What are the draws for April 1st at home? Pranks are good

Spring is precisely the time of year in which the most a large number of holidays. The most fun and joyful of them is April 1st. You can have a lot of fun on this day. Most likely, this question comes to every child’s mind!

What are sweepstakes for?

Many people do not want to understand the meaning of such a holiday. For them, this day becomes the strangest and most incomprehensible. There are several reasons why psychologists recommend pranks.

  • Cute and harmless jokes bring the family together. All members of the social unit will laugh heartily and will long remember this joyful moment at the dinner table.
  • Pranks promote the production of the happiness hormone. If you arrange them at least once a year, you can prolong the life of yourself and your loved ones.
  • Such surprises should be arranged not only on holidays, but also at other times. Our life is so boring and monotonous, it’s worth filling it with pleasant moments.

As it turned out, pranks are a useful thing that will bring a lot of positive emotions. Now it’s worth talking in more detail about how to prank your mother on April 1st.

A little scam with an alarm clock

Did April 1st fall on a weekday? Amazing! A mission called “How to prank your mom?” you can start exercising in the morning.

To do this, at night, while your parents are sleeping, you should set all the clocks in the house exactly one hour earlier. It is also advisable to temporarily rearrange time channels on your TV.

It will happen in the morning ordinary situation: Mom will wake up to the sound of an annoying alarm clock, go to breakfast, wash up and start getting ready for work. Her surprise will know no bounds when she comes to an empty office and notices that the working day will not start soon. Of course, such a situation will bring few pleasant emotions, but the young parent will remember the harmless joke of his young children for a long time. It is not recommended to change the clock to more late time, otherwise mom may have unpleasant problems at work.

Elusive magnet

How to prank your mom at home? Simple enough! To carry out the drawing you will only need a small magnet.

It is necessary to slightly re-equip the table where the whole family usually gathers. Several magnets need to be attached under its surface. It’s worth noting that this joke only makes sense if the tabletop is thin enough, otherwise it won’t work. Now all that remains is to wait in your room for mom to give the command to go to the table.

What will happen? Parents will begin to pick up cutlery in their hands, but they will no longer succumb to their influence. It will take a lot of time for them to understand what is going on. The main thing is to remain as calm as possible at this moment so as not to give yourself away. It is not recommended to carry out this prank if there are hot dishes on the table, otherwise you may get burned.

Some cute pranks involving toothpaste

Toothpaste is that part of daily life with which pranks are held in the pioneer camp. If the thought of how you can prank your mother on April 1st doesn’t occur to you, then one of the options with her participation will come in handy.

  1. If the parents are fast asleep, then you can sneak into their bedroom at night and paint a real masterpiece on their face. Not with paints, but with a tube of toothpaste. In the morning they will be pleasantly surprised when they find this caricature on their face. So that they finally understand what’s going on, the inscription “Happy April 1st!” should be written on the mirror. This prank should only be carried out on a day when parents are not in a hurry so that they have enough time to clean their face.
  2. Place cling film over the toothpaste tube. Then you need to close it with a lid and trim off the remains with scissors. If everything is done efficiently, parents will swear a lot, not understanding why they cannot squeeze the paste onto the brush.
  3. There is the easiest way to create a joke like this. To do this, just use glue to attach the tube to the bottom of the cup. Parents will also be indignant.

Toothpaste is a familiar attribute for every person. With it you can create many jokes that will be remembered for a long time. It's enough to just hide it in discreet place so that mom's morning stops being ordinary.

Taste pranks

For many teenagers, the question of how to prank their mother on April 1 at home is problematic. In fact, even in your usual place you can find great amount items from which you can make a raffle.

What does mom do every morning? Of course, enjoys a cup of tea or coffee. You can make this pastime unusual for her! To do this, just “confuse” the salt shaker with sugar and salt. The parent will wonder for a long time how this could happen!

You can also cook it yourself delicious dessert with a very spicy, sour or salty filling. After preparing it, all that remains is to intrigue the household and monitor their reaction to this treat. Such harmless joke It will take a lot of time, but will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Strike a blow at beauty

There is another interesting method on how to prank your mother without leaving home. To make the morning as rich as possible, you need to strike a real blow to beauty. While your beloved parent is sleeping, you need to carefully sneak into her bedroom and paint her nails in completely different color shades. To make the prank even brighter, you can additionally pour out all the nail polish remover. Colleagues at work will definitely appreciate the children's sense of humor. You can also simply hide cosmetics so that mom can’t find them. But a more interesting joke will turn out if each item is glued to the dressing table.

Not soapy soap

What's better than watching parents fall victim to a prank but not understand what's going on? It is worth organizing pranks first thing in the morning when they cannot concentrate on certain things. How can you play a prank on your mother without unpleasant consequences? We need to bring to life a little prank involving ordinary soap. The work ahead is painstaking. You need to take a piece of hygiene product and cover its surface with a thick layer of varnish. Next, you need to let it dry and put it in a soap dish. In the morning you should get up in a secluded place and observe the situation. Mom will begin to wash her hands as usual, but will not understand why the soap does not want to lather.

Standard jokes

During a normal conversation, you need to look as tense as possible so that the mother herself begins to guess that something is happening to her child. Her question about what happened requires a prepared answer. You can come up with anything, for example, report early pregnancy, expulsion from the institute for poor academic performance, a summons to the police, and much more. It is important to do as much as possible during the conversation sad face. As soon as the parent believes, he should smile and congratulate him on the most joyful holiday.

There are a huge number of ways to prank your mother on the very first day of April. However, it is worth coming up with jokes in such a way that everyone has fun: the creators of the joke, participants and observers. It is best to hold this event on a weekend or in the evening, so as not to spoil the parents’ mood while getting ready for work. If they have no sense of humor at all, then you should abandon such an idea.

April Fool's Day is a wonderful holiday that gives positive and good mood every person. On this day it is customary to prank friends, colleagues and family members. In this article we will look at how to prank your mother on April 1st by phone, via SMS or at home. The most important thing is that the pranks for mom are harmless and fun.

The most fun pranks are those that are planned at home. After all, you will be able to see your mother’s reaction and laugh with her. It is necessary to plan and prepare funny pranks in advance.

Dessert “Sweet tooth”

If your family usually eats breakfast together, you can prepare an unexpected dessert for mom, the main ingredients of which are garlic and pepper. To prepare it, mix processed cheese, mayonnaise, garlic and hot peppers. Form balls and roll them in colored coconut. After everyone has had breakfast, say that you have prepared dessert and want your mother to appreciate your skill. And if your family does not have breakfast together, then you can leave the “dessert” on the table so that another of your relatives can enjoy it.

Letter from the construction organization

Type on your computer and print out a text that says that on April 1, blasting operations will be carried out near your house, and to preserve the integrity of the windows, they must be sealed with tape. Then place the letter in an envelope and stick the printed address of your apartment on it. Throw a letter at Mailbox before your mom leaves work. This must be done the day before the holiday. If mom believes what is written, don’t forget to tell her that it’s a prank and help her clean the windows from the tape.


This draw is suitable for those who are at least a little versed in technology. You should install a microswitch under the toilet lid in advance. When mom wakes up and goes to the toilet, the doorbell will ring. She will get up and see who came. She will not find anyone and will go to the toilet again. The bell will ring again. Most likely, on the third or fourth ring, mom will find a connection between the ring and contact with the toilet. It is at this moment that it’s time to shout congratulatory words outside the door.

Soap joke

If you are looking for harmless pranks for mom on April 1, a joke with soap will suit you. Paint the soap bar with clear varnish in advance and let it dry completely. Put it back in the morning in its original place. In the morning, mom will go to the bathroom and try to soap her hands. Of course, she won't succeed. Then congratulate her on the holiday and explain the meaning of the prank.

You can play a prank on your mother not only at home, but also using your phone. In this case, you need to call from an unfamiliar number and ask someone you know to talk to your mother.

Call from the housing office

Let one of your friends call your mother and introduce herself to the housing office workers. Let him say that in your neighborhood there will be a planned shutdown of hot and cold water, and you need to dial as much as possible more water in reserve. After which you need to call your mother in half an hour and ask if she has filled the bathroom with water. If not, then tell her that the water will be turned off for a long time and that she must fill it up. If she's already done it, ask if it's hot or cold. She will most likely answer that it is cold. Then say: “Hurry up the heat, we are coming to you to bathe the elephant.”

School principal's call

Ask one of your friends with an adult voice to call your mother and tell her that she is called to school. Think of some terrible violation that caused your mother to be called to school. And just before she leaves, tell her that it was a joke.

There are many ways to prank your mother on April 1 via SMS. This method will allow you to monitor your mother's reaction when she receives the message, and you will not have to look for someone who can fulfill your request.

SMS from school

Send an SMS to your mom that you have been caught smoking and drinking alcohol. Then wait half an hour and come home. To enhance the effect, walk into your apartment with a bottle in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

SMS from phone company

Send your mom an SMS that due to non-payment of services, her number will be blocked and disconnected tomorrow. After mom starts checking her bill in a panic and arguing with the phone company operators, tell her it was a prank.

The first of April is a long-awaited holiday for every person. Therefore, be sure to prepare pranks for your mother in advance. True, in this case, pranks should be kind and harmless.

Most people can't imagine April Fool's Day without some cute and kind pranks. On this holiday you can amuse your friends and acquaintances, have fun with your parents. Funny jokes for April 1 help set a great mood not only for the next couple of days, but for the whole month. That is why, both at work and at school, you should prepare cool and original jokes that will appeal to colleagues and classmates. Special attention should be paid to choosing good pranks for your beloved mother. You can make jokes both in “real” time and in SMS mode. Among the proposed new ideas and video examples, you can choose the best options for drawing on April 1 for all your friends.

Funny jokes for classmates at school on April 1 - with new ideas and video examples

At school, on April Fool's Day, it is customary to have fun making fun of both classmates and teachers. But if teachers may not appreciate the joke, then classmates and friends will perceive a funny joke on April 1st positively. You just need to choose jokes that won’t be offensive and will really help lift your spirits. Such jokes on April 1 at school can be used to prank friends from a parallel class and for trainee teachers.

Ideas for funny jokes for classmates for April Fool's Day on April 1

To prank classmates who come to school very early and diligently prepare for lessons, printing out sheets with the inscription “Renovations are underway in the corridor” will help. The sheet is pre-attached in the passage on the stairs and each suitable student will be forced to take an alternate route to the class (if such a detour is of course possible).

Preliminary preparation of “horror stories” will also help to joke with classmates or friends from the same place. For example, buy plastic spiders, cockroaches and other Halloween paraphernalia. Place the decor in the desk compartments and stick to the tabletops. All that remains is to wait for the “admiration” of each classmate’s find. For the effectiveness of the draw, it is recommended to purchase various toys.

Video example of a prank on a classmate at school on April 1

The easiest way to verify the originality of a prank is by watching people's reactions to it. That is why interesting joke For classmates, you can learn from the following video example:

Funny jokes for friends and acquaintances on April 1 - prank ideas

Use funny jokes on April 1st for friends is not only possible, but also necessary. Real comrades will be able to appreciate the “concern” and the attempt to cheer up. But you should use jokes and practical jokes that are not too offensive or stupid: the main purpose of a joke is to lift your spirits.

Ideas for a funny prank on April 1st for a friend or acquaintance

If friends live in the same apartment (or dorm), then in the morning you can amuse your friend with socks sewn in the middle (each separately). A friend will also be pleased with a frozen “ready” breakfast. You just need to make sandwiches and cereal in the evening and place them in the freezer overnight.

Anything is possible for a work friend workplace throw toys (for example, a whole brood of rats) or force them to drink cups of sweet water. A work place covered with stickers will also please your friend. You can write wishes, declarations of love or anything else on stickers.

Good jokes for mom on April 1 - interesting prank ideas

Original and good jokes. Funny April 1st jokes for mom will cheer her up for the rest of the day. But you need to keep in mind that the jokes you choose should not be scary or intimidating. Otherwise, pranks and jokes on April 1 for parents will not be positively assessed by them.

Interesting prank ideas for mom on April 1st

The most simple option Mom will be amused by sticking funny toy eyes on all the food in the refrigerator. They look touching and will definitely make mommy laugh. You can also use original manipulations with the products themselves, namely, offer them for breakfast or lunch:

  • peach in yogurt instead of scrambled eggs;
  • mashed potatoes with sauce in a bowl instead of ice cream;
  • coffee jelly instead of real coffee.

Such harmless jokes will really be appreciated. They are also great for pranking members of the older generation: grandparents.

Original jokes for children and teenagers for April 1 - ideas and video examples of practical jokes

"Apply" funny jokes on April 1 for children it is possible without any special fears. Cool pranks Children and teenagers will certainly like them and will help them have a great April Fool's Day or try out a joke they've already seen on someone they know. You can use funny jokes on April 1 to entertain children on your own child, nephews, and brothers or sisters.

The idea of ​​an original drawing for children and teenagers on April 1

A little milk fan can be offered “white” sweet jelly instead of a regular drink. Not a single child or teenager will refuse such a dessert. But for fans of “healthy” food, you can offer unusual sweets - chocolate-covered onions. After tasting them, the child will not want sweets for a long time. You can amuse your child by moving him to another place in the morning: when he is asleep, he will not be able to understand why the decor of his room has changed.

Video example of an original joke-prank for a child on April 1st

The following video will help you make sure that you can play a harmless and kind prank on your child. Interesting example can be used for the drawing on April 1st.

What jokes for April Fool's Day on April 1 can be used for SMS pranks?

To please unfamiliar people or colleagues with a joke on April Fool's Day, send interesting message. On this day, such pranks will be considered positively even from unknown senders. You can use jokes on April 1, April Fool's Day, both universal and with original texts.

Funny SMS jokes for April 1st for a draw

You don't have to invent new jokes to prank your friends. You can also use the following SMS jokes for April 1 to lift your spirits:

Dear subscriber! We inform you that due to the crisis situation, we accept food as payment for cellular communication services.

Duration last call 167 min. Place of connection - USA, Florida. Your debt is $489. We ask you to top up your balance

Dear, my husband found out about us. He took everything calmly and wanted to get to know you. He said he would buy a cake and took the knife with him. Wait.

Dear subscriber! The street you are on is not serviced by our operator. If you need to make a call, turn behind the house - into the courtyard.

It's me, your conscience! I can’t reach you, I have to write SMS. ...Well, why are you doing this, huh?!?!

Jokes and original practical jokes, funny jokes for April 1st - all this can set a great mood for the near future. You can try your jokes on everyone you know, friends, and parents. For example, a mother might be amused by a non-standard breakfast. Children and teenagers will be delighted with the funny sweets. But you can kindly entertain your classmates at school on April Fool’s Day with harmless jokes. Among the proposed ideas and examples, it will not be difficult to choose the best option for pranking your loved ones.

With spring comes many holidays. One of them is dedicated to the kindest human emotion – laughter. April 1 is a holiday of laughter and jokes; on this day there is the largest number of pranks and jokes on each other. Everyone jokes: schoolchildren on teachers, soldiers on warrant officers, children on parents and vice versa, and even office workers on their ever-serious bosses. On this day you cannot be offended even by the harshest jokes.

But most of all, on April 1, children love to make fun of their parents. Due to their ingenuity, they come up with all sorts of things to prank their parents. The April 1st prank for parents should be as thoughtful as possible, so that parents fall for the weight of the trick, and then also laugh at how easy it is to fool them.

How to prank your parents at home

There are several options for organizing a drawing on April 1 for parents at home. And to please your parents, you can cook.

Alarm clock prank

You should pay close attention to this draw and start preparing the day before April 1st. In the evening, before parents go to bed, you should set their alarm clock an hour earlier. Remember that you need to prank your parents, not annoy them. Along with the alarm clock, you should set all the clocks in the house an hour earlier so that in the morning your parents don’t suspect a trick. It turns out that on April 1, parents will wake up an hour earlier and will wonder why they didn’t get enough sleep, why it’s not so light outside yet. Watching them sleepy is truly a fun sight, especially when they are unaware of anything.

But the funniest moment is when parents come to work at the office and find that the doors are still closed and no one is there. Then they might realize that it was a prank and they got up an hour earlier, or maybe they won’t figure it out and start panicking, calling their colleagues and doing other funny things.

Raffle “Pot of Water”

This joke can be used to prank your beloved mother, who is used to having all things in their place, and will definitely pay attention to the fact that something is wrong, and in trying to fix it, she will fall into the hook of the prank.

You need to fill a small saucepan with water, cover the saucepan with a sheet of paper on top and turn it upside down, placing the saucepan on a flat surface in a place where it will catch your mother’s eyes and interfere. When the pan is turned over, the paper should be carefully pulled out so that the water does not leak out. When mom sees that the pan is in the wrong place, she will take it and unwittingly become a participant in the prank. To make it more fun, you can carefully watch your mother and film what is happening on the camcorder on the sly. Parents will definitely enjoy this holiday.

Toothpaste prank

The toothpaste prank is one of the most common and simple pranks on April 1 for parents at home. Parents, in the daily hustle and bustle, sometimes forget that April 1 is Funny Day, so they always fall for the toothpaste prank.

What do you need to do for this giveaway? You should take a small piece cling film and pull his tube with paste, in the place where the paste is squeezed out. Then close the tube with a lid and trim off the excess film so that it is not visible that this film is there at all. As a result, in the morning parents will not be able to squeeze the paste out of the tube, and will probably be perplexed and angry!

Phone pranks for parents

One of the most simple ways pranking parents is using mobile phone. It is more difficult to guess the prank over the phone, because the interlocutor does not see the cunning face of the one who is pranking it. The draw for April 1 for parents by phone is exciting activity, especially when you want to make a joke on April 1, but there is absolutely no time to organize some kind of grand prank that requires auxiliary elements and careful preparation.

Prank about the police

In the middle of the workday, you can call one of the parents on the phone and, in an alarmed, trembling voice, tell them the news that their daughter or son is in the police station for fighting, and that the parents should immediately report to the police station. Any parent who is worried about their child will rush to save the poor fellow. Then there are two options for the event: either call 15 minutes later and cheerfully report that it was a prank, or actually wait for the parent near the designated police station with a cake, and when the parent arrives at the scene, congratulate him on being the victim of an April Fool's prank!