The girl from the team is serious. KVN: women's teams and their features

Are you wondering what's happening on the other side of the wall? Are you interested in listening to this? Is it a stranger or close person, this happens in your home or some other place, but in any case, spying on another person is not very noble. If you do decide to eavesdrop, there are several ways to hear everything that is happening clearly and clearly. Be aware of all the risks and criminal liability before committing such an act.


Using a glass

    Take a glass. So, you still decided to go for it. How to start spying? The most the easy way will attach the glass to the wall. An “acoustic connection” is created between the wall and the glass, which allows sound waves pass from one side of the glass to the other. A soda or beer glass works best. Some spies swear that cardboard glasses are great for this purpose, but glass conducts the vibration of sound waves much better than other materials.

    Explore different parts of the wall to find the sweet spot. In some places on the wall the sound will be transmitted better. This occurs due to the uneven structure of the wall or due to different distances from the sound source. Check the sound quality in different points until you find the best place. This can sometimes be difficult, especially if you need to listen through the ceiling. If you are too far from the wall, the sound will not be heard clearly enough.

    Lean the edge of the glass against the wall. Remember that to achieve the acoustic effect you need to place the glass against the wall. Do this by placing the glass flat with the rim facing the wall. Now the acoustic waves travel from the wall to the glass, in the process the sound is amplified.

    • Immediately after placing the glass against the wall, you should rest your ear against its bottom. Move the glass along the wall if the conversation is not clearly audible.

    Using the hole

    1. Make it in the wall small hole using a drill. Scientists have discovered this type of eavesdropping through walls using a hole and a plastic membrane. South Korea and Japan. First, drill a small through hole in the wall. Long and thin drill fits better Total.

      • Don't expect to hear too much through just one small hole. In fact, a single hole seriously interferes with sound transmission.
      • Try to drill a hole at the moment when your neighbor is also working with a drill. Otherwise, he may notice drilling debris and hear noise.
    2. Cover the hole with a thin membrane. This will dramatically improve your hearing. Research shows that by covering a hole with a thin membrane, you improve sound transmission so much that it appears as if there is no wall at all, because the membrane equalizes the pressure on both sides of the hole through which the sound passes.

      Eavesdrop. Once you have a hole covered with plastic wrap, start listening! At correct execution With our instructions, you will clearly hear everything that happens behind the wall.

      • To achieve a better effect, you can combine this method with the first. Place the glass over the hole with the membrane.
      • Remember that the method of drilling a hole has its disadvantages. Your neighbor may hear a sound, notice a hole in the wall or debris left behind after drilling and become suspicious. Do everything very carefully!

    Using a Spy Stethoscope

    1. Gather the necessary components. Now we will use more specific spy equipment. You can make a stethoscope at home or buy one. Ready product will save you time, but you will have to spend several hundred dollars. A homemade stethoscope will cost you less than $25, but that's assuming you have a good MP3 player.

      Disassemble the microphone. You will need to open the microphone housing to get to the wires, then remove the cover and take out the microphones themselves. Then insert the removed microphones into the earphones of the stethoscope.

      • The most suitable tool for this is an X-Acto knife. He will make an even cut that will allow you to get to the contents. You should have 2 microphones and a 3.5 mm plug (cable).
    2. Disassemble and reassemble the stethoscope earpieces. Remove the headphones from the stethoscope. It's easy enough. They should come off with little effort. Don't throw away your headphones as you will need to install microphones in them.

      Attach the stethoscope to your MP3 player. Finally, attach the stethoscope and microphones to your MP3 player. The sound coming from behind the wall will be amplified by microphones, transmitted to an MP3 player and recorded.

      • Connect the resulting stereo cable to your MP3 player. Your spy stethoscope is ready.
    3. Start eavesdropping. First, test your stethoscope. Just like with a regular glass, you'll have to experiment first to find the best spot on the wall and check the quality of the recording. If the test wall does not have double glazing or thick insulation, then you should be able to hear everything that happens behind it.

    Find out the possible consequences of spying

      Ask yourself, do you really want to spy? By listening to conversations behind the wall, you violate people's personal space. This leads to legal and ethical problems. Before you start spying, think seriously about whether it’s worth the risk?

      Learn the laws regarding eavesdropping. Espionage is the act of eavesdropping, recording, or transmitting any part of a private conversation without the consent of the people involved. Know that the government has created eavesdropping laws. By spying on others, you may become a lawbreaker; you are also breaking the law if you simply own a listening device.

      Consider the negative consequences. What happens if someone finds out that you are eavesdropping? What could happen to you? This good question and you must consider all possible consequences, which in many cases are serious.

    What you will need

    For the glass method:

    • Cup
    • Wall
    • iPhone with Amplitude Pro app (optional)

    For spy stethoscope:

    • Stethoscope
    • Stereo multimedia microphones
    • Cable with 3.5 mm plug
    • X-Acto knife (or similar)
    • Small drill

    Recently included famous team KVN " Asia MIX“There was a personnel change. A native of Uzbekistan, singer and actress Sitora Farmonova, was added to the cheerful and resourceful Bishkek residents. Sputnik Kyrgyzstan learned how a simple girl from Bukhara became a superstar of the entire post-Soviet space.

    — You are a very multifaceted person: singer, actress and KVN star. Which of these three activities is your priority right now?

    - It means everything to me great importance. I can’t say that for me the career of a singer is more important than the career of a band member. I started as an actress, now I continue to act in films and at the same time sing and perform in Uzbekistan and the CIS countries. And KVN is very good game, I fell in love with her very much. And there are a lot of friends among the Kaveen players.

    — You just recently came to “Asia MIX”?

    - Last year - at the Sochi festival. Previously, we worked with team captain Eldiyar Kenensarov on the Kyrgyz TV series “Dorm”. Four years ago I starred in one of his main roles.

    Sergey Andrianov

    And then we became family friends. And one day Eldiyar saw what acting skills I had, how cheerful and a positive person, called and invited me to join the team. He and team director Kamila Abdil.

    - Is it true that you are not at all afraid of the public?

    - Yes. Every performance in front of an audience charges me, invigorates me, gives me energy.

    - That is, it’s even better than working for film set?

    - Certainly. I see people's eyes, joy, love. This great pleasure, very energizing. You stand on stage, look at the burning eyes of the audience, who are expecting something good from you, rooting for you. It's so nice that I can't put it into words.

    — Is it hard to come up with jokes?

    “It was hard at first. But when you live and communicate with Kaveen players, you see how they joke at every step, you wonder: will I succeed? And now every sentence I make turns into a joke.

    © Photo / Sergey Andrianov

    Sitora Farmonova with the players of the Kyrgyz KVN team "Asia MIX"

    — So you were influenced by the special Kaveen atmosphere?

    - Yes. Our guys write their own jokes. And I see this whole process, promotion and everything else. I'm already used to this.

    — Tell me some funny behind-the-scenes incident.

    - There are a lot of them. One day the Saratov team invited me to perform. I prepared thoroughly and learned the text. But when the moment came to go on stage, I realized that half the team was not warned. And I just don’t know where to go, what to do. It's a funny situation and I'm offended. These guys later apologized. But this is KVN and these are friends. So everything is fine.

    And when we lost in the Moscow Mayor’s Cup game, I was depressed for three days. I cried so much! I felt so bad that I wouldn’t see the team for several months until the Sochi festival arrived. It was terrible for me.

    — What about “Asia MIX”?

    — Our first performance took place at the Sochi festival. I had to perform an Uzbek song. Eldiyar asked: “Come on, you’ll also say something.” When I joked in Uzbek, no one laughed. The whole team was surprised: “What did she say?” It was funny, but only to me.

    © Photo / Mirtokhir Gulyamov

    Player of the Kyrgyz KVN team "Asia MIX" Sitora Farmonova

    — After the KVN games, did you receive any new offers? Any career prospects?

    - This is a secret for now, but I’ll lift the veil a little. The name is TNT. Now I don’t want to talk about this in detail. There are also a lot of orders and other projects - new films, new shootings. I literally flew to Tashkent yesterday and didn’t even have time to rest from yesterday’s event.

    — What role do they offer you on TNT?

    - For now, a girl ( laughs). Also funny. Main role. I hope that if I get into this project, I will reveal myself in a different role. On stage I have very little text ( in a whisper). I think because they cut it out ( laughs).

    — Was it easy to “get on TV”?

    - My first international work is a Kyrgyz television series "Dorm". It was funny how I got there. The casting took place here, in Tashkent.

    When I was on my way to the audition, my friend kept calling and complaining about her boyfriend. Well, you understand. And her boyfriend called too. I arrived all on nerves and emotions.

    And when they asked me to show something, I fell into a stupor - I just didn’t know what to play. An actress was needed to play the role of a calm girl who always suffers from a hard life. And I... I was nervous, although I was prepared for a different image, I found myself in a completely different role.

    © Photo / Sergey Andrianov

    Team "Asia MIX" during a performance at the Sochi festival

    Thanks to me, the second heroine was revealed, which the directors had not even imagined. Purely by chance I hit the bull's eye. They consulted for about five minutes, and then said: “Sitorochka, we came for a different look, but now we see in you what we need. Do you agree?”

    - What about your friend and her boyfriend?

    - Ooo! Everything, thank God, is good - the couple made peace. They still root for me and support me.

    — When did you realize that you were a person of art?

    — It was in 2000. My dad’s friend, the director, was then filming a video for a singer and asked me to take part. I was only 16 years old then. And although my father was away, I agreed. After the video in 2001, they invited me to shoot a film, where I played in episodes. The next role in another film was full-fledged. In total, she starred in 29 films, and not only in Uzbek ones. "Dorm" gave me experience working in television series, then there was "Baikonur" - it was filmed by the Germans together with Kazakhstan and France. This film participated in many festivals and, it seems, even in Cannes. But I couldn't fly there.

    Mirtokhir Gulyamov

    Player of the Kyrgyz KVN team "Asia MIX" Sitora Farmonova

    - How do parents feel about this?

    - They are very supportive. Every victory of mine, every film, every song is accepted with great love. They root for me and advise me. Sometimes they even scold: “We should have done it this way, not that way!”

    — Where did you spend your childhood?

    — I was 13 years old when we moved to Tashkent. My sweet childhood was spent in Bukhara, and I still remember that time with a smile.

    from family archive Sitora Farmonova

    — When you come to your native Bukhara, you are probably greeted there with flowers, cakes and orchestras?

    — There have been no orchestras yet, but flowers, yes. I have relatives and friends there. This is my city.

    By the way, I was not a girl - I was a “boy”. As a child, I asked my father to buy not dolls, but pistols, machine guns and bicycles. I only had one friend then. Mostly she was friends with boys - she ran races and played shooting games. Sometimes after school, our housekeeper did not have time to change my clothes - I ran off to play. IN school uniform jumped into puddles, into every irrigation ditch, even into the pool ( laughs). I've never had girly habits. And dad said: “Daughter! You will grow up and be feminine and beautiful.” The beautiful Sitora woke up only at the age of seventeen, when no one was waiting.

    Daddy still got me" ugly duckling“He calls and says: “As a child, no one knew that you would be like this. And now she has opened her wings and become a beautiful white swan.”

    — So, the Kyrgyz guys have a chance?

    - If it’s destined by fate, then what can I say? The main thing is to love, appreciate, respect and make you happy.

    - How many children would you like to have?

    — My dream is five children, no less.

    — If your husband forbids you to perform on stage, what will you do?

    “I turned down a lot of suitors because they wanted me to put my career on hold. I've been in show business for 15 years now, and this is my life. That's why I want future spouse understood and supported me in my work.

    — Where were you in Kyrgyzstan?

    — In Issyk-Kul, and I really liked it there. But I would love to see other places.

    — I am on almost all popular social networks. They provide an opportunity to communicate with people - with fans and admirers and find out their opinion about themselves. This really helps not to get starstruck ( laughs). By the way, your agency’s application is on my smartphone. I always follow your news.

    — What are your wishes to the readers?

    “I want to thank everyone for loving, appreciating, and supporting me.” I am glad that in our people there is a desire for good, for good. I would like to wish that there is a smile and warmth in every home. And great, great luck!

    Anna Nedelko – Russian singer and actress, player of the KVN team “Team of Murmansk”. The city that the girl represents in the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful is home to her. WITH early childhood Anna was interested in the stage. From the age of 4 she studied at a music school, later she studied acting for children theater studio, and also attended art school.

    However, after receiving her matriculation certificate, Nedelko decided to get a more mundane profession and entered the Murmansk State Technical University for two specialties at once. In 2011, she graduated full-time from the Faculty of Economics, and in next year received a second diploma - a specialist in jurisprudence. It is worth noting that Anya graduated from both faculties with honors.

    Despite the fact that Anna Nedelko works in a banking structure and also appears on stage as a player in KVN, main passion the girls stay with the music. In 2009, the singer joined the Murmansk group “IsTerra”, where she became the main soloist. The band, performing high-quality hard rock, regularly performed concerts in the Arctic, and for Murmansk fans modern music has become practically the standard and main guideline determining the level of local rock music.

    In 2010, the guys recorded the album “InDigo”, later worked on the album “Dixi”, and in total their repertoire includes more than 20 original songs. To gain a foothold in the domestic rock scene, the group “IsTerra”, together with Anna Nedelko, moved to Moscow. The calculation was that development in the capital the group will go at an even higher rate, but, unfortunately, expectations turned out to be deceptive. According to Anna, the team has not broken up, but is in a “frozen” state.


    In 2006, freshman Anna Nedelko and her friend went to the KVN women’s team training camp. technical university. As the girl recalls, she had no desire to participate, since she previously did not like KVN. But, seeing that in the performances it was necessary to use the acting skills that she studied as a child, she decided to try and gain a foothold in the OdnaKo team.

    Anna Nedelko's first game was a performance at the university championship, after which for two years she appeared on stage with her partners from OdnaKo. In 2008, Anna initiated the creation new team with the strange name “All God’s Children Can Dance”, which after 4 years changed its name to the more standard “Team of the City of Murmansk” and became famous throughout the country thanks to performances in the Major League of KVN.

    The team, which reached the final stage in 2014 and received the “Presidential KiViN” prize, is mainly male, and the only pleasant exception is Anna Nedelko, who believes that there should be only one girl on the team.

    Its main task is preparation vocal numbers and musical skits of the “Murmansk Team”. However, she showed herself and how talented actress, often attracting the audience’s attention to her person, and Anna’s spectacular appearance forced Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists to call her one of the most beautiful KVN girls in history.

    Personal life

    ABOUT family life Nothing is known about Anna Nedelko, except that she has not yet entered into an official marriage. In an interview, the girl joked that this moment she was offered marriage only in in social networks.

    The main hobby in Nedelko’s life, apart from KVN and music, which she does not regard as entertainment, is sports. Anna visits regularly Gym, where he stays fit and also takes long walks.

    Selected songs

    • Exhale
    • On the edge
    • you'll kill me
    • Angel
    • Cars are flying
    • Three lines
    • Wings
    • Vacuum
    • There will never be autumn
    • The planet is spinning

    In the history of KVN there was and is great amount endlessly funny teams. In addition to successful jokes, the participants in each of them are distinguished by general style. The Raisa (KVN) team is no exception. The team composition, photos and biography are described below.

    History of creation

    The end of 2009 - during this period the KVN team “Raisa” was formed. The composition at that time was somewhat different. The founders of the new team were wonderful KVN players:

    • Stanislav Agafonov, who migrated to “Rais” from “Baikal”;
    • Alexander Ivanov - head of the KVN league of the Baikal district;
    • Alexandra Chubykina is the former captain of the KVN team "Raisa".

    The composition (you will find out the names below) has undergone some changes over time. But the level of play did not suffer at all from this.

    How the KVN team “Raisa” developed

    The lineup (photo below), which represented the team in 2010, became truly significant for Rais. During this period, the team was lucky enough to become a member of the KVN Asia league. But they didn’t just take part, they “blew up” the audience and received from the jury maximum amount points. With confident steps they entered the final that season. IN final game"Raisy" took the second place of honor and received the proud title of vice-champions of the league. In December of the same year, “Rais” by invitation participated in the MS KVN Champions Cup. Here they claimed a landslide victory, but were still beaten again.

    In 2011, the KVN team “Raisy” was sent to Sochi to conquer new heights. The line-up of excellent KVN performers simply tears up the audience and creates a sensation in the first round of the Voting KiViN festival. They fail to make it through the second round. But participation in this project allows you to prove yourself well and receive an invitation to Minsk to participate in the First League.

    The KVN team "Raisy", whose composition is strategically changing in 2012, sets off to conquer the "Voting KiViN" festival. Here, the team's new frontwoman Elena Khokhonenko states that it does not matter to them which Premier League they play in. By decision of Alexander Maslyakov, “Raises” receive an invitation to the Major League. In the first game - first place, in the quarterfinals - second, but this also confirms that the KVN team "Raisa" is qualifying for the finals. The lineup with the team's new frontwoman has proven itself to be excellent. So already in July of this year, “Raisy” received their first award from the festival “Voting KiViN” - “Small KiViN in Light”. In the final of the Major League, "Raisy" takes last place and receive a bronze medal for the season.

    KVN team "Raisy": composition and photos from performances

    Speaking about the KVN team “Raisa”, it is necessary to name the names of twelve beautiful girls. They are the decoration of the KVN team "Raisa". The team composition, photos and names are listed below:

    1. Vera Gasaranova is the team captain. Born in 1986 in Buryatia.
    2. Elena Khokhonenko is a frontwoman. Originally from Angarsk.
    3. Ksyusha Korneva - participant in the show " Ural dumplings" Born in 1988.
    4. Irina Khaltanova is originally from Ulan-Ude.
    5. Anna Beklemisheva.
    6. Anastasia Pertseva.
    7. Anastasia Zhukova - born in 1990, July 29.
    8. Lyubov Grebenshchikova.
    9. Natalya Grishina.
    10. Lyubov Astrakhantseva - originally from Chunsky (1991).
    11. Valeria Gresko.
    12. Alexandra Chubykina - left the team in 2012.

    Speaking about the Raisa team, we must not forget about one very important man - Stanislav Agafonov. It is to him that the “Raises” owe their creation and existence. To this day Stanislav is artistic director teams.

    Team style

    What is it like, the KVN team “Raisa”? The composition is purely female, and her style is definitely unconventional. All girls' performances must include a large number of all kinds of props. Also, “Rais” does not skimp on physical tricks and at the same time limits the number of text jokes. The image of the girls consists of outfits from the forties or fifties of the last century. This stylistic decision perfectly emphasizes their humor. Usually girls joke about films, performers, TV shows, toys and other attributes of that era that were characteristic of the nineties. The team decided to take this name because of a common popular expression about women who can’t do anything - “Well, you Raisa!” In addition, the KVN team "Raisa" also has an appropriate composition. All images of girls are somewhat awkward and at the same time often found among the common population. The team also has an anthem, the chorus of which begins with the words: “Dance while you’re young, girl of Paradise.”

    Facts from the life of girls

    At Anna Beklimisheva's favorite hobby- play computer game"Sims". The girl devoted six years to dancing. Has a certificate of completion music school. He can play the guitar and piano.

    Ira Khaltanova has been playing in KVN since the sixth grade. At one of her performances she was entrusted with saying one word, and she forgot it. For the girl Ira this was a big shock, and she quit KVN. I only resumed playing in my first year at university, and by accident.

    Lena Khokhonenko is a family girl. Works as an administrator in a nightclub.

    Lyuba Grebenshchikova is a provincial. I went swimming. Loves to read and take care of her sisters' children. Dreams of finding a job in his profession.

    Vera Gasaranova plays KVN despite her parents' dissatisfaction. Besides this, he doesn’t have time to do anything else.

    Nastya Zhukova plans to combine work as a railway worker and play in KVN.

    Games in which the KVN team "Raisa" participated

    The composition of the girls in the Raisa team is very unique. Having seen them once, you want to watch them again and again. Over the entire period of playing in KVN, the girls took part in many projects. The latest of them were:

    • 2017 - Major League of KVN (1/8 finals) and international festival"Voting KiViN";
    • 2016 - Major League of KVN (reached the quarterfinals);
    • 2013 - Azerbaijan President's Cup, Moscow Mayor's Cup, Major League KVN (reached the semi-finals).

    The main award is “Small KiViN in Light”, which the girls were awarded in 2012 in Jurmala.

    Despite the very long break in games, the Rais have not lost their former positivity and characteristic sense of humor. Their jokes are still remembered and parsed into quotes. Probably everyone remembers famous saying“Rais” that using a gel and a pen from Vishnevsky’s ointment, Vlad Stashevsky created Stashevsky’s ointment. Videos of their performances from past years receive hundreds of thousands of views. The most popular is the performance "Little Red Riding Hood". The fairy tale turned out to be not quite classic, since for its execution the girls chose a style characteristic of the film “Boomer”. In 2017, the girls again showed aerobatics on the big stage of KVN. Or else there will be more.

    Today we will talk about KVN. The best women's teams We will describe it in detail below. You can remember the beautiful half of humanity not only on the eve of March 8th. Unfortunately, it is impossible to describe all such groups, so we will focus on a few.

    "Team of blondes of Ukraine"

    It is no exaggeration to say that our ranking begins with some of the most extraordinary representatives of KVN. Women's teams usually include many participants. IN in this case it's about exclusion. After all, the “SBU” includes only two actresses: Daria Kobyakova and Kristina Ponunaeva. The team is familiar thanks to numbers that funny illustrate or parody the stereotypical life of blondes. This approach speaks of the irony of the participants. We recognize their outfit - pink blouses, leather boots, short shorts. In their miniatures, the participants try to look casual.


    This group is used to bursting the KVN festival halls with laughter. Women's teams often make it to the gala. This team also gets it. Its leader was Maxim Shapovalov. However, the team still remained female. The signature attributes of the group are energetic songs and characteristic acting numbers. The participants are distinguished by pressure and movement.

    "Girls from Zhitomir"

    We continue to discuss KVN women's teams. The Major League, in particular, is represented by the “Girls from Zhitomir” association. The team is a two-time champion of the KVN Association of Ukraine. Girls - participants anniversary concerts masters of the club. The KVN women's team from Zhitomir has two KiViNs. Representatives of the team are frequent guests of television programs. In addition, they proved themselves as actresses popular TV series. Today you can enjoy the performance of the group in the humorous project “Diesel Show”, as well as in the sketch comedy called “For Three”.

    Other commands

    Let's continue our conversation about KVN. It is impossible to describe the women's teams without passing by the representatives of Novosibirsk, who called themselves “Bust of Lenin”. A girl named Ksenia is the main one in the team. In the game it is she who acts as the leader. At the same time, he opposes himself to the entire team - he intrigues, framed by a stunning lace of text. To her main ones distinctive features can be attributed to flirting with the presenter. The girl is not afraid to seem ridiculous or rejected. However, it is worth noting that the team is not just Ksenia’s app, but a whole funny team. Suffice it to recall the images of two teenage girls. Each participant has her own unique character, which is realized through excellent acting.

    The next women's team worth talking about is called Beads on the Neck. She represents Moscow. It's about about an explosive, nervous, noisy and active team. Essential attribute- beads on the neck. The team has a leader - Dima. It perfectly contrasts the feminine essence of the team. This hero is an outpost of skepticism and courage in the country of young ladies. The result is a harmless but interesting literary conflict.

    Next, let's talk about the Raisa team from Irkutsk. The team consists of five girls in dresses. Before us is a sharp-tempered team in which 5 uncontrollable natures came together. Their performances are woven from illogical, unexpected breakdowns and absurdities. The main place in the team is occupied by Sasha Chubykina. She always tries to calm down and reason with the other participants. Her rich experience in KVN is clearly visible. Women's teams often demonstrate excellent creative potential. And “Raisy” was no exception. Here one can see the mise-en-scène, which, although it has the character of an uncontrollable typhoon, is always carefully constructed. The team easily manages acting and dance works, as well as songs.

    We should also discuss the “SorryMama” team from Dnepropetrovsk. Its participants created images modern girls who study, make peace with their parents, cry, watch their figure. All these topics are actively discussed by the team. The girls look incredibly organic in the images they created. In the skits, the team conveys life with amazing accuracy.