The Chronicles of Narnia are about people and their souls. History of Ancient Kings

institution average comprehensive school №47


"Talk to me, parrot!"

Research work

Municipal secondary education

private school No. 47 3 “B” class

Municipal secondary education

secondary general education institution

private school No. 47

I. Introduction……………………………………………………………

II. What do we know about parrots?

2.1 Natural habitat of parrots………

2.2 The appearance of parrots in Europe…………………

2.3 What types of parrots are there?...................................................

2.4 Parrot training.

III. Biological features of parrots………………



3.3 Touch……………….…………………

3.4.System of signs and self-expression in behavior......

4.1 Body language………………

4.2 Why do parrots talk?………

4.3 Basic nutrition for budgerigars……………

IY. Conclusion ……………………………………

V. Bibliography………………………………

VI. Appendix (Parrot Booklet)

I have always wanted to have some kind of pet. I dreamed of both a cat and a dog. In the end, my choice settled on a parrot. I started reading articles and books about these birds. I made the final decision after I saw them in a pet store.

…. And finally, the parrot appeared in my house.

From the first days, it was so interesting for me to watch him - every time he “gave out” something new, that I really wanted to not only look after him, but also note some changes that were happening to him. That's how the idea of ​​creating my creative work came about.

Studying the life of this cute bird, observing all the changes that occur to it, became the main goal of this work.

Relevance of the topic This is primarily due to the fact that I don’t always understand his behavior. To build a strong and friendly relationship with your parrot, it is very important to learn to understand her wants and needs. That's why in-depth study the body language, sounds, psychology and habits of the parrot will help me reveal some of the secrets of this bird.

Object of work- life of parrots next to humans in the modern world.

Taking into account the urgency of this problem, I formulated target – study of the language of communication between humans and parrots.

To achieve this goal, I determined the following tasks:

1. Get acquainted with the history of the appearance of parrots in Europe.

2. Find out what the bird can say by its behavior.

3. Find out what the sounds made by the bird mean.

4. Consider the rules of daily care for parrots.
5. Draw conclusions from observations.

Before starting work, I had 3 hypotheses:

The first hypothesis is that in order to understand your pet, you need to learn how to care for and care for it yourself.

The second hypothesis is that in order to understand your pet, you need to know the meaning of some of the parrot’s body movements.

The third hypothesis is that it is advisable for a caring owner to learn to understand the parrot’s language.


Natural habitat of parrots

Parrots are one of the oldest species existing birds. Fossilized remains of parrots dating back to prehistoric times have been discovered, from which it is clear that their appearance has not changed over many millennia.

Currently, there are more than 600 species of parrots, the distribution area of ​​which is almost entirely limited to the tropics. Parrots are common in South Asia, North Africa, Australia and the Malay Islands.

Parrots are very hardy and generally live a very long time. They easily adapt to any living conditions. This is one of the reasons that sailors have always willingly taken parrots with them as companions. These birds are brightly colored and very funny, and if they can also “talk,” they bring many pleasant moments to those around them.

Although the parrot is a tropical bird, it does well in captivity and feels great even in cold climates. At home, parrots prefer to live in forests in large flocks.

The appearance of parrots in Europe

In Europe, they first learned about parrots thanks to the campaigns of Alexander the Great. They were brought to Greece already tamed by the commander Onesicritus, who returned from India, where many tame parrots were already kept in those days. Brahmins considered them sacred birds for the ability to "speak" human voice. Later, tame parrots appeared in Rome. At the time of Nero, only Indian species, then they began to import African ones. Parrots quickly gained favor with the Romans, who kept the talking birds in cages made of silver and ivory. Special teachers taught them to pronounce various words. In those days, a parrot that could speak well was valued more than a slave.

After the discovery of America and Australia, American and Australian parrots began to be imported to Europe. They appeared in Russia much later - in the 17th century, and not only large, talking ones, but also small ones, which they soon began to breed. IN late XIX V. A budgerigar appeared in Europe, quickly gaining popularity among bird lovers and gradually “conquering” the whole world.

What types of parrots are there?

The order of parrots is divided into 7 subfamilies. One of them is a subfamily of true parrots. It includes a group (tribe) of flat-tailed parrots. This group lives in Australia, New Zealand and adjacent islands. The tribe is represented by 12 species, which includes the budgerigar.

Budgerigars were first described in 1805 by an English naturalist. At the same time English artist Nodder made the first drawing of this bird.

The main color of the plumage of a wild bird is a protective grass-green color. The front of the head and throat are yellow. There are elongated purple spots on the cheeks, which cover one of two or three black spots located on each side of the throat. The back of the head, the back of the head, the top of the back and the rump are bright light green with dark undulations." width="132" height="92">

In nature, cockatoos inhabit Australia, New Guinea and the islands of Indonesia, where they live in the tropical rain forest, where high humidity and high air temperatures are combined; in open landscapes bordering forests and in dry savannas. Flock size ranges from a few birds to several hundred. Many species of cockatoos live in pairs" width="147" height="102">

Any parrot sitting in a separate cage can be tame and sit on a person’s shoulder or hand without fear. To tame a bird, you need to have patience and perseverance. Parrots enjoy performing in the circus. They ride small bicycles, choose a lucky ticket, etc.

We can see parrots in cartoons: “38 Parrots”" width="130" height="183">

III. Biological features of parrots

Organs of vision

Vision is the main receptor for far and short-range orientation in birds. The eyes are very large in relative and absolute size. This allows you to get big sizes images on the retina and distinguish its details more clearly

Hearing organs

The organ of hearing in birds, like the organ of vision, serves as an important receptor for orientation and communication in birds. It is divided into three sections: internal, middle and external. Parrots, like all birds, have very acute hearing. Birds perceive sounds over a very wide range

Olfactory organs

Parrots, like most birds, have a poorly developed sense of smell, but it is involved in their formation different forms behavior: searching for food, known territory. The olfactory organs are the three turbinates located inside the nasal passages. The openings of the nostrils in budgerigars are located at the base of the beak, on the cere.

VI. Research methods and results

Body language

Just like people have specific language bodies, parrots have their own body language. I want to talk about my own observations

If the parrot's crest is raised, its head is slightly tilted to the side, and its eyes are squinted, the bird is very curious. If at the same time the nymph’s head reaches towards you or some object, this means interest.

If your parrot's crest is pressed tightly to his head and his head is pulled into his shoulders, he is afraid.

If he puffs up the feathers on his chest a little, presses one paw and periodically closes his eyes, the parrot just wants to sleep.

If the crest is raised, spread out and trembles, the eyes are open, the head is thrown up - the parrot is in a state of strong excitement or even rage. In this state, a bird, even the most quiet and peaceful one, can rush and peck. Try to leave it alone for a while so that the bird calms down.

We all know that birds will try to hide the fact that they are sick for as long as possible. But, if you truly live in harmony with your birds, then you will be able to notice even very minor changes in their personality and behavior.

Why do parrots talk?

People have always taken great pleasure in talking parrots. However, no one can explain why these birds manage to imitate human speech. How do parrots manage to copy words spoken by humans? In fact, for these birds there is no special significance whose sounds they copy. The basic principle of memorization is in this case, consists in the constant repetition of certain sounds that the parrot perceives as sounds environment, naturally absolutely not understanding the meaning of the words he uttered. Most likely, due to the structure of the organs of speech and hearing, parrots can speak. And also, obviously, the sounds uttered by humans are somewhat reminiscent of the sounds made by the parrots themselves. Therefore, it is easy for birds to reproduce them.

Budgerigar Nutrition Basics

Parrots are vegetarians and eat fruits, tender buds, nuts from palm trees and figs. In search of food, they, like monkeys, jump from branch to branch. They can do this because they use both their beak and paws to move along branches. If you've ever seen a parrot eat, you know that sometimes it uses its paws instead of hands. He sits, holding the chosen piece with his claws and savoring it.

The most favorite delicacy of budgies is a carrot and a leaf of lettuce, an apple. If you are going to give grapes or cherries, pay attention! a budgie may be frightened by the dark color and will not eat. Grapes that are green but sweet may work.

If you bought a bird, take care of proper nutrition. For parrots proper nutrition- this is the guarantee of his health.

I conducted a survey in class:

Do you have a parrot at home?

Would you like to have a parrot?

Do you know the different types of parrots?

What is the parrot bringing into our house? (joy, laughter, care)


Laughter -27uch

Care -27uch

V. Conclusion

Studying the life of parrots, I confirmed my hypothesis, To understand your pet, you need to learn how to care for and care for it yourself.

To understand your pet, you need to know the meaning of some of the parrot's body movements. It is advisable for a caring owner to learn to understand the parrot’s language.

That purchasing a parrot should be taken seriously!

Using my material, I decided to make a booklet about parrots. In it I talked about the most interesting types these birds. How to care for them. I think that my booklet will be useful to guys who want to get a parrot. I can present my work during lessons and class hours.

VI. Bibliography

“Parrots and songbirds: species, maintenance, training” I. Jerusalem Rostov-on-Don Publishing House "Vladis" 2001

“Birds: care and maintenance” David Alderton London Dorling Kindersley 1998

http://*****/yandsearch? text=%D

http://www. *****/birds/vidy/popug/39.shtml

Most people keep cats or dogs at home. Parrots, especially large ones, are still considered exotic, despite the fact that caring for them is much easier and they bring no less joy. Our family decided to get a large parrot, since we had heard a lot about their intellectual abilities and already had experience in keeping birds - budgerigars. Since then, for nine years now, our Eva, a noble parrot, or eclectus, has been pleasing us with her company.

As a pet, a parrot has many advantages.

1. Parrots have no hair

Instead of fur like dogs or cats, parrots have “powder.” These are tiny horny particles of down feathers that resemble talc in properties and are needed to repel water if the bird gets wet. But certain species of parrots (Eclectus are one of them) do not produce any powder, but have sebaceous glands. Such birds are suitable even for those who are allergic to feathers.

In addition, parrots are not as odorous as other animals. A healthy, well-groomed bird smells like honey or sun-dried feathers.

2. Parrots can learn to talk

Parrots are great imitators. They are capable of producing a hum washing machine, phone ringtone, doorbell sound. If you are patient and work with the bird, it will learn not only to pronounce individual words and phrases, but also to repeat sentences in the right sequence. Our parrot, for example, knows how to tell a fairy tale about the Ryaba Hen and laughs very contagiously.

The talkativeness of a parrot largely depends on its species. The first place is rightfully occupied by African gray parrots, followed by Amazons. Cockatiels and budgies can also learn to speak up to a hundred or more words.

In order for a parrot to learn to talk, it is better to keep it alone, without other birds, so that a lack of communication arises, which will encourage the bird to make contact. The secret of training is simple: you need to practice regularly, pronounce the words emotionally and do not forget to praise and encourage your pet with his favorite treats. Sometimes best reward for a bird - scratch the top of its head against the feathers.

3. They are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence

The gray parrot, or African gray parrot, is rightfully considered the most capable. This species can even analyze and reason logically in basic level. Parrot Alex (by the first letters Avian Learning EXperience), one of the representatives of this breed, was specially chosen for the experiment by Dr. Irene Pepperberg. The psychologist set out to prove that parrots are capable of not only imitating sounds, but also making conscious decisions.

Jaco could identify up to 50 different objects and describe their colors, shape and material. Alex had the ability to be aware of the concepts of "more", "less", "same", "different", "above" and "under". His lexicon was about 150 words, but it main feature was not even about that.

The parrot was able to understand what he was saying, could ask a question, make a request and ask again if he was not given what was promised, or even complain of fatigue.

Alex has reached an intellectual level five year old child And emotional level two years old, and, according to the researcher, this was not the limit. Alex died at the age of 31. Last words, which he told the hostess: “Be good. See you tomorrow. I love you".

4. Parrots are social animals

Parrots, like people, love communication and try to avoid loneliness. If a bird is deprived of company, it may develop depression, which can lead to self-plucking syndrome. That is, stress forces the bird to pluck its feathers.

At the same time, parrots are able to occupy themselves, for example, with the help of mirrors and baby rattles, and do not require much attention. When you go to work or are busy with business, your feathered friend can be placed in a cage.

If you raise a parrot, it can be no less affectionate and loving than a dog or cat. There are many examples when birds miss their owners and cannot even imagine their existence without family of origin. And our parrot is no exception: Eva is always sad when we go on vacation and rejoices at our return.

5. Easy to maintain

You need to clean up feathers and droppings after your parrot. Daily cleaning of the cage is much easier than endless cleaning of the litter box and hour-long walks outside. To keep your parrot healthy, it is enough to bathe it once a week and trim its claws in a timely manner. The birds take care of the cleanliness of their feathers themselves, regularly tidying themselves up.

Providing a balanced diet is also not difficult. In addition to high-quality store-bought food, the bird’s diet should include fresh fruits and vegetables (except avocados). Some parrots, especially large ones, benefit from sprouted grains: wheat, buckwheat, oats, mung bean.

For our family, feeding the parrot became an incentive to start sprouting: sprouts are also good for humans because they contain minerals, vitamins and enzymes.

6. Take up little space

A cage with a parrot can be placed on a table, on a nightstand, on a stool, or even hung. The bird will not take up much space and can become optimal choice for those who want to save money.

7. Give aesthetic pleasure

A parrot adds a special touch to your home or room. Their appearance is very attractive, and the funny way of playing and communicating not only allows you to admire the pet, but also helps reduce stress. If the bird is tame, you can always offer your guests a photo as a pirate. Or even dance with a parrot.

If you decide to buy a parrot, purchase it from experienced breeders. When purchasing a large parrot, ask for the bird's passport.

Parrots imported from other countries may be psychologically and physically damaged and may not be as easy to tame or find with them. mutual language. In addition, hand-fed chicks perceive humans completely differently and ultimately consider themselves a full-fledged part of the family flock.

A parrot can become your true comrade and friend, but you should not buy an exotic animal just for beauty. A beautiful “toy” will quickly get boring, but large parrots live for 30 years or more. Like other birds, they require attention, love and affection, and in return they give their owners a lot of positive emotions.

Why do you choose birds? Share in the comments.

Sooner or later, every parent is faced with the task of making a little friend for their child. And if having a kitten or a dog is not entirely convenient - there is no time to go for a walk, it is expensive to maintain a purebred animal, etc., then with a parrot the situation is a little simpler. The bird will not take up much space in the house, there is no need to walk it, there are no big expenses. This article will tell you which parrot is best to buy for a child, how to care for it and how to teach it to talk.

What kind of parrot should I get?

The most unpretentious and accessible view parrots - wavy. These birds are quite sociable and sociable and do not require any special care. The bird itself has bright plumage and remarkable intelligence. A budgie can be easily trained in simple words and simple games. You can buy this pet at any pet store, comparatively cheaper than other birds.

In addition to these pets, the following types of birds are well suited for keeping in an apartment:

  • Karela. The bird is very smart, talkative and positive. At quality training able to pronounce entire sentences. Unpretentious in content.
  • Jaco. A very smart bird, it quickly learns to understand the mood of its owner. If you regularly work with such a parrot, you can teach it to speak in phrases. It is unpretentious in care, requiring only a good spacious cage with a perch. One of the disadvantages of this bird is its high cost.
  • Amazon. Perfect for being a baby's friend. He learns everything new very quickly. Among the disadvantages of this type, it is worth noting increased talkativeness. This bird does not like to be silent. Does not require any special living conditions.

The choice of a pet depends on your personal preferences and financial capabilities. The most affordable is the budgerigar.

Remember that a pet can harm a child. For example, a suddenly discovered allergy to feathers. This point must be clarified in advance.

All animals sold in pet stores and official breeders have documents, required vaccinations and undergo regular medical examinations. A pet purchased at the market may have diseases that, if not contagious to humans, will shorten the life of the parrot. Among other things, the bird also has its own character and psychological health.

What does a parrot eat?

The animal food market today provides its customers with wide choose various feeds. What exactly to choose for a parrot?

The approximate diet of each specific bird species can be clarified upon purchase. But any parrot will be happy to taste:

  • special granulated food;
  • nuts;
  • seeds;
  • grains;
  • Don’t forget about fresh vegetables and fruits.

Parrots, like any other animal, have their own personal taste preferences. Some people like apples, others prefer oranges. Try offering your pet different treats and find out in a practical way what exactly your bird likes most. Remember that it is not recommended to feed pets from the table. That is, human - salads, fried meat, sauces are not suitable for animals. Feeding an animal with human food can contribute to the development of numerous diseases that will cause a lot of trouble for both the pet and you. And they can significantly shorten the animal’s lifespan.

There must be clean drinking water in the parrot's cage. If the temperature allows, place a bowl of water in the cage. Many parrots love to bathe. Be careful, they love to play with cups and turn them over. Think about how you can secure the bathing container.

How to care for a parrot

A parrot is a pet, not a toy. At first, the child must communicate with the animal strictly in the presence of an adult. Only when the baby begins to fully understand that the parrot is alive and needs to be handled very carefully can you gradually trust the child to independently communicate with the pet.

Remember - just like any other Living being, the parrot needs care and attention. Do not mistakenly assume that an expensive bird requires more meticulous care. Every parrot needs quality, pure water and attention.

Take a responsible approach to choosing a house for your pet. Most parrots like space, so the cage should not be too small. There should be 3 bowls in the bird house:

  1. For water.
  2. For dry food.
  3. For fruit.

Should I let my pet out of the cage or not? It's rare that a parrot can sit for a long time in one place, he will become simply bored. Also, sooner or later the bird will want to warm up - run or fly. Parrots love to watch TV with the whole family. When letting your pet out of its cage, take care of its safety. The windows should be closed; if there are other animals in the house, isolate them while the parrot is walking. Animals need to be introduced to each other gradually, after making sure that none of them is considering the other for gastronomic purposes.

Parrots love to sit on open doors, be careful. More than one parrot died in an unequal battle with a slammed door.

There must be at least one thing in the cage - a mirror, a bell, an empty container, wooden stick, acrylic figurine. The latter, by the way, are quite durable and will please the bird for a long time. Remember that many pet toys are quite expensive, and take this into account when considering the possibility of making a new friend.

However, this situation is not all so sad. It is quite possible to make a toy for a bird yourself. Remember that some types of parrots are interested in breaking the toy. For this reason, an interesting stick taken from pure wood is quite suitable as a toy. Hang it on a strong rope from the dome of the cage and your pet will be happy.

Like any other living organism, a parrot needs hygiene. No, you shouldn't bathe your parrot. Only if he himself wishes to freshen up under the tap. It's about about the cleanliness of the cell. The parrot's living area needs to be sanitized once a week. To make this task easier for yourself, it is recommended to place a paper towel or a special lining on the bottom of the cage, which can be changed every day. Remember that parrots love to tear paper.

How to teach a parrot to talk

A talking parrot is the dream of many. And in fact, it is quite feasible. I would like to clarify right away - you will not get a pet in one day, no matter what super techniques you use.

The first rule for successfully training a pet is a trusting relationship. It is necessary to establish a strong contact with the bird, to arouse in it a desire to communicate with you. Your pet should not be afraid of you, do not raise your voice in his presence, do not wave your arms. Many animals perceive this behavior as aggressive.

Tame your pet, it should sit in your arms without fear. Only after this can you begin speech exercises. Wavys are one of the fastest learning pets. Be prepared that even the smartest and friendliest parrot will take about 3 months to learn to speak. The speed and success of learning depends on individual abilities birds. There are species that do not tend to utter human words at all. For example, lovebirds.

There is a theory that males learn human speech more easily, unlike females.

Basic rules for teaching a parrot to talk:

  1. “Lessons” should be held in complete silence. Parrots are very curious and will constantly be distracted by extraneous sounds.
  2. All words must be accompanied by actions. For example, say “hello” when entering a room, and “bye” when leaving.
  3. The first word for a pet should consist of 2 syllables. Not more.
  4. A bird cannot do one thing for a long time. Therefore, it is recommended not to make classes too long. Optimally - 10-15 minutes a day. It is best to work with the bird at the same time.
  5. Don't try to yell at the bird or punish him in any way for not wanting to exercise. This way you will fight off all desire. The pet must be interested in the lesson and be in good mood. You can cheer up your parrot with your favorite treat. Don't forget to praise and reward achievements.
  6. For the first successes, words containing the vowels “a”, “o” and the consonants “p”, “r”, “t” are well suited. Sibilant consonants are also well mastered by birds - eat, chao, Kesha.
  7. Remember that the parrot is constantly listening to you. It is recommended to repeat the word being studied outside of class, casually. Do not use profanity at home, your pet will learn exactly a swear word, even heard only a couple of times.

When a feathered friend appears in the house, you want to know everything about it. But when you start studying a bunch of information about care, feeding, maintenance, you willy-nilly get tired. And to take your mind off things a little, read Interesting Facts about parrots.

Whiskered and feathered animals appeared on the planet a very long time ago. And their ancestors were quite different from our usual pets. Over millions of years of evolution, something has been lost, but also much has been gained. Therefore, facts about animals that we are used to seeing almost every day can surprise anyone.

In fact, there are a lot of parrots. More than 350 species. However, more than a hundred of them are on the verge of extinction. And this is not always due to wild nature. Often a person. More precisely, a poacher who transports birds by illegal means is kept in disgusting conditions. how many unfortunate feathered pets die during transportation. In addition, many birds (and animals) do not want to breed in captivity. Hence the decrease in their numbers in nature. Agree, 30% of endangered species is a huge number.

It's not just people who give their children names. Parrots also assign a name to each of their chicks. Of course, you won’t hear it right away, but if you prick up your ears, the change in intonation and the chirping itself will be picked up over time. And the chick knows whether his parents’ name is his or his brother’s.

Surprisingly, parrots have a sense of rhythm. Yes, yes, they don't just mindlessly move to the music. If you change the composition, the pace of the bird’s movements will also change. This was established not so long ago, in 2011. In addition, there is a group in the world whose main vocalist is... a parrot! His name is Waldo, and they have already recorded 3 albums. Of course, there are no concerts, but compositions are still possible. Just search for the group “Hatebeak” on the Internet.

In Australia, special schools have been created for chirps. They teach parrots to talk. Not everyone has the patience and knowledge to train their pet. therefore, there is an opportunity to turn to professionals who will make even the most modest and silent person talk.

In general, Australia is fun. Sometimes it starts to rain drunken parrots. No, it’s not the owners who organize a flash mob by getting their pets drunk. The birds themselves wildlife They eat a plant that causes a condition similar to alcohol intoxication in birds. They can no longer fly, so they fall. Although at first the residents were in a panic and thought that someone was deliberately poisoning the handsome people.

Some more facts about repetition. Did you know that Parrots do not have vocal cords. And does the bird carry out all repetitions only with the help of its tongue (well, and its beak)? And in addition to imitating a person, the chirper will very easily learn to imitate the sound of a working household appliance. So think about it, do you need your parrot to represent a blender or a drill instead of chirping? Maybe you should keep it away from such devices?

The largest parrot is the Amazonian. His height is one meter. To make it easier to imagine what a giant this is, look at a three-year-old child. It’s impossible not to talk about the smallest parrot in the world. It is only 9 cm in size (this is less than 2 matchboxes), and its mass is 11 and a half grams. It was discovered in Papua ( New Guinea). There, insects in the wild are even larger. It’s not even clear who was hunting whom?

A little more about sizes. Now let's talk about the beak. The most gigantic beak in the world is ten centimeters long! And it belongs to a black cockatoo. What can we say? If this parrot were to meet the one that lives in Papua, the latter could easily be placed in the beak of a cockatoo. It's not all fun though. In fact, a cockatoo can break many hard objects with its beak, like wire cutters. And it's not always sticks. So now think about it: is it necessary to stick your finger into the cage of an unfamiliar parrot? Especially if he has such a big beak.

It's no secret that birds are flocking creatures. But sometimes the number of heads in one flock is frightening. This is how scientists discovered such a population of parrots, in which there were more than 70,000 individuals!

For the sake of food, cockatoos can fly more than 750 kilometers in a day! And without error they will find their home.

Did you know that parrots can also be right-handed or left-handed? Look at your pet. Which paw does he prefer to take treats with?

Not all parrots are harmless herbivores. Now we are not talking about hunting insects, but about real predation. In nature there is such a species - . So its representatives hunt in flocks...for sheep! Yes, yes, this is not a typo. Precisely on bleating curly-haired mammals.

You and I see one picture with both eyes. And such vision is called binocular. The parrots distinguished themselves. Each eye sees its own image (monocular vision). How their brain does not boil when processing information is a mystery. In addition, a person can distinguish 16 images per second, while a feathered pet can distinguish 150!

Subjective notes about the film, book and its author

In December of last year, screenings began in Russian cinemas. feature film The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, directed by Andrew Adamson at Walt Disney Studios. The release of the film was eagerly awaited: the book by the Englishman Clive Staples Lewis, on which the script was written, is loved by many in Russia. At the same time, it was not without anxiety: suddenly the filmmakers will not be able to convey the meaning to the viewer Christian fairy tale? But the most important fear was in vain: the film turned out wonderful. A real Christmas gift.

From the closet to Narnia and back

"The Lion, the Witch and Wardrobe" - this is the name of one of the parts of the book by Clive Lewis "The Chronicles of Narnia", on which the film was based. The director followed in almost everything the author of the fairy tale in which the deep meaning. To understand it, you need to know the content of the story, although retelling the plot is a thankless task. But in short - for those who have not yet had time to read Lewis's book or watch Adamson's film - the story is this.

During the bombing of London, the four Pevensie children - Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy - are sent away from danger, deep into England, to the house of the mysterious Professor Kirk. Here, the youngest of the family, Lucy, finds in one of the many rooms an ordinary wardrobe with fur coats. Fleeing from the professor's housekeeper, the children hide in it and unexpectedly find themselves in snowy forest. This is the country of Narnia. The White Witch has ruled here for a hundred years, she has canceled Christmas and keeps all the inhabitants in constant fear. Turns the guilty into stone. Everyone in Narnia knows the prophecy that if two “sons of Adam” and two “daughters of Eve” appear in the country, then the curse of the evil witch will disappear. The talking animals, who inhabit Narnia, eagerly await the arrival of the lion Aslan, who alone can frighten the White Witch. When he appears in fairyland, Christmas comes, and then the eternal snows begin to melt...

The four children are the very “sons of Adam” and “daughters of Eve”. In Narnia, various adventures await them, the help of kind talking animals, a meeting with Aslan and the White Witch... But this is not the main thing. The main thing is the choice between good and evil, life and death, love and betrayal that children make.

At the beginning of the story, Edmund betrays his brother and sisters: the Witch promises him power and fulfillment cherished desire- eat at least a piece of magical Turkish delight. As history progresses, the scales fall from his eyes, and he returns to his family with repentance. But in Narnia there is an ancient spell: the traitor must be killed by the White Witch. Aslan sacrifices himself: he dies for Edmund at the hands of a villain. However, unlike the Witch, he knows an even more ancient spell: the one who dies innocently for the betrayal of another will rise and defeat death...

At the end of the story, the resurrected Aslan helps the Pevensie children defeat the White Witch and, having crowned them kingship in Narnia, leaves. He is “not a tame lion”, he has a lot of worries... And Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy reign happily for several years until they accidentally come across fur coats among the fir trees in the forest, and then come out of the closet in the professor’s house in the old good England...

Does the story of the story "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" remind readers of anything?

The story of Narnia speaks of Christ

"Chronicles" consists of seven parts. In the first, which is called "The Sorcerer's Nephew", Aslan creates the world with a song. In the second, on which the film is based, he sacrifices himself and defeats the White Witch. In the seventh, " last fight“, Narnia is dying, but continues to live in eternity... Clive Lewis, having written “The Chronicles of Narnia,” allegorically translated the main events of the Bible into the language of literature for children.

On March 5, 1961, he wrote to one little reader: “The whole story of Narnia speaks of Christ. In other words, I asked myself: “What if there really was a world like Narnia, and it went down the wrong path (as this happened to our world)? What would happen if Christ came to save that world (as He saved ours)? These stories serve as my answer. I reasoned that since Narnia was a world of talking animals, He too would become a Talking Animal, just as He became a Man. in our world. I depicted Him as a lion because: the lion is considered the king of beasts; in the Bible Christ is called the “lion of the tribe of Judah.”

The Chronicles of Narnia are written in a very simple and clear language. This is a sermon, but not moralizing. All characters are alive and close. The reader, even if he has never picked up the Gospel, understands some Christian allusions and motives, because it is clear who Lewis portrayed in the image of the lion Aslan...

"The Chronicles of Narnia" - kind and wise tale, which helps children fall in love with God. As Deacon Andrei Kuraev writes: “Lewis achieved what anyone dreams of spiritual writer: he not only conveys his thoughts about a person’s meeting with God, he awakens in a person’s heart a response to the joy that once visited him or is already knocking on him.”

Under the Russian cross

Cambridge professor, member of the British Academy of Sciences, researcher of English literature, Clive Lewis once fervently believed in God and became known as the author of many apologetic books. One thing distinguishes them characteristic. Being an orthodox Anglican by religion, Lewis, interpreting Christian teaching, says nothing about denominational differences. In particular, in the book “Mere Christianity” he writes: “We must defend Christianity itself - the faith preached by the apostles, witnessed by the martyrs, expressed in the Creed, explained by the Fathers of the Church.”

Orthodox Christians are very fond of the books of Clive Lewis. In England, for example, there are bookstores that sell only Orthodox publications, with one exception: Lewis. And although outwardly he has very little connection with Orthodoxy (he attended Orthodox services several times, the entire course of which amazed and surprised him greatly), Bishop Callistus (Ware) of Diokleia calls him “an anonymous Orthodox Christian.”

Clive Lewis knew that God cannot be comprehended rationally. The closest we come to Him is through symbols. That is why the English professor expresses his deepest insights in fairy tales and parables. For him, faith is not so much that we are convinced by arguments, but that we have made a choice. Lewis writes about this in The Chronicles of Narnia. The idea of ​​repentance is also close to him. In the story "The Treader of the Dawn Treader" (also a Narnian cycle) bad boy Eustace turns into a dragon. He tries to tear off the dragon's skin, but under the first layer there is a second, even more vile... Aslan saves Eustace. A person cannot cope with sin without God’s help...

In 1963, Clive Lewis died. His funeral was attended by all his close friends, including Nikolai Mikhailovich Zernov, one of the founders of the Russian Christian movement. His wife, Militsa Zernova, brought a cross of white flowers, but she was told that there would be no flowers in the church. They managed to place the wreath on the coffin only in the cemetery... One Englishman later wrote: “Who would have thought?...Lewis was buried under the Russian cross.”

Favorite book of actors

One of my friends watched the film three times during the screening of The Chronicles of Narnia in the cinema. He brought his acquaintances with children and godchildren to film shows. And every time I asked them: “What do you think “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” is about?” There was only one answer: “The film is a love story.”

What is the secret to the success of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe? Maybe it’s because for most of the wonderfully played actors, “The Chronicles of Narnia” is one of the most important books of childhood.

Surprisingly, but true: those who watched the film on pirated copies were not able to fully appreciate it. Reviews from such viewers were frankly negative. You need to watch The Chronicles of Narnia at least once. wide screen or in good quality. Only in this way will the truth of this film be seen, but first - the truth of the story about Love written by Lewis.