About the festival of hippies and partygoers called "Rainbow" - Andrey Sapunov. What is a Rainbow? An excerpt characterizing the Russian Rainbow

It is quite difficult to give an unambiguous definition of the festival. The ideology and organization of "Rainbow" were borrowed from American hippies, who were guided by the traditions of collective living of an Indian tribe. The idea of ​​unity with nature and people, the call for love and kindness, the forms of manifestation of these feelings and the corresponding way of life were transferred almost unchanged to Russian soil. However, in the Russian "Rainbow" it is now difficult to find people who clearly identify themselves as hippies. “Those tired of Babylon” gather there. Babylon in Rastafarian (and more broadly in “rainbow”) mythology is the world of society, the world of responsibilities, coercion and punishment.

What are they doing at Raduga? Mostly people come here to communicate with people who have bright and kind eyes. If you smile and wish good morning to the “rainbow” person, they will definitely answer you in kind. By the way, it’s always morning at Raduga, so greetings are suitable at any time of the day or night.

You can socialize on the Circle, where everyone gathers for the pow-wow, in the common tea room, where you will be offered tea (black or green) or cocoa (if available), and also in the parking lots. The camp site consists of several tents united by a common fire. The sites have names: “Three Axes”, “Repatriation”, “Deaf Snail”. Food is prepared over fires, separate from the common kitchen and, unlike the latter, not always vegetarian. Around the fire, people exchange experiences: how best to hitchhike, how to weave baubles, rastas or dreadlocks. Here they also make “rainbow” souvenirs - magical objects of the Indians (especially often dream traps), and also sing and play on all kinds of musical instruments. Drums and pipes are very popular. Music sounds constantly, and there are always concerts on Krug in the evenings.

In addition, there are seminars at the Rainbow that are conducted by volunteers. They can be dedicated to the Mayan calendar, Anastasian communities, control of bad thoughts, massage, raw food diet and other interesting things. The informal leader of "Rainbow" Ilu conducted yoga and pranayama on the beach in the mornings, meditation in the evenings, as well as holotropic breathing sessions.

"Rainbow" people live mostly in tents. Those who have places “sign in” those without tents, thus making new friends. Many live in tipis - these are Indian dwellings, which are now made of tarpaulin. A fire is built inside the tipi and can accommodate up to 10-11 people. There is a communal tipi where concerts and meditations take place, and a children's tipi where volunteers work with children. There are a lot of children at Raduga, there are also older people, but the main contingent is young people from 15 to 25. Everyone is dressed cheerfully, with quirkiness, and sometimes with truly artistic imagination. When it's hot, nudism flourishes, but it is not mandatory: it is simply a means of getting closer to nature.

They eat at the Rainbow either on their own, in the parking lots, or at the pow-wow. The pow-wow is the Indian rallying cry of the tribe, used to call the "rainbow" people to the Circle, where food is distributed from the common kitchen. First, everyone stands in a circle, joins hands and chants OM. Participation in singing is purely voluntary; you can sit at the Circle and not sing, but you must remain silent. If you are sick, you can sit inside the Circle - it is believed that the OM energy promotes recovery. I don’t know about the effectiveness of treatment, I won’t lie. However, the feeling of joyful unity with the whole world that covers you, when the vibrations of universal singing pass through the whole body through clasped hands, is incomparable.

Singing is followed by discussion. common problems: any of those present can take a “Tokin Stick” (Chatting Stick) and communicate what they think is important. Usually these are announcements about seminars, concerts, requests to find a lost item or messages about finds, a search for travel companions or “registration” in some city. General “rainbow” problems are also discussed: forest pollution (you have to use common toilets or go into the forest with a shovel, which not everyone likes), alcohol, calling for volunteers in a common kitchen. After the discussion, food is distributed from common cauldrons, followed by Ilu with a Magic Hat, where money should be thrown for the kitchen. If you don’t have money, you can simply touch the hat with your hand and put a piece of positivity there.

Everyone who writes about "Rainbow" scrupulously notes its shortcomings. This is a sure sign that the “rainbow people” are striving for the impossible. Indeed, “Rainbow” for many is a dreamed way of life, an approach to a bright ideal, therefore any deviation from it is perceived as an attack on the sacred. The violation of the Rainbow laws is especially annoying for the “old-timers” - those who come every year since the festival was founded in the early nineties. Others, “pioneers”, mostly young people, usually well established and not poor, come to rest and relax, because creating and maintaining their status in Babylon is hard work. Pioneers, as a rule, realize that the world of the Rainbow is not identical to theirs. ordinary life that this is a game of a dream come true. It’s great that you can imagine yourself in a world of love and kindness, plunge into it, but reality is incomparable with it.

"Rainbow" is often accused of a lack of organization (lack of a leader, negative attitude of "rainbow" people towards any attempts at control and leadership). But this is exactly what they go there for: to be in the absence of a punitive-coercive system of organizing society, to find themselves in a place where laws are observed at the behest of the heart, and not out of fear of punishment. And then, the absence of a special organization and formal leadership is one of the main principles of Rainbow. Its holding is the fruit of the efforts of many enthusiasts, and information about it is disseminated privately, through personal mail and at meetings.

Another negative of "Rainbow" is drunkenness. In principle, the consumption of alcohol is prohibited there, but in the Russian environment such a prohibition works, you know how. They say that a year ago on Kokshag, Ilu did not allow people carrying bottles of moonshine to enter the Rainbow territory. Moonshine was poured into the river. Here, in Karelia, I saw only one drunk, and it was a local, i.e. not a rainbow people.

A special issue is drugs. They are also prohibited. But try to ban grass for a Rastafarian! He smokes and will continue to smoke, although this practice is not welcomed by most. Mushrooms and acid are condemned even more harshly.

Many people notice the spontaneous aggressiveness of “rainbow” people in place of the declared kindness and universal love. There are also cases of theft. But, in my opinion, one should rather be surprised by the fact that there is so little of all this where there is no police strictness. There really is much more light and joyful. In the end, "Rainbow" is such a summer holiday, informal and not too organized, but fun and happy.

Good afternoon!

“A rainbow is when you smile, another person sees it and smiles back at you. And both
it feels good, like in childhood, when the doors of perception are open. There's no fuss and you see everything, everything
you hear, you feel everything, you understand everything.”

Rainbow is a tradition born in 1972 in America based on the ideals of the Great Plains Indians. Every year we gather away from the cities to live a simple life. We tread lightly on the earth, learn from the trees and dance with the fire, we remain as we are. We want to be a family where everyone is responsible for the common. There are no main or guilty people here, we are building our world together.

On Rainbow there is complete freedom of self-expression (not to be confused with freedom from everything).

The rainbow gives you the opportunity to get out of your usual environment. This is a special environment for learning about yourself, people and the world.
This is a place where the limits of thinking are expanded through mutual trust and warmth.

Rainbow has no organizational structure. Rainbow's existence is helped by those who want and can do something to scout out places, help in the common kitchen, and the like.
There can never be too many hands anywhere.

Rainbow is not limited to one topic. Here supporters meet and communicate very different worldviews, and they all live in peace, sharing what they have and not imposing anything.

However, we are all people, each with our own shortcomings, and the presence of several hundred such different people in one place still requires compliance with certain basic principles- Rainbow traditions.

Traditions of the Russian Rainbow (below is a short version, full version)

The traditions are written down to make it easier for first-time visitors to get involved in the theme and understand what is happening.
They are not dogma, but they should be treated with respect so as not to disturb harmony and not upset others. One of the main traditions of the Rainbow is non-violence.
Usually wakes up on Rainbow careful attitude to others, and this delicacy helps a lot different people get along peacefully, with pleasure and benefit.
This would not have happened if someone began to impose their vision. Alcohol and drugs on Rainbow are outside of tradition.
The peculiarity of the Rainbow is the possibility of direct communication, not clouded by any chemical agents, be it alcohol or drugs. Let everyone be themselves - the way they are.
Even the mere presence of a drunk person VERY disrupts the rosy mood.
In addition, illegal substances can cause problems with the authorities for the entire Rainbow.

Try not to smoke in the main clearing or common area.

On Rainbow, people try to take care of nature:
- only dry or fallen trees are used for fires (and buildings);
- garbage is collected separately (food scraps and organic matter are placed in holes dug for this purpose)
- after removing the parking lot, you need to remove trash, cigarette butts, and candy wrappers. Fill holes with waste with soil.
If it is not possible to remove your garbage yourself, pack it compactly and wrap it well.
And then take them to a general garbage heap, from where a specially hired truck will take them out after the end of the Rainbow.
It's usually difficult to fit everything into a truck, so carry as much crap back to civilization as you can.
- wash and rinse clothes, rinse off soap or shampoo on the shore, do not closer than three meters from the water;
- instead of chemicals, they try to use natural or environmentally friendly substitutes,
Tar soap is especially loved and pleasant, but even this should not end up in water bodies;
- shared toilets are specially dug (at a sufficient distance from reservoirs and sources of drinking water!),
you can find them by looking at the markers or by asking someone. After visiting the toilet, you should wipe ... cover with sand or ash (including paper, so that it does not blow away in the wind).

Electrical devices are not used on Rainbow: cell phones, laptops, tape recorders, etc.
If you need to use cell phone– try to do this out of sight.
If you need to leave the phone on, then it is set to vibrate so that only live music can be heard at the Rainbow.

Try to do without lanterns at the Rainbow; you can use candles instead.
Flashlights blind the eyes of oncoming people and create a feeling of artificiality of space. A lantern and electric light are substitutes for the senses: a person sees in the dark, the bare soles of his feet remember the path, the rhythm of the drums helps to navigate, and the lantern muffles all this.
As they say, “A rainbow is a path to walk in the dark.”

You can only take photographs if you have received permission from the person you are going to photograph.
Nobody takes pictures on the circle, it is especially bad to take pictures of the circle during Ohm. If you want to take a photo of someone, ask permission. Many people would not want their Rainbow photo to appear anywhere on the Internet. And thinking about how to take a good shot will not allow you to truly enjoy what is happening.
It is better to carry the camera in a bag.

Dogs and other pets are taken to Rainbow only as a last resort, if there is no one to leave them with and nowhere to place them. In this case, the dogs are kept in a camp or on a leash.
A person who comes with an animal will be attached to it. Dogs often start fights and bark loudly when protecting their territory. They can frighten people, and especially children. And all this will bring little joy to the dogs themselves.

Cars, motorcycles or other motorized vehicles are not used on Rainbow territory, except in cases of emergency.

On the Rainbow there is public places(kitchen, circle, pond, playground, welcome center, tea house), and there are separate parking lots.
When coming to a foreign camp, keep in mind that it may have its own rules regarding food, smoking, fire, social norms, etc. It is often considered rude to throw cigarette butts and trash into a fire. Treat other people's ideas with respect, even if you don't share them.

The Rainbow territory is free from trade and money. The only place where there is money is the Magic Hat.
Magic Hat is money collected for the purchase of food for the common kitchen, public items, garbage collection after the Rainbow and various general expenses. You can put as much money into Magic Hat as you want and can.
If you don't put money in the hat, you can simply touch the hat to show your participation.

All decisions on the Rainbow are made by consensus (unanimously) on the Vision Councils (aka Vision Council, Vision).
Consent gives every person a chance to be heard. This is how they come to decisions that are acceptable to everyone, not just the majority. If difficulties arise, the issue is raised in a circle and discussed. If no one fundamentally objects, then consensus has been reached. If there are serious objections, then the discussion continues until a consensus is found.
When taking into account opinions, experience, age, beliefs do not matter: on Rainbow everyone is equal.

Compliance with rainbow traditions is necessary for the existence of the Rainbow as a phenomenon.
If someone violates the traditions of the Rainbow, then the one who noticed it, respectfully, but in no way showing aggression, will explain to him that it is not customary to behave this way here, and will ask him not to do it again. If a person admits his mistake, the incident is over. If he is not going to follow the traditions, grossly and deliberately violating them, after the decision of the circle (Council of Visions), he may be asked to leave the Rainbow.

Information about the place and time of the Rainbow is not publicly available; it is transmitted only through personal invitations.
We are responsible for those we invite, so it is better not to send the card to complete strangers.
And if someone asks to send a map, talk to this person and understand that you really want to see him at the Rainbow, and that he will consciously and respectfully treat its traditions.

On the Rainbow, controversial or even conflict situations are quite possible - this is normal, we are all human. Try to resolve them peacefully and to mutual satisfaction.

If you are unable to resolve the issue on your own, bring it to the circle and let them help you sort out the situation.
Let's treat each other with understanding, be open, friendly and ready to help.
You are at home.

Rainbow is me. Rainbow is you.
I'll chop some wood, you go get some water.
I'll cut the carrots, you stir the porridge.
I'll go dig a hole for the toilets, you'll put up an awning for the shared kitchen.
I will conduct a yoga seminar, you will talk about how to do massage.
I'll arrange children's party, you are organizing a chess tournament.
I'll build a labyrinth, you'll make a puppet theater.
I will bring notes with me, you will bring colors.
I will take away the garbage, you are the common boilers.
We are not an organization, we have no leaders - only good will everyone.
We are bound together by the desire to live in peace with ourselves, the people around us and nature.

A rainbow is not an end in itself, not a time or a place, but a door to a boundless, real, non-absurd world, the way it has always been and the way it will always be.
The world that is in a good way predictable and fraught with pitfalls.

A world where there is no inanimate objects, there is no break in the connection between actions and feelings, where a person begins to live the life that was originally intended for him.

RAINBOW OF UNITY-2017 on the Ptich River, Belarus August 23rd, 2017

Imagine, my home and family were completely destroyed - from the seizure of real estate and children by a sick wife to the death of my father, I come here and say: good morning, family! welcome home!
Rainbow doesn't like PR, because... the community protects itself from brute force. I will try to formalize it gently so that no harm is done.
Definition: Rainbow is a model of a society of the future, self-governing and self-controlling. A kind of festival of hippies, who actually like to be bitten by mosquitoes. It turned out: mosquitoes and horseflies. Some don’t even kill mosquitoes, but feed them with their own blood. These people should be made into hammers. Maximum unity with nature. Nudism-naturism is encouraged and controlled by the weather (and the same horseflies). Special rituals, mantras are their own subculture, but the most interesting of these is self-government.
As long as I stayed there, I broke my head: who, if not Putin? I don’t even understand where to put Putin here.
Positively: what if not self-government? Is it really possible to do this without a boss? citizens, you are crazy! and who will steal from the budget?
Nobody steals anything here at all. That's how it works. And you can only get to the Rainbow by personal invitation. If you haven’t sent it, you won’t know where to go.

Scheme of how to get there. It's not easy at all. And it seems that the Rainbow was invented in the USA somewhere in the 1930s.

Board game. Either you make a move with a stick or you put up a wall. One way or another. Who will reach the opposite field first?

The Ptich River turned out to be fantastic, enchanting, deafeningly wonderful and stunningly beautiful.

There is a bathhouse - on the river bank, dug right in the sand. From the bathhouse to the river - a thrill.

They live like this.

The young oak tree is growing.

This seems to be a bedroom, if I didn’t have a tent, I would have ended up here.

In the morning coffee is prepared.


Children's shoes are drying.

Take photographs only with personal consent.

Rainbow is also full of seminars! A kind of training factory. Everyone constantly teaches each other, everything, for free.

Education healthy image life, ideological advancement.

Camp map. On the very first day I screwed up the slippers, blamed Misha Baynov, and 3 days later I found them in the lost items - a box with lost items.

The most original coffin tent)))

Our parking lot. There was a married couple Olya-Volodya, and they had excellent Feng Shui.


A guy is cleaning a well.

Colored hairstyle.

There is a circle where food is given and rituals are performed. And they drum a lot. And they collect donations for food. And at night... I won’t say what.



Artful clothing-shoes.

A small pond with water lilies.

This is my plate. So I ate all week, from here. The spoon was made from wood chips.

Some people sleep on the path, but what?

The water is heating up, tea is coming.

Kneading the dough. Everything will organize itself. Volunteers are everything here!

I looked at the seminar factory for a couple of days, pretended to be a rag, and then realized that I had to chop wood while it was being delivered. Strike while the iron is hot.

So I came out of the forest with a ready-made training seminar on astrology.

Unique FLEXIBLE saw!

Musical instrument hang. They were looking for one like this for my wife in the spring in Trivandrum.

There are wigwams, not really wigwams, but tippies. These are different types of Indian housing. A torch is visible in the doorway.

Coffee cup.

My mother-in-law kicked me out of the house, I get to Rainbow and: “Welcome home.” However!

Alcohol is prohibited. Violence is prohibited. And many additional things are prohibited.

Birch juice. Sour, tastes like homemade kvass.

Summer mood.

I would like to wish everyone harmony and peace.

Rainbow mood.

Borsch in common boiler. They start preparing food in the morning and have breakfast somewhere in the evening)))

And if they start preparing dinner in the evening, they feed it at night. Here's a lantern at dinner.

I had nothing, kind people fed me. I didn’t hear a single reproach, a pleasant shock after my mother-in-law.

Evening sky.

By the way, the beavers chewed it off! Beaver swamps are nearby.

You can fall in love with the Ptich River. It is similar to the red-water Churun ​​River that flows past the tallest Angel Falls in Venezuela.

Crowds of kids different ages. Babies are 3 months old, 5-year-old eagles and eagles. Every second I looked at them, I remembered my children, now locked in the east of Moscow. I really wanted them to run around here... The river is shallow, sometimes waist-deep. Amazing for my kids.

Even so.

In the mornings I walked and prayed. It takes effort to get rid of the melancholy from separation from loved ones, which comes at night and torments the heart in the morning. I brought the prayers to probably 2 hours a day.

Morning beauty.


Shelves on wood.

The reception at the entrance to the camp is called welcome. People drink coffee here all day. The guy on the left in the photo had the wrong conspiracy political idea. In general, it’s not very common to talk about politics on Rainbow. On the other hand, they were agitating to go to the Crimean Rainbow, and I screamed, “Aren’t you fucking going to tear away the house of the neighbor you previously killed, and one guy said how good it was that these words were still heard here, and it turned out that he was not Ukrainian, but from Saratov.

It's me.

Swing. The nurse flies. She pulled a splinter out of my leg.

Ponds near the Rainbow venue. Fish is bred here.

That's all.

A lot of interesting things were not included, because... not possible or not necessary.

I hope I didn't post anything prohibited.

Russian Rainbow- the annual largest meeting in Russia of hippies and youth close to them in spirit, held in the summer, usually in July, every year in different places since 1990. It is a continuation of the Rainbow Gathering tradition, but highly modified on local grounds. It is a large hippie camp with some customs dating back to the Rainbow Gathering. Is not a managed structure or organized event; however, there is a semblance of coordination that is carried out voluntarily by enthusiasts. In particular, in this way the following are coordinated: the search for a location for future “rainbows” (“rainbow reconnaissance”), basic life support issues during the meeting, as well as contacts (and the establishment of good relationships) with local authorities at the venue. The number of people at the “rainbow” at a time reaches 500-1000, and during the entire meeting 2-3 thousand people are present (for comparison: the number of participants in American rainbow gatherings is measured at 10-15 thousand people, at pan-European meetings there are usually 2-4 thousand simultaneously).

Rainbow Traditions

On the territory of the “rainbow” there are a number of rules of behavior recognized by the majority of participants, called traditions. In this way, the Rainbow meeting is very different from the early hippie meetings in the 70s and 80s in the USSR (for example, meetings on the Gauja), as well as from most other organized and unorganized events popular among informals. Traditions can be roughly divided into customs that are not obligatory to follow (such as the manner of greeting “ Good morning!”), and on the traditions that define the Rainbow. These traditions come from the first Rainbow meetings in America and are the basis of the meeting, distinctive feature. These include: non-violence, respectful attitude towards nature and others, absence of any commercial activity, rejection of hierarchy and any administration (everything that happens on the Rainbow, in literally words are created directly by its participants), the absence of complex electrical devices and technical means, a ban on any propaganda - political, religious, etc., a ban on alcohol and drugs. There is a tradition of a general circle - a pow-wow - at which all members of the Rainbow family gather to solve common problems, announce information about seminars and master classes, distribute common food and raise funds. Also, important decisions are made at the so-called “vision councils” (from the English vision council - council of visions), in which any resident of Rainbow can participate. Decisions at these councils are made only by general consent.

Rainbow Story

Rainbow Gathering

The Rainbow Movement originated in the United States in 1972, taking the baton from the psychedelic movement of the 1960s.

Rainbow in Russia

In the early eighties, “meetings of the rainbow tribes” came to Europe (thus, pan-European rainbow meetings are now held annually), and since 1993 they began to be organized in Russia. The first meetings in Russia tried to copy Western models, in particular, the sectarian nature of the movement, but quite quickly (by 1995-1997) they spontaneously changed and lost their original “New Age” meaning, turning simply into near-hippie camps with the remnants of some formal traditions. In particular, early rainbow meetings in Russia were characterized by the presence large number“Indianists”, as well as all kinds of esotericists, sorcerers, etc. Since Rainbows were favored by hippies, who were generally cool towards “sciences” of this kind, these categories gradually separated and stopped taking part in them. Instead, they, offended by the “profanation” of the hippies, often organized alternative rallies and festivals with a New Age orientation. In particular, this is where the tradition of the festival “Inlakesh” (), and lesser known ones, for example, “Dances of the Peoples of the World”, etc. comes from. Despite the striking connection between the rainbow and the hippie subculture, all the more obvious on local soil, adherents of the Rainbow precisely as a quasi-religious “movements” prefer to say: "Rainbow is a meeting of many tribes, a meeting different traditions and cultures. It’s a mistake to call the rainbow a “hippie gathering.”.

Geography of Russian Rainbow meetings

The annual Russian Rainbow attracts several hundred or thousand people. How many people - so many opinions, and therefore sometimes it is difficult for Rainbow people to reach agreement in making decisions, for example, on where to hold the next Rainbow meeting, whether it is necessary to observe strict vegetarianism (or even veganism) at the Rainbow, whether a moratorium on alcohol consumption is needed or hemp. The inability to reach a consensus sometimes leads people with different views on the above issues to choose to find places on their own, call their friends there and conduct these meetings in compliance with key rainbow traditions. Others just like it when there aren't too many people around. These smaller scale and very small meetings are also traditionally called "Rainbow meetings". In the list below these meetings are designated as "local".

Year Place Notes
1993 Käsnyaselkä, Karelia
1995 Tolmachevo, Leningrad region
1996 Vuoksa
1996 Ural
1997 Kaftino, Tver region
1997 Svetly Klyuch, Altai Republic local
1998 Mshinskaya, Leningrad region The meeting of the Rainbow near Mshinskaya for the first time in Russia was at the same time the European meeting of the Rainbow tribes. This Rainbow was dispersed by St. Petersburg riot police.
1998 Kaftino, Tver region after Mshinskaya's acceleration
1999 Sura River, border of Nizhny Novgorod region and Chuvashia
2000 Lake Sevo, Pskov region
2001 Nezhitino, Kostroma region
2002 Lake Linen, Novgorod region.
2002 Lake Onega (local)
2003 Bolshaya Kokshaga River, Mari El
2004 Lake Asho, Pskov region
2004 Kaliningrad local
2005 Nezhitino, Kostroma region
2005 Tyulyuk " , Chelyabinsk region local
2006 Kuokkaniemi, Lake Laptajarvi, Lakhdenpokhsky district of Karelia
2006 Astrakhan local, so-called "vegan" Rainbow
2006 Yoshkar-Ola local
2006 near the non-residential village of Chernushka, Ust-Koksinsky district, Altai Republic was subsequently transferred
2007 Ugory village, Kostroma region local
2007 Olkhovatka village, Voronezh region
2007 Kyiv first Ukrainian Rainbow
2008 between the villages of Kumalyr and Topuchaya, Altai Republic
2008 Sura River, near the city of Alatyr, Chuvashia local
2009 Pustoshka, Pskov region.
2009 Velikobereznyansky district " , Transcarpathian region, Ukraine, approximately halfway between the settlements of Lyuta and Lumshory Pan-European Rainbow Meeting
2010 Kostroma region overclocked. Moved to Asho
2010 Pskov region, Lake Asho
2010 Perm region, village Talkative It was elected jointly with Rainbow in Kostroma.
2011 Lake Onega.
2012 Kursk region, Zeleny Gai
2012 Far Eastern Rainbow, Reineke Island
2012 Obirki, Chernihiv region, Ukraine The first Eastern European Rainbow. Created jointly by Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Moldovan-Transnistrian families.
2013 Yarovshchina, Lodeynopolsky district, Leningrad region
2013 Siberian rainbow near Chemal
2014 Ural (near Zlatoust)
2015 Pskov region (near Nevel)
2016 Republic of Karelia (Prionezhsky district)

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  • Meeting of the Rainbow Tribes (Russian)
  • Rainbow Gathering
  • --- Alexandra Godina, Bee magazine
  • --- "Northern Worker", 07/04/2002
  • --- Evgenia Styshneva, "Foreigner", 05/18/2000
  • --- Marina Starkov, "Breath of the Earth"
  • --- "Today's Newspaper", 07/2/2009

An excerpt characterizing the Russian Rainbow

- Yes, I’m in love, but please, let’s not do what we’re doing now... Four more years... Then I’ll ask for your hand.
Natasha thought.
“Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen...” she said, counting thin fingers. - Fine! So it's over?
And a smile of joy and peace lit up her lively face.
- It's over! - said Boris.
- Forever? - said the girl. - Until death?
And, taking his arm, with a happy face, she quietly walked next to him into the sofa.

The countess was so tired of the visits that she did not order to receive anyone else, and the doorman was only ordered to invite everyone who would still come with congratulations to eat. The Countess wanted to talk privately with her childhood friend, Princess Anna Mikhailovna, whom she had not seen well since her arrival from St. Petersburg. Anna Mikhailovna, with her tear-stained and pleasant face, moved closer to the countess’s chair.
“I’ll be completely frank with you,” said Anna Mikhailovna. – There are very few of us left, old friends! This is why I value your friendship so much.
Anna Mikhailovna looked at Vera and stopped. The Countess shook hands with her friend.
“Vera,” said the countess, turning to eldest daughter, obviously unloved. - How come you have no idea about anything? Don't you feel like you're out of place here? Go to your sisters, or...
Beautiful Vera smiled contemptuously, apparently not feeling the slightest insult.
“If you had told me long ago, mamma, I would have left immediately,” she said, and went to her room.
But, passing by the sofa, she noticed that there were two couples sitting symmetrically at two windows. She stopped and smiled contemptuously. Sonya sat close to Nikolai, who was copying out poems for her that he had written for the first time. Boris and Natasha were sitting at another window and fell silent when Vera entered. Sonya and Natasha with the guilty and happy faces looked at Vera.
It was fun and touching to look at these girls in love, but the sight of them, obviously, did not arouse a pleasant feeling in Vera.
“How many times have I asked you,” she said, “not to take my things, you have your own room.”
She took the inkwell from Nikolai.
“Now, now,” he said, wetting his pen.
“You know how to do everything at the wrong time,” said Vera. “Then they ran into the living room, so everyone felt ashamed of you.”
Despite the fact that, or precisely because, what she said was completely fair, no one answered her, and all four only looked at each other. She lingered in the room with the inkwell in her hand.
- And what secrets could there be at your age between Natasha and Boris and between you - they’re all just nonsense!
- Well, what do you care, Vera? – Natasha said intercedingly in a quiet voice.
She, apparently, was even more kind and affectionate to everyone than always that day.
“Very stupid,” said Vera, “I’m ashamed of you.” What are the secrets?...
- Everyone has their own secrets. We won’t touch you and Berg,” Natasha said, getting excited.
“I think you won’t touch me,” said Vera, “because there can never be anything bad in my actions.” But I’ll tell mommy how you treat Boris.
“Natalya Ilyinishna treats me very well,” said Boris. “I can't complain,” he said.
- Leave it, Boris, you are such a diplomat (the word diplomat was in great progress in children special meaning, what they attached to this word); It’s even boring,” Natasha said in an offended, trembling voice. - Why is she pestering me? You will never understand this,” she said, turning to Vera, “because you have never loved anyone; you have no heart, you are only madame de Genlis [Madame Genlis] (this nickname, considered very offensive, was given to Vera by Nikolai), and your first pleasure is making trouble for others. “You flirt with Berg as much as you want,” she said quickly.
- Yes, I certainly won’t start chasing a young man in front of guests...
“Well, she achieved her goal,” Nikolai intervened, “she said unpleasant things to everyone, upset everyone.” Let's go to the nursery.
All four, like a frightened flock of birds, got up and left the room.
“They told me some troubles, but I didn’t mean anything to anyone,” said Vera.
- Madame de Genlis! Madame de Genlis! - Laughing voices said from behind the door.
Beautiful Vera, who had such an irritating, unpleasant effect on everyone, smiled and, apparently unaffected by what was said to her, went to the mirror and straightened her scarf and hairstyle. Looking at her beautiful face, she apparently became even colder and calmer.

The conversation continued in the living room.
- Ah! chere,” said the countess, “and in my life tout n”est pas rose. Don’t I see that du train, que nous allons, [not everything is roses. - given our way of life,] our condition will not last long for us! And "It's all a club, and its kindness. We live in the village, do we really relax? Theatres, hunting and God knows what. But what can I say about me! Well, how did you arrange all this? I'm often surprised at you, Annette, how it's possible You, at your age, ride alone in a carriage, to Moscow, to St. Petersburg, to all the ministers, to all the nobility, you know how to get along with everyone, I’m surprised! Well, how did this work out? I don’t know how to do any of this.
- Oh, my soul! - answered Princess Anna Mikhailovna. “God forbid you know how hard it is to remain a widow without support and with a son whom you love to the point of adoration.” “You’ll learn everything,” she continued with some pride. – My process taught me. If I need to see one of these aces, I write a note: “princesse une telle [princess so-and-so] wants to see so-and-so,” and I drive myself in a cab at least two, at least three times, at least four times, until I achieve what I need. I don't care what anyone thinks about me.
- Well, well, who did you ask about Borenka? – asked the Countess. - After all, yours is already a guard officer, and Nikolushka is a cadet. There is no one to bother. Who did you ask?
- Prince Vasily. He was very nice. Now I agreed to everything, reported to the sovereign,” Princess Anna Mikhailovna said with delight, completely forgetting all the humiliation she went through to achieve her goal.
- That he has aged, Prince Vasily? – asked the Countess. – I haven’t seen him since our theaters at the Rumyantsevs’. And I think he forgot about me. “Il me faisait la cour, [He was trailing after me,” the countess recalled with a smile.
“Still the same,” answered Anna Mikhailovna, “kind, crumbling.” Les grandeurs ne lui ont pas touriene la tete du tout. [The high position did not turn his head at all.] “I regret that I can do too little for you, dear princess,” he tells me, “order.” No, he is a nice man and a wonderful family member. But you know, Nathalieie, my love for my son. I don't know what I wouldn't do to make him happy. “And my circumstances are so bad,” Anna Mikhailovna continued with sadness and lowering her voice, “so bad that I am now in the most terrible situation. My miserable process is eating up everything I have and is not moving. I don’t have, you can imagine, a la lettre [literally], I don’t have a dime of money, and I don’t know what to outfit Boris with. “She took out a handkerchief and began to cry. “I need five hundred rubles, but I have one twenty-five-ruble note.” I am in this position... My only hope now is Count Kirill Vladimirovich Bezukhov. If he does not want to support his godson - after all, he baptized Borya - and assign him something for his maintenance, then all my troubles will be lost: I will have nothing to outfit him with.
The Countess shed tears and silently thought about something.
“I often think, maybe this is a sin,” said the princess, “and I often think: Count Kirill Vladimirovich Bezukhoy lives alone... this is a huge fortune... and what does he live for? Life is a burden for him, but Borya is just beginning to live.
“He will probably leave something for Boris,” said the countess.
- God knows, chere amie! [dear friend!] These rich people and nobles are so selfish. But I’ll still go to him now with Boris and tell him straight out what’s going on. Let them think what they want about me, I really don’t care when my son’s fate depends on it. - The princess stood up. - Now it’s two o’clock, and at four o’clock you have lunch. I'll have time to go.
And with the techniques of a St. Petersburg business lady who knows how to use time, Anna Mikhailovna sent for her son and went out into the hall with him.
“Farewell, my soul,” she said to the countess, who accompanied her to the door, “wish me success,” she added in a whisper from her son.
– Are you visiting Count Kirill Vladimirovich, ma chere? - said the count from the dining room, also going out into the hallway. - If he feels better, invite Pierre to dinner with me. After all, he visited me and danced with the children. Call me by all means, ma chere. Well, let's see how Taras distinguishes himself today. He says that Count Orlov never had such a dinner as we will have.

“Mon cher Boris, [Dear Boris,”] said Princess Anna Mikhailovna to her son when Countess Rostova’s carriage, in which they were sitting, drove along the straw-covered street and drove into the wide courtyard of Count Kirill Vladimirovich Bezukhy. “Mon cher Boris,” said the mother, pulling her hand out from under her old coat and with a timid and affectionate movement placing it on her son’s hand, “be gentle, be attentive.” Count Kirill Vladimirovich is still for you Godfather, and your future fate depends on it. Remember this, mon cher, be as sweet as you know how to be...

From May 18 to 24 at the St. Petersburg Youth Theater named after. A.A. Bryantseva startsXVII International theater festival"Rainbow". The festival dates back to February 2000 and currently is one of the most prestigious theater forums in Russia.In 2016, the merits of the festival were highly appreciated by the leadership of our country: the Rainbow project was awarded the Government Prize Russian Federation in the field of culture.

Every year "Rainbow" brings together not only best performances from all over the world, but also brings together in the hospitable walls of the Youth Theater figures of contemporary art - directors, theater experts, producers and theater directors. Such high attention is paid to the festival due to the unique program, which is compiled taking into account many factors: the performance shown at the Rainbow must be interesting to young people, relevant and original in form, content and director’s concept - in short, it must reflect the most modern theatrical trends. In the varied poster of "Rainbow" there is always room for modern dramaturgy, and for timeless classics; for the artistic search for new stage forms, and for productions in best traditions psychological theater. The idea of ​​the festival is to position art for young people as highly artistic and relevant. Special attention the festival pays additional program: annually, within the framework of the forum, seminars, master classes and conferences are held, at which the most pressing issues are explored modern theater creative arts for young people, the phenomena of national drama and world theater schools are studied: discussions take place with the participation of leading theater figures from all over the world. Geography of the Rainbow different years is very wide: theaters from Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, the USA, Estonia, Bulgaria, Greece and many other countries came to the festival. Among the participants of the festival in different years are world-famous directors (Rimas Tuminas, Elmo Nyuganen, Alvis Hermanis, Alexander Morfov, Lee Brewer, Krzysztof Warlikowski, Grzegorz Jarzyna, Philippe Janty, Adolf Shapiro, Sergei Zhenovach, Konstantin Bogomolov, etc.), so and young, but already loudly declared directors (Dmitry Volkostrelov, Boris Pavlovich, Evgenia Safonova, Roman Feodori, Dmitry Egorov, Marat Gatsalov, Timofey Kulyabin, etc.).


The festival will open on May 18 at 19.00 on the Big Stage of the Youth Theater with a performance "Rebels" the legendary Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov. This is the second performance on the famous Moscow stage by the young director Alexander Molochnikov - it was created inside Art Theater in a free search for meanings and forms. The director presented an unusual view of Russia, its culture and heroes from different times; the bizarre action was intertwined into a kind of rock extravaganza. In the rock performance, next to the Decembrists and Narodnaya Volya, participants of the perestroika-era television program “Musical Ring”, representatives of Russian rock and punk culture will appear. As Alexander Molochnikov himself says, “This is an improvisation on the theme of rebellion - how life position, hopeless and beautiful rebellion. Our team, which included composer Igor Vdovin and artist Nikolai Simonov, tried to penetrate the atmosphere of what was once called an “underground concert.” The play features mainly young artists, among whom is the favorite of the Tyuzov audience - Ilya Del, the leading actor in the play “Lenka Panteleev. Musical".

On May 19 at 16.00 a performance based on the works of Marina Tsvetaeva will be presented on the Small Stage of the Youth Theater "There were tears more eyes» theater "Open Space" from Orel. Alexander Mikhailov, artistic director theater and director of the play, is a regular guest of the festival, and several years ago he revealed to the theater world the name of the young, talented director Roman Feodori, recommending that his play “Love is no joke” be included in the playbill of the VIII Rainbow. This time, “Rainbow” will demonstrate the directorial talent of Alexander Mikhailov himself. “There Were Tears More Than Eyes” is a solo performance by the leading artist of the Free Space theater, winner of many theater awards, Valeria Zhilina. The production is a declaration of love for Marina Tsvetaeva and her characters; admiration for their talent, courage and honesty.

On May 19 at 19.00, the Tatar State Drama Theater from Almetyevsk will perform its performance on the Big Stage of the Youth Theater. The legendary play of the German playwright, reformer theatrical language, Bertolt Brecht "The Good Man from Sichuan" directed by a talented St. Petersburg director, student famous Valery Fokina, laureate of many theater awards and festivals, Iskander Sakaev. Each production by this director is a bright theatrical event, and the play “The Good Man from Sichuan” is no exception. Brecht's dramaturgy Lately is becoming increasingly popular among young people, and theaters, sensitive to audience demand, are increasingly putting the author’s plays into their repertoire. The set design of the performance from Almetyevsk was conceived according to the principle of a poor theater. The human actor becomes the center of the aesthetics of such a theater. The director decides to cleanse the theater as much as possible of all unnecessary things, and thanks to this, find the shortest path to the viewer.

The Rainbow program will continue on May 20 at 2 p.m. "Flight" performed by the cult Latvian actor and TV presenter Andris Bulis and directed by Galina Polishchuk. In April 2015, the production became a participant in the “Rainbow Bridge: St. Petersburg-Simferopol-Yalta” project, where it gained the love and recognition of the Crimean public. The artist’s work is also familiar to the St. Petersburg audience: in October 2015, on the Big Stage of the Youth Theater with great success his performance “Facebook. Life". Andris Bulis's solo performances are akin to theatrical monologues Evgeny Grishkovets. Like the Grishkovets Theater, it is not really a theater, but a unique phenomenon of its kind, an iconic element of our time. The play was written by the actor himself and is quite autobiographical. The questions that Andris Bulis and the audience are looking for answers to are where the flight of our lives begins and when that turn occurs that we do not notice and after which there is no turning back.

May 20 at 19.00 on the New Stage Youth Theater there will be a performance on Fontanka "Macbeth" directed by the famous Iranian poet, playwright and theater director Reza Servati. The production of Max Theater Group from Tehran will introduce the viewer of “Rainbow” to an incredibly interesting, but little-known in Russia, phenomenon of Iranian theater - expressive and emotional. In staging Shakespeare's canonical play, Servati generously uses cinematic techniques and highlights a person's personal problems and the most pressing issues: insomnia, feelings of disappointment, sexual problems, inferiority complex.

On May 20 at 21.00 on the Big Stage of the Youth Theater the Petragalla-Deroy Body Theater from Alfortville (France) will present a performance based on the texts of Louis Aragon and “Richard II” by W. Shakespeare "To be, or to seem". This production took part in the most authoritative theater forum - the Avignon Festival, where it gained the love and recognition of the world theater community. Now is the opportunity to evaluate one of the examples of European plastic and musical theatrical arts presented to the Russian public as well. The one-man show is performed by actor and dancer Julien Deruot, who, through the language of dance and poetry, accompanied only by one musician, conveys all the harmony, depth and meaning of the texts of Shakespeare and Aragon. The performance will be held with the support of the French Institute of Culture in St. Petersburg.

On May 21 at 14.00 the performance will be shown on the Big Stage of the Youth Theater "Glory"- a stage remake of the Oscar-winning Hollywood musical of the same name performed by the Youth Theater named after. N. Dumbadze from Georgia. Georgians are a nation known for their musicality and expressive temperament - and these two components became the key to the success of the production of Manana Berikashvili - famous in Georgia theatrical figure and director. The play, written by Christopher Gore, depicts the lives of students at a prestigious art school. Completely different young people are united by one goal: they crave fame! Some of them have natural talent, some achieve their goals through hard work, and some rely on the help of teachers. Some of them have a clear idea of ​​what they will achieve after graduating from school, while others simply go with the flow... The play took part in many theater festivals and everywhere gained recognition and love from the public.

May 21 at 18.00 performance "Idiot. Return" will present one of the most popular theaters among young people in St. Petersburg - “Workshop”. The theater staged the first part of the great novel by F. M. Dostoevsky carefully and in detail, almost without cuts. But if for F.M. Dostoevsky the prince’s first day in St. Petersburg is only the beginning of future tragic events, then Grigory Kozlov’s performance is a complete story in which everything storylines collected together and brought to a logical – tragic – end. The performance is the winner of theatrical awards (Grand Prix of the Youth Jury at the festival “MarchKontakt-2010”; Independent Actor Award named after V.I. Strzhelchik) and participant of prestigious festivals (“MartKontakt” (Mogilev), “Real Theater” (Ekaterinburg), "Tbilisi International" (Tbilisi).

On May 22 at 15.00 on the Small Stage of the theater the Academic Russian Drama Theater named after. M. Gorky from Astana (Kazakhstan). "Pagans" is the last play by the young talented playwright Anna Yablonskaya, who died on January 24, 2011 during the terrorist attack at Domodedovo airport. Anna flew to Moscow to present the prestigious literary prize magazine "The Art of Cinema", awarded to her specifically for this play. It shows with almost documentary accuracy modern life and family relationships. But this seemingly ordinary family story suddenly turns into a piercingly painful drama that makes you think about own life, about crisis and the search for faith, about “values” and the price we pay for them. The director of the play is the famous European director Jonas Vaitkus, artistic director of the Russian Drama Theater of Lithuania, winner of numerous international theater awards. The legendary director presented the production in a completely new form: minimum scenery, no movements, all actors work sitting on chairs with eyes closed. The non-random and static form is a real stage revelation for the audience.

On May 22 at 19.00 there will be a performance on the Big Stage of the Youth Theater "Electra" the famous Moscow Theater of Nations directed by Timofey Kulyabin - a multiple nominee and laureate of the " Golden mask", winner of many theater awards, author of high-profile productions throughout Russia. Kulyabin practically completely preserved the text of Euripides’ tragedy, but moved the action to a modern waiting room at a high-tech airport. Here, along with the schedule of departure and arrival of planes, the theories of the emergence of the world developed by scientists of the 20th century are broadcast on the screens. And the question arises: if the world was not created by God, then what motivates the heroes of ancient myths? Without radical concepts and effects, Kulyabin manages to translate the tragedy about the descendants of the gods into a psychological drama, where every event depends not on Fate, but on the desires and needs of the heroes themselves. The director thus explores a problem that has long troubled European theater - the nature of myth and sacrifice in a world where the line between crime and sacrifice becomes almost indistinguishable.

On May 23 at 16.00 the performance will be presented on the Small Stage of the Youth Theater Drama Theater them. Sava Ognyanova from Ruse (Bulgaria) "White on white" based on the play famous playwright, theater critic, theater teacher, guest lecturer at theater departments of universities in Russia, France and the USA, Maya Pramatarova. The play, inspired by the life and work of one of America's greatest poets, Emily Dee, has already been translated into foreign languages and, in addition to Bulgaria, was staged in the USA, but it was written by the author specifically for the Rusen Drama Theater. In the center of the play, staged by the famous Bulgarian director V. Asenov, is a homeless woman, a former actress who lives in our time, but mentally returns to the 19th century - to the era of Emily. Her consciousness gives rise to archetypal characters - a poet, a friend, a lover, who turn out to be recognizable and concrete. Everything is refracted through the atmosphere of excitement and stress of a lonely woman who has long turned the street into a stage, trying to earn an extra dollar.

On May 23 at 19.00, the organizer of the festival, the Youth Theater named after. A.A. Bryantseva. Performance based on the play by the classic of the theater of the absurd Eugene Ionesco "Rhinos" put famous directors Nikolay Roshchin and Andrey Kalinin. The production, starring the masters of the Tyuzov stage, people's art. Russia Igor Shibanov and Nikolai Ivanov are looking for answers to the questions - who is he, a person of the 21st century? What motivates him? What goals does he pursue? What makes him more likely to give up and join the crowd than to defend his principles and beliefs alone? The play, written in 1960, seemed relevant to the authors of the production today. More than half a century has passed, but the philosophy of human existence remains the same. According to the directors, “Rhinoceros” attracts with its eternal, highest standard, extremeness; not with superficial shockingness, which is very popular on the modern stage, but with a deep, extreme spirit of protest, which is lacking in our time.

On May 24 at 13.00 on the Small Stage of the Youth Theater a modern adaptation of Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet" will be shown by the International Theater Group “Mish Mash” (Copenhagen, Denmark). Romeo and Juliet, two joyless teenagers, meet at a party and fall madly in love. However, the feud between their families, the Montagues and the Capulets, complicates things greatly. And no matter how young lovers strive to keep their love, the course of events drives them towards tragic ending. The modern approach of MIsh Mash makes it possible to rethink the depth of the work through a variety of acting techniques, ranging from pantomime to acrobatics, from tragic chorus to clowning. The performance took part in festivals in Denmark, Sweden and Spain. The performance will be held with the support of the Danish Cultural Institute in St. Petersburg.

The closing of the festival will be truly grandiose: a performance by the Centrala Theater "Chopin without piano" from Warsaw (Poland) will be accompanied by the Chamber Orchestra of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic. This production has already triumphantly toured throughout Europe, gaining worldwide fame. Now the Russian audience also has the opportunity to evaluate the performance. The creators of the performance - young director Michal Zadara and actress Barbara Wysocka - replaced the piano parts of Frederic Chopin's concertos in E minor and F minor with an exciting dramatic monologue. This extraordinary stage work explores the cultural, political and philosophical tensions of the composer's era in a way that sounds strikingly contemporary. Her highly virtuosic full-motion performance is accompanied by an orchestra conducted by the rising young talent Varshavskaya National Opera Bassema Akiki. The production skillfully weaves together fragments of Chopin's letters and musical criticism of the series best writers and thinkers of our time, presents the composer as a living, dynamic character in all the power of his music. It provokes deeper reflection on the enduring value of Chopin's work, on the tradition of live classical performance, and on culture in its broadest sense.


An additional program of the festival this year will be devoted to the study of modern world theater and contemporary drama.

On May 21 at 11.30 in the White Hall of the Youth Theater, guests and participants of the festival are invited to a creative meeting "Images of modern Iranian
Theater: Reza Servati"
. A seminar will be held on the trends, trends and features of the national theater by director Reza Servati, director of the play “Macbeth”, which will be shown at the festival the day before.

On May 22 at 11.00 Maya Pramatarova, playwright, one of the world's leading theater experts, will conduct a seminar "World Theater and Trends in Modern Drama".

Maya Pramatarova:

Was in charge literary part in various theaters in Bulgaria, including the Theater Workshop "Sfumato"and in National Theater Bulgaria named after "Ivan Vazov". She taught at the New Bulgarian University in Sofia and at the National Academy of Theater and Film Arts of Bulgaria (NATFIZ), and is a regular guest lecturer in theater departments of universities in Russia, France and the USA. Candidate of Art History (GITIS, Moscow). Publisher and Chief Editor almanac of arts Et cetera, compiler and author of books, newspaper and magazine articles on the problems of theatrical art, translator of plays, books, textbooks. Associate member of the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University. Currently lives in Boston and New York.

May 23 at 13.00 seminar on Scandinavian drama will be conducted by representatives of the Swedish Theater in Helsinki.

On the last day of the festival, May 24 at 15.00 conference “New theater for a new generation of spectators”, in which directors, actors, theater teachers, theater experts, leading critics of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Will hold a conference Adolph Shapiro, director, People's Artist of Latvia, artistic director of projects at the Youth Theater named after. A.A. Bryantseva and Nikolay Pesochinsky, professor at St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts, theater critic, Member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Theater Critics (IATC). The conference will focus on the problems that theaters face when staging performances for youth audiences; problems and prospects for the development of modern theater for young people.

Keywords: Poster St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Rainbow Festival 2016, Rainbow Festival, Rainbow 2016, theater festival, Festival program, Contacts, fest, festivals 2016, how to get there, participants, where to go, cultural events, order, buy tickets, cost, ticket price, May, heh