Stars of humor: KVN MSU “University Avenue. UKVN (university league of KVN, Moscow State University named after


Concert and holiday agency 123 SHOW - ordering humor stars for corporate events, weddings, birthdays, private celebrations, anniversaries. Ordering Russian and foreign pop stars. Providing a technical rider for the performance. Recommendations for choosing artists for the holiday.

The KVN team of MSU "University Prospect" is several KVN teams: the oldest, "main" - the KVN team of MSU "University Prospekt".
Semi-finalist of the KVN Major League, finalist of the KVN Premier League. At the moment, the team works in the service of the General Director of Channel One, in the special projects department.
The guys from the MSU “University Prospect” team worked in writing such television programs as “Cartoon Personality”, “Spotlight Paris Hilton”, “Olivier Show” (New Year’s Eve 2010, 2011), “The Pinochet Couple”, “Big Difference” and many others .
We helped KVN teams of the Major League in preparation for games - “Prima”, Kursk, “Sportivnaya Station”, the State University team, “Svoi Sekrety”, “Baikal” (the team of Irkutsk and Ulan-Ude).
We have prepared, conducted and are conducting KVN games for the following companies - X5 Retail Group (annual festivals), GazpromEnergoDiagnostics, Regiongazholding, Tatneft, Mars, Consultant Plus, Nestle, MIRAX Group , "Agro-3", Energoprom, Sobinbank.
Extensive experience in conducting corporate events. We worked with the companies Samsung, Pepsi, Nike, Akado Telecom, Southern Cross, Ford, Bacardi, Nastroenie, Alteros, AiF Publishing House, Agropromkredit and many others.

Multiple participants of the International Festival of KVN teams in Sochi.
Multiple participants of the International Music Festival in Jurmala.
Regular participants in special projects dedicated to the birthday of KVN.
Regular participants in the television programs of the International KVN Union “Outside the Game”.
Winners of the Moscow and Moscow Region Cup of the International KVN Union.
Members of the author's groups of television programs:
“6 frames” (STS TV channel)
“Give youth” (STS TV channel)
“Football Night” (NTV channel)
Authors of the KVN Major League teams:
“Own Secrets” MFUA, “Sportivnaya Station” MIEMP, State University Team, “Baikal” Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude.
The KVN team of MSU "University Prospekt" cooperates with the company 123 SHOU.

You can organize a performance of KVN MSU Universitetsky Prospekt, order a KVN concert of MSU for your holiday, with the help of the 123 SHOW agency. The price for a MSU KVN performance at a holiday, corporate event, or wedding depends on the date of the event and the city of performance. Check the cost and availability of artists with the managers of our concert agency using the feedback form or by phone.

Specialists from 123 SHOW will definitely contact you and help answer all your questions.

UKVN - #not an easy league

VKontakte league page:
League Instagram: @kvn_msu
Telegram: http://kvnmsu

Venue of the games: Palace of Culture of Moscow State University (Leninskie Gory, 1, entrance from Lomonosovsky Prospekt), yes, yes, this is the same high-rise building on the Universitet metro station.

Editing location: 1st Humanities Building of Moscow State University (Leninskie Gory, 1, p. 51)

Season: festival (late February - early March), 1/8 (late March - early April), 1/4 (mid-May), 1/2 (early October), final (early December). Also at the end of November the traditional Freshman Cup is held. The league champion usually gets a trip to the festival in Sochi. About 20 teams start the season each year.
The UKVN League has existed since 1999, but the KVN movement at Moscow State University is already more than 20 years old. During this time, future participants in the television Higher and Premier Leagues of KVN, “Open Microphone” on TNT, “Make a Comedian Laugh” and many other humorous projects passed through the UKVN stage.

Editorial staff:
Narek Martirosyan, Nikolay Kovpinets, Nikita Kostitsyn (“Armenian National Team”, Moscow, Premier League 2019)

Participation of teams from other universities: welcome!

Desired experience for applicants: To join the KVN movement at Moscow State University, experience in playing KVN is not required. Each season in the league begins with both experienced teams and beginner KVN players. We play only those competitions that are relevant for the official KVN leagues, that is, in UKVN - this is the platform where you can develop and test the material.
OkoloKVN: Any graduate of the league will say that UKVN is not just a league, but a real family. Different generations of UKVN players meet annually at events accompanying the games of the season, such as UKVN football, UKVN STAND UP, UKVN picnic, etc.

“Thinking about one thing... the most important games are ahead”

1250 20.08.2007

“University Avenue” was formed in 1998 on the basis of the faculties of Moscow State University (economics, computer science, geology, geography) under the leadership of Yuri Sergeev, who was with this team for the next 7 years.

The team's first victory was the championship in the 99-2000 season in the Moscow KVN League, after which the main members of the team teamed up with the MAMI team (later the Moscow team) to participate in the Major League, among them were such personalities as Anatoly Burnosov, Denis Elokhovsky, Maxim Budarin. But the MSU team did not cease to exist and in 2001 went to Sochi with a completely new composition.

The following season, the frontmen of Universitetsky Prospekt were the Meh-Mat team; that season the team was remembered for the duet Foolish Fools (Artem Tvorogov, Boris Solodukhin), Vadyunya with his piano and Timur Myktybaev. But even with this composition, the team lasted only 1 season, losing in the semi-finals of the OLIMP league. Universitetsky Prospekt did not make it into the 1st League in Sochi 2002 and teamed up with the RosNOU team to participate in the First League in Kazan. In the same season, a team from the Faculty of Economics with captain Sergei Borodin entered the junior Moscow league (“Gryzlovka”), already at the ¼ final stage the team became the new MSU team, because it included guys from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, the Faculty of Physics, Computer Science and Technology, geographical and, of course, economic faculties.

The date of creation of the new "UPR" is considered to be January 25, 2003 - the day the team competed at the Moscow State University Cup. In 2003, the new “UPR” did not go to Sochi and spent the entire next season playing in 2 Moscow leagues and actively uniting and playing together the team. In Sochi in 2004, the UPR had so little money that the entire team lived in one room at Zhemchuzhina. Based on the results of the performance in Sochi and at the insistence of Grant Babasyan, in whom a real director was then beginning to emerge, the team began the season in the Euroleague and in the League of Moscow and Moscow Region. At this festival the team found Boryan Mokrousov, although it was more likely that Boryan found us. With the results of 3rd place in the semi-finals in Minsk, 3rd place in the finals in Moscow and the “silver Bolt” at the Commonwealth Cup, UPR came to Sochi in 2004 and again entered the Moscow league - LAMP. LAMP play ended at the semi-final stage and the cup season began.

It all started as if from scratch. The team goes to Veliky Novgorod for the White Nights Cup. The prospect takes 1st place in the cup. Satisfied, Garik took the team in a reserved seat carriage back to Moscow - where the painfully familiar B-10 hall and preparations for the Commonwealth Cup were already waiting for them.

The team goes to Minsk, where they take a special prize - “Bolt-Screw”. Satisfied, Garik drove the team onto the already departing Minsk-Moscow train. We were going back in order to part with Leonid Cuprido for only 2 months. Who knew this would happen. Boryan knew. He knew, but he was silent and drank beer.

Moscow, winter, December 2005 ahead of the Moscow Big Cup. They wrote, staged, and prepared to perform. And in the end they wrote, staged, performed, won the Grand Prix and ran off to celebrate the New Year 2006!

2006 began with a flight to the longest Russian city, Sochi. And not in order to see how they grow ropes for tea bags or how the tunnel of laughter is doing (all this is known only to the fevered brain of Hrant Babasyan), but in order to take it and get into the Premier League. The new form and fighting spirit helped the team pass first the 1st round, then the 2nd round and, finally, get into the “daw” in the full format. And finally, January 25th. Evening. The KVN team “University Prospekt” has been invited to the Premier League!! “That’s it, let’s quickly fly to Moscow! The festival is coming!” Garik shouted.

There was little time to prepare for the Premier League festival, but the team worked to the fullest! And she closed this festival very worthily!

Before the 1/8, Universitetsky Prospekt intensified. The team acquired two wonderful actors, authors and just good people: Dmitry Lunev and Yuri Popov. They quickly fit into the team and were already preparing for a new start together. As a result, Prospect lost to first place by 0.1. It's a shame. However, there was still a whole season ahead.

1/4 Premieres: One of Prospect's best games of the season. Funny, cheerful, positive, with drive - second place. The same as in 1/8, only 0.1 points from the first.

In the semi-finals, UPR finds itself in a very difficult subgroup. The effort required to prepare is simply incredible. Prospect eventually takes second place, but only the now traditional 0.1 points separated us from the closest pursuer, the KVN team from Tyumen.

We thought that this was the limit of our fatigue - but the next and last game of the season was the Premier League final. The fatigue of people was combined with very changeable weather and Ekaterina Matvienko. So there was no face on the team. This game became perhaps the least favorite for the entire team. However, one pleasant event happened at that final: for the first time in the entire existence of the Premier League, Alexander Vasilyevich took the floor and invited all the finalists to the Major League season.

However, the season did not unexpectedly end there. The prospect, represented by some members of the team, was invited to the Special Project “KVN-45” as part of the Premier League Team. Preparations for this event began almost immediately after the final. So everyone was in a very “fighting” mood. But the main thing is that some members of the team managed to trample the stage of the Russian Army Theater. We need to get used to it, thought Sergei Borodin! You definitely have to get used to it! After all, Sochi 2007 and the Major League were ahead!

Sochi-2007. The team performed for the first time in a new uniform, a beautiful uniform, and again got into the “daw” in full format. And she flew to very cold Moscow to prepare for the 1/8 of the Major League...

February 2007 - it was something!! The terrible cold did not give the team even the slightest chance to soak up the outdoors - so whether the team wanted it or not, they prepared very closely for the first game in the Major League. A lot of emotions, a lot of miniatures, a lot of numbers - that’s the little that “Prospect” had to endure in the last month of winter. However, all the fatigue disappeared at once when the game was completed. First place in the first game in the Major League!!!

And the marathon continued. Just a week of rest and the team sits down to write 1/4. And again victory. Having reached the middle of the season, the team goes on a well-deserved summer vacation. However, one thing on my mind... the most important games of the season are ahead.

The story continues...

Sincerely, the KVN team "University Prospekt".

Date: 05/14/1988 (broadcast)
Venue: Moscow, DC MISS

Consolation game.

Moscow State University
First Leningrad Medical Institute

The theme of the game is “All about the theater.”

Actor and theater and film director, People's Artist of the RSFSR Vsevolod Shilovsky. Head of the Culture Department of the Komsomol Central Committee Mikhail Shmoilov.
Honored Master of Sports Vladislav Tretyak.
Writer Yaroslav Golovanov.
Actor and director, People's Artist of the RSFSR Evgeny Lazarev.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, captain of the KVN team of the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology Mikhail Marfin.

MSU - 4.7
LMI - 4.3

Next is the task for the away competition. The gist: “Two impresarios from each team. The fact is that you have to participate in the last act of our performance today, which we conventionally called “Art to the Masses.” We will now provide transport at your disposal. We asked that each fan team have amateur performance numbers. Here you take both of your fan-artists. We will put at your disposal filming equipment: light, sound, our television cameramen and, giving you, the impresario, the opportunity to organize tours of representatives of your fan teams at any venue in Moscow.” The teams were provided with escort cars from the traffic police. The task is to bring videos and reports about your tours.

Warm-up: “Theatrical announcement.” The essence: the team pastes a poster with the name of the play. The opponents think and after thirty seconds offer their version of the plot of this performance. Well, then the authors of this poster, this title, share with us their interpretation of the plot.
LMI - 5.8
MSU - 4.2

Total score:
MSU - 8.9
LMI - 9.1

Next is the assignment for a creative competition. Essence: A playwright, a director and two actors took the stage from each team. Within 30 minutes they had to write and stage a play. Two conditions: the play must be written in the style of your favorite playwright and staged in the style of your favorite director. The stories were provided by the presenters.

Homework “The Art of Transformation”:
MSU - 4.0
LMI - 4.0

Total score:
MSU - 12.9
LMI - 14.1

Captain's competition. Captain of the Leningraders - Iskander Umarov. The captain of the Muscovites is Vladimir Perepelkin. The bottom line: each of the captains must play the role of an actor, or a prompter. In two envelopes there are fragments of two classical monologues. One minute for discussion. Next: the prompter prompts, the actor immediately translates his gestures into words. Then the captains change roles. The second part of the competition: an unusual stage area. Within two hundred seconds, the captains must stage the famous final silent scene of Gogol’s immortal comedy “The Inspector General” in the sector of their fans. And in the third part, each captain makes a review, a critical response, to the literary number (play) of his rivals.

The plays are going on.

Scores for the captain competition:
MSU - 5.0
LMI - 4.0

Total score.
MSU - 17.9
LMI - 18.1

Literary play competition scores:
MSU - 5.0
LMI - 3.7

Total score:
MSU - 22.9
LMI - 21.8

Visiting competition:
MSU - 4.5
LMI - 4.7

Total score:
MSU - 27.4
LMI - 26.5

The team from Moscow State University won!

The defeat in the previous game “broke” the Leningraders and they lost. True, the result was not obvious. Many television viewers felt that the jury judged biasedly and bombarded the editors with letters. It was, of course, impossible to review the result of the meeting. However, A. Maslyakov considered it his duty to say this on the next broadcast and replace the most “suspicious” jury members.


Six new teams were invited to the 1987/1988 Major League season:

  1. 1 LMI (St. Petersburg, then Leningrad)

The champion of the season was the NSU KVN team.



First quarter final
  • Game theme: Rules of good manners
  • Teams: DSU (Dnepropetrovsk), MSU (Moscow)
  • Jury: Yuri Saulsky, Mikhail Shmoilov, Georgy Danelia, Yuli Gusman, Vladislav Tretyak, Vladimir Snegirev, Georgy Burkov
  • Competitions: Greeting (“Team calling card”), Warm-up (“What? Where? When?”), Homework (“Rules of good manners”), There are Rumors…, Captain’s Competition (“Testing the qualities of captains”), Away Competition ( "Scarcity"), Video clip
Team Greetings Warm-up general DZ general There are rumors general Captain general Outcall general Video clip Total
Moscow State University 5 4.6 9.6 5 14.6 2.3 16.9 3.7 20.6 2.9 23.5 3 26.5
DGU 4.3 5.3 9.6 6.2 15.8 2.6 18.4 3.4 21.8 3.7 25.5 3.1 28.6

Game result:

  • At this game, a new mascot of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club was presented, and television viewers were asked to come up with a name for him.
  • Both teams started the game with short “oaths” to each other.
  • The Odessa Gentlemen team performed at this game. Vasily Lanovoy presented them with a prize for the best acting performance of the previous season.
  • The team on duty at this game was the MISI team.
  • The captain's competition was played by Yakov Minasyan (DSU) and Vladimir Perepelkin (MSU).
  • In the Videoclip competition, the teams had to show on stage versions of the video for the song of the group “Earthlings” - “Waves”.
  • Georgy Danelia refrained from evaluating the competition Video clip.

Second quarter final

  • Game theme: New Year's game
  • Teams: BSHI (Ufa), IGMI (Ivanovo)
  • Jury: Leonid Filatov, Mikhail Shmoilov, Yaroslav Golovanov, Yuliy Gusman, Vladislav Tretyak, Georgy Burkov
  • Competitions: Greeting (“Team Calling Card”), Warm-up (“Carnival Costumes”), Captain’s Competition (“Predicting the Future”), Homework (“Obvious - Incredible”), Film Competition (voice acting)
Team Greetings Warm-up general Captain general DZ general Voice acting Total
IGMI 4.7 4.8 9.5 4 13.5 6 19.5 3.5 23
BSHI 5.2 6 11.2 2.8 14 6 20 4.5 24.5

Game result:

  1. BSHI
  2. IGMI
  • At this game, a “parental committee” appeared, which awarded a prize - a badge - for the best improvisation. The badge hung on Sergei Muratov's jacket, and when he could not take it off, it was decided to give the jacket as a gift. The first to receive the jacket were KVN students from BSHI for successful answers in the Warm-up.
  • The team on duty at this game was the MHTI team, they performed the “Welcome to Complain” competition.
  • The captain's competition was played by Boris Markaryants (IGMI) and Vladimir Borovikov (BSHI).
  • In the Film Competition, the teams voiced a fragment from the cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet”.
  • The BSHI team became the first team to receive the maximum score for the Warm-up - 6.

Third ¼ final

  • Game theme: Fashion
  • Teams: NSU (Novosibirsk), 1 LMI (St. Petersburg)
  • Jury: Vladimir Menshov, Mikhail Shmoilov, Yuri Saulsky, Yuli Gusman, Victor Savinykh, Yaroslav Golovanov
  • Competitions: Greeting (“Team Calling Card”), Warm-up (“Accessories”), Captain’s Competition (“Wise Thoughts”), Homework (“Is It Easy to Be a Student?”), Field Competition (“Figure Skating”), Student Fashion
Team Greetings Warm-up general Captain general DZ general Outcall general Stud. Fashion Total
1 LMI 5.5 4.5 10 2.7 12.7 7 19.7 2.7 22.4 4 26.4
NSU 5.2 3.8 9 3.7 12.7 7 19.7 4.5 24.2 5 29.2

Game result:

  1. 1 LMI
  • At this game, the KVN KhVVAIU team applied for participation in the next season. After the parent committee could not decide who to give the transition jacket to, it went to the Kharkov residents for a good application.
  • At this game, Leningrad doctors showed homework “It’s easy for Li to be a student,” about how the Chinese Li entered college.
  • The captain's competition was played by Valery Melikhov (NSU) and Iskander Umarov (1st LMI).
  • In the “Student Fashion” competition, Novosibirsk residents sang the first song in KVN about Maslyakov - “Oh, believe me, Sasha, believe me, Sash!”
  • At this game, the name was chosen for the KVN mascot. Among the options were: “Kun”, “Chucha”, “Govorun”, “KiViN”, “Kiwi N”, “Queen”, “Who is there?”, “Phoenix” (or “Fenya”). At the end of the game, the name with the most votes was announced - “KiViN”.

Based on the results of three quarterfinals, the winners advance to the semifinals, the losing teams to the repechage game. The IGMI team refused to participate in the consolation game.

Consolation game

  • Game theme: Theater
  • Teams: MSU (Moscow), 1 LMI (St. Petersburg)
  • Jury: Vsevolod Shilovsky, Mikhail Shmoilov, Vladislav Tretyak, Yaroslav Golovanov, Evgeny Lazarev, Mikhail Marfin
  • Competitions: Greeting (“First Act”), Warm-up (“Theater Announcement”), Homework (“The Art of Transformation”), Captain’s Competition, Literary Competition, Field Competition (“Art to the Masses”)
Team Greetings Warm-up general DZ general Captain general Literary general Outcall Total
Moscow State University 4.7 4.2 8.9 4 12.9 5 17.9 5 22.9 4.5 27.4
1 LMI 4.3 5.8 10.1 4 14.1 4 18.1 3.7 21.8 4.7 26.5

Game result:

  1. 1 LMI
  • The VAZ team entered this game.
  • The captain's competition was played by Iskander Umarov (1st LMI) and Vladimir Perepelkin (MSU).
  • 1 LMI at this game showed a monologue from a local doctor-reciter.
  • At the Moscow State University Visiting Competition, the head of the Moscow fire department, Major Vladimir Valentinovich Potapov, was brought onto the stage. He donated a fire extinguisher to the Club.


First ½ final
  • Game theme: Housewarming at the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful
  • Teams: DSU (Dnepropetrovsk), NSU (Novosibirsk)
  • Jury: Yaroslav Golovanov, Alexander Ponomarev, Viktor Merezhko, Andrey Myagkov, Alexander Shtokolov, Yuliy Gusman
  • Competitions: Greeting (“Housewarming Party”), Warm-up (“Things Necessary for New Residents”), Film Competition (“Non-Commercial Advertising”), Captain Competition (“In the spirit of KVN of the 60s”), Exit Competition (“Weekend Competition”), Homework (“Youth Palace”)
Team Greetings Warm-up general Film competition general Captain general Outcall general DZ Total
DGU 5.3 5 10.3 2.3 12.6 3.5 16.1 3.2 19.3 6.7 26
NSU 5.7 3.7 9.4 2.8 12.2 2.8 15 4 19 7 26

Game result:

  1. NSU; DGU
  • This is the first game of the revived KVN that ended in a draw.
  • At the end of this game, a delegation of teachers and school leaders from Auckland and Troitsk spoke and presented gifts to the teams and the Club.
  • The DSU team received a jacket for the best improvisation.
  • This was the first game in the MDM hall.
  • The captain's competition was played by Yakov Minasyan (DSU) and Valery Melikhov (NSU).
  • In the warm-up at this game, DSU demonstrated their “ribbed chervonets”, in the form of which towels were later produced.
  • At the NSU DZ, the joke “Party, let me steer!” was heard, which in 1996 was recognized as the best KVN joke.

Second ½ final

  • Game theme: Sports
  • Teams: BSHI (Ufa), MSU (Moscow)
  • Jury: Yaroslav Golovanov, Viktor Merezhko, Alexander Ponomarev, Andrey Myagkov, Mikhail Shmoilov, Yuliy Gusman
  • Competitions: Greeting (“Physical education, hello!”), Warm-up (“Exercise”), Outdoor Competition (“Setting new records”), Captain’s Competition (“Ring”), Game Competition, Homework (“Sports, sports, sports” )
Team Greetings Warm-up general Outcall general Captain general Game general DZ Total
Moscow State University 4 4.5 8.5 2.8 11.3 1.7 13 3.5 16.5 4.3 20.8
BSHI 3.3 3.5 6.8 2.7 9.5 2.2 11.7 3.3 15 4.3 19.3

Game result:

  • The game turned out to be very weak, as can be seen from the ratings. Throughout the game, the jury members mainly criticized the teams' performances.
  • The captain's competition was played by Vladimir Perepelkin (MSU) and Vladimir Borovikov (BSHI).
  • At the end of the game, volleyball player Tatyana Troynova presented the prize “for the most significant contribution to the team’s victory” (a weight) to Alexey Kortnev from the Moscow State University team.
  • The parent committee decided to award the jacket for the best improvisation to Alexander Maslyakov for the best joke of the game - the proposal to conduct the third round in the Captain's competition.

The final

  • Game theme: Science
  • Teams: DSU (Dnepropetrovsk), MSU (Moscow), NSU (Novosibirsk)
  • Jury: Yaroslav Golovanov, Victor Merezhko, Tatyana Dogileva, Alexander Ponomarev, Victor Savinykh, Andrey Myagkov, Mikhail Shmoilov, Yuliy Gusman
  • Competitions: Greeting (“New Year’s Greetings”), Warm-up (“Scientific Truths”), Music Competition (“Computer Literacy Lesson”), Captain’s Competition (“Scientific Message”), Field Competition (“Scientific Expedition”), Something, Homework ("The Magic Power of Science")
Team Greetings Warm-up general Musical girl general Captain general Outcall general Something general DZ Total
Moscow State University 4.5 2.9 7.4 5 12.4 2.1 14.5 3 17.5 2.6 20.1 6 26.1
DGU 4.8 3.2 8 4.8 12.8 2.4 15.2 3.1 18.3 2.6 20.9 7 27.9
NSU 5.5 3.1 8.6 4 12.6 3.3 15.9 3.9 19.8 3.5 23.3 6.6 29.9

Game result:

The NSU team became the champion of the Major League in the 1987/1988 season.

  • According to the official result of the game, the MSU team has 25.7 points, but if you carefully monitor the game score, you will notice that after the third competition, MSU “lost” 0.4 points. This did not affect the result of the game.
  • The MSU team was remembered for its version of the Music Competition, in which they sang a song about computers based on the song from the cartoon “Plasticine Crow”.
  • The captain's competition was played by Vladimir Perepelkin (MSU), Valery Melikhov (NSU) and Yakov Minasyan (DSU).
  • The NSU team ended this game with a number about a “crazy planet” that fell out of orbit and rushed to new worlds due to the fact that all people suddenly became kind and honest.
  • The prize for the best acting was awarded to the Dnepropetrovsk team by Theatrical Life magazine.
  • Larisa Ryabokoneva from the NSU team became the first “Miss KVN”.
  • The DSU team ended this game with a song about self-financing - “Transfer me to self-financing.”
