a closet. The box must have an opening top and no bottom. On the outside, stick an inscription that is bright and noticeable from afar - for example, “Sweets, candies, gifts...” - and fill the box with confetti. The person being played enters the audience, sees a box with an appetizing name and what does he do? Of course, he takes it off the cabinet. And the box has no bottom. Hurray, fireworks!!!

Draw “Telephonist Competition”.

Two groups of players (10-12 people) are seated in two parallel rows. The presenter selects a difficult-to-pronounce tongue twister and communicates it (in secret) to the first person in each team. At the leader’s signal, the first rows begin to pass it to the ear of the second, the second - to the third, and so on until the last. The latter, having received the “telephone message,” must stand up and pronounce the tongue twister loudly and clearly. The winner is the team that passes the tongue twister through the chain faster and whose representative pronounces it more accurately and better.

“Drinker” raffle.

Fill the glasses with a teaspoon. Whoever completes the task faster gets the opportunity to make a toast and drink the contents.

To be continued..

It turns out that most of our compatriots are ready and able to laugh at themselves. One of the major analytical centers conducted a completely representative survey on this topic, which revealed that 79% of Russians are prone to self-irony. And if we remember that self-irony is a sign of intelligence, then who now dares to say that we live in a country of fools? You need to be more careful with your wording...

Do not open!

If you have a board in your classroom with sides that can be opened and closed, you can make a prank like this. Close the board, cover it crosswise with tape and hang a large sign on the entire board: “Do not open until XXXX year.” The year of manufacture is best as XXXX, but it can be simple - the more, the better.

Remove the thread!

A very simple prank that always makes you laugh. Children especially have fun. It's simple. Place a spool of thread in your pocket, which should contrast in color with your clothes. You can thread the tip of the thread into the needle and bring it out so that it looks like either a thread has come out in the seam, or as if a piece of thread has stuck to a sleeve, or pocket, or lapel - do what is more convenient for you. Someone will certainly notice and tell you about it, and you will ask him to remove the thread. This is where the fun begins. And if the company is already “cheerful”, everyone will laugh.


You offer to bet that you will be able to throw 5-kopeck coins onto the floor (or table) so that they lie exactly in a line, and in closed hand shake a handful of coins. The trick is that there are only two 5-kopeck coins in your hand, and the rest are of a different denomination. For those who don't remember geometry: you can only draw one line through two points. Then it’s a matter of technique: throw coins and draw a straight line through two 5-kopeck coins. Coins of other denominations are not counted, since there was a condition to put 5-kopeck coins in the line.


The draw, which we called "Thumbelina", goes well in student audience. At the same time, it is very simple and does not require any complex preparations. Take two sheets of paper from a sketchbook or even just two double sheets of unfolded paper from a notebook. Go out into a prominent place and somehow - you know better than - attract everyone's attention to yourself. You promise to show something interesting and ask for a volunteer from the audience, definitely a girl and preferably short. Quietly tell her, “Excuse me, wait a minute,” and place one sheet of paper behind the collar at the back, and the second at the front. After which you turn the girl to the audience in profile and say loudly: “Thumbelina comes to the pharmacy and asks: “Don’t you have smaller pads?” The effect is guaranteed. But for safety reasons, you better immediately retreat away from Thumbelina. At least for the length of her leg.

Motorcycle in ward no. 6

In a cheerful company, this prank goes off with a bang. Just don’t forget to take a box or two of matches with you, otherwise not every apartment has them these days. You ask someone to take a test of coordination, or sobriety, or agility - it doesn’t matter. And you outline the essence of the test: you need to take a match in each hand and try to use them to lift a box of matches from the floor, resting it on the ends of the box. This is not difficult, and the subject usually succeeds on the second or third attempt.
Then the task becomes more complicated. Not only lift, but also, holding the matchboxes, stomp your foot at this time. This is also not difficult. Everyone, of course, is watching carefully, and the “victim,” whom you convinced that she would never succeed, with happy face tensely holds the box and stomps.
Here you say loudly: “This is exactly how they start a motorcycle in Ward No. 6!”
True, you must be convinced that everyone in the company knows what “ward No. 6” is.

Basin and egg

This prank is especially interesting if there is a muscleman in the company. Under any pretext, he must be challenged to argue that he cannot crush a raw egg with a basin. The funniest thing will be when you put the egg on the floor in the corner of the room, and he will stand with a basin in his hands...

Removable disk detected

This is such a joke. I glued a disassembled flash drive (without a case: only a board and usb) to the back of my head with glue and disguised it with a body plaster. Under long hair is not visible, but the effect is when you insert a cable into the back of your head in front of an astonished crowd, and the computer writes that a removable disk has been detected...

Don't touch the glass!

Prank on office colleagues, college roommates, etc. Place a sheet of thick paper on the table, and glue a glass of vodka or wine, even just tea, to the bottom by the bottom. With a thick red felt-tip pen near the glass it should be written in large letters - “Stop! Don’t touch the glass with your hands!” And more exclamation marks. All that remains is to throw pins, paper clips, pens, pencils onto the paper, sit nearby and observe... Because everyone, entering the room, seeing and reading, will probably raise their glass. And it’s clear that the glued glass will pull a sheet of paper with it, from which everything you threw there will fall out.

Running from the cafe

An innocent prank in a restaurant or cafe. The moment your girlfriend leaves to powder her nose, quickly pay the waiter. And when the time comes to leave. tell her that you forgot your wallet at home and suggest... to run away from the restaurant. Curious how YOUR girlfriend will react?

You're fired!

They say, best draw- this is to scare a person, so that later he feels great relief and joy. You have the opportunity to bring this joy to your colleagues at work. You can prepare an order for the dismissal of those who do not expect this. Put it somewhere in a visible place - someone will definitely read it and call others.
A more gentle option is to print a vacation schedule according to which everyone has a vacation in the winter. Can you imagine how good everyone will be when they realize that they have been played?

Sock on the ceiling

On April 1, during the most boring lesson at school, you write a note: “There is a sock hanging on the ceiling! Pass the note on!” It is clear that anyone who receives a note will look up, glance at the ceiling, laugh and pass it on to the next person. Sooner or later (better late, so that as many children as possible are aware) the teacher will notice something, take the note, read it, look at the ceiling... Here you can congratulate everyone on April Fool's Day.

I'm a fool?

When talking to someone in the presence of a certain number of people listening, find a reason to ask the following question: “By the way, do you know what the abbreviation DUNYA stands for?” Of course, he will answer that he doesn’t know and ask how? You say separately: “ D - fools, U - we have, N - no." You can take my word for it: 9 out of 10 people immediately automatically ask: "And "I"? - without thinking about how it sounds and is perceived, without first understanding why everyone is laughing.

Uniform for husband

By April, sew your husband an apron from fabric with camouflage pattern, you can also put a funny inscription like “Homework Master”. Pack it and give it to your husband with the words: “Darling! I got you a “husband’s uniform.” And they told me that a person in uniform must fulfill his direct duties!” While he unpacks and figures out what “responsibilities” we are talking about...

Disaster in the toilet

Pour a bottle into the toilet cistern detergent- for example, for washing dishes, it foams well. And if you also close the door to the outer latch behind the one who “got in”...

funny sounds

When there is no one in the corridor, use some quick-drying glue to stick newspapers tightly onto the jambs and doors. Can you imagine what the sounds will be like when the doors start opening in the morning? True, this can only be done with doors that open inward.

A fly won't hurt

When having lunch somewhere in a student canteen or cafe, you discreetly place a plastic bait fly on your plate. You pull it out, loudly notify everyone - Oh, fly! - you lick it demonstratively and place it on the edge of the plate. There may be other options if you throw a “fly” at your neighbor.

Hidden camera

Take a bright, eye-catching picture erotic content, on back side make a large inscription: “Smile, you are being filmed by a hidden camera.” And attach it with buttons or sewing pins to the wall in a place where a lot of people pass. And so that you and your friends have a place to watch from and even take pictures on your mobile phone. Those who indignantly remove the picture and see the inscription on the back react unpredictably...

How to divorce your loved ones, friends and acquaintances on April 1? The relevance of this issue increases as this amazing holiday, popularly called “April Fool's Day,” approaches.

The history of April Fool's Day - April 1

  • The first vague hints of the existence of this custom can be found in literary works French poets dating back to the beginning of the 16th century.
  • There is historical evidence describing the actions of one Flemish nobleman, who played a prank on his servant on April 1, 1539, forcing her to carry out playful errands.

For the first time I mentioned the existence of the Feast of Fools English writer John Aubrey back in 1686.

  • A decade later, several Londoners attempted a hoax by notifying Londoners that a public lion washing ceremony would take place in the Tower on April 1st.

Muscovites first encountered the April Fool's joke in 1703. Arriving at the site of mass celebrations at the invitation of street barkers to watch an “extraordinary performance,” people saw a stage with a lowered curtain.

At the appointed hour, the curtain was opened, and behind it everyone saw a canvas with a mocking text: “The first of April - don’t trust anyone.” No introduction followed.

Despite the centuries-old tradition April Fool's pranks, leading positions in the arsenal of traditional jokes continue to be occupied by phrases about runaway milk and a chalk-white back. The most amazing thing is that these jokes continue to work to this day.

How to prank your husband?

  • A wife who loves to make fun of her beloved husband may cover the toilet with the thinnest cling film . Generally unsuspecting sleepy man doesn't notice anything and goes to his natural needs. How good this joke is is decided by both spouses, eliminating its consequences. IN best case scenario the joker will hear several not very flattering expressions addressed to her. At worst, there will be a scandal. Whether or not to organize such a prank is up to you.
  • In a family with a child, you can organize the following prank: having previously put a hefty portion of squash caviar into a clean diaper, wait for the moment when the husband enters the kitchen and, in front of the amazed husband, begin to eat... you know what. This must be done with appetite. When your husband comes to his senses, offer him to try the unusual delicacy.

It is considered a fairly standard joke to replace the contents of a sugar bowl and salt shaker: salt and sugar are poured from one container to another. As a result, for breakfast the husband makes himself either sweet scrambled eggs or salty tea, and in a particularly “successful” set of circumstances, both.

  • Quite often, wives make fun of their sleeping husbands by painting their toenails with green. For those who choose this option, we give a hint in advance: hydrogen peroxide will help deal with the green stuff.

How to prank your wife on April 1 - video

A harmless but effective prank for a wife with a sense of humor.

How to make fun of your parents? Or how to divorce your parents on April 1?

How to prank your friends? Or how to deceive a friend on April 1?

How to separate friends on the first day of April?

How to prank your friends on April 1st - examples in the video:

How to deceive and prank classmates at school on April 1?

There are many ways to prank classmates on the first day of April, which have already become traditional. Let's remember them:

With the appearance in our shopping centers In the prank department, classmates got a way to prank their friends at school. Especially for April Fools' draws, they can buy there:

  1. Chewing gum with a disgusting taste (for example, dichlorvos).
  2. Candies with insects inside them. Made from food-grade plastic, they will not cause the slightest harm to health, although they make a rather repulsive impression.
  3. A spyglass with an eyepiece that leaves a mark around the eye that resembles a completely natural bruise.
  4. A pen with splattering ink. Having defiantly sprayed them on an overly elegant classmate and enjoying the violent reaction on her part, you can watch with no less pleasure the process of the stain disappearing (this ink disappears after drying).

Harmless pranks on colleagues

Office employees have great amount ways to prank each other, because everything you need for this is on any desktop.

Prank with tape in the office - video:

  • Having printed out an image of paper clips on a photocopier, they place it under a transparent tray: someone will certainly try to get them out of there.
  • The computer mice of all employees are glued to the table with double-sided tape.
  • A notice is posted on the doors of the toilets (preferably on a couple of floors) that they are undergoing renovations.
  • The drawers of the desks are covered with double-sided tape so that they open at the same time.

How to divorce your boss on April 1?

Before you divorce your boss, you need to think carefully about whether you will later regret it. If he has no problems with a sense of humor and does not suffer from rancor, you can begin preparing an April Fool's prank.

How to divorce your beloved guy on April 1? Or a prank on a loved one

How can you make a joke on the Internet?

Ways harmless prank- a great variety, and as development progresses information technologies The number of ways to easily convey humorous misinformation is also increasing. Nowadays, it has become possible to deceive your loved ones over the Internet and via SMS.

Methods for April Fools' Day pranks on the Internet can be as follows:

  • Secretly from someone close (parents or boyfriend with whom they live), they change the password for their favorite computer toy. Imagine their frustration when they make several attempts to enter it.
  • You can prank your loved one in contact by sending him a special link, following which he will be confused by the sudden change of language on his page. Information on exactly how this is done can be obtained by using the search bar in your browser.
How to prank a friend on VKontakte by sending a message from a celebrity - video:

  • You can confuse your boyfriend on VK by simply changing your status or marital status. Sometimes you can create intrigue by opening and closing access to different blocks personal information. In this case, not only he, but also simply acquaintances begin to show interest in the personal life of the user of the mysterious page.

April Fools SMS

April Fools' SMS texts might look something like this:

  • Dear, come quickly: the husband has already gone to work, and the child is still sleeping. I kiss you tenderly and wait (“by mistake” sent to my husband).
  • Hello! I am a lost SMS. On the way to you I met some friends and forgot who I was going to. Send me to someone again. Thank you in advance.

April 1 is a rare day when you can tell the truth with impunity, since not a single living soul will believe it.

  • If on April Fool's Day you become a victim of a prank, then you feel like the last fool, and if you were the one who was able to prank someone, then you will be the first.