A thin one will not come to mind. Consultation (preparatory group) on the topic: Learn good things, so bad things will not come to mind! “Learn good, evil will not come to mind.” in books

I think kindness is love for your loved ones, caring for them, respect for elders, for your friends, helping them. Kindness is when a person loves nature, protects it, and takes care of our little brothers. This is also helping people who find themselves in difficult situations. You also need to treat people of other countries and nationalities well. Next time dear person will not help, but a stranger will help out. There are many verses in the world calling us to do good deeds. Let's listen to these verses and do only good deeds, not bad! Anastasia Stenkina, 2nd grade student of the Altyshevsk Secondary School What is kindness? Kindness is when you do good, good deeds. “Learn good, evil will not come to mind” - there is an old Russian proverb. That’s why they teach us this at school and at home. I try to help my mom and dad at home. If my friends ask me to help, I will definitely help them. You also need to help older people, for example, carry them across the road or carry a bag. The teacher tells us that good deeds adorn a person. Old Valentin, 2nd grade student of the Municipal Educational Institution “Altyshevsk Secondary School” What is kindness? I understand that kindness is not only good deeds, but also a kind attitude towards elders, towards friends, towards animals. A kind person is always ready to help Hard time to those who need it. Good cannot be answered with evil. I want all people to be kind, not evil. Anastasia Grigorieva, 2nd grade student of the Municipal Educational Institution "Altyshevsk Secondary School" Kindness will save the world When night dreams still float From the outskirts of the forest, To hide from the dawn, When dewdrops, like grain, peck Birds that have flown to the clearing, When the dawn from the tops of poplars, Hiding behind a pinkish-blue haze , Looks into a stream flowing among the meadows With still unclouded water, When the little ones are in their beds Smiling in a calm, quiet slumber, And the tanker at the airfield hurries to the first plane, Then the kindness in the world is more visible, Infused into our souls at dawn, Life, human beauty is more visible, Flowing with affection and greetings. Mikula Nagnibeda It is no coincidence that I decided to start my essay with a poem Ukrainian poet Mikula Nagnibeda. Because I think that in it he managed to accurately reveal the very concept of kindness and its role in the world. After all, what is kindness? Everyone understands this concept differently. Kindness is boundless love, deep respect, good thoughts, and noble deeds and actions. Everyone can be kind, but for some reason not everyone strives to do good and live for the benefit of others. But there are people whose mere presence among us makes us purer, more sublime.

Learn good things, bad things will not come to mind.

  • - Live and learn...
  • - Live and learn...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - A patronizing address to someone, a desire to set an example...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - a call to follow the example of...
  • - a call to follow the example of the speaker...

    Live speech. Dictionary colloquial expressions

  • - CENTURY, -a, about a century, forever, pl. -a, -ov,...

    Dictionary Ozhegova

  • - Wed. Even though you are now trained by me, still keep old proverb: Live and learn. Melnikov. On the mountains. 1, 4. Wed. Listen to me, then you will understand.....

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Live forever, learn forever. Wed. Even though you are now trained by me, still keep the old proverb: live forever, learn forever. Melnikov. On the mountains. 1, 4. Wed. Listen to me, then you will understand.....

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - April - study, study and continue; May - go for a walk; June - study, study and spit; July - collect books for school...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - It won’t go to the bottom, but it will go to the belly...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See TALK -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See TALK -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See GOOD -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See GOOD -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See WEALTH -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - and you’ll die a fool, joke. Redistribution proverbs "...

    Dictionary of Russian argot

“Learn good, evil will not come to mind.” in books

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3.6. Bad good

From the book Metaphysics stata by Girenok Fedor

3.6. Bad good There is no reason for there to be good in the world. There are no reasons, but goodness happens. If there were reasons, then there would be good people. But there are no good people. Why? Because being kind is unnatural. It's natural to be angry. People are evil, but good happens. And this good is bad.

Learn by yourself!

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Learn by yourself! It is interesting that not a single German memoirist recalls passing at least any exams in the army - a complete absence of any formalities! Nevertheless, officer candidates were assessed every time and very strictly, and most importantly, not always according to their

"Eat and Learn"

From the book Dream Job. How to build a company that people love author Sheridan Richard Brinsley

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From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 21 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

So that a bad word does not stick. From a letter: “My mother often told my brother: “The prison is crying for you.” And these words stuck firmly with him. I know for sure that my brother is good and a kind person, but she’s been in prison all her life. Natalya Ivanovna! You wrote that there are such days and

So that a bad word does not stick

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

So that a bad word does not stick. From a letter: “My mother often told my brother: “The prison is crying for you.” And these words stuck firmly with him. I know for sure that my brother is a good and kind person, but he’s been in prison all his life. Natalya Ivanovna! You wrote that there are such days and


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"Study!" Ivonina Evdokia Ivanovna, 1912, p. A copper woman, a peasant woman, she worked for everyone. Collective farmer. She mowed, stung, threshed. There is no other profession. Where will I receive it? My parents taught me all this. And they worked very well on the collective farm - three times over. Left at four o'clock

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"To mutual good agreement“The beginning of the glorious activity of the first ruler of Russian America is evidenced by a document signed in Okhotsk in August 1790: “... we, the undersigned Rylsky eminent citizen Grigory Ivanov, son of Shelekhov, Kargopol merchant

CHAPTER 59. Praise to God, for He always teaches good things

From the book Life of Constantine by Pamphilus Eusebius

CHAPTER 59. Praise to God, for He always teaches good. I thank You very much, Lord of all, great God, for the more we know, through various experiences, human nature, especially between people who are sensible and sincerely concerned about virtue

Professional training Study always, study everywhere Boris Sannikov

From the book Man and Prison. Issue No. 2 //March 2007 by Avtor neizvesten

Professional training Study always, study everywhere Boris Sannikov As they say, a bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general. In other words: service will be a boring duty for you if you do not constantly learn something new and strive for self-improvement. For

812. To the good warrior about military service

From the book Letters (issues 1-8) author Feofan the Recluse

812. To the good warrior, oh military service God's mercy be with you! Like Ilya Muromets - may you in your time be a threat to the Germans! You do good by not allowing evil movements to take hold and by suppressing them when they arise. Work hard on yourself and you will remain invincible! Your sleep is good! He

88. An example explains why people think good and bad under grace. and whoever is worthy to think about one spiritual thing

From the book Philokalia. Volume III author Corinthian Saint Macarius

88. An example explains why people think good and bad under grace. and who is vouchsafed to think about one spiritual thing? How, when someone in winter, standing in an open place somewhere, turns his face to the east at the beginning of the day, his front parts are all heated by the sun, and

4. Jesus, seeing their thoughts, said: Why do you think evil in your hearts?

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 9 author Lopukhin Alexander

4. Jesus, seeing their thoughts, said: Why do you think evil in your hearts? (Mark 2:8; Luke 5:22). The accusation is refuted not only by the fact that Christ heals the paralytic (v. 6), but also by the fact that Christ becomes aware of what His enemies were secretly thinking or talking about. Already one

12. And he said, Let us rise and go; and I will go before you. 13. Jacob said to him: My lord knows that children are tender, and my flocks and herds are milkable: if you drive them one day, all the cattle will die; 14. Let my master go ahead of his servant, and I will walk slowly, like cattle that walk

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Alexander

12. And he said, Let us rise and go; and I will go before you. 13. Jacob said to him: My lord knows that children are tender, and my flocks and herds are milkable: if you drive them one day, all the cattle will die; 14. Let my master go ahead of his servant, and I will go slowly as he goes

Conversation 19. Christians who want to prosper and grow must force themselves to do everything good in order to get rid of the sin that lives in them and be filled with the Holy Spirit

From the book Spiritual Conversations author Egyptian Venerable Macarius

Conversation 19. Christians who want to prosper and grow must force themselves to do everything good in order to get rid of the sin that lives in them and be filled with the Holy Spirit 1. Whoever wants to come to the Lord will be counted worthy eternal life, to become the abode of Christ, to be filled

LEARN GOOD SO WORST WILL NOT COME TO YOUR MIND (Russian proverb) Valentina Oseeva “Grandma” “Grandma was fat, broad, with a soft, melodious voice. “The whole apartment was filled with herself!” Borkin’s father grumbled. And his mother timidly objected to him : " an old man...Where can she go?” “I’ve lived in the world...” sighed the father. “She belongs in a nursing home, that’s where she belongs!” Everyone in the house, not excluding Borka, looked at the grandmother as if she were a completely unnecessary person. The grandmother was sleeping on the chest. All night she tossed and turned heavily, and in the morning she got up before everyone else and rattled dishes in the kitchen. Then she woke up her son-in-law and daughter: “The samovar is ripe. Get up! Have a hot drink on the way...” She approached Borka: “Get up, my father, it’s time for school!” "For what?" – Borka asked in a sleepy voice. “Why go to school? dark man deaf and dumb - that’s why!” Borka hid his head under the blanket: “Go away, grandma...” In the hallway, the father shuffled with a broom. “Where did you put your galoshes, mother? Every time you poke into all corners because of them!” The grandmother hurried to his aid. “Yes, here they are, Petrusha, in plain sight. Yesterday they were very dirty, I washed them and put them down.” … Borka would come home from school, throw his coat and hat into his grandmother’s arms, throw his bag of books on the table and shout: “Grandma, eat!” The grandmother hid her knitting, hurriedly set the table and, crossing her arms on her stomach, watched Borka eat. During these hours, Borka somehow involuntarily felt his grandmother as one of his close friends. He willingly told her about his lessons and comrades. The grandmother listened to him lovingly, with great attention, saying: “Everything is fine, Boryushka: both bad and good are good. From bad man it becomes stronger from have a nice shower it’s blooming.” Having eaten, Borka pushed the plate away from him: “ Delicious jelly Today! Have you eaten, grandma? “I ate, I ate,” the grandmother nodded her head. “Don’t worry about me, Boryushka, thank you, I’m well-fed and healthy.” A friend came to Borka. The comrade said: “Hello, grandma!” Borka cheerfully nudged him with his elbow: “Let's go, let's go!” You don't have to say hello to her. She’s our old lady.” The grandmother pulled down her jacket, straightened her scarf and quietly moved her lips: “To offend - to hit, to caress - you have to look for words.” And in the next room, a friend said to Borka: “And they always say hello to our grandmother. Both our own and others. She is our main one." “How is this the main one?” – Borka became interested. “Well, the old lady... raised everyone. She cannot be offended. What's wrong with yours? Look, father will be angry for this.” “It won’t warm up! – Borka frowned. “He doesn’t greet her himself...” After this conversation, Borka often asked his grandmother out of the blue: “Are we offending you?” And he told his parents: “Our grandmother is the best of all, but lives the worst of all - no one cares about her.” The mother was surprised, and the father was angry: “Who taught your parents to condemn you? Look at me - I’m still small!” The grandmother, smiling softly, shook her head: “You fools should be happy. Your son is growing up for you! I have outlived my time in the world, and your old age is ahead. What you kill, you won’t get back.” * * * Borka was generally interested in grandma’s face. There were different wrinkles on this face: deep, small, thin, like threads, and wide, dug out over the years. “Why are you so painted? Very old? - he asked. Grandma was thinking. “You can read a person’s life by its wrinkles, my dear, as if from a book. Grief and need are at play here. She buried her children, cried, and wrinkles appeared on her face. She endured the need, she struggled, and again there were wrinkles. My husband was killed in the war - there were many tears, but many wrinkles remained. A lot of rain digs holes in the ground.” I listened to Borka and looked in the mirror with fear: he had never cried enough in his life - would his whole face be covered with such threads? “Go away, grandma! - he grumbled. “You’ll always say stupid things…” * * * For Lately the grandmother suddenly hunched over, her back became round, she walked more quietly and kept sitting down. “It grows into the ground,” my father joked. “Don’t laugh at the old man,” the mother was offended. And she said to the grandmother in the kitchen: “What is it, mom, moving around the room like a turtle? Send you for something and you won’t come back.” My grandmother died before the May holiday. She died alone, sitting in a chair with knitting in her hands: an unfinished sock lay on her knees, a ball of thread on the floor. Apparently she was waiting for Borka. The finished device stood on the table. The next day the grandmother was buried. Returning from the yard, Borka found his mother sitting in front of an open chest. All sorts of junk was piled on the floor. There was a smell of stale things. The mother took out the crumpled red shoe and carefully straightened it out with her fingers. “It’s still mine,” she said and bent low over the chest. “Mine...” At the very bottom of the chest, a box rattled - the same treasured one that Borka always wanted to look into. The box was opened. The father took out a tight package: it contained warm mittens for Borka, socks for his son-in-law and a sleeveless vest for his daughter. They were followed by an embroidered shirt made of antique faded silk - also for Borka. In the very corner lay a bag of candy, tied with a red ribbon. There was something written on the bag in large block letters. The father turned it over in his hands, squinted and read loudly: “To my grandson Boryushka.” Borka suddenly turned pale, snatched the package from him and ran out into the street. There, sitting down at someone else’s gate, he peered for a long time at the grandmother’s scribbles: “To my grandson Boryushka.” The letter "sh" had four sticks. “I didn’t learn!” – Borka thought. How many times did he explain to her that the letter “w” has three sticks... And suddenly, as if alive, the grandmother stood in front of him - quiet, guilty, having not learned her lesson. Borka looked back at his house in confusion and, holding the bag in his hand, wandered down the street along someone else’s long fence... He came home late in the evening; his eyes were swollen from tears, fresh clay stuck to his knees. He put grandma’s bag under his pillow and, covering his head with a blanket, thought: “Grandma won’t come in the morning!”

“Learn good things - so bad things will not come to mind!”

It’s not for nothing that they say that without spiritual health, there is no physical health. You can kill a person with a word, or you can cure him. In our difficult times, we are busy with our worries and problems, and we do not notice that kindness is leaving, and mostly evil is settling in. Hurry up to do good! How many wonderful words you can say to each other! It's possible, but it doesn't always work out. There is some confusion, the words disappear. Or you can look into each other’s eyes, touch your palms and say kind words: you are good, you are nice, you are sweet, you are affectionate, you are kind, etc. If you say such words to each other more often with sincerity, then an extraordinary feeling of joy will appear . Not only in children, but also in adults. People become different, the masks of fear, uncertainty, anxiety, and sometimes pride go away. It turns out it’s not at all difficult, if, of course, you make it a rule to devote 1-2 minutes to kind words every day - at least for a week - if you make an effort on yourself. Having seen the result, you will no longer act differently; there will be no room in your heart for evil, offensive words. Every kind word brings strength and energy, first of all to the person who said it, and then to the person to whom these words were spoken.

Every word is an action. Good thoughts and words are living gifts. But we give them when we are only in a good mood. When a person is arrogant, inaccessible, proud, overly strict. Before meeting him, everything inside seems to be shaking, your heart is ready to jump out of your chest with fear. Children often experience this feeling in front of some adults. It is important not only to say a kind word, but also to put your soul into it. Without warmth and sincerity, the spoken word is inanimate. It is not easy to cope with such a task: to say sincerely kind words and find them in your stock. If we start with the name. Each letter of a name can be the beginning of a beautiful word...

For example: Faith.

B – faithful, cheerful, hardy, polite, attentive.

E is the only natural one.

R - decisive, joyful, reasonable, rare.

A - active, neat, artistic, authoritative.

If such qualities are absent, you need to develop them in yourself. Although it's not easy. After all, the hardest work is working on yourself. Many people think how to speak Nice words. When there is pure evil all around? It is precisely at this time that they are especially necessary, since their strength, their healing properties preserve health and help overcome evil. But often we are adults. We can tell our children a lot kind words: my sunshine, my berry, my joy, kitten, my life, my fairy tale, etc. The children’s faces begin to glow, their eyes sparkle, a sincere smile appears. It's the same with adults. They say the most pleasant word for a person is his name. And how often can you hear when a child or adult is called by his last name? More worse than that by nickname. What sows evil, resentment, and hatred in a person’s heart. And only goodness can melt the ice in a person’s heart. Let's not be shy to talk to each other. And even more so, wonderful words for children, because they create an atmosphere of love, warmth and understanding. It is very important to start every morning with positive emotions. WITH Have a good mood. Believe that the new day will bring good luck. Even if there are difficulties, you must believe that you can cope with them. Drive away dark thoughts, do not let feelings of resentment grow. Don't start a new day with bad mood. After all, by doing this we push away possible luck and successful resolution of problems. We are pleased to see each other with joyful or simply calm faces. Nice to hear: " Good morning", said with warmth and a smile. A smile is a positive impulse for the brain. A smile without positive emotions and sincerity does not cause much joy. Therefore, it is important to develop those qualities that cause a sincere smile. It is important to smile even when you are in a bad mood.

A smile is the key to a good mood and health. Let's give each other a friendly smile. A Small child will always respond with a smile to the good-natured smile of an adult. By exchanging such living gifts, we give each other health and joy. Be healthy and happy!

“As always, there are not enough good people!”

“The ultimate goal of reasonable education of children is the gradual formation in the child of a clear understanding of the things of the world around him. Then the result of understanding should be the elevation of the good instincts of a child’s nature into a conscious striving for the ideals of goodness and truth and, finally, the gradual formation of a firm and free will.”

N.I. Pirogov

Currently, Russia is going through one of the difficult historical periods. And the greatest danger facing our society today is not the collapse of the economy, not the change political system, but in the destruction of personality. Today material values dominate over spiritual ones, so children have distorted ideas about kindness, generosity, mercy, and justice. High level crime is caused by a general increase in aggressiveness and cruelty in society. Children are distinguished by emotional, volitional and spiritual immaturity. Features of preschool age are emotionally charged perception of material, visual-figurative, visual-sensory perception of the surrounding world. Special meaning During this period, in order for the child to be kinder to the world around him, he has regular communication with nature and people, built on its sensory perception. Currently, such contact, in the city, parents being busy at work, and the reluctance and inability of adults to show a friendly attitude towards other people and nature, is extremely limited. The need for good and careful attitude To natural objects justified solely from the point of view of benefit to humans.

Many parents simply do not know what exactly is in preschool age assimilation occurs social norms, moral requirements and behavioral models based on imitation. Therefore, it is necessary to help parents realize that, first of all, moral and spiritual customs must be preserved and passed on to families; they need to be kinder and more patient with each other, with all family members, with their loved ones and acquaintances. We need to try to be kinder not only to people, but also to animals, insects, trees, plants; A child also learns from the example of an adult, that is, the way you act, the same way your child will act. We must try to educate humane treatment to the surrounding world.

The destruction of the family institution continues: through the so-called “sex education”, children develop extramarital, anti-parental and anti-family attitudes. Forms are gradually lost collective activity. One of the problems modern education is that in the process of education the historical continuity of generations is not respected. Children are deprived of following the example of people who lived in the past; they do not know how people solved their problems, what happened to those who went against highest values. It is necessary to help parents realize that, first of all, the moral and spiritual customs and values ​​created by their ancestors must be preserved and passed on in the family, and that it is the parents who are responsible for raising their children.

Good is the concept of morality, the opposite of the phenomenon of evil, denoting a movement towards gratuitous help to one's neighbor. Goodness as an intention should function only not under the compulsion of the will. A winning convergence of circumstances is not considered good. Unlike evil, good is not expressed only by the will to good, therefore such a will can be selfish, and therefore independent in relation to morality. True Good should be free of charge. In the ordinary sense, the term refers to anything that gets a good rating from a person, or is associated with laughter, joy and light.

Exists great amount proverbs and poems about goodness, and this is not only in our country, but also in other countries, for example these:

Learn good, so evil will not come to mind (Russian proverb)

Everyone loves good, but not everyone loves it (Russian proverb)

Life is given for good deeds (Russian proverb);

Do something good and throw it into the sea: the fish will not know who did it - the Lord will know (Kurdish proverb);

Whoever does evil for himself, whoever does good, also for himself (Abkhaz proverb);

There is no good in your soul - at least gain a good appearance (Indian proverb);

If you want good for me, do it on my rainy day (Ossetian proverb);

A good intention in itself is worth something (English proverb);

Kindness of heart is better than generosity (Tajik proverb)

He who wishes good is like him who does good (Arabic proverb).

There are many poems about goodness, for example these:

“As always, there are not enough good people,

There is, as always, a shortage of kind people.

Kind people are not always understood

The hearts of the kind hurt more.

Kind people generously help the sick,

Kind ones give warmth and comfort,

The good walk in step with the weak

And they don’t expect any “thank you.”

"Justification of Good"

"I might find a silver lining

What I do to people is evil.

But isn't it easier to honestly admit to yourself,

That good is still better: it is good.”

V.S. Soloviev.

“Sow what is reasonable, good, eternal!

Sow! Thank you from the heart

Russian people!"

Nikolay Nekrasov

Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev wrote about goodness like this:

“In my deep conviction, goodness and beauty are the same for all peoples. Good cannot be stupid. A good deed is never stupid, because it is selfless and does not pursue the goal of profit and “smart results.” Name good deed“stupid” is possible only when he clearly could not achieve the goal or was “false kind”, mistakenly kind, that is, not kind. I repeat, a truly good deed cannot be stupid, it is beyond evaluation from the point of view of the mind or not the mind, so it is good and good.”

So, how can children develop a humane attitude towards people and nature, because it begins with early age. Children are constantly in contact with nature in one form or another. They are attracted to green meadows and forests, bright flowers, butterflies, beetles, birds, animals, falling snow flakes, streams and puddles. Endlessly diverse world nature awakens a keen interest in children, curiosity encourages them to play, work, artistic activity. However, not everything can be correctly understood by children during independent communication with nature; right attitude to plants and animals. Introduce the child to the world of nature, form realistic ideas - knowledge about its objects and phenomena, cultivate the ability to see beauty native nature, love, kindness, caring and caring attitude To her - the most important tasks adults.

The main thing at this time is to show love and affection to the child, to use more often sweet words, stroking, praising the baby for every manifestation of kindness towards people (smiled, gave away a toy, fed the bird, etc.), teach ways to express sympathy and attention (pat a crying person, thank, say goodbye, say hello, etc.). You cannot allow a child to show hostility towards adults, children, animals, and even more so to reinforce these actions with a positive assessment (the child hits his mother in the face, and she rejoices and laughs). At this age, a child is very susceptible to an adult’s assessment; he, as it were, “probes” the correctness of his behavior through this assessment and quickly learns what caused a positive reaction and what caused a negative one.

Having learned the norm of behavior, the child begins to control his peer. It is easier for him to see and evaluate the presence moral qualities and compliance with norms by a peer than by oneself.

All moral norms are characterized by the fact that they reinforce social way behavior, which preschoolers express as follows: “you can’t deceive adults,” “you can’t offend little ones,” etc., that is, children state what is possible and what is not. Teach your children kindness always and everywhere. It also happens that parents put their whole soul into their child, but the child remains indifferent to this. In such cases, it is necessary to invite him to speak out himself in order to understand whether he feels the beauty around him, what his figurative perception is. The boy sees a lily of the valley and shouts: “Mom, look at the lily of the valley!” - “Which one?” - asks mom. "Tender, fragrant." It’s good to remember E. Serova’s poem “Lily of the Valley.”

“The lily of the valley was born on a May day, and the forest protects it;

It seems to me that if you hit it, it will ring quietly.

And this ringing will be heard by the meadow, and the birds, and the flowers...

Let's listen, what if we hear, you and I?

Investing in a young person the concepts of good and evil, it is impossible to do without fiction. Read more stories and fairy tales to your child, and it would be good to discuss with him after reading what you read about, which of the characters is bad and which is good, and why? What should you do and what should you not do? etc. It is necessary to talk with children about the conditions and experiences of heroes, animals, and children with neighboring yard, about the nature of actions, about conscience, about the complexity different situations. But, while cultivating good feelings, it is necessary to induce in the child a negative, intolerant attitude towards bad qualities: rudeness, cruelty, greed, to arouse indignation and condemnation towards them. Explain that for fun you cannot torture animals, insects, tear or trample plants and flowers - they are not able to protect themselves. Teach to stop peer abuse. Be patient and everything should work out.

So, the child doesn’t just need to be told that he needs to be kind, he also needs to show it and prove it, for example, by caring for pets and plants. Buy a hamster with your child, for example, and let him choose his own pet and give it a name. Tell us how to properly care for him and what to feed him. Do this with your child so that he understands and feels a kind and caring attitude towards the animal. In groups kindergarten you can assemble a team to defend goodness, with same name. I propose to make cards of defenders, cut out a rectangle from cardboard, write “defender of good” on it, and “defender of good” on the other. Commander". The team must have at least 4 people, every day for a week, “defenders of goodness” will have to do only good deeds. In a week, other children will become “protectors.” The teacher will have to evaluate who did better. This way, the experience of good deeds from one group can transfer to another, this will help children to be more attentive to each other and, accordingly, kinder.

You need to talk with your child and find answers to the following questions:

How do your good deeds help your mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, etc.?

What activities and actions do your family like?

What good deeds do you do: morning, afternoon, evening?

You can also invite the child, together with his father, mother, grandmother or grandfather, sister or brother, to draw a picture and title it “My brother is a master of good deeds!” etc.

You can make 2 piggy banks at home or in a kindergarten group. The first is a piggy bank of “good deeds”, the second is a “piggy bank of bad deeds”. To do this, you need to take, for example, two identical plastic cups, write “good deeds” on one, and “bad deeds” on the other. Cut out the black and white. For a whole week, for each good deed, put a white chip in the “good deeds” box, and a black chip in the “bad deeds” box. At the end of the week, summarize. I hope your baby will have only good deeds.

“Take care of these lands, these waters,

I love even a small epic.

Take care of all animals within nature,

Kill only the beasts within you."