Eugene Onegin. "Eugene Onegin" as a realistic work

I read “Eugene Onegin”, and it’s as if the end has been put, but unique, amazing lines still live in my soul. It is no longer possible to forget them, you cannot immediately begin to analyze them, you just need to freeze, hide for a while in order to experience this delight caused by contact with the highest art. I just want to be at this height, and then, after some time, allow myself to again plunge into the realm of images, rhymes, into the fate of the main characters and then try to understand how you feel in relation to each of them.

So, I open “Eugene Onegin” again (the word “open” here has two meanings: it refers both to the book and to the work itself, which you can probably discover for yourself all your life). Suddenly I realize that I am not going to read, but to listen to the inspired story of my old friend - the Author. Who is he? Outside observer or interested party? His biography partly coincides with Pushkin’s, but can this be considered a direct connection between the poet and his lyrical hero? Most likely not: the connection between a character in a novel and a real prototype is always very complex. Pushkin gradually isolates the image of the Author - both from his own personality and from the image of the main character. The author, as he appears in numerous “lyrical digressions” (which gradually build up into a special storyline), is connected with Onegin by friendly ties, but the higher he goes, the less he coincides with him in tastes, preferences, and views. The author is the same full-fledged participant in events as Evgeny Onegin, Tatyana, Lensky. The action of the novel takes place from the winter of 1819 to the spring of 1825 (that is, before the famous historical events). The time of creation of the novel is determined by a different time frame: 1823-1830. Thus, it becomes obvious how different the Author’s life path is from the fate of his hero. From the numerous hints scattered throughout the text of the first chapter, we can conclude that the Author has suffered some kind of vicissitudes of fate, that he is persecuted and, possibly, exiled (the story about his native Petersburg is told through the haze of separation). He has a feeling of disappointment in common with Onegin: his “young days” rushed in a whirlwind of light; life was divided between the theater and balls; slender legs inspired him, but - alas! - we just have to remember this:

On days of fun and desires

I was crazy about balls:

Or rather, there is no room for confessions

And for delivering a letter.

O you, honorable spouses!

I will offer you my services;

Please notice my speech:

I want to warn you.

You, mamas, are also stricter

Follow your daughters:

Hold your lorgnette straight!

Not that... not that, God forbid!

That's why I'm writing this

That I haven’t sinned for a long time.

The acquaintance with Onegin occurs at the moment when the blues overtakes both: “I was embittered, he was gloomy.” There are obviously two ways out of such a disappointed state: into an active political opposition and into a suffering, worthless life.” extra person" Onegin is initially given two options; subsequently the plot will “push” him onto the second road. However, the Author, apparently, chooses the first: hints of his exile are heard constantly. From time to time he reminds the reader that he lives far from noisy capitals: first somewhere in the “Ovidian lands”, then on an estate, in the depths of Russia “proper” (here he wanders over the lake, sees “creative dreams” and reads poetry not to the object of tender passion, but to the old nanny and the ducks). Later we learn that the Author lived in Odessa, where he met again with Onegin, traveling in those parts:

Three years later, following me,

Wandering in the same direction,

Onegin remembered me.

The author constantly intrudes into the narrative (despite the fact that the time and space in which he lives do not coincide with the time and space in which the other characters act). He chatters the reader, captivating him not only with the history of the heroes, but also with his own history, full of adventure and intrigue. It should be noted that his irony extends not only to the heroes of the novel, but also to himself.

From chapter to chapter, not only the Author’s mood changes, but also his attitude towards the main character, as well as his style of communication with the reader. If at the beginning of the novel the Author calls Onegin “my good friend,” then gradually he moves away from him and even declares:

I'm always happy to notice the difference

Between Onegin and me.

And he even continues somewhat sarcastically:

As if it's impossible for us

Write poems about others

As soon as about yourself.

When Tatyana appears in the story, the Author becomes imbued with such sympathy and even love for her that he involuntarily (or consciously) begins to look at everything that happens through her eyes. His ideals become more patriarchal, national, and “domestic.” These changes are hidden under the cover of the same mocking intonation in which the conversation with the reader is conducted. The Author entrusted the “serious” point of view on Eugene Onegin as an oppositionist to the stupid provincial landowners, Onegin’s neighbors on his uncle’s estate (somewhere in the north-west of Russia, a seven-day drive “on their own” from Moscow, that is, in the absolute wilderness). Only they are capable of considering Evgeny Onegin a “most dangerous” eccentric and even a “farmer.” The author, and with him, of course, the reader, look at him with an increasingly sober gaze.

The last, eighth, chapter gives absolutely new image The author, as well as the new image of Eugene Onegin. The author and the hero, disappointed in the “pleasures of life” at the beginning of the novel, simultaneously begin a new round of fate - at its end. The author has experienced a lot, learned a lot since the “secular” period of his life. He turns to the source - the lyceum days when the mystery of Poetry was revealed to him. This path is unfamiliar and impossible for Onegin, who has no talent and does not even know how to distinguish “iamb from trochee.” He never managed to find himself in any public life, nor in love.

For a long time... forever. Behind him

Quite we are on the same path

Wandered around the world. Congratulations

Each other with the shore. Hooray!

It’s long overdue (isn’t it?)!

Whoever you are, oh my reader,

Friend, foe, I want to be with you

To part now as friends.

Thus, the reader, as it were, takes the place originally prepared for Onegin.

To summarize, we can assume that the discrepancy between the Author and the hero is largely due to the presence of talent and solid civic position in the first and the absence of such in the second. Onegin is quite ordinary and mentally lazy. The Author takes all the events that happen to him much closer to his heart than he does himself. However, Onegin is also given the opportunity to understand that he is capable of a high impulse, to recognize all the best that is in his soul, and - who knows - maybe someday he will again have to discover in himself this depth of feelings, this “storm of sensations” "

The young rake, Evgeny Onegin, was traveling to the village to visit his dying uncle, who left him a rich inheritance after his death, and thought about how boring it was to spend time at the bedside of the sick.

But, my God, what boredom it is to sit with a sick person day and night, without leaving a single step! What low deceit is to amuse a half-dead, to straighten his pillows, to sadly offer medicine, to sigh and think to himself: When will the devil take you!

Evgeniy was born in St. Petersburg. His father lived in debt and wasted money. In his youth, the boy was raised by hired French teachers, devoting not too much time to science. When Evgeniy grew up, he plunged headlong into all the delights social life, endless balls, feasts and holidays, visits to theaters, not to enjoy a play, but only to appear in society. And the world favorably received Onegin, because the young man followed all his conventions, spoke easily in French, dressed in the latest fashion and spent three hours in front of the mirror, could show off a sharp epigram and anecdote.

He had no desire to rummage
In chronological dust
History of the earth:
But jokes of days gone by
From Romulus to the present day
He kept it in his memory.

All possible luxury items brought to Russia from Paris decorated the young man’s office. But the “science of tender passion” occupied a special place in his life; he early learned to disturb the hearts of courtly coquettes and young girls.

However, Evgeniy was not happy. His feelings cooled down early, the noise of the world bored him, and beauties were not long the subject of his usual thoughts. The betrayals have become tiresome, the friends are tired. He was overcome by melancholy; he did not want to commit suicide, but lost interest in the whole world. He tried to read, but books did not interest him either.

Onegin's father died, and a whole regiment of lenders immediately reached out to him. Eugene, hating litigation, simply provided them with his entire father's inheritance and was left completely without funds.

His father then died. The greedy regiment of Lenders gathered in front of Onegin. Each has his own mind and sense: Eugene, hating litigation, Satisfied with his lot, gave them the inheritance...

Soon Onegin received a report from the manager that his uncle was dying and wanted to say goodbye to him. And Evgeniy immediately, having prepared himself for lies, boredom and deception for the sake of money, went to the village, but when he got there, he did not find his uncle alive.
Onegin turned out to be a villager, the owner of factories, waters, forests and lands. For several days, nature, secluded fields, the beauty of forests and the babbling brook seemed new and interesting to the young man. However, all this was not for long - and the blues returned to him in the village.

Then he saw clearly
That in the village the boredom is the same,
Although there are no streets or palaces,
No cards, no balls, no poems.
Handra was waiting for him on guard,
And she ran after him,
Like a shadow or a faithful wife.

Eugene settled in a wonderful place, in a castle built “in the taste of smart antiquity.” He established a new order on his estate, replacing corvée with a light quitrent, which made his peasants incredibly happy. The neighbors saw terrible harm in this and decided that he was “a most dangerous eccentric.” At first, all the surrounding nobles stopped by to see Onegin, but since he, hearing them approaching, mounted his horse and rode away, the neighbors stopped their friendship with him and decided that he was ignorant and crazy.

At the same time, a new landowner arrived in his village, who, like Onegin, “gave a reason for a strict analysis of the neighborhood.” His name was Vladimir Lensky. He came from Germany, where he became a fan of Kant, fell in love with poetry, the work of Schiller and Goethe, and began to write poetry himself. The light had not yet tired him, and the young man’s soul was full of love, faith in friendship and foggy dreams.

Handsome man, in full bloom,
Kant's admirer and poet.
He's from foggy Germany
He brought the fruits of learning:
Freedom-loving dreams
The spirit is ardent and rather strange,
Always an enthusiastic speech
And shoulder-length black curls.

Lensky was alien to village life, and the endless conversations of local landowners “about haymaking, about wine, about the kennel, about their relatives.” In addition, Vladimir was rich and good-looking, so everywhere he was accepted as a groom and all “their daughters were predicted to marry their half-Russian neighbor.”

All this forced Lensky to seek acquaintance with Onegin. They met, at first, due to the difference in characters, they were boring to each other, but then they began to see each other every day and truly became friends. Friends constantly argued, Eugene listened with a smile to the poet’s ardent judgments, but did not cool his ardor.

They got along. Wave and stone
Poetry and prose, ice and fire
Not so different from each other.
First by mutual difference
They were boring to each other;
Then I liked it;
then we got together every day on horseback
And soon they became inseparable.
So people (I am the first to repent)
There's nothing to do, friends.

Vladimir told Evgeniy his love story. Since childhood, he was in love with Olga Larina, the daughter of their neighbor Dmitry Larin, a friend of his father. They played together. Everything about Olga attracted Lensky: “Always modest, always obedient, always as cheerful as the morning, as simple-minded as the life of a poet, sweet as the kiss of love; eyes like the sky, blue, smile, flaxen curls.”

Her older sister's name was Tatyana. She was not as beautiful as Olga, she seemed like a stranger in her family, she never played with other children, did not like dolls, and often spent her days alone near the window. She liked the novels of Richardson and Rousseau early on; they largely replaced real life for her. That's why she was a naive and dreamy girl.

So, she was called Tatyana.
Not your sister's beauty,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She wouldn't attract anyone's attention.
Dick, sad, silent,
Like a forest deer, timid,
She is in her own family
The girl seemed like a stranger.
She didn't know how to caress
To your father, nor to your mother;
Child herself, in a crowd of children
I didn’t want to play or jump
And often alone all day
She sat silently by the window.

The Larins lived the quiet, simple life of rural landowners on the estate of the head of the family. Often in the evenings, neighbors and friends gathered with them “to complain, and to curse, and to laugh about something.” Tatiana and Olga's parents sacredly observed the centuries-old traditions of the Russian people.

They kept life peaceful
Habits of a dear old man;
At their Shrovetide
There were Russian pancakes;
Twice a year they fasted;
Loved the round swing
Podblyudny songs, round dance;
On Trinity Day, when people
Yawning, listens to the prayer service,
Touchingly on the beam of dawn
They shed three tears;
They needed kvass like air,
And at their table there are guests
They carried dishes according to rank.

Tatyana's father "was a kind fellow, belated in the last century." In her youth, her mother was in love with the brave sergeant and player, but at the behest of her parents she was led to the crown with Dmitry Larin.

And, in order to dispel her grief,
The wise husband left soon
To her village, where she is
God knows who I'm surrounded by
I tore and cried at first,
I almost divorced my husband;
Then I took up housekeeping,
I got used to it and was satisfied.
This habit has been given to us from above:
She is a substitute for happiness.

Larin loved his wife sincerely, trusted her in everything and spent his days happily, “peacefully”, without worries or hassles, next to her.

And so they both grew old.
And finally they opened
In front of the husband are the doors of the coffin,
And he accepted the new crown.
He died an hour before lunch
Mourned by his neighbor,
Children and faithful wife
Purely more cordial than others.
He was a simple and kind gentleman,
And where his ashes lie,
Tombstone reads:
Humble sinner
Dmitry Larin,
The Lord's servant and foreman,
Under this stone he tastes peace.

Lensky visits the grave of Tatiana and Olga’s father, “and, full of sincere sadness, Vladimir immediately inscribed a tombstone madrigal for him.” At the grave of his parents, he reflects on the meaning of life.

So our windy tribe
Growing, worrying, seething
And he presses towards the grave of his great-grandfathers.
Our time will come, our time will come,
And our grandchildren good hour
They will push us out of the world too!

One evening Lensky persuaded his friend to go with him to the Larins. Evgeny did not mind, he was interested in seeing Olga, the girl with whom Vladimir was so in love. They were received cordially and the evening passed unnoticed. Returning home, Onegin told Lensky that if he had chosen, he would undoubtedly have fallen in love with Tatyana, because there is nothing individual in Olga’s features, there is no life in them, “she is round, red-faced, like this stupid moon.” Vladimir was offended and remained silent the whole way.

Meanwhile, Onegin’s appearance in the Larins’ house made a great impression on everyone. Many began to secretly explain that the wedding of Evgeniy and Tatiana was just around the corner. Tatyana listened to this gossip with annoyance, but deep down she was glad for it. She fell in love with Evgeniy. All the images of the heroes of the novels that she read so greedily merged for her in one Onegin. She also imagined herself as the heroine of the novel, Clarissa, Julia and Delphine.

The time has come, she fell in love;
So the grain fell into the ground
Spring is enlivened by fire.
Her imagination has long been
Burning with bliss and melancholy,
Hungry for fatal food;
Long-time heartache
Her young breasts were tight;
The soul was waiting... for someone,
And I waited...
The eyes opened;
She said: it's him!

The melancholy of love resulted in real suffering for Tatyana. She became even sadder and with her sadness retired to the grove or garden. Love weighed heavily on the girl, but it was a painfully pleasant burden.

And then, one day, she decided to reveal her feelings to Onegin and wrote him a letter. In it, the girl naively and unvarnished expressed her loving and suffering soul.

I am writing to you - what more?
What more can I say?
Now, I know, it is in your will to punish Me with contempt.
But you, to my unfortunate fate
Keeping at least a drop of pity,
You won't leave me.
I know you were sent to me by God,
Until the grave you are my keeper...
You appeared in my dreams,
Invisible, you were already dear to me,
Your wonderful gaze tormented me,
Your voice was heard in my soul
A long time ago... no, it was not a dream!
You barely walked in, I instantly recognized
Everything was stupefied, on fire
And in my thoughts I said: here he is!

Having confessed her love, she asked Eugene to resolve her doubts about who he is - an angel or an insidious tempter, the unknown is worse than the bitter truth. Let him with one word either revive the hopes of her heart, or interrupt this heavy dream. Tatyana sent her nanny's grandson with this letter to Onegin and eagerly awaited the answer.

But a day passed, and still there was no answer. He was not there the next day either. Tatyana, pale as a shadow, spent all her time waiting. Lensky arrived, and when Tatyana’s mother asked where his friend was, he replied that he promised to be there today, but apparently the post office was delayed. And finally, when it was already getting dark, Onegin appeared. Wanting a quick explanation, the girl got up and went out into the alley. Evgeniy was already waiting for her there. He stood like a menacing shadow, “shining in his gaze.” As if scorched by fire, the girl stopped.

But the consequences of an unexpected meeting
Today, dear friends,
I am not able to retell it;
I owe it after a long speech
And take a walk and relax:
I'll finish it sometime later.

Onegin, as was said earlier, had long been disillusioned with love, “than smaller woman we love, the easier it is for her to like us.” But Tatiana's letter touched him, the language of girlish dreams awakened a swarm of thoughts in him. Perhaps for a moment his former ardor was revived, but he did not want to deceive the gullibility of an innocent soul. Having met Tatyana on an alley in the garden, he told her that her sincerity was dear to him, if he wanted to become a husband and father, he would not have looked for anyone other than her, but he was not created for bliss, this was alien to his soul. Marriage will be torment for both; he, having gotten used to it, will instantly stop loving her. He loves her with the love of a brother, and nothing else can happen between them. “Learn to control yourself; Not everyone will understand you like I do; “Inexperience leads to trouble,” - this is how Onegin ended his rebuke. Tatyana listened to him through tears, not seeing anything around. Then Evgeny escorted the grief-stricken girl into the house.
After this explanation, Tatyana began to fade and fade, sleep left her, her smile and virginal peace disappeared, nothing could stir her soul anymore.

Alas, Tatyana is fading, turning pale, fading and silent! Nothing occupies her, nothing moves her soul.

And the love of Vladimir and Olga grew stronger. They met constantly, walked arm in arm in the garden, read novels to each other, and played chess. Lensky wrote love poems in Olga's album. But Olga didn’t read them.

Vladimir would have written odes, but Olga didn’t read them. Have poets ever tearfully read their creations into the eyes of their dear ones? They say that there are no higher awards in the world. Indeed, blessed is the modest lover, Who reads his dreams to the subject of songs and love, to a pleasantly languid beauty! Blessed... although, perhaps, she is entertained in a completely different way.

Onegin, meanwhile, lived as a hermit, walked, read and slept, and played billiards. Solitude and silence constituted his entire life.

He got up at seven o'clock in the summer
And went light
To the river running under the mountain;
Imitating the singer Gulnara,
This Hellespont swam,
Then I drank my coffee,
Looking through a bad magazine
And got dressed...

Walking, reading, deep sleep,
Forest shadow, murmur of streams,
Sometimes black-eyed whites
Young and fresh kiss,
An obedient, zealous horse is bridle,
Lunch is quite whimsical,
A bottle of light wine,
Solitude, silence:
That's life
Saint Onegin;
And he is insensitive to her
Surrendered, red summer days
In careless bliss, apart from
Forgetting both the city and friends,
And the boredom of holiday activities.
Autumn has come.
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
With a sad noise she exposed herself,
Fog lay over the fields,
Noisy caravan of geese
Stretched to the south: approaching
Quite a boring time;
It was already November outside the yard.
And now the frost is crackling
And they shine silver among the fields...
The river shines, covered in ice.
Boys are a joyful people
Skates cut the ice noisily.

Evgeniy practically never left his estate and communicated only with Lensky, who could only talk about Olga. He was happy; their wedding was soon to take place. The poet was sure that he was loved, and this filled his soul with joy. One day Lensky brought Onegin an invitation to Tatyana’s name day, saying that it was indecent to appear in the house twice and never show there again. Evgeny, after thinking, agreed.

That year the autumn weather stayed in the yard for a long time,
Winter was waiting, nature was waiting.
Snow only fell in January...
Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On the firewood he renews the path;
His horse smells the snow,
Trotting along somehow;
Fluffy reins exploding,
The daring carriage flies;
The coachman sits on the beam
In a sheepskin coat and a red sash.
Here is a yard boy running,
Having planted a bug in the sled,
Transforming himself into a horse;
The naughty man has already frozen his finger:
He is both painful and funny,
And his mother threatens him through the window...

On the night before her name day, Tatyana, who sincerely believed in all signs, had a terrible dream. She walks through a snowy clearing and sees that a noisy, dark stream is bubbling in the snowdrifts in front of her, with two shaky poles thrown across it. She stops and waits for someone to help her get to the other side. Suddenly a huge, disheveled bear rises from a snowdrift and hands her a clawed paw. She fearfully leans on it and climbs across the stream. The girl moves on, and the bear follows her. She quickens her pace, but the bear does not lag behind. She runs into the forest, falls, the bear quickly grabs her and carries her to a lonely hut. Having come to her senses, Tatyana sees herself in the hallway, the bear is not nearby. Entering the room, the frightened girl sees monsters sitting at the table, with horns, dog and rooster heads, witches, dwarfs, crayfish and spiders. And Onegin sits among them. He rules at this table, he gives a sign - and everyone laughs, he drinks - and everyone drinks, he frowns - everyone is silent. Suddenly a wind blew from the half-open door, extinguishing the fire of the lamps. Onegin goes to the girl and reveals her to the gaze of hellish ghosts. Hooves, trunks, fangs, bloody tongues and bone fingers point to her. And everyone shouts: “Mine, mine”! Onegin shouts menacingly: “Mine!” And the whole gang hides in the frosty darkness. Evgeniy quietly sits her down on a bench in the corner. Suddenly Lensky and Olga enter. Onegin begins to scold the uninvited guests. The argument between them is getting louder. Evgeniy grabs a long knife and stabs Lensky. An unbearable scream is heard, the hut is shaking... Tatyana woke up in horror. She was troubled by the dream, but she did not dare to tell it to her sister.

But an ominous dream promises her
There are many sad adventures.
A few days later she
I kept worrying about that.
But with a crimson hand
Dawn from the morning valleys
Brings the sun behind him
Happy name day holiday.

The guests began to gather. All the surrounding landowners and their families arrived. We sat at the table. In the midst of the fun, Lensky and Onegin appeared. The friends were joyfully greeted and seated directly opposite Tatiana. The girl did not hear their greetings, she felt stuffy, sick, tears were rolling down from her eyes. The poor thing almost fainted, but she overcame herself and sat at the table. Onegin could not stand girls' fainting spells. He was already angry that he found himself in such a noisy company, but when he saw Tatyana’s reverent outburst, he became even more angry and decided to enrage Lensky and take revenge on him for bringing him here. The others did not notice the girl's excitement.

Meanwhile the fun continued. The wine flowed like a river. Congratulations began. When it was Onegin’s turn, he, probably feeling sorry for the poor girl, silently bowed to her, and his gaze was so tender that Tatiana’s heart quickened. However, Evgeny did not change his mind about taking revenge on Lensky. When the dancing began, Onegin, secretly grinning, approached Olga, danced one dance with her, then another, started talking to her about trifles, whispered some vulgar madrigals in her ear, and gently squeezed her hand. A proud blush flared on the girl’s face. Lensky couldn't believe his eyes. He invites her to a mazurka, but she refuses - she has already promised to dance it with Onegin. Lensky, unable to bear such a blow, runs out of the holiday in anger and rushes home on horseback with the thought of a duel.
Lensky is unable to bear the blow; Cursing women's pranks, she comes out, demands a horse, and gallops. A couple of pistols, Two bullets - nothing more. Suddenly his fate will be resolved.

Noticing Lensky's disappearance, Evgeniy became bored. Olga also became bored. The holiday ended, the guests stayed overnight with their hospitable hosts, and only Onegin went home to sleep.

In the morning, Zaretsky, a former brawler and ataman of a gambling gang, and now a single father of a family, a peaceful landowner and fair man. He brought Onegin a challenge to a duel from Lensky.

He was pleasant, noble,
Short call, il cartel:
Courteously, with cold clarity
Lensky invited his friend to a duel.

Onegin replied to the envoy that he was always ready. Zaretsky took his leave and left, leaving Evgeni alone with his thoughts. Onegin was dissatisfied with himself, he understood that he was wrong, he made fun of his first timid love. But it was too late.

Lensky, on his estate, was impatiently awaiting an answer. He was afraid that Evgeny would somehow laugh it off and refuse the duel, and when Zaretsky brought him a positive answer, he was very happy. Tomorrow before dawn former friends they will have to meet near the mill and shoot. Vladimir did not want to see Olga before the duel, but he could not stand it and went to her. At the sight of his beloved, his jealousy and annoyance disappeared. However, his determination was unshakable. He thought that he would be Olga's savior from the unworthy corrupter Onegin. The duel was finally decided.

Before dawn, the enemies, as previously agreed, met at the mill. The seconds, Zaretsky on Vladimir’s side and the French servant Guillot on Evgeny’s side, prepared their pistols and counted out thirty-two steps. The command was given to converge. Onegin, without ceasing to advance, raised his pistol and fired. Lensky fell. He was killed.

He lay motionless and strange
There was a languid world on his brow.
He was wounded right through the chest;
Smoking, blood flowed from the wound.
One moment ago
Inspiration beat in this heart,
Enmity, hope and love,
Life was playing, blood was boiling, -
Now, as if in an empty house,
Everything in it is quiet and dark;
It fell silent forever.
The shutters are closed, the windows are whitewashed with chalk.
There is no owner.
And where, God knows.
There was no trace.

Evgeny, overcome with horror at the realization of what he had just done, hurried away. Zaretsky took the body of the murdered young man to the estate.

But whatever it is, reader,
Alas, young lover,
Poet, thoughtful dreamer,
Killed by a friend's hand!
There is a place: to the left of the village,
Where did the pet of inspiration live?
Two pine trees have grown together by their roots;
The streams twisted beneath them
Streams of the neighboring valley.
The plowman likes to relax there,
And plunge the reapers into the waves
The ringing jugs come;
There by the stream in the thick shade
A simple monument was erected.

Driven by spring rays,
The snow has already flown from the surrounding mountains, running away in muddy streams.
To the flooded meadows.
Nature's clear smile
Through a dream he greets the morning of the year;
The skies are shining blue.
Still transparent, forests
It's like they're turning green.
Bee for field tribute
Flies from a wax cell.
The valleys are dry and colorful;
The herds rustle and the nightingale
Already singing in the silence of the night.

As time went. Horrible events, a rather forgotten Moscow, with golden crosses and ancient buildings. The Larins stayed with their old aunt.

And so every day Tatyana is forced to go to family dinners, she is introduced to her grandparents and other numerous relatives. All the daughters of her mother’s friends try to make friends with her, dress her in fashion and trust her with their heartfelt secrets, demanding in return that she also open up to them. But the girl is of little interest in all this, and she does not want to reveal her heart to anyone. Prim, secular youths find Tanya unattractive, but she doesn’t care about that either. Mother takes Tatiana to the Assembly and other secular places. At one of the noisy balls, Tatyana meets her future husband.

And meanwhile he doesn’t take his eyes off her
Some important general.
The aunties blinked at each other
And Tanya was elbowed at once,
And each one whispered to her:

Take a quick look to your left. -"Left? Where? what is there?"
- Well, whatever it is, look...
In that pile, see? ahead,
Where there are still two in uniform...
Now he moved away... now he became sideways...
-"Who? Is this general fat?”

Onegin (I’ll take up him again),
Having killed a friend in a duel,
Having lived without a goal, without work
Until twenty-six years old,
Languishing in idle leisure
Without work, without wife, without business,
I didn't know how to do anything.
He was overcome with anxiety
Wanderlust (A very painful property, a voluntary cross for few)
He left his village
Forests and fields solitude,
Where is the bloody shadow
Appeared to him every day
And began wandering without a goal,
Available to the senses alone;
And travel for him,
Like everything else in the world, I’m tired of it;
He returned and hit
Like Chatsky, from the ship to the ball.

Eugene Onegin, after long wanderings and numerous adventures, which also bored him, returned to St. Petersburg and went to one of the balls in the house of Prince N, his old acquaintance. The crowd hesitated, a whisper ran through the hall, and the mistress of the house appeared with an important general. She was magnificent, not cold, not talkative, without any antics or imitative tricks. She was nobility itself. There was no hint of vulgarity in it. All the ladies moved closer to her, the men caught her gaze, and the general who came with her lifted his nose and shoulders higher.

The appearance of the dazzling hostess reminds Onegin of some familiar features. But he is unable to believe himself. Eugene asks the prince sitting next to him who he sees in front of him. And he says with a smile that this is Tatyana Larina, his wife. The princess also recognized Onegin, but did not show her excitement in any way. Evgeny wanted to talk to her, but was embarrassed and could not utter a word. Tatyana disappeared, but he remained motionless. That evening Onegin quickly left the social event and went home. His thoughts were filled only with Tatyana.

Is it really the same Tatyana?
which he is alone with,
At the beginning of our romance,
In a remote, distant place,
In the good heat of moralizing,
I once read instructions,
The one from whom he keeps
A letter where the heart speaks
Where everything is outside, everything is free,
That girl... is this a dream?..
The girl he
Neglected in humble fate,
Was she really with him now?
So indifferent, so brave?

And the next morning they brought Eugene a note from Prince N, in which he invited him to the evening. Onegin, wishing with all his heart to see Tatyana again, immediately agreed. He eagerly awaited the hour appointed in the invitation. Exactly on time, he entered the prince’s house and found the princess alone. Like the last time, Onegin could not utter a word, and only the arrival of her husband interrupted the private conversation that was so painful for Eugene. Other guests arrived, very interesting people. The fun has begun. But Onegin was busy all evening only with Tatyana, no longer seeing in her a simple-minded girl in love with him, but an indifferent princess, the goddess of the Neva. There was no doubt - Evgeny was in love with Tatiana. But she didn't notice him. He came to the prince’s house every day, but the princess sometimes greeted him with just a bow, and spoke to him several times while visiting.

Love for all ages;
But to young, virgin hearts
Her impulses are beneficial,
Like spring storms across the fields:
In the rain of passions they become fresh,
And they renew themselves and mature,
And mighty life gives
And lush color and sweet fruit.
But at a late and barren age,
At the turn of our years,
The dead trace of passion is sad:
So the storms of autumn are cold
A meadow is turned into a swamp
And they expose the forest around.

Onegin began to dry out, doctors suspected consumption, but he knew the true reason.

Tormented by passion, he decided to write
A letter to Tatiana, as she once did to him.

In the letter, he admitted all his mistakes, his cruelty, and blamed himself for Lensky’s death. But he felt that he was already punished by being deprived of Tatyana’s company. Onegin asked that he not be suspected of cunning; his declaration of love was open and sincere. And his fate is in Tatyana’s hands.

Once I met you by chance,
Noticing a spark of tenderness in you,
I didn't dare believe her:
I didn’t give in to my dear habit;
Your hateful freedom
I didn't want to lose.
One more thing separated us...
An unfortunate victim
Lensky fell...
From everything that is dear to the heart,
Then I tore my heart out;
Stranger to everyone, not bound by anything,
I thought: freedom and peace
Substitute for happiness. My God!
How wrong I was, how I was punished...
No, I see you every minute
Follow you everywhere
A smile of the mouth, a movement of the eyes
To catch with loving eyes,
Listen to you for a long time, understand
Your soul is all your perfection,
To freeze in agony before you,
To turn pale and fade away... that's bliss!

But there was no answer. Onegin wrote several more letters, but did not receive an answer to them either. One day he met Tatyana in a meeting, but on her face he read only anger - and realized that there was no hope.

After that, Evgeniy locked himself in his office and began reading everything indiscriminately. But only his eyes read, and his thoughts were far away. His heart was yearning. Days passed, winter ended. Onegin, pale and looking like a dead man, decided to see Tatyana for the last time. Arriving at Prince N's house, he did not find anyone in the hallway and went into the princess's room. Tatyana sat alone, all in tears, not dressed, pale, and reading some letter. Now one could easily recognize her as the old Tanya Larina. Evgeny fell at her feet. She shuddered and remained silent, there was no anger in her eyes, only silent reproach was read in them. Finally she quietly asked him to get up. She reminded him of his rebuke in the alley, but did not blame him for it, although for her love then it was a terrible test. Then Onegin acted, albeit cruelly, but nobly. What is he doing now? Why is he pursuing her? Is it really because she is now rich and noble? Or maybe because her shame, if she responded to his passion, would immediately become noticeable in society, and this would bring him the glory of a seducer? In any case, his letters humiliate her. She would give anything now to have it all back. But now it's too late. Evgeniy must leave her. She was given to someone else and will be faithful to him forever.

I got married.
You must,
I ask you to leave me;
I know it's in your heart
And pride and direct honor.
I love you (why lie?)
But I was given to another;
I will be faithful to him forever.

With these words Tatyana left. Onegin remained standing, as if struck by thunder, with his heart immersed in a storm of terrible sensations.

And here is my hero,
In a moment that is evil for him,
Reader, we will now leave,
For a long time... forever.
Behind him, we are quite on the same path
Wandered around the world.
Let's congratulate each other on the shore.
Hooray! It’s long overdue (isn’t it?)!

History of creation

Pushkin began writing the novel "Eugene Onegin" in 1823 year in Chisinau, during the period of southern exile. Work on the work was largely completed in 1830 in Boldin. IN 1831 year, Onegin’s letter to Tatyana was included in the novel. In subsequent years, some changes and additions were made to the text of Eugene Onegin.

Initially, Pushkin did not have a clear plan for the novel. In 1830, while preparing to publish the full text of the work, Pushkin sketched out a general plan for the publication. It was planned to publish nine chapters. However, the eighth chapter, which told about Onegin’s wanderings, was significantly shortened and was not included in the final text of the novel (excerpts from it were published separately, in the author’s notes to the novel). As a result, the ninth chapter ended up in the eighth place. Thus, the final text of the novel has eight chapters.

In addition, there is hypothesis what Pushkin wrote tenth chapter, where he spoke about the secret societies of the Decembrists. The poet burned the manuscript of the tenth chapter in 1830 in Boldin. Some fragments of it have reached us. Scientists are still arguing about whether the tenth chapter existed as such. It is possible that we are dealing with scattered fragments of the draft text of the work that did not form a separate chapter.

Time of action

Pushkin wrote: “In our novel, time is calculated according to the calendar.” According to Yu.M. Lotman, the beginning of events(Onegin goes to the village to visit his sick uncle) falls on summer 1820. The first chapter describes the St. Petersburg winter 1819-1820. Many researchers believe that the novel ends in the spring of 1825. However, there is a hypothesis that the last chapter talks about the post-December era.


The main theme of “Eugene Onegin” is life of the Russian nobility in the early 1820s.

In addition, Pushkin recreated in his work the most diverse aspects of life in Russia at that time. Yes, he reflected life not only the nobility, but also other classes, primarily the peasantry.

The novel is widely represented Russian and Western European literature and culture.

In addition, in his work Pushkin showed nature Russia, pictures of Russian life. That's why V.G. Belinsky called "Eugene Onegin" "encyclopedia of Russian life."


The central problem of the novel is time hero problem. This problem is raised primarily in connection with the image of Onegin, but also in connection with the images of Lensky and the author himself.

The problem of the hero of time correlates with another problem of the work - the problem individuals and society. What is the reason for Onegin's loneliness in society? What is the reason for the spiritual emptiness of Pushkin’s hero: in the imperfection of the surrounding society or in himself?

Let's call it the most important thing in the novel. problem of the Russian national character. This problem is conceptualized by the author primarily in connection with the image of Tatiana (a striking example of the Russian national character), but also in connection with the images of Onegin and Lensky (heroes divorced from national roots).

The novel puts a number of moral and philosophical problems. This the meaning of life, freedom and happiness, honor and duty. The most important philosophical problem of the work is human and nature.

In addition, the poet puts in his work and aesthetic problems: life and poetry, author and hero, freedom of creativity and literary traditions.

Ideological orientation

Reflected in “Eugene Onegin” spiritual evolution of Pushkin: crisis of educational ideas (period of southern exile); awareness of the values ​​of people's life (period of exile in Mikhailovskoye); doubts and mental anguish, the struggle between faith and unbelief (the period of wanderings).

Wherein humanistic ideals- personal freedom, “the inner beauty of man” (Belinsky), rejection of cruelty and selfishness - remain the main ones for the poet in all periods of the creation of the novel.

At the same time, the poet claims spiritual values ​​associated with national roots. This closeness of man to nature, following folk traditions, as well as such Christian virtues as selflessness, fidelity to marital duty. These values ​​are revealed primarily in Tatiana’s character.

Pushkin the poet states in his novel creative attitude to life.

At the same time, Pushkin’s novel was noted and satirical pathos: the poet denounces the conservative noble society, the serfdom that reigns in it, vulgarity, and spiritual emptiness.

"Eugene Onegin" as a realistic work

"Eugene Onegin" - the first realistic novel in Russian literature.

Pushkin's work is distinguished by historicism: here we find a reflection of the era of the first half of the 1820s, the most important trends in the life of the Russian nobility of that time.

In his work, Pushkin showed bright typical characters. In the image of Onegin, Pushkin recreated the type of educated nobleman, who later received the name “superfluous man.” In the image of Lensky, the poet captured the type of romantic dreamer, also characteristic of that era.

In the person of Tatiana we see a type of Russian noblewoman. Olga is the type of ordinary provincial young lady. In the images of minor and episodic characters (Tatyana’s mother, the Larins’ guests, Zaretsky, Tatiana’s nanny, the Larins’ Moscow relatives, Tatiana’s husband and others), Pushkin also presented the reader with vivid types of Russian life.

Unlike romantic poems, in "Eugene Onegin" the author is separated from the heroes, he portrays them objectively, from the outside. At the same time, the image of the author, for all its importance in the novel, does not have self-sufficient significance.

In "Eugene Onegin" we find realistic paintings of nature, numerous details of Russian life, which also indicates the realism of the novel.

Exactly real life(and not abstract romantic ideals) becomes for Pushkin a source of creative inspiration and a subject of poetic reflection. Belinsky wrote: “What was low for former poets was noble for Pushkin; what was prose for them was poetry for him.”

The novel has been written living spoken language. Pushkin often uses words and expressions of a “low” style in his work, thereby bringing the verbal fabric of the novel closer to the everyday language of his time.

Genre originality

As is known, novel- This an epic work in which the narrative focuses on the fate of an individual in the process of its formation and development. (In an epic, unlike a novel, the fate of an entire people is in the foreground.)

The uniqueness of the genre of “Eugene Onegin” is that it is not just a novel, but novel in verse. The genre definition of the work was given by Pushkin himself. in a letter to Prince P.A. Vyazemsky dated November 4, 1823: “I’m not writing a novel, but a novel in verse - a devilish difference.”

Belinsky was one of the first to characterize the features of the genre of Pushkin’s novel. Firstly, the critic noted as Pushkin’s greatest merit the creation of a novel in verse at a time when there were no significant prose novels in Russian literature.

Secondly, Belinsky compares Pushkin’s novel with Byron’s poems, identifying both related features of the works of the two authors and Pushkin’s fundamental innovation.

Belinsky names some Byron's traditions in "Eugene Onegin". This poetic form, relaxed manner of storytelling, “a mixture of prose and poetry”, that is, a combination of everyday, prosaic phenomena and high objects, digressions, “the presence of the poet’s face in the work he created.”

At the same time, Belinsky notes innovation Pushkin, which the critic sees as follows. Firstly, this national identity Pushkin's work. Byron, according to Belinsky, “wrote about Europe for Europe... Pushkin wrote about Russia for Russia.” Secondly, this "fidelity to reality" Pushkin - a realist poet - in contrast to the “subjective spirit” of Byron - a romantic poet.

Finally, Pushkin's novel is distinguished by free form. Pushkin speaks about this feature of his work in his dedication to P.A. Pletnev: “Receive the meeting motley chapters..." At the end of "Eugene Onegin" the poet mentions "the distance of a free novel." This form of the novel is given by the unique voice of the author, whose inner world finds free, direct expression in the work. The author's digressions, written in a light, relaxed manner, are combined with strict symmetry in the arrangement of the central characters and the “mirroring” of the plot structure.

Composition: general structure of the work

As already noted, the final text of the novel consists of eight chapters.

The plot of “Eugene Onegin” is distinguished by “ specularity", character system - symmetry.

The first and second chapters can be considered as exposition to the main action of the work. In the first chapter, Pushkin introduces the reader to main character Evgeniy Onegin, talks about his upbringing, his life In Petersburg. In the second chapter the narrative moves to village. Here the reader is introduced to Lensky, Olga and Tatyana.

The third chapter contains the beginning of a love affair: Tatyana falls in love with Onegin and writes him a letter. Tatiana's letter to Onegin - the compositional center of the third chapter. Chapter Four, Beginning rebuke Onegin, contains a story about Tatyana's suffering from unrequited love and about Lensky's idyllic relationship with Olga. The fifth chapter talks about Christmas fortune telling, O Tatiana's dream, about her name day, O quarrel Onegin with Lensky.

Chapter six contains climax in the development of the plot - a story about duels Onegin and Lensky. Among the most important events seventh chapter note Tatyana's arrival in Moscow. The eighth chapter contains plot resolution. Here the heroes, in accordance with the principle " specularity", "switch places": now Onegin falls in love with Tatiana, writes to her letter and also receives rebuke, after which the author leaves his hero “at a moment that is evil for him.”

Plays an important compositional role in Eugene Onegin scenery. Descriptions of nature help the author organize artistic time novel, “calculate” it according to the calendar.

In the composition of “Eugene Onegin” a special place is occupied by author's digressions. Thanks to them, a holistic picture emerges in the reader’s perception. author's image.

Pushkin's novel is written Onegin stanza, which also gives the work harmony, completeness, and integrity.

Characters. general review

The main characters the novel should be called Onegin And Tatyana.

Lensky and Olga are not among the main characters, but this is also central persons in the work. The fact is that these characters, along with Onegin and Tatyana, perform plot-forming function.

He himself plays an important role in Eugene Onegin. author, speaking sometimes as a character own work.

TO minor characters Let us include those persons who, although not plot-forming, still play some significant role in the development of the action. This Tatiana's mother, Tatiana's nanny, Zaretsky, Tatiana's husband.

Let's also call episodic characters who appear in separate scenes, episodes, or are only mentioned (these are, for example, guests at the Larins’ name day, Onegin’s servant the Frenchman Guillot, Olga’s fiancé Ulan, the Larins’ Moscow relatives, representatives of St. Petersburg society).

It is difficult to draw a clear line between minor, episodic characters and mentioned persons.


Eugene Oneginmain character Pushkin's novel. In his image, Pushkin sought to recreate character and spiritual appearance of his contemporary- a representative of the educated part of the noble class.

Onegin is a young aristocrat, born and raised in St. Petersburg, a secular dandy.

This is a person with liberal views, as evidenced by some of the details noted by the author. So, he did not serve anywhere, which at that time was a sign of freethinking; was interested in the theory of Adam Smith; read Byron and other modern authors. He made life easier for the peasants on his estate by replacing the “yoke... of the ancient corvée” with an easy quitrent. Onegin is the face of Pushkin’s circle: he dines with Pushkin’s acquaintance Kaverin, is compared to Chaadaev, and becomes a “good friend” of the author himself, although he does not share his poetic view of the world.

Talking about his hero, Pushkin focuses the reader’s attention on some significant contradictions in his worldview and life principles.

Onegin – educated person, well read, knowledgeable essays ancient and contemporary authors. At the same time, his Onegin's education is divorced from national origins, spiritual traditions. From here - skepticism hero, his indifference to matters of faith, ultimately - the deepest pessimism, loss of meaning in life.

Pushkin's hero - subtle, extraordinary nature. He is distinguished, as the poet notes, by “inimitable strangeness,” “a sharp, cool mind, and the ability to understand people. At the same time, the hero dried up his soul in secular hobbies and was unable to respond to the deep and sincere feeling Tatiana.

Onegin, according to Pushkin, “ good guy": an honest, decent, noble person. Meanwhile, it is distinguished extreme selfishness, egocentrism, which manifested itself most clearly in the clash with Lensky.

Hero indifferent to secular society, is burdened by being in a secular crowd. However, the hero turns out to be slave public opinion, which prevents him from avoiding a duel and killing his friend.

All of these contradictions in the character and worldview of the hero are revealed throughout the action of the novel. Onegin passes tests of love and friendship. He can't stand any of them. Lensky dies tragically. At the end of the novel, Tatyana already rejects Onegin. She retained a feeling for the hero in her heart, but refused to share his passion.

Let's look at some artisticmeans of creating the image of Onegin.

Appearance description Onegin does not play any significant role in creating the image of the hero; it only emphasizes his belonging to the fashionable secular youth:

Haircut in the latest fashion,

Like a London dandy, dressed...

More important role plays in revealing Onegin's character interior, in particular descriptions of the hero’s offices in the first and seventh chapters. First description characterizes Onegin as secular dandy. Let's note some substantive details here:

Amber on the pipes of Constantinople,

Porcelain and bronze on the table,

And, a joy to pampered feelings,

Perfume in cut crystal...

Looks different Onegin's village office described in the seventh chapter:

And Lord Byron's portrait,

And a post with a cast iron doll,

Under a hat, with a cloudy brow,

With hands clenched in a cross.

The details of the second description characterize intellectual and spiritual life of the hero:“a pile of books”, “a portrait of Lord Byron”, “a column with a cast-iron doll” - a figurine depicting Napoleon. The last detail is extremely important; it recalls such a personality trait of Onegin as individualism.

Descriptions of nature, unlike the interior, are not so important for revealing the character of the hero. Onegin is surrounded by books and things. He is far from nature, does not feel its beauty.

Only in the eighth chapter, Onegin, in love with Tatiana, is able to feel the awakening power of spring, but this is only a moment in the hero’s mental life:

Spring lives him: for the first time

Your chambers are locked,

Where did he spend the winter like a groundhog?

Double windows, fireplace

He leaves on a clear morning,

Rushing along the Neva in a sleigh.

On blue, scarred ice

The sun is playing; dirty melts

The streets are covered in snow.

So, Onegin combines the typical features of a secular person and the originality of his nature.

Onegin is a hero who failed to find the meaning of life and happiness, doomed to a purposeless existence. He opens gallery of “extra people” in Russian literature: this is a hero,


Vladimir Lensky – one of the central characters novel. This is young a poet-freethinker of a romantic nature. Let us note that among the opposition-minded noble youth of the first half of the 1820s there were both cold skeptics, like Onegin, and ardent romantics, like Lensky.

On the one hand, the image of Lensky sets off the image of the main character of the work. On the other hand, it has independent meaning in the novel.

We learn that Lensky studied at the University of Göttingen, one of the most liberal universities in Europe. The young poet was fascinated by the ideas of Kant, who was perceived in Russia as a freethinking philosopher. Lensky’s “freedom-loving dreams” are evidenced by his love for Schiller’s work. The hero received a good education for those times, but it, like Onegin’s education, was divorced from national origins.

Lensky is an honest, sincere, noble man, full of good intentions, but extremely emotional and completely incapable of living in the real world.

RomanticLensky opposed skepticOnegin. The main character of the novel looks at things realistically and judges them soberly. Lensky has his head in the clouds. Onegin, according to Belinsky, is “a real character”; Lensky is divorced from reality.

It is interesting to compare the characters of Lensky and Tatiana. Brings heroes together poetry nature At the same time, Tatyana’s personality is nourished, according to Pushkin’s plan, by deep national and folk roots. Lensky, with his German idealism, is alien to Russian reality; his romanticism is not related to national soil.

Lensky's choice of Olga as an object of worship is not accidental. Outwardly attractive, in reality Olga turns out to be very ordinary. The romantic Lensky idealizes his bride, attributing to her spiritual qualities that are absent in reality.

Lensky's fate– important a link not only in the love affair, but also in the plot of the work as a whole. The story of Lensky's love for Olga, which ended in a tragic ending, testifies to the hero's inability to behave soberly and calmly in critical situations. A very insignificant reason pushes Lensky to a duel, to a tragic death. The death of Lensky in the sixth chapter has symbolic meaning. Pushkin shows here the inconsistency of romantic illusions, the lifelessness of ideas divorced from reality. At the same time, Pushkin cherishes the poet’s lofty ideals, his service to “glory and freedom.”

Creating the image of Lensky, Pushkin uses and portrait details(“shoulder-length black curls”), and images of nature, and romantic ones at that:

He fell in love with dense groves,

Solitude, silence,

And the night, and the stars, and the moon...

An important means of creating the image of Lensky are hero poems, deliberately stylized “to resemble romanticism”:

Where, where have you gone,

Are the golden days of my spring?

So, Pushkin recreated in the image of Lensky the type of educated nobleman, no less characteristic of Pushkin's time than the type of “superfluous man” of Onegin. This is a romantic poet.


Tatyana Larina – main character novel.

In her image, the poet realistically recreated the wonderful type of noblewoman. The author endowed the heroine with striking features of the Russian national character and showed her in the broad context of life in Russia in the 1820s. Belinsky saw the “feat of the poet” in the fact that “he was the first to poetically reproduce a Russian woman in the person of Tatyana.”

Tatyana combines the typical traits characteristic of noblewomen of Pushkin's time with the traits of an extraordinary personality. Pushkin notes in Tatyana the traits of a gifted nature, which distinguish the main character of the novel from her environment. Tatyana is characterized by a lively mind, depth of feelings, and poetic nature. According to the author, Tatyana

...gifted from heaven

With a rebellious imagination,

Alive in mind and will,

And wayward head,

And with a fiery and tender heart.

Like many noble girls, Tatyana was apparently raised by French governesses, hence her knowledge of the French language and her passion for novels by Western European authors, which the heroine read in French.

At the same time, life in the village, in the lap of nature, communication with simple peasants, especially with the nanny, introduced Tatyana to the Russian folk culture. Unlike Onegin, the heroine was not divorced from national origins.

Hence the moral values ​​that were characteristic of Tatyana. This living faith in God(Tatiana “sweetened / the melancholy of the worried soul with prayer”), mercy(“she helped the poor”), sincerity,chastity, no doubt about the sanctity of marriage. Moreover, this love for Russian nature, live connection with the people,knowledge of folk customs(“Tatyana believed the legends / of common folk antiquity”); indifference to social life:“The hateful tinsel of life” does not attract the heroine.

Consider Tatyana's place in the system of characters in the novel.

In contrastTatiana Olga The principle of symmetry in the arrangement of the central characters of the work clearly emerges. Olga's external beauty hides her ordinary and superficial nature and at the same time highlights the inner, spiritual beauty of Tatiana.

Tatiana opposed not only to sister Olga, but also mother - Praskovya Larina, an ordinary landowner.

It is also interesting to compare the characters Tatiana and Lensky. The heroes are brought together by the poetry of their natures. At the same time, Tatyana’s personality is nourished, according to Pushkin’s plan, by deep national and folk roots. Lensky, with his German idealism, is alien to Russian reality; his romanticism is not related to national soil.

It is important for Pushkin to emphasize such a personality trait of Tatyana as national identity. In this regard, the character system takes on special significance. Tatiana's nanny, shading the image of the main character.

Tatyana's personality is most clearly revealed in her correlation with the personality of Onegin. The main character and the main heroine of Pushkin's novel are in some ways close to each other, in some ways they are completely opposite.

Tatyana, like Onegin, is an extraordinary person. The heroes are brought together by intelligence, depth and subtlety of worldview. At the same time, Onegin is cold towards the world around him and does not feel its beauty. Tatiana, unlike Onegin, is characterized by a love of nature and the ability to feel the beauty of the world around her.

The main thing that distinguishes Tatiana from Onegin is the folk roots of her personality, dedication, and deep faith in God. Christian spiritual values ​​are alien to Onegin. He does not understand Tatyana’s views on marriage, family, and marital fidelity.

The love story of Tatiana and Onegin amounts to the main plot line of the novel. The finale of the work - Tatiana's rebuke to Onegin– allows the reader to clearly understand the spiritual foundations of the heroine’s personality. Tatyana retains a feeling for Onegin in her soul, but fidelity to marital duty is above all for her.

A special role in creating Tatiana’s image is played by pictures of nature: they accompany her throughout the entire action of the work.

Minor and episodic characters. Persons mentioned

As already noted, "Eugene Onegin", according to Belinsky, is "encyclopedia of Russian life". Hence the importance of not only the main, but also secondary and episodic characters. They allow the author of “Eugene Onegin” to reflect the most diverse aspects of Russian reality, to show the diversity of characters and types of Russian life. In addition, these characters shade the main characters of the novel and allow them to reveal their characters in a deeper and more multifaceted way.

Some minor characters in “Eugene Onegin” are covered in detail. They represent bright types of Russian life.

For example, Tatyana's mother Praskovya Larina- a typical serfdom lady. In her youth, she was a sentimental young lady, read novels, and was in love with a “glorious dandy.” However, after getting married and retiring to the village, she became an ordinary landowner:

She went to work

Salted mushrooms for the winter,

She kept expenses, shaved her foreheads,

I went to the bathhouse on Saturdays,

She beat the maids in anger -

All this without asking my husband...

With images of Praskovya Larina and her late husband Dmitry, only mentioned in the work, is associated with the image of the patriarchal foundations of the provincial nobility:

They kept life peaceful

Habits of a dear old man;

At their Shrovetide

There were Russian pancakes...

In addition, the images of Tatiana’s parents allow us to better understand the character of the main character. Compared to her parents, sister Olga, and the entire provincial nobility, Tatiana looks like an extraordinary person.

Tatiana's nanny is a type of simple Russian peasant woman. Her image is inspired by the poet’s memories of his own nanny Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva, a wonderful Russian woman and a talented storyteller.

The poet puts into the nanny’s mouth a story about the difficult fate of a peasant woman: about early marriage, about a difficult life in someone else’s family:

“That’s it, Tanya! These summers

We haven't heard about love

Otherwise I would have driven you away from the world

My deceased mother-in-law.” –

“How did you get married, nanny?” –

“So, apparently, God ordered. My Vanya

Was younger than me, my light,

And I was thirteen years old.

The matchmaker went around for two weeks

To my family, and finally

My father blessed me.

I cried bitterly out of fear;

They unraveled my braid while crying

Yes, they led me to church singing...”

“Tatyana’s conversation with the nanny is a miracle of artistic perfection,” wrote Belinsky.

The image of the nanny sets off the image of Tatiana, emphasizing the national identity of the main character, her connection with folk life.

Plays an important plot role in the work Zaretsky. The surname of this character also evokes a very specific literary association: the reader remembers Griboyedov’s Zagoretsky.

Pushkin characterizes his hero sharply negatively, in sarcastic tones:

Zaretsky, once a brawler,

Ataman of the gambling gang,

The head is a rake, a tavern tribune,

Now kind and simple

The father of the family is single,

Reliable friend, peaceful landowner

And even an honest person:

This is how our century is corrected!

From Pushkin’s characterization of Zaretsky, it becomes clear to the reader that this character is the embodiment of dishonesty and meanness. However, it is people like Zaretsky who rule public opinion. Onegin is most afraid of his gossip. Zaretsky in this case personifies those false ideas about honor, of which Onegin ultimately turns out to be a hostage.

At the end of the seventh chapter, “some important general” is mentioned for the first time - the future Tatiana's husband. In the eighth chapter, he is named by the author as Prince N. Pushkin does not give any detailed description of the heroine’s husband. However, from her words it is clear that this is an honored person; he was probably even a hero of the War of 1812. It is no coincidence that Tatyana tells Onegin that her husband was “mutilated in battle,” that is, he was seriously wounded in battle.

The antithesis “Tatiana’s husband is Onegin” is present in the novel primarily to emphasize Tatiana’s fidelity to marital duty and the ideals of Christian marriage.

Some people are mentioned only once in the novel. For example, Pushkin tells the reader some information about Onegin's teachers:

Eugene's fate kept:

At first Madame followed him,

Then Monsieur replaced her...

The mention of “Madame” and “Monsieur l’Abbé” indicates that aristocratic youths were educated in the French manner; their education was cut off from the national soil.

In the first chapter, the poet describes the morning of working St. Petersburg:

What about my Onegin? Half asleep,

He goes to bed from the ball,

And St. Petersburg is restless

Already awakened by the drum.

The merchant gets up, the peddler goes,

A cabman pulls to the stock exchange,

Okhtinka is in a hurry with the jug,

The morning snow crunches under it.

I woke up in the morning with a pleasant noise,

Shutters open, chimney smoke

Rising like a pillar of blue,

And the baker, a neat German,

In a paper cap, more than once

He was already opening his vasisdas.

Persons named here ( merchant, peddler, cab driver, ohtinka, German baker) are contrasted with idle aristocrats who spend their lives in secular entertainment.

In his work, Pushkin describes pictures of life peasantry. On the pages of the novel flash images of representatives of the people, details of folk life:

On the firewood he renews the path;

His horse smells the snow,

Trotting along somehow;

Fluffy reins exploding,

The daring carriage flies;

The coachman sits on the beam

In a sheepskin coat and a red sash.

Here is a yard boy running,

Having planted a bug in the sled,

Transforming himself into a horse;

The naughty man had already frozen his finger;

He's both hurt and funny

And his mother threatens him through the window...

Describing the guests at Tatyana’s name day, Pushkin creates, as Yu.M. Lotman noted, a special type literary background. It includes well-known heroes of Russian literature:

With his portly wife

Fat Pustyakov arrived;

Gvozdin, an excellent owner,

Owner of poor men;

The Skotinins, the gray-haired couple,

With children of all ages, counting

From thirty to two years;

District dandy Petushkov,

My cousin, Buyanov,

In down, in a cap with a visor

(As you know him, of course)

And retired adviser Flyanov,

Heavy gossip, old rogue,

Glutton, bribe-taker and buffoon.

Really, Gvozdin, “the owner of poor men,” reminds us of Captain Gvozdilov from “The Brigadier” by Fonvizin. Skotinin They bring to mind the characters of another Fonvizin comedy, “The Minor.” Buyanov- the hero of V.L. Pushkin’s poem “Dangerous Neighbor”.

One of the characters in the fifth chapter - Monsieur Triquet. The surname "Triquet" means "beaten with a stick" in French, that is, a swindler or petty sharper.

The introduction of such a literary background helps Pushkin create a vivid satirical picture of life in the Russian province.

In the sixth chapter, along with Zaretsky, Onegin’s hired servant, a Frenchman, is mentioned Monsieur Guillot.

In the seventh chapter of the novel, Pushkin draws bright satirical images representatives Moscow nobility. It's obvious here traditions of A.S. Griboyedov. Thus, the poet talks about the life of the Larins’ relatives and acquaintances:

But there is no change in them,

Everything about them is the same as the old model:

At Aunt Princess Elena's

Still the same tulle cap,

Everything is whitewashed Lukerya Lvovna,

Lyubov Petrovna lies all the same,

Ivan Petrovich is just as stupid

Semyon Petrovich is also stingy,

At Pelageya Nikolaevna's

Still the same friend Monsieur Finmouche,

And the same Spitz, and the same husband,

And he, still a good member of the club,

Still just as humble, just as deaf

And he also eats and drinks for two.

In the eighth chapter of the novel, Pushkin draws a satirical picture of the life of high society. So, he shows a social event:

Here, however, was the color of the capital,

And know, and fashion samples,

Faces you meet everywhere

Necessary fools...

Let's give another example:

Prolasov was here, who deserved

Fame for the baseness of the soul,

Dulled in all albums,

St.-Priest, your pencils...

There are many names on the pages of the novel real persons. These are Pushkin's friends Kaverin And Chaadaev. Their mention introduces Onegin into the social circle of Pushkin himself.

On the pages of "Eugene Onegin" we meet authors' names of various eras - from antiquity to the 1820s.

We are especially interested in references to Russian cultural figures. In the first chapter, in one of the author’s digressions, Pushkin talks about the history of Russian theater:

Magic land! There in the old days,

Satire is a brave ruler,

Fonvizin, friend of freedom, shone,

And the overbearing Prince;

There Ozerov involuntary tributes

People's tears, applause

Shared with young Semyonova;

There our Katenin was resurrected

Corneille is a majestic genius;

There the prickly Shakhovskoy brought out

A noisy swarm of their comedies,

There Didelot was crowned with glory,

There, there, under the canopy of the scenes,

My younger days were rushing by.

As you can see, the playwrights are named here D.I.Fonvizin, Ya.B.Knyazhnin, V.A.Ozerov, P.A.Katenin, A.A.Shakhovskoy, tragic actress Ekaterina Semenova, choreographer S. Didelot; a little later the ballerina mentions Avdotya Istomina.

On the pages of “Eugene Onegin” there are the names of famous Russian poets. Pushkin remembers G.R. Derzhavin:

Old man Derzhavin noticed us

And, going into the grave, he blessed.

The fifth chapter, which tells about Tatyana’s dream, is preceded by an epigraph from V.A. Zhukovsky:

Oh, don't know these terrible dreams

You, my Svetlana!

Repeatedly mentioned E.A. Boratynsky- “singer of feasts and languid sadness”, “singer of a young Finnish woman”. Pushkin addresses the author of wonderful elegies N.M. Yazykov: “So you, inspired Yazykov...”

Pushkin's friend prince P.A. Vyazemsky appears in the novel both as the author of the epigraph to the first chapter (“And he is in a hurry to live, and he is in a hurry to feel”), and as a character who met Tatyana in the seventh chapter.

The novel also mentions ancient authors(For example, Homer, Theocritus, Juvenal, Ovid). Pushkin calls Western European writers and poets, political figures. So, Schiller And Goethe are mentioned in connection with the characteristics of Lensky and his “German” education. Richardson and Rousseau named like the authors of novels that Tatyana was fond of. Byron And Napoleon reflect Onegin’s passions (in his village office there hung a portrait of Byron and a statuette of Napoleon).

On the pages of the novel they are called and fictional persons, among them literary heroes And mythological characters. Many literary heroes are mentioned in Eugene Onegin. This Lyudmila And Ruslan, characters from Pushkin himself. These are the heroes of other authors ( Child Harold, Gyaur, Juan- Byron's heroes Grandison- Richardson's hero, Julia- heroine of Rousseau, Griboyedovsky Chatsky,Svetlana Zhukovsky).

Pushkin also names mythological characters. This Venus, Apollo, Terpsichore, Melpomene.

In Tatyana's wonderful dream they appear Russian folklore characters, confirming the fact that “Tatiana believed the legends / of the common people of old times...”

All the indicated characters and real and fictitious persons mentioned on the pages of the novel expand the spatial and temporal boundaries of the work.

Analysis individual chapters, episodes and other elements of the composition of the work

First chapter contains exposition of the image of Onegin; here the reader also gets acquainted with by the author novel. All this happens against the background pictures of life in St. Petersburg.

Epigraph The first chapter is accompanied by a quote from P.A. Vyazemsky’s poem “The First Snow”: “And he is in a hurry to live, and he is in a hurry to feel.” The epigraph sets a cheerful, life-affirming tone for the story.

In the first chapter, Pushkin tells about the upbringing, education, reading range of the main character, his interests, lifestyle. Using the example of Onegin's education, Pushkin shows the peculiarities of educating secular youth. Education there were mostly young nobles at that time homemade. It was carried out tutors-French and it was divorced from the values ​​of Russian national culture. Pushkin writes about Onegin:

Eugene's fate kept:

At first Madame followed him,

Then Monsieur replaced her.

The superficial nature of Onegin’s education can be judged by those qualities that he needed in social life. Pushkin writes ironically about his hero:

He's completely French

He could express himself and wrote,

I danced the mazurka easily

And he bowed casually.

What do you want more? The light has decided

That he is smart and very nice.

In the first chapter, Pushkin also describes day of a secular young man. First, the author talks about waking up late Onegin:

Sometimes he was still in bed,

They bring notes to him.

What? Invitations? Indeed,

While in morning dress,

Putting on a wide bolivar,

Onegin goes to the boulevard

And there he walks in the open space,

While the watchful Breget

Dinner won't ring his bell.

After the walk Onegin Dining at Talon's, owner of a fashionable restaurant:

He rushed to Talon: he is sure

What is Kaverin waiting for him there?

After lunch follows visiting the theater. Pushkin remarks here with irony:

The theater is an evil legislator,

Fickle Adorer

Charming actresses

Honorary Citizen of the Backstage,

Onegin flew to the theater.

Onegin ends his day at the ball:

Has entered. The hall is full of people;

The music is already tired of thundering;

The crowd is busy with the mazurka;

There is noise and cramped conditions all around...

Onegin returns home in the morning, when working Petersburg is already getting up to get to work:

What about my Onegin? Half asleep,

He goes to bed from the ball,

And St. Petersburg is restless

Already awakened by the drum...

Talking about Onegin, the poet emphasizes the emptiness and monotony of social life. Pushkin writes about his hero:

Wake up at noon, and again

Until the morning his life is ready,

Monotonous and colorful.

And tomorrow is the same as yesterday.

Last topic narratives in the first chapterOnegin's acquaintance and friendship with the author. The poet gives a remarkable psychological description of the hero, comparing his personality traits and peculiarities of his worldview with his own view of the world:

Having overthrown the burden of the conditions of light,

How does he, having fallen behind the bustle,

I became friends with him at that time.

I liked his features

Involuntary devotion to dreams,

Inimitable strangeness

And a sharp, chilled mind.

I was embittered, he was gloomy;

We both knew the game of passion:

Life tormented both of us;

The heat died down in both hearts;

Anger awaited both

Blind Fortune and People

In the very morning of our days.

In that psychological portrait Onegin is being glimpsed features of Pushkin himself, who was experiencing a severe mental crisis at the time of writing the first chapter (end of 1823). Meanwhile, the author does not forget to emphasize “ difference"between himself and the hero: despite disappointment in previous ideals, the author did not lose his poetic view of the world, did not change his love for nature, did not abandon the poetic creativity dear to his heart. The crisis of 1823-1824 was only a stage in Pushkin’s spiritual evolution, and unlike skeptic Onegin, the author of the novel remains in the deepest foundations of his own personality optimist.

In the second chapter the narrative is transferred to the village.Double epigraph – “Oh rus!” (“Oh village!”) from Horace and “O Rus'!” – connects the topic village life with the theme Russian national identity, reveals problem of Russian national character as one of the leading characters in the work.

The second chapter introduces the reader to Lensky, Olga and Tatyana.

In the sixth stanza it is given exposition of Lensky's image:

To my village at the same time

The new landowner galloped up

And equally strict analysis

In the neighborhood there was a reason,

Named Vladimir Lensky,

With a soul straight from Göttingen,

Handsome man, in full bloom,

Kant's admirer and poet.

He's from foggy Germany

He brought the fruits of learning:

Freedom-loving dreams

The spirit is ardent and rather strange,

Always an enthusiastic speech

And shoulder-length black curls.

Lensky, like Onegin, aroused a feeling of mistrust among the neighboring landowners with his liberal sentiments. The hero’s “freedom-loving dreams” were clearly alien to them.

Here, in the second chapter, it is outlined line Lensky – Olga, the artistic role of which is to reveal the characters of these heroes and, most importantly, to highlight the love story of Tatiana and Onegin.

Finally, the second chapter gives exposure of the imageTatiana. The author draws attention to Name« Tatiana”, which in Pushkin’s time many considered common people. The poet deliberately calls his heroine this way:

For the first time with such a name

Tender pages of the novel

We willfully sanctify.

Talking about Tatyana, Pushkin compares his heroine with her sister Olga:

Not your sister's beauty,

Nor the freshness of her ruddy

She wouldn't attract anyone's attention.

In contrast to Tatiana, Olga clearly emerges symmetry principle in the arrangement of the central characters of the work. Olga's external beauty hides her ordinary and superficial nature and at the same time highlights the inner, spiritual beauty of Tatiana.

Here, in the second chapter, Pushkin outlines such character traits of the heroine as daydreaming,love of nature,penchant for reading novels.

So, Pushkin talks about his heroine:

Thoughtfulness, her friend

From the most lullabies of days,

The flow of rural leisure

Decorated her with dreams.

The poet emphasizes Tatiana's closeness to nature:

She loved on the balcony

She liked novels early on;

They replaced everything for her.

She fell in love with deceptions

Both Richardson and Russo.

As already noted, the plot of the work is built on the principle "mirroring".Tatiana falls in love with Onegin, writes to him letter and as a result gets rebuke. At the end of the work, the characters “switch places”: now Onegin falls in love with Tatiana, writes to her letter and also receives rebuke.

Chapter Three the novel contains the beginning of a love story. Not by chance epigraph to the third chapter is taken from the French author (“Elle était fille, elle était amoureuse” 1, Malfilâtre). Pushkin reminds the reader of the heroine’s upbringing in the French manner, her reading of novels, and the fact that Tatyana’s very thoughts about Onegin are inspired by her romantic ideas about literary heroes.

Onegin appears in the imagination of the lover Tatyana hero of the books she read:

Lover of Julia Volmar,

Malek-Adele and de Linard,

And Werther, the rebellious martyr,

And the incomparable Grandison,

Which makes us sleep, -

Everything for the tender dreamer

They have clothed themselves in a single image,

Merged into one Onegin.

Tatyana also thinks about herself heroine of the novel:

Imagining a heroine

Your beloved creators,

Clarissa, Julia, Delphine,

Tatyana in the silence of the forests

One wanders around with a dangerous book...

Tatiana's lettercompositional center of the third chapter. According to researchers, for example Yu.M. Lotman, the heroine’s letter is distinguished by its genuine sincerity,sincerity. It is from this letter that we learn about the innermost secrets of Tatyana’s soul - O her sincere faith in God, about the joy of prayer, about compassion for the poor, about loneliness among the people around her.

However, the letter contains turns of phrase, gleaned from Pushkin’s heroine from what I read by her books. Tatyana, like many of her noblewomen of the same age, had little command of written language in her native language, and chose French to declare her love.

As already noted, national identity of Tatiana's nature emphasized by her image nannies. From this point of view, to understand the character of the main character, such an element of composition as Tatyana's conversation with the nanny, filled, according to Belinsky, with true nationality.

Important episode fourth chapterOnegin's rebuke.Ironic the author’s attitude towards this hero’s monologue is already given epigraph: “Lamoraleestdanslanaturedeschoses” 1 (Necker). The meaning of a rebuke much deeper than Onegin’s formal explanation of the reasons for his refusal to respond to Tatyana’s feelings. As we know, Onegin declared to the heroine that he was not worthy of her love, and most importantly, that he was “not created for bliss,” that is, he was not ready for family life. Onegin was partly sincere: in fact, his soul became shallow, dried up in secular intrigues, and his excellent mastery of the “science of tender passion” turned into spiritual devastation for him. There was, however, another, main reason, which Onegin will remember later, in his own letter to Tatyana: “I didn’t want to lose my hateful freedom.” Selfishness, thoughts only about his own freedom kept the hero from taking a decisive step.

Against the backdrop of the spiritual sorrows of the rejected Tatiana, idyllic paintings Lensky's courtship of his bride. There seems to be no sign of trouble.

The fifth chapter tells about Christmas fortune telling, O Tatiana's dream, about her name day, O Onegin's quarrel with Lensky.

Epigraph from V.A. Zhukovsky’s ballad “Svetlana” (“Oh, don’t know these terrible dreams / You, my Svetlana!”) immerses the reader in the element of folk beliefs. Svetlana is mentioned more than once in Pushkin’s novel, and this is no coincidence. Pushkin’s contemporaries already perceived Zhukovsky’s heroine as Tatyana’s literary predecessor, and her dream as a prototype of Tatyana’s dream. Romantic image of Svetlana, created by Pushkin’s literary mentor, his older brother in writing, was associated with deep national roots and marked the invasion of the folk poetic element into Russian poetry. Pushkin generously multiplied the traditions of Zhukovsky - in realistic image of Tatiana, associated not only with folk beliefs and legends, but also with the specific historical realities of Russian life in the twenties of the 19th century.

Tatiana's dream occupies a special place in the composition of the work. On the one hand, the dream reveals deep folk foundations of Tatiana’s character, connection between the heroine’s worldview and folk culture.

On the other hand, Tatyana's dream has prophetic meaning: it predicts tragic events sixth chapter.

Scenes from Tatiana's name day represent a wonderful a picture of the morals of the provincial nobility, once again emphasizing such a property of Pushkin’s work as encyclopedic.

The fifth chapter contains an important plot twist: It tells about Onegin's courtship of Olga, about Lensky's anger and his decision to challenge Onegin to a duel.

Chapter Six contains the climax of the plot. It tells about the duel between Onegin and Lensky.Epigraph the sixth chapter was inspired by the words of Petrarch: “La,sottoigiorninubilosiebrevi, /Nasceunagenteacuil’morirnondole” 1.

IN duel situations clearly revealed the inconsistency of the moral structure of Onegin’s soul.

On the one hand, Onegin is a “kind fellow”, sincerely attached to his young comrade. Onegin appreciates Lensky's education, the sublime impulses of youth, and treats his poems condescendingly.

However, “loving the young man with all my heart,” Onegin cannot suppress the desire to take revenge on Lensky for an invitation to a boring holiday with the Larins and takes care of Olga, which angers the ardent and impressionable young man. Onegin is also unable to challenge the impressionable secular prejudices; He afraid of public opinion, does not dare refuse the duel. As a result - its inevitability, tragic death Lensky and serious Onegin's mental anguish.

Onegin's murder of Lensky in a duel - the climax in the development of the plot. This tragic event finally separates Onegin from Tatiana. The hero, torn by mental anguish, cannot remain in the village any longer.

At the same time, the duel shows “lifelessness” of Lensky’s character, the hero's isolation from reality.

Reflecting on the possible future of Lensky (if he had not died in a duel), Pushkin outlines two paths for his hero. Lensky could become outstanding poet:

Perhaps he is for the good of the world

Or at least was born for glory;

His silent lyre

Loud, continuous ringing

In centuries I could lift...

However, Lensky could have expected life is vulgar and ordinary:

Or maybe even that: a poet

The ordinary one was waiting for his destiny.

The youthful summers would pass,

The ardor of his soul would cool.

He would change in many ways

I would part with the muses, get married,

In the village, happy and horny,

I would wear a quilted robe;

I would really know life...

Death of Lensky in a duel has and symbolic meaning for the poet himself. Saying goodbye to Lensky at the end of the sixth chapter, the author of the novel says goodbye with your own youth, marked by romantic dreams.

But so be it: let’s say goodbye together,

Oh my easy youth! –

exclaims the poet.

Duel Onegin and Lensky - a turning point in the development of the plot. From the seventh chapter we learn that Onegin leaves the village, Olga marries a lancer, Tatiana is taken to Moscow, to the “bride fair”.

Among major events seventh chapter note Tatyana's visit to Onegin's house and reading his books. Belinsky called this event an “act of consciousness” in Tatiana’s soul. The meaning of Tatyana's reading of Onegin's books is that she understands the hero's character more deeply and tries to comprehend his contradictory nature.

The Central Theme of Chapter Seven novel - Moscow. Its importance is evidenced three epigraphs, taken from the works of various authors - Pushkin’s contemporaries.

Moscow, Russia's beloved daughter,

Where can I find someone equal to you? –

solemnly asks I.I. Dmitriev.

How can you not love your native Moscow? –

E.A.B asks the question with love, but at the same time with irony O Ratynsky

An excerpt from “Woe from Wit” reminds us of Griboyedov’s satire on the Moscow nobility:

Persecution of Moscow! What does it mean to see the light!

Where is better?

Where we are not.

Epigraphs convey the poet's ambiguous attitude towards the ancient capital.

On the one side, Moscowhomelandpoet. Pushkin recalls his meeting with her after his exile in Mikhailovskoye in the following lines:

When churches and bell towers

Gardens, palace semicircle

Suddenly opened up before me!

In my wandering destiny,

Moscow, I was thinking about you!

For the Russian heart it has merged!

How much resonated with him!

Moscow for Pushkin it was also symbol of Russia's victory over Napoleon in the War of 1812:

Napoleon waited in vain

Intoxicated with the last happiness,

Moscow kneeling

With the keys of the old Kremlin:

No, my Moscow did not go

To him with a guilty head.

Not a holiday, not a receiving gift,

She was preparing a fire

To the impatient hero...

On the other hand, Pushkin satirically depicts life Moscow nobility. Here it is especially obvious traditions of Griboyedov,reminiscences from “Woe from Wit” (“But no change is visible in them...”).

Pushkin's critical attitude towards the Moscow world is not accidental. Pushkin finished the seventh chapter, like the eighth, after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising. Returning to Moscow after exile, Pushkin did not meet many of his former friends. It is characteristic that in the seventh chapter, Vyazemsky alone “managed” to “occupy” Tatyana’s soul. Although this chapter takes place before 1825, "glow" of the post-December era obvious here.

Chapter Eight contains plot resolution And words of farewell the author with the characters and with the reader. The motive of farewell is also present in the epigraph from Byron: “Fare thee well, and if for ever, still for ever, fare thee well” 1.

In the eighth chapter, the action of the novel is again transferred to Petersburg.Satirical pathosin the image of high society Petersburg in this chapter is strikingly different from the soft irony that dominates the first chapter. The fact is that here, as in the seventh chapter, which tells about Moscow, there is a “glow” of the era after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising: those comrades to whom the poet “in a friendly meeting” read the first stanzas of the novel have already passed away or ended up in hard labor . From here the sad mood of the author in the last chapter his creations.

Talking about Onegin in the eighth chapter, Pushkin conveys the hero's difficult mental state after the murder of Lensky:

He was overcome with anxiety


(A very painful property,

Few voluntary cross).

He left his village

Forests and fields solitude,

Where is the bloody shadow

Appeared to him every day

And he began wandering without a goal...

The mental anguish of the protagonist is most clearly reflected in the dream-memory 2, which makes up the contents of the XXXVI and XXXVII stanzas of the eighth chapter:

So what? His eyes read

But my thoughts were far away;

Dreams, desires, sorrows

They pressed deep into the soul.

It's between the printed lines

Read with spiritual eyes

Other lines. He's in them

Was completely deep.

Those were secret legends

Heartfelt, dark antiquity,

Unrelated dreams

Threats, rumors, predictions,

Il long tale living nonsense

Or letters from a young maiden.

And gradually into a sleep

And he falls into feelings and thoughts,

And before him is the imagination

The motley pharaoh sweeps his mosque.

That's what he sees: on the melted snow,

As if sleeping for the night,

Then he sees forgotten enemies,

Slanderers and evil cowards,

And a swarm of young traitors,

And the circle of despised comrades,

That's a rural house - and at the window

She sits... and that's it!

The culminating event of the entire work - the tragic death of Lensky - is emphasized in this way in the last, eighth chapter, becoming, along with the outbreak of passion for Tatyana, the most important component inner life Main character. Onegin's dream clearly enhances the effect of " specularity"compositions of the novel. Onegin's Dream retrospectively recreates the same tragic event (the murder of Lensky) that was predicted in prophetic Tatiana's dream.

In addition, Onegin's dream contains images, directly referring the reader to Tatiana’s state of mind in the middle chapters of the novel (“secret legends of the heartfelt, dark antiquity,” “predictions,” “living nonsense fairy tales,” “letters from a young maiden”).

At the same time, the fairy-tale images from Tatiana’s dream, which are based on folklore roots and emphasize Tatiana’s living connection with the elements of folk life, can be contrasted with a metaphorical image of pharaoh 1 from Onegin’s dream (“before him, in his imagination, the motley mosque of Pharaoh”). As you know, Pharaoh is the name of a gambling card game, symbolizing in Pushkin’s work the power of demonic forces over the human soul (remember “The Queen of Spades”). Onegin's soul was completely at the mercy of these forces, and the ominous image of the pharaoh gives the hero's dream a gloomy flavor. The world of evil that dominates Onegin’s dream includes “forgotten enemies”, and “slanderers”, and “evil cowards”, and “a swarm of young traitors”, and “a circle of despised comrades”. These faces from Onegin's past, like the image of the pharaoh, become a symbol of undue existence hero.

In the eighth chapter, in accordance with the principle “ specularity", the heroes change places. Now already passion flares up in Onegin's soul. In Onegin’s feelings for Tatyana one can see not only a life-giving force that cleanses the hero’s soul. Rather it's "passion is a dead trail" according to the figurative definition of the poet. This passion could not heal Onegin’s soul; it only intensified his mental anguish caused by the murder of his friend.

Onegin's letter to Tatianathe most important ideological center the entire novel. In his letter, Onegin exclaims bitterly:

I thought: freedom and peace

Substitute for happiness. My God!

How wrong I was, how I was punished...

The meaning of the denouement the novel is that Tatyana rejects Onegin:

I love you (why lie?),

But I was given to someone else

I will be faithful to him forever.

The denouement allows the reader to clearly understand not only the meaning of the moral crisis experienced by the hero, but also the spiritual foundations of the heroine’s personality. Tatyana retains a feeling for Onegin in her soul, but fidelity to marital duty is above all for her. Tatyana contrasts Onegin's unbridled passion Christian submission to fate(“my fate is already decided”) and moral strength.

It is significant that Pushkin shows his heroes in his novel in spiritual evolution.

Tatyana turns from a dreamy village girl into a brilliant society lady. At the same time, she retains in her soul those deep moral values ​​that were embedded in her in her youth. The heroine tells Onegin about her attitude towards social life:

And to me, Onegin, this pomp,

Life's hateful tinsel,

My successes are in a whirlwind of light,

My fashionable house and evenings, -

What's in them? Now I'm glad to give it away

All this rags of a masquerade,

All this shine, and noise, and fumes

For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,

For our poor home,

For those places where for the first time,

Onegin, I saw you,

Yes for the humble cemetery,

Where is the cross and the shadow of the branches today?

Over my poor nanny...

Having not fallen in love with the St. Petersburg society, Tatyana nevertheless patiently bears her cross, remaining a devoted wife and fulfilling the role of a high society lady that she dislikes.

The changes that occur in Onegin’s soul throughout the novel are also obvious. At the beginning of the work, Onegin appears before us as a frivolous secular dandy. Then - a skeptic, disappointed in social life, obsessed with despondency, melancholy. At the end of the novel we see a man who has lost the meaning of life.

At the end of the work, the author leaves Onegin “at a moment that is evil for him.” What will happen to the hero next is unknown. denouement, carrying an element understatement,incompleteness, –innovative trait compositions of Pushkin's novel.

Nature in the novel

Images of nature occupy a large place in the work, constituting the most important facet of the “encyclopedia of Russian life.” In addition, the landscape serves several other essential functions.

As noted above, descriptions of nature help the author organize the artistic time of the novel. The action of the work begins in the summer. Onegin flies “in the dust at the post office” to the village to visit his sick uncle. In the second chapter, Pushkin paints a picture of rural nature:

The master's house is secluded,

Protected from the winds by a mountain,

He stood over the river. In the distance

Before him they dazzled and bloomed

Golden meadows and fields...

Summer gives way to autumn:

The sky was already breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less often,

The day was getting shorter;

Mysterious forest canopy

With a sad noise she was naked...

Finally, winter comes:

That year the weather was autumn

I stood in the yard for a long time,

Winter was waiting, nature was waiting.

Snow only fell in January...

At the beginning of the seventh chapter, Pushkin describes the awakening of spring:

Driven by spring rays,

There is already snow from the surrounding mountains

Escaped through muddy streams

To the sunken meadows...

In addition, in the descriptions of nature we observe the creative evolution of the author, his path from romanticism to the “poetry of reality”.

As you know, Pushkin began to write his work in southern exile, during the romantic period of his creativity. In the first chapter we meet romantic images of nature:

Adriatic waves,

Oh Brenta! No, I'll see you

And, full of inspiration again,

I will hear your magical voice!

However, in general the novel is dominated by realistic paintings of nature, often containing details of Russian life. As an example, here is a description of the Russian winter in the fifth chapter of the work:

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,

On the firewood he renews the path...

Pushkin himself comments on such paintings as follows:

But maybe this kind

Pictures will not attract you;

All this is low nature;

There's a little grace here.

At the same time, the reader understands that it was in the pictures of simple Russian nature that the author knew how to find true poetry. “What was low for former poets was noble for Pushkin; What was prose for them, was poetry for him,” wrote Belinsky.

Pushkin draws in his work and cityscape. The image of the white nights in St. Petersburg in the first chapter is presented in romantic key. The poet talks about how he walked with Onegin along the embankments of the Neva, “when it is transparent and light / The night sky over the Neva / And the cheerful glass of water / Does not reflect the face of Diana...” City landscape in the eighth chapter emphasized realistic, even prosaic: “On the blue, carved ice / The sun plays; It’s dirty melting / The snow is dug up in the streets.”

Your creative evolution from romanticism to realism Pushkin comprehends in Onegin's Travels.

First, the poet writes about the romantic images of nature that excited him in his youth:

At that time I seemed to need

Deserts, edges of pearly waves,

I need other paintings:

I love the sandy slope,

There are two rowan trees in front of the hut,

A gate, a broken fence...

Besides, images of nature in the novel are the most important means of characterizing heroes; in addition, they help to understand the author’s own worldview.

Two days seemed new to him

Lonely fields

The coolness of the gloomy oak tree,

The babbling of a quiet stream;

On the third grove, hill and field

He was no longer occupied;

For village silence:

More vivid creative dreams.

As for Lensky, he sees nature in romantic outlines:

He fell in love with dense groves,

Solitude, silence,

And the night, and the stars, and the moon...

She loved on the balcony

To warn the dawn of the rising, -

Pushkin writes about Tatyana in the second chapter. In the fifth chapter, the poet tells how Tatyana meets winter:

Waking up early

Tatiana saw through the window

In the morning the white yard...

In Tatyana’s love for the Russian winter, the poet sees a vivid manifestation of the original Russian soul:

Tatiana (Russian soul,

Without knowing why)

With her cold beauty,

I loved Russian winter...

The poet touchingly describes Tatyana’s farewell to nature, to village life in the seventh chapter of the novel:

Sorry, peaceful valleys,

And you, familiar mountain peaks,

And you, familiar forests;

Sorry, heavenly beauty,

Sorry, cheerful nature,

Changing the sweet, quiet light

To the noise of brilliant vanities...

Finally, nature in the novel is also a source of the author’s philosophical reflections on the transience of life, the continuity of generations, and the connection of times. Thus, the poet reflects on the change of generations at the end of the second chapter:

Alas! On the reins of life

Instant generational harvest

By the secret will of Providence

They rise, mature and fall;

Others are following them...

So our windy tribe

Growing, worried, seething

And he presses towards the grave of his great-grandfathers.

Our time will come, our time will come,

And our grandchildren in good time

They will push us out of the world too!

Describing the awakening of spring in the seventh chapter, the poet again returns to thoughts about passing youth, about the transience of life:

How sad your appearance is to me,

Spring, spring! It's time for love!

What languid excitement

In my soul, in my blood!

With what heavy tenderness

I enjoy the breeze

Spring blowing in my face

In the lap of rural silence!

Or, not happy about the return

Dead leaves in autumn,

We remember the bitter loss

Listening to the new noise of the forests;

Or with nature alive

We bring together the confused thought

We are the fading of our years,

Which cannot be reborn?

Thus, the artistic role of images of nature in Eugene Onegin is multifaceted. The landscape performs a compositional function, helping the author organize artistic time in the novel; descriptions of nature reflect the creative evolution of the author, his path from romanticism to the “poetry of reality”; landscape is a means of characterizing characters, a way of self-expression of the author; finally, nature in Pushkin’s work is the source of the poet’s philosophical thoughts about life, about fate, about the continuity of generations, about the connection of times.

In the eighth article from the series “Works of Alexander Pushkin,” Belinsky wrote: “'Onegin' is Pushkin's most sincere work, the most beloved child of his imagination, and one can point to too few works in which the poet's personality would be reflected with such completeness, light and it is clear how Pushkin’s personality was reflected in Onegin. Here is all his life, all his soul, all his love; here are his feelings, concepts, ideals. To evaluate such a work means to evaluate the poet himself in the entire scope of his creative activity.”

As you know, “Eugene Onegin” is a work of an unusual genre. In a letter to Prince P.A. Vyazemsky, Pushkin noted: “I am not writing a novel, but a novel in verse: a devilish difference.”

A novel in verse - a lyric epic work, in which not only are important author's narration about events and heroes, but also lyrical digressions, in which the poet’s inner world finds free, direct expression.

In "Eugene Onegin" we find various types of derogations:autobiographical, morally descriptive, historical, journalistic, philosophical.

Let us briefly describe the topic of the digressions. Most of the digressions in the novel are of autobiographical content: the author tells the reader about his life, starting from his lyceum years and ending with his arrival in Moscow, and then in St. Petersburg after exile to Mikhailovskoye.

In the digressions we also find the author’s philosophical reflections on the transience of life and the change of generations. The poet shares with the reader his thoughts about love and friendship, about duels and murder in a duel, while expressing a sharp rejection of individualism and selfishness (“We all look like Napoleons...”).

The poet's opinions about Russian and Western European literature and culture are interesting. Here we should, in particular, note the digressions about the theater in the first chapter, about literary heroes in the third, about poetic genres elegies and odes - in the fourth.

The poet expresses his opinions about contemporary poets (about Yazykov, Boratynsky), about the Russian language, about the albums of district young ladies and metropolitan ladies, about modern youth, their education, about the tastes and morals of Pushkin’s contemporary society, about social entertainment, about balls, about cuisine of that time, even about the types of wines!

Among the journalistic digressions, we will mention the poet’s reflections in the seventh chapter about roads in Russia and the future of the country. We especially note the historical digression about Moscow in the seventh chapter, where Pushkin admires the feat of the inhabitants of the ancient capital in the war of 1812 (“Napoleon waited in vain...”).

The author’s thoughts about his own novel are also interesting: the poet talks about the plan of the work, about the characters, introduces readers to them; says that the “fifth notebook” of the novel needs to be “cleared of digressions”; Finally, he says goodbye to the reader and the characters.

Author's digressions serve several functions. Let's name the main ones. Firstly, they help the poet create an “encyclopedia of Russian life” (Belinsky). Secondly, they reveal to the reader the personality of the author himself.

The image of the author of “Eugene Onegin” is multifaceted. The author appears before us in several of his guises: autobiographer,creator of the novel, commentator on his own work, hero of the novel, philosopher, poet.

In “Eugene Onegin” Pushkin introduces the reader to the facts of his biography. He describes his own life and creative path in most detail in a digression on the Muse at the beginning of the eighth chapter.

First, the poet recalls his lyceum years:

In those days when in the gardens of the Lyceum

I blossomed serenely

I read Apuleius willingly,

But I haven’t read Cicero,

In those days in the mysterious valleys,

In spring, when l ikah ​​swan,

Near the waters shining in silence,

The Muse began to appear to me.

The poet recalls his first successes, the lyceum exam, which was attended by G.R. Derzhavin. The poet speaks about himself and his Muse:

And the light greeted her with a smile,

Success inspired us for the first time,

Old man Derzhavin noticed us

I brought the playful Muse

To the noise of feasts and violent disputes...

It is known that at this time the poet participated not only in friendly feasts, but also in bold discussions among radical youth.

How often on the rocks of the Caucasus

She is Lenora, in the moonlight,

And here she is in my garden

She appeared as a district young lady,

With a sad thought in my eyes,

With a French book in hand.

At the end of the digression about the Muse, the poet recalls how she reappeared in St. Petersburg:

She likes order and slender

oligarchic conversations,

And the coldness of calm pride,

And this mixture of ranks and years.

Autobiographical digressions are also present in other chapters of the novel. For example, in the first chapter, the poet remembers St. Petersburg at a time when he himself is in southern exile:

I once walked there too,

But the north is bad for me.

Will the hour of my freedom come?

"It's time, it's time!" - I appeal to her;

I'm wandering over the sea, waiting for the weather,

Manyu sailed the ships.

Here the poet hints at his plan to escape abroad. Here, in the first chapter, he recalls his youthful infatuation with Maria Raevskaya:

I remember the sea before the storm:

How I envied the waves

Running in a stormy line

Lay down with love at her feet!

But in the fourth chapter, Pushkin talks about his life in Mikhailovsky:

But I am the fruit of my dreams

And harmonic undertakings

I read only to the old nanny,

A friend of my youth...

The poet had a vivid impression of his new meeting with Moscow, where he arrived after exile:

Ah, brothers! How pleased I was

When churches and bell towers

Gardens, palace semicircle

Suddenly opened up before me!

How often in sorrowful separation,

In my wandering destiny,

Moscow, I was thinking about you!

Moscow... So much in this sound

For the Russian heart it has merged!

How much resonated with him!

As mentioned above, the author appears in the work both as the creator of the novel, and as a commentator on his own work (remember that Pushkin himself wrote notes for it), and as a philosopher reflecting on the transience of human life, on the change of generations (“Alas! On life’s reins...").

The poet also appears before us as the hero of his own novel. In the first chapter, he talks about how he walks with his “good friend” Onegin along the embankments of the Neva, in the third - about Tatyana’s letter, which he keeps with him:

Tatiana's letter is in front of me,

I cherish it sacredly...

Finally, let’s define the main, most significant facet of the author’s image. The author appears in the novel as a poet.

It is precisely as a poet that he contrasts himself with Onegin, who could not distinguish an iambic from a trochee and to whom “persistent work” “was sick.” But the point is not only that Onegin, unlike the author, did not know how to write poetry.

Onegin is a skeptic. He cannot fully appreciate the beauty of the world around him. The author has a special, poetic attitude towards life. Even in the ordinary, he knew how to see beauty. As Belinsky noted about Pushkin, “he contemplated nature and reality from a special angle, and this angle was exclusively poetic.”

Onegin is indifferent to nature. This is what Pushkin writes about Onegin’s first impressions in the village (“Two days seemed new to him / The solitary fields...”).

I was born for a peaceful life

For village silence:

Creative dreams come alive...

On days of fun and desires

I was crazy about balls...

So, Onegin’s indifference to life is contrasted with the poetic view of the world of the author of the novel.

He sang separation and sadness,

And something, and the foggy distance,

And romantic roses...

And this is no coincidence. Romanticism for Pushkin is a passed stage in his own creative biography. And at the same time, Lensky - an exalted, poetic nature - is in many ways closer to the author than the skeptic Onegin. Lensky's spiritual image is connected with memories dear to Pushkin of his own romantic youth, her freedom-loving dreams, unfulfilled hopes, and lofty ideals. Pushkin’s thoughts about Russian romantic poets, friends of the author of Eugene Onegin, are also connected with Lensky. It is no coincidence that in the digression at the end of the sixth chapter, where the author says goodbye to Lensky, who died in a duel, he says goodbye to his own youth: “But so be it: let’s say goodbye together, / O my easy youth!”).

Tatiana, dear Tatiana!

With you now I shed tears, -

writes Pushkin in the third chapter, talking about how Tatyana fell in love with Onegin.

Why is Tatyana more guilty?

Because in sweet simplicity

She knows no deception

And believes in his chosen dream?

Forgive me: I love you so much

The author-poet appears on the pages of the novel in his creative And spiritualevolution. As you know, Pushkin began writing his work in 1823, during the period of southern exile, at the time of the heyday of romanticism in his own work. It is no coincidence that in the first chapter of the novel we find romantic images (“Adriatic waves...”).

At that time I seemed to need

Deserts, edges of pearly waves,

And the noise of the sea, and piles of rocks,

And the ideal of a proud maiden...

Romantic illusions are a thing of the past, and they have been replaced by a different view of the world (“I need different pictures...”).

The pages of the novel reflect not only the creative, but also the spiritual evolution of the poet.

Pushkin began writing his work in 1823 in southern exile, while still a very young man. The poet was keenly agitated by passions; he still yearned for balls, the theater, and other social entertainments that he had left behind in St. Petersburg. At the same time, the poet was experiencing an ideological crisis associated with disappointment in the educational ideas that he had previously shared with his friends - the future Decembrists.

The subsequent chapters were written by Pushkin in Mikhailovsky, where the poet began to develop new life guidelines for him (the beauty of Russian nature, spiritual values common people). Hence the author’s special interest in the spiritual appearance of Tatyana, who became the poet’s “sweet ideal.”

The seventh and eighth chapters were written by Pushkin during a period of wanderings, everyday disorder and painful spiritual quest.

It is important to note the fact that the poet completed the novel after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising, when Pushkin’s beloved friends ended up in hard labor. Hence the “glow” of the post-December era that we observe in the last chapters of the work. The last stanza of “Eugene Onegin” is significant in this regard:

But those who in a friendly meeting

I read the first verses...

There are no others, and those are far away,

As Sadi once said.

Without them, Onegin was completed...

Let's draw conclusions. In a work of such a genre as a novel in verse, the role of the author's digressions and the image of the author is extremely important. Digressions, written in a light, relaxed manner, organically accompany the narrative. The author's “I” becomes the most important prerequisite for the artistic unity of the novel in verse.

Digressions perform two important functions: with their help, an “encyclopedia of Russian life” is created and the multifaceted image of the author himself is revealed - the creator of the novel, his commentator, hero, philosopher, autobiographer, and finally, the poet, who appears before the reader in creative and spiritual evolution.

Onegin stanza

Pushkin's novel is written in Onegin's stanza, which also gives the work harmony, completeness, and integrity. The Onegin stanza consists of fourteen verses of iambic tetrameter, connected by a certain sequence of rhymes. Let's imagine the rhyme system in the Onegin stanza using the following scheme, where capital letters indicate female rhymes, lowercase letters indicate male rhymes: AbAbVVggDeeJj.

The first four lines are connected by cross rhyme. The next four lines have adjacent (paired) rhymes. Lines nine through twelve are connected by a girdle (enveloping, ring) rhyme. The last two lines are connected by a pair of rhymes.

Most of the stanzas in Eugene Onegin represent a complete artistic whole. Typically, the first four lines contain exposition, an introduction to the topic. In the following lines the theme develops and reaches its climax. Finally, the final couplet often contains a spectacular, aphoristic ending.

The entire text of the novel is written in the Onegin stanza, except for the letters of the heroes in the third and eighth chapters, as well as the songs of the girls at the end of the third chapter, which emphasizes the originality of these elements of the literary text.

Questions and tasks

1. Where and when did Pushkin begin work on “Eugene Onegin”? When did he basically complete the novel? When was Onegin's letter to Tatiana written? How did the plan of the novel change during its creation? How many chapters are there in the final text of the work? How did Pushkin publish fragments from Onegin's Travels?

2. Why could Pushkin claim that in his novel time is “calculated according to the calendar”? What is the chronological framework of the events that make up the plot of the work?

3. Outline the range of topics covered in Eugene Onegin. Why did Belinsky call Pushkin’s work “an encyclopedia of Russian life”?

4. Formulate the central problem of Pushkin’s novel. What other socio-historical problems are raised in Eugene Onegin? Highlight the range of moral, philosophical and aesthetic problems of the work.

5. How did the evolution of Pushkin’s worldview in the 1820s affect the ideological orientation of “Eugene Onegin”? What universal human values ​​does Pushkin affirm in his novel? How are the ideas of the work related to national roots? What life principles does Pushkin the poet affirm? Can we say that “Eugene Onegin” is also marked by satirical pathos?

6. What realistic principles can you note in Pushkin's novel? What is the difference realistic novel in verses from romantic poems?

7. What genre definition did Pushkin himself give to “Eugene Onegin”? What traditions of Byron did Belinsky note in Pushkin’s novel? What, according to the critic, is Pushkin’s fundamental innovation compared to Byron? How did Pushkin himself characterize the form of “Eugene Onegin”?

8. What distinctive features characterize the plot of “Eugene Onegin” and the arrangement of the central characters? Briefly describe the exposition, plot, climax, and denouement of the novel. What elements of the work, in addition to plot structure, play an important role?

9. Which of the novel’s heroes can be called main, secondary, episodic? Which characters are central to the plot? Can the author be considered one of the characters in the novel?

10. Why can Onegin be called a hero of time? Describe the character’s social status, his views, interests. What brings Onegin closer to opposition-minded youth? Why can we say that Onegin is the face of Pushkin’s circle? What contradictions distinguish the hero’s worldview and character? Why is Onegin called the “superfluous man”? Note some artistic means of creating his image.

11. What type Pushkin era recreated in the image of Lensky? Tell us about the hero’s education, about his personality. Why does the death of Lensky become so important in the novel? symbolic meaning? Briefly describe the artistic means of creating his image.

12. Why did Belinsky define the creation of the image of Tatyana as a feat of Pushkin? What features of the Russian national character were combined in Tatyana? What is the uniqueness of her nature? How do other characters in the novel set off Tatiana? What is Tatiana's role in the plot of the work? Why does the author call Tatyana a “sweet ideal”?

13. Review the minor and episodic characters of Eugene Onegin. What role do they play in creating the “encyclopedia of Russian life”? What real historical figures, literary heroes and mythological characters are mentioned on the pages of Pushkin's novel? What is their significance in the work?

14. Describe the compositional functions of individual chapters of Eugene Onegin. Identify the meaning of epigraphs, the main events that make up the plot of the work. Pay special attention to such elements of the composition as the letters of the characters, Tatiana’s dream, the duel episode, Onegin’s dream-vision, the last explanation of the characters. What has changed in the worldview of Onegin and Tatyana over the course of the novel? How does the “understatement” of the work’s denouement manifest itself?

15. Tell us about the main functions of images of nature in the work. How does landscape help the author organize artistic time in a novel and reveal the characters’ characters? How is the author’s worldview and his creative evolution revealed through images of nature?

16. Name the main types and themes of the author’s digressions in “Eugene Onegin”. Give examples of deviations of a different nature. What facets of the author's image are revealed on the pages of the novel? Characterize them by identifying the relationship between the author’s image and the characters’ images. How do the pages of the work reflect the poet’s life path, creative and spiritual evolution?

17. What is the Onegin stanza? What is its construction? What elements of the text of “Eugene Onegin” are not written in Onegin’s stanza?

18. Make an outline and prepare an oral report on the topic: “Eugene Onegin as an encyclopedia of Russian life.”

19. Write an essay on the topic: “Moscow in A.S. Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” and in A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin.”

“Eugene Onegin” is the pinnacle of A.S.’s creativity. Pushkin. In his eighth article “Eugene Onegin” V.G. Belinsky wrote: “Onegin” is Pushkin’s most sincere work, the most beloved child of his imagination, and one can point to too few works in which the poet’s personality would be reflected with such completeness, light and clarity, as Pushkin’s personality was reflected in “Onegin.” Here is all his life, all his soul, all his love; here are his feelings, concepts, ideals... Not to mention the aesthetic merit of Onegin, this poem has enormous historical and social significance for us Russians.”

"Eugene Onegin" is a unique work. What makes it unique is the breadth of reality, multi-plot, description distinctive features era, its color. This is what gave the basis to V.G. Belinsky in his article “Eugene Onegin” concludes: “Onegin” can be called an encyclopedia of Russian life and in highest degree folk work." This work reflects the century and modern man." In it, like in an encyclopedia, you can find out everything about the era: how they dressed and

What was in fashion, what people valued most, what they talked about, what interests they lived by. “Eugene Onegin” reflects the whole of Russian life. The author briefly but laconically depicted the remote landowner province, the fortress village, lordly Moscow, secular Petersburg, provincial cities(on Onegin's journey).

Pushkin truthfully depicted the environment in which the main characters of his novel live. The author reproduced the atmosphere of the city noble salons in which Onegin spent his youth. Let us remember how Pushkin describes Onegin’s first appearance in the world: He could express himself perfectly in French and wrote, danced the mazurka easily and

He bowed unnecessarily, What do you want more? The light decided that he was smart and very nice.

In my opinion, such ideals were inherent in the lordly Moscow of the times of A.S. Griboyedov, described in the comedy "Woe from Wit". What is this? Has nothing really changed? Unfortunately no. As then, boredom, slander, and envy reign in society. As then, people waste their inner strength on gossip and anger. This gives rise to emptiness of thoughts, coldness of hearts, premature aging of the soul and the constant vanity that reigns in the world, turning people’s lives into monotonous and motley, outwardly dazzling, but at the same time devoid of Russian life. She sincerely confesses to Eugene: And to me, Onegin, this pomp, This hateful tinsel of life, My successes in a whirlwind of light, My fashionable house and evenings, What’s in them? This society distorts the souls of people, forces them to follow rules,

Turned on by the light. It is because of this that Onegin kills Lensky in a duel. After all, no matter how Eugene’s soul protested against the fight, social conventions still prevailed. And here is public opinion! Spring of honor, our idol! And this is what the world revolves on! - Pushkin exclaims.

Secular society in the novel is heterogeneous. This is a “secular trait” that turned the pursuit of fashion into the main principle of life, and at the same time, the circle of people received in Tatiana’s St. Petersburg salon is a true intelligentsia. Yuri Lotman very correctly explains this contradiction in his comments to the novel: “The image of light received double illumination: on the one hand, the world is soulless and mechanical,

It remained an object of discussion, on the other - as a sphere in which Russian culture develops, life is inspired by the play of intellectual and spiritual forces, poetry, pride, like the world of Karamzin and the Decembrists, Zhukovsky: and the author of "Eugene" himself

Onegin," it retains unconditional value."

Society is heterogeneous. It depends on the person himself whether he will accept the moral laws of the cowardly majority or the best representatives of the world.

Pushkin himself belonged to the highest aristocratic circles. Therefore, in the novel he depicted how Eugene Onegin spends his best years on balls, theaters, and love affairs. However, very soon Onegin begins to understand that this life is empty, that there is nothing behind the “tinsel outside it.” But, despite everything, this hero stands above his peers. This is what, in my opinion, forced Evgeniy to lose interest in life. He falls into a deep depression:

Was Handra waiting for him on guard?

And she ran after him,

Like a shadow or a faithful wife.

The lordly aversion to work, the habit of freedom and peace, lack of will and selfishness - this is the legacy that Onegin received from the “high society”.

Provincial society appears in the novel as a caricature of high society. The mere appearance of the Skotinins at Tatyana’s name day makes readers laugh through their tears. After all, this is not the first time these heroes have appeared on stage. 50 years before the birth of Eugene Onegin, this couple was ridiculed by Fonvizin in the comedy Minor. Thus, Pushkin shows that during the period separating modern Pushkin province from the province described by Fonvizin, nothing has changed.

Representatives of provincial society are the Larin and Lensky families. Pushkin carefully describes their hobbies, how they used to spend their time. They did not read books and lived mainly on relics of antiquity. Pushkin, revealing the character of Tatyana's father, wrote: Her father was a kind fellow, Belated in the last century, But he saw no harm in books; He, having never read, considered them a simple toy...

This was the majority of representatives of provincial society. But against the backdrop of this remote landowner province, the author depicts “sweet” Tatyana, with a pure soul, kind hearted. Why is this heroine so different from her loved ones, from her sister Olga, since they were raised in the same family? First of all, because Tatyana read a lot, she liked to wander among the oak forests, to dream, “she loved to warn the sunrise on the balcony when the round dance disappears on the pale horizon of stars...” The deep basis of Tatyana’s image is the nationality. This is what helped her defeat the high society, and this victory is the guarantee of the victory of the national spirit over everything opposing it. All cute for

Pushkin's image of Tatiana is close to the exclusively poetic Russian nature, devoid of exoticism. This is where the characteristic contrast arises between the heroine’s village life, full of quiet and poetic delights, and the secular bustle, where the heroine is forced to wear a mask of cold and courteous politeness. Belinsky wrote:

"Nature created Tatyana for love, society recreated her." In my opinion, this is not the case. Once in secular society, she remained the same pure and sublime Tanya, devoted to the village, her shelf of books, the memory of her nanny: Tatyana looks and does not see, We hate the excitement of the world, She is stuffy here..., she strives for life with a dream

Field, To the village, to the poor villagers, To a secluded corner...

Belinsky believes that Tatyana’s life is suffering, because her entire appearance, her feelings and thoughts are in conflict with the world around her.

Pushkin was able to touch on so much, to hint at so many things that belong exclusively to the world of Russian nature, to the world of Russian society?" Belinsky noted in a critical article. I think everyone will agree with these words, because no one except Pushkin could do so colorfully describe the life of Russian society at such an interesting stage of development. And I completely agree with Belinsky, who considered “Eugene

Onegin" "encyclopedia of Russian life." A.S. Pushkin's novel had a huge influence on modern and subsequent literature. "Let time pass and bring with it new needs, new ideas, let it grow Russian society and overtakes “Onegin”: no matter how far it goes, it will always love this poem, will always fix its gaze on it, filled with love and gratitude.”

Abstract open lesson based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin

“Eugene Onegin” (2 lessons) in 9th grade.

Teacher: Gridunova I. V..

2016-2017 academic year

Subject: What is the tragedy of Evgeny Onegin?

(“But was my Eugene happy…”)

This lesson is taught in 10th grade and is a summary of the material studied based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” in 9th grade.

The lesson focuses on the problematic characterization of the image of Eugene Onegin. What is the reason for the tragic outcome of Onegin’s life, why the hero lost interest in life, what facts indicate his spiritual crisis - these are the questions that students will reflect on in class.


    help students understand the imageEvgenia Onegin;

    promote the formation of moral values ​​through the study of literary works;

    promote understanding of yourself and your actions through the image of a literary hero;

    promote the formation of communicative competencies: the ability to work in a group, the ability to build dialogue.

Methodical techniques: problematic issue, conversation, reading text.

Form of work: group (the class is divided into 4 groups from five to seven people in a group)

Lesson format: recording the topic on the board, portrait of A.S. Pushkin, portrait of Evgeny Onegin (illustration by K. I. Rudakov), quotes from critical articles by Belinsky, Herzen, Pisarev about Onegin.

During the classes

    introduction teachers.

We read A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”. Through the book, the author conducts a dialogue with us, talks to readers about what worries him, what worries his soul, invites his reader to think.

What do you think A. S. Pushkin invites us to think about when we read his novel? (teacher listens to students' answers )

So, firstly, the poet intended to comprehend the type of contemporary person who belonged to the St. Petersburg noble society, the author was looking for the reasons for the disappointment of the young noble intellectual; secondly, Pushkin thought about man, about the meaning of life, about happiness and unhappiness, about universal human values ​​- this main question all literature. "Human! Lost among the deserts of the universe, alone on a small piece of earth, rushing with elusive speed somewhere into the depths of immense space, tormented by the painful question - why does it exist? Is happiness possible on earth and what is happiness? Every generation is looking for an answer to this question, and A.S. Pushkin and his hero are no exception.

Creating a problem situation .

Question : What do you think happiness is? What does it mean to be happy?

After listening to the students' answers, the teacher writes key words on the board:


Let's turn to the novel and try to find out whether there was true love, friendship, interesting work, and ideals in the life of Eugene Onegin.

    Organization of work in groups.

Each group receives a card with questions, organizes work with the text of the work of art, reference materials, textbook, dictionaries, notes, which are on the table of each group. Group work time is 20 minutes.

Group 1: Love in the life of Evgeny Onegin.


    How does Onegin feel about love in secular society? (ch. 1, stanzas 10, 11, 12; ch. 4, stanza 10)

    Why Evgeny Onegin refused loveTatiana Larina? (chapter 4, stanzas 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17)

    Why did Princess Tatiana refuse Onegin's love? (chapter 8, stanzas 60 – 67)

    Why was the happiness of Tatiana and Evgeniy impossible?

    What conclusion did you come to?

Group 2: Friendship in the life of Evgeny Onegin.


    Where did Onegin and Lensky meet? What characteristics did the author give them? (chapter 2, stanza 13)

    Why does Pushkin write “there is nothing to do, friends”? Compare Onegin and Lensky: appearance, upbringing, education, social status, attitude to life, love, poetry. (chapter 2, stanzas 6 – 19)

    What caused the duel? What prompted Onegin to accept Lensky's challenge? (Chapter 6, stanzas 9 – 12; 28, 30, 31)

    Did Onegin pass the test of friendship? What conclusions did you come to?

Group 3: Lifestyle of Evgeny Onegin in St. Petersburg.


    How was the day of the capital's dandy?

    What are Evgeny Onegin's hobbies?

    Did he manage to find something useful?

    What science did Eugene Onegin excel in?

    What are the reasons for Onegin’s disappointment in life: external (habitat), internal? (chapter 1, stanzas 15 – 35)

Group 4: Why Eugene Onegin could not create spiritual world, find your ideal?

1) Determine Eugene’s attitude to work, to creativity, to reading, to nature.

2) What kind of upbringing did Eugene Onegin receive and did it leave an imprint on his behavior? (chapter 1, stanzas 54, 63 – 66; chapter 1, stanzas 2 – 7)

For reference. A.S. Pushkin about education: “In Russia, education is the most insufficient, the most immoral; the child is surrounded by only slaves, sees only vile examples, is self-willed or servile. He does not receive any concepts about justice, about mutual relations between people, about true honor.

His education is limited to the study of two or three foreign languages and the initial foundations of all sciences produced by some hired teacher."

    Answers from students in groups are heard, controversial issues are discussed, and different opinions are heard.

Conclusions the students came to:

1st group: At first, the hero did not listen to the voice of his heart, but acted judiciously; love for him was only “the science of tender passion” or a domestic circle that limits human freedom. And when he really fell in love, Tatyana did not believe in the sincerity of his feelings, she saw it only as an affair. “And happiness was so possible, so close!” Hope for happiness is completely lost.

Group 2: Evgeny Onegin did not pass the test of friendship. The cause of the tragedy was the inability to live a life of feeling; he is deaf to the voice of his own heart and to Lensky’s feelings. The duel is a consequence of indifference and fear of public opinion. On the one hand, Onegin despises secular society, and on the other hand, he is afraid of its evil tongue.

3-4 groups: The hero recognized the world and did not accept its hypocritical morality. Idleness breeds emptiness of thoughts and coldness of hearts. Onegin is not satisfied with the conservatism and ignorant views of the nobility, but he does not see a way out of this situation, he never found a civil ideal for himself, did not engage in useful work, did not find use for his strengths. The tragedy of Eugene Onegin is that in his life there is no love, no friendship, no business to which he could devote himself. Evgeny Onegin did not fit into society because the values ​​of the individual and the values ​​of society did not coincide.

Questions for generalization:

    Do you agree with the opinion of S. Bondi: “...Noble people, with high demands on life, sensitive and sensitive, are always unhappy... Either they die, like Lensky, or continue to live with an empty soul, without hope of happiness.”

    Is Onegin himself to blame for the tragic outcome of his life?

    Did Onegin have a different path, could his life have turned out differently? (Among Onegin’s contemporaries there were people who found a goal for themselves, found an application for their abilities: the Decembrists, the author of the novel himself,Griboyedov: studied philosophy, politics, composed music, friend of Pushkin Chaadaev)

    Belinsky believed that “there are beings, gifted with great spiritual powers, who promise a lot, fulfill little or do nothing. This does not depend on them; there is a fatum here, which lies in reality, from which a person is neither able nor in the power to free himself.” What do you think?


Choose one of the suggested phrases and continue the sentence:

    Today in class I realized that...

    Today in class I came to the conclusion that

    Today in class I was surprised...

    Today in class I made a discovery (what?)

(time to complete the task is 6-7 minutes, then students optionally read out their answers)