How to draw anime Lady Bug and Super Cat with a pencil step by step for beginners? How to draw a full-length anime Lady Bug and the face of Super Cat with a pencil? How to draw Super Cat with a pencil.

"Lady Bug" is a cartoon that modern little princesses like. This fascinating story how ordinary girl who lives ordinary life, has unique abilities. But she hides this very carefully from others. In order to understand and know how to draw Lady Bug and Super Cat using regular pencil, let's get acquainted with general information about these characters.

Life of Lady Bug

For everyone around her, she is just a girl who loves to hang out with her friends, go to parties, and takes care of herself and fashion. She likes a boy from her class named Adrian. But the problem is that he simply doesn’t notice her. Marinette is simply thrilled by his gaze alone. She studies at a regular school in Paris. Her abilities are that as soon as someone is in danger or finds herself in an unpleasant situation, she instantly transforms into Lady Bug. Residents know about its existence, but no one knows who is hiding under the mask. She has a very good and close girlfriend named Alya, but even she is not aware that Marinette is the chosen one.

In addition to Ladybug, the city is also guarded by Supercat. Those around him also don’t know who he really is, but he always finds himself in a place where his help is simply needed. When Parisians get into trouble, they always hope that a superhero will help them. These chosen heroes have become friends, but each of them has their own secrets that they are in no hurry to reveal to each other. The intrigue is what will happen when superheroes find out each other's deepest secrets?

How to draw Lady Bug with a pencil? Girls love not only to watch cartoons with their favorite characters, but also to draw in coloring books, and also create their own images on paper. Therefore, many are interested in how to draw Lady Bug with a pencil. If you know the sequence, it will be easy to do, even if you do not have a unique drawing talent.

Drawing with a pencil...

How to draw Lady Bug step by step? An approximate algorithm of actions will help create a completely unique and unique image a superhero who will look like a famous cartoon character.

  • You should start with bangs.
  • After that, add strands of hair and outline the line of the face shape. The image is already visible.
  • After that, draw a mask on the face in the eye area. After all, Lady Bug is constantly hiding under a special mask.
  • Once the eye area is already defined, you can start drawing the eyes.
  • We depict the nose and lips.
  • The head is already ready. Next, you should decide in what pose the superheroine will be depicted if you want to draw her in full height. She can just stand or sit, or you can depict her in one of the superhero poses. If you have chosen the option of how to draw Lady Bug in full growth, then proceed to outlining the main lines of the body. This must be done with thin solid lines, since this is not the final version. Don't forget to mark where the limbs bend. After this, you can begin to outline the silhouette of the body.

    The final stage of image creation

    The drawing is almost ready, but something is missing... Draw circles throughout the entire area of ​​the body and mask. If your drawing is black and white, then simply paint over them with black. If desired, you can color it with colored pencils or gouache.

    The article provides drawing examples famous heroes from the cartoon "Lady Bug and Super-Cat". By following step-by-step instructions, you can easily learn how to draw superheroes.


    Sensational animated series"Lady Bug and Super-Cat" is incredibly popular among modern children and teenagers. Charming characters, exciting plots, interesting computer graphics- all this makes you watch the cartoon almost in one breath. Of course, children are interested in knowing how to draw their favorite characters. After all, with the help of drawings you can recreate your favorite moments from the cartoon. In this article we will learn how to draw Lady Bug and Super Cat step by step, what characteristics the main characters of this cartoon have, and how to draw them step by step using a regular pencil.

    The cartoon “Lady Bug and Super-Cat” is a joint creation of French and Korean masters who were able to bring to life an exciting story. The cartoon came out quite recently. In 2015, it was first shown in Korea, then in France, and then in other countries around the world. The plot of this cartoon can be briefly described by the following facts:

    • The main characters of the cartoon are ordinary teenagers, whose names are Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste. Children study in the same class;
    • The cartoon takes place in modern Paris;
    • after one of the incidents, the girl Marinette and the boy Adrian turn into real superheroes. They save their friends and not only from various troubles. They do not know that in ordinary life they are classmates;
    • Marinette turned into Ladybug, and Adrien turned into Cat Noir;
    • superheroes have one worst enemy— Hawkmoth. Lady Bug and Super Cat can defeat him only through joint efforts. Therefore, they overcome most obstacles together;
    • Hawkmoth has dangerous abilities. For example, he can send butterflies, called akumas, around the city to turn civilians into enslaved villains.

    How to draw Lady Bug

    The main character Marinette was so loved by many teenagers that her images became incredibly popular. Marinette is an ordinary schoolgirl. She has a gentle and kind character. She is also a kind of leader among her peers. Sometimes she is clumsy. This girl also keeps one secret - her crush on her classmate Adrian. He knows about this love best friend a girl who constantly tries to push Marinette to reveal her feelings. When Marinette transforms into Ladybug, many aspects of her character change. For example, when Adrian, in the guise of Cat Super, tries to show his feelings for Lady Bug, she blows him off. Ladybug is definitely positive character. Beginners in drawing can try their hand at first drawing a portrait of Lady Bug. In order to make such a drawing, you will need:

    • paper. The paper can be of any format convenient for you. Perhaps you just want to make a small sketch on a page of your diary, or, conversely, make a full-size portrait on a sheet of A4 paper. Don't limit your imagination! You can revive a drawing and make it more interesting by drawing on colored sheets;
    • simple pencil. If you are just a drawing fan and want to make the simplest possible drawing with the image of Lady Bug, then choosing the most ordinary one will be quite justified for you a simple pencil. To obtain a drawing that is more complex in technique, in which many shadows and halftones will play, you may need professional simple pencils. Such pencils are most often produced in sets, where different degrees of hardness and softness are presented. With a soft pencil you can get clear, rich lines that can be shaded, and with a hard pencil you can achieve light, thin, almost invisible lines;
    • eraser. Experienced craftsmen Drawing with a simple pencil, of course, can be done without an eraser. But novice artists may have to make some corrections during the drawing process.

    How to draw Lady Bug with a pencil. Option 1

    • Drawing Ladybug with a pencil is quite simple. Beginners in drawing can try their hand at first drawing a portrait of Lady Bug. We start drawing by drawing the outlines of the head. At first you can draw just a circle. You can shape the chin and the rest later.
    • Divide the circle with two lines. The vertical line will divide the circle exactly into 2 parts. This is necessary in order to symmetrically draw all the details of the face.
    • Using a horizontal smooth line you will divide the circle again. Lady Bug's eyes will be located on this line. Draw this line so that the top half of the face is slightly larger than the bottom.
    • On a horizontal line, mark the place for future eyes.
    • Now you need to draw the oval of the face with clearer lines. The head should not be spherical. Therefore, slightly lengthen the face by drawing an elongated chin.
    • Don't forget the ears on both sides of your head.
    • Lady Bug, like many other Chinese cartoon characters, has huge almond-shaped eyes. Thanks to the lines you made in the first step, you will easily cope with drawing the eyes. The iris should occupy almost the entire space of the drawn eye.
    • Enough simple lines draw Lady Bug's nose and lips.

    • Now it's time to gradually revive our drawing. At this stage, draw a mask on Lady Bug's face. Without this important attribute it is impossible to draw our character.
    • Draw and color in the pupils. Pay attention to the slight highlights on the pupils. It is these touches that make the image seem to come to life on paper.
    • Draw the upper and lower eyelashes at the outer corners of the eye.
    • Long and smooth lines start drawing the outlines of the hairstyle. Ladybug wears long, side-swept bangs that practically cover one eye.

    • It's time to bring our drawing to full completion. Just a few left to add important details. For example, make your eyes even brighter. If you have a soft pencil, you can use it. Using a “bold” and clear line, outline the contours of the eyes again. They should be the part of the drawing that attracts attention the most.
    • Use thin strokes to paint over the iris, slightly darkening it in the upper part.
    • Make your eyelashes fuller and as black as possible.
    • Lady Bug's mask is not monochromatic, but spotted. Lighter and thin lines draw these spots.
    • The final touch will be improving Lady Bug's hairstyle. Add more strands using longitudinal lines. Now your drawing is completely ready.

    How to draw Lady Bug with a pencil. Option 2

    Using the following step-by-step instructions, you can draw Lady Bug from a slightly different perspective. The drawing will include not only the face, but also part of the torso.

    1. Light and practical invisible lines draw a blank for our drawing. Draw an oval with a tapered part at the bottom. This will be the future head. The slightly elongated semicircle below will be the future body of Lady Bug. In order to draw all the details of the face symmetrically, draw two perpendicular lines in the center of the circle.
    2. Give your face a sharper look. This will be the chin. Also draw a strand of hair on the side, which will be part of Lady Bug’s future hairstyle.
    3. Now it's time to draw our heroine's hairstyle. Ladybug has a haircut with long side bangs that reach almost to eye level. She also has two ponytails that are braided at the bottom.
    4. On the horizontal line that you drew on the face, you now need to draw the eyes. Lady Bug's eyes are large and almond-shaped with long eyelashes at the outside. Also a mandatory attribute of this character is a face mask.
    5. Lady Bug's mask has a fairly bright color. With a simple pencil you can convey its spottiness. Using a longitudinal smooth line, draw a half-smile. Also draw the nose. Try to draw everything as symmetrically as possible.
    6. The final touch will be drawing Lady Bug's torso. In this drawing, she has one shoulder raised slightly. Ladybug's costume has the same "spotting" as the mask on her face. Now your drawing is completely ready.

    How to draw Lady Bug with a pencil. Option 3

    If the previous two versions of the drawing depicted a smiling and pretty Lady Bug, then in this drawing you will see slightly different sides of her character. In particular, we will try to convey the audacity and stubbornness of this heroine. We start drawing with a circle. This will be the head. Draw a chin at the bottom of the circle so that the face takes the correct shape.

    Next we draw auxiliary lines, which will help us maintain symmetry. The eyes will be located directly on the horizontal line. For now, draw only the outlines of the mask, a small nose and mouth. In this drawing, Ladybug will not smile, so the line of her mouth is almost straight.

    What follows is very important stage creating a drawing - drawing eyes. They should not be wide and open, as in the previous photos. On the contrary, they should be squinted, looking to the side. Draw the eyes on the auxiliary horizontal line. The lower eyelid is a completely straight line, while the upper eyelid is curved. Draw the iris and pupils focused on some point to the side. Decorate the outer corners of your eyes with lush eyelashes.

    Now let's start drawing Lady Bug's hairstyle. The permanent bangs should fall to one side of the face. Also draw spots on the mask, without which Lady Bug simply won’t be a superhero. Also draw a thin neck.

    We continue to improve our heroine's hairstyle. We draw mischievous ponytails on both sides. We also start drawing the torso. The girl’s fragile and thin shoulders are depicted straight. You can draw an auxiliary vertical line that you can use as a guide.

    The final touches will be drawing Lady Bug's hands. In this drawing, she is holding them bent upward and clenched into fists. It is this detail that conveys the entire mood of the drawing. Arm yourself with an eraser if drawing with brushes is still too difficult for you. Now all that remains is to draw the famous colors of Lady Bug’s costume.

    Get rid of all the auxiliary lines on the face and torso of our heroine, which helped you achieve symmetry.

    If you want, you can add paint to the drawing. You can paint with colored pens, paints, colored pencils. Now you know how to learn to draw Lady Bug. The drawing is ready.

    How to draw Super Cat with a pencil

    No less fans than Lady Bug and Cat Super. Behind the appearance of this superhero there is also an ordinary teenager. In his usual form, his name is Adrien Agreste. He grew up in rich family, which has a production company fashionable clothes. Adrian is the model for this clothing. The cartoon sometimes describes difficult relationships Adriana with his father. As already mentioned, Adrien is in the same class with Marinette. He doesn't pay attention to this modest girl, even though she tries to give slight hints about her crush. Much more interest Lady Bug represents this guy. He is in love with her, not suspecting that this is Marinette.

    How to draw Super Cat with a pencil. Option 1

    1. First, sketch out the drawing with very light and almost invisible lines. An oval slightly pointed at the bottom will be a sketch of Super-Cat's face. Two lines perpendicular to each other at the bottom of this oval will be outlines of the neck and shoulder line of our hero. In order to draw all parts of the face symmetrically, schematically divide the future face with 2 perpendicular lines in the form of a cross.
    2. One of the most difficult stages of drawing this drawing will be drawing the lush hair of Super-Cat. He has a slightly elongated hairstyle, the strands of which are always tousled and in a chaotic order. Try to draw as smooth and natural lines as possible, giving shape to the hairstyle. Make the ends of the strands pointed, like feathers.
    3. After you have completed drawing Super-Cat's hairstyle, you can already roughly see where the eyes and mask on the face will be located. The eyes should be as big as Lady Bug's. Draw them on the horizontal line that you drew in the first step in the middle of the face. Super Cat always has a slightly more cunning look than Lady Bug. To convey this character trait, draw eyes looking slightly to the side and down. A mandatory attribute is a superhero mask that covers most faces. Using a slightly smooth line, draw a half-smile of our hero, draw a nose.
    4. Super Cat has ears. They need to be drawn in the form of triangles, separated by a line in the middle.
    5. All that remains is to add finishing touches our drawing. Focusing on the shoulder line that you drew at the very beginning. In the area of ​​the collarbones, do not forget to draw a special Super Cat emblem. Now your drawing is ready.

    How to draw Super Cat with a pencil. Option 2

    • Next step-by-step instruction drawing Super Cat may seem difficult for people who do not have good artistic abilities. But that's not true. Such a beautiful and dynamic image of Super Cat is easy to draw if you do everything slowly. Mentally distribute the space on your sheet of paper so that the entire drawing fits. As usual, we draw the head in the form of a regular circle.

    • In this drawing, Super Cat will be depicted from the side. Divide the circle with a vertical line into larger and smaller halves. Lengthen your face. Draw the bottom part of the face below the nose. Using a vertical line as a guide, draw the nose and mouth. You will also have to outline the outline of the mask.

    • Now it's time to draw a hairstyle for our hero. Super Cat's hair is always tousled. Elongated strands should fall below the ears and be pointed at the ends. To draw the eyes symmetrically, draw a horizontal line down the middle of the mask. On this line, use short strokes to mark the position of the eyes. When drawing eyes, take into account the position of our hero in the drawing. He is depicted from the side. That is why one eye, which is located a little further from us, should be smaller in size.

    • What's next is technically difficult stage drawing, which scares many beginners. Arm yourself with an eraser and get to work. The torso of Super-Cat is also depicted in a turn with his arms spread wide to the sides. It is this “combat” body position that will give incredible dynamism to our drawing. At this stage, also draw the ears in the form of triangles at the top of the head.

    • Now you have to realistically draw the hands of Super Cat. They should be in a bent position. Our hero seems to be preparing to jump or attack and wants to grab something with both hands.

    • Now it remains to draw the finishing touches. First, delete all the auxiliary lines that helped us achieve symmetry in the drawing. Secondly, outline the entire contour with clearer lines. Add color to Cat Noir's pupils. Don't forget also about the superhero attribute that hangs around his neck.

    • If you want, you can use colored pencils, paints, or colored pens to add color to your drawing.

    Pictures of Lady Bug. Drawing is simple and interesting

    How to draw Lady Bug. Video

    Perhaps it will be easier for someone to watch the video and only then try to draw their own drawing of the charming and brave Lady Bug.

    Now you know how to draw Lady Bug step by step, how to draw Lady Bug and Super Cat together. There is nothing difficult about this if you do everything step by step. Creative success and inspiration!

    Ladybug is a fascinating character Disney cartoon“Lady Bug and Super-Cat.” According to the plot, Ladybug is an ordinary, slightly flighty 13-year-old schoolgirl Marinette, who, with the help of the humanoid Tikki (he moves into the girl’s earrings), turns into the brave Ladybug and fights together with Cat Super on the streets of Paris with various villains.

    The cartoon has many fans who watch with interest the exploits of the unusual young lady and dream of getting a picture of her. The easiest way is to draw the heroine you like on your own, but you need to start from the very beginning. simple option- portrait.

    How to draw Lady Bug - make a sketch of the face

    Ladybug is a brave girl with a determined look big eyes, a strong-willed chin, a slightly upturned nose and childishly swollen lips. This is the image of the fearless intercessor of peaceful Parisians, and we will draw it, so have paper, a pencil, and an eraser ready.

    Drawing a circle

    Draw a circle in the center of the sheet. Divide it into 4 segments with perpendicular diameters. The line drawn in the middle of the circle is the eye line. Lower it down 1 cm and divide it into five equal parts, and erase the original version.

    Stretch your chin

    Mark the middle of the lower part of the sketch, step back from it 2 cm downwards and draw a horizontal beam (1.5 cm), smoothly connect its ends with the cheekbone area - the chin will come out. Indicate the nose with a small line, and the mouth with a long line and raised slightly upward.

    Outlining the eyes

    On the horizontal diameter, outline the upper and lower arches of the eyelids with a light outline to create an almond-shaped eye shape.

    How to draw Lady Bug - specify the details

    The heroine's eyes are the most expressive part of the picture, so draw them more carefully.


    Draw a large circle in your eyes - this is the iris, and in them - small black pupils. To make your eyes come to life, do not completely paint over the pupil, leave white specks of light. Next – write the nose, designate the ears.


    With a few strokes of the pencil, sketch out bangs going down to the forehead, strands of hair falling on the temples, and ponytails at the back. Don't forget an open neck and a mask that looks like carnival glasses.

    How to draw Lady Bug - finishing the portrait

    Outline the eyes soft pencil, fluff the eyelashes, reducing the pressure of the stylus from the eyelid to the edge. Outline the iris with a double line and fill it in with short strokes, like sun rays.

    Create spots on the mask and give the hair a vertical direction, shading it from top to bottom. Apply shadows along the lines of the face, cheeks, nose, and lift the corners of your lips in a smile - slightly upward. Draw the neck and visible part of the costume.

    The pencil drawing is ready. If you want, color it with watercolors or felt-tip pens and it will look like bright character, like in a cartoon - a girl in a red mask with black spots and flowing blue hair is in a hurry to save the world from dark forces.

    "Lady Bug" is a cartoon that modern little princesses like. This is a fascinating story about how an ordinary girl who lives an ordinary life has unique abilities. But she hides this very carefully from others. In order to understand and know how to draw Lady Bug and Super Cat using a regular pencil, let’s get acquainted with general information about these characters.

    Life of Lady Bug

    For everyone around her, she is just a girl who loves to hang out with her friends, go to parties, and takes care of herself and fashion. She likes a boy from her class named Adrian. But the problem is that he simply doesn’t notice her. Marinette is simply thrilled by his gaze alone. She studies at a regular school in Paris. Her abilities are that as soon as someone is in danger or finds herself in an unpleasant situation, she instantly transforms into Lady Bug. Residents know about its existence, but no one knows who is hiding under the mask. She has a very good and close friend named Alya, but even she is not aware that Marinette is the chosen one.

    In addition to Ladybug, the city is also guarded by Supercat. Those around him also don’t know who he really is, but he always finds himself in a place where his help is simply needed. When Parisians get into trouble, they always hope that a superhero will help them. These chosen heroes have become friends, but each of them has their own secrets that they are in no hurry to reveal to each other. The intrigue is what will happen when superheroes find out each other's deepest secrets?

    How to draw Lady Bug with a pencil? Girls love not only to watch cartoons with their favorite characters, but also to draw in coloring books, and also create their own images on paper. Therefore, many are interested in how to draw Lady Bug with a pencil. If you know the sequence, it will be easy to do, even if you do not have a unique drawing talent.

    Drawing with a pencil...

    How to draw Lady Bug step by step? An approximate algorithm of actions will help you create a completely unique and unrepeatable image of a superhero that will look like a famous cartoon character.

    1. You should start with bangs.
    2. After that, add strands of hair and outline the line of the face shape. The image is already visible.
    3. After that, draw a mask on the face in the eye area. After all, Lady Bug is constantly hiding under a special mask.
    4. Once the eye area is already defined, you can start drawing the eyes.
    5. We depict the nose and lips.

    The head is already ready. Next, you should decide what pose the superheroine will be depicted in if you want to draw her in full growth. She can just stand or sit, or you can depict her in one of the superhero poses. If you have chosen the option of how to draw Lady Bug in full growth, then proceed to outlining the main lines of the body. This must be done with thin solid lines, since this is not the final version. Don't forget to mark where the limbs bend. After this, you can begin to outline the silhouette of the body.

    The final stage of image creation

    The drawing is almost ready, but something is missing... Draw circles throughout the entire area of ​​the body and mask. If your drawing is black and white, then simply paint over them with black. If desired, you can color it with colored pencils or gouache.

    The article contains tips and instructions in pictures on how to draw children's favorite cartoon superheroes - Lady Bug and Cat Noir.

    The adventures of superheroes have always been interesting to children. It is not surprising that they liked the French-Japanese cartoon “Lady Bug and Super Cat” so much. Let's learn how to draw the main characters of this cartoon, endowed with incredible abilities.

    How to draw a full-length anime Lady Bug with a pencil step by step for beginners?

    Lady Bug.

    Ladybug, the superheroine in the ladybug costume, is actually a teenage girl from Paris. When fighting villains, she wears a mask and a tight-fitting costume in the typical color of a ladybug - red with black dots.
    Ladybug has a very cute, cartoonish, easy-to-draw face. The superhero girl costume is also not difficult to reproduce. A 7-8 year old child can handle this.

    IMPORTANT: The greatest difficulty is to draw Lady Bug in one of the signature poses borrowed from martial arts. After all, in still frames from cartoons and pictures she is depicted half-turned, in a lunge, in a half-split, in a jump, but not standing straight.

    Let's start by drawing Lady Bug's face first.

    1. Mark your sheet. The upper half will be occupied by the superheroine’s head, the lower half will be occupied by her neck and shoulders.
    2. Make sketches with thin lines of a simple pencil - mark the head in a circle, a slightly curved vertical line - the neck and the central axis of the chest, horizontal line, crossing the vertical line - the shoulders.
    3. Mark a circle - a sketch of the head, so that later you can draw Lady Bug’s facial features in a relatively symmetrical and proportional manner. Please note that in this picture she will be standing slightly sideways.
    4. Ladybug has a pointed chin, so you should lengthen your face. Make it so that vertical line, dividing the face in half, went beyond the circle. Start drawing the contours of our heroine’s face from the chin and cheekbones.
    5. Ladybug's hairstyle is two ponytails and bangs. Draw it. Do not make your bangs continuous, divide them into separate strands, then the hair will not look too artificial.
    6. Our heroine's eyes are large, which is typical for Japanese animation. Now you should draw them. Arrows should extend from the outer corners.
    7. It's time to start drawing the half mask. It covers Ladybug's face from the middle of her forehead to the middle of her cheeks. The mask will be streamlined.
    8. Draw the girl a sharp nose and thin lips stretched into a smile.
    9. In a chaotic order, draw circles on Ladybug's mask so that it repeats the pattern of the ladybug's wings.
    10. Now all you have to do is finish drawing the teenage superheroine’s neck and shoulders, erase all the now unnecessary auxiliary lines and color your drawing.
    Lady Bug's face step by step: 1. Lady Bug's face step by step: 2. Lady Bug's face step by step: 3. Lady Bug's face step by step: 4. Lady Bug's face step by step: 5. Lady Bug's face step by step: 6. Lady Bug's face step by step: 7. Lady Bug's face step by step: 8. Lady Bug's face step by step: 9. Lady Bug's face step by step: 10.

    Ladybug's face.

    Let's still try to depict Lady Bug in motion, in full growth. Let's choose her two “crown” poses.

    1. Place a sheet of paper horizontally. In its upper half, sketch out Lady Bug's head and face.
    2. Below sketch out the outlines of her body. She seemed to be crouched in a half split. All stretched out right leg from the tip thumb together with the thigh of the left leg, they form a straight line.
    3. The characteristic position of the hands allows our heroine to maintain balance - her right hand rests on the floor, and her left is raised up and laid back.
    4. Now mark and draw Lady Bug's hairstyle, mask and facial features as indicated in the instructions above in the article.
    5. Add ribbons in her hair and a belt around her waist. First mark the ladybug spots on the costume and mask with circles and then shade them.
    Ladybug in pencil: steps 1-2. Ladybug in pencil: steps 3-4. Ladybug in pencil: steps 5-6.

    Ladybug in pencil.

    The next pose of Lady Bug is even more difficult. In your drawing the girl will be depicted crouched and half-turned.

    1. First, make sketches for Ladybug's head and torso. The head is a circle, the chest is a trapezoid that has fallen onto a rib, the hips are a circle. Immediately mark the face.
    2. Draw the bases of the girl's arms and legs with straight lines. Since she is crouched, her knees will bend into sharp angles.
    3. Draw Lady Bug's hairstyle, mask and face, you are already good at this.
    4. Using smooth lines, connect your blanks for the heroine’s chest and hips, then give her arms and legs a streamlined look.
    5. Paint Lady Bug's costume with black dots different forms and sizes. Erase the sketched lines and color the drawing if desired.
    Lady Bug in full growth: step 1. Lady Bug in full growth: step 2. Lady Bug in full growth: step 3. Lady Bug in full growth: step 4. Lady Bug in full growth: step 5. Lady Bug in full growth: step 6. Lady Bug in full growth: step 7. Lady Bug in full growth: step 8. Lady Bug in full growth: step 9. Ladybug in full height.

    If you want to draw Ladybug in anime style, use these instructions in pictures.

    Ladybug anime in pencil: steps 1-2.

    Ladybug anime in pencil: steps 3-4.

    Ladybug anime in pencil: steps 5-6.

    Ladybug anime in pencil: steps 7-8. Ladybug anime in pencil: step 9.

    VIDEO: How to draw Lady Bug?

    VIDEO: How to draw Lady Bug with a pencil in the cells?

    How to draw a Lady Bug mask with a pencil?

    One of essential attributes the girls are Marinette, that's what they're called main character cartoon, when she turns into Lady Bug, is a mask, or rather, a half-mask.

    IMPORTANT: A half mask is a narrow bandage on the face that covers only the upper part of the face.
    Ladybug's mask is simple; its only feature is the characteristic coloring of the ladybug's wings. If you learn how to draw it with a pencil, after a short practice you can make it for yourself from cardboard as a part of a carnival costume.

    Ladybug mask for carnival costume.

    How to draw Super Cat's face with a pencil?

    Super-Cat (or Cat Noir) is Ladybug's partner, the superhero that Marinette's friend Adrian turns into. He is wearing a black tight suit and a black half mask. In addition, black cat ears appear on the hero's head.
    Let's try to draw him in the company of our Lady Bug. Let's start with the portrait.

    1. As always, you should draw the frame first. The head is in the form of an oval, pointed downwards, the neck and shoulders are in the form of slightly curved vertical and horizontal lines.
    2. Draw Super Cat's hairstyle. Him voluminous hair, which you should divide into strands.
    3. Using the markings, draw the lips, eyes and half mask of the hero. The nose will be visible from under the half mask.
    4. Add Cat Noir's cat ears.
    5. Now, based on your sketched lines, draw out his neck and shoulders.
    6. A distinctive feature of Cat Noir's costume is the large yellow metal bell on his neck. Don't forget to include it in your drawing.
    7. Erase everything unnecessary from the portrait of Super-Cat, color it if desired.

    Super Cat's face in pencil step by step.

    How to draw anime Super Cat with a pencil step by step?

    Now let’s depict Super-Cat in full growth, also in a fighting pose.

    1. Make a frame: a circle for the head, a trapezoid placed on a smaller base for the chest, another circle for the hips.
      Use lines to outline the arms and legs of Super-Cat, make corners where the elbow and knee joints will be. Don't forget that Super Cat still has a tail, sketch out its frame as well.
    2. Draw the hero's hair, ears, mask and facial features.
    3. Add volume to his arms and legs. Our hero is wearing boots, the protectors on the soles of which, by the way, imitate a cat's paw. At his waist, Super-Cat has a belt, the continuation of which is the tail. Hands with sharp claws (if you want, depict them in the picture) are dressed in gloves. And on the guy’s wrists you need to draw wristbands.
    4. IN right hand Super-Cat will be holding a combat staff.

    Full-length Super Cat in pencil: step 1.

    Full-length Super Cat in pencil: step 2.

    Full-length Super Cat in pencil: step 3.

    Full-length Super Cat in pencil: step 4.

    Full-length Super Cat in pencil: step 5.

    Full-length Super Cat in pencil: step 6.

    Full-length Super Cat in pencil: step 7.

    Full-length Super Cat in pencil: step 8.

    Full-length Super Cat in pencil: step 9.

    Full-length Super Cat in pencil: step 10.

    VIDEO: How to draw a SUPER CAT from the cartoon LADY BUG AND SUPER CAT?

    How to draw a Super Cat mask with a pencil?

    Super Cat's mask is slightly wider than Lady Bug's, and she has a more pointed nose. This mask can also be used as part of a carnival costume.

    Super Cat mask for carnival costume.

    How to draw the Super Cat mascot with a pencil?

    Lady Bug and Super Cat have talismans - kwamas. These are small humanoid creatures Tikki (she looks like ladybug) and Plagg (he looks like a cat). These little creatures are very cute, but have incredible capabilities; they are the ones who allow the Parisian boys Marinette and Adrien to turn into superheroes.

    Lady Bug: drawing for children.