A girl from the KVN team without preservatives. KVN: women's teams and their features

KVN team 25th is an unusual composition from Voronezh, which swept through the Major League Club of the cheerful and resourceful in 2010 and 2011. This team impressed the audience and jury members from the first minutes of meeting not only with its name, but also with its unusual composition and high-quality humor. What was so surprising about the KVN 25th team from Voronezh?

The KVN 25th team was created in 2003. At the Voronezh Construction University there already existed an active team of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club, and it consisted only of male representatives. At first, the girls tried to enlist the support of local KVN members, helping them create props for humorous skits. But the young people could not appreciate the help and refused to accept the girls into the team. At that time, KVN at Voronezh University was created in auditorium number 25. It was here that the girls met and decided to create their own women’s university team, and the auditorium number became a symbolic and sonorous name.

In the same 2003, the girls managed to get the championship in the student league of Voronezh, where Nina Petrosyants noticed them and took them under her wing. Under her leadership, the KVN team “25th” rose to the pinnacle of glory.


From 2004 to 2006, “25th” took part in various festivals across the country, gaining experience and improving her ability to carry herself on stage. During this time, they managed to show themselves in the Black Earth Region, on the stage of “Start”, as well as in the Krasnodar region. Unfortunately, they were unable to become champions, but the girls invariably reached the finals of competitions and took prizes.


2007 and first significant victory. The composition of KVN “25th” from Voronezh takes part in the First League. The girls made it to the finals, but were unable to advance further. However, they did not get upset and set off to conquer the Premier League.

2008 and the first Premier League in the life of the “25th” team. The participants noted that they were afraid of being eliminated after the first performance, but then all their fears disappeared and they won an honorable second place. However, for some reason, “25th” did not make it to the Major League. This was the first time in the history of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club. Previously, the finalists of the Premier League could not get into HSE only if they had already been its participants in previous years, but newcomers usually always had the opportunity to show themselves on the Big KVN stage.


In any case, the girls did not get upset and took part in the Premier League again, but in 2009. There were two options for the team here. If events had developed according to one scenario, then the preparation could have been insufficient, which would have ensured the failure of the performances. But “25th”, although a women’s team, is not lacking in perseverance. In 2009, the composition of KVN “25th” repeated its success and again became silver medalist Premier League. And this time they were already able to take part in HSE.

2010 was the most successful year for “25th”. First of all, thanks to participation in the Major League. From the very first games, the girls purposefully moved towards their desired goal. Many difficulties awaited them along the way, because traditionally women's teams KVN is considered weak, so the participants had to put in a lot of effort to prove that they are worthy of performing with the men's teams.

“The 25th passed” one eighth of the finals easily and with a significant gap over the competitors, but then the girls had a much more difficult time. In the quarterfinals they had to fight with the Dnepropetrovsk team and the favorites of the Bak-Accomplices team. Taking second place, “25th” reached the semi-finals, losing only to the team of the Krasnodar Territory.

The girls prepared very seriously for the semi-finals, because their opponents were again Dnepropetrovsk, the experienced “Triod and Diod”, as well as the original team “Kefir”. According to the results of the competition, the girls again took the lead by a large margin and reached the final of the Major League. Here, unfortunately, they lacked a little experience and time to prepare, so “25th” showed an average result and took the last, fourth place.

However, participation in the final of the Major League of the women's team is an achievement in itself, which did not go unnoticed. In 2010, the KVN team “25th” received the official status of the Voronezh Region National Team.

In 2011, “25th” again tried its luck in the Major League, but was only able to reach the semi-finals of the game. After this, the girls decided that it was time to leave KVN for new participants.

Composition of the KVN team “25th”

The composition of the KVN team “25th” deserves special attention, because this is one of the smallest teams, which, moreover, mostly consisted of girls. Only one young man took part in the main team - Roman Kolesnikov, who, contrary to expectations, was not the captain of the team.

Yulia Akhmetova - captain of the "25th", under sensitive leadership which the team was able to achieve unprecedented success for the women's team. Today Julia was unable to completely give up humorous career and is permanent participant show "StandUp". It is noteworthy that Ruslan Bely, who appeared in the “25th” games in 2007, sometimes performs with her. In addition, Ruslan is an active resident Comedy Club.

Anna Borodina stood out from general composition participants in their own way strong girl. It was she who always took on the roles of “gopniks” and “rednecks”. As it turned out, this could not but affect her behind the scenes life. In one of the interviews, Anna admitted that she got a job, but after the next KVN broadcast with her participation, Anna was suddenly fired.

Anna Smirnova was remembered by television viewers mainly because it was on her shoulders that the responsibility of announcing the numbers of the national team fell. However, this duty did not bother her at all, because the girl was in the team from the very beginning, from that very 25th audience.

Natalya Chebotareva came to the team a little later than the other participants, but remained with it until the very end.

Best jokes

— Did you call a women's taxi?

- Yes.

— Will you laugh or go somewhere?

- Neighing.

- Well then, get out, she’s just parking now.

— An interesting observation: you can always tell from a party of nudists whether they like it passed law or not.

— During a crash test of the new BelAZ model, eyewitnesses saw how a concrete obstacle tried to crawl away.

“25th” is a wonderful team that has shown that women’s teams also have a place on the KVN stage and they are able to joke no worse (and often even much better) than their male colleagues. And even though the girls failed to achieve the championship, they left their successors the opportunity to repeat their success and conquer the pinnacle of glory.

Age: 23 years old
Team: "ZheST" (Taganrog)
Experience in KVN: 5 years

Favorite KVN joke?

From the last one I really liked: “Men, if you’re tired of your mother-in-law, take her to Paris - let everything be beautiful.” This is a joke from the Sergeichi team.

If you were promised a lot of money, but in return they demanded that you plastic surgery For the sake of Whoopi Goldberg's image, would you agree?

Yes, and all this, of course, is not because of money, but for the sake of art.

What was your saddest moment? New Year?

Even a broken leg could not make this holiday sad and awkward. I danced so hard that I almost broke my leg. It didn't break, but it did bend it thoroughly. But nevertheless I went to the winter festival in Sochi. They took off the plaster and put it on me instead special corset so that the injury is not visible.

Who is the sexiest jury member in the Major Leagues?

For me, the sexiest - by 1.8 points - is Konstantin Ernst, by 1.4 - Yuliy Gusman, by 1.2 - Yarmolnik. I'm so flighty!

Elena Muzychenko

Age: 26 years old
Team: Inzhekon (St. Petersburg)
Experience in KVN: 9 years
University: St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics

Favorite KVN joke?

Our team’s joke: “During a thunderstorm, a seven-year-old girl was playing with dolls, and a 35-year-old dad climbed onto the roof to repair the antenna. Perhaps girls really do develop faster.”

Did you laugh during sex?

Yes, when during sex I remembered my favorite KVN joke. But seriously, it seems to me that everyone has – right? It's probably even useful if you don't abuse it.

How many jokes prepared for broadcast are cut for the final version?

There is editing in all leagues without exception. In television leagues, things are a little more serious: after almost every editorial review, the most of material. Sometimes entire competitions are cut out! Therefore, almost half of the material that goes on air is written a week before the game. It’s especially disappointing for those rooms that you have to clean yourself just to meet the time limit.

Have you often cried during or after playing?

The closer to the final, the more responsible the game and the more more strength she picks up during preparation. Therefore, after the game, sometimes you can give free rein to your emotions. We are girls, we can be forgiven. But most often I cry from laughing during rehearsals.

Natalya Chebotareva

Age: 24 years
Team: “25th”, team of the Voronezh region
Experience in KVN: 7 years
University: Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Favorite KVN joke?

This is our joke: “The literature teacher, having read Abramovich’s son’s essay “How I Spent the Summer,” burned it, threw the ashes into champagne and drank it at exactly 12 o’clock.”

They often write on forums that the 50th anniversary season of KVN did not live up to expectations.

Completely justified! And here MAXIM magazine doesn't live up to my hopes young man: He participates in every competition and still hasn't won anything!

Why would you agree not to laugh for a year?

For another shoot in MAXIM magazine.

What's the craziest joke you've made on stage?

“Stop calling your fingernails fingernails. Toenails and hands!

Irina Soponaru

Age: 25 years
Team: “Vinnitsa Peppers”. Also plays for the Ukrainian national team
Experience in KVN: 9 years
University: Chernivtsi National University them. Yu. Fedkovich

Favorite KVN joke?

I really like Lena’s joke from Pyatigorsk: “Forgive me, Akstisya!” - “Okay, whoever remembers the old will have an eye there.”

Have you ever forgotten lyrics on stage?

Oh, you know, it happened, but somehow I immediately remembered it. It happened that I suggested the text to my teammate on stage. That's funny. But you have to control yourself and not laugh.

What is the most effective remedy for a hangover on the first of January?

A sense of proportion the day before. Or I advise you to watch KVN: laughter heals and distracts.

How do you feel about joke theft?

"AMiK", of course, protects the copyrights of the KV team members, but nevertheless, jokes are periodically stolen. It happens that a joke turns into an anecdote. You know exactly which team made the joke, but you read it in the “Jokes” section of some magazine. That is, what happens is that KVN jokes become popular. This probably testifies to the quality of humor. It happens that teams, without stealing from each other, write identical jokes. As a rule, this happens with trending topics.

Lelya Nekrasova

Age: 24 years
Team: “Poligraf Poligrafych” (Omsk). Participated in the teams “Universal Evil” (Moscow) and “7 Hills” (MESI, Moscow)
Experience in KVN: 7 years
University: Moscow State University economics, statistics and computer science

Favorite KVN joke?

“The guys from the band “Korni” are afraid that their guitars will be stolen, so they take them from the dressing room to the stage.” “Half of the crucian carp ended up on the newspaper in such a way that Putin became a mermaid for twenty seconds.” These are jokes from the guys from the Polygraph Poligrafych team.

Comment on the idea that the current KVN is no longer the same. And what does that KVN look like?

KVN is the same, the viewer is not the same. It was very interesting to read the article by Elena Galperina, the first editor of KVN, about the very first games. And speaking of differences, KVN used to be based on complete improvisation. Today it is a already prepared show with the participation of stars, extras, artists of all genres. Time dictates the rules. Therefore, I would not divide KVN into this and that, let’s just be happy that it exists.

Typically, artists drink 50–250 grams before a performance. Do you drink for courage or for strength?

Only if, to maintain their image, artists drink 50–250 grams before a performance. Personally, alcohol prevents me from getting ready, so I don’t drink absolutely anything before games. No alcohol, no food, no sleep! Somehow this happened among the Kaveen players.

Why are there so few internationally famous female comedians?

How little is that? What about Ellen DeGeneres, Wanda Sykes, Tina Fey? What, you don't even know them? There are few of us because men still have not learned to give birth.

Anastasia Kazanjan

Age: 20 years
Team: "ZheST" (Taganrog)
Experience in KVN: 2 years
University: Taganrog State pedagogical institute them. Chekhov

Favorite KVN joke?

Coda to our team’s Sochi performance: “Well, what would I like to say at the end... I’m already 25, Tanyushka is 25, Nastya is in general... We’ve been playing KVN for a very long time. We played in the Krasnodar League, in the Polesie League, in the Higher Ukrainian League, in the First League. True, we stumbled, but then pulled ourselves together and became vice-champions. What am I talking about... In short, if it’s not the Premiere, we’ll give birth!” There was such a gap in the hall that my legs began to give way!

Do you receive fees for speaking?

My role as a cute girl on the team allows me to receive a fee only in soft toys.

Age: 23 years old
Team: "Minsk Sea". She played for the teams “Gingerbread”, “Complex of Completeness”, “Tumba Johansen”
Experience in KVN: from 10th grade, in official leagues 5 years
University: Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperation

Favorite KVN joke?

I can tell you a joke that can’t be put into the game, but I like it: “The homeless man Yegor smelled good only behind his ear, because he always carried chewing gum there.” But you can insert this one, but it’s already old and won’t cause a storm of emotions: “Anfisa Chekhova came to work with her cleavage covered, and they sent her home to change.” And our team’s hit: “Lyokha left prison happy, because he is only seventeen years old and has his whole life ahead of him.” It’s precisely because there are a lot of jokes that I didn’t want to choose just one. Now suffer.

What pleasant and not so pleasant things did Maslyakov Sr. tell you?

This complex issue. He is undoubtedly a kind and cheerful person, but I am still afraid of him. He was always critical of us as a team, which is why he’s unlikely to invite me to his birthday. But I hope she won’t scold me for starring in your magazine. What if, just after the release of this issue, he says the most pleasant thing?

How do you train your memory to remember jokes?

In my case, memorizing a joke is memory training. After all, even an ordinary five-minute greeting takes a very long time to prepare. You need to not only remember the text, but first write it and then present it correctly. And if you don’t remember it, you can always write a little cheat sheet that you keep with the microphone.

What was your brightest New Year?

I don’t celebrate violently, usually quietly in the family circle. But a couple of times I had to work on New Year’s Day, and that’s what I remember most. I remember it as the worst celebration ever. The first time I worked as a Snow Maiden. They paid pennies, there was a terrible dressing room, they didn’t pick us up by car as promised... And the second time they shouted at us all the time and paid less than they promised. They have no heart! But the worst thing is to stand in front of people as the chimes strike, watch everyone raise their glasses, and feel that the magic of the holiday is passing you by.

In the history of KVN there was and is great amount endlessly funny teams. In addition to successful jokes, the participants in each of them are distinguished by general style. The Raisa (KVN) team is no exception. The team composition, photos and biography are described below.

History of creation

The end of 2009 - during this period the KVN team “Raisa” was formed. The composition at that time was somewhat different. Founders new team became wonderful KVN players:

  • Stanislav Agafonov, who migrated to “Rais” from “Baikal”;
  • Alexander Ivanov - head of the KVN league of the Baikal district;
  • Alexandra Chubykina is the former captain of the KVN team "Raisa".

The composition (you will find out the names below) has undergone some changes over time. But the level of play did not suffer at all from this.

How the KVN team “Raisa” developed

The lineup (photo below), which represented the team in 2010, became truly significant for Rais. During this period, the team was lucky enough to become a member of the KVN Asia league. But they didn’t just take part, they “blew up” the audience and received from the jury maximum amount points. With confident steps they entered the final that season. IN final game"Raisy" took the second place of honor and received the proud title of vice-champions of the league. In December of the same year, “Rais” by invitation participated in the MS KVN Champions Cup. Here they claimed a landslide victory, but were still beaten again.

In 2011, the KVN team “Raisy” was sent to Sochi to conquer new heights. The line-up of excellent KVN performers simply tears up the audience and creates a sensation in the first round of the Voting KiViN festival. They fail to make it through the second round. But participation in this project allows you to prove yourself well and receive an invitation to Minsk to participate in the First League.

The KVN team "Raisy", whose composition is strategically changing in 2012, sets off to conquer the "Voting KiViN" festival. Here, the team's new frontwoman Elena Khokhonenko states that it does not matter to them which Premier League they play in. By decision of Alexander Maslyakov, “Raises” receive an invitation to the Major League. In the first game - first place, in the quarterfinals - second, but this also confirms that the KVN team "Raisa" is qualifying for the finals. The lineup with the team's new frontwoman has proven itself to be excellent. So already in July of this year, “Raisy” received their first award from the festival “Voting KiViN” - “Small KiViN in Light”. In the final of the Major League, "Raisy" takes last place and receive a bronze medal for the season.

KVN team "Raisy": composition and photos from performances

Speaking about the KVN team “Raisa”, it is necessary to name the names of twelve beautiful girls. They are the decoration of the KVN team "Raisa". The team composition, photos and names are listed below:

  1. Vera Gasaranova is the team captain. Born in 1986 in Buryatia.
  2. Elena Khokhonenko is a frontwoman. Originally from Angarsk.
  3. Ksyusha Korneva - participant in the show " Ural dumplings" Born in 1988.
  4. Irina Khaltanova is originally from Ulan-Ude.
  5. Anna Beklemisheva.
  6. Anastasia Pertseva.
  7. Anastasia Zhukova - born in 1990, July 29.
  8. Lyubov Grebenshchikova.
  9. Natalya Grishina.
  10. Lyubov Astrakhantseva - originally from Chunsky (1991).
  11. Valeria Gresko.
  12. Alexandra Chubykina - left the team in 2012.

Speaking about the Raisa team, we must not forget about one very important man - Stanislav Agafonov. It is to him that the “Raises” owe their creation and existence. To this day Stanislav is artistic director teams.

Team style

What is it like, the KVN team “Raisa”? The composition is purely female, and her style is definitely unconventional. All girls' performances must include a large number of all kinds of props. Also, “Rais” does not skimp on physical tricks and at the same time limits the number of text jokes. The image of the girls consists of outfits from the forties or fifties of the last century. This stylistic decision perfectly emphasizes their humor. Usually girls joke about films, performers, TV shows, toys and other attributes of that era that were characteristic of the nineties. The team decided to take this name because of a common popular expression about women who can’t do anything - “Well, you Raisa!” In addition, the KVN team "Raisa" also has an appropriate composition. All images of girls are somewhat awkward and at the same time often found among the common population. The team also has an anthem, the chorus of which begins with the words: “Dance while you’re young, girl of Paradise.”

Facts from the life of girls

At Anna Beklimisheva's favorite hobby- play computer game"Sims". The girl devoted six years to dancing. Has a certificate of graduation from a music school. He can play the guitar and piano.

Ira Khaltanova has been playing in KVN since the sixth grade. At one of her performances, she was entrusted with saying one word, and she forgot it. For the girl Ira this was a big shock, and she quit KVN. I only resumed playing in my first year at university, and by accident.

Lena Khokhonenko is a family girl. Works as an administrator in a nightclub.

Lyuba Grebenshchikova is a provincial. I went swimming. Loves to read and take care of her sisters' children. Dreams of finding a job in his profession.

Vera Gasaranova plays KVN despite her parents' dissatisfaction. Besides this, he doesn’t have time to do anything else.

Nastya Zhukova plans to combine work as a railway worker and playing in KVN.

Games in which the KVN team "Raisa" participated

The composition of the girls in the Raisa team is very unique. Having seen them once, you want to watch them again and again. Over the entire period of playing in KVN, the girls took part in many projects. The latest of them were:

  • 2017 - Major League of KVN (1/8 finals) and international festival"Voting KiViN";
  • 2016 - KVN Major League (reached the quarterfinals);
  • 2013 - Azerbaijan President's Cup, Moscow Mayor's Cup, KVN Major League (reached the semi-finals).

The main award is “Small KiViN in Light”, which the girls were awarded in 2012 in Jurmala.

Despite the very long break in games, the Rais have not lost their former positivity and characteristic sense of humor. Their jokes are still remembered and parsed into quotes. Probably everyone remembers famous saying“Rais” that using a gel and a pen from Vishnevsky’s ointment, Vlad Stashevsky created Stashevsky’s ointment. Videos of their performances from past years receive hundreds of thousands of views. The most popular is the performance "Little Red Riding Hood". The fairy tale turned out to be not quite classic, since for its execution the girls chose a style characteristic of the film “Boomer”. In 2017, the girls again showed aerobatics on the big stage of KVN. Or else there will be more.

Anna Nedelko – Russian singer and actress, player of the KVN team “Team of Murmansk”. The city that the girl represents in the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful is home to her. WITH early childhood Anna was interested in the stage. From the age of 4 she studied in music school, later studied acting for children theater studio, and also attended art school.

However, after receiving her matriculation certificate, Nedelko decided to get a more mundane profession and entered the Murmansk State Technical University for two specialties at once. In 2011, she graduated full-time from the Faculty of Economics, and in next year received a second diploma - a specialist in jurisprudence. It is worth noting that Anya graduated from both faculties with honors.

Despite the fact that Anna Nedelko works in a banking structure and also appears on stage as a player in KVN, main passion the girls stay with the music. In 2009, the singer joined the Murmansk group “IsTerra”, where she became the main soloist. The band, performing high-quality hard rock, regularly performed concerts in the Arctic, and for Murmansk fans modern music has become practically the standard and main guideline determining the level of local rock music.

In 2010, the guys recorded the album “InDigo”, later worked on the album “Dixi”, and in total their repertoire includes more than 20 original songs. To gain a foothold in the domestic rock scene, the group “IsTerra”, together with Anna Nedelko, moved to Moscow. The calculation was that development in the capital the group will go at an even higher rate, but, unfortunately, expectations turned out to be deceptive. According to Anna, the team has not broken up, but is in a “frozen” state.


In 2006, freshman Anna Nedelko and her friend went to the KVN women’s team training camp. technical university. As the girl recalls, she had no desire to participate, since she previously did not like KVN. But, seeing that in the performances it was necessary to use the acting skills that she studied as a child, she decided to try and gain a foothold in the OdnaKo team.

Anna Nedelko's first game was a performance at the university championship, after which for two years she appeared on stage with her partners from OdnaKo. In 2008, Anna initiated the creation of a new team with the strange name “All God’s Children Can Dance”, which after 4 years changed its name to the more standard “Team of the City of Murmansk” and became known throughout the country thanks to performances in the Major League of KVN.

The team, which reached the final stage in 2014 and received the “Presidential KiViN” prize, is mainly male, and the only pleasant exception is Anna Nedelko, who believes that there should be only one girl on the team.

Its main task is preparation vocal numbers and musical skits of the “Murmansk Team”. However, she showed herself and how talented actress, often attracting the audience’s attention to her person, and Anna’s spectacular appearance forced Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists to call her one of the most beautiful KVN girls in history.

Personal life

ABOUT family life Nothing is known about Anna Nedelko, except that she has not yet entered into an official marriage. In an interview, the girl joked that this moment she was offered marriage only in in social networks.

The main hobby in Nedelko’s life, apart from KVN and music, which she does not regard as entertainment, is sports. Anna visits regularly Gym, where he stays fit and also takes long walks.

Selected songs

  • Exhale
  • On the edge
  • you'll kill me
  • Angel
  • Cars are flying
  • Three lines
  • Wings
  • Vacuum
  • There will never be autumn
  • The planet is spinning