Hermitage opening hours on New Year's holidays. No changes: The Hermitage receives visitors during the holidays according to the usual weekday schedule

On the eve of the New Year holidays, the Moscow Department of Culture initiated the idea of ​​free visits to the capital's museums during the January holidays. The initiative is to give residents and guests of the capital the opportunity to get acquainted with museum exhibits without paying admission ticket. Currently, the idea has been approved by more than 86 Moscow institutions, including the Tretyakov Gallery and the State historical Museum. This news received rave reviews from residents and guests of Moscow.

From now on, on the eve of the New Year, the official website of the Department of Culture will publish full list museums in Moscow and St. Petersburg, which will not charge admission during the winter holidays.

Very soon the residents of Russia will celebrate the New Year 2019! Fortunately, this sparkling holiday is not limited to one day off. After a noisy feast with family and friends, you want to relax a little and think about how to spend the rest of your free days. It is very important to think through a plan in advance entertainment program during the January holidays so as not to miss the most interesting events in the city. Of course, there are hundreds of places in Moscow that are worth visiting: Christmas tree on Red Square, fairs, clubs, skating rinks and restaurants. The choice is huge.

However, New Year- This is a holiday not only for the body, but also for the soul. A the best gift for the soul is complete immersion in the atmosphere of art, beauty and creativity. This is exactly the atmosphere that reigns in museums of history and art, which will happily open their doors to visitors during the January holidays.

In spacious exhibition halls everyone will be able to touch the history of the fatherland and feel the spirit of bygone times, enjoy the creations of great masters of sculpture and painting, and also learn about how they were created famous works literature and poetry.

List of popular museums

Those who want to visit all the museums in Moscow during the New Year holidays simply do not have enough time and energy. Therefore, we offer you a list of museums that are especially popular among visitors.

1. Museum of Archeology. It is enough to visit this museum once so that the impressions of what you see will remain in your memory forever. In addition to unique exhibits of Moscow life of the 15th-17th centuries, each guest will be able to try on the clothes of Moscow residents of this period.

2. Armouries. This institution is one of the first museums in Russia. On display here are imperial weapon relics, the decoration of the royal cavalry, the famous Monomakh cap, as well as many famous objects that are an integral part of the richest Russian history.

3. Mosfilm Museum. In the list of the most visited museums in the capital, Mosfilm occupies a leading position. It will be interesting to spend time in the exhibition halls of this institution for both children and adults. The costumes they wore for filming are on display here as exhibits. legendary actors Soviet cinema, as well as cars, scenery and many other things recognizable to anyone who has ever watched the films of such directors as Eldar Ryazanov, Leonid Gaidai, Sergei Bondarchuk, Georgy Danelia, Andrei Tarkovsky.

4. Tretyakov Gallery . The most famous art museum is the Tretyakov Gallery. Almost every resident of Russia has heard about this museum, founded in 1986. And this is not surprising, because the Tretyakov Gallery houses the world’s largest collection of Russian visual arts. While here, you can enjoy the paintings of great Russian artists from different times. This is a truly grandiose spectacle that will leave an indelible mark on your soul.

Less famous museums

In addition to the above, the following museums will open their doors to visitors:

  • Lefortovo estate;
  • Moscow Defense Museum;
  • Space Museum;
  • museum contemporary art;
  • Darwin Museum;
  • literary museum;
  • Museum “Kolomenskoye”;
  • Museum-Reserve “Tsaritsyno”.

A complete list of museums that can be visited for free in New Year holidays 2019, presented on the official website of the Moscow Department of Culture. St. Petersburg also joined this initiative. Museums will be announced soon northern capital, which everyone can visit during the New Year and Christmas holidays.


It is interesting to know that there are many museums in Moscow that children should definitely visit. For example, very young children (2-5 years old) will be interested in the following: House of Fairy Tales “Once Upon a Time”, Museum of Unique Dolls, Museum “Pinocchio-Pinocchio”.

Older children will get the most out of Olga Okudzhava's Doll House, Museum folk toys“Fun”, Museum of Animation. These places are considered interactive and educational.

The Hermitage in St. Petersburg is open on holidays as usual. The museum gladly welcomes all residents and visitors of the city during the holidays.

The holidays, one might say, continue. Therefore, you need to think about how to spend your time interestingly and usefully. While in St. Petersburg, many will have the desire to visit the Hermitage Museum, the most famous museum in this area.

How the Hermitage works for the New Year holidays 2018: a famous museum in St. Petersburg

The Hermitage is considered one of the largest art museums in the world. The main motives of the museum are the balance of wealth and extraordinary diversity. It contains more than three million artistic masterpieces. Among which are paintings, sculptures, coins, drawings and much more.

On the official website of the museum, appeared additional option"Plan your visit." To do this, you need to note the purpose of the visit, and accordingly visit the Hermitage. As part of the museum's collection, you can see paintings, graphics, sculptures, objects applied arts, archaeological finds. The museum is very popular among city guests. Therefore, it is necessary to know the visiting days and information about the museum’s work on weekends.

How the Hermitage works for the New Year holidays 2018: the museum is open as usual

At the beginning of January, a separate hall opened in the Hermitage. It will feature outfits and costumes of peoples in different eras. These exhibitions can be seen during the New Year holidays. The museum management believes that this exhibition will not go unnoticed by adults and children. Also, the hall will host special program, dedicated to Christmas. The performances will give the audience unforgettable memories, as well as magical emotions.

In 2018, the doors of the Hermitage opened to visitors on the first New Year's Thursday. And completely free. A day off from museums is planned for January 7th. On other days, his work follows the usual schedule: Tuesday and Friday from 10:30 to 21:00, other days from half past ten to six. It must be remembered that many people are going to visit the famous landmark of the city. Therefore, be prepared to stand in line for several hours.

How the Hermitage works for the New Year holidays 2018: how to get to the museum

The museum is located in the center of St. Petersburg, on Palace Square. Thanks to this, you can get to the Admiralteyskaya station by metro. After this, you need to take a few steps to Malaya Morskaya Street. Turn onto Nevsky Prospekt and go straight to the entrance of the Hermitage, on a huge square.

To enter the museum, you will need to purchase tickets. The cost of which, for residents of Russia, will be only four hundred rubles. Free entry is available to children, students and pensioners. For foreign citizens, the ticket price will be 700 rubles. You must have proof of identification with you for certain benefits. In case of his absence, the visitor will be forced to pay the full cost of the ticket.

New Year's holidays are a great time to visit St. Petersburg. The atmosphere of one of the most beautiful cities peace with many historical monuments and attractions at this time are special. The whole city is buried in colorful lights and sparkle New Year's toys Christmas trees, I want to spend as much time as possible outside, strolling the romantic streets.

If the thought of celebrating the New Year in the northern capital of Russia, St. Petersburg, appeared in your head even for a second, do not rush to give it up. No winter cold will spoil the New Year's mood, and the memories of the trip will remain in your memory for the rest of your life, you can be sure of that. If you are traveling to St. Petersburg for the first time, be sure to visit the Hermitage and the most famous museums city, stroll through the palaces, get acquainted with numerous historical and architectural monuments, visit cathedrals and churches and, of course, admire the drawbridges with your own eyes.

All of the above places are worth visiting, regardless of the time of year. So stock up good mood, warm clothes and go to St. Petersburg. If the purpose of your trip to the northern capital of Russia is to visit museums, you will need information about their operating hours.

How will St. Petersburg museums work during the New Year holidays 2017?

January 1 is closed to the public State Hermitage Museum, on other days the institution will work according to the usual schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday museum complex opens at 10:30 and is open until six in the evening; on Wednesdays and Fridays, visits are possible from 10:30 to nine in the evening. The day off at the Hermitage is Monday.

On the first day of 2017, the State Russian Museum was also closed. On Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays the institution is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., on Mondays until 8 p.m., and on Thursdays from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Going to largest museum Russian art, do not forget that the box office opening hours are 30 minutes less. The museum complex is closed on Tuesdays. On January 1, 2017, the Pavlovsk State Museum-Reserve is also closed; on other days the institution will operate as usual: from 10 am to 6 pm, tickets can be purchased until 5 pm. At fifteen minutes past five, the entrance to the Pavlovsk Palace, a building built in the style of Russian classicism, closes. IN holidays By decision of the administration, it may be decided to open only the State Halls.

December 31, 2016 and January 1, 2017 are official holidays in State Museum-Reserve"Tsarskoe Selo". The museum starts operating on January 3, 2017. The museum is open until 18:00, the ticket office closes at 17:00. When purchasing a ticket, do not forget that the ticket is Catherine Palace valid for one hour after purchase.

The Central Marine Museum, a maritime heritage site, is also closed on January 1, but on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th it invites children aged 5 to 10 years to the New Year’s educational and entertainment program “Sea Peter’s Trees”. The performance will begin promptly at noon and will last an hour and a half.

Of course, there will also be skeptics who consider such a pastime not entirely New Year’s. New Year is a holiday of beauty, extravaganza, magical spectacles. And you simply can’t think of another place where you can see so much beauty and fabulousness at the same time.

In magical St. Petersburg, which is especially beautiful in winter, decorated for the New Year holidays, at every step there is a door to history, a fairy tale or literary era. And these doors are open to the museums of St. Petersburg for everyone who will know their operating hours in the coming, new, 2018.

  • 31th of December
  • 1st of January
  • January 2
  • January 3
  • 4 January
  • 5 January
  • 6th January
  • Jan. 7

31th of December

Not everyone has time to visit museums, but the State Hermitage will be open until 18.30 and its doors are open to free visit children, full-time students and pensioners.

The following will be open on New Year's Eve:

Zoo museum;
Museum "Petrovskaya Aquatoria";
Ethnographical museum;
Naval Museum;
Rumyantsev Mansion;
Colonnade of St. Isaac's Cathedral.

For one day there is quite a sufficient cultural program. There is also a Zoo. There are plenty of places where you can usefully spend time.

Interesting: A person’s whole life would not be enough to look at all the objects of art that are stored in the State Hermitage.

1st of January

Only the Petrovskaya Aquatoria Museum is open, from 14.00 to 22.00.

The remaining museums of St. Petersburg are closed.

For reference: This is the first large layout in Russia, located on 500 square meters. m., where on a reduced scale you can get acquainted with the history of the creation of St. Petersburg and the Russian Navy.

January 2

In St. Petersburg you can visit the following attractions:

St. Isaac's Cathedral and its Colonnade;
Savior on Spilled Blood;
Concert and exhibition hall “Smolny Cathedral” and Belfry Smolny Cathedral;
State Hermitage Museum;
Russian Museum;
Naval and Ethnographic;
Anna Akhmatova Museum.

Note: The zoo is also open on January 2, but its schedule is different from usual. You can take a walk with your children and admire the animals from 10.00 to 16.00.

The Faberge Museum, opened in the Shuvalov Palace, is open every day, except January 1, from 10:00 to 21:45. In this realm of beauty, you can see the works of world-famous jewelers, hire a guide or rent a device that will allow you to gain additional knowledge.

January 3

The list of places for possible visits is expanding significantly, and you can choose almost any repository of beauty, history, literary events and curiosities, except those listed below.


Rumyantsev Mansion;

Advice: State memorial museum defense and blockade of Leningrad on January 2, 3, 4 is open from 10:00 to 16:00, and if it is in your excursion plans, this point must be taken into account.

The remaining museums, after a short New Year's holiday, will once again open their hospitable doors to everyone.

4 January

Facts: On Thursdays you can visit the State Hermitage for free and admire the masterpieces on display without paying. The Akhmatova Museum is holding a Christmas fair on this day, and access to the exhibition will be closed.

Not open: Rumyantsev Mansion and Museum political history. The remaining museums operate as usual and are open to their long-awaited visitors.

5 January

The State Memorial Museum of the Defense and Siege of Leningrad is also closed. as well as the Museum of Political History, the Russian Museum and the Museum of the St. Petersburg Avant-Garde.

Guests of the city can visit the Russian Museum on other holidays. There is an exhibition with works of classical and modern art. Schoolchildren have free admission, but guests of St. Petersburg pay more for tickets. than its native inhabitants. All other museums are also eagerly awaiting connoisseurs of beauty.

6th January

A day off and no access for visitors to the following city attractions:

Savior on Spilled Blood, Colonnade of St. Isaac's Cathedral and Saint Isaac's Cathedral;
Concert and exhibition hall “Smolny Cathedral” and Belfry of the Smolny Cathedral;
Museum of the St. Petersburg Avant-Garde;
Monument heroic defenders Leningrad.

On this day you will have to fulfill as much as possible cultural program, because only a few museums will be open on Christmas Day.

Jan. 7

The State Hermitage was closed and was joined by the Artillery and Naval Museums, the Ethnographic Museum and the Akhmatova Museum. The State Memorial Museum of the Defense and Siege of Leningrad, the Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad and the Museum of the St. Petersburg Avant-Garde are also closed. The rest are going to open to visitors, but may change their operating hours, so before going anywhere, it is better to check the schedule on the official website.

Lovers of cultural recreation will be able to spend new year holidays interesting and educational. Many museums will be opened in St. Petersburg. Their mode of operation will be discussed in this article. These holidays there will be a discount on all tickets to museums in the northern capital, you just have to be careful with the timing, otherwise you may end up behind closed doors.

Museums of St. Petersburg have prepared interesting program for the natives and visitors of this beautiful city this New Year's holidays. Many tickets will be sold at discounts. It is only necessary to clarify their operating hours in order not to arrive at closing time. The article will tell you more about this.

  • Hermitage
  • Russian Museum
  • Faberge Museum
  • Naval Museum
  • Zoo museum
  • Railway Museum


This ancient museum is rightfully considered the king of all cultural temples. It is both a history and an art museum. Anyone who visits it will receive double benefits for themselves - for the soul and knowledge of history.

It’s especially pleasant to visit it on New Year’s holidays - you can enjoy the beauty, and this is important for raising your spirits.

Important: But it’s worth considering that on December 31, this museum is only open until 18:30! The Hermitage will not be open on January 1st! It will open only on January 2 at 10.30. On Thursday, admission to the museum will be absolutely free for everyone! This opportunity is worth taking advantage of. In addition, every day admission is free for children under the age of majority, as well as pensioners and full-time students.

Russian Museum

This Art Museum will open its doors only on January 3 and will be open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. True, not everyone can enjoy free admission to famous museum– admission is free only for schoolchildren. But there is also a pleasant moment for people who have graduated from school a long time ago and want to spend time in this exciting place - residents of St. Petersburg will be given a discount.

Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art

Anyone can visit the museum from December 31, from 10 am to 10 am. The most unusual and modern exhibits will appear before connoisseurs in all their glory, and the Museum Stage will give a New Year’s concert to all lovers of the classics festive concert Strauss Hall can be visited by anyone until 10 o'clock at night. The museum will provide an unforgettable experience for the New Year, but on the first day of January Erarta will open its doors only at 14:00. Basically, the schedule will remain unchanged.

Faberge Museum

All connoisseurs and those simply wishing to get acquainted with famous collection jeweler Faberge, can visit the Shuvalov Palace, but on January 1 the museum doors will be closed. The museum's schedule will remain exactly the same as on other days - from 10 am to 10 pm.

Important: You need to remember that the museum closes 15 minutes before the end of time, so you must leave the palace walls at 21:45.

Naval Museum

One of oldest museums countries will resume its work on January 2, 2018, from 11 o’clock in the afternoon. Famous exhibits naval themes, paintings by Aivazovsky and other famous masters, accurate models of famous ships, and many other interesting things can also be seen on any day except Christmas, which will be January 7th. IN the winter vacation lovers of this type of art can purchase a subscription that allows them to visit all four branches of the Naval Museum, for example, the museum located on the famous cruiser Aurora.

Zoo museum

This Magic world A wide variety of animals can be visited on any day except December 31st and January 1st. Three floors of amazing exhibits that can only be seen in this museum will open their doors from 1:00 to 18:00. But you need to know in advance that there are rules in this building, violation of which may result in a visit from the police and a fine. These rules are easily explained by the existence of such unusual exhibits. You cannot bring food into the museum; children must come only accompanied by an adult, and leaving them unattended is strictly prohibited.

Railway Museum

This museum opened relatively recently, but has already received special love among art connoisseurs. The main exhibits are, of course, railways, steam locomotives, the history of their construction. But not only the coverage of engineering is presented in the museum; guests can enjoy the atmosphere of the Nicholas era, paintings and other things of the 19th century. Its area occupies as much as 4 football fields– the very large area of ​​such a museum is explained by its contents.

Important: This unusual collection of interesting exhibits cannot be visited on December 31, January 1 and 2, as well as on the 8th and 9th, as the museum will close its doors. Visit on other days unique place possible from 10 am to 6 pm. The museum has rules - children under 3 years old are prohibited from visiting, and minors must be accompanied by adult relatives.