Two life lines on the right hand. Double thread and support from relatives

A double Life Line on the hand is definitely a good sign for the owner of the palm, especially when it is long and well outlined. The double life line is located on the inner side of the Mount of Venus, and runs parallel to the main life line. The double line can be located both on the right hand and on the left hand, and thereby carries a certain meaning.

When it is located on the passive left hand (for a right-handed person), and if we consider such a mark from a psychological point of view, then such a sign states that perhaps from an early age a person had to adapt to his parents in view of their completely versatile differences in character and behavior , as a result of which he internalized two different value systems, or even two confessional faiths. If you don’t know which hand to look at this or that line, you can find out in the above section. As usually happens in life, in his youth such a person may be faced with what seems to him to be a big problem in choosing his own path, and having decided, he will definitely follow a more slippery and more interesting path of life for him. Usually, all serious directions in the career of such a person are rejected in favor of more adventurous choices.

If the double life line is on the active (right) hand, we can assume that the owner of the hand is rewarded from birth with quite powerful vitality and a sufficient amount of energy, but one should pay attention to the hills of the hand, in particular the Mount of Venus, for confirmation - in this case, the individual is ready to accept different lifestyles and endure all the hardships with dignity and obstacles on the way. There is no doubt that the life of such a person always has two sides, and as if indicates a predisposition to a double life, the duplicity of life can be expressed, for example, even in the profession - a person at work can be an evil and very (cursed) boss, while in the family may be henpecked. It was also noticed in the practice of researchers in the field of palmistry that there is a double life line in most twins, on whose palms the double line is always very long and well defined.

The double life line has its own distinctive features on the female hand. When a line is located on the palm of the fair sex, such a sign indicates the difficulties that the owner of the hand may experience. Problems may arise in the area of ​​combining career and family life. But such a representative of the weaker sex will still never give up anything, she will adequately fight the manifestation of possible negative consequences and in every area she will be a completely different person.

The general interpretation of a double line or other lines running parallel to the main lines is as follows: they are auxiliary and are a sign of support and orderliness. They are like small pillars that support a person throughout life. The double life line in this case is correlated according to the eastern schools of palmistry, with relationships with the father in the first place, and other relatives providing support. However, the need for two directions in life may mean a successful career in a metropolis and the life of an artist in his free time; such people often travel and constantly change their lifestyle. How to see the line of fate?

If you look at a photo of two people’s hands, you can see different life lines, which means that everyone has their own destiny. Palmistry studies the pattern of lines on the hand and helps to reveal information about events in a person’s life.

Palmistry studies the pattern of lines on the hand

The lines are read on both hands, the dominant one is the main one (for a right-hander - the right, for a left-hander - the left). By the active hand they read what happened and what changes should be expected, and by the second - how it was determined by fate from birth.

Many people, relying on the pattern on their palm, are ready to accept their fate. However, lines are capable of changing during the course of life. Some bifurcate, send out branches and lengthen, others shorten and receive additional signs. A person is the creator of his own destiny, and the lines can only indicate, warning against failures and serious losses.

Characteristics of the Life Line

The life line is the most important when reading the hand, as it represents a constant. The ideal line is considered to be smooth, shallow, without breaks or additional symbols. They are divided according to their characteristics:

  • deep, indicates that a person has strong willpower and a lot of energy;
  • shallow, which shows that a person needs additional energy, he needs peace and quiet more;
  • different depths over the entire surface indicate a change in health status.

Depending on the length, we can talk about the quality of life, but not about the duration. If it is short and does not reach the middle of the palm, this means limited physical strength; the person’s relatives often died at a young age. Long indicates excellent physical condition; if there are no other marks, then a predisposition to longevity.

Why can’t we judge life expectancy based on the length of the life line? One of the main factors that influences changes in life expectancy is the acquisition of bad habits and leading a not entirely healthy lifestyle.

If the line on the active hand bifurcates at the end, this means that there is no need to worry about your health, illnesses will be avoided. The double line predicts happiness and wealth; in women it is an indicator of sensuality. When additional signs and symbols are located on the hand, this indicates the influence of various factors, both favorable and negative.

Meaning of the signs

If you look closely at the line, you can see small but obvious signs. What could they mean? A small triangle indicates receiving a decent amount of money; during this period it is possible to receive an inheritance or cash gain. In the case when a triangle is located on a line, as if interrupting it, this impedes the flow of vital energy and may indicate events related to a fire. A person will not necessarily suffer physically in it; material costs are possible.

When there is a square on the line, it symbolizes protection or patronage. If it interrupts the line on the hand, then this means the neutralizing effect that it has on diseases, that is, it speaks of a speedy recovery. A square located towards the Mount of Venus has a completely different meaning; this indicates imprisonment, it is not necessarily imprisonment, there are many options.

Islands located on the line speak of a temporary loss of strength and illness. The larger the island, the more difficult it is to recover from illness.

When this line bifurcates, as if changing direction, or places a large branch on the Mount of the Moon, this means distant and long-term departures from one’s hometown, from home.

Double line

A double life line on the hand is a good sign, especially when the pattern is clearly visible, with a slight indentation. Its location is on the inner side of the Mount of Venus and parallel to the main line of life. Owners of such a sign on the palm were “born in a shirt”; they always have an additional supply of vital energy.

Sometimes it happens that with the passage of time a bifurcated life line appears on the palm. This means that a person himself influences his own destiny, he has found a patron who will protect him and help him in every possible way in life. The patron can be a real physical person (relative, friend, lover or acquaintance) or an astral object.

It happens that the double line of life bifurcates when a person immerses himself in religious teachings and develops spiritually. If at this moment a person notices changes on the life line, then he can perceive this fact as the approval of higher powers. From this moment on, his life will change for the better, he will become more successful and happier, higher powers will guide him through life and help him in all his endeavors. The location on the right or left palm will be of particular importance.

If it is on the left palm (passive for a right-handed person), then the bearer of such a mark had a hard time with his parents from early childhood; they had different views on life. As a result, two different value systems, even religions. In his youth, a person will be faced with choosing his own path, but he will choose a more slippery, thorny path.

When this line is located on the active, right hand (for a right-handed person), it means that a person has been endowed with a large supply of vital energy from birth, it is in full swing. In this case, a person acquired a defender only thanks to his efforts and accomplished deeds. The life of such a person is divided by two personalities, duality is observed in everything; at work he can be a strict, demanding boss, but in the family henpecked.

For a representative of the fair sex, this line indicates difficulties in profession and family life. It will be difficult for a woman to combine two roles - wife, mother and successful employee, but she will never give up any of them.

Judging by the general interpretation of double lines, they are an additional support. If there is no forked life line on your hand, you should not be upset; this does not mean at all that your life is full of failures. It is worth reconsidering life principles and views. By making the right conclusions about your existence, you can change the course of your life, and over time, you will find signs in your palm that mean happiness and prosperity.

In this article we will talk about what a life line is in palmistry and what it can tell.

Do you know that, according to our ancestors, there are no seals and signs that could not be used to their advantage? Therefore, they paid close attention to the lines of the hands. Let's follow their example! In this article we will try to read information from one of the most popular lines in palmistry - the life line.

The life line in the palm of the hand for women, men, children - which hand is it on: photo

All people have a life line both on the left and on the right hand. On both hands she curves around the area of ​​the thumb- the so-called Mount of Venus. The beginning can be seen under the index finger, and the end - next to the wrist.

Similar guidelines are relevant for men, women and children. By the way, about children: the life line appears even in them, as it is formed during uterine development.

Life line on the right and left hand for women, men, children: what does it mean?

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that a child under three years old should not guess.

For kids Older people can already make forecasts that are somewhat different from the versions for adults. So, there is no point in studying the right palm, because it is too early to talk about the future. And here the left one deserves special attention as a bearer of innate traits.

As for adults people, then previously there was an opinion that women should guess using their left hand, and men should use their right hand. Now palmists believe that, regardless of gender, You need to pay attention to all hands.

Wherein right will talk about the present and future, physical well-being, emotional state. Left it will tell about the inclinations at birth, character.

IMPORTANT: Of course, all this is relevant only if the right hand is active.

Width lines may indicate the following:

  • Noticeable width and at the same time, good clarity indicates a healthy, self-confident nature, standing firmly on its feet. Such individuals, as a rule, succeed in all their endeavors.
  • Average width– a sign of luck, energy, nobility. The secret of the successful life of such people is that they are extremely calm in any situation, know how to abstract themselves and choose who should pour out their souls.
  • Thin line– poor health, which, however, does not cancel out a long life. This personality is most likely melancholic, prone to frequent manifestations of depression. Maybe even vindictive.

IMPORTANT: Health depends on your internal state. In other words, a person himself can easily correct it - he needs to gain confidence. An effective tactic for this is to enlist the support of stronger people.

A thin life line is a sign of a melancholic character

Does the life line on the hand of small children change, will it grow?

As we wrote just above, the life line is a basic sign that is present on the palms from the very moment of birth. And some lovers of palmistry naturally want to know what the life line predicts for their child. Many parents get scared when they see a short streak.

We hasten to reassure you: life lines tend to grow and change. Moreover, it changes not only in young children, but even in adolescents and adults.

Life line in the palm of the hand: how to determine how long to live, life expectancy?

Directly to The life line does not indicate how long a person is destined to live. Firstly, this sign changes periodically. Secondly, it rather signals abilities and energy reserves, which, in turn, can affect the quality and duration of life.

In order to calculate the potential of vital energy and see when important events will occur, you can conditionally divide the line into 10 intervals. Moreover, each such interval will be equal on average 7 years old. The latest years will be located in this case closer to the wrist.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget that such a division is conditional - it is impossible to make a prediction accurate to the year or month. The figure 70 is the average life expectancy, but, of course, is not the only correct option.

Some palmists prefer childhood and age after 60 years withdraw the gap is a little larger than for other ages. This is explained by the fact that events in childhood and old age are not as well defined as events in adulthood. But it is quite possible to divide into equal sections.

For convenience of division, you can use compass. Place one end of it under your index finger, and the other between your index and middle fingers. After this, draw a semicircle and see where it intersects the desired line.

What does a broken life line in the palm mean?

Not a very good sign that promises diseases. By the way, it is recommended to look at the approximate age at which the warning occurs.

IMPORTANT: If the gap is clear, then the disease can be very serious, even fatal.

However, do not rush to panic - try to perceive such a sign as warning. For example, monitor your health more carefully or agree to surgery if it is recommended by specialists.

Please note that what the line looks like after the break. So, if its continuation is as clear as its beginning, then it will be possible to get rid of the disease with minimal losses.

If the life line has gap in the middle its owner is a chronically dissatisfied person. He is offended by himself, by those around him, and by fate. Even when fate throws chances, they most often go unnoticed. Such a person definitely needs to change his view of the world, and also pay special attention to the condition of the gallbladder and liver.

What does a short life line on the palm mean?

IMPORTANT: A short life line is not a reason to worry about the fact that fate has allotted few years. But if such a short line is very close to the thumb, you should be extremely careful about your health.

In other cases, the sign is a signal that the person does not have a violent temperament and probably he often lacks vital energy:

  • Short line on right palm– a person could deplete a vital resource due to bad habits, diseases, or poor lifestyle
  • This line on left palm- a great sign! Especially if the difference between the passive and active palms is large. This means that the person was able or will be able to cope with troubles and realize his potential.

Also, such a symbol sometimes means that a person prone to arrogance and as a consequence, often left alone, suffering from this. To avoid disappointments and problems, you should learn to correctly evaluate events, people, and look at life more positively. This approach can help avoid a lot of troubles and even diseases.

The life line bifurcates at the beginning, in the middle, at the end on the right and left palms: what does this mean?

IMPORTANT: A bifurcated life line can serve as a signal of a person’s duplicity. As a rule, his words are at odds with his deeds, so you should be careful when communicating.

By the way, a similar sign often prevails among those who live double life. Moreover, this concept can include anything from duality in work matters to love affairs on the side. A similar sign appears on any segment of the life line - you should focus on the age division of the line.

However, if the line branches upward at the beginning, this can be regarded as a good sign. Such an individual is guaranteed success in his career due to the presence irrepressible energy And healthy ambition.

If there is a branch in the middle or at the very end of the line closer to the wrist, then there is probably a person in front of you who has passion for travel and other kinds change.

What does a triangle mean on the life line on the right and left hand?

Is a good omen that indicates a person with extraordinary abilities. Most often they mean talents to persuade, high intelligence. Such people make first-class diplomats.

IMPORTANT: Pay attention to where exactly the triangle is located on the life line.

So, if it is located at the end, we can assume that in front of you there is probably philanthropist. Such a person is able to devote himself without reserve to solving public needs. However, sometimes this negatively affects one’s own interests.

As you might guess, the gift of a diplomat and philanthropist quickly depletes the nervous system. If the owner of a triangle in the palm plans to live to a ripe old age, he can simply You need to lead a healthy lifestyle and relax from time to time.

What does a square on the life line mean on the right and left hand?

If square seems to be blocking the break line on the hand, which means the owner of such a mark enough reserve of strength in order to cope with problems. Palmists call such a square “protective.”

Non-limiting line break square points to isolation. Moreover, this isolation can have the most direct meaning - for example, prison isolation or stay in a monastery.

IMPORTANT: The owner of such a square must make decisions carefully, otherwise there is a high risk of doing something illegal.

However, isolation can also have symbolic meaning. For example, a person will lead a secluded lifestyle for some time due to heavy workload or study.

The meaning of the intersection of the life line with the line of fate, mind, health, heart, head, Saturn, Mercury in the palm

Crossing the life line with the line of fate (Saturn) is not favorable because a person acts as a hindrance to himself. He is constantly overcome by doubts, he is initially tuned in to a negative result. As a result, uncertainty and fear are formed, and good opportunities are missed.

Crossing the same with the line of the head (mind)- sign perseverance, determination. Such people are excellent at activities that require mental effort and perseverance - chess, solving puzzles. Such a person is always stands up for the weak, does not tolerate injustice.

IMPORTANT: Don’t be scared by the fact that the owner of this combination of lines has few friends. He prefers quality to quantity.

This happens when the life line intersects with the lines of the mind and heart at the same time. In this case, palmists give a forecast for fatality some important event in a person's life.

Crossing the life line with the line of health (Mercury) also considered unfavorable sign. Especially if the Mercury stripe is clearer than the life stripe.

The life line in the palm connects with the line of fate, mind, health, heart, head, Saturn, Mercury: what does this mean?

Connected at one point lines of life and fate- a sign of real lucky ones. Whatever they undertake, they manage to do everything in the best possible way. Such people are especially predisposed to military career.

IMPORTANT: However, luck is not endless - the owner of such a sign should always remember this. As we wrote just above, stripes connected at one point life and heart– warning of unfavorable and even fatal events.

Coming from one point lines of life and health (Mercury)- a signal that the person is weak. He definitely needs to pay close attention to his health.

Cross on the life line in the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

If the cross is at the end of the life line means a person will live a long life. At the same time, fatal things will bypass him.

The cross at the beginning of the line points to a person sincere, strongly attached to people And permanent in your hobbies. Moreover, such a person is capable soberly assess behavior of others. When achieving goals, they appear firmness and determination. You can be sure that a person with such a sign will not betray.

IMPORTANT: Contrary to popular belief, the cross does not predict illness or death.

A line parallel to the line of life in the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

The line parallel to the life line is called sign of Mars or Guardian Angel. She predicts life full of success. If any troubles happen, then the owner of such a sign can get rid of them easily and without serious consequences.

The line of Mars promises well-being both in material terms and in terms of communication with others. Businesses organized jointly with someone are especially successful - teamwork is excellent.

Palmists believe that if there are any unfavorable signs on the hand, the seal of the Guardian Angel will soften their negative prediction.

The Guardian Angel line is parallel to the life line

What does a mole on the life line in the palm of your hand mean?

Quite a bad sign - portends health problems. However, a lot depends on how the line after the mole looks - so, if it doesn't break off then you can do not fear a fatal outcome.

If the line does not break, but still looks less clear This means that the disease will take away an impressive part of your vital energy.

IMPORTANT: Look at what time period of the life line this mark is located. By knowing at least approximately the age at which the disease can occur, you have every chance of preventing the problem.

If you are the lucky owner Mars lines, you can breathe a sigh of relief. If illness occurs, you you can handle it with him without significant losses.

As you can see, the life line contains much more than is commonly believed. We hope that we were able to dispel some of the prejudices and fears that constantly form around one of the main lines on the palm.

Video: Life Line

The Life Line begins at the foot of the Mount of Jupiter, at the inner edge of the palm, between the index and thumb, and arches around the Mount of Venus.
It has been called the Line of Life since ancient times, because palmists of all times used it to predict life expectancy. The area of ​​health and judgment about the supply of vitality are associated with this line.
On the left hand it shows the hereditary constitution of a person. On the right hand, this line marks all upcoming and past events and diseases.
The Life Line is the most important because it is the most constant of all the lines. The lines of the Mind (head) and Heart are sometimes, although rarely, absent, the line of Life is never.
An impeccable line of Life is considered to be a smooth, clear, thin, not too deep fold, running from beginning to end without the slightest interruption and without any extraneous signs on it in the form of dots, stars, crosses, etc.
If the Life line is long and strongly marked, then this is a sign of physical and mental vitality.
A too thin line of Life, even if it is long, beautifully outlined and clean, is a sign of unstable health, nervousness, but still indicates longevity.
The long and thin line of Life indicates a person who is impressionable and soft, but who knows how, if necessary, to decide on extraordinary perseverance and endure unexpectedly much.
A very wide line is more a sign of muscular strength than energy.
A too wide, deep, red line of Life means cruelty and viciousness, a tendency to crime.
If the Life line is long and bifurcates at the end, then this is a sign that a person need not fear for his health; he is exceptionally immune to disease.
A short and strongly defined line indicates mainly a person who is strong and stable, but prone to excessively scattering his strength.
A short and poorly drawn line indicates a very strong nature, one that must balance its strength with its intentions and live in moderation.
If the line is uneven, bends, has unequal depth and tension, then this is a sign of precarious health, but does not predict an early death, because a person can live to a very old age with all sorts of illnesses.
You should not attach much importance to the length of the Life line. Palmists generally look at the signs that exist on the palm as warning signs, and not as decisive ones. If fate with a short Life Line predicts a short life for you, be careful, take care of your health and live a long time. On the contrary, do not rely on the long line of Life: if you waste your strength unreasonably, then shorten your life, regardless of any length of the Life line.
A break in the line indicates disease or a tendency to it, especially if it is visible on both hands. If the line consists of small segments, then this is clearly a sign of poor health, poor digestion and lack of vitality.
A rather formidable sign in this regard is the abrupt interruption of the Life line. This predicts either a very dangerous illness or violent death. Children who have such a line are advised by palmists to be very careful. It happens that two pieces of the Life Line are connected by a figure similar to a quadrangle - a person is threatened with a dangerous illness or misfortune, but everything will go well.
It is necessary to pay attention to the beginning of this line. If at the beginning it is forked, forming forks, then this is a sign of especially strong, indestructible health.
If the Life line bifurcates parallel to the Mind line and the second is less visible, then this indicates that the person is not used to working; he is persistent, demanding a lot for himself, striving for constant superiority.
If the Life line begins high at the base of the Mount of Jupiter, the person has good control over himself. His destiny will be subject to his ambition. If the Life line is lower, then this indicates a lesser degree of control over oneself.
If, looking carefully at the line of Life, you pay attention to a whole series of points, i.e. small depressed places, then you can conclude that a person is threatened with frequent illnesses, but not life-threatening.
An island on the Life line is a bad sign. This is a sign of poor health, anemia, malaise, and thinness. Some consider an island on the Life line to be a sign of mysterious illegitimate origin.
The Life line can have branches directed up and down.
The branches going upward, that is, to the lines of the Mind and Heart, foreshadow all sorts of everyday blessings, success in business, and indicate leading a very active life; descending branches - poverty, failure. A branch coming from the Life line into the triangle is considered a particularly reliable sign of wealth.
If a branch extends from the Life line towards the Mount of the Moon, then this indicates death abroad after a long stay there.
Sometimes a cross-shaped figure can be discerned at the beginning or end of the Life line. Such a cross at the beginning of the line (at the top between the thumb and forefinger) is fully consistent with the expression “to bear the cross” and means a life full of failures and disasters. The cross below on the Life line means a happy life or old age.
The double Life line predicts happiness or wealth. Some consider the paired Life line to be a sign of great sensuality, especially in women. If one of the paired lines is broken, this may be a sign of a non-life-threatening illness.

Finding out what fate has in store for a person is not difficult; you don’t have to turn to a psychic for this. The life line on the hand shows a lot of information. You just need to learn to read it correctly. The main thing to remember is that the line will not tell you how long a person has left to live. It will show the quality of fate, the main points of health that you need to pay attention to.


Based on appearance, the life line is divided into two types:

  • clear, without breaks;
  • short, with breaks in some places.

If a person has a deep line, then this characterizes him as a confident and energetic individual. Typically, such people are stable in their work and relationships. Self-confidence and a constant flow of strength allow you to achieve what you want and not stop on the path to your goal.

If the line is weak, there are breaks - the person is insecure. Very often there are health problems, insomnia torments. Such people are cut off from the surrounding reality, they live in their own little world, and rarely trust anyone. Uncertainty makes it very difficult to achieve something. A person cannot cope with anything on his own; he constantly asks for help. Health problems are a consequence of internal instability.


The life line on your hand can tell you a lot. It is not difficult to find a photo with a transcript, but not everyone is able to correctly decipher the information. Its location plays a huge role on a person’s character.

  1. There is a bend towards the center of the palm, the line is located quite far from the thumb - this characterizes a strong character. Such an individual is not afraid of any difficulties; he will overcome obstacles with his head up and achieve success again.
  2. If the line is located too close to the thumb, then this characterizes a person with a weak character. Constant fear of making a mistake, uncertainty and weakness always accompany.
  3. It is very rare to find people whose life line originates near the index finger. Such an individual is full of energy, wants to achieve justice and rarely tells lies. It is quite difficult to find a common language with a person because sometimes it is better not to tell the truth to his face.


You can characterize a person only by looking at the lines on both hands. If there are tears on the right hand, it means that life will not go smoothly. It is possible that a period will come when you will have to go through a divorce, moving to another city, or illness.

Tears on the left hand date back to when the child was growing up. It is possible that at this time the person experienced the divorce of his parents or lost a loved one. Breakups mean vital instability of the psyche, which came from childhood.

How the line behaves after a break:

  • if it is clear, it means that all changes are for the better and will only strengthen the strength of spirit;
  • if it is weak, it means that what is happening will negatively affect health and energy flow;
  • if it approaches the central point of the palm, it means that changes are expected, it is possible that the person will achieve success and achieve career growth;
  • if the line after the break is closer to the thumb, it means that a calm and measured life awaits the person.

Actress Lyubov Nikolaevna Tolkalina has always believed in palmistry. Personal life, divorce and other life events correspond to breaks in a woman’s palms.

Is the science of palmistry accurate? The life line can say a lot more than many people think. Look at the branches from it and compare with the events happening to you.

  1. There is a small fork at the base of the line. This means that a person will have a journey where he will meet his true love. The trip will change your life for the better.
  2. The branches are short and slightly upward. Many undertakings await, most of which are doomed to success.
  3. The branches are short, but directed downwards. There may be events where the individual will lose a lot of energy. The result is anxiety and possible troubles. You need to carefully consider every action so as not to regret it later.


Sometimes a person has a double life line on his hand (a photo can show what it looks like). If it is on the active hand, it means that the person has not set priorities. A great example is combining work and personal life, work and study. For some, everything ends well, for others, sooner or later nature makes the choice. When a double parallel is on the passive hand, the parents are not similar in character, and everyone is trying to impose their point of view on the child.

If the parallel lines passing by the main (life) are thin, then such a person is very lucky. He can be sure that he can rely on his family and friends in difficult times. A person is reliable and chooses friends of the same character.

There is an opinion that the duration of human life has a direct relationship with the lines on the palm. On the one hand, this is true, but the phrase should be reformulated a little differently. Man is the master of his own destiny. An excellent proof of this is the film “A Lifelong Smile.” Petrosyan showed very well that you always need to think positively. If there are relatives and friends who will always help and support in a difficult situation, then a person with a short life line will live long and happily and will not get sick. All for the reason that on a subconscious level he will not feel lonely.

“A Lifelong Smile” is a very interesting film filled with deep meaning. A person is capable of changing his own destiny with the help of feelings, positive emotions and actions. This is how the future is shaped. Sometimes you notice an impressive trend. The lines on the active palm change; a short one can become long. It really is possible. Some divide it into 12 segments. Each segment is 7 years. The total is 84 years. Is it possible to clean up how many years an individual will live in this way? The concept is quite relative, because 84 years is not the limit. Some live up to 100 years. A life-long line - there is no need to focus special attention on this, people live as long as they wish for themselves.


  1. If the line of life is crossed by a line, this is called the “line of injury.” It predicts the emotional component of human existence. Those who have this trait need to be careful because it is a harbinger of mental turmoil.
  2. Small tears. They mean illness. Particular attention should be paid to health.
  3. Overlay. If one line overlaps another, it means that a moment of significant change will come in a person’s life, which will radically change his consciousness.
  4. Chain type. The person has a very complex character. It is apathetic, quickly lights up and goes out just as quickly.
  5. Cross. It means a difficult period in a person’s existence. You need to be mentally prepared for it in order to overcome all the troubles with dignity.
  6. Lattice. People do not have any specific goal, they do not strive to achieve what they want, there is no dream. This is bad, because it is impossible to exist without a goal. If you are interested in what such a life line looks like, you can easily find a photo; the grid is clearly shown there.
  7. Square. There will be a danger that will harm your health. But it is this square that will protect – there will be no threat to life.
  8. Star. Talks about a difficult period in life. Maybe this is an accident that will leave an imprint on your health and emotional state. The way out is to learn to pull yourself together and think positively.
  9. Grooves. They show that the person is very nervous and can flare up out of the blue. He often quarrels with relatives and friends simply because he got off on the wrong foot.
  10. Triangle. Good sign. Such people belong to the category who thinks first, then acts. They know how to smooth out conflicts and will always find the right words of support.
  11. Sister line. It runs very close to the life line and stands parallel. This means that a person will have two choices; by accepting one, he will determine his own destiny.

Decoding the life line on your hand is not difficult, but you shouldn’t worry right away when you see a bad sign. The more you prepare yourself for negative events, the more likely it is that it will actually happen. Signs are just warnings, little tips that you shouldn’t be afraid of, but be able to use them.

Was last modified: November 30th, 2015 by Elena Pogodaeva