National Museum of Turkmenistan. State Museum of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan

TV tower was inaugurated as part of the recent festive events dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan The star of the legendary ancestor of the Turkmen Oguz Khan, decorating the 211-meter Ashgabat TV tower, is recognized as the world's largest architectural image of a star and is included in the Guinness Book of Records. It was erected on one of the ridges of the Kopetdag at an altitude of more than 1000 meters above sea level.

A special feature of the high-rise structure is the octagonal Star of Oguz Khan. The shine of it stained glass reflecting the sun's rays, is visible even in the Karakum Desert, on the edge of which Ashgabat is located. Solar panels installed behind the glass in the evening release the energy accumulated during the day to the lighting fixtures of the television tower.

Tallest flagpole in the world, 133 meters high, installed in Ashgabat, this figure is included in the Guinness World Book of Records. The world's tallest flagpole, installed on the square in front of the National Museum of Turkmenistan, is a gift from the management and builders of a Turkish construction company. The flagpole was raised for the first time State flag Turkmenistan, whose size is also impressive - 52.5 meters by 35 meters, weight - 420 kilograms.

The most important and interesting museums

The main museum of Turkmenistan - the largest state museum of Turkmenistan. The museum consists of seven permanent galleries dedicated to history, modern culture and ethnography of Turkmenistan. The museum contains more than 116 thousand unique exhibits. The museum contains thousands archaeological sites from old Nisa and Ancient Merv. The museum contains collections of ancient Turkmen carpets, rare samples of national clothing and fabrics, objects traditional life, products from precious metals, weapons, awards. For the purpose of revival, preservation, creative development long traditions Turkmen carpet weaving, which is one of the remarkable types folk craft, as well as increasing the glory of Turkmen carpets self made, By the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan dated March 20, 1993, the Turkmen Carpet Museum was created in the city of Ashgabat.

During the Great Renaissance at the Turkmen Carpet Museum The art of hand-made carpet weaving is developing, which is considered national pride, the value is multiplied of this art, the originals of the most skillful and ancient carpets are carefully preserved. Workers of the Turkmen Carpet Museum are studying historical artistic value wonderful carpets and restore old carpets. The Turkmen Carpet Museum is one of the cultural centers of Turkmenistan, which displays about 2,000 carpet exhibits. IN exhibition halls The museum houses rare and skillfully woven carpets and rugs. The museum houses the smallest carpet designed for carrying keys, the size of which is equal to..., as well as the world's largest handmade carpet with a total area of ​​301 square meters. m. The giant carpet was woven in 2001, and in 2003 it was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Modern Ashgabat, the sights of which we will describe in this article, is one of the most beautiful cities Central Asia. This and it was included in the Guinness Book of Records five times as the place in which it is located greatest number buildings inlaid with marble white. The settlement amazes with its fountain complexes, luxurious snow-white architecture, and overall splendor. Ashgabat is also the largest scientific, industrial and cultural center of the state.

Kingdom of carpets

Ashgabat, the sights of which we are considering, is known to many people in the world as the city in which a huge Museum is located. In 1993, according to the order, this iconic exhibition was created. The establishment is named after the Hero of the country Gurbansoltan-eje.

The museum contains the largest collection of modern and ancient items of national carpet weaving on Earth. Here you can find very rare examples of pile and other items, the creation of which dates back to XVIII century. The main exhibit of the museum is a carpet called “The Golden Age of the Great Saparmurat Turkmenbashi.” This is the largest carpet on the planet: its area is 301 m2, and the product weighs more than one ton. It was woven by hand in 2001.

Main mosque of the state

Ashgabat (attractions) placed on its territory the main mosque of Turkmenistan, named after Turkmenbashi Rukhy. To more accurately describe the location of the object, it should be said that it is not located in the capital itself, but 15 kilometers from it.

The gigantic building invariably amazes the human imagination and impresses with its grandeur and beauty. Ashgabat, the sights of the city, in general, have such a peculiarity - they seem to fascinate tourists with their grace and picturesque views. But people who visited the mosque are left with a strange feeling of despondency from what they saw.

The building has gigantic dimensions and is completely lined with white marble. One hundred million dollars were spent on the construction of the facility. The mosque is located on an area of ​​18 thousand m2. The ceilings reach a height of 55 meters. The height of each of the four free-standing minarets is 80 meters.

Presidential Residence

The architecture of the bazaar is made in the style of Soviet modernism. The landmark was built during 1972-1982. Turkmen vegetables and fruits are sold here, various products nutrition. You can buy very sweet and incredibly tasty Turkmen melons and watermelons from July to September. Souvenirs you can buy are traditional socks, toy camels sewn from camel hair, small Turkmen rugs and other gifts.

Cradle of ancient civilizations Turkmenistan contains many wonderful secrets and mysteries. The mighty walls of the brilliant Khorezm, the ruins of the ancient Parthian kingdom of Nissa, the sand-covered skeletons of abandoned watchtowers - these and others sights of Turkmenistan are the highlight mysterious state Turkmenistan. The pride of Turkmenistan is the world-famous Akhal-Teke stallions, fast as the wind. You can see this noble animal in all its glory at the national holiday of the Akhal-Teke horse.

Entertainment of Turkmenistan

A feature of the Turkmen people is the diversity of bright national holidays and customs. Entertainment of Turkmenistan are distinguished by their originality and picturesque national flavor. Currently, dynamically developing tourism in the country is being built entertainment complexes and entertainment venues.

There are countless cultural and historical sites of antiquity located on the territory of Turkmenistan. Interesting places in Turkmenistan carry a living thread of history. The most popular among tourists are: attractions like the ancient cities of Merv, Urgench, Misrian and Serakhs - the first settlement prehistoric people, the ruins of the Tasharvat caravanserai, the huge necropolis of Gonur-Depe. History of Turkmenistan frozen in all its grandeur and diversity in these temples of art.

Unique natural monuments - the endless Karakum Desert, the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay, the ancient mud volcano Boyadag, the Kugitang Nature Reserve, which imprints traces of Jurassic dinosaurs on its territory - amaze with their beauty and calm grandeur.

Excursions of Turkmenistan

Fascinating and lively places occupy a special place in the program of tourist routes in Turkmenistan. Excursion routes include visits to most interesting places and corners of the country: Altyndepe, Nissa, Dehistan, ancient streets of Ashgabat, amazing mausoleums and necropolises of ancient Merv.

Monuments of Turkmenistan

Besides archaeological sites natural resources are of great value. Among them is a unique piece of the Karakum - the Repetek Nature Reserve, which houses a desert research center. In this extraordinary natural complex inhabited by diverse and rare species desert inhabitants - king cobras, numerous rodents and reptiles, including giant monitor lizards - the powerful “dragons of the desert”.

Museums of Turkmenistan

The national, largest scientific centers countries. Unique examples of ceramics, visual arts presented in the exhibitions of the museums “Ak Bugday”, “Geoktepe”, and the Main National Museum of Turkmenistan. The exotic museum of the Turkmen carpet and many other repositories of antiquity are popular among tourists.

Museum of Ethnography and Local History of Turkmenistan State Museum of the State cultural center Turkmenistan was opened in 2009 on May 18. The three-story building is adjacent to the main building of the museum. On the first floor of the museum there is an exhibition dedicated to the nature of Turkmenistan, on the second - the ethnography of the Turkmen people.

The Department of Nature and Local History consists of eleven sections. The first section is devoted to the origin of the universe (where one of the valuable exhibits Museum Kunya-Urgench meteorite) and the evolution of life on Earth, which presents fossils and prints of ancient organisms found on the territory of Turkmenistan. Among them, it should be noted, the unique prints of dinosaur tracks (age about 150 million years), discovered in the South-East of Turkmenistan (Khojapil Plateau), the only traces in the world of the ancient camel Arvan (age 2.5 million years), located in Western Kopetdag , a fragment of a jaw with a tooth of a Forest elephant and a mandibular tooth of a Khazar elephant, which lived on the territory of Turkmenistan 100-200 thousand years ago.

The second section of the museum introduces the physical and geographical characteristics of Turkmenistan. Here are presented: a climate map and a map of water basins, soil monoliths and minerals of Turkmenistan.
From the third to the tenth sections, the visitor gets acquainted with the regions of Turkmenistan. The journey begins with the Koytendag Mountains, where the exhibition includes the karst Karlyuk caves, the deep-water lake Kettekol, etc. The north of the country is represented by the dioramas “Kaplankyr” and “Sarykamysh Lake” with its flora and fauna. In the south of Turkmenistan there is unique place– Badkhyz and the reserve of the same name, created in 1941 to preserve the kulans. In this section, a magnificent diorama introduces natural monuments: Lake Eroylanduz and wild pistachio woodlands. There is also a collection of insects and arachnids.

One of the largest dioramas is dedicated to the Kopetdag Mountains, where animals and vegetable world mountains: bezoar goat, argali, Central Asian leopard, marten, brown bear, wolf and birds - griffon vulture, goshawk, partridges and others.

80% of the territory of Turkmenistan is occupied by the Karakum Desert. The diorama dedicated to this landscape features: goitered gazelle, caracal, corsac fox, tolai hare, gray monitor lizard, sand cat, Red Book bustard, etc.

One of the valuable exhibits of the nature department is the Turanian tiger, presented in the diorama “Amu Darya”.
Turkmenistan lies on the route of seasonal migrations of many species of birds, inhabitants of the tundra, northern seas, lakes, rivers, forests and steppes. The museum exhibits 109 species of birds, many of which are listed in the Red Book of Turkmenistan and the IUCN.

The exhibition ends with display cases dedicated to nature conservation and portraits of scientists biologists of Turkmenistan.

In the ethnography department, the traditions and customs of the Turkmen people are widely revealed and life, National clothes, crafts, military weapons, musical instruments, silver jewelry.

The exhibition is based on ancient historical data, which are the sources of life and activity of the Turkmens. For this purpose, at the beginning of the exhibition the most early period development of culture with its inherent characteristic features. This ancient historical monument, located in the north-west of Ashgabat, is known as the Jeitun culture, dating back to 3 thousand BC.

The first city on the territory of Turkmenistan is Altyndepe, which belongs to bronze period. This is where they originate Agriculture, craft and art. Chapter ancient history ends historical monument 2nd millennium BC e. - the state of Margush.

Turkmen youths were always distinguished by their courage and were famous for their ability to skillfully wield weapons. The museum exhibits include a shield, spear, chain mail, steel sabers, swords, and knives of the 18th-19th centuries, as well as firearms used in battles.
The main occupation of settled tribes was agriculture, to which a diorama is dedicated, reflecting the pre-sowing harvest in the foothills of the Kopetdag. Tools and objects used in agriculture are also presented here and in separate display cases.

Production was widespread vegetable oil made from sesame and cotton seeds, for which a butter churn was used - “juvaz”, driven by domestic animals - a camel or a donkey.

Water has always been at a premium for the Turkmen people. In the villages there were yashuls who accurately determined where to dig a well or kariz (underground water galleries). One of the display cases shows special accessories for digging a well. Residents of the Amu Darya regions used various water structures to irrigate fields and vegetable gardens: dzhikyrs and depmenobas, with the help of which river water rose to the level of crops. In the exhibition they are presented in natural size.

The main occupation of the Caspian residents was fishing, reflected in a separate diorama.

Nomadic tribes were engaged in cattle breeding and hunting. The display cases display traps, shot, other accessories and information about the hunting dog - Tazy and falconry.

The exhibition features a life-size tamdyr - a clay oven for baking national flatbread, which is still used by the people today. The white yurt, in festive decoration, especially attracts attention. Here you can get acquainted with such carpet products as a torba - a wall-mounted bag for dishes; chuval – wall-mounted bag for clothes; akjayup - family heirloom; Umur-Duman - for ceiling decoration and floor carpets.

The Turkmen people have their own historically established customs and rituals when holding a wedding. One of the large, colorful dioramas of the exhibition tells about this.

For the Turkmen, a horse was like a family member. The museum exposition is decorated with the pride of the Turkmen Akhal-Teke horse, on which you can see silver jewelry specially designed for horses.
Since Silk Road The Turkmen people are engaged in sericulture, but the fabrics woven by Turkmen women are distinguished by a special national flavor that is not similar to the fabrics of other peoples.

Carpet weaving dates back centuries. With the help of ordinary tools - keser (knife), darak and scissors, Turkmen women created and continue to create real masterpieces of art from the wool of Sarja sheep.

National jewelry made of silver with gilding and decorated with a special palette and elegance is distinguished by semiprecious stones. Jewelry was worn not only by women, but also by men.

The clothing of women, children and men from five velayats amazes with its diversity, color and purpose. Most of the shop windows are dedicated to them. The exhibition ends with a display of national musical instruments– dutar, gijak, gyrgytuduk, dillituduk, etc.

One of the memorable symbols of Ashgabat was the television tower of the new Turkmenistan Broadcasting Center - the tallest building in the country. The new television center was put into operation during the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan, October 17, 2011. This grandiose engineering structure rose in the south of Ashgabat, on the crest of the Kopetdag ridge, and is located in such a way that it is visible not only from anywhere in the capital, but even from neighboring settlements. The appearance of the television center is formed by the huge octagonal star of Oguzkhan, covered on both sides with special stained glass windows.

The construction of this original object with extraordinary appearance and the design was carried out in just 18 months by the famous Turkish company Polimex, a long-time business partner of Turkmenistan. More than $350 million was spent on the construction and equipment of the ultra-modern television center.

The areas of the five floors that form part of the Center's base are reduced from bottom to top. At the level of the sixth and seventh floors, the base is connected to a large-scale volumetric structure - the Oguzkhan star, which ensures smooth transitions in the facade. The main block of the complex consists of thirty-one floors.

Located in the Kopetdag mountains at an altitude of 1020 meters, the new Ashgabat television center is one of the highest in the world in terms of its location above sea level. The height of the television and radio center, together with the powerful antenna crowning it, is 211 meters. This 38 meter antenna meets the most advanced technologies in the world and makes it possible to conduct analogue and digital broadcasting. Its spire has a special device that allows it to maintain balance in seismic conditions. The signal coverage radius is 100 kilometers.

Total area of ​​all internal premises TV tower- over 60 thousand square meters. The state-of-the-art technical equipment of the television center allows for high-quality broadcasts of television and radio programs.

The Turkmenistan Broadcasting Center, one of the most expensive broadcast projects in the Central Asian region, operates on infrastructure from Riedel Communications. Riedel, a world-renowned manufacturer of network solutions for audio, video and data transmission, has supplied tower studios and mobile broadcast stations with a flexible system using digital and wireless technologies Artist Digital Matrix Intercom and Acrobat Digital Wireless Intercom. The Turkish company Policom installed the system.

Everything necessary for the preparation of television programs is also provided, including equipment equipped with last word studio technicians and work rooms, service and technical rooms. In total there are 20 large studios, 10 medium and 10 small studios, about 100 editing laboratories and 10 live broadcast studios. On the 4th floor of the Turkmenistan Television and Radio Broadcasting Center there is a virtual studio that allows you to create any type of television programs using virtual scenery, various visual and audio effects combined with real video footage.

The TV tower transmits analogue television, digital television and radio signals. From here the following are broadcast TV channels like "Altyn Asyr" ("Golden Age"), "Ashgabat", "Miras" ("Heritage"), "Turkmen ovazy" ("Turkmen Music"), "Turkmen Sport", "Yashlyk" ("Youth") and international channel"Turkmenistan", broadcasting in several languages. Two channels out of seven are already broadcast in high resolution HD.

The new television center is not only a technical, but also a tourist facility. It is reached by a wide road that meets international standards with a total length of about 10.5 kilometers. The surrounding area is landscaped and landscaped. Original fountains were built on the site in front of the complex, and a decorative platform for visitors was built at the entrance. There is indoor and outdoor parking.

On the 29th floor at an altitude of 142 meters there is a revolving restaurant with panoramic views. The design of its interiors harmoniously combines elements of national decor and modern tendencies. Visitors enjoy a cozy atmosphere and high level service. Main feature The restaurant is that it is at bird's eye level. From here you can admire the magnificent views of Ashgabat and local natural landscapes. On an area of ​​145 sq.m. it can serve 100 visitors simultaneously.

You can admire the beauty of Ashgabat and the natural mountain landscape of Kopetdag from the viewing terrace of the television and radio center on the 30th floor, located at an altitude of 149 meters. High-speed elevators transport visitors.

Soon after the opening, the Turkmenistan Broadcasting Center entered the Guinness Book of Records. Representatives of the Guinness World Records company recognized the huge eight-pointed star of Oguzkhan (the legendary ancestor Turkic peoples), decorating the center of the television tower, is the world's largest architectural image of a star.

In September 2012 in London, the building of the Turkmenistan Broadcasting Center was awarded the prestigious architectural prize of the International Property Awards Europe competition in the category “Architecture of Public Structures”. This competition in 30 nominations has been held for 18 years and famous people take part in it construction companies from all over the world. In 2012, for consideration by a representative jury, which included leading architects of the world, managers largest companies, famous scientists and writers, thousands of projects were presented. As a result of the selection process, 128 of the most best projects from 29 countries of the world.

Like the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the TV tower with the Oguzkhan star has become business card Ashgabat. IN daytime its radiance is visible from afar due to reflection from the surface sun rays, and in dark time color lighting and illumination are provided throughout the day. An extraordinary, fabulous impression is produced by the bright color star Oguzkhana, as if floating above Ashgabat in the night sky.

By the way, night lighting does not require any costs - solar panels built into the stained glass windows in the evening provide the lighting devices with the energy accumulated during the day.

The Ashgabat TV tower could be made even more popular as a tourist attraction by installing a cable car. It is planned that the total length of the cable car, which will begin in the southern part of the capital from the Ashgabat-Geoktepe highway, will be about nine kilometers. From the foot of the Kopetdag the cable car will stretch to the Turkmenistan television and radio center and higher along the slopes of the Kopetdag to the future ski slope.