Top 10 famous actors. The best actors in the world: list, rating, names and biographies

We all love movies. We like to sit on the couch, wrap ourselves in a warm blanket and watch the best movies. Some people are such fans of the film industry that they try not to miss the premieres of films that are shown in cinemas on big screens. But every year the public begins to demand more and more from producers, so the most sought-after and most popular people are attracted to the filming of films. expensive actors peace.

As a result, the fees of sought-after movie stars have increased to enormous amounts. Therefore, we decided to invite you to familiarize yourself with the ten highest paid actors in Hollywood.

The highest paid actors in the world

10. Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence is one of the most beautiful girls in Hollywood. Although she is only 26 years old, she has already starred in some of the best films the beginning of this millennium. Her sweet smile and good body made Jennifer a huge success among male audiences. Lawrence starred in the 2016 blockbuster “X-Men Apocalypse” and in the 2015 film “Joy.” But the actress achieved her greatest popularity thanks to her starring role in the Hunger Games trilogy. Every year the popularity of the actress increases, and with it the amount of fees increases.

9. Angelina Jolie

She is beautiful, sexy and very talented actress. Jolie starred in large quantities films, each of which she complemented with her incredible acting and charm. Angelina already long time married to Brad Pitt - also one of the best actors in Hollywood. Together, this couple is considered the most spectacular in Hollywood circles. Interestingly, according to Forbes magazine, Angelina Jolie was the highest paid actress in 2009, 2011 and 2013.

8. Julia Roberts

The 48-year-old mother of three is one of the most... beautiful actresses who were models. Julia has a legion of fans who are passionate not only about her beauty, but also about her acting talent. Roberts began acting in films in the early 90s, but to this day she is in demand in Hollywood. Julia Roberts has many different awards, including an Oscar for Best Actress.

7. Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan is the most famous Chinese actor in Hollywood. This actor requires no description because modern generation grew up watching his films such as Rush Hour, the Armor of God trilogy, Who Am I?, Around the World in 80 Days and many others. In 2015, Jackie Chan earned approximately $50 million, making him one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood.

6. Scarlett Johansson

Beauty plays important role in the career of any actress, and Scarlett Johansson is so good that she manages to become more and more popular every year. At 31 years old, she has starred in many films and a large number of producers have already lined up for Scarlett. Johansson’s most famous films were “Lucy”, “Captain America”, “The Avengers”, etc. While still so young, Scarlett is already on the list of the most highly paid actresses in the world.

5. Tom Cruise

We're just sure that you've seen at least one movie in which this handsome guy starred. Greatest glory Cruise succeeded thanks to his starring role in the Mission: Impossible film series. Tom plays good guys in most films and he does it well. In 2015, the actor managed to earn about $40 million, thanks to the film Mission: Impossible: Rogue Nation. Other films that made Tom Cruise earn big money were Edge of Tomorrow and Oblivion. But no matter how talented Tom is, he is still on the list of actors who do not have an Oscar.

4. Adam Sandler

The films Adam Sandler stars in are very quick and witty, which makes this actor very popular and in demand for filming in family films. He began acting in comedies while still in adolescence and Adam's passion for this art has made him one of the best comedians of our time. Every year, Adam Sandler stars in several films, which demonstrate great popularity at the box office, and also fail large sums box office receipts.

3. Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel doesn't star in a lot of films, but those films in which he plays roles always collect big box office receipts. "Dominic Toretto" is his very own famous role in the Forsah franchise, which already has 7 parts, and the eighth should appear in the near future. Vin Diesel earned around $47 million for his latest film, Furious 7, making him one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood.

2. Bradley Cooper

Bradley Cooper is a well-rounded actor who is one of the most... talented actors Hollywood. But he is not only a hot and handsome man with a big acting skills, but also a successful businessman. Highlight one of his films, since all of his works are unique and inimitable, as well as equally wonderful.

1. Robert Downey Jr.

At the top of our list of the TOP 10 highest paid actors in Hollywood is Robert Downey Jr. He is the star of the franchise " iron Man", "Sherlock Holmes" and "The Avengers". The last movie, in which Robert Downey Jr. played “Captain America: Civil War" All these films made money large amounts money, thanks to ticket sales, both in America and in other parts of the world. This, in turn, was reflected in the income of the main character in the above films. Therefore, Robert Downey Jr. is the highest paid actor in the world.

But just recently, Forbes magazine decided to carry out new calculations and published a new list, which included some changes. So, according to the latest data, Dwayne Johnson took first place in the list of the highest paid actors and actresses. Behind him are Jackie Chan and Matt Damon, respectively.

20 highest paid actors and actresses in the world

1. Dwayne Johnson - £48,850,000
2 Jackie Chan - £46,190,000
3 Matt Damon - £41,650,000
4 Tom Cruise - £40,140,000
5 Johnny Depp - £36,350,000
6. Jennifer Lawrence - £34,840,000
7. Ben Affleck - £32,560,000
8. Vin Diesel - £26,510,000
9. Shah Rukh Khan - £24,990,000
10. Melissa McCarthy - £24,990,000
11. Robert Downey Jr - £24,990,000
12. Akshay Kumar - £23,850,000
13. Brad Pitt - £23,850,000
14. Adam Sandler - £22,720,000
15. Mark Wahlberg - £22,720,000
16. Salman Khan - £21,580,000
17. Leonardo DiCaprio - £20,450,000
18. Pratt - £19,690,000
19. Scarlett Johansson - £18,930,000
20. Jennifer Aniston - £15,900,000

The Academy Award is the most honorable award a film industry worker can receive. But despite the fact that some actors did a great job in their roles and were nominated for Oscars many times, they never managed to win that little yellow statuette.

Robert Downey Jr. is best known for playing Iron Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. From the very beginning, he attracted the attention of critics with his incredible acting skills. In 1992, he played Charlie Chaplin in the film “Chaplin,” which may be surprising for his fans, because now we can hardly imagine him playing such roles. However, he not only succeeded in the role of Chaplin, but also received his first Oscar nomination for it. Soon after, his career began to decline due to drug addiction.

After recovering from addiction, Robert Downey Jr. returned to cinema, starring in the films “Kiss Bang Bang” and “Iron Man.” In 2008, the Academy again noticed his acting talent in the film “Top Tropics” and gave him a nomination in the “Best Actor” category, but he again lost. However, we hope that in the future he will still be able to win the coveted Oscar.

Tom Cruise is undoubtedly the most popular actor in Hollywood and around the world. And although he cannot compare with Marlon Brando or Robert De Niro in terms of acting talent, he is certainly a professional in his field.

Although he is more of a dynamic actor, as he does all the stunts in the films himself, and is perfect for films like Mission: Impossible, he has also proven himself to be an actor with extremely mature acting skills. Even the Academy nominated him several times for an Oscar in the Best Actor category, but he lost every time.

Albert Finney is one of the greatest actors of the twentieth century. He was nominated for an Oscar in the category “Best Actor” 4 times for his roles in the films “Tom Jones” (1963), “Murder on the Orient Express” (1974), “The Dresser” (1983) and “Beneath the Volcano” (1984). ); it was also nominated for an Academic Award in the category Best Role supporting role” in the film “Erin Brockovich” (2000). All these nominations prove that he is an outstanding actor who has yet to win an Oscar.

Edward Norton is one of those people who were born to become actors. He has received praise for almost all his films. But the Academy nominated him only for his work in films such as “Primal Fear” (1996), “ American history X" (1998) and "Birdman" (2014).

He is a wonderful actor and definitely deserves an Oscar. His fans can only hope that he gets his well-deserved reward in the future.

Will Smith is undoubtedly one of the most... popular actors Hollywood. He is also one of the richest actors in the world and, of course, one of the best. Despite the fact that he played in more than 20 Hollywood films, only two of them attracted the attention of the Academy. For his roles as Muhammad Ali in Ali (2001) and stockbroker Chris Gardner in The Pursuit of Happyness (2006), he received Oscar nominations for Best Actor, but lost.

Brad Pitt is considered one of the most influential and significant people in the American entertainment industry, as well as the most attractive man according to many media resources. But besides all this, he is also a great actor. He received an Oscar nomination twice for Best Actor and once for Best Supporting Actor.

Richard Burton was a great actor. He attracted the attention of critics in the 50s, with many declaring him one of the best actors of his generation.

However, due to his alcoholism, Burton was unable to live up to the expectations of critics and colleagues and was known as a hopeless spendthrift actor. Burton was nominated for an Oscar as many as 7 times, but, unfortunately, never won.

There are very few actors on Earth who have played more diverse roles than this man. There are more than a dozen films with his participation that deserve an Oscar. However, the Academy nominated him only once in the Best Actor category.

One of the reasons for this phenomenon could be its controversial nature and eloquent criticism of such awards. But the 58 year old is elderly English actor to this day is one of the best actors working in Hollywood, and an Oscar is the least he deserves.

The Shakespearean actor holds the world record for the most Academy nominations in the category “Best Actor”, for which he never won. He received international recognition, playing in the film “Lawrence of Arabia”, for which he was nominated for the first time for an Oscar in the category “Best Actor”.

After that, he received 7 more nominations, in which he also lost. Peter O'Toole was one of the greatest actors ever, but the Academy never awarded him an Oscar.

Leonardo DiCaprio has already received his well-deserved Oscar. Who's next in line?

Three people in the top 10 top grossing actors of 2016 according to Forbes have one common feature: All of them are in the highest-grossing blockbuster of the year, Captain America: Civil War. . In fact, all but one of the actresses on the list of 2016's top-grossing actors starred in films based on comic books. The exception is Felicity Jones, who achieved monetary success with the film Rogue One. Star Wars: Stories".

Box office - $775 million

Although Suicide Squad in general and Smith's performance in particular were heavily criticized, the film earned $745 million worldwide. Another film with Smith, “Phantom Beauty,” has so far earned only $28.8 million in theaters, which did not prevent the actor from getting into the top ten of the list.

9. Felicity Jones

Ticket revenue: $805 million

The actress played one of the main roles in the film belonging to the cinematic universe " Star Wars" Although Rogue One, the film's lead, only came out in early December, it has already grossed half a billion dollars at the box office. Felicity Jones is the only actress on the list who doesn't have a "superhero" role, although to be fair, she does have spaceships and a lot of firepower.

8. Ryan Reynolds

Box office receipts: $820 million

A clear example that a dream can also generate income. Reynolds had long dreamed of playing the role of Deadpool, and not only was able to get 20th Century Fox to film the story of a reckless and unkillable mercenary, but he also played him in such a way that he caused an orgasm among fans. This is not for you Green Lantern”, which is equally sad in the silence of the night and in the light of day. Surely there will be a sequel to Deadpool, and this promises even greater box office revenue if one of them continues to live up to the expectations of crowds of fans.

7. Henry Cavill

Income from films with his participation - $870 million

The role of Superman in the epic confrontation between Batman and the mighty Man-in-Pants-Over-Pants became Cavill's most lucrative role. However, his two partners, Ben Affleck and Amy Adams, earned more from this film and surpassed Cavill in the Forbes ranking.

6. Ben Affleck

Film grosses - $1.02 billion

This summer, the 44-year-old two-time Oscar winner made a cameo as Batman in Suicide Squad. However, his main income came from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. While the blockbuster earned scathing reviews from critics, it didn't hurt Ben Affleck's wallet. The worldwide distribution of the film brought its creators $542,900,000. Ben's role in Payback also added a lot to his bank account. And there's still "Justice League" to come.

5. Amy Adams

Adams' films sold $1.04 billion in tickets

Affleck's partner in Batman v Superman (she played Superman's friend Lois Lane) rounds out the top 5 most successful actors in terms of money in 2016.

4. Margot Robbie

Brought film distributors $1.1 billion

Let picky critics criticize “Suicide Squad”, even they love Margot Robbie. She is charming, artistic, graceful and very, very rich. In 2016, in addition to the role of Harley Quinn, Margot got the role of Jane in “The Legend of Tarzan.” Her partner was Alexander Skarsgård.

3. Chris Evans

Worldwide ticket revenue: $1.15 billion

The man in the Captain America suit, who are you without him? Millionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Along with Chris Pratt (Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy), Evans donated $15,000 to Seattle Children's Hospital and another $12,000 to Boston-based charity Christopher's Haven.

2. Robert Downey Jr.

His films brought in $1.15 billion

Cry Iron Man, you're no longer the top box office draw. hollywood celebrity. However, Downey still makes a lot of money from his role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And in 2017, he can return to the first line of the box office hit parade thanks to his appearance in the films Spider-Man: Homecoming and Sherlock Holmes 3. And Robert Downey Jr. is the highest paid actor of all those present in this top 10.

1. Scarlett Johansson

Box office - $1.2 billion

According to Forbes statistics, the highest-grossing of all, she received the role of Black Widow in Captain America: Civil War. This film grossed more than $1.15 billion, while Johansson's other film, Hail, Caesar! was less successful (sold $63 million in tickets).

Perhaps someday we will see the charming Scarlett not in the role of a strict and restrained Black Widow, but in the role of a gentle but strong spirit Disney princesses. One day the actress let slip that she dreams of this particular role. Johansson's daughter, two-year-old Rose, also wants to see her mother in the role of a princess.

The richest actors in the world Top 10

It's no secret that famous actors earn good money, and the richest actors are Hollywood stars. But not all highly paid movie stars make their money in America. In addition, there is not a single actress among them. There is obvious gender discrimination: the world's leading film companies are not ready to pay female actresses on an equal basis with male actors. The richest actress in the world today is Hollywood movie star Julia Roberts with a net worth of $165 million. But even this amount is not enough for her to get into the top ten richest actors peace.

It is curious that the first place in the Top 10 richest actors in the world is occupied by far from the most famous actor in the world.

So, in 10th place:

The actor was born on December 27, 1965 in the Indian city of Indur, Madhya Pradesh state into a Muslim family. This Indian actor and TV presenter has appeared in more than a hundred films. Salman is one of the most popular stars Indian dream factory - Bollywood. He has great amount fans in his home country. Salman Khan is known for his philanthropic activities. For many years, he has donated considerable funds to the treatment of children with cancer and to the maintenance of mentally ill children.

State $200 million.

But 9th place:

Iconic Hollywood actor and hip-hop artist. Interestingly, in 1999, he turned down the role of Neo in The Matrix, and as a result, the role went to Keanu Reeves. The most famous films with his participation: " Bad Boys", "Men in Black", "Independence Day". In 2008, Will Smith became the highest paid actor in Hollywood, earning $80 million in a year.

State $215 million.

In 8th place:

DiCaprio is one of the most popular actors in Hollywood. He was born on November 11, 1974 in Los Angeles into a hippie family. On the international horizon, his star lit up after the success of the film “Romeo and Juliet,” and the epic disaster film “Titanic” lifted him to the pinnacle of popularity. The actor collected large collection prizes and awards, but despite the fact that Leonardo was nominated for an Academy Award several times, the coveted statuette was never awarded to him.
By the way, the actor has Slavic roots; his grandmother’s last name was Smirnova.

State: $215 million.

In 7th place:

The brutal performer of the roles of Rambaud and Rocky was born in New York on July 6, 1946. During his career, he starred in more than 50 films, with the total box office of films with Stallone as an actor amounting to $3.7 billion.

Of this amount, only pitiful $275 million- equity.

In 6th place:

This Canadian-American actor was born in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, into the family of an artist and a geologist. Worldwide fame He earned the role of Neo in the science fiction film trilogy “The Matrix.” Other famous films with his participation: “Point Break”, “Speed”, “Little Buddha”, “The Devil’s Advocate”.
Keanu Reeves is one of the most closed to the public Hollywood stars. Little is known about the actor’s personal life; there are only rumors about Keanu’s homosexual orientation, but he is even too lazy to refute such statements: he seems to have little interest in what the yellow press writes about him or the public thinks.

State: $350 million.

In 5th place:

Tom Hanks was born on July 9, 1956 in Concord, California. American actor and the producer began his career in family comedies (“Big”, 1988), but by the age of forty he had achieved universal recognition as a serious dramatic actor. Tom Hanks is one of two actors in the history of world cinema who received an Oscar for a leading role 2 years in a row: “Philadelphia” (1993) and “Forrest Gump” (1994). During his many years in the film industry, he has collected countless awards for his performances in films such as Cast Away, Catch Me If You Can, Apollo 13, The Da Vinci Code and many more films.
Tom Hanks - Orthodox Christian, he visits one of the American parishes of the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

State: $390 million.

In 4th place:

Born June 9, 1963, Owensboro, Kentucky, USA. The eccentric actor has intrigued viewers for many years. To date, his most popular role is the role of Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates Caribbean Sea" This commercial project has grossed over US$3.7 billion worldwide. In 2012, Johnny was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the most highly paid actor, earning $75 million in a year.

State: $450 million.

In 3rd place:

American actor, director, producer, screenwriter born July 3, 1962, Syracuse, New York. Tom Cruise is a three-time Golden Globe Award winner and three-time Academy Award nominee.
First great success Tom Cruise's film debut was the 1982 comedy "Risky Business". The film “Top Gun,” released in 1985, consolidated this success. Today business card The actor can be considered the role of Ethan Hunt in the detective action film Mission: Impossible.
Cruz is a motorsports fan. He can often be seen on racing cars and sports motorcycles, both in films and in life.

State: $480 million.

In 2nd place:

The Indian "King of Bollywood" was born on November 2, 1965 in New Delhi into a Pashtun family. By religion - Muslim. Shahrukh Khan holds the record for winning the most Indian National Film Awards for Best Actor.

Shah Rukh Khan is actively involved in charity work; in the 90s, he promoted vaccinations against polomelitosis, then supported National organization on AIDS control. In 2005, Khan held a charity show in support of National Center employment of people with disabilities. The actor paid the cost of a solar energy project that provided power to 36 villages. In 2011, Shah Rukh Khan became the first Indian to receive a UNESCO special award for his charitable work.

In 1992, Shah Rukh Khan played in the film “The Idiot” based on the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky. The film adaptation was shown at the New York Film Festival.

State: $600 million.

The richest actor in the world is

American actor, stand-up comedian and screenwriter Jerry Seinfeld was born into a Jewish family on April 29, 1954 in Brooklyn, New York, USA. Brought him the greatest popularity the main role in the American comedy series Seinfeld, which aired on NBC from 1989 to 1998.

According to Forbes magazine, Jerry Seinfeld's annual income from Seinfeld in 1998 was $267 million, and between June 2008 and June 2009, the actor earned $85 million, making him the highest paid comedian in Hollywood. Jerry didn't star in big budget films. feature films, he remained a hero comedy series And stand-up show. Therefore, in reality, he is known only in the USA and English speaking countries. However, this does not prevent him from remaining the richest actor on the planet.

Jerry Seinfeld has one of the world's largest collections of Porsche cars.

State: $820 million.

Most people turn on the TV or go to the cinema not just to enjoy watching a new film, but also anticipating the joy of meeting their favorite actor. Hollywood stars are extremely popular all over the world. They, so different, are united by amazing charm, masculine attractiveness, enormous talent, the ability to organically exist in different genres, creating unique images. The following are most popular actors in the world.

1. Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp is rightfully one of the most popular actors in the world. He is known for his roles in the films “A Nightmare on Elm Street”, “The Astronaut’s Wife”, “The Ninth Gate”, “Pirates of the Caribbean”, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, etc. He is an amazing master of disguise. What makes Depp especially attractive is his unusual appearance, there were Indians, Irish, and Germans in his family. It is not for nothing that several years ago the actor was recognized by People readers as the sexiest man in the United States.

2. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is equally popular among both spectators and female spectators, could not help but enter the top 10 most popular Hollywood actors. They are attracted by his excellent physical shape, self-confidence and bright masculinity. Schwarzenegger most often starred in action films, while avoiding the cliches and cliches that abound in this genre. He became famous for his roles in the films “Terminator”, “The Running Man”, “Red Heat”. The actor is constantly improving in dramatic art. Schwarzenegger also has a university degree and is famous for his intelligence. He managed to succeed in politics, taking the post of governor of the state of California.

Jim Carrey is one of the most famous actors in the world filming in the comedy genre. He is known for the films “Ace Ventura”, “The Truman Show”, “The Mask”, “Bruce Almighty”. Jimmy Carrey has expressive appearance, which gives him the opportunity to create comic images without losing his pronounced masculine charm. Despite the complexity of the roles he plays, the actor manages to create an atmosphere of ease and fantastic lightness. His heroes are simple people, but they find themselves in amazing, often fantastic situations. A great sense of humor and amazing talent allow Kerry to rise to fantastic heights of skill.

4. Leonardo DiCaprio

Next on the list of the world's most popular actors is Leonardo DiCaprio. He immediately clearly declared himself as an actor of enormous potential. L. DiCaprio has been shot by the best directors: M. Scorsese, B. Luhrmann, D. Cameron, D. Donnelly, etc. The actor succeeds in roles in absolutely any genre - romantic, heroic, adventure, melodrama, thriller, etc. Its flexibility and plasticity have no limits. It’s simply amazing that Oscar found him only many years later, since the actor began filming quite early. However, such films with the participation of DiCaprio as “The Revenant”, “The Great Gatsby”, “Shutter Island”, “The Aviator”, “Titanic”, etc. have become true pearls in the treasury of world cinema.

Tom Cruise is popular Hollywood actor, which is the embodiment of human charm, natural talent and the ability to create images that deeply touch the viewer’s soul. He is rightfully considered one of the most handsome men America. T. Cruise most often plays the roles of his contemporaries (“Mission Impossible”, “War of the Worlds”, “The Firm”). In them he appears purposeful, honest and deep person. For such characters great importance has love in life and they are ready to do anything to keep it. His film works are distinguished by realism and sincerity.

Brad Pitt is known not only for becoming the husband of one of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood, A. Jolie, but also for his participation in the films “Happy Together”, “Too Young to Die?”, “The Mexican”, “Ocean’s Eleven” , "Troy", " Misterious story Benjamin Button”, etc. He knows how to create images of brave, sincere people who are not afraid of difficulties. Brad Pitt is famous for his love for healthy image life and basically does not eat meat. There are practically no scandals associated with his name, despite the fact that the actor is considered one of the most beautiful and sexy men in the world.

Morgan Freeman is the most popular black actor in the world. He starred in many films, including “Now You See Me,” “Wanted,” “Until He Played the Box,” “Bruce Almighty,” “Dreamcatcher.” The artist comes from a very simple family. His first step to fame was working on the radio in hometown. The boy was only twelve years old at the time. Success came to Freeman after starring in the film “The Shawshank Redemption,” based on the work of S. King in 1994. For it, he received the “Best Actor of the Year” award. In 2005, he received an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in the film Million Dollar Baby. The jury noted his amazing professionalism, deep penetration into the role and ability to sharpen the atmosphere of the episode to the extreme.

Sylvester Stallone has an unlimited range of dramatic skills. The actor’s roles in the films “Rocky”, “Rambo”, “Cobra”, “Cliffhanger”, “Creed”, etc. brought him worldwide popularity. Stallone knows how to create images of people who are integral, extremely courageous and collected, but at the same time have a real sense of humor. Huge love viewers were attracted to his unusual characters in the films “Stop!” Or Mom Will Shoot" and "Judge Dredd", which allowed his talent to fully reveal itself. The actor is in excellent athletic shape and performed many of his stunts on his own.

Will Smith is not only one of the most famous and popular actors, but also famous singer. He is known to a wide audience for his participation in the films “Independence Day”, “Men in Black”, “Bad Boys”, “I Am Legend”, “Hancock”. Most often, Smith appears in roles positive characters in action films. The new films “Defender”, “Focus” and “The Pursuit of Happiness” showed that with age, the skill of this actor has only increased and he can handle the most diverse and complex roles.