Usovich new. Creativity and humorous career

The article will discuss the biography of Ivan Usovich, a famous comedian participating in the show Stand Up. It will tell about his life, from his early years to the present day, when the comedian has already achieved fame.

early years and formation

Ivan Usovich was born in 1993 on July 14 in Belarus, in the city of Myadel. Ivan lived most of his life in the city of Minsk, studying at school. Then he entered the university, and it was there that his path to one of the best stand-up comedians as we know him today.

While still at the university, Ivan Usovich showed himself to be very cheerful and positive person With good feeling humor. There he met another now famous comedian site by Slava Komisarenko, who later brought Ivan to this TV show.

Creativity and humorous career

After conquering the Belarusian comedy scene with the help of his friend Slava Komisarenko, Ivan performs Stand Up for the first time at the Open Microphone. The audience of the TV show in Russia deservedly appreciated Ivan Usovich for his sparkling humor and life situations, which he reveals and criticizes at such a young age in his stand-up routines. By the way, Ivan Usovich is the youngest comedian from the team of stand-up comedians on the TNT television show.

Some time after his first performance, Usovich joined the main cast of comedians from the television program Stand Up. In 2013, Ivan also took part in the Comedy Battle project. Without Borders”, reaching the semi-finals, but he never won the project.

Now Ivan travels around Belarus and Russia with tours and concerts, and also hosts Active participation on a TV show. He lives in a rented apartment in Moscow, and upon arrival home he always stays with his parents. Ivan is only 25 years old and many more achievements await him, both in professional career, and in my personal life.

Vanya Usovich was born in July 1993 in the city of Myadel, Belarus. Today he is one of the youngest humorists, comedians, and conversational artists. However, listening to his monologues, many people wonder where he got such a big life experience and the ability to so brilliantly act out and present to the viewer scenes and monologues about acute social and everyday problems and phenomena of our life.

He began performing professionally on stage at the age of 19 and was immediately accepted as a participant in the most popular comedy programs on Russian central television. “He’s only 19 years old, but he’s already cracking jokes!” This is what Ruslan Bely, who is considered an experienced and venerable humorist, said about him.

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Ivan performs not only in Minsk and Belarus, but also actively tours, delighting the Russian public with his sparkling humor. He wrote many scripts and miniatures. One of the most popular is a miniature about the weather, studying at the university, the army, his birthday, his relationship with the opposite sex, mobile phones, children, transport. He knows how to skillfully notice what is so familiar to our eyes, so we often do not pay attention to it. He presents the most everyday trifles in such a way that the audience simply lies laughing! He talks a lot about modern cinema, about art. In addition to humor, he is actively involved in sports, loves reading books, listening good music and share your formula for success. His favorite quote: “The formula for success means you have to get up early, work hard and hit the oil.”

You can order Vanya Usovich for a corporate party, banquet or any other special event through our agency.

You just need to call the phone number listed on the official website, or write to us through the form feedback. Your application will immediately be processed, we will contact you and the artist and add your application to his tour schedule.

Organizing a performance by Ivan Usovich will be interesting for any audience. He is young, talented and full of energy. But at the same time, he is intellectually developed and sometimes you get the impression that what is performing in front of you is not a novice showman, but an eminent artist, who are often called “show business sharks.” More detailed information You will learn about Van Usovich and the conditions for ordering his performance at a corporate event or banquet on the pages of our website. If you have questions, we are always ready to provide you with comprehensive information.

Cheerful and simply sunny Vanya was born in Belarus, in the city of Myadel, on July 14, 1993. Ivan grew up a cheerful boy; from a wounded childhood he loved not only to have fun with friends, but also to make everyone laugh with his jokes.

He was not popular at school, but was known among his classmates for his wonderful sense of humor. After graduating from school, the guy spent some time thinking about what profession he liked? And ultimately he decides to enter the State Economic University. The love for humor and stand-up itself has grown to unprecedented heights. Vanya began to pay most time to create your own special sense of style.

Coming to stand-up

Ivan studied in Minsk and during his studies he accidentally met Slava Komissarenko. They liked each other so much that they decided to create a duet of sorts. Vanya and Slava began to raise Belarusian stand-up together, thereby performing in almost all regions of the country.

But Slava was invited to “Stand Up” and Vanya conquered the Belarusian stage on his own. But a little later he decides to leave Minsk and go to Russia. For the first time he performs in the “Open Microphone” section, the audience liked his jokes and style so much that later he officially becomes one of the participants in the comedy show “Stand Up”.

In 2013, he decides to try himself in a new show called Comedy Battle. Without Borders". His special style and wonderful jokes only allow him to reach the semi-finals. But he doesn’t manage to go further. Ruslan Bely, his colleague on the show, said that he is a young and already accomplished comedian who will surprise everyone with his sense of humor.

Personal life

Ivan actively takes part in various television projects, goes on tour throughout Russia and Belarus, and therefore the comedian has no time for his personal life. Unfortunately, no matter how hard the fans tried to attract his attention or somehow surprise him, they could not do this.

The young man gives his all to humor. Ivan admits that every time he goes on stage it is not easy for him to cope with strong anxiety. Before a performance, he is afraid of somehow making a mistake, saying something wrong, or even forgetting one of the jokes.


Ivan can be called a regular visitor to the Instagram website. He often posts his photographs and each of them is different from each other. In some he makes cute faces, and in some he can be seen with friends or fans. In addition, Ivan posts various videos in which he shares with his subscribers about upcoming concerts and performances.

Ivan admits that at first he was unusual because he had so many fans. But he is glad that in addition to his friends and parents, he is supported by fans whom he loves very much.

Episodes with the participation of Ivan Usovich in “Stand Up”:

  • about creepy prostitutes, breakups and students from villages;
  • about communicating on the phone, unusual movie titles and ATMs;
  • about weather conditions, politics and news;
  • about doctors, drinks and cigarettes;
  • about transport, concerts and age restrictions;
  • about the city, university and army;
  • about cashiers, waiters and trains;
  • about Belarus, animals and the fear room;
  • about games, girls and birthdays.

What do you think about Ivan? Leave your answers below.

"on the TNT channel.

Ivan Usovich Biography

Ivan Usovich was born in Belarus, in the city of Myadel on July 14, 1993. Ivan, according to his loved ones, grew up as a cheerful boy; from a wounded childhood he loved to make all his friends laugh.

At school, Vanya, in his words, was not popular, but was known for his wonderful sense of humor. After graduating from school, I thought for some time about what profession to choose. As a result, he entered the Belarusian State Economic University, where his love for humor and stand-up was clearly demonstrated. At the university, Vanya began to pay attention to creating his own style on stage. A passion for the new genre of stand-up led to an acquaintance with Slava Komissarenko. The guys often performed at the same Belarusian venues, and when Vyacheslav became a permanent resident of the Stand Up program, he invited Ivan Usovich to try his hand at TNT.

After success in the TV show, Usovich began touring a lot in Russia and neighboring countries. In September 2018, Bolshow gave a solo concert in Moscow, which was held in the capital's Youth Theater.

Ivan Usovich actively maintains a microblog on Instagram, where more than 64 thousand Internet users subscribe to his page.

Ivan Usovich on television

Ivan’s first performance on television took place in 2013 in the Stand Up program in a specialized section for beginners trying their hand - “open microphone”. The viewer appreciated Vanya's humor and his ability to joke interestingly, and after a few months Ivan also became a permanent resident of the program along with Slava Komissarenko, Ruslan Bely, Yulia Akhmedova, Stas Starovoitov, Viktor Komarov, Timur Karginov, Dmitry Romanov and Nurlan Saburov.

Among the topics that Ivan Usovich raised in his numbers in Stand Up were: about separations and students from villages; about communicating on the phone, unusual names movies and ATMs; about politics and news; about age restrictions, fear room, girls and many others.

Ivan Usovich about his popularity, actors and poor people: “... Everything that happens with poor people in stand-up is nothing. I recently watched Pavel Volya’s speeches and he said: “Have you seen how people behave strangely in the subway?” It’s just... we saw... We saw Pasha, we saw... I saw it. The guys gathered and saw it. Who told you, I don’t understand? Martirosyan? I don't understand, who else? I understand if you came out and said: “Have you seen how people behave strangely at the corporate party of the honorary owners of Rolls Royces?” We would say: “We haven’t seen it, we don’t know, so tell me as if...”

In the same year, 2013, Usovich tried his hand at another humorous program on TNT - “

Stand-up comedian Vanya Usovich gave two concerts in a row. TUT.BY managed to walk with a Belarusian from Myadel around Minsk before the performances. We talked about moving to Moscow, the first big money earned by stand-up, and also about why there is no analogue of the Stand Up program on TNT on Belarusian television.

“Komissarenko said: move to Moscow, everything is normal here”

Vanya Usovich is 25 years old. He was born and raised in the small town of Myadel, next to Naroch, famous throughout the country. While still at school, Vanya began studying KVN, and after entering university he played university league, which was hosted and edited by Slava Komissarenko (now a Stand Up participant and mentor “ Open mic"on TNT). A little later, on the basis of BSEU, Komissarenko created the stand-up show Cheesecake Factory, where he invited Vanya.

— Cheesecake had a full hall of Narkhoz, it was free. A year and a half later, when Komissarenko began making it, he moved to Moscow (but came to performances). And a year later he dragged me,” says the comedian from Myadel.

It was in 2013, Vanya was 20 years old, he was finishing his third year at BSEU, where he studied to become a marketing economist. But he decided to leave the university and go to Moscow.

— This was the story: the end of the third year, summer, exams began, session. At that time, I already knew that I would move to Moscow. Slava said back in the spring: “Move, everything is normal here.” Of course, this did not happen just like that. This year - from 2012 to 2013 I went to Moscow to perform. About five times, probably. Also for stand-up, but it wasn’t on TV yet, it was just in its infancy.

— What did mom say about expulsion?

- Of course, she was not happy. But the general message from the parents was: “It’s your business. If you know what to do, do it." At first, six months before the broadcasts, my parents were still thinking: “What is he up to? Why did you move? But when the TV broadcasts began, they, naturally, were only happy.

“When we first paid two or three thousand dollars, it blew our minds.”

— You said that an 8-minute speech that is shown on TV sometimes takes a month to write. How long does it take to write a concerto? Considering that there is usually material that has not yet been shown on television.

- Yes, it’s all individual. On average, I have about thirty minutes of new material every six months. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Somewhere you are lazy, somewhere you do nothing. But ideally, you should strive to have at least half an hour of the new stuff, because performing at concerts with the old stuff is a piece of crap.

Here you are standing on stage, telling something, and you have a strange feeling. People may laugh, but you still feel that there is not much laughter, because there are those who heard it all. That is, when Zemfira sings the track “Forgive me, my love,” everyone says that it is amazing and they adore this song. And when you tell a cool joke that people have already heard, they say: “Why didn’t we go to Zemfira instead?” So being a musician is cooler.

— As far as I understand, you can make money doing stand-up mainly from solo concerts and at corporate events?

- Yes, but even more likely at concerts. It seems to me that comedians (I’m not talking about myself, but in general) somehow disdain corporate events, knowing that they can go on tour around cities and make good money at concerts, where they have a blast performing. As a rule, everyone puts inflated price tags on corporate companies. And if one or two corporate events slip through, the comedians are happy, because they are big money.

— Do you remember how you made your first money doing stand-up?

— It was obviously something in Belarus, but I don’t remember exactly. I remember the first big money. This was the first stand-up filming or the first party. They gave me either two thousand dollars or three. And I thought: “Fuck myself.” I was blown away. I bought the latest MacBook Air and thought that now I will write so much on this MacBook! Because before that I had a crappy, healthy HP laptop. Which weighed about ten kilograms and was impossible to carry anywhere, but I carried it. I remember my shoulder constantly hurt from it.

— Do your parents come to your concerts?

- Oh, by the way, no, you’ve never been to my performance. But dad says that he will come today.

“In Belarus you always want to eat potato pancakes with sour cream”

Vanya comes to Belarus three or four times a year. About once every six months he has a concert here, and sometimes there are corporate events.

— As a rule, I combine. I perform, go to Myadel, see my parents, go to my grandmother. Then I spend two or three days in Minsk and have to go.

Vanya says that popularity does not interfere with his life. Yes, sometimes someone finds out and asks joint photo. Although the comedian doesn’t like it, he doesn’t refuse photos in 98% of cases

— Are you a TV star in the 7,000-person town of Myadel?

- Maybe, I dont know. When I come to Myadel, there is no one there. Therefore, it’s hard for me to understand whether I’m a star there or not.

— What has changed in Minsk since you don’t live here?

- Bar streets have appeared - Zybitskaya, Oktyabrskaya. What else? I didn't look much. I liked that there was a terrace where you can eat potato pancakes and look at Nemiga ( we're talking about about the food court on the sixth floor shopping center Galleria. — Approx. ed). The view there is cool. But what I like most about Minsk is that there are never people anywhere. You can walk through the center and meet two people. In Moscow, this is possible at 5 am outside the city.

Now, when Vanya comes to Minsk, he likes to go to Depo for pancakes and to Vasilki for potato pancakes.

— In Belarus, for some reason, you always want to eat pancakes with sour cream. Previously, there [at Vasilki] there was also potato babka. But now for some reason it has been removed. Are you crazy, or what? - the artist laughs.

But for those three years when he studied at the university and lived in Minsk, the guy didn’t go out much.

— I constantly sat at home, played KVN in Narkhoz, at the BSU Lyceum, and at the Minsk Concert Hall. Somewhere there, in these areas, we hung out at KVN drinking parties. There wasn’t much money to go anywhere. I remember that going to a pizzeria with our group at the university was some kind of strong event; we ate pizza three times during the entire time. And now I’m eating these pizzas—you can’t describe them. I can even eat pizza today,” Vanya laughs.

“I was leaving Minsk - there were all the same comedians as now”

The Belarusian stand-up comedian, like many other artists, notes that our audience accepts performers more warmly than others.

— The last time I performed at the Minsk Concert Hall with Starovoytov, Komarov and Shcherbakov, the guys were amazed at how cool the audience reacted. In Russia this happens on average once every 5 years.

— You said that you were not going to return to Belarus. Nothing changed?

- Well, yes. Because it's strange to come back. What should we do here? I look at it from the perspective of what I do. I need to be at the center of action in my field, and this is Moscow. Of course, you can still go to New York, but that’s a completely different conversation.

— Is everything really bad with stand-up in Belarus?

- Hard to say. I don’t hang out in this crowd anymore. I know that there are definitely funny types. But from the posters I see on Instagram, it seems like there aren’t a lot of new comedians popping up. 90% of the same guys remained. Maybe plus two people.

— Why is there no stand-up comedy on Belarusian television?

“It seems to me that no one needs this.” Firstly, why would Belarusian TV do a stand-up show if they clearly understand that they will lose to their Russian counterparts? Unlike other show formats, if stand-up isn't funny, it's very obvious. Secondly, it’s unclear why normal boys should participate in this if they can go to Moscow and film there. Plus now there is the Internet. If you are a normal type, you will be noticed.

—Where can a comedian go if you want to develop?

- Anywhere, if you want to move. As a rule, it will still be in a humorous manner. Write your own series, make a film, do a show for TV, for the Internet. If you want, become an actor. In general, I like everything as it is for now, but I will obviously be doing something else at the same time.

— Who is the funniest Belarusian?

— Of all the Belarusians in the world? — Vanya takes a short pause. — Slava Komissarenko and Idrak Mirzalizadeh.

— Can’t you include Borisov resident Galygin in this company?

“I didn’t follow him much.” I remember when I was little, he played in KVN. He's probably a talented dude, but I'm still more into stand-up. Miniatures have been around for a long time, but stand-up is something fresh and new. Stand-up is where you are you, without any images of a grandma or a traffic cop. Is this for real? That's why stand-up is a cool topic.

Stand-up comedy evenings in Minsk with young Belarusian comedians.